Emergency Notification System

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[All Reactor ENS] [All ENS] [ENS for Agency] [ENS for University]

15 day summary as of 01-26-2025

Region 1 3 [Region 1 Events] [RSS]
Region 2 2 [Region 2 Events] [RSS]
Region 3 1 [Region 3 Events] [RSS]
Region 4 1 [Region 4 Events] [RSS]
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by company

... further results
Allied-General Nuclear Services 0 [Allied-General Nuclear Services events] [RSS]
AmerGen 0 [AmerGen events] [RSS]
Ameren 0 [Ameren events] [RSS]
American Electric Power 0 [American Electric Power events] [RSS]
Arizona Public Service 0 [Arizona Public Service events] [RSS]
Carolina Power & Light Company 0 [Carolina Power & Light Company events] [RSS]
Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company 0 [Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company events] [RSS]
Cleveland Electric 0 [Cleveland Electric events] [RSS]
Cleveland-Cliffs 0 [Cleveland-Cliffs events] [RSS]
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co 0 [Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co events] [RSS]
Constellation 2 [Constellation events] [RSS]
Consumers Energy 0 [Consumers Energy events] [RSS]
DTE Energy 0 [DTE Energy events] [RSS]
Dairyland Power Cooperative 0 [Dairyland Power Cooperative events] [RSS]
Dominion 0 [Dominion events] [RSS]
Duke Energy 1 [Duke Energy events] [RSS]
Duquesne Light Company 0 [Duquesne Light Company events] [RSS]
EDF Energy 0 [EDF Energy events] [RSS]
Energy Northwest 0 [Energy Northwest events] [RSS]
Entergy 0 [Entergy events] [RSS]
Eversource Energy 0 [Eversource Energy events] [RSS]
Exelon 0 [Exelon events] [RSS]
FirstEnergy 0 [FirstEnergy events] [RSS]
GEH Hitachi 0 [GEH Hitachi events] [RSS]
GPU Nuclear 0 [GPU Nuclear events] [RSS]
Houston Lighting and Power Company 0 [Houston Lighting and Power Company events] [RSS]
Illinois Power Company 0 [Illinois Power Company events] [RSS]
Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation 0 [Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation events] [RSS]
Kairos Power 0 [Kairos Power events] [RSS]
LaCrosseSolutions 0 [LaCrosseSolutions events] [RSS]
Long Island Lighting Company 0 [Long Island Lighting Company events] [RSS]
Luminant 0 [Luminant events] [RSS]
NextEra Energy 0 [NextEra Energy events] [RSS]
Niagara Mohawk 0 [Niagara Mohawk events] [RSS]
NorthStar Vermont Yankee 0 [NorthStar Vermont Yankee events] [RSS]
Northeast Nuclear Energy 0 [Northeast Nuclear Energy events] [RSS]
Omaha Public Power District 0 [Omaha Public Power District events] [RSS]
Ontario Power Generation 0 [Ontario Power Generation events] [RSS]
PSEG 2 [PSEG events] [RSS]
Pacific Gas & Electric 0 [Pacific Gas & Electric events] [RSS]
Pennsylvania Power and Light Company 0 [Pennsylvania Power and Light Company events] [RSS]
Portland General Electric 0 [Portland General Electric events] [RSS]
Power Authority of the State of New York 0 [Power Authority of the State of New York events] [RSS]
Progress Energy 0 [Progress Energy events] [RSS]
Rochester Gas and Electric 0 [Rochester Gas and Electric events] [RSS]
STP Nuclear Operating Company 0 [STP Nuclear Operating Company events] [RSS]
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company 0 [South Carolina Electric & Gas Company events] [RSS]
Southern California Edison 0 [Southern California Edison events] [RSS]
Southern Nuclear 0 [Southern Nuclear events] [RSS]
Talen Energy 0 [Talen Energy events] [RSS]

by site

Site#CompanyEvent lists
Arkansas Nuclear 0 Entergy [Arkansas Nuclear events] [RSS]
Beaver Valley 0 Vistra [Beaver Valley events] [RSS]
Braidwood 0 Constellation [Braidwood events] [RSS]
Browns Ferry 1 Tennessee Valley Authority [Browns Ferry events] [RSS]
Brunswick 0 Duke Energy [Brunswick events] [RSS]
Byron 0 Constellation [Byron events] [RSS]
Callaway 0 Ameren [Callaway events] [RSS]
Calvert Cliffs 0 Constellation [Calvert Cliffs events] [RSS]
Catawba 1 Duke Energy [Catawba events] [RSS]
Clinch River 0 [Clinch River events] [RSS]
Clinton 0 Constellation [Clinton events] [RSS]
Columbia 0 Energy Northwest [Columbia events] [RSS]
Comanche Peak 0 Luminant [Comanche Peak events] [RSS]
Cook 0 American Electric Power [Cook events] [RSS]
Cooper 0 Entergy [Cooper events] [RSS]
Davis Besse 0 Cleveland Electric [Davis Besse events] [RSS]
Diablo Canyon 0 Pacific Gas & Electric [Diablo Canyon events] [RSS]
Dresden 1 Constellation [Dresden events] [RSS]
Farley 1 Southern Nuclear [Farley events] [RSS]
Fermi 0 DTE Energy [Fermi events] [RSS]
FitzPatrick 0 Constellation [FitzPatrick events] [RSS]
Ginna 0 Constellation [Ginna events] [RSS]
Grand Gulf 0 Entergy [Grand Gulf events] [RSS]
Harris 0 Duke Energy [Harris events] [RSS]
Hatch 0 Southern Nuclear [Hatch events] [RSS]
Hope Creek 2 PSEG [Hope Creek events] [RSS]
Kemmerer 0 TerraPower [Kemmerer events] [RSS]
LaSalle 0 Constellation [LaSalle events] [RSS]
Lee 0 Duke Energy [Lee events] [RSS]
Limerick 0 Constellation [Limerick events] [RSS]
McGuire 0 Duke Energy [McGuire events] [RSS]
Millstone 0 Dominion [Millstone events] [RSS]
Monticello 1 Xcel Energy [Monticello events] [RSS]
Nine Mile Point 0 Constellation [Nine Mile Point events] [RSS]
North Anna 0 Dominion [North Anna events] [RSS]
Oconee 0 Duke Energy [Oconee events] [RSS]
Palisades 0 Entergy [Palisades events] [RSS]
Palo Verde 0 Arizona Public Service [Palo Verde events] [RSS]
Peach Bottom 0 Constellation [Peach Bottom events] [RSS]
Perry 0 FirstEnergy [Perry events] [RSS]
Point Beach 0 NextEra Energy [Point Beach events] [RSS]
Prairie Island 0 Xcel Energy [Prairie Island events] [RSS]
Quad Cities 1 Constellation [Quad Cities events] [RSS]
River Bend 0 Entergy [River Bend events] [RSS]
Robinson 0 Duke Energy [Robinson events] [RSS]
Saint Lucie 0 NextEra Energy [Saint Lucie events] [RSS]
Salem 0 PSEG [Salem events] [RSS]
Seabrook 0 NextEra Energy [Seabrook events] [RSS]
Sequoyah 1 Tennessee Valley Authority [Sequoyah events] [RSS]
South Texas 0 STP Nuclear Operating Company [South Texas events] [RSS]
Summer 0 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company [Summer events] [RSS]
Sundesert 0 San Diego Gas & Electric Compnay [Sundesert events] [RSS]
Surry 0 Dominion [Surry events] [RSS]
Susquehanna 0 Talen Energy [Susquehanna events] [RSS]
Turkey Point 0 NextEra Energy [Turkey Point events] [RSS]
Victoria 0 Exelon [Victoria events] [RSS]
Vogtle 0 Southern Nuclear [Vogtle events] [RSS]
Waterford 0 Entergy [Waterford events] [RSS]
Watts Bar 1 Tennessee Valley Authority [Watts Bar events] [RSS]
Wolf Creek 0 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation [Wolf Creek events] [RSS]

by Reactor type

Advanced Boiling Water Reactor 0 [Advanced Boiling Water Reactor events] [RSS]
B&W-L-LP 0 [B&W-L-LP events] [RSS]
B&W-R-LP 0 [B&W-R-LP events] [RSS]
CANDU 0 [CANDU events] [RSS]
CANDU-6 0 [CANDU-6 events] [RSS]
CANDU-9 0 [CANDU-9 events] [RSS]
CE 0 [CE events] [RSS]
CP0 0 [CP0 events] [RSS]
CP1 0 [CP1 events] [RSS]
CP2 0 [CP2 events] [RSS]
Economic and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor 0 [Economic and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor events] [RSS]
Evolutionary Power Reactor 0 [Evolutionary Power Reactor events] [RSS]
GE Pool 0 [GE Pool events] [RSS]
GE-1 0 [GE-1 events] [RSS]
GE-2 0 [GE-2 events] [RSS]
GE-3 3 [GE-3 events] [RSS]
GE-4 4 [GE-4 events] [RSS]
GE-5 0 [GE-5 events] [RSS]
GE-6 2 [GE-6 events] [RSS]
Natrium 0 [Natrium events] [RSS]
P4 REP 1300 0 [P4 REP 1300 events] [RSS]
Pool 0 [Pool events] [RSS]
TRIGA 0 [TRIGA events] [RSS]
TRIGA Mark I 0 [TRIGA Mark I events] [RSS]
TRIGA Mark II 0 [TRIGA Mark II events] [RSS]
TRIGA Mark III 0 [TRIGA Mark III events] [RSS]
VVER-1000 0 [VVER-1000 events] [RSS]
W-AP1000 0 [W-AP1000 events] [RSS]
Westinghouse PWR 2-Loop 0 [Westinghouse PWR 2-Loop events] [RSS]
Westinghouse PWR 3-Loop 2 [Westinghouse PWR 3-Loop events] [RSS]
Westinghouse PWR 4-Loop 3 [Westinghouse PWR 4-Loop events] [RSS]

Retracted Notifications

ENS retractions are captured with the property Property:Retracted as a boolean value. For a site breakdown statistics and more details see ENS Retracted.

Recent Notifications

[Table of all Power Reactor ENS]