Plant Licensing Branch I
Plant Licensing Branch 1 (NRC/NRR/DORL/LPLI) | |
Richard Ennis
6 February 2008 - 23 January 2025 | |
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No value Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
No value Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
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Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
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from | MONTHYEARML25022A1592025-01-230Issue date: 23 January 2025 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action License Amendment Request to Change Facility Name from Three Mile Island, Unit 1 to Christopher M. Crane Clean Energy Center NUREG-1433, Regulatory Audit in Support of Review of the License Amendment Request Concerning Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 52025-01-070Issue date: 7 January 2025 Title: Regulatory Audit in Support of Review of the License Amendment Request Concerning Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 5 ML25007A1502025-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2025 Title: Request for Additional Information and Draft Requests for Confirmatory Information Regarding Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request (EPID L-2022-LLA-0140)(Non-Proprietary) ML24341A0922024-12-310Issue date: 31 December 2024 Title: Summary of December Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC on LAR to Support Replacement of Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems ML24324A3312024-12-230Issue date: 23 December 2024 Title: Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.82(a)(8)(1)(A) and 50.75(h)(1)(iv) (EPID L-2024-LLE-0018) (Ltr) ML24358A0752024-12-230Issue date: 23 December 2024 Title: Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.82(a)(8)(1)(A) and 50.75(h)(1)(iv) (EPID L-2024-LLE-0018)(FRN) ML24353A1542024-12-200Issue date: 20 December 2024 Title: Final Audit Summary Report in Support of Review of License Amendment Requests ML24346A4172024-12-130Issue date: 13 December 2024 Title: Summary of October 25, 2024, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Regulatory Path for Requesting Reauthorization of Power Operations at Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML24344A2272024-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2024 Title: Summary of Partially Closed Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Digital Upgrade of the Emergency Core Cooling System Compensated Level System ML24344A2762024-12-090Issue date: 9 December 2024 Title: – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action LAR for ILRT Interval and TS ML24338A0922024-12-060Issue date: 6 December 2024 Title: Summary of November 8, 2024, Public Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC on LAR to Support Replacement of Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System ML24324A0442024-12-030Issue date: 3 December 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 292 Regarding Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF-421 ML24325A5532024-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2024 Title: Summary of October 29, 2024, Public Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 & 3 Digital Upgrade of the Emergency Core Cooling System Compensated Level System EPID L- ML24310A0062024-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2024 Title: – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Modification to Technical Specifications and Main Stem Isolation Valve Leakage Requirements Amendment ML24151A3842024-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2024 Title: – Issuance of Amendment Nos. 264 and 226 Support to Digital Modernization Project Installation (EPID L-2023-LLA-0025) and Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR 50.62 ML24305A0962024-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2024 Title: Di&C ISG-06, Licensing Process Enclosure B Information - Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 Digital Upgrade Pre-application Meeting on October 29, 2024 - Slides ML24303A3582024-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2024 Title: Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Discussion-Fall 2024 (Oct. 25, 2024) ML24298A1382024-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2024 Title: Final RAI for FitzPatrick JAFP-24-0047 (L-2024-LLA-0134) ML24296B1932024-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2024 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML24270A2612024-10-170Issue date: 17 October 2024 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Concerning Peach Bottom, Units Nos. 2 and 3 Digital Upgrade of the ECCS Compensated Level System ML24276A1332024-10-170Issue date: 17 October 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 357 Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules, Revision-4, and Administrative Changes ML24282B0302024-10-110Issue date: 11 October 2024 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML24277A2972024-10-100Issue date: 10 October 2024 Title: October 2, 2024, Summary of Pre Submittal Public Meeting with Constellation Fitzpatrick, LLC to Discuss Future Amendment on Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor High Radiation System Isolations ML24207A0192024-10-090Issue date: 9 October 2024 Title: SE Addendum Related to the License Amendment No. 338 for Implementation of the Alternative Source Term (DPO-2021-001) ML24270A0742024-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2024 Title: Individual Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, & Opportunity for a Hearing (EPID L-2024-LLA-0134) - LTR ML24270A0752024-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2024 Title: Individual Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, & Opportunity for a Hearing (EPID L-2024-LLA-0134) - FRN ML24254A2552024-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2024 Title: Alternative Request No. 4A-01 for the Fourth 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML24239A5382024-09-200Issue date: 20 September 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 175 One-Time Allowable Outage Time Extension to the Technical Specification, A.C. Sources – Operating, Limiting Condition for Operation ML24243A0482024-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2024 Title: Generation Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Schedule Update for License Amendment Request to Replace Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System ML24261B7722024-09-180Issue date: 18 September 2024 Title: Summary of Partially Closed Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Related to the License Amendment Request to Support Replacement of Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital PPS ML24165A0382024-09-040Issue date: 4 September 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 356 Update Fuel Handling Accident Analysis ML24233A2192024-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2024 Title: – Authorized Alternative to Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ML24239A8402024-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2024 Title: Summary of August 20, 2024, Pre-Planning Public Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC to Discuss Future Amendments in Support of Stretch Power Uprate ML24232A1142024-08-210Issue date: 21 August 2024 Title: Correction to Amendment No. 174 to Update the Period of Applicability (Poa) for the Pressure-Temperature Limits (PTL) and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) Curves ML24220A2392024-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2024 Title: Correction to Technical Specification Page 3/4 3-11 in Amendment No. 225 ML24163A0012024-08-050Issue date: 5 August 2024 Title: LTR-24-0119-1-1 Response to Nh Letter Regarding Review of NextEras Emergency Preparedness Amendment Review ML24208A0492024-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2024 Title: Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination (Letter) ML24208A0482024-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2024 Title: Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination (FRN) ML24206A1782024-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2024 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Concerning Peach Bottom Units Nos. 2 and 3 Digital Upgrade of the ECCS Compensated Level System ML24204A0712024-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 263 and 225 Technical Specifications for Main Steam Line Tunnel Temperature ML24208A1592024-07-250Issue date: 25 July 2024 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan Supporting Review of the System Development Portion of Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request (EPID L-2022-LLA-0140) - Non-Proprietary ML24200A0572024-07-180Issue date: 18 July 2024 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification Lift Settings for Reactor Coolant System Safety/Relief Valves NUREG-1433, – Acceptance of License Amendment Request Concerning Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 52024-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2024 Title: – Acceptance of License Amendment Request Concerning Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 5 ML24145A1772024-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2024 Title: And Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Issuance of Amendment Nos. 236, 349, and 331 Modify Exclusion Area Boundary ML24193A2432024-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2024 Title: – Interim Audit Summary Report in Support of Review of License Amendment Requests Regarding Fleet Emergency Plan ML24190A1932024-07-090Issue date: 9 July 2024 Title: Correction Letter of Amendment No. 355 Revise Technical Specifications Section, Safety Relief Valves Setpoint Lower Tolerance ML24136A1162024-06-260Issue date: 26 June 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 355 Revise Technical Specifications Section, Safety Relief Valves Setpoint Lower Tolerance ML24162A2212024-06-240Issue date: 24 June 2024 Title: Summary of April 11, 2024, Closed Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Related to the LAR to Support Replacement of Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System (EPID L-2022-LLA- ML24170A7702024-06-200Issue date: 20 June 2024 Title: Individual Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, Opportunity for Hearing(Epid L-2024-LLA-0079) LTR ML24170A7242024-06-200Issue date: 20 June 2024 Title: Individual Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, Opportunity for Hearing(Epid L-2024-LLA-0079) FRN ML24176A1292024-06-200Issue date: 20 June 2024 Title: Estimated Completion Schedule Change Email ML24149A2862024-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2024 Title: NextEra Fleet - Proposed Alternative Frr 23-01 to Use ASME Code Case N-752-1, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment for Repair/Replacement Activities in Class 2 and 3 Systems Section X1, Division 1 (EPID L-2023-LLR-0009) - Letter ML24151A2012024-06-100Issue date: 10 June 2024 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML24151A2592024-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2024 Title: May 22, 2024, Summary of Closed Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Related to the LAR to Support Replacement of Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System ML24155A0882024-05-300Issue date: 30 May 2024 Title: Email Summary of Verbal Authorization 1RR06 ML24128A1412024-05-300Issue date: 30 May 2024 Title: Summary of April 30, 2024, Pre-Application Teleconference with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC, to Discuss License Amendment Request Related to Offsite AC Source ML24155A0872024-05-300Issue date: 30 May 2024 Title: Final Script Verbal Authorization 1RR06 ML24127A2272024-05-300Issue date: 30 May 2024 Title: Summary of April 30, 2024, Pre-Application Teleconference with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC, to Discuss License Amendment Request (LAR) Related to Seabrooks Planned Fall 2024 Outage ML24099A1572024-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 348 and 330 Permanent Extension of Type a and Type C Containment Leak Rate Test Frequencies ML24135A1702024-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2024 Title: – Steam Generator Tube Inspection - Review of the Spring 2023 Tube Inspection Reports ML24135A2282024-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2024 Title: Review of the Spring 2023 Outage Generic Letter 95-05 Voltage-Based Alternate Repair Criteria and Steam Generator F Star Reports ML24134A2032024-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2024 Title: Lessons Learned for ECCS Digital I&C License Amendment - Rev 0 ML24226A3652024-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2024 Title: Approval of Request for Alternative from Certain Requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ML24046A0512024-05-070Issue date: 7 May 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 174 to Update the Period of Applicability (Poa) for the Pressure-Temperature Limits (PTL) and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) Curves ML24122C6922024-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2024 Title: NextEra Fleet EP Amendment - Demonstration Drill ML24082A1372024-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 287 and 271 Adoption of TSTF-568, Revision 2 and Associated Technical Specification Changes ML24101A1942024-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2024 Title: Closeout Letter for GL 2004-02 ML24093A0912024-04-170Issue date: 17 April 2024 Title: Revised Estimated Review Completion Date Concerning License Amendment Request to Replace Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System ML24106A0152024-04-150Issue date: 15 April 2024 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure Response to Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request to Update the Technical Specification Bases to Change the Fuel Handling ML24103A0012024-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2024 Title: – Summary of Verbal Authorization of 4RR-11 ML24102A1252024-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2024 Title: Request for Additional Information for Susquehanna, Unit 1 Alternative Request 4RR-11 ML24115A2362024-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2024 Title: Acceptance Review: Alternative to the Requirements of the ASME Code for Examination of Control Rod Drive Mechanism (Rod) Housing H-4 Canopy Seal Weld ML24080A3952024-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2024 Title: Relief Request - RR02 ML24080A5022024-03-270Issue date: 27 March 2024 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request RR01 for Fifth 10 Year Inservice Testing Program ML24079A2922024-03-210Issue date: 21 March 2024 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request (EPID L-2022-LLA-0140) - Non-Proprietary ML24067A2512024-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2024 Title: Authorized Alternative to Requirements of the ASME Code ML24059A0632024-03-150Issue date: 15 March 2024 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request ISI-05-021 (EPID L-2023-LLR-0006) - Non-Proprietary ML24044A2532024-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2024 Title: Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0077 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping & Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML24073A3372024-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2024 Title: NextEra - NRC Slides for the Public Meeting on March 19, 2024 Regarding Emergency Plan Licensing Amendment ML24073A3602024-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2024 Title: Request for Additional Information (RAI) Alternative Request PR-03 Sixth Interval Inservice Testing Program ML24068A0742024-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2024 Title: Summary of February 27, 2024, Pre Submittal Public Meeting with Pseg Nuclear Llc to Discuss Future Amendment Regarding Improved Technical Specification Conversion ML24068A0862024-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2024 Title: February 27, 2024, Summary of Pre-Submittal Public Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC to Discuss Future Amendment Regarding 24 Month Fuel Cycle and Surveillance Interval Extension ML24067A2622024-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 173 Revise Technical Specification 3/4.8.1 to Allow Replacement of Reserve Auxiliary Transformer (Emergency Circumstances) ML24044A0662024-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2024 Title: Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0083 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting ML24039A1882024-02-270Issue date: 27 February 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 286 and 270 Changes to Technical Specifications for Control Rods ML24037A3072024-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2024 Title: Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of Relief Request 5RR-02 ML24051A0652024-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2024 Title: Digital I&C LAR RAIs Re HFE (Email) ML24047A1232024-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2024 Title: NRC Consultation with Commonwealth of PA Proposed NSHC for Susquehanna LAR TSTF-568 and TSF-563 Email ML24045A2892024-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2024 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Acceptance Review: IST Relief Request for B Auxiliary Feedwater Pump ML24044A1772024-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2024 Title: RAI for 180 Days Steam Generator Report ML24029A2732024-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2024 Title: NRC Consultation with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Re Proposed NSHC for Susquehanna License Amendment Request ML24009A1152024-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2024 Title: – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L 2023 LLE-0043 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML24026A2922024-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2024 Title: – Request for Additional Information Regarding Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request ML24009A1022024-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2024 Title: – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CF Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0045 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML24024A1372024-01-240Issue date: 24 January 2024 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Final Snsb RAI Regarding FitzPatrick Amendment to Modify Safety Relief Valves Setpoint Lower Tolerance ML24012A0492024-01-110Issue date: 11 January 2024 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding Final Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 ML24009A1972024-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2024 Title: Project Manager Reassignment ML23352A0592024-01-090Issue date: 9 January 2024 Title: Summary of December 11, 2023, Meeting with Constellation on Alternative Request Involving Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite ML23354A1922024-01-050Issue date: 5 January 2024 Title: Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting) ML23304A0642024-01-020Issue date: 2 January 2024 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 349 to Modify the Long-Term Coupon Surveillance Program ML23312A1822023-12-220Issue date: 22 December 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 172 Revision to Cooling Tower Service Water Loop or Cell Requirements ML23352A2542023-12-180Issue date: 18 December 2023 Title: NRC LIC-109 Acceptance Review Results for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) to Adopt TSTF-568 ML23335A1122023-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2023 Title: Retest Schedule for Drywell to Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breakers ML23321A2362023-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 262 and 224 Adoption of TSTF-477, Revision 3 and Associated Technical Specification Changes ML23345A0542023-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2023 Title: Email - NRC LIC-109 Acceptance Review Results for Susquehanna License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-563 ML23334A1502023-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2023 Title: NRC Request for Additional Information Re. Susquehanna Relief Request RR-02 ML23313A0432023-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2023 Title: Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of Amendment Request for Control Room Air Conditioning Technical Specifications ML23310A0442023-11-070Issue date: 7 November 2023 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML23300A0382023-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2023 Title: Summary of Hope Creek Oct 24, 2023, Pre Submittal Public Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC to Discuss Future Amendments Regarding Improved TS Conversion 24 Month Fuel Cycle & Surveillance Interval Extension & Safety Relief Valve Lift Setpoint C ML23271A0042023-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2023 Title: Installation Support License Amendment Request Public Notice and Hearing Request Notice ML23291A1392023-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2023 Title: PSEG Presentation Slides for Pre Submittal Meeting on 10-24-2023 ML23276A6242023-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2023 Title: Summary of the Closed Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC and Westinghouse Electric Company to Discuss Cobalt-60 Production at Salem Nuclear Generating Station ML23241A9452023-09-270Issue date: 27 September 2023 Title: Generation Station, Units 1 and 2 – Regulatory Audit Plan Supporting Review of the Equipment Qualification Portion of Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request ML23257A1222023-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2023 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request for Valve 251130 ML23243A9272023-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2023 Title: Review of the Fall 2022 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report ML23249A1842023-09-180Issue date: 18 September 2023 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request No. 2-TYP-4-RV-06 ML23261C3982023-09-080Issue date: 8 September 2023 Title: Acceptance Review of Amendment to Update the Fuel Handling Accident Analysis ML23236A5132023-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2023 Title: Summary of Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Digital Modernization License Amendment Request ML23188A0402023-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 346 and 324 Adoption of TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections, Revision 1 ML23201A0872023-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2023 Title: Audit Plan in Support of Review of License Amendment ML23207A1762023-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2023 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Relief Request 4RR-10 ML23195A1852023-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2023 Title: Correction to Technical Specifications Page 3.3-73 in Amendment No. 265 ML23201A0132023-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2023 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Salem 1 and 2 - Permanent Extension of Type a and Type C Containment Leak Rate Test Frequencies ML23187A0962023-07-190Issue date: 19 July 2023 Title: Generation Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Revised Estimated Review Completion Date Concerning License Amendment Request to Replace Existing Safety-Related Analog Control Systems with a Single Digital Plant Protection System ML23188A0982023-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2023 Title: – Correction to the Safety Evaluation Issued Related to Amendment Nos. 321 and 211 Consolidate Fuel Decay Time Technical Specifications in a New Limiting Condition for Operation Titled Decay Time ML23186A0372023-07-130Issue date: 13 July 2023 Title: Correction to the Renewed Facility Operating License Pages in Amendment Nos. 340 and 318 ML23188A0512023-07-130Issue date: 13 July 2023 Title: Correction to the Renewed Facility Operating License Pages in Amendment Nos. 336 and 314 ML23188A0672023-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2023 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML23145A1972023-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2023 Title: Correction to the Renewed Facility Operating License Pages in Amendment Nos. 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, and 260 ML23173A1522023-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2023 Title: Request for Additional Information NextEra Fleet Emergency Plan Amendment Request ML23156A6752023-06-200Issue date: 20 June 2023 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Proposed Alternative to the Requirements for Repair/Replacement of Saltwater System Buried Piping ML23173A0632023-06-200Issue date: 20 June 2023 Title: RAIs for Limerick Generation Station, Units 1 and 2 - LAR and Exemption Request for Digital I&C Installation Support ML23159A1792023-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2023 Title: Acknowledgement of Withdrawal of an Emergency License Amendment Request for a One-Time Extension of the Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems (CREVS) Technical Specification ML23156A2472023-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2023 Title: Summary of Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Digital Modernization License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML23118A3752023-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2023 Title: Summary of Audit Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation Concerning a Digital Instrumentation and Control Upgrade License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML23139A1472023-06-050Issue date: 5 June 2023 Title: Relief Request Associated with Fourth Interval In-service Inspection Limited Examinations of Weld Coverage ML23145A0352023-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2023 Title: Summary of May 17, 2023, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Regarding Digital Modernization License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML23146A1012023-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2023 Title: Summary of May 25, 2023, Pre-Submittal Public Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC to Discuss Reduction of the Sites Exclusion Area Boundary ML23156A3042023-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2023 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request to Remove Period of Applicability from Pressure Temperature Limits and Low Temperature Over Pressure Protection Curves ML23144A0072023-05-240Issue date: 24 May 2023 Title: PSEG Slides: NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting, May 25, 2023 ML23142A1602023-05-230Issue date: 23 May 2023 Title: Summary of April 11, 2023, Public Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Re Proposed Exemption Request from Work Hour Requirements ML23102A1472023-05-220Issue date: 22 May 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 321 and 211 Consolidate Fuel Decay Time Technical Specifications in a New Limiting Condition for Operation Titled Decay Time ML23135A7872023-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2023 Title: Summary of Conference Calls Regarding the Spring 2023 Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML23132A1582023-05-180Issue date: 18 May 2023 Title: Correction to Technical Specification 3.4.7 (Page 3.4-16) Issued in Amendment No. 337 ML23089A1242023-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2023 Title: Issuance of Amd Nos. 261 & 223 Alternate Seismic Approach for Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems a Components for NPR and Denial Proposed Alternative Defense in Depth and Pressure Boundary Component ML23094A1792023-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2023 Title: Amd Nos. 261 & 223 Alternate Seismic Approach for Risk-Informed Categorization & Treatment of Structures, Systems, Components for NPR & Denial of Proposed Alternative Defense in Depth & Pressure Boundary Component-Partial Denial SE Encl 4 ML23132A3212023-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2023 Title: Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Issuance of Amendment Nos. 285 and 269 Related to Order Approving Transfer of Licenses ML23094A1982023-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2023 Title: Notice of Issuance of Amendment Nos. 261 & 223 and Denial - Federal Register Notice ML23094A1712023-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2023 Title: Amd Nos. 261 & 223 Alternate Seismic Approach for Risk-Informed Categorization & Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for NPR and Denial Proposed Alternative Defense in Depth and Pressure Boundary Component ML23121A0022023-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2023 Title: Summary of March 29, 2023, Audit Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation Concerning a Digital Instrumentation and Control Upgrade License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML23076A1042023-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2023 Title: Summary of Audit Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation Concerning a Digital Instrumentation and Control Upgrade License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML23096A1842023-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 328 Revise and Relocate Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature Limits and Pressurizer Overpressure Protection System Limits to Pressure and Temperature Limits Report ML23086C0672023-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 345 and 323 Deletion of License Conditions Related to Decommissioning Trust ML23109A1862023-04-190Issue date: 19 April 2023 Title: And Turkey Point – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Proposed Alternative to Asme Section XI Authorizing Implementation of Asme Code Case N-752-1 ML23086B9962023-04-040Issue date: 4 April 2023 Title: Summary of March 7, 2023, Meeting with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC Regarding Planned Submittal of License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Action Level Due to Modification to Containment Fire Detection Equipment ML23073A1192023-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2023 Title: Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Licenses & Draft Conforming License Amendments EPID L-2022-LLM-0003 - FRN - Enclosure 5 ML23073A0822023-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2023 Title: Enclosure 2 - Draft Conforming Amendments - Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 & 2 & Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation- Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Licenses & Draft Conforming License Amendments EPID L ML23073A1072023-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2023 Title: Enclosure 4 - Safety Evaluation Nonproprietary Susquehanna Steam Electric Station,Units 1,2 & Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation-Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Licenses & Draft Conforming License Amendments EPID L- ML23073A0682023-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2023 Title: Letter - Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 and Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Licenses and Draft Conforming License Amendments ML23076A2802023-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2023 Title: Summary of February 23, 2023, Public Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Re. Proposed License Amendment Request to Modify 10 CFR 50.69 License Conditions ML23086A0822023-03-270Issue date: 27 March 2023 Title: – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action for Exemption Request to Support Digital Modernization Project Installation ML23079A1882023-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2023 Title: Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of Alternate Processes for Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for Nuclear Power Reactors ML23019A0032023-03-160Issue date: 16 March 2023 Title: – Issuance of Amendment Nos. 320 and 210 Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (Tstf) Traveler Tstf-501, Revision 1, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control ML23072A3842023-03-150Issue date: 15 March 2023 Title: Audit Plan to Support License Amendment Request to Add an Analytical Methodology to the Core Operating Limits Report for Full Spectrum Loss of Coolant Accident ML23075A0872023-03-150Issue date: 15 March 2023 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Project Manager Assignment ML22348A1762023-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 260 and 222 Regarding Technical Specifications, Remote Shutdown System Instrumentation and Controls ML23065A0782023-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2023 Title: Final RAIs Regarding the Beaver Valley Emergency LAR (EPID L-2023-LLA-002) - Email ML23066A0892023-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2023 Title: OEDO-22-00419 - Email Dated 02/24/2023 to Petitioner on Seabrook Unit 1 ASR Petition ML23053A1562023-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2023 Title: NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting on February 23, 2023 - 10 CFR 50.69 Alternate Processes License Amendment Request Preliminary Partial Denial ML23005A1762023-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2023 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Issuance of Amendment No. 153 Revise Technical Specifications (TS) for the Spent Fuel Pool Charcoal System and Two (2) TS Administrative Changes ML23005A0082023-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2023 Title: Technical Specifications to Correct Non-conservative Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1 for Main Steam Line Isolation Trip Function 1.G (EPID L 2020 Lla 0034) Amds. 259 and 221 ML23005A1222023-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2023 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Issuance of Amendment No 152 Adopt TSTF-315-Revise Technical Specification 3.1.8, Physics Tests Exceptions - Mode 2 ML23030A0092023-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2023 Title: January 10, 2023, Summary of Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, on Planned Limerick Digital Modernization Project Installation Support License Amendment Request and Exemption Request ML23033A6662023-02-090Issue date: 9 February 2023 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (Constellation) to Discuss Its Request for Alternatives for Certain Steam Generator Weld Inspections for Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2, Byron 1 & 2, Braidwood 1 & 2, and Ginna ML23031A2992023-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2023 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Withdrawal of an Amendment Request ML23032A2442023-02-060Issue date: 6 February 2023 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan for Review of Human Factors Engineering Portion of Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request ML23019A3482023-02-020Issue date: 2 February 2023 Title: Issuance of Relief Request No. SC-I5R-221 for the Alternative Repair for Service Water System Piping ML23010A0112023-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2023 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Issuance of Relief Request Associated with Inservice Testing of Refueling Water Storage Tank Outlet Value ML23026A3552023-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2023 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp. Regarding Beaver Valley Power Station License Amendment Request to Consolidate Fuel Decay Time TS Into New Limiting Condition for Operation ML23033A6672023-01-300Issue date: 30 January 2023 Title: Public Call with Constellation January 30, 2023 (Slides) ML23020A9392023-01-190Issue date: 19 January 2023 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request to Revise Cooling Tower Service Water Loop or Cell Requirements (EPID L-2022-LLA-0183) (Email) ML23011A3002023-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2023 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML23010A1082023-01-150Issue date: 15 January 2023 Title: – Issuance of Amendment No. 268 Change to Control Rod Technical Specifications ML23010A0882023-01-150Issue date: 15 January 2023 Title: – Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of License Amendment Request to Revise Control Rod Technical Specifications ML23013A2082023-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2023 Title: Request for Additional Information ML23011A3082023-01-110Issue date: 11 January 2023 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Request 4RA-22-001 (L-2022-LLR-0074) ML23012A0012023-01-110Issue date: 11 January 2023 Title: NRC Notification to the State of Pennsylvania Re. Emergency Amendment – Control Rod Technical Specifications ML23010A0872023-01-110Issue date: 11 January 2023 Title: – Regulatory Audit Plan in Support of License Amendment Request to Revise Control Rod Technical Specifications ML22195A0252023-01-030Issue date: 3 January 2023 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request No. ISI-05-016 ML22272A0372023-01-030Issue date: 3 January 2023 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 258 and 220 Regarding Technical Specifications 3/4.8.1, AC Sources-Operating and 3/4.5.1, ECCS-Operating ML22339A0012022-12-220Issue date: 22 December 2022 Title: – Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request for Common Emergency Plan ML22339A2312022-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2022 Title: Review of the Fall 2021 Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML22318A2752022-12-160Issue date: 16 December 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 - 2R22 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 180 Day Report ML22341A0012022-12-060Issue date: 6 December 2022 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Relief Request 4RA-22-001, Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2) ML22327A0192022-12-060Issue date: 6 December 2022 Title: Summary of November 10, 2022, Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, Lic on Acceptance Review of Limerick Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Requests ML22287A1572022-12-050Issue date: 5 December 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 171 Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML22320A1132022-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2022 Title: Generation Station, Units 1 and 2 - Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Requests ML22270A3062022-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2022 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML22294A1502022-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 284 and 267 Relocating Technical Specification Unit Staff Qualification Requirements to Quality Assurance Program ML22304A6882022-11-160Issue date: 16 November 2022 Title: Withdrawal of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request for Fire Protection Program Changes ML22307A1652022-11-090Issue date: 9 November 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML22311A0532022-11-090Issue date: 9 November 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML22299A1132022-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2022 Title: Notice of Consideration of Approval of Indirect Transfer of Licenses and Conforming Amendments & Opportunity to Request Hearing - Susquehanna Steam Station, Units 1 & 2 & Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (EPID L-2022-L ML22299A1122022-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2022 Title: Notice of Consideration of Approval of Indirect Transfer of Licenses & Conforming Amendments & Opportunity to Request Hearing - Susquehanna Steam Station, Units 1 & 2 & Associated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (EPID L-2022-LLM ML22256A0542022-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 283 and 266 Change to Reactor Steam Dome Pressure--Low Instrument Function Allowable Value in Technical Specifications ML22297A2522022-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2022 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML22298A0012022-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Beaver Valley, Units 1 and 2 – License Amendment Request to Add Full Spectrum LOCA Methodology to COLR ML22277A8142022-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2022 Title: Correction of Errors in Safety Evaluation Associated with License Amendment Nos. 315 and 205 Regarding Changes to the Emergency Preparedness Plan ML22278A0972022-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2022 Title: Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Amendment Request for Fire Protection Program Changes ML22230C9242022-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 170 Revision of 120-Volt AC Vital Instrument Panel Requirements ML22339A0032022-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2022 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Ginna: Acceptance Review: to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) TS 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report ML22269A4522022-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2022 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Acceptance Review: to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) TS 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) ML22144A0022022-09-140Issue date: 14 September 2022 Title: Summary of February 16, and May 18, 2022, Meetings with Nextera Energy/Florida Power & Light Company Regarding Planned Submittal of License Amendment Request for a Common Fleet Emergency Plan ML22250A6322022-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML22250A4372022-09-080Issue date: 8 September 2022 Title: NRC Staffs Presentation for September 8, 2022 Partially Closed Public Meeting with Constellation - Review Planning and Tentative Review Timeline ML22235A7672022-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2022 Title: Correction of Errors in Safety Evaluation Associated with License Amendment Nos. 315 and 205 Regarding Changes to the Emergency Preparedness Plan ML22222A0862022-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 317 and 208 Revise Technical Specification 3.3.5, Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start and Bus Separation Instrumentation ML22223A1412022-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 353 Adoption of TSTF - 505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4B ML22238A1202022-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2022 Title: Regulatory Audit Summary Regarding License Amendment Requests to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69 and to Permit the Use of Risk-Informed Completion Times in Accordance with TSTF-505, Rev. 2 (EPIDs L-2021-LLA 0142 and L-2021-LLA-0143) ML22236A6702022-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2022 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Alternative Request I5R-14, Revision 1, ML22200A0622022-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 282 and 265 Regarding Risk-Informed Completion Times in Technical Specifications ML22241A0452022-08-290Issue date: 29 August 2022 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML22238A2812022-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2022 Title: Request for Additional Information for Beaver Valley Unit 2 - 2R22 Steam Generator 180 Day Report ML22227A1112022-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2022 Title: Summary of June 24, 2022, Public Observation Meeting with Constellation Energy Generation, LLC Proposed License Amendment Request to Modify 10 CFR 50.69 License Conditions ML22228A0552022-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2022 Title: Request for Additional Information Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report Review ML22200A1082022-07-190Issue date: 19 July 2022 Title: Acceptance Review for TSTF-577 Amendment ML22166A4302022-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 351 Removal of Selected Response Time Testing for Reactor Protection System and Primary Containment Isolation Instrumentation ML22195A2172022-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2022 Title: D3 Audit Open Items List (Non-Proprietary) (07-12-22)_redacted ML22181A1252022-07-050Issue date: 5 July 2022 Title: Issuance of Relief Request No. HR I4R-220 Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Level Instrumentation Partial Penetration Nozzle Repairs ML22140A2092022-06-280Issue date: 28 June 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 207 Correct TS 3.1.7 Change Made by TSTF-547 ML22173A1212022-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2022 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML22119A0942022-06-210Issue date: 21 June 2022 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Issuance of Amendment No. 150 Adopt TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4B ML22172A0752022-06-170Issue date: 17 June 2022 Title: Response: Review and Feedback on Draft Limerick Digital License Amendment Request (L-2020-LRM-0041) ML22153A4492022-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2022 Title: Summary of Pre-Submittal Public Meeting with PSEG Nuclear LLC to Extend Emergency Diesel Generator Allowed Outage Time ML22152A1392022-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station ML22159A2272022-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2022 Title: Summary of May 10, 2022, Pre-Application Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Constellation Energy Generation, Llc, Regarding a Proposed License Amendament Request (Lar) for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ML22097A2702022-06-010Issue date: 1 June 2022 Title: Review of Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Capsule 83 Degree Technical Report ML22126A1962022-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 350 Adoption of TSTF-264, Revision 0 ML22124A3162022-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2022 Title: Summary of Combined Regulatory Audit in Support of Risk Informed Completion Times in Technical Specifications LAR and to Adopt 10 CFR 50.69, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems and Components for Nuclear Power ML22144A0202022-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2022 Title: Summary of Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Regarding Proposed Alternative for Examinations of Certain Pressurizer Welds at Calvert Cliffs ML22130A7912022-05-240Issue date: 24 May 2022 Title: Issuance of Relief Request No. S1-I4R-210 Fourth Inservice Inspection Interval Limited Examinations ML22138A1672022-05-160Issue date: 16 May 2022 Title: R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant - Acceptance Review TS to Revise Technical Specifications (TS) for the Spent Fuel Pool Charcoal System and Two (2) TS Administrative Changes (EPID-L-2022-LLA-0057) ML22110A0972022-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2022 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan in Support of Review of Defense in Depth and Diversity Common Cause Failure Coping Analysis ML21286A7822022-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 315 and 205 Regarding Changes to the Emergency Plan ML22124A2862022-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2022 Title: Information Needed to Provide Substantive Feedback on Human Factors Engineering Supporting the Planned Limerick Digital I&C License Amendment Request ML22115A0042022-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2022 Title: Response to C-10 Letter Refueling Cavity Water Seal ML22108A2922022-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2022 Title: Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of License Amendment Request to Revise TS 3.3.5, Loss of Power (LOP) Diesel Generator (DG) Start and Bus Separation Instrumentation ML22077A1342022-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 314 and 204 Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-577, Revision 1, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML22105A4052022-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2022 Title: Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Proposed Alternative No. ISI-05-019 ML22116A2442022-04-260Issue date: 26 April 2022 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Relief Request 3IR-18 and 3IR-19 for End of Third 10-Year ISI Interval for Examinations with Limited Coverage ML22153A5212022-04-150Issue date: 15 April 2022 Title: Email Error in Energy Harbor Submittal and Associated SE for Beaver Valley 1 & 2 - Containment Isolation Valve Relief Request ML22097A1212022-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2022 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML22061A0302022-04-040Issue date: 4 April 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 343 and 324 Revise Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements for Auxiliary Feedwater ML22066B3112022-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2022 Title: Correction of License Amendment Nos. 334 and 312 to Revise Instrument Testing and Calibration Definitions ML22070B1302022-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2022 Title: Summary of Regulatory Audit in Support of Risk-Informed Completion Times in Technical Specifications License Amendment Request ML22089A1172022-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2022 Title: Additional Comments and Questions on Constellations March 31st Presentation ML22089A1162022-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2022 Title: Comments and Questions on Constellations March 31st Presentation ML21348A7132022-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 231 Revision of Technical Specification Limits for Ultimate Heat Sink ML22060A0572022-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2022 Title: Closeout of Bulletin 2012 01, Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System ML22068A1822022-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2022 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 & 2 - Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.3.5 ML22056A0122022-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2022 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan in Support of License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications for Reactor Steam Dome Pressure Low Instrumentation Function Allowable Values ML22056A0102022-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2022 Title: And Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Correction Letter of Amendment Nos. 230, 342, and 323 Deletion of Specified Definitions and Figures ML22041A4412022-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2022 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML22054A1782022-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2022 Title: Correction to Amendment Nos. 341 and 344 Changes to Technical Specification 5.5.7, Ventilation Filter Testing Program ML21364A0432022-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 348 Revising Surveillance Requirement Involving Recirculation Pump Discharge Valves ML22056A3692022-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2022 Title: Project Manager Assignment ML22059B0602022-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2022 Title: Change to Review Schedule Regarding Proposed Alternative for Various Pressurizer Welds ML22053A2982022-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2022 Title: Summary of the February 15, 2022, Meeting with Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp. Regarding the License Amendment Request Related to Revising TS 5.6.3 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) ML22038A0992022-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2022 Title: Summary of January 11, 2022, Public Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding Planned Digital Modernization License Amendment Request ML22039A0752022-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2022 Title: Site Walkdown for the Review of Plant Information to Perform a Risk Analysis in Accordance with LIC-504, Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking for Emergent Issues,Regarding High Energy Arcing Faults ML22003A1862022-02-170Issue date: 17 February 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 256 and 218 Technical Specification Changes Related to Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler 205-A, Revision 3, Revision of Channel Calibration, Channel Functional Test, and Related Definitions ML22012A4352022-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2022 Title: And Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Issuance of Amendments Nos. 230, 342, and 323 Delete Definition in 10 CFR 20 and Figures of Site and Surrounding Areas ML22004A2582022-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 341 and 344 Change to Technical Specification 5.5.7, Ventilation Filter Testing Program ML22028A3672022-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2022 Title: Request for Withholding from Public Disclosure ML22062B6642022-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2022 Title: Request for Additional Information 120V Inverter LAR from the Electrical Branch ML22034A8122022-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2022 Title: Exemption from Specific Requirements of 10 CFR Part 26 (EPID L-2022-LLE-0006 (COVID-19)) ML22021B2942022-02-020Issue date: 2 February 2022 Title: Summary of December 7, 2021, Public Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding Planned Digital Modernization License Amendment ML22013A3392022-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2022 Title: Closeout of Generic Letter 2004-02, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized-Water Reactors ML22063A0002022-01-250Issue date: 25 January 2022 Title: Requests for Additional Information from Risk Branch Regarding 120V Inverter LAR ML22024A1852022-01-240Issue date: 24 January 2022 Title: Acceptance for Review of Relief Request Associated with Reactor Pressure Vessel N-16A Nozzle Repair ML21281A1402022-01-140Issue date: 14 January 2022 Title: Acceptance for Review of Proposed Alternative ISI-05-018 for Examinations of Steam Generator Pressure Retaining Welds and Full Penetration Welded Nozzles ML21347A8642022-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2022 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 342 and 320 Modifying the Licensing Basis to Allow for Full Core Offload with No Shutdown Cooling Loop Available During Certain Refueling Outages ML21343A0122022-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2022 Title: Regulatory Audit Summary Related to License Amendment Request to Modify the Licensing Basis of the Spent Fuel Pool and Shutdown Cooling System ML22005A3232022-01-070Issue date: 7 January 2022 Title: And Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 26 (EPID L-2022-LLE-0000 (COVID-19)) ML21347A8832021-12-160Issue date: 16 December 2021 Title: Audit Plan for Loss of Power Diesel Generator Start and Bus Separation ML21330A0422021-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2021 Title: Exemption from the Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise Requirements in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV.F.2.C (EPID L-2021-LLE-0044) (Letter) ML21299A0052021-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2021 Title: Issuance of Amendments No. 340 and 318 Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-567, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues ML21341B4262021-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2021 Title: Correction Letter of Amendment No. 229 Revise Low Pressure Safety Limit to Address General Electric Nuclear Energy Part 21 Safety Communication SC05-03 ML21336A4072021-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2021 Title: Summary of Conference Call Regarding the Fall 2021 Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML21335A4222021-12-060Issue date: 6 December 2021 Title: Closeout of Bulletin 2012-01, Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System ML22063A4742021-11-290Issue date: 29 November 2021 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action License Amendment Request to Eliminate Selected Response Time Testing ML21320A3592021-11-230Issue date: 23 November 2021 Title: Correction to License Page 4 ML21320A2042021-11-190Issue date: 19 November 2021 Title: Closeout of Bulletin 2012 01, Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System ML21316A1242021-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2021 Title: Supplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Regarding Emergency Core Cooling Technical Specifications ML21300A3552021-11-160Issue date: 16 November 2021 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 345 Adoption of TSTF-582 ML21300A0062021-11-160Issue date: 16 November 2021 Title: Closeout of Bulletin 2012 01, Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System (EPID L-20172-CRS-0063) ML21301A1612021-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2021 Title: Summary of June 29, 2021, Public Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding Planned Digital Modernization License Amendment Request for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 ML21295A7342021-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2021 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 187 Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-501, Revision 1, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control ML21295A2292021-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2021 Title: Issuance of Amendment Nos. 340 and 321 Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF 569, Revision of Response Time Testing Definitions ML21294A3692021-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2021 Title: Summary of October 6, 2021, Public Observation Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Proposed License Amendment Request to Modify Emergency Diesel Generator and Emregency Core Cooling System Surveillance Requirements 2025-01-07 |
to | MONTHYEARML24310A2602024-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2024 Title: Constellations Presentation on Proposed License Condition for Limerick DMP (EPID L-2022-LLA-0140) (Non-Proprietary) ML24270A0042024-10-020Issue date: 2 October 2024 Title: Fitpatrick Pre-submittal Meeting Slides, October 2, 2024 ML24053A1282024-02-270Issue date: 27 February 2024 Title: 24 Month Fuel Cycle Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation ML22164A8082022-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2022 Title: Westinghouse, Presentation GLIMM-RPS-PM-L1-000008, Revision 0 ML21335A0772021-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2021 Title: Dec 07 2021 LGS Digital Modernization Pre-submittal Meeting Slides ML21089A0732021-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2021 Title: Rev. 20 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Section 2.2, Figures Redacted ML21083A2852021-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2021 Title: Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) - NRC Pre-submittal Meeting, March 30, 2021 (EPID L-2021-LRM-0036) (Slides) ML21057A0012021-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2021 Title: PSEG Slides - NRC Pre Submittal Meeting, March 4, 2021 ML21049A3102021-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2021 Title: CFR 50.69 Alternative Categorization LAR ML20098D5082020-04-090Issue date: 9 April 2020 Title: AST LOCA Approach to Elemental Iodine Removal - NRC Public Meeting on RAI 6 - April 9, 2020 ML19194A0012019-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2019 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of June 3, 2019, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request to Extend Integrated Leak Rate Test Interval ML19179A1282019-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2019 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) PRB Presentation, (6/26/19) ML19168A1452019-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2019 Title: June 18 Public Meeting Slides (Exelon) ML19168A1692019-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2019 Title: June 18 Public Meeting Slides (Exelon) ML19165A0062019-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2019 Title: (SSES) License Amendment Request for Proposed Changes to Emergency Response Organization Staffing Augmentation. Pre-Submittal Call Meeting June 18, 2019 ML19169A2452019-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2019 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Confirmation on: RAI Response for Salem TSTF-547 LAR ML19159A0012019-06-070Issue date: 7 June 2019 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of May 9, 2019, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request Revised TS Limits for Coolant Activity ML19143A4722019-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2019 Title: Presentation Material for 6/03/19 Pre-Submittal Meeting Integrated Leak Rate Test Extension License Amendment Request ML19128A4072019-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2019 Title: Presentation Material for 5/09/19 Pre-Submittal Meeting TS Coolant Activity Changes, License Amendment Request ML19099A2672019-04-160Issue date: 16 April 2019 Title: Use of Encryption Software for Electronic Transmission of Safeguards Information ML19077A2812019-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2019 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) State Consultation: Request for Comments on License Amendments to Modify Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Essential Raw Cooling Water Motor Control Center Breakers and to Revise the Updated FSAR ML19071A3522019-03-120Issue date: 12 March 2019 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) State Consultation: Request for Comments on License Amendments to Modify Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Essential Raw Cooling Water Motor Control Center Breakers and to Revise the Updated FSAR ML19063D9452019-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2019 Title: Presentation Material for 3/07/19 Pre-Submittal Meeting License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification ML19065A0992019-03-050Issue date: 5 March 2019 Title: 3/05/19 E-mail from A.Peterson to R.Guzman (Comments on Proposed Amendment Deletion of License Conditions Related to Decommissioning Trust Provisions) ML19046A1502019-02-150Issue date: 15 February 2019 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of January 22, 2019, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed Alternative IR-3-39 Fillet Welds ML19022A2432019-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2019 Title: Presentation Material for 1/22/19 Pre-Submittal Meeting Fillet Weld Preheat Alternative Request ML18341A0982018-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2018 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of November 8, 2018, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed LAR - 10 CFR 50.69 Risk-Informed Approach ML18310A1812018-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2018 Title: Presentation Material for 11/08/18 Pre-Submittal Meeting 10 CFR 50.69 Risk Informed Approach License Amendment Request ML18292A8202018-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2018 Title: October 4, 2018, Summary of Pre-Application Meeting with Exelon Generation Co., LLC on Planned Submittal of Licensing Action for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment ML18285A1522018-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2018 Title: /12/18 E-mail from M. Whitlock to R.Guzman MPS2 Relief Request V-01, Update to MPS2 Inservice Testing Plan ML18276A0712018-10-040Issue date: 4 October 2018 Title: Exelons Presentation for October 4, 2018 Public Pre-Submittal Meeting on Planned Calvert Cliffs 10CFR50.69 LAR ML18263A3012018-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2018 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Sequoyah Kirk Key LAR Audit Continuation Using Web Portal ML18201A4062018-06-210Issue date: 21 June 2018 Title: Exelons Response to NRC Questions ML18171A0842018-06-210Issue date: 21 June 2018 Title: GSI-191 Program Use of Risk Metrics for Containment Sump Tech Spec Operability Determination June 21, 2018 Public Meeting Slides (MF8521, MF8522; L-2016-LRM-0001) ML18136A4932018-05-160Issue date: 16 May 2018 Title: Licensees Slides for Pre-Application Meeting W/Exelon Re Planned GSI-191 LAR for Calvert Cliffs (L-2016-LRM-0001) ML18129A1732018-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2018 Title: Letter from Richard Webster (Riverkeeper, Inc.) and David Lochbaum (Union of Control Scientists) to Richard Guzman (USNRC) Indian Point Reactor Head Leakage Detected in April 2018 ML18150A4822018-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2018 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) LCO 3.0.6 LAR Pre-submittal Call ML18108A2072018-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2018 Title: Public Teleconference Meeting Slides MPS3 C Charging Pump ML19067A0102018-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2018 Title: 4 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 2, Sections 2.1-1 Thru 2.10-3. Redacted ML19067A0282018-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2018 Title: 4 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 9, Figures. Redacted ML18108A1832018-04-030Issue date: 3 April 2018 Title: E-mail from R.Walpole to R.Guzman - Draft Relief Request IP2 RR-ISI-05 for Public Meeting Presentation ML18058B0722018-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2018 Title: BVPS NFPA 805 License Amendment Change Requested, and Other SE Comments ML18059A0902018-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2018 Title: E-mail from W.Craft to R.Guzman - Millstone Power Station, Unit 2 30-day Special Report for RCS Pressure Transient ML18022A4432018-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2018 Title: Nine Mile Point, Unit 1, UFSAR, Rev 25 - Redacted ML18005A9252018-01-020Issue date: 2 January 2018 Title: E-mail from Thomas Loomis, Exelon, to Booma Venkataraman, NRC, Regarding SER for Approval of N-789-1 ML17341B3352017-11-290Issue date: 29 November 2017 Title: E-mail from Phil Lashley to Booma Venkataraman Beaver Valley NFPA 805 Amendment Application Draft Safety Evaluation with Attachment, Beaver Valley Units 1 and 2, Draft SER Compiled Comments ML17325A2772017-11-280Issue date: 28 November 2017 Title: November 28, 2017 Pre-Submittal Teleconference Re Planned TSTF-542 LAR Presentation ML17345A8782017-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2017 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) FW: Beaver Valley Emergency Action Level License Amendment Safety Evaluation ML17319A6832017-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2017 Title: Comments on Draft SE Regarding MUR Uprate Amendment ML17306A0842017-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2017 Title: Meeting Slide for Teleconference with Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Criticality Analysis for NMP1 Boraflex Racks: No Boraflex Credit, 3 Out of 4 Loading, and Cell Blockers ML17317A0052017-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2017 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Beaver Valley Emergency Action Level License Amendment Safety Evaluation ML17300A1742017-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2017 Title: E-mail from M. Mirzai to R. Guzman Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Fuel LAR - Updated Clarification Response Following Teleconference on October 19, 2017 ML17298B6472017-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2017 Title: E-mail from M. Mirzai to R. Guzman Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Fuel LAR - Clarification Response Following Teleconference on October 19, 2017 ML17274A0002017-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2017 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of August 31, 2017, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed License Amendment, Revised Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Safety Analysis ML17270A1902017-09-270Issue date: 27 September 2017 Title: E-mail Regarding Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2 - Issuance of Amendments Emergency Action Level Scheme Change Based on NEI 99-01, Revision 6 ML17265A7672017-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2017 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Closed Teleconference with Exelon Generation Company, LLC to Discuss Planned License Amendment Request to Remove Boraflex Credit for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML17354B2552017-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2017 Title: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Redacted Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Revision 49 ML17230A1282017-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2017 Title: Connecticut, Inc. Presentation Slides for Pre-submittal Meeting on August 31, 2017 ML17237A2132017-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2017 Title: Memo E-mail to File -Summary of July 26, 2017, Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request, New Criticality Safety Analysis ML17227A0052017-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2017 Title: Memo E-mail to File - Summary of July 18, 2017, Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request, TS, AC Sources Operating ML17222A2192017-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2017 Title: E-mail Comments from Pennsylvania State Environmental Protection Regarding Emergency Plan Emergency Action Level Scheme to Adopt the NEI-99-01 Eals, Revision 6, for Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2 ML17248A0172017-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2017 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Beaver Valley Power Station Inservice Testing Interval Requests ML17209A7652017-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2017 Title: Fire Protection Input for Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Exemption from Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix R, Section Iii.G, Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability, for Use of Operator Manual Actions ML18012A0152017-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2017 Title: E-mail from Kenneth Browne to Justin Poole Regarding Seabrook ML18012A0142017-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2017 Title: E-mail from Kenneth Browne to Justin Poole Regarding Bill Maher ML17200C9572017-07-180Issue date: 18 July 2017 Title: Connecticut, Inc. Presentation Slides for Pre-submittal Meeting on July 18, 2017 ML17191A3442017-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2017 Title: PSEG Handouts for July 13, 2017 Public Meeting on TSTF-542 Proposed License Amendment Request ML17191A3932017-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2017 Title: PSEG Handouts for July 13, 2017 Public Meeting on TSTF-542 Proposed License Amendment Request ML17200C9272017-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2017 Title: Entergy Presentation Slides for Public Meeting Regarding Spent Fuel Pool Management Project, New Criticality Analysis ML17204A8842017-06-280Issue date: 28 June 2017 Title: E-mail from T. Gurdziel to NRC - Supplement to 2.206 Petition Indian Point Unit 3 Rx Vessel Head O-Rings and Restart (LTR-17-0235-1-NRR) ML17204A8832017-06-240Issue date: 24 June 2017 Title: E-mail from T. Gurdziel to NRC - Supplement to 2.206 Petition Indian Point Unit 3 Rx Vessel Head O-Rings and Restart (LTR-17-0235-1-NRR) ML17096A3332017-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2017 Title: Verbal Authorization of Relief Request for Reactor Vessel Closure Head Penetration Nozzle N9 Repair ML17103A4932017-04-120Issue date: 12 April 2017 Title: Email - Opportunity to Comment on No Significant Hazards Consideration for Seabrook Station ML17102A9092017-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2017 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Hope Creek and Salem: Draft SE Regarding Revision to CSP Milestone 8 Implementation Schedule (MF8071, MF8072. & MF8073) ML17031A1882017-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2017 Title: E-mail from J. Semancik to R.Guzman - NRC Staff Reply to State Official Comments Planned Issuance of Millstone Unit 2 License Amendment Surveillance Requirement for Control Element Assembly 39 ML17030A0202017-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2017 Title: Y020170006 - Pilgrim Watch Response to Stephen Koenick January 7 Reply to Our October 27, 2016 Email Regarding Liability and Holtec Guarantees at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML17031A1642017-01-190Issue date: 19 January 2017 Title: E-mail from J. Semancik to R. Guzman - State Official Comments Planned Issuance of Millstone Unit 2 License Amendment Re Surveillance Requirement CEA-39 ML17027A3592017-01-190Issue date: 19 January 2017 Title: Summary of Discussion with Dominion, Areva and the NRC Realistic Large Break LOCA LAR - Identified Minor Error ML16344A2192016-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2016 Title: Safety Evaluation for Limerick, Units 1 and 2, Proposed License Amendment to Revise the Technical Specifications to Address the High-Pressure Coolant Injection Operability Requirement Under Low Reactor Pressure Conditions ML16347A5942016-12-090Issue date: 9 December 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Followup to MRP-227-A Safety Evalution Report Dated October 24, 2016 ML16336A2082016-11-290Issue date: 29 November 2016 Title: Paul Gunters Reply to PRB Decision to Reject Petitioners Relief on Containment Vents (10 CFR 2.206) ML16328A2832016-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2016 Title: Supplemental Presentation Slides for 10/25/2016 Public Meeting Via E-mail from K.Greene to R.Guzman Calvert Cliffs GSI-191 Resolution Update ML16306A2482016-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) C-10 and Ucs Cover Letter with Paul Browns Comments on Seabrook ASR LAR ML17025A0352016-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2016 Title: PSEG Letter LR-N16-0168, 10 CFR 50 Appendix H Status Update for Hope Creek Generating Station, October 31, 2016 ML16307A4902016-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2016 Title: Presentation Slides from Public Meeting Calvert Cliffs GSI-191 Resolution Update ML16298A3052016-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2016 Title: 020 UFSAR Section 17 - Redacted, Revision 13 ML16295A2772016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: 031-09 Auxiliary and Emergency Systems - Figures - Redacted ML16295A2742016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: 010-05 Containment System and Other Special Structures-Figures - Redacted ML16295A2762016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: Instrumentation and Control Figures - Redacted ML16295A2732016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: 046-14 Appendix 14A Design Review-Figures - Redacted ML16295A2822016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: Chapter 14 - Safety Analysis - Redacted ML16295A2792016-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2016 Title: 003-02 Site and Environment - Redacted ML16273A3772016-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2016 Title: Memo to File: E-mail from R.Guzman to T.Tate Regarding Meeting Summary of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 - GSI-191 Resolution and GL 2004-02 Closure ML16306A2492016-09-210Issue date: 21 September 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Ucs Comments on Seabrooks ASR License Amendment Request ML16259A2042016-09-200Issue date: 20 September 2016 Title: Safety Evaluation - Request to Revise Technical Specifications - Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio ML16242A1782016-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2016 Title: Presentation Slides from Public Meeting Regarding Calvert Cliffs GSI-191 Resolution Update ML16237A2412016-08-240Issue date: 24 August 2016 Title: TSTF-505 LAR - Exelon Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides ML16225A7742016-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2016 Title: Memo to File: Summary of July 18, 2016, Meeting with Exelon Nuclear Generation to Discuss Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 - Generic Letter 2004-02 Resolution Update ML16221A6712016-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16221A6122016-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16221A6802016-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16216A1352016-08-020Issue date: 2 August 2016 Title: E-mail from P.Darby to R.Guzman NFPA-805 Clarifications to Final Integrated Response Recovery Actions (CAC Nos. MF2993/MF2994) ML16215A0032016-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2016 Title: E-mail from E.Villar to R.Guzman Editorial Error in Calvert Cliffs Unit Nos. 1 and 2 January 29, 2016 UFSAR Exemption Request ML17257A0002016-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2016 Title: E-mail from R. Ayres to D. Pickett 10 CFR 2.206 Petition from Friends of the Earth - Proposed Meeting Times for Presentation Before the Petition Review Board (LTR-16-0297-1) ML16209A2042016-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16198A0012016-07-180Issue date: 18 July 2016 Title: Presentation Slides from Public Meeting Regarding Calvert Cliffs GSI-191 Resolution Update ML16207A3882016-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2016 Title: E-mail Reply J. Semancik to R.Guzman Millstone Power Station, Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Amendment Request, Removal of Severe Line Outage Detection System from Offsite Power System (MF6430, MF6431) ML16174A2982016-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML17221A0302016-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2016 Title: E-mail from R.Ayres to R.Guzman 10 CFR 2.206 Petition from Friends of the Earth - Indian Point Baffle Former Bolts (LTR-16-0297-1) ML16166A0862016-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16160A0282016-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2016 Title: Teleconference Memo to File - Millstone Power Station, Unit 2, Summary of May 3, 2016 Pre-submittal Teleconference with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut ML16141A3682016-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2016 Title: Meeting Slides Updated Issues List for April 19, 2016, Hope Creek Public Teleconference Concerning the Digital Prnm Upgrade LAR ML16152A1862016-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2016 Title: E-mail from W. Craft to R. Guzman SBLOCA LAR - Clarification in Steam Generator Secondary Side Mass (MF6700) ML16134A4742016-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16125A0092016-05-030Issue date: 3 May 2016 Title: Presentation Slides for Pre-Submittal Teleconference for Realistic Large Break LOCA License Amendment Request ML16122A0012016-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2016 Title: E-mail from W.Craft to R.Guzman Supplemental RAI Clarification Information - SBLOCA LAR ML16122A0022016-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2016 Title: E-mail from W.Craft to R.Guzman Updated Information - Reactor Vessel Surveillance Capsule Withdrawal Schedule Revision ML16106A2792016-04-150Issue date: 15 April 2016 Title: Meeting Slides for License Amendment Request for Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Uprate NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting April 26, 2016 ML16105A0492016-04-130Issue date: 13 April 2016 Title: E-mail Planned Issuance of NRC License Amendment for Pilgrim - Revision of the Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule Milestone 8 ML16075A4562016-04-120Issue date: 12 April 2016 Title: February 24, 2016, Summary of Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss the Flaw Indication in the Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Pressurizer Safety Valve Dissimilar Metal Weld ML16089A0702016-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2016 Title: Public Meeting Slide Presentation ML16098A1642016-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2016 Title: Fpra Dependency Analysis ML16089A0622016-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2016 Title: Meeting to Discuss BVPS Draft PRA RAI - Slides ML16085A0252016-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16077A1082016-03-170Issue date: 17 March 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Email Clarification and Supplementation to AMP RAI ML16075A0022016-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) for Your Review - Chapter 3 Files for Seabrook FSAR Revisions 13 Through 16 ML16074A3112016-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Nine Mile Point FOIA Information Release Request ML16071A4412016-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2016 Title: Entergy Fleet Relief Request No. RR-EN-15-1-Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-789-1 - E-mail from G.Davant to R.Guzman - Response to Second RAI (MF6340 - MF6349) ML16069A2502016-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2016 Title: E-mail from W.Craft to R.Guzman RAI-12 Supplement RAI Response - LAR to Adopt Core Design and Safety Analysis Methods (MF6251) ML16056A5632016-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16076A3522016-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2016 Title: E-mail Re. Draft Report Concerning Dissimilar Metal Weld Indication on Pressurizer Safety Relief Nozzel to Safe End Weld ML16056A5962016-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2016 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML16043A4862016-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Comments for February 16, 2016, pre-PRB Call with C-10 Regarding Seabrook 2.206 Petition ML16035A0362016-02-050Issue date: 5 February 2016 Title: February 3, 2016, Summary of Closed Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Regarding Security Plan Change for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML16015A1402016-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2016 Title: Forthcoming Closed Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding a Physical Security Plan Change for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML16019A0282016-01-160Issue date: 16 January 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) for Your Action - 2.206 Petition from C-10 Regarding ASR at Seabrook ML16015A1372016-01-140Issue date: 14 January 2016 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Fwd: for Your Action - 2.206 Petition from C-10 Regarding ASR at Seabrook ML16004A4732016-01-040Issue date: 4 January 2016 Title: Teleconference Memo to File: Summary of December 17, 2015 - Pre-submittal Call with the NRC Related to Confirmatory Item IV.5 ML16004A4722016-01-040Issue date: 4 January 2016 Title: Teleconference Memo to File: Summary of December 10, 2015 - Pre-submittal Call with the NRC Related to Confirmatory Item IV.2 ML15353A0022015-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2015 Title: /12/17 Presentation Slides for Pre-Submittal Teleconference - Proposed LAR for Spent Fuel Pool Heat Load Analysis in Response to Confirmatory Order EA-13-188 ML15345A0912015-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2015 Title: Closure of Issue Found During 2014 Regulatory Commitment Audit ML15344A2942015-12-100Issue date: 10 December 2015 Title: /12/10 Presentation Slides for Pre-Submittal Teleconference - Proposed LAR for Charging System in Response to Confirmatory Order EA-13-188 ML15342A1072015-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) FW: for Your Review - Draft RAI - St. Lucie Unit 1 - Snubber LAR (MF6490) ML16083A4712015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 6 - November 2015 ML16083A4692015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 5 - November 2015 ML16083A4642015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 4 - November 2015 ML16083A4612015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 3 - November 2015 ML16083A4532015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 2 - November 2015 ML16083A4482015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Redacted - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Part 1 - November 2015 ML15322A3142015-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) for Your Review - Draft RAI - St. Lucie AFW LAR ML15313A2392015-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information Proposed Relief Requests for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval (TAC Nos. MF6302 Through MF6307) ML15295A2832015-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 2.206 Petition Regarding Pilgrim Current Licensing Basis for Flooding (OEDO-15-00479)(TAC No. MF6460) - 60 Day Status ML15314A1022015-10-200Issue date: 20 October 2015 Title: Pre-Submittal Teleconference Meeting Slides: Proposed License Amendment Request for EAL Changes, RCS Sampling Methodology Revision ML15282A0832015-10-080Issue date: 8 October 2015 Title: October 8, 2015, Public Meeting Regarding the NFPA-805 License Amendment Application - Final ML15253A5802015-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15222A5472015-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2015 Title: GSI 191 Program Chemical Effects Testing Update Option 2b Closure Approach ML15236A0062015-08-210Issue date: 21 August 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15233A3072015-08-190Issue date: 19 August 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) for Your Review - Draft RAI - St. Lucie Unit 1 - Snubber LAR ML15230A5332015-08-180Issue date: 18 August 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15223A5152015-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15223B1372015-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2015 Title: Reactor Community Request for Hearing on Indian Point, Unit 2 License Amendment Docket Id NRC-2015-0038 and TAC Nos. MF3752 and MR3753 Amendments No. 281 to DPR-26 and No. 257 to DPR-64 ML15251A0502015-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2015 Title: Questions for NRC from July 15, 2015 PRB Meeting on 10 CFR 2.206 Petition ML15096A1682015-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2015 Title: Memorandum to File from John Lamb, DORL, NRR No Significant Hazards Consideration Analysis and Categorical Exclusion Related to Proposed Exemption ML15205A3562015-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15202A3782015-07-210Issue date: 21 July 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15202A3682015-07-210Issue date: 21 July 2015 Title: Teleconference Memo to File: Summary of June 22, 2015 Pre-Application Teleconference with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss Proposed Amendment Requests - LOCA Analyses ML15197A4112015-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2015 Title: Alternative Request IR-3-27 for Implementation of Extended Reactor Vessel Inservice Inspection Interval- Clarification ML15197A4872015-07-130Issue date: 13 July 2015 Title: To 2.206 Petition Pilgrim Emergency Planning (LTR-15-0319), Mary Lampert Pilgrim Watch, Town of Duxbury Nuclear Advisory Committee and Cape Downwinders (07/13/2015) ML15198A0482015-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Documents ML15198A0512015-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Second Set of Documents ML15349A8082015-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2015 Title: Email from W.Craft to R.Guzman Millstone Unit 3 Information Regarding LAR to Adopt Dominion Core Design and Safety Analysis Methods ML15181A4722015-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Documents ML15198A0542015-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Supplemental Material for Today 2.206 Public Mtg ML15180A1512015-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15198A3432015-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2015 Title: Pre-Submittal Teleconference Meeting Slides: LOCA Analyses Supporting MPS2 Upgrade to Areva Standard CE14 Htp Fuel Assembly ML15168B1172015-06-160Issue date: 16 June 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15189A1932015-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2015 Title: LTR-14-0535 - E-mail Capture from Mary Lampert, Pilgrim Watch - Supplement 1 to 2.206 Petition on Pilgrim Security Univ. Texas Report: Protecting U.S. Nuclear Facilities from Terrorist Attack: Re-assessing the Current Design Basis Threat Ap ML15189A1962015-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2015 Title: LTR-14-0535 - E-mail Capture from Mary Lampert, Pilgrim Watch - Supplement 2 to 2.206 Petition on Pilgrim Security No Tresspassing Signs ML15158A1912015-06-050Issue date: 5 June 2015 Title: E-mail from W.Craft to R.Guzman Pre-submittal Telecon Meeting with NRC Staff for MPS2 LOCA LARs ML15147A6362015-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15141A0682015-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15140A6422015-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15135A0152015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15127A2472015-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15127A5182015-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information (Tac No. MF4792) ML15110A0602015-04-170Issue date: 17 April 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15104A1082015-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2015 Title: E-mail from Lewis Cuthbert to Rick Ennis Borehole Testing ML15098A0392015-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15135A0132015-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2015 Title: NRR E-mail Capture - Gunter ET Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15096A1712015-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2015 Title: G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 Gunter Et Al. 2.206 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against James A. Fitzpatrick Plant ML15091A7712015-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2015 Title: E-mail from R. Sgarro to J. Whited License Transfer Conditions of the Order Clarification of Wording ML15313A1412015-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2015 Title: Topical Report, VEP-FRD-41-NP-A, Rev. 0.2, VEPCO Reactor System Transient Analyses Using the Retran Computer Code, March 2015 ML15084A0252015-03-230Issue date: 23 March 2015 Title: Non-Proprietary - Safety Evaluation - Fourth 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection - Request for Relief PRR-24 ML15078A0832015-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15077A2742015-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2015 Title: March 26, 2015, Forthcoming Closed Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, (Exelon) to Discuss Steam Dryer Analysis Methodology Change for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Pbaps), Unit 2 ML15056A0462015-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15054A3082015-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2015 Title: ACE Comments - Limerick, Unit 2, Objection to Exelons Requested Amendment of Amendment No. 174, Leak Detection System Setpoint and Allowable Value Changes ML15051A0702015-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15229A1432015-02-090Issue date: 9 February 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding the National Fire Protection Association Standard 805 License Amendment Request ML15016A4392015-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2015 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML15015A6772015-01-160Issue date: 16 January 2015 Title: Forthcoming Closed Meeting with PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Regarding a Planned Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request Associated with Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 ML14363A0452014-12-290Issue date: 29 December 2014 Title: Safety Evaluation Close-out Letter for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation with Enclosure ML14349A7072014-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML14337A3112014-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2014 Title: E-mail Re. Draft Safety Evaluation for Approval of Revised Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule ML14309A7732014-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML14300A5452014-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2014 Title: Meeting Slide with NRC Regarding GL 2004-02 Close Out for Three Mile Island, Unit 1 ML14220A5122014-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2014 Title: Summary - Site Visit Regarding Physical Security License Amendment Request for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML14210A5762014-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information (Tac Nos. MF3198 and MF3199) ML14202A5182014-07-210Issue date: 21 July 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information (Tac Nos. MF3085 and MF3086) ML14202A0662014-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2014 Title: E-mail - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Comments on Proposed Extended Power Uprate for Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 (TACs ME9631 & 32) ML14184B5092014-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2014 Title: GSI-191 Program, Chemical Effects Testing, Refined Closure Approach. Ninth Discussion with NRC Staff, July 2, 2014 ML14181B0862014-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2014 Title: (NMP1), ME8899, Email from Licensee to Confirm the Change from Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station LLC, to Exelon Generation LAR to Adopt NFPA 805 ML14125A1452014-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2014 Title: E-mail from D. Mccreary to J. Whited with Attachment Providing FENOC Responses to NRC Questions BVPS Unit-2 Steam Generator Tube Inspection ML14118A2142014-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2014 Title: E-mail from J. Poehler to J. Whited Re Summary of March 18, 2014 Teleconference with FENOC Clarifying March 7, 2014 RAI Response Related to Review of the BVPS PTLR ML14113A5102014-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2014 Title: E-mail from D. Filchner to J. Whited Draft 2.3 Seismic Staff Assessment Enclosures for Susquehanna ML14112A2392014-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2014 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Closed Meeting to Discuss Dam Failure Analysis for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2, and Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 ML14099A5172014-04-090Issue date: 9 April 2014 Title: Duke Energy Supplemental Response Protected Service Water LAR - GOTHIC Modeling Questions - 4/9/14 E-mail from R.Gambrell (Duke Energy) to R.Guzman (NRC) ML14066A0972014-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML14063A3862014-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2014 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Closed Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) to Discuss Steam Dryer Analysis Related to Proposed Extended Power Uprate (EPU) for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Pbaps), Unit Nos. 2 and 3 ML13213A1432014-03-050Issue date: 5 March 2014 Title: Issuance of Amendment Regarding the Use of Optimized ZIRLO Fuel Rod Cladding Material ML14055A2132014-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Regarding the Verbal Authorization of Relief Request RR-ISI-04-08, Revision 1 ML14056A1152014-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML14030A0942014-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2014 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML14003A0242014-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Regarding the Verbal Authorization of Relief Request RR-ISI-04-09 ML13338A2502013-12-040Issue date: 4 December 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Closed Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) to Discuss Steam Dryer Analysis Related to Proposed Extended Power Uprate (EPU) for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Pbaps), Units 2 and 3 ML13302B8952013-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2013 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit No. 3 ML13330A5852013-11-190Issue date: 19 November 2013 Title: RAIs Associated with Review of Salem, Unit 2, 2R19 Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML13322A4612013-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2013 Title: ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Earl Hall ML13335A0022013-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2013 Title: G20130211 - 11/13/13 E-mail from T.Judson to R.Guzman - Supplement 5 to 2.206 Petition Financial Qualifications Fitzpatrick/Vermont Yankee/Pilgrim ML13304B4032013-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC, ML13305A6092013-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2013 Title: Comments to PRB for Paul Gunter 2.206 Petition to NRC ML13305A6722013-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2013 Title: Public Comments to Petition Review Board (PRB) of Paul Gunter 2.206 Petition Filed 03/21/2013 Requesting Agency Revocation of Operating Licenses for General Electric Mark I and Mark II Boiling Water Reactors ML13296A5742013-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2013 Title: Completion of Work Related to Spot Check of PPL Susquehanna,Llc Decommissioning Trust Fund Report ML13294A2082013-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2013 Title: E-mail from T.Judson to R.Guzman G20130211 - Supplement 4 to 2.206 Petition Immediate Action - Vermont Yankee/Fitzpatrick/Pilgrim ML13282A6972013-10-090Issue date: 9 October 2013 Title: NRC Verbal Approval for Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 Relief Request BV1-IWE-2-3 ML13277A3522013-10-030Issue date: 3 October 2013 Title: Acceptance Review: Susquehanna, Units 1 and 2, Proposed Relief Requests for the Fourth Ten-Year Inservice Inspection Interval ML13267A2852013-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2013 Title: Interim Staff Evaluation and Request for Additional Information - Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant, Unites 1 and 2 Regarding Overall Integrated Plan for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Order Number EA-12-051) ML13269A1792013-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13261A1572013-09-170Issue date: 17 September 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13256A0432013-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information to Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Indian Point Units 2 and 3, Regarding NTTF Recommendation 9.3 Phase 1 Staffing Assessments Submittal ML13253A2252013-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13240A2952013-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Closed Meeting with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding a Pre-Submittal Physical Security License Amendment Request for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML13249A2072013-09-050Issue date: 5 September 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13247A7012013-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2013 Title: E-mail Relief Request RA-13-001 ML13247A7152013-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2013 Title: C-S-1-45893-CALC_000_4 RA-13-001, C-S-1-45893-CALC 000 42013-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2013 Title: C-S-1-45893-CALC_000_4 ML13233A1132013-08-220Issue date: 22 August 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with PSEG Nuclear, LLC Regarding a Planned Digital Instrumentation and Controls License Amendment Request Associated with Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 ML13226A0902013-08-140Issue date: 14 August 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC ML13218A0862013-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. and Netco to Discuss the Goals and Objectives of the Long-Term Spent Fuel Pool Improvement Program for Indian Point Unit 2 and 3 ML13218A3102013-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding Amendment for a Revised Calculated Peak Containment Internal Pressure ML13214A3532013-08-060Issue date: 6 August 2013 Title: Notice of Forthcoming Pre-Application Meeting with Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC (MF2516 and MF2517) ML13205A2512013-07-220Issue date: 22 July 2013 Title: G20130211 - 7/22/13 E-mail from J.Azulay to R.Guzman - Supplemental Information to 2.206 Petition Financial Qualifications Fitzpatrick/Vermont Yankee/Pilgrim ML13203A1192013-07-190Issue date: 19 July 2013 Title: ME8189 - G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Branden Ramer ML13199A0312013-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2013 Title: Digital I&C Phase 0 Pre-Application Meeting MF1896 ML13193A0742013-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information - Seabrook Station Regarding Overall Integrated Plan for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Order Number EA-12-051) (Tac No. MF0837) ML13193A1452013-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2013 Title: Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed Revision to Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves and Exemption Request for Initial Reference Temperature Values (TAC Nos. MF0425 & MF0426) ML13186A0382013-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2013 Title: Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding the 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Report ML13183A3002013-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2013 Title: 7/17/2013 - Notice of Forthcoming Pre-Application Proprietary Meeting with Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Requests Regarding Millstone Power Station, Unit 2 Upgrade to Areva Standard CE14 Htp Fuel a ML13179A3182013-07-010Issue date: 1 July 2013 Title: Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding 2012 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reports ML13184A1092013-06-280Issue date: 28 June 2013 Title: G20130211 - E-mail from J.Azulay to R.Guzman - Supplemental Information to 2.206 Petition Financial Qualifications Fitzpatrick/Vermont Yankee/Pilgrim ML13177A3902013-06-260Issue date: 26 June 2013 Title: Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order Number EA-12-051, Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation ML13189A0472013-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2013 Title: M.Mulligan to R.Guzman e-mail Dated June 18, 2013 in Reference to June 12 and 13, 2013, e-mails 2.206 Petition (G20130174) - Pilgrim Nuclear Plant SRVs ML13158A2102013-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2013 Title: ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Bob Schulof ML13158A2112013-06-050Issue date: 5 June 2013 Title: ME8189 - G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Brenda Lijima ML13154A5052013-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2013 Title: RAIs Following Ifib Analysis of NextEra Energys 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Seabrook ML13154A4952013-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2013 Title: RAIs Following Ifib Analysis of PSEGs 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Hope Creek Generating Station ML13154A4392013-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2013 Title: RAIs Following Ifib Analysis of FENOCs 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Beaver Valley 1 and 2 ML13150A2182013-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2013 Title: 6/12/13 Notice of Conference Call with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss Draft Request for Additional Information for Vermont Yankee NRC Order Number EA-12-049 Related to Mitigation Strategies ML13148A3962013-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2013 Title: Forthcoming Meeting with Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC to Discuss Licensees Proposed Plan for Resolution of GL 2004-02 ML13133A2492013-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2013 Title: Slides from May 9, 2013, Meeting with NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC on Pre-Submittal of a Fixed Incore Detector License Amendment Request ML13149A1722013-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2013 Title: E-mail from Micheal Mulligan to R.Guzman, Pilgrim Evacuation Plan Broken During Blizzard Nemo and Unenforced by the Nrc ML13136A2032013-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2013 Title: Meeting Notice with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss Once Through Steam Generator Tube-to-Tube Wear at Three Mile Island, Unit 1 ML13134A3722013-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2013 Title: Supplement to Petition to Revoke Mark I & II Operating License / Columbia Station ML13099A2152013-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2013 Title: Forthcoming Meeting with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC (Nextera) Regarding a Pre-Submittal for a Fixed Incore Detector License Amendment Request ML13106A1622013-04-120Issue date: 12 April 2013 Title: G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Antonio Caniano, in the Matter of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, ME8189 ML13098A0912013-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2013 Title: G20130174 - 4/5/13 E-mail from M. Mulligan to R. Guzman - 2.206 Supplemental Information Pilgrim SRVs ML13095A2782013-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2013 Title: E-mail from P. Couture to R. Guzman Regarding Additional Revision to Proposed License Condition 3.P ML13085A4212013-03-260Issue date: 26 March 2013 Title: Email from P.Couture to R.Guzman Regarding License Amendment Request - Proposed Changes to Rfolc 3.P and 3.Q ML13098A0772013-03-200Issue date: 20 March 2013 Title: G20130174 - E-mail from M.Mulligan to R.Guzman - 2.206 Supplemental Information Pilgrim SRVs ML13078A1552013-03-200Issue date: 20 March 2013 Title: License Amendment Request to Change Diesel Generator Surveillance Requirements ML13077A0472013-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2013 Title: 3/29/2013 - Notice of Category 1 Meeting with Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Llc. to Discuss Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (Mellla+) License Amendment Request (LAR) Submittal and the Use of GESTR-M Vs. Prime Codes ML13088A2202013-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2013 Title: MC4672 & MC4673 - CCNPP-CHLE-005, Rev 1 Chemical Effects Autoclave Experimental Plan with Respect to GL2004-02, GSI-1 91 ML13071A0642013-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2013 Title: ME8189 - G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Hector Lopez ML13071A0722013-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2013 Title: G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Elaine Holder James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant ML13071A0712013-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2013 Title: James a, FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner,Connie Hogarth ML13071A0702013-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2013 Title: ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Dave Morrison ML13071A0662013-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2013 Title: ME8189 - G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - e-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Gary Sachs ML13070A3442013-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13066A1262013-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2013 Title: Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Fifth Inservice Test Interval Relief Request PR-01 Nuclear Services Closed Cooling Water Flow Measurement ML13063A3372013-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2013 Title: Draft Request for Additional Information ML13064A3202013-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2013 Title: Presentation from GSI-191 Meeting ML13064A3232013-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2013 Title: NRC Presentation on Bypass Testing ML13059A2212013-02-270Issue date: 27 February 2013 Title: ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner, Augie Abel ML13052A7942013-02-210Issue date: 21 February 2013 Title: Complete Set of NRC Questions_2-21-13 ML13052A7792013-02-210Issue date: 21 February 2013 Title: GSI-191 Question Responses for Next Weeks Meeting ML13050A6362013-02-200Issue date: 20 February 2013 Title: Draft RAI Memo ML13050A5112013-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2013 Title: MC4672-3 Corrected Notice -Public Meeting on March 20, 2013 Re-GL2004-02 ML13045A1822013-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2013 Title: March 20, 2013, Notice of Forthcoming Teleconference with Calvert Cliffs and Nrc/Nrr Staff to Have Additional Discussions of Licenseess Proposed Path for Resolution of Generic Letter 2004-02 ML13051A0382013-02-170Issue date: 17 February 2013 Title: ME8189 -G20120172/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0147 - E-mail from Additional Co-Petitioner,Richard Horan ML13050A0992013-02-150Issue date: 15 February 2013 Title: Email - 02-15-2013 - Confirmation from Seabrook on Outlet Nozzle Ni Content 2024-02-27 |