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MONTHYEARIR 05000255/20160082016-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2016 Title: NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/191, Mitigation Strategies, Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation and Emergency Preparedness Inspection Report 05000255/2016008 ML0506805032005-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2005 Title: Letter Clinton Power Station Notification of an NRC Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection IR 05000456/20040062004-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2004 Title: IR 05000456-04-006, 05000457-04-006, on 04/06/2004 - 04/09/2004; Exelon Nuclear Corporate, Mid-West Rog Headquarters and 10/04/2004 - 10/17/2004; Braidwood Nuclear Power Station; Security Review of Access Authorization, Access Control, Fitn IR 05000255/20030072003-10-140Issue date: 14 October 2003 Title: IR 05000255-03-007, on 08/25/03 Through 08/29/03, for Nuclear Management Company, LLC; Palisades Nuclear Generating Station. Ti 2515/148 Verification of Compliance with Interim Compensatory Measures Order IR 05000341/20030032003-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2003 Title: IR 05000341-03-003, on 02/27/2003, Detroit Edison Company IR 05000440/20020072002-11-220Issue date: 22 November 2002 Title: IR 05000440-02-007, First Energy Nuclear Operating Company, Perry Nuclear Power Plant, on 10/03/02 2016-12-02