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from | MONTHYEARML22147A0932022-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2022 Title: 2021 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary ML22130A7662022-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2022 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000482/2022003) and Request for Information ML22145A2822022-03-080Issue date: 8 March 2022 Title: Lantzr-th22-bio ML22047A2702022-02-230Issue date: 23 February 2022 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000313/2022403 and 05000368/2022403 IR 05000416/20200132022-02-030Issue date: 3 February 2022 Title: Amended - Grand Gulf Nuclear Station - Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000416/2020013 and Notice of Violation IR 05000313/20210102022-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2022 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000313/2021010 and 05000368/2021010 IR 05000275/20214042022-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2022 Title: Public - Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000275/2021404 and 05000323/2021404 ML22025A4012022-01-030Issue date: 3 January 2022 Title: March 2022 Emergency Preparedness Program Inspection - Request for Information ML21342A2702021-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2021 Title: GG-2022-10 Corp Notification Ltr - Cco, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station - Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000416/2022301 IR 05000382/20214022021-12-030Issue date: 3 December 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000382/2021402 IR 05000458/20223012021-11-300Issue date: 30 November 2021 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000458/2022301 IR 05000397/20210122021-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2021 Title: Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000397/2021012 ML21298A2282021-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2021 Title: (DC) 2021402 Inspection Report (Letter) IR 07200027/20214012021-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2021 Title: Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Inspection Report 07200027/2021401 IR 07200079/20214012021-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2021 Title: ISFSI Security Inspection Report 07200079/2021401 IR 05000298/20210112021-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2021 Title: CNS2021011 TI194 RPT Jfd, Cooper Nuclear Station - Temporary Instruction 2515/194 Report 05000298/2021011 ML21286A7132021-10-150Issue date: 15 October 2021 Title: ANO2022010 Tfp RFI Stg, Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2 - Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000313/2022010 and 05000368/2022010) and Request for Information ML21277A3572021-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2021 Title: CGS Brq RFI Letter, Columbia Generating Station - Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000397/2021004) and Request for Information IR 05000445/20210102021-10-070Issue date: 7 October 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000445/2021010 and 05000446/2021010 ML21285A0242021-10-050Issue date: 5 October 2021 Title: Digital Instrumentation and Control Modification Inspection Request for Information ML21273A3172021-10-040Issue date: 4 October 2021 Title: Station. NON-SENSITIVE ML21285A0392021-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2021 Title: CP-2021-08-Post Exam Comments ML21265A3562021-09-220Issue date: 22 September 2021 Title: Notification of NRC Triennial Heat Exchanger/Sink Performance Inspection (05000416/2021004) and Request for Information IR 05000445/20214012021-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000445/2021401 and 05000446/2021401 ML21245A2222021-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2021 Title: Request for Information ML21238A3952021-08-300Issue date: 30 August 2021 Title: GE-Hitachi 2021401-RPT-NonSGI-JLB, Vallecitos Nuclear Facility, NRC Physical Security Inspection Report 07000754/2021401 IR 05000313/20214012021-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000313/2021401 and 05000368/2021401 ML21217A1182021-08-050Issue date: 5 August 2021 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000298/2021004) and Request for Information IR 05000298/20210122021-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000298/2021012 IA-21-043, NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-0272021-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2021 Title: NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-027 IR 05000528/20210142021-07-140Issue date: 14 July 2021 Title: Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000528/2021014, 05000529/2021014 and 05000530/2021014 ML21195A0252021-07-130Issue date: 13 July 2021 Title: Email 7-13-21 Request for Information - Callaway EP Exercise Inspection - Sept 2021 IA-21-035, NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-0192021-07-010Issue date: 1 July 2021 Title: NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-019 IR 05000275/20214012021-07-010Issue date: 1 July 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000275/2021401 and 05000323/2021401 IA-21-034, NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-0082021-07-010Issue date: 1 July 2021 Title: NRC Investigation Report 4-2020-008 IR 05000498/20213012021-06-300Issue date: 30 June 2021 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000498/2021301; 05000499/2021301 ML21166A2392021-06-160Issue date: 16 June 2021 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000498/2021003 and 05000499/2021003) and Request for Information ML21166A2222021-06-160Issue date: 16 June 2021 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Retake Examination Approval 05000298/2021301, CNS2021301-Exam Approval Ltr-kdc ML21165A1022021-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2021 Title: Pi&R; Request for Information IR 05000416/20214022021-06-080Issue date: 8 June 2021 Title: Grang Gulf Nuclear Station - Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000416/2021402 ML21125A6522021-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2021 Title: Wat 2021003 Brq RFI- Md, Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000382/2021003) and Request for Information ML21123A2052021-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2021 Title: RB 2021010 Notice of Violation (NOV) Response Acknowledgment IR 05000298/20214012021-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000298/2021401 IR 05000528/20210102021-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000528/2021010 and 05000529/2021010 and 05000530/2021010 IR 05000382/20214012021-04-270Issue date: 27 April 2021 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000382/2021401 ML21102A3342021-04-120Issue date: 12 April 2021 Title: Email 4-12-21 RFI for In-Office Rvw of Recent RERP and a Related EPIP Change ML21109A2762021-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2021 Title: Email Request for Information for Columbia Generating Stations PIR Inspection_Redacted ML21088A3872021-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2021 Title: Notification of Evaluations of Changes, Tests, and Experiments Inspection (Inspection Report 05000483/2021002) and Request for Information ML21099A0312021-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2021 Title: Email 3-30-2021 - Request for Information_ RBS EP Exercise Inspection (Week of 5_10_2021) IR 07200035/20214012021-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2021 Title: Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Nrc Security Inspection Report 07200035/2021401 IR 05000458/20210102021-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2021 Title: 2021 River Bend Station - Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000458/2021010 and Notice of Violation ML21075A0362021-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2021 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000368/2021301 IR 07200074/20214012021-03-170Issue date: 17 March 2021 Title: (CPNPP) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) IR 07200074/2021401 3-3 ML21064A2372021-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2021 Title: ISI Request for Information Rls ML21055A8502021-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2021 Title: Public Meeting Summary ML21055A1822021-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2021 Title: CNS2021301-Corp Notification LTR of NRC Retake Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000298/2021301 kdc1 ML21053A1332021-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2021 Title: FFD 2021 Cooper Nuclear Station Information Request, Security IR 2021401-Document Request List (002) ML21050A1702021-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2021 Title: Entergy Confirmatory Order Acknowledgment. J. Ventosa ML21042B9692021-02-180Issue date: 18 February 2021 Title: Notification of NRC Design Bases Assurance Inspection and Initial Request for Information ML21040A5302021-02-170Issue date: 17 February 2021 Title: CGS20211301-Exam Approval LTR-jck IR 05000416/20200042021-02-030Issue date: 3 February 2021 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000416/2020004 ML21033A6962021-02-020Issue date: 2 February 2021 Title: Corporate Notification Letter ML21027A3472021-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2021 Title: 2021401 Information Release IR 05000382/20200102021-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000382/2020010 ML21023A0212021-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2021 Title: PVNGS PI&R Request for Information RA ML21011A1972021-01-120Issue date: 12 January 2021 Title: Unit 2, and Unit 3 - Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000528/2021012, 05000529/2021012 and 05000530/2021012) and Request for Information IR 05000275/20204112020-12-220Issue date: 22 December 2020 Title: Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000275/2020411 and 05000323/2020411 ML20363A1462020-12-220Issue date: 22 December 2020 Title: Request for Information: Grand Gulf EP Exercise Inspection - March 2021 IR 05000528/20200112020-12-150Issue date: 15 December 2020 Title: NRC Inspection Report 05000528/2020011, 05000529/2020011, and 05000530/2020011 ML20350B8112020-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2020 Title: 2021 RBS PIR Request for Information ML20325A3682020-11-200Issue date: 20 November 2020 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000528/2020301; 05000529/2020301; 05000530/2020301 OI 4-2019-012, NRC Investigation Report 4-2019-0122020-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2020 Title: NRC Investigation Report 4-2019-012 IR 05000275/20200102020-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2020 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000275/2020010 and 05000323/2020010 ML20275A0782020-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2020 Title: E-mail to Mr. Joey Clark - Riv Org Chart for RUG IV Members ML20258A0202020-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2020 Title: EP Program Inspection RFI, Request for Information to Support and Prepare for Emergency Preparedness (EP) Program Inspection Scheduled to Occur the Week of November 16, 2020 ML20255A1892020-09-090Issue date: 9 September 2020 Title: Email 09Sept2020 - RFI for RBS EP Exercise Inspection ML20280A5452020-08-170Issue date: 17 August 2020 Title: STP 2020 PIR Request for Information ML20189A2832020-07-070Issue date: 7 July 2020 Title: Summary of Region IV Annual Assessment Public Meeting IR 05000483/20200102020-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2020 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000483/2020010 ML20162A1642020-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2020 Title: Email June 9, 2020 - RFI in Preparation for Wolf Creek EP Program Inspection ML20280A5432020-06-030Issue date: 3 June 2020 Title: DC 2020 PIR Request for Information ML20133J8972020-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2020 Title: 12 May 2020 E-mail - RFI for NRC In-Office Inspection of Recent Wcngs Eplan_Eal Changes IR 05000483/20204102020-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2020 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000483/2020410 ML20099G1002020-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2020 Title: Notification of NRC Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection (05000528/2020002, 05000529/2020002, and 05000530/2020002) and Request for Information ML20099G9422020-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2020 Title: Notification of NRC Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection (05000482/2020010) and Initial Request for Information ML20098F2652020-04-070Issue date: 7 April 2020 Title: Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test IR 05000416/20200102020-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2020 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000416/2020010 ML20015A2852020-01-150Issue date: 15 January 2020 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000483/2020301 IR 05000298/20190132019-12-180Issue date: 18 December 2019 Title: Temporary Instruction 2515/194 (Inspection Report 05000298/2019013) IR 05000445/20190102019-11-140Issue date: 14 November 2019 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000445/2019010 and 05000446/2019010 IR 05000397/20170112019-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2019 Title: NRC Supplemental Inspection Report 05000397/2017011, Reissue ML19295E1622019-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2019 Title: Notification of Cyber Security Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000445/2020401 and 05000446/2020401) and Request for Information ML19295C4822019-10-210Issue date: 21 October 2019 Title: Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000498/2020011 and 05000499/2020011) and Request for Information IR 05000313/20190112019-10-020Issue date: 2 October 2019 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000313/2019011 and 05000368/2019011 IR 05000482/20194102019-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2019 Title: NRC Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000482/2019410 ML19266A5972019-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2019 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000498/2019004 and 05000499/2019004) and Request for Information IR 05000298/20190112019-08-140Issue date: 14 August 2019 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000298/2019011 ML19224B5092019-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2019 Title: Notice of Violation, NRC Investigation Report 4-2019-004 ML19262G7482019-08-090Issue date: 9 August 2019 Title: Request for Information IR 07200017/20194012019-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2019 Title: Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Physical Security Requirements for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations Inspection Report 07200017/2019401 ML19171A0622019-06-190Issue date: 19 June 2019 Title: NRC Investigation Report 4-2019-004 Letter to Individual June 2019 IR 05000298/20170102019-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2019 Title: Revised NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000298/2017010 IR 05000285/20194032019-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2019 Title: NRC Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000285/2019403 IR 05000397/20190102019-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2019 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000397/2019010 IR 05000458/20190112019-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2019 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000458/2019011 ML19057A3882019-02-260Issue date: 26 February 2019 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000483/2019301 IR 05000416/20180102018-12-170Issue date: 17 December 2018 Title: NRC Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000416/2018010 IR 05000498/20183012018-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2018 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report 05000498/2018301 and 05000499/2018301 ML18319A3792018-11-150Issue date: 15 November 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000382/2018008 and Notice of Violation IR 05000482/20184032018-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2018 Title: NRC Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000482/2018403 ML18306A4962018-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2018 Title: NRC Supplemental Inspection Report 05000482/2018440 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000528/20180082018-10-160Issue date: 16 October 2018 Title: NRC Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000528/2018008, 05000529/2018008, and 05000530/2018008 IR 05000483/20184042018-10-090Issue date: 9 October 2018 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000483/2018404 IR 05000498/20180072018-10-040Issue date: 4 October 2018 Title: NRC Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000498/2018007 and 0500499/2018007 IR 05000275/20184042018-09-280Issue date: 28 September 2018 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000275/2018404, 05000323/2018404 and Investigation Report 4-2017-009 ML18250A1942018-09-060Issue date: 6 September 2018 Title: Notification of NRC Inspection Report 05000397/2018004 and Request for Information IR 05000445/20180102018-08-200Issue date: 20 August 2018 Title: NRC Design Bases Assurance Inspection (Teams) Report 05000445/2018010 and 05000446/2018010 IR 05000482/20180072018-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000482/2018007 IR 05000528/20183012018-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2018 Title: NRC Examination Report 05000528/2018301; 05000529/2018301; 05000530/2018301 IR 05000285/20184102018-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2018 Title: NRC Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000285/2018410 IR 05000285/20184032018-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2018 Title: NRC Physical Security Inspection Report 05000285/2018403 IR 05000483/20180102018-05-160Issue date: 16 May 2018 Title: NRC Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000483/2018010 IR 05000361/20184112018-05-080Issue date: 8 May 2018 Title: Physical Security Inspection Report 05000361/2018411 and 05000362/2018411 ML18116A6132018-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2018 Title: Operating Corporation - Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000482/2018002) and Request for Information IR 05000361/20184102018-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2018 Title: Physical Security Inspection Report 05000361/2018410; 05000362/2018410 IR 05000445/20170102018-02-220Issue date: 22 February 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000445/2017010 and 05000446/2017010 - and Notice of Violation ML18044A0482018-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2018 Title: Notification of Cyber-Security Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000313/2018405 and 05000368/2018405) and Request for Information, IR 05000416/20170112018-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000416/2017011 IR 05000382/20174032018-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2018 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000382/2017403 and Investigation Report 4-2016-024 IR 05000482/20175012018-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2018 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000482/2017501 IR 05000275/20175012018-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2018 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000275/2017501 and 05000323/2017501 IR 05000298/20175012018-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2018 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000298/2017501 IR 05000445/20175012018-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2018 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Reports 05000445/2017501 and 05000446/2017501 IR 05000313/20175012018-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2018 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000313/2017501 and 05000368/2017501 IR 05000313/20170152018-01-090Issue date: 9 January 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000313/2017015 and 05000368/2017015 ML18009A9852018-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2018 Title: Announcement of Generic Fundamentals Examination Section of the Written Operator Licensing Examination for 2018 IR 05000528/20174042017-12-270Issue date: 27 December 2017 Title: NRC Security Inspection Reports05000528/2017404, 05000529/2017404 and 05000530/2017404 ML17341B1702017-12-070Issue date: 7 December 2017 Title: Response to Notice of Violation (NRC Inspection Report 05000483/2017007) ML17307A0852017-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2017 Title: Acknowledgement of Entergy Operations, Inc., Third and Final Six Months Status Notification in Response to Confirmatory Order EA-15-100 (Ml16098a302), Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 ML17306A5592017-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2017 Title: NRC Reactive Inspection Report 05000482/2017407, and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding EA-17-149 IR 05000397/20160092017-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2017 Title: Revised NRC Special Inspection Report 05000397/2016009; Preliminary White Finding IR 05000498/20174092017-09-270Issue date: 27 September 2017 Title: NRC Supplemental Inspection Report 05000498/2017409; 05000499/2017409 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter ML17262A2992017-09-190Issue date: 19 September 2017 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000498/2017301 and 05000499/2017301 IR 05000458/20170072017-08-140Issue date: 14 August 2017 Title: NRC Design Bases Assurance Inspection Report 05000458/2017007 ML17220A0202017-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2017 Title: Response to Notice of Violation (NRC Inspection Report 05000458/2017009) IR 05000382/20170102017-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2017 Title: NRC Baseline Inspection Report 05000382/2017010 ML17219A7422017-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2017 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000298/2017010 ML17219A7222017-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2017 Title: Revised NRC Special Inspection Report 05000397/2016009; Preliminary White Finding ML17205A3152017-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2017 Title: Notification of Evaluations of Changes, Tests, and Experiments Inspection (05000397/2017004) and Request for Information IR 05000498/20160102017-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2017 Title: EA-16-216, STP Nuclear Operating Company, South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Report 05000498/2016010; 05000499/2016010 and NRC Investigation Reports 4-2015-014 and 4-2016-008 IR 05000285/20174052017-06-260Issue date: 26 June 2017 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000285/2017405 and NRC Investigation Report 4-2015-030 ML17160A4012017-06-090Issue date: 9 June 2017 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000458/2017009 and Notice of Violation ML17142A2192017-05-220Issue date: 22 May 2017 Title: Disputed Non-Cited Violations and Finding from NRC Inspection Report 05000397/2016009 ML17136A2062017-05-160Issue date: 16 May 2017 Title: Summary of Regulatory Conference to Discuss Safety Significance of Columbia Generating Station Radwaste Shipping Deficiency ML17100A4992017-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2017 Title: NRC Special Inspection Report 05000397/2016009; Preliminary White Finding IR 05000397/20170072017-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2017 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000397/2017007 ML17076A4262017-03-150Issue date: 15 March 2017 Title: Amended Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000498/2017301 and 05000499/2017301 IR 05000482/20160062017-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2017 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Wolf Creek Generating Station (Report 05000482/2016006) IR 05000382/20160062017-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2017 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Inspection Report 05000382/2016006 ML17094A5682017-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2017 Title: NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval 05000397/2017301 IR 05000382/20160082017-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2017 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000382/2016008 IR 05000382/20165012017-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2017 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000382/2016501 IR 05000397/20165012017-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2017 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000397/2016501 IR 05000397/20164042017-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2017 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000397/2016404 and Apparent Violation (Letter Only) ML17010A2112017-01-100Issue date: 10 January 2017 Title: NRC Reactive Inspection Report 05000498/2016407, 050000499/2016407, and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding (Letter Only) IR 05000482/20164102016-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2016 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000482/2016410 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding (Cover Letter Only) IR 05000482/20164112016-12-200Issue date: 20 December 2016 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000482/2016411 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding (Cover Letter Only) IR 05000498/20160092016-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2016 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000498/2016009 and 05000499/2016009 ML16312A0672016-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2016 Title: Notification of NRC Inspection of Implementation of Mitigation Strategies & Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Orders & EP Communication/Staffing/Multi Unit Dose Assessment Plans (05000313/2017008)... IR 05000445/20163012016-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2016 Title: NRC Examination Report 05000445/2016301; 05000446/2016301 IR 05000266/20164062016-09-130Issue date: 13 September 2016 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000266/2016406; 05000301/2016406 IR 05000382/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Report 05000382/2016005) IR 05000483/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Callaway Plant (Report 05000483/2016005) IR 05000298/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Cooper Nuclear Station (Report 05000298/2016005) IR 05000285/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Fort Calhoun Station (Report 05000285/2016005) IR 05000482/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Wolf Creek Generating Station (Report 05000482/2016005) IR 05000458/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for River Bend Station (Report 05000458/2016005) IR 05000528/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (Report 05000528/2016005, 05000529/2016005 and 05000530/2016005) IR 05000313/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000313/2016005 and 05000368/2016005) IR 05000416/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (Report 05000416/2016005) IR 05000498/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000498/2016005 and 05000499/2016005) ML16256A2682016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Columbia Generating Station (Report 05000483/2016005) ML16256A2342016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 And 2 (Report 05000275/2016005 and 05000323/2016005) IR 05000445/20160052016-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2016 Title: Errata for Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000445/2016005 and 05000446/2016005) IR 05000313/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Arkansas Nuclear One NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Numbers 05000313/2016401 and 05000368/2016401) IR 05000498/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Numbers 05000498/2016401 and 05000499/2016401) IR 05000482/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Wolf Creek Generating Station (NRC Physical Security Inspection Reports Number 05000482/2016401) IR 05000458/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for River Bend Station (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000458/2016401) IR 05000285/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Calhoun Station (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000285/2016401) IR 05000528/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Numbers 05000528/2016401, 05000529/2016401, and 05000530/2016401) IR 05000382/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000382/2016401) IR 05000275/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000275/2016401 and 05000323/201640) IR 05000416/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000416/2016401) IR 05000445/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Numbers 05000445/2016401 and 05000446/2016401) IR 05000298/20164012016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Cooper Nuclear Station (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000298/2016401) IR 05000275/20160092016-08-260Issue date: 26 August 2016 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000275/2016009; 05000323/2016009 IR 05000445/20160022016-08-110Issue date: 11 August 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000445/2016002 and 05000446/2016002 IR 05000482/20160092016-08-090Issue date: 9 August 2016 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000482/2016009 IR 05000528/20160082016-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2016 Title: IR 05000528/2016008, 0500529/2016008, 05000530/2016008; 03/08/2016 - 03/24/2016; Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000483/20160082016-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2016 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000483/2016008 ML16091A1522016-03-310Issue date: 31 March 2016 Title: Request to Review and Update Guidance in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) 07-0040 IR 05000482/20164062016-02-090Issue date: 9 February 2016 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000482/2016406 and NRC Investigation Report No. 4-2014-048 IR 05000382/20154072016-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2016 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000382/2015407 and NRC Investigation Report No. 4-2014-044 and Notice of Violation ML16027A2952016-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2016 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000382/2015407 and NRC Investigation Report No. 4-2014-044 and Notice of Violation IR 05000285/20150092016-01-210Issue date: 21 January 2016 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000285/2015009 IR 05000445/20150082016-01-060Issue date: 6 January 2016 Title: Acknowledgement to Reply to a Notice of Violation (IR 05000445/2015008 and 05000446/2015008) EA-15-207 IR 05000275/20155032015-12-280Issue date: 28 December 2015 Title: NRC Inspection Procedure 95001, Supplemental Inspection Report 05000275/2015503, 05000323/2015503, and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000445/20154082015-12-230Issue date: 23 December 2015 Title: NRC Supplemental Inspection Report and Assessment Follow-Up Letter for 05000445/2015408 and 05000446/2015408 IR 05000482/20150102015-12-160Issue date: 16 December 2015 Title: NRC Inspection Report 05000482/2015010 IR 05000382/20150112015-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2015 Title: NRC Inspection Report 05000382/2015011 and NRC Investigation Report 4-2014-017 IR 05000416/20150082015-11-200Issue date: 20 November 2015 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution IR 05000416/2015008 ML15320A1002015-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2015 Title: IR 05000445/2015008 and 05000446/2015008, on 08/31/2015 - 10/01/2015, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, NRC Problem Identification and Resolution and Notice of Violation IR 05000482/20150072015-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2015 Title: IR 05000482/2015007; July 6, 2015, to July 23, 2015; Wolf Creek Generating Station; Evaluations of Changes, Tests, and Experiments and Permanent Plant Modifications IR 05000498/20154042015-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2015 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000498/2015404; 05000499/2015404 IR 05000483/20154052015-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2015 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000483/2015405 IR 05000298/20150082015-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2015 Title: IR 05000298/2015008; 06/08/2015 - 06/25/2015; Cooper Nuclear Station, Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000397/20155032015-07-140Issue date: 14 July 2015 Title: Final Significance Determination of Green Finding; Columbia Generating Station - NRC Emergency Preparedness Inspection Report 05000397/2015503 EA-15-038 ML15183A3602015-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2015 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000298/2015003 and Request for Information IR 05000313/20150082015-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2015 Title: IR 05000313/2015008 and 05000368/2015008; on 04/27/2015 - 05/15/2015; Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000397/20154052015-06-250Issue date: 25 June 2015 Title: IR 05000397/2015405 and NRC Investigation Report 4-2014-009, Columbia Generating Station IR 05000298/20150072015-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2015 Title: IR 05000298/2015007; on 04/06/2015 - 05/08/2015; Cooper Nuclear Station; Component Design Basis Inspection and Notice of Violation ML15173A4502015-06-220Issue date: 22 June 2015 Title: IR 05000298/2015007; on 04/06/2015 - 05/08/2015; Cooper Nuclear Station; Component Design Basis Inspection and Notice of Violation ML15168A2382015-06-150Issue date: 15 June 2015 Title: Transcript of Regulatory Conference in Columbia Generating Station, June 15, 2015, Pages 1-141 ML15169B1482015-06-150Issue date: 15 June 2015 Title: EA-15-038, Columbia Generating Station Regulatory Conference Audio Transcript, June 15, 2015 ML15153A2072015-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2015 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000298/2015303 ML15149A2562015-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2015 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000382/2015003)And Request for Information IR 05000483/20153012015-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2015 Title: Er 05000483/2015301; 05/18/2015 - 05/19/2015, Callaway Nuclear Station; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report IR 05000397/20150072015-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2015 Title: IR 05000397/2015007; 03/02/2015 - 04/03/2015; Columbia Generating Station; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000397/20155022015-05-070Issue date: 7 May 2015 Title: IR 05000397/2015502; 08/21/2014 - 04/23/2015; Columbia Generating Station; Regional Inspection Report; 71114.04 IR 05000416/20154032015-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2015 Title: IR 05000416/2015403; 04/16/2015; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 - NRC Security Inspection ML15089A5542015-03-300Issue date: 30 March 2015 Title: Notification of NRC Component Design Bases Inspection (05000445/2015007 and 05000446/2015007) and Initial Request for Information ML15077A5682015-03-180Issue date: 18 March 2015 Title: Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test IR 05000445/20144042015-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2015 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000445/2014404 and 05000446/2014404; Preliminary Greater than Green Finding IR 05000445/20144012015-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2015 Title: Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Numbers 05000445/2014401 and 05000446/2014401) ML15051A4872015-02-200Issue date: 20 February 2015 Title: Notification of NRC Component Design Bases Inspection 05000298/2015007 and Initial Request for Information IR 05000498/20140102015-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2015 Title: IR 05000498/2014010; 05000499/2014010; 11/17/2014 - 12/18/2014; South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2; Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Report ML15037A2642015-02-060Issue date: 6 February 2015 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Retake Examination 05000458/2015301 ML15037A2482015-02-050Issue date: 5 February 2015 Title: Summary of Regulatory Conference to Discuss Safety Significance of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Protective Action Recommendations for Areas of the Ocean Finding ML15030A4942015-01-300Issue date: 30 January 2015 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000498/2014010; 05000499/2014010 IR 05000382/20140072015-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2015 Title: IR 05000382/2014007; 10/06/2014 - 1/12/2015; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; Component Design Basis Inspection ML15013A0652014-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2014 Title: 2014-12 Init Exam Public Forms IR 05000313/20143032014-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2014 Title: Er 05000313/2014303; 11/14/2014 - 12/02/2014; Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report IR 05000275/20145022014-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2014 Title: IR 05000275/2014502, 05000323/2014502; on 11/21/2013 - 10/17/2014; Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Emergency Preparedness; 71114.05 IR 05000285/20130182014-11-250Issue date: 25 November 2014 Title: IR 05000285/2013018; on 07/08/2013 - 10/15/2014; Fort Calhoun Station, Supplemental Inspection for Repetitive Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Degraded Cornerstones, Multiple Yellow Inputs or One Red Input and Notice of Violation IR 05000416/20143012014-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2014 Title: Er 05000416/2014301; 10/17/2014 to 11/03/2014; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report IR 05000483/20140082014-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2014 Title: IR 05000483/2014008; on 08/11/2014 - 09/23/2014; Callaway Plant; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000275/20140072014-10-220Issue date: 22 October 2014 Title: IR 05000275/2014007 and 05000323/2014007; 03/23/2012 - 09/11/2014; Diablo Canyon Power Plant; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) ML14254A0762014-09-110Issue date: 11 September 2014 Title: Notification of NRC Retake Operator Licensing Examination 05000445/2015301, 05000446/2015301 IR 05000298/20143012014-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2014 Title: Er 050002982014301; 07/28/2014 to 08/20/2014; Cooper Nuclear Station; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report IR 05000275/20144062014-08-200Issue date: 20 August 2014 Title: NRC Temporary Instruction 2201/004, Inspection of Implementation of Interim Cyber Security Milestones 1-7, Inspection Report 05000275/2014406 and 05000323/2014406 ML14231A0682014-08-190Issue date: 19 August 2014 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000482-14-005) and Request for Information IR 05000498/20144072014-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2014 Title: NRC Special Inspection Report 05000498/2014407; 05000499/2014407. Cover Letter IR 05000498/20143012014-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2014 Title: Er 05000498-14-301; 05000499-14-301; South Texas Project Electrical Generating Station; Initial Operator Licensing Retake Examination Report IR 05000313/20144042014-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2014 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000313/2014404 and 05000368/2014404 IR 05000382/20140082014-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2014 Title: IR 05000382/2014008; 5/19/2014-6/6/2014; Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000285/20144032014-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2014 Title: IR 05000285-14-403, June 5, 2014, Fort Calhoun Station, Security Baseline IR 05000298/20144042014-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2014 Title: IR 05000298-14-404; 06/19/2014; Cooper Nuclear Station NRC Security Inspection Report IR 05000275/20135022014-07-170Issue date: 17 July 2014 Title: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000275/2013502 and 05000323/2013502 IR 05000458/20144052014-07-160Issue date: 16 July 2014 Title: Special Inspection Report 05000458-14-405, NRC Investigation Report 4-2012-022, March 21, 2012, River Bend, Preliminary Greater than Green Finding and Apparent Violation IR 05000445/20143012014-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2014 Title: Er 05000445-14-301; 05000446-14-301; on June 9-16, 2014; the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report ML14167A2022014-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2014 Title: Errata, NRC Inspection Report No. 05000482/2013502, Wolf Creek Generating Station IR 05000285/20144072014-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2014 Title: NRC Inspection Report 05000285/2014407; NRC Investigation Report No. 4-2013-017 and Notice of Violation ML14155A4952014-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2014 Title: Licensed Operator Fitness for Duty Test IR 05000382/20143012014-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2014 Title: Er 05000382-14-301; 04/02/2014 - 04/22/2014; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report IR 05000528/20140072014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: IR 05000528-14-007, 05000529-14-007, and 05000530-14-007, 03/11/2014 - 03/29/2014, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station; Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) IR 05000458/20130072014-05-120Issue date: 12 May 2014 Title: IR 05000458-13-007; on 04/15/2013 - 12/30/2013; River Bend Station; Triennial Fire Protection Team Inspection ML14092A6182014-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2014 Title: IR 05000482-13-502; on 09/03/2013 - 03/04/2014; Wolf Creek Generating Station, Regional Report; Emergency Plan Biennial Exercise, 71114.01, 71114.05 IR 05000313/20134062014-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2014 Title: IR 05000313-13-406 & 05000368-13-406, February 27, 2014, Arkansas, Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Greater-Than-Green Finding IR 05000498/20144052014-03-170Issue date: 17 March 2014 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000498/2014405 and 05000499/2014405 ML14052A0342014-02-200Issue date: 20 February 2014 Title: IR 05000313-14-002 & 05000368-14-002, (Ongoing Inspection) Arkansas Nuclear One - Request for Information Regarding the NRC Integrated Inspection IR 05000482/20134062014-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2014 Title: Temporary Instruction 2515/186, Inspection of Procedures and Process for Responding to Potential Aircraft Threats; Inspection Report Number 05000482/2013406 ML14029A4022014-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2014 Title: Closure of Investigation (OI 4-2013-018) ML14023A8762014-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2014 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000275/2014301; 05000323/2014301 IR 05000416/20130072014-01-160Issue date: 16 January 2014 Title: IR 05000416-13-007; September 23, 2013 - December 5, 2013; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station & Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000445/20130082013-12-240Issue date: 24 December 2013 Title: IR 05000445-13-008 and 05000446-13-008; on 10/28/2013 - 11/07/2013; Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Problem Identification and Resolution (Biennial) ML13353A6572013-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2013 Title: Licensed Operator Positive Fitness-For-Duty Test IR 05000458/20134052013-12-160Issue date: 16 December 2013 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000458/2013405 IR 05000458/20134032013-12-130Issue date: 13 December 2013 Title: NRC Security Inspection Report 05000458/2013403 IR 05000482/20134032013-12-100Issue date: 10 December 2013 Title: IR 05000482-13-403; 11/25/2013, Wolf Creek Generating Station, NRC Security, Preliminary Greater than Green Finding IR 05000416/20133022013-12-020Issue date: 2 December 2013 Title: Er 05000416/13-302; 11/8/2013 - 11/21/2013; Grand Gulf Nuclear Station; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report ML13302C1592013-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2013 Title: Notification of TI-186 Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000482-13-406) and Request for Information IR 05000298/20130072013-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2013 Title: IR 05000298-13-007, August 12-30, 2013, Cooper, Triennial Fire Inspection IR 05000445/20134052013-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2013 Title: Temporary Instruction 2515/186, Inspection of Procedures and Processes for Responding to Potential Aircraft Threats, Inspection Report No. 05000445/2013405 and 05000446/2013405 IR 05000458/20134062013-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2013 Title: Temporary Instruction 2515/186, Inspection of Procedures and Process for Responding to Potential Aircraft Threats, Inspection Report Number 05000458/2013406 ML13254A0492013-09-110Issue date: 11 September 2013 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000298/2013005) and Request for Information IR 05000298/20134062013-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2013 Title: IR 05000298-13-406, on 08/08/2013, Cooper Nuclear Station - NRC Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report IR 05000397/20130082013-08-220Issue date: 22 August 2013 Title: IR 05000397-13-008; June 24-July 12, 2013; Columbia Generating Station, Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000445/20130072013-08-020Issue date: 2 August 2013 Title: IR 05000445-13-007; 05000446-13-007; 05/20/2013 - 06/20/2013; Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2: Baseline Inspection, NRC Inspection Procedure 71111.21, Component Design Basis Inspection. ML13211A3382013-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2013 Title: Licensed Operator Positive Drug Test ML13189A3212013-07-030Issue date: 3 July 2013 Title: Notification of NRC Retake Operator Licensing Examination 05000483/13-302 ML13178A3022013-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2013 Title: Response to Disputed Non-Cited Violation 05000382-12-404-02 IR 05000483/20133012013-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2013 Title: Er 05000483-13-301, 03/18/2013 - 05/02/2013; Callaway Plant; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report ML13163A2002013-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2013 Title: Acknowledgement of Notice of Violation Response to NRC Inspection Report 05000298-13-009 - Cooper Nuclear Station ML13142A3442013-05-210Issue date: 21 May 2013 Title: Notification of NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination 05000528/13-301; 05000529/13-301; 05000530/13-301 IR 05000298/20130092013-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2013 Title: IR 05000298-13-009; March 11-28, 2013; Cooper Nuclear Station, Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems and Notice of Violation ML13130A0372013-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2013 Title: IR 05000298-13-009; March 11-28, 2013; Cooper Nuclear Station, Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems and Notice of Violation ML13127A2752013-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2013 Title: Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000483/2013004) and Request for Information ML13126A3492013-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2013 Title: Notification of NRC Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000298/2013007) and Request for Information IR 05000313/20130102013-05-030Issue date: 3 May 2013 Title: IR 05000313-13-010, 05000368-13-010; 03/04/2013 - 03/22/2013; Arkansas Nuclear One; Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000445/20133012013-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2013 Title: Er 05000445-13-301 & 05000446-13-301, 03/04/2013 - 04/22/2013, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report 2022-06-06 |
to | MONTHYEARML24222A4912024-08-140Issue date: 14 August 2024 Title: Transmittal Memo for OLMC-160 ML23082A2322023-03-240Issue date: 24 March 2023 Title: Transmittal Memo for OLMC-120 National Examination Schedule March 2023 ML22339A1562022-12-080Issue date: 8 December 2022 Title: Transmittal Memo for Olmc 120 and 160 December 2022 ML22342B2592022-10-140Issue date: 14 October 2022 Title: 10 Post Examination Analysis ML22147A0932022-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2022 Title: 2021 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary ML22047A2312022-02-110Issue date: 11 February 2022 Title: Email Between NRC NSIR and FEMA Regarding Callaway Sirens 021122 ML21200A2222021-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2021 Title: Implementation of Quality Assurance Criteria and 10 CFR 50.59 for Nuclear Power Plant Components Produced Using Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT Regulatory Basis Document), AMT Action Plan, Revision 1, Subtask 2a - Memo ML21229A0652021-07-260Issue date: 26 July 2021 Title: IA-21-034 Individual Written Response ML21082A5062021-03-230Issue date: 23 March 2021 Title: EA-20-114, Individual Response to Apparent Violation Redacted ML21021A1782021-03-220Issue date: 22 March 2021 Title: Transmittal Memo Defense-in-Depth Information Paper ML21055A8502021-02-240Issue date: 24 February 2021 Title: Public Meeting Summary DCL-21-017, DC-2021-01 Post Exam Comments Analysis2021-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2021 Title: DC-2021-01 Post Exam Comments Analysis DCL-20-073, DC-2021-01 Draft Outlines2021-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2021 Title: DC-2021-01 Draft Outlines W3F1-2020-0056, 08 Post Exam Analysis2020-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2020 Title: 08 Post Exam Analysis ML20239B0482020-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2020 Title: RSP_IA-20-028_Johnson ML20239B0472020-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2020 Title: RSP_IA-20-029_Spivey ML20239B0312020-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2020 Title: Yy - Response to Apparent Violation, NRC Investigative Report 4-2019-009: IA-20-030 ML20169A5802020-06-110Issue date: 11 June 2020 Title: Transmittal Memo for Olmc 160 ML20134J0532020-05-270Issue date: 27 May 2020 Title: Closeout of Tornado Missile Protection Compliance Issues ML20065M3722020-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2020 Title: Memo from Dro to Regional Divisional Directors - Establishment of Power-Operated Valve Cross Regional Panel ML20058J8102020-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2020 Title: GG-2020-02 Post Examination Analysis ML20042C0492019-10-120Issue date: 12 October 2019 Title: PV-2019-10 Draft Outlines Delayed Release Until March 2022 ML19072A2442019-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2019 Title: Operator Licensing Program Manual Chapter Issuance Memo - March 2019 ML18346A3452018-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2018 Title: Inspection Credit for EQ Pilot Plant Credit Memo ML18232A1922018-12-110Issue date: 11 December 2018 Title: Cross Regional Panel Charter for Topic-Specific Issues ML18269A2672018-09-130Issue date: 13 September 2018 Title: Results of the September 2018 Nrg Generic Fundamentals Examinations RBG-47701, Notification of Readiness for 92702, Follow-up on Corrective Actions for Violations and Deviations2016-08-150Issue date: 15 August 2016 Title: Notification of Readiness for 92702, Follow-up on Corrective Actions for Violations and Deviations GO2-16-089, Confirmatory Order EA-14-240, Element V.J.1, Third Status Update2016-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2016 Title: Confirmatory Order EA-14-240, Element V.J.1, Third Status Update GO2-15-183, Docket No. 50-397 Confirmatory Order EA-14-240, Element V.J.1 - First Status Update2015-12-280Issue date: 28 December 2015 Title: Docket No. 50-397 Confirmatory Order EA-14-240, Element V.J.1 - First Status Update ML15205A3602015-07-240Issue date: 24 July 2015 Title: Assessment of Cyber Security Program Draft Temporary Instruction (Ti) Performed at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station CP-201500309, Response to Inspection Report 05000445/2014404 & 05000446/2014404; Preliminary Greater than Green Finding2015-03-120Issue date: 12 March 2015 Title: Response to Inspection Report 05000445/2014404 & 05000446/2014404; Preliminary Greater than Green Finding ML15065A0882015-02-260Issue date: 26 February 2015 Title: California Coastal Commission De Minimis Waiver ML15015A1712015-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2015 Title: Focused Baseline Inspection at the Wolf Creek Site for a Major Essential Service Water Modification ML14163A7302014-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2014 Title: Supplemental Inspection Charter to Evaluate Licensee Actions Related to Pi for Unplanned Scrams Per 7000 Critical Hours, Which Crossed Green-White Threshold During First Quarter 2013 ULNRC-05939, Enclosure 1, Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application, Request for Additional Information (RAI) Set 18 Response2012-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2012 Title: Enclosure 1, Callaway Plant, Unit 1, License Renewal Application, Request for Additional Information (RAI) Set 18 Response ML12356A0932012-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2012 Title: Annual Update to the Callaway License Renewal Application Response to RAI Set #18 ML13010A1112012-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2012 Title: Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Review of November 28, 2012, NRC Meeting in San Louis Obispo Regarding Seismic Issues and Plant Performance for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant ML12109A3492012-04-260Issue date: 26 April 2012 Title: SONGS TIA 2011-014 ML11293A1982011-10-190Issue date: 19 October 2011 Title: Charter for Backfit Panel on Postulated Failure of Upstream Dams Affecting Fort Calhoun Station ML12044A1382011-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2011 Title: Email from L. Cunningham, NRR to R. Auluck, NRR Et Al FW: PNO-11-11- 005A (North Anna) - Update ML12065A1752011-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2011 Title: Email from Jeremy Groom to Anton Vegel, Subject: Callaway Documents Requested ML12012A1672011-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2011 Title: E-mail from Thomas Farnholtz to Kriss Kennedy.... Mark Haire, Subject: Approved Cleanup Plan and Controls ML12012A1512011-07-100Issue date: 10 July 2011 Title: E-mail from Thomas Farnholtz to Kriss Kennedy.... John Kirkland, Subject: FW: 7-10-11 Nights ML11242A2352011-04-120Issue date: 12 April 2011 Title: Email from Greg Tutak to Bernadette Baca, Subject: FW 2G002 Maintenance Run Procedure S023-2-13 from 3/8-13 from 3/810 on AVR a ML1104501132010-11-180Issue date: 18 November 2010 Title: Lr - IR 05000275-2010008, 05000323-2010008; 08-16-2010 - 09-16-2010 ML1028003402010-10-130Issue date: 13 October 2010 Title: Final Response to Task Interface Agreement - Requirements for Degraded Voltage Relay Setpoints at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (TIA 2010-005 ML1015905112010-05-260Issue date: 26 May 2010 Title: Limited Appearance Statement of D. J. and M. L. Boysen ML1011300212010-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2010 Title: Final Response to SONGS TIA 2009-002 - Requirements for Testing Station Batteries for Station Black-Out Conditions ML1010302232010-04-210Issue date: 21 April 2010 Title: Substantial Follow-Up Actions in Response to Inspection Finding of Substantial Safety Significance at Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant GNRO-2009/00032, June 2009 Generic Fundamentals Examination2009-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2009 Title: June 2009 Generic Fundamentals Examination ML12306A0692009-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2009 Title: Memorandum to Allegation Coordinator from Operations Branch, Subject: Callaway Allegation No. RIV-2006-A-0033, Concern 1 ML0819104092008-07-080Issue date: 8 July 2008 Title: Request for Follow-up Information 2 - Cooper Nuclear Station ML0819104062008-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2008 Title: Request for Follow-up Information - Cooper Nuclear Station ML0800804242008-01-080Issue date: 8 January 2008 Title: Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Emergency Diesel Generator Governor Problem ML0631102342006-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2006 Title: Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate the Loss of Feedwater and Subsequent Reactor Trip at River Bend Station ML0627201162006-09-290Issue date: 29 September 2006 Title: Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 3 Emergency Diesel Generator Failure ML0616501662006-06-270Issue date: 27 June 2006 Title: Final Response to Task Interface Agreement - TIA 2005-08, Evaluation of Protection Against Tornadoes at Cooper Nuclear Station ML0610102172006-04-100Issue date: 10 April 2006 Title: Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate Callaway Plant CCW Initiation to the RHR Heat Exchangers During the Initial Post-LOCA Recirculation Phase ML0326909782005-02-140Issue date: 14 February 2005 Title: August 2003 - Init Exam - Draft Operating Exam ML0429604482004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding MSIS Procedure - Loss of Aux Feed Drains Issue ML0429604912004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail Regarding Unit 1 Letdown T-Mod Write-Up ML0429604852004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail Regarding OPS Night Order - Emergency Planning Information ML0429604802004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail Regarding Oil Lift Pump ML0429604732004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding Westwing Oil Sample Results ML0429604692004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail Regarding Oil Lift Pump ML0429604542004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding Oil Lift Pump ML0429604422004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding NRC AIT URI for EOP Vs TS ML0429604342004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding NRC AIT URI Response to CH-E Operation AIT Charging Pump Issue ML0429604062004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding TSC DG Final AIT Issue Reponse ML0429604032004-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding AIT Teleconference Call on 07/07/04 ML0429603832004-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding AIT URI - Thermal Induced Vibration of Unit 1 Aux Feed F/Wpiping ML0429603742004-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding Testing Performed for Unit 1 Adv 185 ML0429603682004-07-020Issue date: 2 July 2004 Title: E-mail from D. Straka Regarding EDG 2A Preliminary Root Cause of Failure Analysis ML0429602982004-06-140Issue date: 14 June 2004 Title: Recovery Curves ML0334906102003-12-120Issue date: 12 December 2003 Title: Charter for NRC Special Inspection Team at South Texas Project - Review of Licensee Actions Related to Failure of Standby Diesel Generator No. 22 ML0321905622003-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2003 Title: Memo - Howell to O'Keefe Charter for the Special Inspection Team at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) ML0321201082003-06-170Issue date: 17 June 2003 Title: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Response to 05/15/03 NRC Letter Issue Concerning Adequacy of Distribution & Tracking of Tone Alert Radios (Tars) for Arkansas Nuclear One ML0303703072003-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2003 Title: Audit - August 2002 Exam ML0221900962002-08-060Issue date: 6 August 2002 Title: Public Meeting to Discuss the Licensee'S 2002 Refueling Outage, Plant Performance, Current Issues, and Areas for Improvement at the Fort Calhoun Station ML0215606062002-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2002 Title: Memo to Arthur Howell from William Travers Re Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head Degradation - Lessons-Learned Charter, Revision 1 ML0213706842002-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2002 Title: Reactor Vessel Head Degradation - Lessons-Learned Task Force and Charter - Memo to Arthur T. Howell, III, Region IV, from William Travers, EDO 2024-08-14 |