License Renewal Projects Branch 1
License Renewal Projects Branch 1 (NRC/NRR/DLR/RPB1) | |
13 March 2008 - 9 May 2017 | |
HQ Office | |
HQ Division |
Division of Licensing Projects
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Division of Inspection and Regional Support
Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
No value Acquisition Management Division Division of Administrative Services Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division No value Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis
No value Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
No value Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
No value Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
No value Division of Security Operations
No value Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division
No value
No value
No value
No value
No value Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
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No value Office of Information Services
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Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Division of Security Operations Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Division of Engineering Technology
Acquisition Management Division Division of Administrative Services Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
Office of Information Services
Office of Public Affairs Region I Office of Public Affairs Region II
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from | MONTHYEARML17054C5292017-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2017 Title: Aging Management Programs Audit Report Regarding Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 License Renewal Application Review ML17090A0472017-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2017 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on March 28, 2017, Between the NRC and Entergy Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Waterford Steam Electric Station License Renewal Application (Cac. No. MF7493) - Updated with ADAMS Accession Nos ML17088A1852017-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2017 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on March 28, 2017, Between NRC and Entergy Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Waterford Steam Electric Station License Renewal Application (Cac. No. MF7493) ML17088A6142017-03-290Issue date: 29 March 2017 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application ML17068A2532017-03-230Issue date: 23 March 2017 Title: Extend Timeframe for the 2017 Selective Leaching of Aluminum Bronze AMP Regulatory Audit Regarding the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application Review (CAC Nos. ME4936 and ME4937) ML17066A4882017-03-160Issue date: 16 March 2017 Title: Steam Generator ISG RAI for the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application ML17072A0102017-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2017 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application Set - 15 ML16341B9022017-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2017 Title: 03/07/2016 Summary of Telecon Held on Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and NextEra Energy Seabrook Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application ML16342C4672017-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2017 Title: 12/01/2016 Summary of Teleconference Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and NextEra Energy Seabrook Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application ML17040A5382017-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2017 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application - Set 13 ML17018A3592017-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2017 Title: Requests For Additional Information For The Review Of The Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application Set 12 (CAC MF7492.) ML17017A1482017-01-240Issue date: 24 January 2017 Title: Plan for the 2017 Selective Leaching of Aluminum Bronze Aging Management Program Regulatory Audit Regarding the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application Review(Cac Nos. ME4936 and ME4937) ML16323A2292017-01-240Issue date: 24 January 2017 Title: 08/23-25/2016 Summary of Teleconference Meetings with Entergy Operations Inc., Concerning RAI Set 1 Pertaining to the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 License Renewal Application ML17005A1002017-01-180Issue date: 18 January 2017 Title: January 4, 2017, Summary of Meeting to Discussion Stp'S Response to Request for Additional Information the Revised Aluminum Bronze Selective Leaching Aging Management Program for All Potentially Susceptible Welds Throughout the Facility ML16356A5822016-12-300Issue date: 30 December 2016 Title: 12/07/2016 Summary of Teleconference with Entergy Operations, Inc. Concerning Requests for Additional Information Set 10 Pertaining to the Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 License Renewal Application ML16341B0632016-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2016 Title: November 30, 2016 Summary of Teleconference Held Between NRC and Entergy Operations, Inc. Concerning RAI Set 9 Pertaining to the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application ML16333A2472016-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2016 Title: Alkali Silica Reaction Monitoring Aging Management Program Audit Report Regarding the Seabrook Station, Unit 1, License Renewal ML16351A0452016-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application - Set 11 ML16351A4592016-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2016 Title: Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-043 for Fermi, Unit 2 ML16270A5462016-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2016 Title: Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-43 for Fermi 2, Nuclear Power Plant (TAC No. MF4222) ML16343A0422016-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2016 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application (CAC NOS. ME4936, ME4937) ML16343A0722016-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application - Set 10 ML16340A1022016-12-050Issue date: 5 December 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the South Texas Project License Renewal Application (CAC Nos. ME4936 and ME4937) ML16335A3742016-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2016 Title: Waterford 3 RAI Set 9 Letter Concurrence (11 30 2016) ML16320A0022016-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application - Set 7 (CAC No. MF7492) ML16320A0032016-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application Set 8 (CAC No. MF7492) ML16301A4282016-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the License Renewal Application ML16299A2822016-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2016 Title: Scoping and Screening Methodology Audit Report Regarding Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 License Renewal Application Review ML16307A0072016-11-070Issue date: 7 November 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application Set 6 (CAC No. MF7492) ML16307A0062016-11-070Issue date: 7 November 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, License Renewal Application; Set 5 (CAC No. MF7492) ML16294A2072016-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2016 Title: Communications Plan Regarding the Renewal of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1, Operating License ML16239A0842016-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2016 Title: Renewed FOL Draft 2016-08-24 to Concurrence ML16259A0592016-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2016 Title: License Appendix a and B ML16239A1092016-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2016 Title: Renewed FOL Draft 2016-08-24 to Concurrence ML16288A1852016-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2016 Title: Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML16277A5492016-10-130Issue date: 13 October 2016 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan - Alkali Silica Reaction Aging Management Program, Regarding Seabrook Station, Unit 1, License Renewal Application Review ML16218A2562016-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2016 Title: Aluminum Bronze Selective Leaching Aging Management Program and PWR Reactor Internals Program Inspection Plan Audit Report Regarding the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML16236A3042016-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2016 Title: 08/11/2016 Summary of Conference Call Between NRC and STP Nuclear Operating Company Concerning the 2016 Annual Update to the South Texas Project License Renewal Application ML16236A0322016-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2016 Title: 08/18/2016 Summary of Conference Call With STP Nuclear Operating Company Concerning the Aluminum Bronze Selective Leaching Aging Management Program in the South Texas Project, License Renewal Application ML16175A0212016-07-250Issue date: 25 July 2016 Title: June 21, 2016, Attendance List ML16180A0142016-07-250Issue date: 25 July 2016 Title: Summary of Meeting Discussion Between South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, and NRC Staff Regarding the Revised Aluminum Bronze Selective Leaching Aging Management Program for All Potentially Susceptible Welds Throughout the Facility ML16187A1992016-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2016 Title: Requests For Additional Information For The Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) Review Of The Seabrook Station License Renewal Application (TAC No. Me3959) ML16187A2032016-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2016 Title: Requests For Additional Information For The Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) Review Of The Seabrook Station License Renewal Application (TAC No. Me3959)- Enclosure ML16188A0092016-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2016 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on July 5, 2016 with STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Additional Information Pertaining to the STP, License Renewal Application (Tac. Nos. ME4936, ME4937) - Enclosure 1 ML16188A0112016-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2016 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on July 5, 2016 With STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Additional Information Pertaining to the STP, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. ME4936, ME4937) ML16188A0072016-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2016 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on July 5, 2016 With STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Additional Information Pertaining to the STP, License Renewal Application (TAC. Nos. ME4936, ME4937) ML16187A1732016-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2016 Title: Enclosure 1 - List of Attendees for Telecon Held on June 9, 2016 ML16187A1792016-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2016 Title: Enclosure 2 - Summary of Telecon Held on June 9, 2016, Revision 1 ML16187A1802016-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2016 Title: Summary of Telecon Held on June 9, 2016, Between the NRC and DTE Electric Company, Concerning Aspects of the 2016 Annual Update Pertaining to the Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant, License Renewal Application (TAC No. MF4222) ML16168A3592016-06-280Issue date: 28 June 2016 Title: Plan for the Aging Management Program Regulatory Audits Regarding the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 License Renewal Application Review ML16166A0272016-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2016 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on 06/08/2016, Between the USNRC and STP Nuclear Operating Company Response to Request for Additional Information B2.1.18-6 Pertaining to the South Texas Project License Renewal Application ML16152A0092016-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2016 Title: License Renewal Scoping and Screening Methodology Audit Plan 6/13/16 6/16/16 ML16131A0082016-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2016 Title: Entergy Operations, Inc.; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, FRN ML16097A2802016-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2016 Title: Change of Safety Project Manager for the Grand Gulf License Renewal Application Review ML16104A3522016-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information Set 35 for the Review of the South Texas Project License Renewal Application (Tac Nos. ME4936, ME4937) ML16090A2522016-04-040Issue date: 4 April 2016 Title: Final SER ML16060A1272016-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2016 Title: February 23, 2016, Summary of Conference Calls Held between NRC and STP Concerning Staff's Review of Submerged Closure Bolting Portion of 2014 Annual Update for STP License Renewal Application (TAC ME4936 And ME4937) ML16053A4392016-02-290Issue date: 29 February 2016 Title: Safety Evaluation Report with Open Items Related to the License Renewal of LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 ML15344A3542016-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Lasalle County, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application Set 15 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML16012A3912016-02-030Issue date: 3 February 2016 Title: Schedule Revision for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application ML16011A3652016-02-020Issue date: 2 February 2016 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Set 39 (TAC Nos. ME2896 and ME2897) ML16021A3252016-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2016 Title: Summary of Teleconference Held on January 21, 2016, Between the NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning RAI 4.2.10-1 Response ML16019A4052016-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2016 Title: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Transmittal of Safety Evaluation Report with Open Items ML15336A0282016-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2016 Title: Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating Licenses for Braidwood Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 ML16033A0072016-01-190Issue date: 19 January 2016 Title: January 19, 2016, Summary of Public Meeting with STP to Discuss the Plant-Specific Aging Management Program, Selective Leaching of Aluminum Bronze, Associated with STP's License Renewal Application ML16005A3992016-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2016 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on December 15, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company Concerning Fermi 2 License Renewal Application ML15343A1862016-01-070Issue date: 7 January 2016 Title: License Renewal Call Summary - December 3, 2015 ML15349A9182016-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2016 Title: Request for Withholding Informtion from Public Disclosure ML15337A0472015-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2015 Title: ASR AMP Audit Report - October 2015 ML15307A0222015-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2015 Title: Alkali Silica Reaction Monitoring Aging Management Program Audit Report Regarding the Seabrook Station, Unit 1 ML15301A1892015-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 & 2 License Renewal Application - Set 14 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15341A2612015-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on August 4 And18, 2015, Between the U.S. NRC and DTE Electric Company Concerning the Boraflex Monitoring Program Pertaining to Fermi 2 LRA ML15328A1502015-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15272A4002015-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2015 Title: Summary of Teleconference Held on September 24, 2015, Between the NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning RAI Set 10 Response Pertaining to the LaSalle County Station License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15308A0142015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information Set 34 Related to STP License Renewal ML15308A0112015-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2015 Title: Record of Conference Call on STP Request for Additional Information Set 34 ML15310A1022015-11-190Issue date: 19 November 2015 Title: License Renewal Application Online Reference Portal ML15280A3822015-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on October 1, 2015 Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station, License Renewal ML15300A3662015-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 13 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15286A1082015-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application ML15287A0172015-10-200Issue date: 20 October 2015 Title: Regulatory Audit Plan - Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory Experimental Test Supporting the Alkali Silica Reaction Monitoring Aging Management Program ML15215A0412015-10-140Issue date: 14 October 2015 Title: Summary of Conference Call for GGNS Fire Water System RAI Responses ML15251A4852015-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2015 Title: STP RAI Set 32 ML15251A2492015-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 6, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and STP Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Request for Additional Information, Set 32, Pertaining to the South Texas Project, Lic ML15217A4812015-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application Set-38 TAC Nos. ME2896 and ME2897 ML15196A1152015-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2015 Title: Aging Management Programs Audit Report Regarding Lasalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, ML15233A0352015-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2015 Title: July 20, 2015, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and TVA Concerning RAI, Set 25 Pertaining to the Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) ML15238A3422015-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2015 Title: July 22, 2015 Summary of Telecon Between NRC and TVA, Concerning RAI Set 25 Pertaining to SQN, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application ML15244B3532015-09-140Issue date: 14 September 2015 Title: RAI for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 11 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15236A0672015-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2015 Title: August 20, 2015 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. NRC and TVA ML15237A0442015-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi, Unit 2, License Renewal Application-Set 37 ML15224A5662015-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information Related to the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application-Set 24 ML15217A5642015-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2015 Title: June 3, 2015, Summary of Telecon Held Between the NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Request for Additional Information Set 4 Pertaining to the LaSalle County Station License Renewal Application (Tac Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15195A3382015-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application-Set 8 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15204A6302015-08-180Issue date: 18 August 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station Units 1 & 2 License Renewal Application - Set 9 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15209A4242015-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15196A5292015-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Lasalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 7 (Tac Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15196A5162015-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 06, 2015, and May 19, 2015 Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company ML15173A1202015-07-140Issue date: 14 July 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15189A0562015-07-130Issue date: 13 July 2015 Title: Proprietary Letter Areva Material Jan 13, 2015 ML15163A0712015-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 6 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15159A2082015-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 5 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15175A0622015-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 18, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15175A0392015-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on April 29 and May 4, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Co. Concerning RAIs Pertaining to Fermi 2 LRA ML15175A0202015-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on January 14, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA (TAC No ML15159A9002015-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2015 Title: Telephone Conference Call Held on May 20, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Requests for Additional Information, Set 3 Pertaining to the LaSalle County Station License Renewal Application ( ML15152A0312015-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 13, 2015, Between the U.S. NRC and TVA, Concerning RAI, Set 24 Pertaining to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application ML15159B1642015-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application-Set 25 (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) ML15146A2622015-06-190Issue date: 19 June 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application-Set 4 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15161A3642015-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15139A5192015-06-110Issue date: 11 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 13, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning Rais Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15133A1382015-06-110Issue date: 11 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on December 16, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15132A3362015-06-110Issue date: 11 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 5, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15134A1222015-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on December 17, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15140A1922015-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 13, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information, Set 2 Pertaining to the Lasalle County Station License ML15140A0932015-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2015 Title: May 12, 2015, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information, Set 1 Pertaining to the Lasalle County Station License Re ML15131A4132015-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 3 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15125A1982015-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 2 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15131A2722015-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2015 Title: STP License Renewal - RAI Set 31 ML15131A2192015-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2015 Title: STP License Renewal - RAI Set 30 ML15119A0582015-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on December 5, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA (Tac No. Mf 4222) ML15092A2242015-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 4, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company ML15134A0722015-05-210Issue date: 21 May 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi, Unit 2 License Renewal Application-Set 35 ML15104A3032015-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on April 8, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LAR ML15139A4612015-05-200Issue date: 20 May 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application-Set 33 ML15126A0042015-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application-Set 34 ML15111A1372015-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application - Set 1 (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML15113A1982015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on December 8, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15117A5642015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 10, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15104A3882015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 25, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15098A3022015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 7,2015, Between the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15098A1752015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 17,2015, Between the Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission ML15104A5142015-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on November 25, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAIs Pertaining to the Fermi 2 LRA ML15082A1882015-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2015 Title: Summary of Conference Call Held on March 16, 2015, Between the U.S. NRC and DTE Electric Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information, Set 27 Pertaining to the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application ML15072A2032015-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2015 Title: Summary of Teleconference March 6, 2015 Between the U.S. NRC and DTE Electric Company, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application ML15099A6632015-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15107A0792015-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2015 Title: Project Manager Change for the License Renewal of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML15099A0162015-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application Set 32 ML15056A4562015-04-200Issue date: 20 April 2015 Title: Summary of Teleconference Call Held February 20, 2015, Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and First Energy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station ML15085A4932015-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application, Set 52 ML15089A1102015-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Set 48 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML15085A5132015-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 31 ML15070A1612015-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15054A1342015-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2015 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on January 22, 2015, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and DTE Electric Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application ML15072A2132015-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15072A0812015-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 25 ML15054A1712015-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2015 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML15051A4202015-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2015 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 23 ML15051A5092015-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2015 Title: Summary of Telecon Drai Set 24 - February 9, 2015 ML15051A3172015-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2015 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 24 ML14302A3022015-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2015 Title: Renewed License-R0 ML15051A3612015-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2015 Title: 02/05/2015 Summary of Telephone Conference Call No 2 Held Between the NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC Concerning Request for Additional Information, Set 45, Pertaining to the Byron, and Braidwood, License Renewal Application ML14281A3652015-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2015 Title: May 2, 2014, Summary of Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14258A1452015-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2015 Title: August 21, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Operations, Inc., Concerning RAI Set 51 for the Grand Gulf, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML15030A2292015-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2015 Title: AMP Audit Summary Report Enclosure ML15021A3562015-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2015 Title: Safety Evaluation Report, Related to the License Renewal of Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2 ML15007A4302015-01-090Issue date: 9 January 2015 Title: Project Manager Change for the License Renewal of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408) ML14308A4712014-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Indian Point, Units 2 and 3, License Renewal Application Environmental Review (TAC Nos. MD5411 and MD5412) ML14322A1782014-11-260Issue date: 26 November 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 5 ML14302A4172014-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2014 Title: RAI Set 44 ML14288A6802014-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application - Set 3 ML14254A2042014-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Set 22 (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) ML14238A6202014-09-110Issue date: 11 September 2014 Title: GGNS Request for Additional Information Set 51 ML14223B1442014-09-110Issue date: 11 September 2014 Title: Schedule Revision for the Review of the Seabrook, License Renewal Application ML14237A1942014-09-050Issue date: 5 September 2014 Title: Plan for the Aging Management Program Regulatory Audit Regarding the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application Review ML14238A6912014-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2014 Title: Bbs Proprietary Denial Letter ML14223A5322014-08-200Issue date: 20 August 2014 Title: November 26, 2013, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri) Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Callaway, Unit 1, License Renewal A ML14223A6022014-08-200Issue date: 20 August 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on December 18, 2013, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri) ML14218A1452014-08-190Issue date: 19 August 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application ML14190A9442014-08-110Issue date: 11 August 2014 Title: Forwarding of Supplement 1 to the Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, Docket Numbers 50-352 and 50-353, to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ML14205A2282014-08-110Issue date: 11 August 2014 Title: July 21, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 38, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Bra ML14205A5752014-08-110Issue date: 11 August 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 10, 2014, Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Fire Water System Request for Additional Information Responses Pertaining to Byron Station. ML14202A3962014-08-040Issue date: 4 August 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on July 16, 2014, Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Responses for Request for Additional Information B.2.1.31-1A Pertaining to Byron Station and Bra ML14205A5952014-08-040Issue date: 4 August 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 38 (TAC Nos: MF1879, MF1880, M1881, MF1882) ML14198A1252014-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2014 Title: Notice of Availability of the Draft Plant-Specific Supplement 53 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 ML14206B1282014-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2014 Title: June 19, 2014 & July 16, 2014 Summary of Conference Calls Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Regarding Entergy Response to a Request for Additional Information ML14174A7372014-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2014 Title: June 19, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Tennessee Valley Authority, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Sequoyah, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Application ML14195A2212014-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2014 Title: Plan for Scoping and Screening Regulatory Audit Regarding the Fermi 2 License Renewal Application Review ML14183A0172014-07-230Issue date: 23 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 26, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 37, Pertaining to Byron Station and Braid ML14183B7192014-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application Set 28 (TAC Nos. ME4936 and ME4937) ML14191A6932014-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2014 Title: July 9, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Request for Additional Information, Set 35, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Braidwood S ML14190A4642014-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 30, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Discussing Applicant Responses in Staff Requests for Additional Information B.2.1.16-1A, B.21.23-1 ML14184B1832014-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 18, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Operations, Inc., Concerning Draft RAI 3.0.5-1E (Operating Experience Follow-Up) for the Grand Gulf, Unit 1, License Rene ML14177A5952014-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on February 12, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Un ML14175B4992014-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on October 2 and 3, 2013, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Callaway Plan ML14178A9622014-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application ML14183B2302014-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2014 Title: June 24, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 36, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Braidwood Station, License Renewa ML14183B6172014-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 37 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14169A6372014-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 28, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri) Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, LRA ML14169A4412014-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 21, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application (Tac. No. ME7708 ML14169A6042014-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2014 Title: April 30, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14125A1992014-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 9, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application (Tac. No. ME7708) ML14177A4302014-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2014 Title: 06/23/2014 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning the Byron and Braidwood, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881 and MF1882) ML14169A6272014-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 31 (TAC MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14176A0902014-06-260Issue date: 26 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 36 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881 and MF1882) ML14164A4462014-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 11, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 34, Pertaining to the Byron Station and B ML14175A3982014-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2014 Title: June 4, 2014, Summary of Teleconference Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Draft RAI, Set 31, Pertaining to Byron Station & Braidwood, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF1879, 80 ML14167A0252014-06-240Issue date: 24 June 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 10, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 33, Pertaining to the Byron and Braidwood ML14162A3692014-06-240Issue date: 24 June 2014 Title: 06/04/2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 32, Pertaining to the Byron, and Braidwood, License Renewal Application ML14167A5472014-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 33 (Tacs. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14167A5402014-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 34 (TAC MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14121A5532014-06-180Issue date: 18 June 2014 Title: November 25, 2013, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Union Electric Co., (Ameren Missouri), Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Callaway, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14160A0422014-06-170Issue date: 17 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 35 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881 and MF1882) ML14149A1412014-06-050Issue date: 5 June 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 21, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 29, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Br ML14148A3882014-06-050Issue date: 5 June 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 19, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 28, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Br ML14149A2602014-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 29 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14143A0152014-05-290Issue date: 29 May 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 28 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14143A2132014-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 21 (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) ML14121A1792014-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2014 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) ML14140A3852014-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 15, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 27, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Br ML14133A6392014-05-230Issue date: 23 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 12, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 26, Pertaining to the Byron Station and Br ML14136A0992014-05-220Issue date: 22 May 2014 Title: RAI Set 30 ML14135A5402014-05-210Issue date: 21 May 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 27(TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14126A4342014-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 24 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, MF1882) ML14126A5432014-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 22, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 24, Pertaining to the Byron Station and ML14126A8062014-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 25 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14094A2752014-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 19, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 18, Pertaining to the Byron Station and ML14133A6872014-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on May 6, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 25, Pertaining the Byron Station and Braidw ML14107A2262014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 26, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 21, Pertaining to the Byron Station and ML14092A4402014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 19, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 18, Pertaining to the Byron Station and ML14094A4252014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 1, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 19, Pertaining to the Byron Station and B ML14129A3392014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML14101A3242014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information Related to the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application - Set 21 ML14107A0772014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 9, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 23, Pertaining to the Byron Station & Braid ML14107A2122014-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application (Tac Nos. ME6555 and ME6556) ML14111A1182014-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 22 ML14099A3392014-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2014 Title: March 27, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Concerning Commitment 13 of the Safety Evaluation Report Pertaining to the Davis Besse Unit 1, Licens ML14099A4932014-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2014 Title: April 03, 2014 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Exelon Generation Co., LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 21, Pertaining to Byron, Units 1 & 2, Braidwood, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Appl ML14099A4852014-04-170Issue date: 17 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 & 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Application, Set 21, (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14050A0792014-04-150Issue date: 15 April 2014 Title: Regarding the Response to Request for Additional Information, Set 47, for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application ML14097A4542014-04-150Issue date: 15 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application ML14093B3382014-04-140Issue date: 14 April 2014 Title: 01/30/2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Union Electric Co., (Ameren Missouri), Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Callaway, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14094A2942014-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2014 Title: Project Manager Change for the Safety Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF0481 & MF0482) ML14083A6172014-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2014 Title: Regarding Ameren Missouri License Renewal Amendment 31, National Fire Protection Association 805 Changes to the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14093B2472014-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 18 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14094A1732014-04-090Issue date: 9 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, License Renewal Application, Set 2014-02 ML14094A3662014-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 19 ML14070A0782014-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2014 Title: 02/27/2014 & 03/04/2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant Unit 1, License Renewal Application RAI Set 31 ML14092A3462014-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2014 Title: Project Manager Change for the License Renewal of Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14092A2612014-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 20 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14084A4882014-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2014 Title: 03/04/2014 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Byron and Braidwood License Renewal Application Set 16 ML14084A3352014-04-030Issue date: 3 April 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 16 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14073A7052014-04-030Issue date: 3 April 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on February 12, 2014, Between the NRC and Exelon, Concerning Drais Pertaining to the Byron and Braidwood Station, LRA ML14080A5442014-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2014 Title: February 20, 2014, Summary of Meeting Held Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff and Union Electric Company Representatives to Discuss the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application ML14065A5922014-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application, Set 31 ML14035A5752014-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2014 Title: January 28, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Union Electric Company (Ameren Missouri), Pertaining to the Callaway Plant Unit 1, LRA ML14051A5032014-03-200Issue date: 20 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Set 17 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14058B1822014-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 14 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14050A3042014-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2014 Title: Scoping and Screening Methodology Audit Report Regarding the Byron Station, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, LRA ML14071A6202014-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2014 Title: Aging Management Programs Audit Report Regarding the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2 (Tac Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14064A4732014-03-120Issue date: 12 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, LRA - Set 20 ML14058B1802014-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call on February 18, 2014, Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Byron & Braidwood Stations, License Renewal ML14064A4032014-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call on February 27, 2014, Between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information Re Byron Station & Braidwood Station License Renewal ML14064A3912014-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 15 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14050A0812014-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2014 Title: Correction to Request for Additional Information B.2.1.10-1, Letter Dated February 7, 2014, for the Review of the Byron Station and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, LRA Set 13 ML14050A1722014-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Set 27 (TAC Nos. ME4936 and ME4937) ML14036A3102014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on January 28, 2014, Between NRC and Exelon, Concerning RAI Set 10, for the Byron and Braidwood Station, LRA ML14051A4312014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conferene Call Held on January 29, 2014, Between the NRC and Exelon Generating Company, Llc., Concerning RAI Set 10, for the Byron and Braidwood Station License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and ML14052A2302014-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2014 Title: Project Manager Change for the License Renewal of Callaway Plant, Unit 1 ML14035A1892014-02-200Issue date: 20 February 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on January 30, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Byron Station and Braidw ML14035A5342014-02-200Issue date: 20 February 2014 Title: January 22, 2014, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Exelon Generation Company, Llc., Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Byron Station and Braidwood Station, License Renewal Applica ML14007A6032014-02-180Issue date: 18 February 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, LRA - Aging Management - Set 17 ML14029A1922014-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application, Set 30 ML14029A2012014-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application ML14034A0602014-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2014 Title: RAI ISG Coatings RAI 0214 ML14030A5962014-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 12 (TAC MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14023A5642014-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2014 Title: RAI for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 13 (TAC MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML14006A0212014-02-060Issue date: 6 February 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application- Aging Management, Set 8 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML13309A9322014-01-230Issue date: 23 January 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on October 31, 2013, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Byron Station and Braid ML14007A6582014-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Set 9 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML13357A6282014-01-150Issue date: 15 January 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Seabrook Station, License Renewal Application - Set 20 ML13317A0752014-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2014 Title: Requests for Additional Information for Review of Byron, Units 1 & 2, and Braidwood, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal Applications, Set 6 ML13338A3332014-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 22, 2013, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Tennessee Valley Authority, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 an ML13318A8052014-01-020Issue date: 2 January 2014 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME7493) - Set 50 ML13282A3692013-12-130Issue date: 13 December 2013 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application - Aging Management, Set 2 (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882 ML13281A5692013-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Byron Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2, and the Braidwood Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2, LRA - Aging Management, Set 4 ML13323A0972013-12-060Issue date: 6 December 2013 Title: RAI Set 18 ML13330A6892013-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application, Set 29 ML13294A5002013-11-260Issue date: 26 November 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application ML13263A2252013-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2013 Title: LRA Draft RAI Set 48 ML13303A9742013-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2013 Title: PubMtgNotice-Nov13-2013-update ML13282A3302013-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2013 Title: RAI Set 16 ML13268A4922013-09-270Issue date: 27 September 2013 Title: RAI Set 15 ML13263A3382013-09-260Issue date: 26 September 2013 Title: RAI Set 14 ML13247A4272013-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2013 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 19, 2013, Between the NRC and Tennessee Valley Authority, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, LRA ML13238A2342013-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2013 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME7493) - Set 49 ML13238A3162013-09-050Issue date: 5 September 2013 Title: 7/16/2013 - Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Limerick Generating Station License Renewal ML13238A2442013-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2013 Title: RAI Set 12 ML13240A0702013-08-290Issue date: 29 August 2013 Title: 8 22 2013 DB NRC Telecon Summary License Condition ML13227A3942013-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, License Renewal Application (TAC No. ME7493) - Set 47 ML13224A1262013-08-220Issue date: 22 August 2013 Title: RAI for Review of Sequoyah, Units 1 & 2 License Renewal Application - Set 11 ML13212A3672013-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2013 Title: Plan for the Aging Management Program Regulatory Audits Regarding the Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations License Renewal Application Review (TAC Nos. MF1879, MF1880, MF1881, and MF1882) ML13204A2572013-08-020Issue date: 2 August 2013 Title: Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF0481 and MF0482) - Set 10 ML13192A0252013-08-020Issue date: 2 August 2013 Title: RAI Set 26 ML13171A0362013-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2013 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on June 13, 2013, Between the NRC and Tennessee Valley Authority, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, LRA ML13213A2342013-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2013 Title: NRC Staff Understanding of Information Entergy Operations Inc Will Provide as follow-up to Pec July 16 2013 ML13182A4082013-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2013 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on October 16, 2012, Between NRC and FENOC, Concerning RAI Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, LRA (TAC No. ME640) ML13186A1692013-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, License Renewal Application, Set 2013 03 (TAC Nos. MD5407 and MD5408) ML13213A2352013-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2013 Title: NRC Staff Understanding of Information to Be Provided (2) ML13182A4432013-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2013 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on April 11, 2013, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Powe 2017-05-09 |
to | MONTHYEARRS-15-198, Request for Schedule Change Related to Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Subcommittee Review of License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346)2015-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2015 Title: Request for Schedule Change Related to Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Subcommittee Review of License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MF5347 and MF5346) ML14107A2262014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on March 26, 2014, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Exelon Generation Company, LLC Concerning Draft Request for Additional Information, Set 21, Pertaining to the Byron Station and ML13303A9742013-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2013 Title: PubMtgNotice-Nov13-2013-update ML13042A0422013-03-260Issue date: 26 March 2013 Title: Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Callaway Plant Unit 1 License Renewal Application, Set 23 ML13038A6242013-02-080Issue date: 8 February 2013 Title: 02/21/2013 Forthcoming Meeting with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC (Nextera) Regarding License Renewal for the Seabrook Station ML13014A7652013-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2013 Title: 03/20/2013 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Exelon Corporation Regarding License Renewal Application for the Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Power Stations ML12226A4552012-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2012 Title: Forthcoming Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company Regarding License Renewal for the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML12080A0422012-04-190Issue date: 19 April 2012 Title: STP - Record of Conference Call-02062012 on NRC-Mgt Concerns on Open Items ML12080A0402012-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2012 Title: STP - Record of Conference Call-020162012 on RAIs-RVIs-31180-etc ML12080A0442012-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2012 Title: STP - Record of Conference Call-02092012 on RAIs-TLAAs ML12080A0492012-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2012 Title: STP - Record of Conference Call-03012012 on RAIs-RV Beltline ML12080A0552012-04-110Issue date: 11 April 2012 Title: STP - Record of Conference Call-03082012 on RAIs-SGTI-RxHeadStudClosures ML12213A3712012-01-230Issue date: 23 January 2012 Title: E-mail from A. Sheikh to S. Cuadradodejesus, Et Al, Subject: Status Call Results - DB SB Cracking ML12213A3702012-01-230Issue date: 23 January 2012 Title: E-mail from M. Holmberg to S. Cuadradodejesus, Subject: Status Call Results - DB SB Cracking ML12213A3682012-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2012 Title: E-mail from M. Holmberg to S. Cuadradodejesus, Et Al, Subject: Status Call Results - DB SB Cracking ML12213A3662012-01-180Issue date: 18 January 2012 Title: E-mail from P. Hernandez to S. Cuadradodejesus, Subject: Davis Besse Shield Building ML12213A3672012-01-180Issue date: 18 January 2012 Title: E-mail from M. Holmberg to S. Cuadradodejesus, Subject: Davis Besse Shield Building - License Renewal ML12213A3642012-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2012 Title: E-mail from A. Stone to S. Cuadradodejesus, Et Al, Subject: Davis Besse Shield Building - License Renewal ML12213A3652012-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2012 Title: E-mail from D. Hills to S. Cuadradodejesus, Et Al, Subject: Davis Besse Shield Building - License Renewal ML12213A3612012-01-030Issue date: 3 January 2012 Title: E-mail from P.. Hernandez to M. Mahoney, Et Al, Subject: Q & a Assignments for Davis Besse ML1133402312011-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2011 Title: Request for Additional Information for Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application-Scoping and Screening (TAC Nos. ME6555 and ME6556) ML12200A2242011-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2011 Title: Email from D. Morey, NRR to S. Cuadradodejesus, NRR Davis-Besse Shield Building ML12213A3462011-10-180Issue date: 18 October 2011 Title: E-mail from A. Sheikh to S. Cuadradodejesus, Et Al,: DB Presentation ML11263A2732011-08-170Issue date: 17 August 2011 Title: Lr Hearing - IPEC - Requested Comments on Recent Entergy NRC Telecons ML11263A2742011-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2011 Title: E-mail 2011/08/15 Indian Point Lr Hearing ML1118219752011-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2011 Title: E-mail Dtd 6/27/2011, Subj: NRC Ba/Efh Assessment for Columbia Generating Station License Renewal Review ML1117501882011-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2011 Title: Environmental Authorizations for Current CGS Operations ML1116802212011-06-160Issue date: 16 June 2011 Title: Request for List of Protected Species within the Area Under Evaluation for the Columbia Generating Station License Renewal Application Review ML11153A1652011-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2011 Title: 06/28/11 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant ML11157A0492011-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2011 Title: Letter Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for License Renewal of Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2 ML11173A2352011-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2011 Title: Usfws Consultation, South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company ML1107706612011-05-190Issue date: 19 May 2011 Title: Summary of Meeting with Stakeholders to Discuss Issues Related to the Review of the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application ML11119A0092011-04-200Issue date: 20 April 2011 Title: Comment (61) of Amy Turner on Behalf of Texas Parks and Wildlife, on Proposed License Renewal of the South Texas Project Units I & 2, Matagorda County, Texas NRC-2010-0305, Comment (47) of Miguel Acosta on Behalf of Raymond Hernandez of Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation Opposing the Renewal License for the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 22011-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2011 Title: Comment (47) of Miguel Acosta on Behalf of Raymond Hernandez of Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation Opposing the Renewal License for the South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 ML1108201852011-03-230Issue date: 23 March 2011 Title: E-mail Crystal River, Unit 3 Scoping Summary Report Distribution ML1108713262011-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2011 Title: Response to Biological Assessment for License Renewal of Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units I and 2 ML1106201432011-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2011 Title: Regulatory/Environmental Authorizations for Current CR-3 (Crystal River, Unit 3) Operations ML1106012082011-02-250Issue date: 25 February 2011 Title: Clarification Question Regarding the Response to RAI in Columbia Letter Dated September 21, 2010 ML1105405262011-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2011 Title: E-mail Question on Hope Creek October Outage ML1104606292011-02-150Issue date: 15 February 2011 Title: E-mail Dated 2/15/11, CR-3 License Renewal NPDES and South Cooling Tower Update ML1036307352011-02-090Issue date: 9 February 2011 Title: Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on September 16, 2010, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and PSEG Nuclear LLC, Concerning Questions Pertaining to the Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 & 2, License Renewal App ML1035106972011-01-250Issue date: 25 January 2011 Title: 3/02/11 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping for South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 License Renewal Application Review ML1101205022011-01-120Issue date: 12 January 2011 Title: License Renewal Review ML1035106682010-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2010 Title: E-mail Dtd 12/17/2010, Subj: NRC Ba/Efh Assessment for Columbia Generating Station License Renewal Review ML1032805722010-11-230Issue date: 23 November 2010 Title: E-mail Columbia - Letter from State Historic Preservation Officer to Energy Northwest Transmission Lines ML1031204862010-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2010 Title: Request for List of Protected Species within the Area Under Evaluation for the Columbia Generating Station License Renewal Application Review ML1029500062010-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2010 Title: 11/17/10 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2 ML11263A0332010-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2010 Title: E-mail with Attachment from B. Pham, NRR, to B. Harris, NRR, on Appendices for Salem & HCGS SAMA ML11263A0282010-09-160Issue date: 16 September 2010 Title: E-mail with Attachment from T. Ghosh, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR Et Al, on Reaction Hope Creek SAMA Transmittal Memo ML11263A0262010-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2010 Title: E-mail from J. Susco, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Information on Reported Hydrazine Spills at Salem ML1025600062010-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2010 Title: E-mail on Hope Creek Main Steam Flow Element CASS Material, Dated September 9, 2010 ML1021603572010-08-190Issue date: 19 August 2010 Title: Scoping and Screening Audit Report Regarding the Columbia Generating Station, License Renewal Application ML1022401082010-08-050Issue date: 5 August 2010 Title: Scoping Ltr Response from NMFS Re Seabrook License Renewal Application ML1021602992010-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2010 Title: Consultation Letter from State of Nh Re Seabrook License Renewal Application Review ML1019000132010-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2010 Title: 08/19/2010-Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping for Seabrook Station License Renewal Application Review ML1018906762010-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2010 Title: Updated Permit Info Re Kewaunee LRA FSEIS ML1019700772010-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2010 Title: Fish and Wildlife Consultation Response for the Salem and Hope Creek License Renewal Project ML1018304052010-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2010 Title: License Renewal, Request for Species List for Consultation ML1017403182010-06-230Issue date: 23 June 2010 Title: Acceptance of License Renewal Application, Seabrook Station ML1025605182010-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2010 Title: Email Dated June 14, 2010 from D. Jones, Iowa State Historic Preservation Officer (Shpo) Related to the Review of Cultural Resources Issues for Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) License Renewal Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (S ML1025707372010-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2010 Title: Email Dated May 27, 2010 from D. Jones, Iowa State Historic Preservation Officer (Shpo) Related to the Review of Cultural Resources Issues on Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) License Renewal Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEI ML1013101672010-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2010 Title: Email Regarding Kewaunee Cultural Resources Protection Plan ML1011209302010-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2010 Title: Email from B. Pham to C. Eccleston Telecon Regarding Salem & Hope Creek Environmental RAIs ML1008104032010-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2010 Title: 04/06/2010 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping for Columbia Generating Station License Renewal Application Review ML1007700292010-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2010 Title: 04/07/2010 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Cooper Nuclear Station ML0934300622010-03-150Issue date: 15 March 2010 Title: 03/31/2010 Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Duane Arnold Energy Center ML1019700722010-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2010 Title: NMFS Habitat Conservation Division Consultation Response for the Salem and Hope Creek License Renewal Project ML0934800772010-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2010 Title: 03/24/2010 Notice of Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Kewaunee Power Station ML1004800772010-02-170Issue date: 17 February 2010 Title: Docketing of February 2, 2010 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conference Notes Pertaining to the License Renewal of the Duane Arnold Energy Center ML1025604862010-02-150Issue date: 15 February 2010 Title: Email from J. Doershuk, Iowa State Archaeologist, Dated February 15, 2010 Providing Comments on Cultural Resources for the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) License Renewal Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) ML1019700732010-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2010 Title: NMFS Consultation Response for the Salem and Hope Creek License Renewal Project ML11262A0732010-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2010 Title: E-mail from D. Logan, NRR to C. Eccleston, NRR Et Al, on Aquatic/Terrestrial ML11258A1892010-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2010 Title: E-mail from B. Pham, NRR to C. Eccleston, NRR Et Al, on Salem-Hope Lr: Site Audit and Communications with Contractor ML1003411892010-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2010 Title: Follow-up RAI 3.5-2: Supplemental Information on Concrete Test Data ML1003413132010-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2010 Title: Compression Test of Concrete, 3000 Psi ML1000821952010-01-070Issue date: 7 January 2010 Title: Docketing of November 12, 2009, Teleconference Notes Pertaining to the License Renewal of the Duane Arnold Energy Center ML11258A1742009-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR to C. Eccelston, NRR Et Al, on Bio Letter Plan, Salem/ Hope Creek ML11258A1752009-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR to C. Eccleston, NRR, on No Czma ML11258A1712009-12-040Issue date: 4 December 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Salem-Hope Scoping Slides Need to Be Entered Into ADAMS ML11258A1672009-11-120Issue date: 12 November 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Salem Hope Creek Shpo Letter ML11258A0832009-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Salem Hope Creek E-mails ML11258A0792009-10-260Issue date: 26 October 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Salem-Hope Consultation Addresses ML11258A0782009-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Salem Hope Creek ML11258A0762009-10-160Issue date: 16 October 2009 Title: E-mail from D. Doyle, NRR, to C. Eccleston, NRR, on Prarie Island Example ML0925201852009-09-080Issue date: 8 September 2009 Title: Comments About Relicensing Salem and Hope Creek Reactors in Nj, Steven Hegedus ML0926503822009-09-080Issue date: 8 September 2009 Title: Citizen Comment on Salem Hope Creek License Renewal Application ML0924700392009-09-040Issue date: 4 September 2009 Title: Comment on Salem - Hope Creek License Renewal Applications from Citizen ML0924604422009-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2009 Title: Delaware Citizen Comment on Salem Hope Creek License Renewal Application ML0923606212009-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2009 Title: Logistics Trip Report to Delaware Emergency Management Agency Regarding Salem-Hope Creek License Renewal ML0920103212009-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2009 Title: Logistics Trip Report to Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Stations and Salem, New Jersey ML0906700032009-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2009 Title: 07/28/2008 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Status of the License Renewal Review for the Kewaunee Power Station License Renewal Application ML0908505372009-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2009 Title: Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Safety Review Process and Environmental Scoping Process for Duane Arnold Energy Center ML0908607622009-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2009 Title: Letter from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources the Cooper Nuclear Station License Renewal ML0903708282009-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2009 Title: 03/16/2009 Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss the Scheduled Submittal of License Renewal Application for Salem and Hope Creek, PSEG Nuclear, LLC ML0903404432009-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2009 Title: Notice of Category 3 Meeting with the Public to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Regarding Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML0832904362008-12-100Issue date: 10 December 2008 Title: Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting to Discuss the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 ML0827501122008-10-080Issue date: 8 October 2008 Title: 10/22/2008-Notice of Meeting to Discuss License Renewal Process and Environmental Scoping Kewaunee Power Station 2015-07-16 |