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MONTHYEARML12026A4592012-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2012 Title: EDG Ifr ML11325A0032011-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2011 Title: 2 Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 SER VRR4 Class 1 SRV Test Frequency ML11325A0022011-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2011 Title: SER VRR3 SOV CIV Remote Position Verification Frequency ML11325A0012011-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2011 Title: Email- Beaver Valley Units 1 and 2 Safety Evaluation (SE) for Request VRR3 (ME5749 & ME5750) and Beaver Valley Unit 2 SE for Request VRR4 (ME5752) ML12054A1372011-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2011 Title: Email from G. Bedi, NRR to R. Martin, NRR Cptb Input to Na Restart - 2nd Set of RAIs 2012-01-26
MONTHYEARML12053A0892011-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2011 Title: E-mail from M. Khanna, NRR to A. Ulses, NRR Et Al Re North Anna Seismic Issue - Path Forward for Restart ML12044A1382011-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2011 Title: Email from L. Cunningham, NRR to R. Auluck, NRR Et Al FW: PNO-11-11- 005A (North Anna) - Update 2011-09-09