Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs (NRC/NMSS/DDUWP) | |
20 November 2009 - 24 October 2024 | |
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Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
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Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division No value Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis
No value Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
No value Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
No value Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
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Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
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from | MONTHYEARML24260A2492024-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2024 Title: FRN for NRC Review of 2024 WCS Request - EA with Fonsi ML24255A8522024-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2024 Title: Qualification Memo for Nathan Fuguet, 1248 App G Qual Card, Draft Qual Certificate ML24235A0472024-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2024 Title: J. Marshall Memo with Enclosure Revised Appendix K for the Next Revision of NUREG 1757 V1 ML24235A0462024-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2024 Title: Final Consolidated NUREG 1757 V1 Appendix K Guidance 8 19 2024 ML24200A2362024-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2024 Title: Federal Register Notice for DUWP-ISG-02 - Final Guidance ML24179A1842024-07-230Issue date: 23 July 2024 Title: June 20, 2024, Clarification Call on Preapplication Readiness Assessment of the Holtec Decommissioning International License Termination Plan ML24179A0532024-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2024 Title: LTR-24-0140- Email from J. Marshall to P. Ewing on June 11, 2024 Email on Remediation of Mine Waste ML24179A0372024-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2024 Title: LTR-24-0115 - Email from J. Marshall to J. Cerrato on Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste, Secy 23-0055 ML24178A3372024-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2024 Title: LTR-24-0105 - Email from J. Marshall to Generation Atomic Re Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste, Secy 23-0055 ML24179A0332024-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2024 Title: LTR-24-0116 - Email from J. Marshall to T. Righetti on Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste, Secy 23-0055 ML24157A3862024-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2024 Title: Response to Thoreau High School C/O, Ms. Jamie Pagett, Letter Re Request for Information Regarding Uranium Tailings to Thoreau Landfill ML24086A5392024-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2024 Title: Recommendation and Request for Approval of Decommissioning Technical Reviewer Qualification for Louis Caponi ML24135A1972024-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2024 Title: – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0091 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML24101A0422024-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2024 Title: Solutions Inc. – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 ((Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML24100A0452024-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2024 Title: Onsite Observation Guidance for April 30, 2024, Monitoring Visit to the Idaho National Laboratory Tank Farm Facility (Docket No. PROJ0735) ML24095A1102024-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2024 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding Draft Basis for Section 3116 Determination for Closure of the Calcined Solid Storage Facility at the Idaho National Laboratory Site (Docket Number PROJ0735) ML24086A5382024-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2024 Title: IMC-1248, Appendix G Qual Card for Louis Caponi ML24086A5402024-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2024 Title: Draft Qualification Certificate for Louis Caponi ML24052A0602024-03-200Issue date: 20 March 2024 Title: – Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (EPID L-2023-LLE-0061 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)) ML23310A1122024-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2024 Title: Aerotest - Letter, License Amendment 7 and SE Approving the Decommissioning Plan for the Radiography and Research Reactor ML23310A1142024-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2024 Title: License Amendment 7 Approving the Decommissioning Plan for the Radiography and Research Reactor ML24008A1182024-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2024 Title: Ltr from J. Marshall, NRC to J. Kennedy, Caldera, Re Letter of Intent for a Thorium Recovery at Pea Ridge Mine ML23356A0902024-02-060Issue date: 6 February 2024 Title: Ltr from J. Marshall, NRC to J. Kutsch, Thorium Energy Alliance Re Letter of Intent for a Thorium Storage and Manufacturing Facility ML24032A0352024-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2024 Title: Federal and NRC Guidance Updates on Radiological Survey and Dose Modeling ML24032A0402024-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2024 Title: NRC Perspectives on Discrete Radioactive Particles ML24032A0372024-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2024 Title: License Termination: the 5 Cs, ML24032A0382024-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2024 Title: NRC Regulatory Program Initiatives ML24009A2842024-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2024 Title: FY23 NMSS DUWP Operating Experience Report ML24009A2852024-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2024 Title: Enclosure 1 - NMSS DUWP Operating Experience Report FY2023 ML24032A0362024-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2024 Title: NRC Decommissioning Public Engagement Experiences ML23342A2132023-12-270Issue date: 27 December 2023 Title: FRN Related to Request for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements ML23177A0082023-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2023 Title: Interim Staff Guidance on Subsurface Investigations ML23167A4632023-07-050Issue date: 5 July 2023 Title: TMI-2S Exemption Appendix G ML23167A4642023-07-050Issue date: 5 July 2023 Title: Letter - TMI-2- Exemption 10 CFR Part 20 Append G Issuance ML23171B0832023-07-050Issue date: 5 July 2023 Title: Enclosure - Kewaunee Power Station - Issuance of Exemption from Certain Requirements from 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix G, Section Iii.E ML23171B0822023-07-050Issue date: 5 July 2023 Title: Letter - Kewaunee Power Station - Issuance of Exemption from Certain Requirements from 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix G, Section Iii.E ML23108A1422023-06-260Issue date: 26 June 2023 Title: Federal Register Notice Criticality Monitoring Exemption Issuance ML23152A0222023-06-010Issue date: 1 June 2023 Title: Response to Letter Dated April 17 with Respect to Schedule for Processing License Amendment Request for Special Nuclear Material License SNM-928 Cimarron 5 24 2023 ML23110A0102023-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2023 Title: IAEA Presentation: an Overview of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decommissioning Program: Progress with More Challenges and Opportunities ML23026A2332023-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2023 Title: Exemption from 10 CFR 70.24 ML23024A0992023-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2023 Title: NRC Technical Evaluation Report for the 2020 Performance Assessment for the Saltstone Disposal Facility at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina ML23017A0872023-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2023 Title: Technical Review: Inventory for the 2020 Saltstone Disposal Facility Performance Assessment - CR ML23017A0902023-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2023 Title: Technical Review: Model Integration for the 2020 Saltstone Disposal Facility Performance Assessment - Ga ML23017A0862023-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2023 Title: Technical Review: Near Field Flow and Transport for the 2020 Saltstone Disposal Facility Performance Assessment - Ga ML23087A1652023-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2023 Title: Invitation Letter to Licensee Sr. Managers of Decommissioning Sites to Participate in the May 2, 2023 Decommissioning Lessons Learned Public Meeting Workshop ML23210A0022023-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2023 Title: Session W9 - Reactor Decommissioning: Decommissioning in a Dynamic Environment ML22336A1422023-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2023 Title: NRC Response to NYSERDA Comments on EP Exemption ML23055A0282023-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2023 Title: Completion of License Termination Activities and Release of Remaining Class 1 Survey Units from Possession Only License No. DPR-45 ML23055A0292023-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2023 Title: Staff Evaluation in Support of the La Crosse Class 1 Survey Unit Partial Site Release ML23017A1092023-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2023 Title: Guidance for the Jan./Feb. 2023 Monitoring Onsite Observation Visit to the Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility ML22280A0972023-01-050Issue date: 5 January 2023 Title: Exemption Request Regarding 10 CFR 72.106 (B) ML22350A7172022-12-230Issue date: 23 December 2022 Title: Summary of November 30, 2022, Public Meeting to Discuss Emergency Preparedness and Decommissioning Security ML22333B0942022-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2022 Title: Enclosure 2 - Table Summary of Fire Protection Issues ML22333B0932022-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2022 Title: Enclosure 1 - NMSS DUWP Operating Experience Report FY2022 ML22333B0922022-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2022 Title: FY22 Nmss/Duwp Operating Experience Report ML22347A1042022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Nuclear Energy Institute’S Pre-Submittal of NEI 22-01, License Termination Process (EPID – L-2022-LRM-0095) ML22010A1452022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: IP 83890 Closeout Inspection and Survey ML22010A1492022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: IP 87305 Decommissioning Management Organization and Controls ML22010A1422022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: IP 87104 Decommissioning Inspection Procedure for Materials Licensees ML22010A1432022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: IP 88104 Decommissioning Inspection Procedure for Fuel Cycle Facilities ML22010A1442022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: IP 87654 Uranium Mill, In-Situ Recovery, and 11e.(2) Byproduct Material Disposal Site Decommissioning Inspection ML22297A1332022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: Part 20 App G Exemption ML22285A1612022-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2022 Title: Enclosure DOE Revised LTSP for Title 1 Slick Rock, Colorado Disposal Site ML22285A1602022-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2022 Title: Review Letter of DOE Revised LTSP for Title 1 Slick Rock, Colorado Disposal Site ML22304A1472022-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2022 Title: LTR 22 00296 1 Response Letter to L Petit Et Al Regarding Holtec International Liquid Discharges Into the Hudson River ML22273A1452022-10-040Issue date: 4 October 2022 Title: U.S. NRC Analysis of Zion Solutions, LLC Decommissioning Funding Status Report for the Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 ML22273A1492022-10-040Issue date: 4 October 2022 Title: Review of Decommissioning Funding Status 2022 ML22230D0342022-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2022 Title: LTR-22-0227-1-NMSS - Response to Assemblywoman New York State Legislature Sandy Galef Regarding Decommissioning at Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility ML22175A1732022-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2022 Title: LTR-22-0153-1 - Response Letter to D. Turco, Cape Downwinders, from A. Roberts, NRC, Regarding Holtec-Pilgrim Plans to Dump One Million Gallons of Radioactive Waste Into Cape Cod Bay ML22193A1662022-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2022 Title: LTR-22-0154-1 - Heather Govern, VP, Clean Air and Water Program, Et Al., Letter Regarding Radioactive Wastewater Disposal from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Docket No. 05000293) ML22154A0152022-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2022 Title: A. Roberts - Presentation on Perspectives on the Decommissioning Transition Proposed Rule - Decommissioning Strategy Forum 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 6-8, 2022 ML22126A0642022-06-010Issue date: 1 June 2022 Title: Finding of No Significant Impact with the Associated Environmental Assessment Related to Using Decomm Trust Fund for Site Restoration ML22136A0932022-05-240Issue date: 24 May 2022 Title: Second Addendum to Fc and Materials Decomm Inspection Program Wg Charter ML22080A1112022-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2022 Title: OEDO-22-0084 - Letter to Daniel Dorman - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Assessment Regarding Mitigation of Risk Posed by Counterfeit, Fraudulent, and Suspect Items ML22153A2972022-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2022 Title: Roberts-hv-w14 ML22074A0192022-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2022 Title: Notice of Meeting Regarding Ground Water Remediation Modeling and Provide Results of Performed Independent Calculations Performed by NRC Staff Based on Data Provide in the Decommissioning Plan ML22074A0182022-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2022 Title: Raw Teams Autogenerated Transcript of Discussions During Pre-application Audit Meeting 03/10/2022 ML22041A4172022-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2022 Title: RIC W14 Reactor Decommissioning Session--Ashley Roberts--Opening Remarks ML22140A2982022-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2022 Title: Barrc-hv-w14 ML22145A2312022-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2022 Title: Robertsa-w14-bio ML22038A2272022-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2022 Title: Letter from J. Marshall, NRC, Commenting on Letter from B. Halliburton, Cert, Dated December 15, 2021, Cert Final Scope of Work and Budget for Cy 2022 ML21356B4972022-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2022 Title: Enclosure - Indian Point Exemption Request 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix G ML21356B4982022-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2022 Title: FRN - Indian Point Exemption Request 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix G ML22040A1162022-02-080Issue date: 8 February 2022 Title: Email to G. Van Noordennen Zion and La Crosse Review Schedule Changes ML21281A1712021-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2021 Title: General Atomics Triga Reactor Facility - Approval of License Termination Based on the Final Status Survey Report and Supporting Information ML21299A2532021-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2021 Title: Completion of Scheduled Decommissioning Activities at the Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 Near Eureka, California (License No. DPR-7) ML21277A1922021-11-160Issue date: 16 November 2021 Title: Enclosure 1, Order Approving Transfer of Licenses and Draft Conforming License Amendments ML21294A3762021-11-160Issue date: 16 November 2021 Title: Federal Register Notice for Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Licenses ML21294A2702021-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2021 Title: NRC Response to Idaho Department of Environmental Quality August 31, 2021, E-mail, U.S. Ecology Notification of Intent to Receive SNM ML21270A0762021-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2021 Title: Enclosure - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Exemption 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix G Acceptance Review Order ML21267A5202021-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2021 Title: Exemption 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix G Acceptance Review Federal Register Notice ML21258A0422021-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2021 Title: Acceptance of Request to Withdraw Exemption Request for Alternate Decommissioning Schedule, Vbwr, EVESR, and Getr ML21232A6982021-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2021 Title: General Atomics Triga Reactors - U.S. EPA MOU Consultation Letter ML21242A5102021-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2021 Title: U.S. NRC Letter for Report for August 12, 2021, Onsite Observation Visit to U.S. DOE Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility ML21242A5112021-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2021 Title: Enclosure - U.S. NRC Letter for Report for August 12, 2021, Onsite Observation Visit to U.S. DOE Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility ML21235A1212021-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2021 Title: EPA Phase 2 Closure Letter to B. Lowery, EPA from P. Holahan ML21208A0512021-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2021 Title: Technical Review Report Type I and II Tank SA PROJ0734 Memo ML21119A3172021-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2021 Title: Enclosure 1 - Technical Review Report Environmental Monitoring Report - PROJ0734 ML21119A3162021-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2021 Title: Technical Review Report Environmental Monitoring Report - PROJ0734 ML21068A2402021-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2021 Title: Onsite Insurance Exemption FRN ML21070A1022021-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2021 Title: Offsite Insurance Exemption FRN ML21082A1252021-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2021 Title: Us Ecology Letter Request for Exemptions from 10 CFR 30.11 Alternate Disposal of Low-Activity Wastewater at Us Ecology Idaho ML21082A1152021-05-070Issue date: 7 May 2021 Title: Northstar Letter Request for 10 CFR 20.2002 Alternate Disposal at Us Ecology Idaho (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML21116A0702021-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2021 Title: Letter - Exemption Request from Force-on-Force Exercise Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B for CY2021 NUREG-1757, Meeting Summary of Webinar to Obtain Comments on NUREG-1757, Vol 2, Rev 22021-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2021 Title: Meeting Summary of Webinar to Obtain Comments on NUREG-1757, Vol 2, Rev 2 ML21102A1432021-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2021 Title: Enclosure - List of Attendees ML21089A1382021-04-190Issue date: 19 April 2021 Title: Ltr from P. Holahan, Commenting on Ltr from B. Halliburton, Dated 03/05/2021, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Final Scope of Work and Budget for Calendar Year 2021 ML21097A1482021-04-130Issue date: 13 April 2021 Title: Federal Register Notice (FRN) for Emergency Planning Exemption ML21040A2702021-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2021 Title: Enclosure 1 - TMI Offsite Exemption ML21202A3942021-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2021 Title: Wm Symposia 2021 - Presentation by Larry Camper - Reducing Risk Through Sound Technical Solutions ML21202A3932021-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2021 Title: RIC2021 Trish Holahan Presentation - an Overview of NRCs Regulatory Infomration Conference - an Exchange with Waste Management Symposia ML21062A2172021-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2021 Title: Enclosure - Request for Additional Information Questions ML21055A7832021-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2021 Title: Letter to Reid, Change in NRC Staff Project Management for Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant ML21055A6662021-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2021 Title: MI-1 ISFSI Physical Security Plan and Security Order Technical Assistance Request ML21039A7632021-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2021 Title: NRC Staff Presentation for February 11, 2021 Public Meeting on Uniform Waste Manifest ML20294A5442021-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2021 Title: Decommissioning Financial Assurance Rulemaking Charter for Agreement State Member of Working Group ML21032A0942021-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2021 Title: Very Low Level Waste Scoping Study - Reference List ML20338A0252021-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2021 Title: Letter from P. Holahan to C. Melendez, DOE Additional Cleanup Under Umtrca ML21026A0122021-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2021 Title: DOE and NRC Meeting Dec 9 2020 Summary Tank Grout Exps Reviewed ML21025A3872021-01-140Issue date: 14 January 2021 Title: Approval of Lowering the Surety Bond for General Electric Test Reactor (Enclosure) ML20332A0212021-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2021 Title: Letter from D. Orlando to M. Kautsky, DOE NRC Staff Review of Shiprock Performance Report Docket Number WM-58 ML20352A1032021-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2021 Title: IP 83801 Inspection of Remedial and Final Surveys at Permanently Shutdown Reactors ML20358A1312021-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2021 Title: IMC 2561 Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program ML20330A2622021-01-050Issue date: 5 January 2021 Title: Letter from D. Orlando to M. Kautsky, DOE Deferral of Groundwater Monitoring at the Shiprock, Tuba City and Monument Valley Sites in 2020 (Docket Numbers WM-70, WM-58 and WM-73) ML20279A3712020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Enclosure 2, Attachment 2: TMI-2 LTA Draft Tech Spec Changes ML20279A3672020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Enclosure 2: TMI-2 Draft License Transfer Application La ML20261H9252020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Issuance of Amendment No. 299 for Unit 1 Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme Changes ML20279A3692020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Enclosure 1: TMI-2 License Transfer Order ML20279A3732020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Enclosure 3: TMI-2 LTA Safety Evaluation ML20244A2932020-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2020 Title: L-2019-LLE-0016 Exemption (2020-08-27) ML20244A2922020-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2020 Title: Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements and Related Safety Evaluation ML20244A2942020-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2020 Title: L-2019-LLE-0016 Notice of Issuance of Exemption (2020-08-27) ML20252A1812020-11-240Issue date: 24 November 2020 Title: NRC EA-FONSI for Extending Possession Time of LANL Waste Until 12-23-2022 ML20296A5502020-11-230Issue date: 23 November 2020 Title: Technical Review Report Tank 12H Grouting ML20287A4172020-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2020 Title: Federal Register Notice - Southern California Edison San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 ML20289A7722020-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2020 Title: IP 83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure at Permanently Shutdown Reactors ML20290A8432020-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2020 Title: IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Treatment and Environmental Monitoring ML20232D0532020-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2020 Title: Completion of NRC Review of the Fort Calhoun Station Revised Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (License No. DPR-40, Docket No. 50-285) ML20307A6682020-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2020 Title: Gas Hill Programmatic Agreement- Second Amendment - Signed by NRC Dated October 30, 2020 ML20274A0242020-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2020 Title: IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials ML20288A2882020-10-160Issue date: 16 October 2020 Title: Change in NRC Staff Project Management for Indian Point Unit 1 ML20288A5872020-10-150Issue date: 15 October 2020 Title: Change in NRC Staff Project Management for the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1 ML20279A7822020-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2020 Title: HTF-SKM-2015-00021, Rev. 0, Tank 12 Grout Placement Plan - Sketch 1 ML20279A7962020-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2020 Title: WO 01337683-33-A, Tank 12 Tremie Installation Steps ML20279A7862020-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2020 Title: SRR-CWDA-2020-00058, Type I Waste Tanks Dehumidification System Heating and Ventilation Ductwork ML20279A7972020-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2020 Title: WO 01337683-33-B, Tank 12 Cleaning/Pigging of Slickline ML20279A7942020-10-060Issue date: 6 October 2020 Title: WO 01337683-31-F, Coil Grout Spreadsheet ML20279A5082020-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2020 Title: Email to Holtec - Response to Notification of Oyster Creek Onsite Property Insurance Coverage ML20254A0032020-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2020 Title: Preliminary Review of the U.S. Department of Energys Submittal of the 2020 Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility Performance Assessment ML20258A0752020-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2020 Title: IP 40801 Problem Identification and Resolution at Permanently Shutdown Reactors ML20240A2932020-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2020 Title: IP 71801 Decommissioning Performance and Status Reviews ML20268C2232020-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2020 Title: NUREG/BR-0204 Rev 3 Implementation Status September 14, 2020, Meeting Summary ML20253A1912020-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2020 Title: Slides for Decommissioning Webinar Regarding Duane Arnold Energy Center on September 24, 2020 ML20261H5452020-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2020 Title: Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project ML20268B2372020-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2020 Title: Change in the NRC Project Manager for the West Valley Demonstration Project ML20267A5262020-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2020 Title: (Songs) Units 2 and 3, Updated Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report and Irradiated Fuel Management Plan, Rev. 1, May 2020 Letter from A.Snyder to D.Bauder ML20134J0972020-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2020 Title: Letter to T. Jasso, DOE Oil and Gas Leases at Panna Maria, Ray Point and Conquista Sites in Texas ML20258A1452020-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2020 Title: Perma-Fix Northwest August 27 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting Summary ML20266G4032020-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2020 Title: Acceptance Review Email - Request for Approval of HDI Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program, Revision 0 ML20265A3552020-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2020 Title: Comments on Rev.4 Main Plant Process Building Demolition & Decommissioning Plan ML20253A3282020-09-210Issue date: 21 September 2020 Title: Letter to Bill Halliburton, Approving Reallocation of Funding in 2020 Budget to Allow Scope of Work Document for Phased Approach to Decommissioning ML20266F0352020-09-210Issue date: 21 September 2020 Title: Email from M. Kautsky, DOE and Response from D. Orlando One-Time Revision to Inspections at Shiprock and Tuba City Umtrca Sites Due to COVID-19 PHE ML20261H3892020-09-170Issue date: 17 September 2020 Title: Slides for Decommissioning-Overview Webinar Regarding Duane Arnold Energy Center Presented on September 24, 2020 ML20237F3372020-09-170Issue date: 17 September 2020 Title: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to Request for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements ML20237F3382020-09-170Issue date: 17 September 2020 Title: L-2019-LLE-0016 TMI1 EP Exemption EA ML20178A4812020-09-160Issue date: 16 September 2020 Title: State Agreement (SA) Procedure SA-202 Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility ML20238B9042020-09-150Issue date: 15 September 2020 Title: State Agreement (SA) SA-103 Reviewing the Common Performance Indicator, Technical Staffing and Training ML20183A3282020-09-150Issue date: 15 September 2020 Title: State Agreement (SA) Procedure 107, Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator, Legislation, Regulations, and Other Program Elements ML20254A0002020-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2020 Title: Letter to Sauger, Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2; Final Status Survey Report Phase 4 Quality Issue ML20232A6652020-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2020 Title: OMB 3150-0206 Final Supporting Statement for Comprehensive Decommissioning Program, Including Annual Data Collection ML20205L5442020-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2020 Title: IP 60801 Spent Fuel Pool Maintenance, Surveillance, and Safety at Permanently Shutdown Reactors ML20244A1852020-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2020 Title: Acceptance of the August 24, 2020, Waste Control Specialists, LLC Request to Extend the Possession Time of LANL Waste in the Exemption Order Condition 8.B.4 Until December 23, 2022 ML20183A3232020-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2020 Title: State Agreement (SA) Procedure 201, Review of State Regulatory Requirements ML20183A3252020-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2020 Title: State Agreement (SA) Procedure 200, Compatibility Categories and Health and Safety Identification for NRC Regulations and Other Program Elements ML20223A0562020-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2020 Title: Slides for Decommissioning Webinar Regarding Duane Arnold Energy Center on August 12, 2020 ML20261H5512020-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2020 Title: E-Mail Dated August 12, 2020, from John Hickman, NRC, to William Barley, Pg&E, Forwarding a Request for Additional Information on the Humboldt Bay Caisson Final Status Survey Report ML20226A2392020-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2020 Title: Supporting Statement for Part 61 OMB Renewal 2020 ML20261H5282020-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2020 Title: E-Mail Dated July 29, 2020, from John Hickman, NRC, to William Barley, Pg&E, Forwarding a Request for Additional Information on the Humboldt Bay Caisson Final Status Survey Report ML20210M0542020-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2020 Title: NRC Staff Presentation for 2020 Nma Uranium Recovery Workshop ML20071G2152020-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2020 Title: Letter to Western Uranium Path Forward for White Paper on Kinetic Separation ML20190A0652020-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2020 Title: Letter to M. Kautsky, DOE from D. Orlando Shiprock Gcap Workplan ML20174A1152020-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2020 Title: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Vbwr Alternate Decommissioning Schedule - Request for Additional Information - License Numbers: DPR-1 (Docket Number 50-18); DR-10 (Docket Number 50-183); and TR-1 (Docket Number 50-70) ML20195A5642020-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2020 Title: Acceptance Review for the LACBWR License Transfer Order Extension ML20190A1612020-07-090Issue date: 9 July 2020 Title: Correction of Typographical Error - Oyster Creek Generating Station Issuance of Amendment No. 298: Removal of Cyber Security Plan ML20280A2862020-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2020 Title: SRS Tank Farm Grout Video Transmittal ML20162A1552020-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2020 Title: Part 20 Appg Exemption Approval Letter ML20162A1572020-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2020 Title: Part 20 App G Exemption Evaluation ML20175A2122020-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2020 Title: Acceptance Review of Request for Alternate Disposal of Wastes Under 10 CFR 20.2002 (License DPR-28, Docket No. 50-271) ML20167A1772020-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2020 Title: Acceptance of the U.S. Department of Energy Draft Waste Incidental to Processing Evaluation for Vitrified Low Activity Waste Disposed Onsite at the Hanford Site for Detailed Technical Review (Docket No. PROJ0736) ML20049A6892020-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2020 Title: 3150-0206 Draft Supporting Statement for Comprehensive Decommissioning ML20163A6412020-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2020 Title: NRC to Holtec, Transmittal of the Nmfs'S Biological Opinion for Oyster Creek Generating Station Shutdown and Decommissioning ML20279A7852020-06-100Issue date: 10 June 2020 Title: SRR-CWDA-2020-00052, Rev. 0, Follow-Up to Tanks 12H and 16H Grouting Operations Document Request in Support of Us NRC F and H Area Tank Farms Monitoring Activities ML20107H2682020-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2020 Title: Letter to EPA from Patricia Holahan on EPA MOU Scope ML20133J9642020-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2020 Title: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Getr, Annual Financial Assurance Report - Acceptance Review (License Number: TR-1, Docket Number: 50-70) ML20142A2422020-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2020 Title: Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Physical Security Plan Revision and License Amendment Request to Incorporate Additional Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation with Requests for Additional Information ML20133J9062020-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2020 Title: Correction of Typographical Errors - Issuance of Amendment Nos. 225 and 230, to Facility Operating License No. NPF-15 for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3, Dated May 20, 2020 ML20106E8962020-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2020 Title: Letter from P. Holahan to Wmg, Inc. Revision of Health Physics Position 288 ML20139A1152020-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2020 Title: Letter to Sauger, Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Discontinuation of Groundwater Monitoring Prior to License Termination ML20126G5042020-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2020 Title: Summary of April 23 2020 Public Meeting to Discuss Environmental Samples and 11e.(2) Byproduct Material ML20134H8742020-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2020 Title: Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for Temporary Exemption from Part 73, Appendix B Requirements ML20122A2192020-05-110Issue date: 11 May 2020 Title: Technical Evaluation Report for the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for Closure of Waste Management Area C at the Hanford Site, Washington (Transmittal Letter) ML20121A1882020-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Final Report ML20120A5512020-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Forwarding Memo from Pholahan to Jlubinski ML20104A0452020-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2020 Title: Acceptance of License Amendment Request to Redefine License Area at the Cimarron Site ML20091M0592020-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2020 Title: Letter to Kautsky Re Shiprock Mdw Gcap Clarification ML20120A0482020-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2020 Title: 20.2001 Proposed Interpretative Rule ML20115E4972020-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2020 Title: Second Round of Comments on U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Projects Final Study Document: Vitrification Facility Air Emissions During Open-Air Demolition, Measured Vs Predicted, WVDP-579, Rev. 0 (Docket No. 05000201 (Po ML20115E5372020-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2020 Title: Acceptance Review for the LACBWR Partial Site Release ML20113F0652020-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2020 Title: Email Summarizing Phone Call with Steve Berger, Wmg, Inc. Update to HPPOS-288 ML20113F0622020-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2020 Title: E-mail Results of Acceptance Review of OPPD Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20, App G, Section Iii.E (License No. DPR-40, Docket No. 50-285) ML20105A0402020-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2020 Title: Letter to P. Kerl, DOE NRC Staff Review of 2019 Umtrca Title I Inspection Reports Docket Nos.: WM-00067, WM-00042, WM-00048, WM-00065,WM-00054, WM-00068, WM-00061, WM-00064 WM-00043, WM-00069, WM-00063, WM-00066 ML20106F0422020-04-210Issue date: 21 April 2020 Title: Slides for Indian Point April 21, 2020 Webinar ML20108E9922020-04-200Issue date: 20 April 2020 Title: Letter to Sauger, Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 - Request for Additional Information Related to Final Status Survey Reports Phase 2, 2B, and 3 ML20280A1912020-04-170Issue date: 17 April 2020 Title: Request for Additional Information- Clarifying Information for Pilgrim ISFSI Physical Security Amendment Application ML20108E8592020-04-140Issue date: 14 April 2020 Title: 04-14-20 Email to J. Ponte - Former Seth Thomas Clock Factory - COVID-19 Impacts ML20100H2612020-04-140Issue date: 14 April 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Webinar Presentation for 4/14/2020 ML20101H1232020-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Draft Final Report 4/10/2020 ML20069A0232020-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2020 Title: Order Approving Transfer of Licensed Authority from Duke Energy Florida, LLC, to ADP CR3, LLC, and Draft Conforming Administrative License Amendment ML20069A0252020-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2020 Title: CR-3 License Transfer Enc 2 Amendment ML20066K1662020-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2020 Title: 10 CFR 20.2001 Proposed Interpretive Rule Public Meeting Slides - March 30, 2020 ML20084G6412020-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2020 Title: Letter, A.Snyder to P. Bembia, NYSERDA, Initial Review for NYSERDA Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001), Dated March 11, 2020 ML20087F6072020-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2020 Title: Proposed Interpretive Rule: Transfer of Very Low-Level Waste (Vllw) to Exempt Persons for Disposal March 30, 2020 ML20100J2272020-03-260Issue date: 26 March 2020 Title: E-mail Notification to the State of Nebraska on the Issuance of the License Amendment for Revised Security Plans to Reflect an ISFSI-only Configuration (License No. DPR-40, Docket Nos. 50-285 and 72-54) ML20071E1042020-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2020 Title: Issuance of Amendment to Change the Security Plan, Training and Qualification Plan, and Safeguards Contingency Plan to Reflect an ISFSI-Only Configuration ML20085H0942020-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2020 Title: NRC Staff Request for Supplemental Information Related to the Environmental Property Management'S License Amendment Request to Redefine Licensed Area of the Cimarron Site ML20108E8572020-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2020 Title: 03-24-20 Email to J. Ponte - Former Seth Thomas Clock Factory - COVID-19 Impacts ML20037A1512020-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2020 Title: SONGS Attachment Gc Edits ML20071G4132020-03-160Issue date: 16 March 2020 Title: GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC - Request for Additional Information ML20071G4112020-03-160Issue date: 16 March 2020 Title: Request for Additional Information, GE Hitachi Request for Alternate Decommissioning Schedules for the Shutdown Reactors at the Vallecitos Nuclear Center ML20057D2502020-03-120Issue date: 12 March 2020 Title: Unitech Response Letter Re Bsfr Processing and Regulatory Issue Summary 2016-11 ML20038A3362020-02-260Issue date: 26 February 2020 Title: Public Watchdogs 10 CFR 2.206 Petition - SONGS - Closure Letter ML20045D1082020-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2020 Title: January 31, 2020 Meeting Summary Pre-Amendment Meeting Proposed Changes to Pilgrim ISFSI Physical Security Plan ML20030A0992020-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2020 Title: Approval of Final Status Survey Reports for Six Survey Areas within Survey Unit OOL10 ML20017A0692020-02-050Issue date: 5 February 2020 Title: Exemption from 10 Code of Federal Regulation Part 20, Appendix G, Section Iii.E ML20037A2842020-02-050Issue date: 5 February 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Webex Final Presentation for 2/5/2020 ML20034D2032020-02-050Issue date: 5 February 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Webex Presentation for 2/5/2020 ML20017A0702020-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2020 Title: VY Exemption Evaluation ML20054A2702020-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2020 Title: Acceptance Review Determination_ Three Mile Island, Unit 2 License Transfer Application (L-2019-LLA-0257) ML20036D7992020-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2020 Title: Reactor Decommissioning Financial Assurance Working Group Presentation for 2/10/2020 Winter Meeting of the National Association of Utility Regulatory Commissioners ML20030A1282020-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2020 Title: Email from C. Grossman, NRC, to J. Ponte, Glc Associates One, LLC, Transmitting NRC Requests for Additional Information on Cleanup Plan for Former Seth Thomas Clock Site ML20042C4262020-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2020 Title: 1_Email from Marcel Bergeron Information Request on Consistency Between Cpgwm and the Local-scale PA Model ML20029E9362020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: 15-2020 Wide r2 NUREG-1507, 01-29-2020 Wide r32020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: NUREG-1507 01-29-2020 Wide r3 ML20029E9382020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: NUREG1757V1R3HPSWIDEFinal ML20029E9402020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: LACBWRLLHPSWIDE-Final ML20029E9372020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: Pdf Hematite Decommissioning Project Lessons Learned _ 1_24_20 ML20029E9422020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: Hbpp 01-15-2020 Wide r3 ML20029E9412020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: HPSmidyear2020_NUREG1757V2R2 No Notes ML20029E9432020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: GEH Vallecitos Radiation Surveys 01-27-2020 ML20029E9452020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: 2020 Final Hps Midyear Rd Guidance Overview and Challenges ML20029E9442020-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2020 Title: 2020 Final Hps Midyear Reactor Decommissioning Program Overview and Challenges ML20028E4672020-01-210Issue date: 21 January 2020 Title: Public Watchdogs 10 CFR 2.206 Petition - SONGS January 21, 2020 Public Meeting Transcript ML19347A4152020-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2020 Title: Letter to Army Representatives Requesting Verification of Depleted Uranium Plan Findings ML19346F8992020-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2020 Title: Tracking Sheet 12-3-19 Update ML19346F8972020-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2020 Title: Air Force Letter to Dod Recipients on Results of Du Plan ML19347A5262020-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2020 Title: Letter to Navy Representatives Requesting Verification of Depleted Uranium Plan Findings ML20016A2472020-01-140Issue date: 14 January 2020 Title: 2.206 Petition Public Meeting on January 21, 2020 ML19350B9612020-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2020 Title: Summary of the November 19, 2019, Public Meeting Webinar Regarding the Establishment and Operation of Community Advisory Boards ML19346D6832020-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2020 Title: FCS ISFSI Only SER ML20009D0432020-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2020 Title: Letter to Hobbs, Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant - Corrected Safety Evaluation for Approval of Partial Site Release for Facility Operating License No. DPR-72 ML19346D6822020-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2020 Title: EP Revision Amendment ML19336A0532020-01-090Issue date: 9 January 2020 Title: Letter to A. Denny, DOE NRC Staff Review of Second Quarter Sampling Results from Mexican Hat Utah Umtrca Site ML19357A1732020-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2020 Title: NRC Acceptance of Response to Request for Information on Status of Decommissioning and Spent Fuel Management Funds (License DPR-28, Docket Nos. 50-271 and 72-59) ML19339G5092020-01-020Issue date: 2 January 2020 Title: Letter to Hobbs, Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant - Approval of Partial Site Release for Facility Operating License No. DPR-72 ML19338C9392019-12-260Issue date: 26 December 2019 Title: Final Supporting Statement Form 314 ML19283B2172019-12-200Issue date: 20 December 2019 Title: Ti 2800/043 Rev 3 Inspection of Facilities Potentially Contaminated with Discrete Radium-226 Sources ML19298A0922019-12-200Issue date: 20 December 2019 Title: Technical Review of Tank 12H Waste Release Reports (Docket No. PROJ0734) ML19277H5502019-12-180Issue date: 18 December 2019 Title: Technical Review of the General Separations Area 2016 and 2018 Porflow Models and Associated Documentation Supporting the F-Area and H-Area Tank Farm Facility Performance Assessments at the Savannah River Site, Aiken, Sc ML19280A0592019-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2019 Title: Technical Review of Environmental Monitoring Reports for F-Area and H-Area Tank Farm Facilities ML19331A0042019-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2019 Title: Letter to M. Kautsky, DOE NRC Staff Review of Interim Treatment System Evaluation Report ML19353C3612019-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2019 Title: E-mail to State of Nebraska Informing of the Pending Revision to the Emergency Plan to Reflect Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Only Status (License DPR-40, Docket Nos. 50-285 and 72-054) ML19297D6772019-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2019 Title: Issuance of Amendment to Revise the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications to Align to the Requirements for Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel from the Spent Fuel Pool ML19333B8902019-12-090Issue date: 9 December 2019 Title: Summary of Meting with DOE to Provide Update on Status of the Moab Project and Discuss Supplemental Analysis Reports and Potential Redesign of the Cover System at Crescent Junction ML19304A0792019-12-050Issue date: 5 December 2019 Title: Review of Revised Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML19319B0632019-12-040Issue date: 4 December 2019 Title: SER Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 - Approval of Final Status Survey Reports for the Relay Building and the Mepps Island Building ML19319A5662019-12-040Issue date: 4 December 2019 Title: Letter to Halpin, Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 - Approval of Final Status Survey Reports for the Relay Building and the Mepps Island Building ML19319A2932019-12-040Issue date: 4 December 2019 Title: Comments on U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Final Study Document: Vitrification Facility Air Emissions During Open-Air Demolition, Measured Vs Predicted, WVDP-579 ML19228A1282019-12-030Issue date: 3 December 2019 Title: License Transfer FRN Issuance of Order ML19289A5252019-11-270Issue date: 27 November 2019 Title: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission September 17, 2019, Onsite Observation Visit Report for the Savannah River Site Saltstone Disposal Facility ML19322C6302019-11-260Issue date: 26 November 2019 Title: IP 83801 Inspection of Remedial and Final Surveys at Permanently Shutdown Reactors ML19333B8892019-11-260Issue date: 26 November 2019 Title: Meeting Attendees Nov 2019 ML19333B8882019-11-260Issue date: 26 November 2019 Title: Meeting Agenda Nov 2019 ML19329A0022019-11-250Issue date: 25 November 2019 Title: Naturita, Co Disposal Site LTSP Review Letter ML19323E0082019-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2019 Title: Summary of Meeting Near the Zion Nuclear Power Station Regarding the Establishment and Operation of Community Advisory Boards ML19310F0012019-11-200Issue date: 20 November 2019 Title: Ns Savannah, Correction to Amendment 17 Technical Specifications ML19323F8262019-11-200Issue date: 20 November 2019 Title: NEIMA Meeting Summary ML19323D3242019-11-190Issue date: 19 November 2019 Title: Crow Butte Resources, Inc., Crow Butte Project, Acceptance Review 2020 Financial Surety Estimate ML19326B2392019-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2019 Title: Public Watchdogs 10 CFR 2.206 Petition SONGS - Screened-in and PRB November 18, 2019 ML19317D0762019-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2019 Title: Summary of Meeting Near Vermont Yankee Power Station Regarding Establishment and Opration of Community Advisory Boards ML19318G4362019-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2019 Title: Summary of Meeting Near Indian Point Energy Center Regarding Establishment and Operation of Community Advisory Boards ML19311C7522019-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2019 Title: Ltr to Pugsley Re Acknowledgment of Sept. 13 Letter Addressing 11e.(2) Byproduct Material ML19318F5272019-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2019 Title: Summary of the August 27, 2019, Public Meeting Near the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Regarding the Establishment and Operation of Community Advisory Boards ML19270D4542019-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2019 Title: IP 83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure ML19318E4842019-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2019 Title: Letter Chairman J Haste Dauphin County Board of Commissioners, Re Community Advisory Boards ML19316C9182019-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2019 Title: Frtr - NRC Staff Experience with Conceptual Site Models from Development and Testing to Lessons Learned ML19283B4982019-11-070Issue date: 7 November 2019 Title: Response to Oig Audit Recommendation from Oig Audit (OIG-18-A-09) ML19303C2152019-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2019 Title: Letter to Sauger, Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 - Acknowledgement of Discontinuation of Facility Groundwater Monitoring ML19309D4572019-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2019 Title: DOE Responses to NRC Comments on the Report Entitled Results of the Laboratory Batch Test of Phosphate Amendment Added to Shiprock Sediment and Groundwater ML19308A1332019-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2019 Title: Savannah Ltp NRC Kickoff Meeting 20191023 Final ML19308A1322019-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2019 Title: Summary of Public Meeting Regarding Decommissioning Planning for the Ns Savannah 2024-09-24 |
to | MONTHYEARML24284A2782024-10-170Issue date: 17 October 2024 Title: Oct 17 2024 Memorandum to J. Bielecki T. Bloomer and J. Marshall Re Review of the Draft Wyoming Agreement Package ML24269A2412024-10-080Issue date: 8 October 2024 Title: Tanya Hood Qualification Certificate - Final ML24269A2402024-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2024 Title: Recommendation and Request for Approval of Decommissioning Project Manager Qualification for Tanya Hood ML24255A8522024-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2024 Title: Qualification Memo for Nathan Fuguet, 1248 App G Qual Card, Draft Qual Certificate ML24255A8492024-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2024 Title: Nate Fuguet Qualification Certificate - Signed ML24255A8432024-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2024 Title: Qualification Journal - Nate Fuguet ML24220A2442024-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2024 Title: Email Dated 08 07 2024 Jlux, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust, (Cert) Regarding Cimarron Environmental Response Trust - Accrual of Some Expenditures to 2023, $700K, Identified as Unpaid as of 8/7/2024 ML24086A5392024-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2024 Title: Recommendation and Request for Approval of Decommissioning Technical Reviewer Qualification for Louis Caponi ML24124A1242024-05-080Issue date: 8 May 2024 Title: Ns Savannah Marad LTP Presentation - May 8, 2024 ML24100A0452024-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2024 Title: Onsite Observation Guidance for April 30, 2024, Monitoring Visit to the Idaho National Laboratory Tank Farm Facility (Docket No. PROJ0735) ML24086A5382024-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2024 Title: IMC-1248, Appendix G Qual Card for Louis Caponi ML24040A0722024-02-130Issue date: 13 February 2024 Title: – Energy Solution Feb 13 Pubic Meeting Slides on TMI-2 Decommissioning ML23342A1942023-11-280Issue date: 28 November 2023 Title: Letter from Jim Kennedy (Caldera) Letter of Intent to Submit a License Application, Caldera Holding, LLC, Pea Ridge Mine, Sullivan, Missouri ML23276A0042023-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2023 Title: U.S. EPA Response Letter to NRC Letter on Consultation and Finality on Decommissioning and Decontamination of Contaminated Sites MOU - Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1 – (License No. DPR-40, Docket No. 50-285) ML23160A1342023-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2023 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Decommissioning Lessons Learned Public with Industry Decommissioning Licensees ML23136B1622023-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2023 Title: – Town of North Salem, County of Westchester, New York Board Resolution Letter Regarding Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML24191A1552023-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2023 Title: Email from a Jennings Transmitting Signed Programmatic Agreement for the Decommissioning and Disposition of the Ns Savannah ML22347A1042022-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2022 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Nuclear Energy Institute’S Pre-Submittal of NEI 22-01, License Termination Process (EPID – L-2022-LRM-0095) ML22321A0162022-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2022 Title: LACBWR RCI Clarification Responses ML23087A0092022-05-250Issue date: 25 May 2022 Title: SRR-CWDA-2021-0076, Rev. 1, Evaluation of the Uncertainties Associated with the F-Area and H-Area Tank Farm Closure Caps and Long-Term Infiltration Rates ML22096A2532022-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2022 Title: Moab Umtra Project, Submittal of Crescent Junction Disposal Site Evapotranspiration Cover System 90% Design Report ML21322A1462021-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2021 Title: Enclosuu.S. Department of Energy Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for the Test Bed Initiative Demonstration ML21322A1452021-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2021 Title: Letter from M. Gilbertson, DOE to J. Marshall, NRC, Dated Oct 29, 2021 U.S. Department of Energy Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for the Test Bed Initiative Demonstration ML21189A2152021-07-090Issue date: 9 July 2021 Title: Public Meeting Summary for the June 9, 2021 Webinar on Modernizing the Fuel Cycle and Materials Decommissioning Inspection Program ML21194A0332021-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2021 Title: DOE-ORP-2021-02-00 - U.S. Department of Energy Responses to NRC Request for Additional Information on the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Disposed Onsite at the Hanford Site - June 2021 ML21194A0322021-06-210Issue date: 21 June 2021 Title: U.S. Department of Energy Request for Additional Information Responses on the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Disposed Onsite at the Hanford Site ML21158A2302021-06-170Issue date: 17 June 2021 Title: Issuance of Phase a Report Associated with the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Oversight Activities Assessment ML21160A0602021-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2021 Title: E-mail - DOE Second Response to NRC Rsi Comments ML21119A3162021-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2021 Title: Technical Review Report Environmental Monitoring Report - PROJ0734 ML21119A3172021-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2021 Title: Enclosure 1 - Technical Review Report Environmental Monitoring Report - PROJ0734 ML23087A0072021-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2021 Title: SRNL-STI-2021-00187, Rev. 0, Corrosion of Steel During Long-Term Exposure to Evolving Cementitious Environments ML23087A0082021-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2021 Title: SRR-CWDA-2021-00043, Rev. 0, Erosion Analysis for the FTF and Hft Facilities NUREG-1757, Meeting Summary of Webinar to Obtain Comments on NUREG-1757, Vol 2, Rev 22021-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2021 Title: Meeting Summary of Webinar to Obtain Comments on NUREG-1757, Vol 2, Rev 2 ML21103A0452021-04-200Issue date: 20 April 2021 Title: Letter from Bill Halliburton, Dated March 5, 2021, Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Scope of Work and Budget for Calendar Year 2021, License Number SNM-928, Docket Number 070-00925 ML21104A0672021-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2021 Title: SONGS Special Status Plant Species 2019 Spring/Fall Survey Results and Salvage and Relocation Plan - Final Fall 2019 ML21085A4762021-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2021 Title: SRNS-RP-2021-00401, 2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report for the F- and H-Area Radioactive Liquid Waste Tank Farms (U), Revision 0 ML21085A4682021-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2021 Title: SRR-ESH-2021-00012, Status of F/H Area Radioactive Liquid Waste Tanks Being Removed from Service CY2020 Annual Report, Revision 0 ML21084A1662021-03-050Issue date: 5 March 2021 Title: Letter from Bill Halliburton, Dated March 5, 2021 Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Final Scope of Work and Budget for Calendar Year 2021, Docket 90-725, License SNM-928 ML21036A2262021-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2021 Title: ISFSI Emergency Plan Changes Pre-Submittal Public Meeting Summary ML20346A1112020-12-100Issue date: 10 December 2020 Title: Comment (13852) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20346A1122020-12-090Issue date: 9 December 2020 Title: Comment (13853) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20346A1152020-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2020 Title: Comment (13855) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20346A1132020-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2020 Title: Comment (13854) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20343A2152020-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2020 Title: Comment (13851) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20343A2132020-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2020 Title: Comment (13850) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A3942020-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2020 Title: Comment (13849) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20343A0402020-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2020 Title: Email Dated 12 07 2020 from Lance Hauer Regarding Amendment 55 for Financial Surety Update to LC 25 ML20342A2092020-12-050Issue date: 5 December 2020 Title: Comment (13834) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2142020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Comment (13836) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2122020-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2020 Title: Comment (13835) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2162020-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2020 Title: Comment (13837) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A5502020-11-230Issue date: 23 November 2020 Title: Technical Review Report Tank 12H Grouting ML20342A2212020-11-220Issue date: 22 November 2020 Title: Comment (13839) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2182020-11-220Issue date: 22 November 2020 Title: Comment (13838) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2222020-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2020 Title: Comment (13840) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2242020-11-190Issue date: 19 November 2020 Title: Comment (13841) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2272020-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2020 Title: Comment (13843) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2262020-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2020 Title: Comment (13842) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2302020-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2020 Title: Comment (13844) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2332020-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2020 Title: Comment (13846) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2322020-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2020 Title: Comment (13845) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2352020-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2020 Title: Comment (13847) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20342A2362020-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2020 Title: Comment (13848) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20321A1892020-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2020 Title: E-Mail: Request: TCEQ Review and Comment on Attached Draft Ea/Fonsi for WCS Extend Possession Time of LANL Waste Until 12/23/2022 ML20315A0722020-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2020 Title: Comment (13833) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20315A0652020-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2020 Title: Comment (13832) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20314A3632020-11-070Issue date: 7 November 2020 Title: Comment (13831) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20311A1032020-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2020 Title: Comment (13830) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20310A0032020-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2020 Title: Comment (13829) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20308A9012020-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2020 Title: Comment (13827) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20308A9432020-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2020 Title: Comment (13828) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20308A7582020-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2020 Title: Comment (13826) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20308A0512020-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2020 Title: Comment (13825) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20308A0502020-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2020 Title: Comment (13824) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6772020-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2020 Title: Comment (13814) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6762020-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2020 Title: Comment (13813) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6742020-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2020 Title: Comment (13811) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6752020-11-010Issue date: 1 November 2020 Title: Comment (13812) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6822020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13819) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6782020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13815) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6842020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13821) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6812020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13818) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6802020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13817) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6792020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13816) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6832020-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2020 Title: Comment (13820) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20304A7332020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13807) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20304A7352020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13809) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20304A1212020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13806) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6862020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13823) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20304A7362020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13810) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20307A6852020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13822) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20304A7342020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Comment (13808) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20303A3462020-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2020 Title: Comment (13805) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20332A0602020-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2020 Title: Letter from C. Melendez, DOE to P. Holahan Gao Recommendations for Umtrca Sites ML20303A2122020-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2020 Title: Comment (13804) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20302A0922020-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2020 Title: Comment (13802) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20302A2602020-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2020 Title: Comment (13803) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20301A4232020-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2020 Title: Comment (13799) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20301A9292020-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2020 Title: Comment (13800) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20302A0902020-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2020 Title: Comment (13801) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20301A2682020-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2020 Title: Comment (13798) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A5982020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13791) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A6022020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13795) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A5922020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13788) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A6012020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13794) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A5952020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13789) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A6032020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13796) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A5962020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13790) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A2542020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13786) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20301A2672020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13797) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A5992020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13792) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A6002020-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2020 Title: Comment (13793) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0092020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13784) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0012020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13776) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0002020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13775) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0102020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13785) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0082020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13783) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0072020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13782) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A2632020-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2020 Title: Comment (13787) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0012020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13767) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0062020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13781) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0052020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13780) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0032020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13778) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0022020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13777) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20300A0042020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13779) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0032020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13769) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0022020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13768) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0082020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13774) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0042020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13770) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0002020-10-240Issue date: 24 October 2020 Title: Comment (13766) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0462020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13762) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0482020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13764) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0362020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13752) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0072020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13773) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0062020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13772) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0352020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13751) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0372020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13753) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20299A0052020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13771) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0472020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13763) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0382020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13754) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0492020-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2020 Title: Comment (13765) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0432020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13759) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7182020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13733) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0442020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13760) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3982020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13690) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4002020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13692) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7262020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13741) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4462020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13721) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4472020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13722) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7222020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13737) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7232020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13738) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0452020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13761) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7162020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13731) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0342020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13750) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0312020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13747) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7172020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13732) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4442020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13719) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3822020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13684) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0852020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13679) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3802020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13682) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7192020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13734) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0392020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13755) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4592020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13730) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3852020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13685) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3772020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13680) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0332020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13749) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7282020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13743) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7212020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13736) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3782020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13681) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7302020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13745) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3812020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13683) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3862020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13686) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4572020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13728) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4482020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13723) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3952020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13688) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4502020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13724) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3972020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13689) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0412020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13757) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7202020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13735) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3922020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13687) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A3992020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13691) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7272020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13742) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0322020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13748) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4432020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13718) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4552020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13726) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7292020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13744) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4562020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13727) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4452020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13720) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4522020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13725) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7252020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13740) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0422020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13758) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A7242020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13739) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4582020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13729) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4042020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13694) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4032020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13693) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0302020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13746) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20298A0402020-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2020 Title: Comment (13756) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2122020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13565) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0142020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13614) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0602020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13654) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4252020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13710) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1172020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13504) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0732020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13667) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1942020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13551) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0252020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13625) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0152020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13615) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4082020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13697) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2182020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13570) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2102020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13563) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0432020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13637) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1422020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13528) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4102020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13699) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2412020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13585) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1102020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13497) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2142020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13566) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0542020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13648) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1322020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13519) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1262020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13513) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0002020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13600) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2082020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13561) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0112020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13611) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0482020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13642) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1762020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13542) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2112020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13564) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0372020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13631) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0472020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13641) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2252020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13577) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4222020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13707) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2602020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13595) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0682020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13455) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1472020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13531) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2292020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13579) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2392020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13584) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2562020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13593) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1152020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13502) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1272020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13514) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2682020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13599) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0452020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13639) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2162020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13568) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2032020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13557) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4352020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13715) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1332020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13520) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0712020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13665) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2242020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13576) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2062020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13559) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4302020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13713) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1132020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13500) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1642020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13537) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0672020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13454) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2492020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13588) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1792020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13543) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2582020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13594) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2192020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13571) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0812020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13675) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4072020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13696) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2442020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13587) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0702020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13457) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0642020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13658) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4202020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13706) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0532020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13647) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0412020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13635) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1852020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13546) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4242020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13709) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0572020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13651) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1182020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13505) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0362020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13630) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0712020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13458) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1892020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13548) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1392020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13525) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0202020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13620) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0042020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13604) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1562020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13534) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0022020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13602) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0662020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13660) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2152020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13567) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0192020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13619) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1412020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13527) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0622020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13656) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0162020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13616) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0692020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13456) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0012020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13601) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1202020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13507) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A4262020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13711) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A0652020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13452) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0682020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13662) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1822020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13545) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2222020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13574) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1072020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13494) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2352020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13581) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A2362020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13582) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1992020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13554) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1312020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13518) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1582020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13535) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0582020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13652) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1162020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13503) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0272020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13627) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0182020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13618) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0442020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13638) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20297A0752020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13669) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer ML20296A1062020-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2020 Title: Comment (13493) E-mail Regarding Vllw Transfer 2024-08-07 |