Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division
Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division (NRC/OCIO/GEMSD) | |
John Moses, Jonathan Feibus, Paul Ricketts, Sara Mroz, Tanya Mensah
3 August 2017 - 16 February 2023 | |
HQ Office | |
HQ Division |
Division of Licensing Projects
Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Division of Inspection and Regional Support
Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
No value Acquisition Management Division Division of Administrative Services Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division No value Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis
No value Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
No value Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
No value Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
No value Division of Security Operations
No value Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division
No value
No value
No value
No value
No value Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
No value
No value
No value
No value
No value Office of Information Services
No value
No value
No value
Office of Public Affairs Region I Office of Public Affairs Region II The following 2 query conditions could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes]] OR [[:Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel]] OR [[:Document Control Desk]] OR [[:Embark Venture Studio]] OR [[:NRC/ACRS]] OR [[:NRC/ASLBP]] OR [[:NRC/Chairman]] OR [[:NRC/EDO]] OR [[:NRC/FSME]] OR [[:NRC/IS]] OR [[:NRC/OCAA]] OR [[:NRC/OCFO]] OR [[:NRC/OCIO]] OR [[:NRC/OCM]] OR [[:NRC/OE]] OR [[:NRC/OEDO]] OR [[:NRC/OGC]] OR [[:NRC/OI]] OR [[:NRC/OIG]] OR [[:NRC/OIP]] , [[Division::+]]</code>. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of Licensing Projects Japan Lessons-Learned Division Division of Policy and Rulemaking Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Materials and License Renewal Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Review Division of Spent Fuel Management Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Division of Security Operations Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Division of Engineering Technology
Acquisition Management Division Division of Administrative Services Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
Office of Information Services
Office of Public Affairs Region I Office of Public Affairs Region II
Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "". |
Region 1Division
Region 2Division
Region 3Division
Region 4Division
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from | MONTHYEARML23059A3602023-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2023 Title: APP-2023-000004 Denying Appeal of FOIA Request FOIA-2023-000024 ML23059A3622023-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2023 Title: APP-2023-000003 - Resp 1 - Final ML23019A3722023-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2023 Title: January 10, 2023, CUI Meeting Slides ML23019A3732023-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2023 Title: Summary of Closed Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and Industry Regarding Controlled Unclassified Information ML22336A0422022-11-210Issue date: 21 November 2022 Title: NRC-2023-000024 - Resp 1 - Final ML22305A6982022-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2022 Title: Adams_Privacy_Impact_Assessment ML22286A0452022-10-140Issue date: 14 October 2022 Title: Annual Meeting of the Agency Wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) User Group (Aug), to Discuss Issues Related to Public Access of ADAMS ML22213A2372022-09-260Issue date: 26 September 2022 Title: Electronic Official Personnel Folder (Eopf) Privacy Impact Assessment ML22165A2802022-09-200Issue date: 20 September 2022 Title: OMB 3150-0036 Final Supporting Statement for Part 110 Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material ML22210A0932022-09-200Issue date: 20 September 2022 Title: Talent Management System (TMS) Privacy Impact Assessment ML22210A1352022-09-150Issue date: 15 September 2022 Title: Government Retirement & Benefits (Grb) Platform Privacy Impact Assessment ML22259A1492022-09-140Issue date: 14 September 2022 Title: Arkcase Legal Case Management System Privacy Impact Assessment ML22210A2402022-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2022 Title: Employees Compensation Operation and Management Portal (Ecomp) Privacy Impact Assessment ML22159A2182022-06-170Issue date: 17 June 2022 Title: June 2, 2022, NRC CUI Virtual Public Meeting Summary ML22145A5522022-05-250Issue date: 25 May 2022 Title: Public Meeting Handout: NRC CUI Information-Sharing Agreement: 5/25/22 (Draft) ML22103A2302022-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2022 Title: Office of the Inspector General - Investigations, Correspondence, and Audit Management System (OIG-ICAMS) Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML22087A4362022-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2022 Title: Mind Your Business, Inc. (Myb) Sharefile Portal Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML22081A2852022-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2022 Title: March 28, 2022, NRC CUI Virtual Public Meeting Presentation ML22081A3152022-03-220Issue date: 22 March 2022 Title: Draft NRC CUI Information-Sharing Agreement ML21356A0352022-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2022 Title: 2022 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Chief FOIA Report ML22053A0672022-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2022 Title: Enclosure 8 - Social Security Number Eliminated and Progress Report ML22053A0562022-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2022 Title: Enclosure 5 - Agency Privacy Continuous Monitoring Strategy ML22055A5652022-02-090Issue date: 9 February 2022 Title: Financial Management Systems (Fms) Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML22004A3062022-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2022 Title: Entellitrak Equal Employment Opportunity (Etk Eeo) Case Management System Privacy Impact Assessment ML22174A3602022-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2022 Title: NRC Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Overview, Version 2.7 with Appendix a (Final Pages) ML22021A8972022-01-210Issue date: 21 January 2022 Title: Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy and Overview ML22021A9822022-01-210Issue date: 21 January 2022 Title: Capital Planning and Investment Control ML22010A2082022-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2022 Title: Enclosure OIG Final Audit Report OIG-22-A-04, Independent Evaluation of the NRCs Implementation of the Fisma Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2021 ML22046A3172022-01-130Issue date: 13 January 2022 Title: Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (Ramp) Website ML21307A1622021-12-200Issue date: 20 December 2021 Title: Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (Efss) Privacy Impact Assessment ML21298A0532021-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2021 Title: Annual Meeting of the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) User Group (Aug) ML21266A1272021-09-240Issue date: 24 September 2021 Title: Employee Medical File - COVID19 Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML22053A0622021-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2021 Title: Enclosure 6 - Agency Privacy Program - Uniform Resource Locator ML21277A1152021-08-180Issue date: 18 August 2021 Title: 6 Steve Schrader Data Science and Ai Workshop ML21229A0882021-08-170Issue date: 17 August 2021 Title: NRC-2021-000222 - Response 1 - Final ML21217A1532021-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2021 Title: Federal Personnel Payroll System (Fpps), Workforce Transformation and Tracking System (Wtts), Entrance on Duty System (Eods), Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML21153A4122021-07-210Issue date: 21 July 2021 Title: Case Management System Web (CMS-W) Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML21111A1442021-04-210Issue date: 21 April 2021 Title: NRC-2021-000143 - Resp 1 - Final ML21111A1452021-04-190Issue date: 19 April 2021 Title: NRC-2021-000139 - Resp 1 - Final ML20288A5002020-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2020 Title: Moderate Adm Support Systems (Mass) Consolidated Privacy Impact Assessment (Pia) ML22053A0642020-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2020 Title: Enclosure 7 - Agency Privacy Program Plan ML20272A1182020-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2020 Title: NRC-2020-000320 - Resp 1 - Final ML20272A1542020-09-230Issue date: 23 September 2020 Title: NRC-2019-000247 - Resp 2 - Interim ML20261H2752020-09-100Issue date: 10 September 2020 Title: NRC-2020-000305 - Resp 1 - Final ML20254A0532020-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2020 Title: NRC-2018-000831 - Resp 5 - Interim ML20121A0182020-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2020 Title: NRC_CpicPolicy_v2.4_2020_Update ML20079H8442020-04-140Issue date: 14 April 2020 Title: March 5, 2020, Summary of Meeting to Discuss the Status of NRC Plans to Transition to Controlled Unclassified Information ML20080M8232020-04-140Issue date: 14 April 2020 Title: Enclosure - CUI Public Meeting Attendance Sheet ML20063L6762020-03-270Issue date: 27 March 2020 Title: National Source Tracking System (NSTS) Pia ML20063M3462020-03-250Issue date: 25 March 2020 Title: Letter to Department of Commerce Releasing NRC Spectrum Assignment ML20072H9532020-03-050Issue date: 5 March 2020 Title: Transcript of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Public Meeting March 5, 2020, Pages 1-91 ML19353C7232019-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2019 Title: NRC Cpic Policy and Overview Version 2.3 ML19289D1952019-10-170Issue date: 17 October 2019 Title: NRC Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Update (October 17, 2019) ML19140A5072019-10-110Issue date: 11 October 2019 Title: Moderate Adm Support Systems (Mass) ML19239A0782019-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2019 Title: SMR-LTR-16-0382-2-OCIO - 2019 Annual Progress Report Describing Implementation Progress of Nrc'S Previous and Current Open Government Plans to Be Published on NRC Open Government Webpage ML19253A4992019-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2019 Title: Certification of Records ML19211B7852019-09-050Issue date: 5 September 2019 Title: July 25, 2019 Controlled Unclassified Information Meeting Summary ML19232A0572019-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2019 Title: E-Mail Opportunity to Review and Comment on NRC Information Collection ML19157A0212019-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2019 Title: E-mail Opportunity to Review and Comment on NRC Information Collection ML19067A1872019-06-040Issue date: 4 June 2019 Title: Talent Management System Privacy Impact Assessment ML19148A1332019-05-280Issue date: 28 May 2019 Title: SRM-LTR-15-0321-9-OCIO U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actions and Milestones Table ML18353B6582019-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2019 Title: 60-day Federal Register Notice for 10 CFR Part 30, Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing Byproduct Material, (3150-0017) ML19105A0172019-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2019 Title: FY19 AW-IT-01 Methodology April 2019 ML19044A5902019-04-260Issue date: 26 April 2019 Title: OMB 3150-0046, 60-day FRN for 10 CFR Part 25 Information Collection Renewal ML19029A1172019-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2019 Title: Identity, Credential, and Access Management (Icam) Pia ML19032A5742019-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2019 Title: IT Resource Statements-BY2020-AITPS-CBJ ML18285A3112019-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2019 Title: Draft OMB Supporting Statement, NRC Forms 313 and 313A Series Doc 3150-0120 ML18353B3452018-12-190Issue date: 19 December 2018 Title: Summary of 34th Meeting of the ADAMS User Group ML18254A2652018-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2018 Title: SRM-LTR-16-0382-2-OCIO: USNRC Open Government Plan Update September 2018 ML18163A0262018-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2018 Title: Ocfo Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud - Pta ML17124A0862017-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2017 Title: OMB 3150-0195, Draft 2018 Collection Renewal Voluntary Reporting of Performance Indicators 60-Day Federal Register Notice 2023-02-16 |
to | MONTHYEARML23086C0772023-03-270Issue date: 27 March 2023 Title: 2022 Records Management Self-Assessment ML23086C0762023-03-270Issue date: 27 March 2023 Title: 2022 Records Management Self-Assessment - Survey Link ML22160A2862022-06-160Issue date: 16 June 2022 Title: Designation of the SAO for Records Management ML22075A0252022-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2022 Title: 2021 Rmsa Report ML22075A0262022-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2022 Title: 2021 Records Management Self-Assessment Score ML22075A0282022-03-100Issue date: 10 March 2022 Title: 2021 Rmsa Annual Report Receipt Acknowledgement ML23041A3962019-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2019 Title: Federal Advisory Committee Records Management Assessment Report ML23041A3972019-07-230Issue date: 23 July 2019 Title: NRC Federal Advisory Committee Records Management Assessment Report & Recommendations ML23041A3952019-07-220Issue date: 22 July 2019 Title: 2019-07-22 RA-2019-002 NRC Assessment-Recommendations 2023-03-27 |