Alan Blamey, Necota Staples
25 January 2002 - 8 August 2024 | |
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from | MONTHYEARIR 05000321/20240022024-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2024 Title: Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000321-2024002 and 05000366-2024002 OI 2-2022-020, – Investigation Summary, Office of Investigations Case Number 2-2022-0202024-06-060Issue date: 6 June 2024 Title: – Investigation Summary, Office of Investigations Case Number 2-2022-020 ML24134A1062024-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2024 Title: 2023 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides ML24123A0502024-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2024 Title: 2023 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary Meeting Number 20240479 ML24120A2202024-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2024 Title: Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides - April 30, 2024 IR 05000348/20240012024-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2024 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2024001 and 05000364/2024001 IR 05000424/20230062024-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2024 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Report 05000424-2023006 and 05000425-2023006 IR 05000321/20230042024-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2024 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2023004 and 05000366/2023004 ML23335A0122023-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2023 Title: FNP - IP95001 Inspection Notification and Request for Information (Email to Farley) ML23335A0112023-12-010Issue date: 1 December 2023 Title: IP 95001 Inspection Notification and Request for Information (EA-23-080) IR 05000321/20230112023-11-170Issue date: 17 November 2023 Title: – Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 050003212023011 and 050003662023011 IR 05000424/20230052023-08-290Issue date: 29 August 2023 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 - Report 05000424/2023005 and 05000425/2023005 IR 05000321/20230012023-04-260Issue date: 26 April 2023 Title: – Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2023001 and 05000366/2023001 IR 05000348/20230112023-04-130Issue date: 13 April 2023 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000348/2023011 and 05000364/2023011 ML23093A1472023-04-040Issue date: 4 April 2023 Title: Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection IR 05000348/20220902023-02-160Issue date: 16 February 2023 Title: NRC Inspection Report 05000348/2022090 IR 05000321/20220042023-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2023 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2022004 and 05000366/2022004 IR 05000348/20220042023-01-230Issue date: 23 January 2023 Title: – Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2022004 and 05000364/2022004 ML22347A0882022-12-130Issue date: 13 December 2022 Title: Final Farley Pi_R Initial RFI (2023) IR 05000424/20220032022-10-270Issue date: 27 October 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2022003 and 05000425/2022003 IR 05000348/20220502022-09-300Issue date: 30 September 2022 Title: Special Inspection Reactive Report 05000348/2022050 and Apparent Violation IR 05000348/20220052022-08-240Issue date: 24 August 2022 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000348/2022005 and 05000364/2022005 IR 05000424/20220052022-08-240Issue date: 24 August 2022 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 - Report 05000424/2022005 and 05000425/2022005 IR 05000321/20220052022-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2022 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units and 2 Report 05000321/2022005 and 05000366/2022005 IR 05000348/20220022022-08-120Issue date: 12 August 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2022002 and 05000364/2022002 IR 05000424/20220022022-08-110Issue date: 11 August 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2022002 and 05000425/2022002 ML22129A1452022-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2022 Title: IR 2022001 Final IR 05000348/20220012022-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2022001 and 05000364/2022001 ML22108A1382022-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2022 Title: Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary IR 05000424/20210062022-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2022 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 (Report No 05000424/2021006 and 05000425/2021006) IR 05000321/20210062022-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2022 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Erwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Report No. 05000321/2021006 and 05000366/2021006) IR 05000348/20210062022-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2022 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (Report No. 05000348/2021006 and 05000364/2021006) IR 05000348/20210042022-02-080Issue date: 8 February 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2021004 and 05000364/2021004 IR 05000424/20210042022-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2021004 and 05000425/2021004 IR 05000321/20210042022-02-040Issue date: 4 February 2022 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2021004 and 05000366/2021004 ML22019A0132022-01-180Issue date: 18 January 2022 Title: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Investigations Case Number 2-2021-004 IR 05000348/20210032021-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2021 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2021003, 05000364/2021003, and 07200042/2021001 IR 05000424/20210052021-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2021 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000424/2021005 and 05000425/2021005) IR 05000348/20210052021-08-240Issue date: 24 August 2021 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000348/2021005 and 05000364/2021005) IR 05000321/20210052021-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2021 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000321/2021005 and 05000366/2021005) IR 05000261/20210022021-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2021 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000261/2021002 IR 05000424/20210102021-07-230Issue date: 23 July 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000424/2021010 and 05000425/2021010 IR 05000424/20214032021-07-060Issue date: 6 July 2021 Title: Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000424/2021403 05000425/2021403 - Publicly Available Cover Letter ML21180A4632021-06-290Issue date: 29 June 2021 Title: Summary of the June 22, 2021, Public Outreach to Discuss the NRC 2020 End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, and Perry Nuclear Power Plant ML21130A0172021-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2021 Title: Public Meeting Summary Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 Docket No. 50-424, 50-425, 52-025, 52-026, Meeting Number ML21113A269 IR 05000321/20210012021-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2021 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2021001 and 05000366/2021001 IR 05000348/20210102021-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2021 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000348/2021010 and 05000364/2021010 IR 05000321/20200062021-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2021 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Report 05000321/2020006 and 05000366/2020006 IR 05000424/20200042021-02-100Issue date: 10 February 2021 Title: Units 1 & 2 - Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2020004 and 05000425/2020004 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07201039/2020002 IR 05000424/20200032020-11-130Issue date: 13 November 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2020003 and 05000425/2020003 IR 05000346/20200032020-11-120Issue date: 12 November 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000346/2020003 IR 05000321/20200032020-11-100Issue date: 10 November 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2020003 and 05000366/2020003 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07200036/2020002 IR 05000348/20204012020-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2020 Title: Joseph Farley M. Nuclear Plant - Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000348/2020401 and 05000364/2020401 (Public) IR 05000348/20200032020-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2020003 and 05000364/2020003 ML20302A0002020-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2020 Title: Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection IR 05000424/20200022020-08-140Issue date: 14 August 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2020002 and 05000425/2020002 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07201039/2020001 IR 05000348/20200022020-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348-2020002 and 05000364-2020002 IR 05000321/20200022020-08-050Issue date: 5 August 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2020002 and 05000366/2020002 ML20154K7272020-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2020 Title: EOC Meeting Summary ML20154K7242020-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2020 Title: EOC Meeting Summary ML20136A2832020-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2020 Title: 4 EOC Slides IR 05000424/20200012020-05-110Issue date: 11 May 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2020001 and 05000425/2020001 IR 05000321/20200012020-05-110Issue date: 11 May 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2020001 and 05000366/2020001 IR 05000424/20200402020-05-080Issue date: 8 May 2020 Title: Assessment Follow-up Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 - Report 05000424/2020040 and 05000425/2020040 IR 05000348/20200012020-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2020001 and 05000364/2020001 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07200042/2020001 IR 05000348/20190042020-02-130Issue date: 13 February 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2019004 and 05000364/2019004 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07200042/2019003 and 07200042/2019002 IR 05000321/20190042020-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2019004 and 05000366/2019004 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07200036/2019002 IR 05000424/20190042020-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2020 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2019004 and 05000425/2019004 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Report 07201039/2019004 ML19312B5602019-11-080Issue date: 8 November 2019 Title: Investigation Summary, Office of Investigations Case Number 2-2018-032 IR 05000321/20190132019-11-050Issue date: 5 November 2019 Title: Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000321/2019013 and 05000366/2019013 IR 05000424/20190052019-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2019 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Reports 05000424/2019005 and 05000425/2019005 IR 05000321/20190052019-08-270Issue date: 27 August 2019 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Reports 05000321/2019005 and 05000366/2019005 IR 05000348/20190022019-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2019 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2019002, 05000364/2019002 and 07200042/2019001 IR 05000321/20190022019-08-060Issue date: 6 August 2019 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2019002, 05000366/2019002 and 07200036/2019001 ML19164A2582019-06-130Issue date: 13 June 2019 Title: Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection IR 05000348/20190012019-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2019001 and 05000364/2019001 IR 05000321/20190012019-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2019001 and 05000366/2019001 IR 05000327/20190012019-05-100Issue date: 10 May 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2019001 and 05000328/2019001 IR 05000424/20190012019-05-090Issue date: 9 May 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2019001 and 05000425/2019001 ML19123A3562019-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2019 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425 ML19123A3542019-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2019 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Hatch Nuclear Plant, Docket Nos. 50-321 and 50-366 IR 05000348/20190112019-04-030Issue date: 3 April 2019 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000348/2019011 and 05000364/2019011 ML19065A3072019-03-060Issue date: 6 March 2019 Title: Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection IR 05000321/20180062019-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2019 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch - Report 05000321/2018006 and 05000366/2018006 IR 05000348/20180042019-02-130Issue date: 13 February 2019 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2018004 and 05000364/2018004 IR 05000321/20180042019-02-130Issue date: 13 February 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2018004 and 05000366/2018004 IR 05000424/20180042019-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2019 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2018004 and 05000425/2018004 IR 05000424/20180022019-01-250Issue date: 25 January 2019 Title: Reissue - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2018002; 05000425/2018002; 05000424/2018502 and 05000425/2018502 ML18360A2312018-12-210Issue date: 21 December 2018 Title: Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for Nuclear Regulatory Commission Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection IR 05000424/20180032018-11-090Issue date: 9 November 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2018003 and 05000425/2018003 ML18318A0532018-11-090Issue date: 9 November 2018 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2018003 and 05000364/2018003 IR 05000321/20180052018-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2018 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Reports 05000321/2018005 and 05000366/2018005 IR 05000348/20180052018-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2018 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Reports 05000348/2018005 and 05000364/2018005 IR 05000424/20180052018-08-230Issue date: 23 August 2018 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Reports 05000424/2018005 and 05000425/2018005 IR 05000321/20180022018-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2018002 and 05000366/2018002 ML18221A2462018-08-090Issue date: 9 August 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2018002 and 05000425/2018002 IR 05000348/20180022018-08-080Issue date: 8 August 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2018002 and 05000364/2018002 ML18219A6542018-08-070Issue date: 7 August 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2018002 and 05000328/2018002 IR 05000424/20184122018-07-120Issue date: 12 July 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Material Control and Accounting (Mc&A) Inspection Report 05000424/2018412 and 05000425/2018412 - Public IR 05000348/20180142018-05-240Issue date: 24 May 2018 Title: Inspection Report 05000348/2018014 and 050003642018014 Investigation Report No. 2-2017-014; and Notice of Violations IR 05000424/20180012018-05-110Issue date: 11 May 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2018001 and 05000425/2018001 ML18124A1072018-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2018 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Docket Nos. 50-424, 50-425, 52-025, 52-026 IR 05000321/20180012018-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2018 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2018001 and 05000366/2018001 ML18124A0052018-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2018 Title: Summary of Public Meeting - Hatch Nuclear Plant Docket Nos. 50-321, 50-366 ML18059A1532018-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2018 Title: EOC Assessment Letter ML18059A1402018-02-280Issue date: 28 February 2018 Title: EOC Assessment Letter IR 05000348/20170042018-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2018 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2017004 and 05000364/2017004 IR 05000321/20170092018-01-190Issue date: 19 January 2018 Title: NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000321/2017009 and 05000366/2017009 IR 05000348/20174062017-10-250Issue date: 25 October 2017 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 05000348/2017406 and 05000364/2017406 IR 05000327/20170032017-10-230Issue date: 23 October 2017 Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report Inspection Report 05000327/2017003 and 05000328/2017003 IR 05000348/20170052017-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2017 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, NRC Report 05000348/2017005 and 05000364/2017005 IR 05000321/20170052017-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2017 Title: Updated Inspection Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - NRC Report 05000321/2017005 and 05000366/2017005 IR 05000424/20170052017-08-280Issue date: 28 August 2017 Title: Updated Inspection Plan NRC Inspection Report 05000424/2017005 and 05000425/2017005 IR 05000424/20170022017-07-210Issue date: 21 July 2017 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2017002 and 05000425/2017002 IR 05000321/20170012017-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2017 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2017001 and 05000366/2017001 IR 05000348/20160062017-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2017 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000348/2016006 and 05000364/2016006) IR 05000321/20160062017-03-010Issue date: 1 March 2017 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000321/2016006 and 05000366/2016006) IR 05000424/20160042017-02-070Issue date: 7 February 2017 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2016004 and 05000425/2016004 and Followup Assessment Letter IR 05000321/20160042017-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2017 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2016004 and 05000366/2016004 IR 05000348/20160042017-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2017 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2016004 and 05000364/2016004 IR 05000321/20164062016-12-140Issue date: 14 December 2016 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 05000321/2016406 and 05000366/2016406 IR 05000424/20160032016-11-030Issue date: 3 November 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2016003 and 05000425/2016003 IR 05000348/20160032016-11-020Issue date: 2 November 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2016003 and 05000364/2016003 IR 05000348/20160052016-08-310Issue date: 31 August 2016 Title: Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Report 05000348/2016005 and 05000364/2016005 IR 05000424/20160082016-08-100Issue date: 10 August 2016 Title: NRC Evaluation of Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Systems, Structures, and Components, Inspection Report 05000424/2016008 and 05000425/2016008 IR 05000424/20160022016-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2016002 and 05000425/2016002 IR 05000321/20160012016-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000321/2016001 and 05000366/2016001, January 1, 2016 Through March 31, 2016 ML16126A0812016-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2016 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 and 2 IR 05000424/20160012016-05-030Issue date: 3 May 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2016001 and 05000425/2016001, January 1, 2016 Through March 31, 2016 IR 05000348/20160012016-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2016001 and 05000364/2016001 ML16062A1842016-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2016 Title: Annual Assessment Letter ML16062A1522016-03-020Issue date: 2 March 2016 Title: Final Annual Assessment Letter IR 05000348/20150042016-02-030Issue date: 3 February 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000348/2015004; and 05000364/2015004, October 1, 2015 Through December 31, 2015 IR 05000424/20150042016-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2016 Title: NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000424/2015004, 05000425/2015004, and 07201039/2015001, October 01, 2015 Through December 31, 2015 IR 05000321/20150042016-01-220Issue date: 22 January 2016 Title: IR 05000321/2015004 and 05000366/2015004; 10/01/2015 - 12/31/2015; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant; NRC Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000424/20150032015-11-060Issue date: 6 November 2015 Title: IR 05000424/2015003, 05000425/2015003; on 07/01/2015 - 09/30/2015; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Con IR 05000321/20150052015-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2015 Title: Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000321/2015005 and 05000366/2015005) IR 05000348/20150052015-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2015 Title: Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000348/2015005 and 05000364/2015005) IR 05000321/20150022015-08-060Issue date: 6 August 2015 Title: IR 05000321/2015002 and 05000366/2015002, 04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, NRC Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000424/20150022015-08-040Issue date: 4 August 2015 Title: IR 05000424/2015002 and 05000425/2015002, 04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, NRC Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000348/20150022015-08-040Issue date: 4 August 2015 Title: IR 05000348/2015002 and 05000364/2015002; April 1, 2015 Through June 30, 2015; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Fire Protection, Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Expo IR 05000424/20154032015-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2015 Title: IR 05000424/2015403 and 05000425/2015403, on 07/14/15, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant-US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report IR 05000348/20150012015-05-080Issue date: 8 May 2015 Title: IR 05000348/2015001 & 05000364/2015001; 01/01/2015 - 03/31/2015; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Fire Protection; Flood Protection Measures; Problem Identification and Resolution IR 05000321/20150012015-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2015 Title: IR 05000321/2015001 and 05000366/2015001; on January 1, 2015, Through March 31, 2015; Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2, Problem Identification and Resolution, Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Control IR 05000424/20150012015-05-010Issue date: 1 May 2015 Title: IR 05000424/2015001, 05000425/2015001; on 01/01/2015 - 03/31/2015; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Event Follow-up ML15121A0342015-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2015 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2014 Annual Performance Assessment of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant ML15120A5942015-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2015 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss 2014 Annual Performance Assessment of the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant IR 05000424/20140012015-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2015 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000424/2014001 and 05000425/2014001) IR 05000424/20140052015-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2015 Title: IR 05000424/2014005, 05000425/2014005; on 10/01/2014 - 12/31/2014; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Refueling and Other Outage Activities, Surveillance Testing IR 05000321/20140052015-01-260Issue date: 26 January 2015 Title: IR 05000321/2014005 and 05000366/2014005, on October 1, 2014, Through December 31, 2014; Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2, Fire Protection, Problem Identification and Resolution IR 05000321/20140042014-11-120Issue date: 12 November 2014 Title: IR 05000321/2014004; and 05000366/2014004, on July 1, 2014 Through September 30, 2014; Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2, Maintenance Effectiveness, Problem Identification and Resolution, Follow-up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretio IR 05000424/20140042014-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2014 Title: IR 05000424/2014004, 05000425/2014004; on 07/01/2014 - 09/30/2014; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance, Refueling and Other Outage Activities, Identifi IR 05000348/20140042014-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2014 Title: IR 05000348/2014004; and 05000364/2014004, on July 1, 2014, Through September 30, 2014; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments ML14245A1782014-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2014 Title: Mid-Cycle Letter ML14245A1752014-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2014 Title: Mid-cycle Ltr 2014 ML14245A1692014-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2014 Title: Mid-Cycle Letter IR 05000321/20140032014-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2014 Title: IR 05000321-14-003; and 05000366-14-003, on April 1, 2014, Through June 30, 2014; Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2, Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments IR 05000348/20140032014-07-310Issue date: 31 July 2014 Title: IR 05000348-14-003; and 05000364-14-003; on April 1, 2014, Through June 30, 2014; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Report IR 05000348/20140022014-05-140Issue date: 14 May 2014 Title: IR 05000348-14-002 and 05000364-14-002; on 01/01/2014 - 03/31/2014; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Adverse Weather Protection, Maintenance Effectiveness, Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments, Post Mainten ML14120A1122014-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2014 Title: End of Cycle Public Meeting Summary Memo IR 05000424/20140022014-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2014 Title: IR 05000424-14-002, 05000425-14-002; on 01/01/2014 - 03/31/2014; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Inspection Report ML14115A4102014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, in Vidalia, Georgia ML14115A4052014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: 2013 End of Cycle Farley Public Meeting Summary Memo ML14076A1642014-03-170Issue date: 17 March 2014 Title: Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment for Farley Nuclear Station ML14072A3812014-03-130Issue date: 13 March 2014 Title: Public Meeting Agenda by Rii - to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment for Farley Nuclear Station. This Is a Newly Scheduled Meeting IR 05000364/20140102014-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2014 Title: IR 0500364-14-010; 01/21/2014 - 01/24/2014; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 2; Special Inspection IR 05000348/20140102014-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2014 Title: IR 0500364-14-010; 01/21/2014 - 01/24/2014; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 2; Special Inspection ML14066A3172014-03-070Issue date: 7 March 2014 Title: 20140476 Public Meeting Agenda by Rii - to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment for the Hatch Nuclear Station IR 05000348/20140012014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000348/2014001 and 05000364/2014001) IR 05000424/20130012014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000424/2013001 and 05000425/2013001) IR 05000321/20130012014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000321/2013001 and 05000366/2013001) ML14063A1442014-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2014 Title: 2013 Annual Assessment Letter for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 IR 05000424/20130052014-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2014 Title: IR 05000424-13-005, 05000425-13-005, 05000424-13-502, 05000425-13-502; on 10/01/2013 - 12/31/2013; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Post Maintenance Testing IR 05000321/20130052014-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2014 Title: IR 05000321-13-005, 05000366-13-005, 05000321-13-502, 05000366-13-502; 10/01/2013 - 12/31/2013; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Maintenance Effectiveness, Refueling and Other Outage Activities, Problem Identification and Resolu IR 05000424/20130042013-11-040Issue date: 4 November 2013 Title: IR 05000424-13-004, 05000425-13-004; on 07/01/2013 - 09/30/2013; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000321/20130042013-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2013 Title: IR 05000321-13-004, 05000366-13-004, on 07/01/2013-09/30/2013, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Follow-up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000348/20130042013-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2013 Title: IR 05000348-13-004; and 05000364-13-004; July 1, 2013, Through September 30, 2013; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Fire Protection, Problem Identification and Resolution IR 05000321/20134062013-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2013 Title: Hatch NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 2013406 (OUO removed) ML13255A0102013-09-120Issue date: 12 September 2013 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 2013406 (OUO Removed) ML13246A2092013-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2013 Title: Mid Cycle Assessment Letter ML13246A1152013-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2013 Title: Mid Cycle Assessment Letter ML13246A1102013-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2013 Title: Mid-Cycle Assessment Letter IR 05000348/20130032013-08-010Issue date: 1 August 2013 Title: IR 05000348-13-003; and 05000364-13-003; April 1, 2013, Through June 30, 2013; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Refueling and Other Outage Activities IR 05000424/20130032013-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2013 Title: IR 05000424-13-003, 05000425-13-003, 04/01/2013 - 06/30/2013, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000338/20130072013-05-150Issue date: 15 May 2013 Title: Errata to IR 05000338-13-007 and 05000339-13-007; 03/11/2013 - 03/25/2013; North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2; Biennial Inspection of the Problem Identification and Resolution Program IR 05000348/20130022013-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2013 Title: IR 05000348-13-002 and 05000364-13-002, 01/01/2013 - 03/31/2013; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Evaluations of Changes, Tests, or Experiments and Permanent Plant Modifications IR 05000321/20130022013-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2013 Title: IR 05000321-13-002, 05000366-13-002, on 01/01/2013-03/31/2013, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Post-Maintenance Testing IR 05000424/20130022013-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2013 Title: IR 05000424-13-002, 05000425-13-002, 01/01/2013 - 03/31/2013, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Refueling and Other Outage Activities, Licensed Operator Requalification Program; Maintenance Rule Effectiveness ML13120A1722013-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2013 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant for the Period of January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 ML13112A2552013-04-220Issue date: 22 April 2013 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2012, - December 31, 2012 ML13079A1502013-03-200Issue date: 20 March 2013 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Joseph M. Farley ML13078A4122013-03-190Issue date: 19 March 2013 Title: Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company to Provide Opportunities to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant with the Public ML13073A2882013-03-140Issue date: 14 March 2013 Title: Notice of Public Meeting Announcement for Hatch 2012 End of Cycle with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc IR 05000321/20120012013-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2013 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000321/2012001 and 366/2012001) IR 05000424/20120012013-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2013 Title: Annual Assessment Letter for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000424/2012001 and 425/2012001) ML13050A3132013-02-190Issue date: 19 February 2013 Title: Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting/Open House Regarding Joseph M. Farley to Discuss Annual Assessment ML13032A2772013-02-010Issue date: 1 February 2013 Title: IR 05000424-12-005 & 05000425-12-005, 10/01/2012 - 12/31/2012, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Post-Maintenance Testing, Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000348/20120052013-01-310Issue date: 31 January 2013 Title: IR 05000348-12-005 and 05000364-12-005; 9/01/12, - 12/31/12; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant; Integrated Report IR 05000321/20120052013-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2013 Title: IR 05000321-12-005, 05000366-12-005, 05000321-12-502 & 05000366-12-502, 10/01/2012 - 12/31/2012, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 & 2, Flood Protection Measures, Follow-up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion, Other Activitie IR 05000338/20124042012-11-270Issue date: 27 November 2012 Title: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Security Inspection Report 05000338-12-404 and 05000339-12-404 IR 05000424/20120042012-10-310Issue date: 31 October 2012 Title: IR 05000424-12-004, 05000425-12-004, on 07/01/2012 - 09/30/2012, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Surveillance Testing, Refueling and Other Outage Activities IR 05000348/20120042012-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2012 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000348-12-004 & 05000364-12-004 IR 05000321/20120042012-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2012 Title: Integrated Inspection Report 05000321-12-004 & 05000366-12-004 ML12275A4812012-10-010Issue date: 1 October 2012 Title: Assessment - Mid Cycle 2012 ML12248A0482012-09-040Issue date: 4 September 2012 Title: Mid Cycle Assessment Letter Vogtle 2012 IR 05000424/20124042012-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2012 Title: NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection Report 05000424-12-404 and 05000425-12-404 IR 05000321/20120032012-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2012 Title: IR 05000321-12-003, 05000366-12-003; 04/01/2012-06/30/2012; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Fire Protection, Problem Identification and Resolution, Other Activities IR 05000424/20120032012-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2012 Title: IR 05000424-12-003, 05000425-12-003, on 04/01/2012 - 06/30/2012, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Surveillance Testing IR 05000348/20120032012-07-200Issue date: 20 July 2012 Title: IR 05000348-12-003; and 05000364-12-003, on 04/01/2012 Through 06/30/2012; Joseph M. Farley; Problem Identification and Resolution, Component Design Basis Inspection, Inservice Inspection Activities, and Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation IR 05000321/20120022012-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2012 Title: IR 05000321-12-002, 05000366-12-002, on 01/01/2012-3/31/2012, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Evaluation IR 05000348/20120022012-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2012 Title: IR 05000348-12-002; 05000364-12-002; and 07200042/2012001 January 1 Through March 31, 2012; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Integrated Report IR 05000424/20120022012-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2012 Title: IR 05000424-12-002, 05000425-12-002; January 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Integrated Report ML12115A2572012-04-240Issue date: 24 April 2012 Title: Summary of with Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for 2011 ML12115A0492012-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2012 Title: Meeting Summary ML12096A1632012-04-050Issue date: 5 April 2012 Title: 3/29/2012 Public Meeting Summary - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ML12076A1482012-03-160Issue date: 16 March 2012 Title: 4/11/2012 Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment for Hatch Nuclear Station ML12069A0362012-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2012 Title: 3/29/2012 Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant with the Public ML12065A2282012-03-050Issue date: 5 March 2012 Title: EOC Assessment Letter 2011 IR 05000321/20110052012-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2012 Title: IR 05000321-11-005, 05000366-11-005, 07200036-11-001, on 10/01/2011-12/31/2011, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Performance Indicators, Other Activities IR 05000003/19640112012-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2012 Title: IR 05000348-11-005, 05000364-11-005, 05000348-11-014, and 05000364-11-1014, October 1, 2011 Through December 31, 2011, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000348/20114072012-01-170Issue date: 17 January 2012 Title: IR 05000348-11-407, and 05000364-11-407, on 12/22/2011, Joseph M. Farley Plant-NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection IR 05000348/20110042011-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2011 Title: IR 05000348-11-004 and 05000364-11-004, on July 1, 2011, Through September 30, 2011, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Maintenance Rule (MR) Effectiveness IR 05000424/20110042011-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2011 Title: IR 05000424-11-004, 05000425-11-004, on 07/01/2011 - 09/30/2011, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000321/20110042011-10-280Issue date: 28 October 2011 Title: IR 05000321-11-004, 05000366-11-004, on 07/01/2011-9/30/2011, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Report IR 05000424/20110062011-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2011 Title: Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Inspection Report 05000424-11-006, & 05000425-11-006 (DRS) IR 05000348/20110062011-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2011 Title: Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan for Joseph M. Farley Inspection Report 05000348-11-006 and 05000364-11-006 ML1124403852011-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2011 Title: Report 22 - Hatch ML1124401732011-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2011 Title: Report 22 - Farley IR 05000348/20110032011-08-040Issue date: 4 August 2011 Title: IR 05000348-11-003 and 05000364-11-003; April 1, 2011, Through June 30, 2011; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Routine Integrated Report IR 05000321/20110032011-08-030Issue date: 3 August 2011 Title: IR 05000321-11-003 & 05000366-11-003, on 04/01/2011 - 06 /30/2011, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Problem Identification and Resolution, Other Activities IR 05000424/20110032011-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2011 Title: IR 05000424-11-003, 05000425-11-003; 04/01/2011 - 06/30/2011; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Post-Maintenance Testing IR 05000348/20110122011-07-150Issue date: 15 July 2011 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, to Discuss Safety Significance of Preliminary White Finding Associated with One Apparent Violation Documented in NRC Inspection Report 05000348-11-012 and 05000364-11-012 IR 05000348/20110112011-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2011 Title: NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/183 Inspection Report 05000348/2011011 and 05000364/2011011 IR 05000321/20110102011-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2011 Title: NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/183 Inspection Report 05000321/2011010, 05000366/2011010 IR 05000424/20110092011-05-130Issue date: 13 May 2011 Title: NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/183 Inspection Report 05000424/2011009 and 05000425/2011009 IR 05000348/20110022011-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2011 Title: IR 05000348-11-002 and 05000364-11-002, on 01/01/11 - 03/31/11, Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 & 2 IR 05000424/20110022011-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2011 Title: IR 0500424-11-002, and 05000425-11-002, on 03/31/2011, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - NRC Inspection Report ML1111900612011-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2011 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss the Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process and the Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance at Hatch for the Period of 01/01/210 - 12/31/2010 ML1111807382011-04-280Issue date: 28 April 2011 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant for the Period of January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 ML1109603002011-04-060Issue date: 6 April 2011 Title: Summary of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co. to Discuss the Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) and the Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance for the Period of January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 ML1108718492011-03-280Issue date: 28 March 2011 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co. to to Discuss Fleet Improvement Initiatives for the Southern Nuclear Plants ML1108106832011-03-210Issue date: 21 March 2011 Title: Notice of Meeting with Vogtle Electric Generating Plant to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant with the Public ML1108106362011-03-210Issue date: 21 March 2011 Title: Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss Annual Assessment of Licensee Performance at Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant with the Public ML1106803612011-03-090Issue date: 9 March 2011 Title: Notice of Meeting/Open House Regarding Farley Nuclear Plant Annual Assessment ML1106300582011-03-040Issue date: 4 March 2011 Title: Annual Assessment Letter - Vogtle (IR 05000424-11-001 & 05000425-11-001) IR 05000348/20100052011-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2011 Title: IR 05000348-10-005 and 05000364-10-005; 10/01/2010 - 12/31/2010; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Fire Protection, Identification, and Resolution of Problems IR 05000321/20100052011-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2011 Title: IR 5000321-10-005, 05000366-10-005, 05000321-10-501 & 05000366-10-501, on 10/01/2010 - 12/31/2010, Edwin I. Hatch, Integrated Inspection Report ML1102800732011-01-270Issue date: 27 January 2011 Title: Inspection Reports 2010-005 and 2010-502 IR 05000348/20100042010-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2010 Title: IR 05000348-10-004 & 05000364-10-004, 07/01/2010 - 09/30/2010, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of Problems, Event Followup IR 05000321/20100042010-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2010 Title: IR 05000321-10-004 & 05000366-10-004 7/01/2010 - 9/30/2010, Edwin I. Hatch - NRC Integrated Inspection IR 05000424/20100042010-10-290Issue date: 29 October 2010 Title: IR 05000424-10-004, 05000425-10-004; 07/01/2010 - 09/30/2010; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Identification and Resolution of Problems ML1028105222010-10-080Issue date: 8 October 2010 Title: September 29, 2010 Summary O Public Meeting with Farley to Discuss Corrective Actions Associated with Two White Regulatory Performance Public Meeting Summary ML1026300652010-09-160Issue date: 16 September 2010 Title: Failure to Report Arrest by Contract Employee (OI Case No. 2-2010-005) ML1025707612010-09-140Issue date: 14 September 2010 Title: Notice of Category One Performance Meeting Announcement on Edwin I Hatch ML1024407832010-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2010 Title: Mid-Cycle Letter Performance Review and Inspection Plan IR 05000321/20104032010-08-250Issue date: 25 August 2010 Title: IR 05000321-10-403, IR 05000366-10-403, on 07/13/2010 - 07/30/2010, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, NRC Material Control and Accounting Inspection, Cover Letter IR 05000036/20100032010-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2010 Title: IR 05000348-10-003 and 0500036-10-003 on 04/01/2010 - 06/30/2010 for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls; Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000321/20100032010-07-300Issue date: 30 July 2010 Title: IR 05000321-10-003, 05000366-10-003; 04/01/2010-06/30/2010; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Flood Protection Measures, Maintenance Effectiveness, Refueling and Other Outage Activities IR 05000424/20100032010-07-290Issue date: 29 July 2010 Title: IR 05000424-10-003, 05000425-10-003, on 04/01/2010 - 06/30/2010, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Inservice Inspection Activities, Plant Modifications, Event Follow-up ML1014502262010-05-240Issue date: 24 May 2010 Title: Supporting Calculations for Final Significance Determination of White Finding (Cover Letter) IR 05000348/20100022010-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2010 Title: IR 05000348-10-002 and 05000364-10-002; 01/01/2010 - 03/31/2010; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Fire Protection Evaluations of Changes, Tests, or Experiments and Permanent Plant Modifications; and Event Follow-up IR 05000321/20100022010-04-290Issue date: 29 April 2010 Title: IR 05000321-10-002, 05000366-10-002; 01/01/2010 - 03/31/2010; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Event Follow-Up ML1011304442010-04-230Issue date: 23 April 2010 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of January 1, 2009 Through December 31, 2009 ML1010904512010-04-190Issue date: 19 April 2010 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Vogtle to Discuss Annual Assessment ML1009805922010-04-080Issue date: 8 April 2010 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process and Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance for Period of January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009 - Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant ML1009201712010-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2010 Title: Notification of Relocation of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Offices ML1009201622010-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2010 Title: Notification of Relocation of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Offices ML1009201542010-04-020Issue date: 2 April 2010 Title: Notification of Relocation of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Offices ML1009200792010-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2010 Title: Office of Investigations 2-2009-018 Synopsis Release ML1009200722010-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2010 Title: 2009-026 Office of Investigations Synopsis Release ML1009103872010-04-010Issue date: 1 April 2010 Title: Notice of Category 3 Public Meeting/Open House with Edwin I. Hatch, to Discuss Annual Assessment ML1008804002010-03-290Issue date: 29 March 2010 Title: End of Cycle Public Meeting Announcement ML1007102432010-03-120Issue date: 12 March 2010 Title: Notice of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co. to Discuss Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Licensee Performance at Farley Nuclear Plant ML1006208902010-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2010 Title: End of Cycle Letter and Report 22 ML1006208682010-03-030Issue date: 3 March 2010 Title: Enclosure - Report 22. Oconee Inspection/Activity Plan IR 05000348/20090052010-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2010 Title: IR 05000348-09-005 and 05000364-09-005; 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2009; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Internal Flood Protection, Maintenance Effectiveness, Operability Evaluations, and Other Activities IR 05000424/20090052010-01-280Issue date: 28 January 2010 Title: IR 05000424-09-005, 05000425-09-005, 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2009, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2, Event Followup, Other Activities IR 05000348/20090042009-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2009 Title: IR 05000348-09-004, 05000364-09-004, 05000348-09-501, and 05000364-09-501, on 07/01/2009 - 09/30/2009, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Surveillance Testing, Event Follow-up and Other Activities IR 05000321/20090042009-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2009 Title: IR 05000321-09-004, 05000366-09-004, on 07/01/2009-09/30/2009, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Report IR 05000424/20090042009-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2009 Title: IR 05000424-09-004, 05000425-09-004, on 07/01/2009 - 09/30/2009, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, Problem Identification and Resolution, Other Activities ML0924403012009-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2009 Title: Report 22, Inspection/Activity Plan, 07/01/2009 - 12/31/2010 ML0924402922009-09-010Issue date: 1 September 2009 Title: Mid Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan IR 05000348/20090032009-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2009 Title: IR 05000348-09-003 & 05000364-09-003 on 04/01/09 - 06/30/09 for Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 and 2, Integrated Inspection IR 05000321/20090032009-07-280Issue date: 28 July 2009 Title: IR 05000321-09-003 & 05000366-09-003, on 04/01/2009-06/30/2009; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of Problems IR 05000424/20090032009-07-270Issue date: 27 July 2009 Title: Integrated IR 05000424-09-003, 05000425-09-003 and Emergency Preparedness IR 05000424-09-501, 05000425-09-501 on 04/01/09 - 06/03/09 for Vogtle, Units 1 & 2 IR 05000348/20090022009-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2009 Title: IR 05000348-09-002 and 05000364-09-002; 01/01/2009 - 03/31/2009; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Post Maintenance Testing IR 05000321/20090022009-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2009 Title: IR 05000321-09-002, 05000366-09-002, on March 31, 2009, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - NRC Integrated Inspection Report IR 05000424/20090022009-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2009 Title: IR 05000424-09-002 & 05000425-09-002 on 01/01/2009 - 03/31/2009 for Vogtle, Units 1 & 2 ML0910607322009-04-160Issue date: 16 April 2009 Title: Summary of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc., to Provide Opportunities to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of 01/01/2008 - 12/31/08 ML0907007482009-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2009 Title: Meeting Notice, Meeting/Open House Session to Provide Opportunities to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant with the Public ML0907007402009-03-110Issue date: 11 March 2009 Title: Meeting Notice, Meeting/Open House Session to Provide Opportunities to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant with the Public ML0904301432009-02-120Issue date: 12 February 2009 Title: IR 05000424-08-005 & 05000425 on 01/20/09 for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant IR 05000348/20080052009-01-300Issue date: 30 January 2009 Title: IR 05000348-08-005 and 05000364-08-005; 10/01/2008 - 12/31/2008; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Routine Integrated Report IR 05000321/20080052009-01-290Issue date: 29 January 2009 Title: IR 05000321-08-005, 05000366-08-005, on 10/01/2008-12/31/2008, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Other IR 05000348/20080102009-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2009 Title: Ti 2515/171 Verification of Implementation of B.5.b Phase 2 and 3 Mitigating Strategies Inspection Report 05000348-08-010 and 05000364-08-010 IR 05000424/20080052009-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2009 Title: IR 05000424-08-005 & 05000425 on 10/01/08 - 12/31/08 for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ML0902000642009-01-200Issue date: 20 January 2009 Title: IR 05000424-08-005 & 05000425-08-005; on 10/1/2008 - 12/31/2008; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas IR 05000424/20080092009-01-090Issue date: 9 January 2009 Title: IR 05000425-08-009 and 05000424-08-009; on 08/20/2008 - 12/11/2008; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Supplemental Inspection IP 95001 for a Reported White Mitigating Systems Performance Index, Cooling Water System Performanc IR 05000321/20084022008-11-120Issue date: 12 November 2008 Title: Security Inspection Reports 05000321-08-402 & 05000366-08-402 IR 05000348/20080042008-10-300Issue date: 30 October 2008 Title: IR 05000348-08-004, 05000364-08-004, 05000348-08-502, and 05000364-08-502; on 07/01/2008 - 09/30/2008; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Routine Integrated Report 2024-08-08 |
to | MONTHYEARML24138A0092024-05-170Issue date: 17 May 2024 Title: Public Meeting Summary - 2023 Annual Assessment Meeting for Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 and 2 Docket No. 50-348, and 50-364 -Meeting Number 20240474 ML24123A0502024-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2024 Title: 2023 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary Meeting Number 20240479 ML23146A1672023-05-310Issue date: 31 May 2023 Title: Public Meeting Summary–2022 Annual Assessment Meeting for Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 and 2 Docket No. 50?348, and 50?364 Meeting Number 20230610 ML22108A1382022-04-180Issue date: 18 April 2022 Title: Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary ML21130A0172021-05-060Issue date: 6 May 2021 Title: Public Meeting Summary Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 Docket No. 50-424, 50-425, 52-025, 52-026, Meeting Number ML21113A269 ML20154K7242020-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2020 Title: EOC Meeting Summary ML20154K7272020-06-020Issue date: 2 June 2020 Title: EOC Meeting Summary ML19123A3542019-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2019 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Hatch Nuclear Plant, Docket Nos. 50-321 and 50-366 ML19123A3562019-05-020Issue date: 2 May 2019 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425 ML18124A1072018-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2018 Title: Public Meeting Summary - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Docket Nos. 50-424, 50-425, 52-025, 52-026 ML18124A0052018-05-040Issue date: 4 May 2018 Title: Summary of Public Meeting - Hatch Nuclear Plant Docket Nos. 50-321, 50-366 ML16126A0812016-05-050Issue date: 5 May 2016 Title: Summary of Public Meeting with Joseph M. Farley, Units 1 and 2 ML15121A0342015-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2015 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2014 Annual Performance Assessment of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant ML15120A5942015-04-300Issue date: 30 April 2015 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss 2014 Annual Performance Assessment of the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant ML14115A4052014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: 2013 End of Cycle Farley Public Meeting Summary Memo ML14115A4102014-04-250Issue date: 25 April 2014 Title: Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, in Vidalia, Georgia ML11313A1482011-10-030Issue date: 3 October 2011 Title: E-Mail from Adam Nielsen to Eddie Morris Subject: Hatch Tritium Notifications ML12039A2882011-09-020Issue date: 2 September 2011 Title: E-mail from G. Mccoy, Region II to R. Bernardo, NRR; Subject: North Anna Earthquake AIT Debrief ML0824907202008-09-030Issue date: 3 September 2008 Title: SNC Letter to Phil Niebaum Cracked Coupling NL-08-0127, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Distribution List2008-01-300Issue date: 30 January 2008 Title: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Distribution List NL-07-1488, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Distribution List for Inspection Reports2007-07-250Issue date: 25 July 2007 Title: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Distribution List for Inspection Reports NL-07-1190, Southern Nuclear Organization Change2007-06-070Issue date: 7 June 2007 Title: Southern Nuclear Organization Change ML0626904432006-09-250Issue date: 25 September 2006 Title: Memo 09/25/06 LaSalle: Re Input to DRP IR 06-005 ML0611602422006-04-260Issue date: 26 April 2006 Title: Special Inspection Charter to Evaluate Farley Unit 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Failures 2024-05-02 |