Letter Sequence RAI |
- Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, ... further results|Request]]
- Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance
- Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, ... further results|Supplement]]
- Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance
- Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, ... further results|Meeting]]
- Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, ... further results|Approval]]
Other: L-18-006, ISFSI - Site-Specific License Renewal Application, Revision 0, July 2018, L-23-005, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation License Renewal Application, Revision 1 (Cac/Epid No. 001028/L-2022-RNW-0007), ML17311A450, ML17318A087, ML18018A018, ML18022A077, ML18022A078, ML18022A079, ML18087A056, ML18087A057, ML18087A058, ML18087A059, ML18087A060, ML18087A061, ML18087A062, ML18100A185, ML18100A188, ML18100A190, ML18100A191, ML18100A193, ML18101A024, ML18108A052, ML18131A047, ML18131A048, ML18141A561, ML18141A562, ML18141A563, ML18141A564, ML18141A565, ML18141A567, ML18179A258, ML18179A260, ML18179A266, ML18201A455, ML18205A179, ML18222A351, ML18228A530, ML18228A531, ML18228A532, ML18228A533, ML18234A012, ML18255A093, ML18255A094, ML18255A096, ML18255A097, ML18255A098, ML18255A101, ML18255A102, ML18324A577, ML18324A594... further results
MONTHYEARML19255E7911997-05-31031 May 1997 Enclosure 1 - Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Waste Depository, Andrews County, Tx Project stage: Other ML19255E7952004-10-25025 October 2004 Enclosure 2 - Habitat Characterization and Rare Species Survey for the Proposed Low Level Waste Repository, Andrews County, Tx Project stage: Other ML19337B5182007-03-16016 March 2007 Enclosure 10 - Applicable Sections of LLRW License Project stage: Other ML19255E7982007-03-16016 March 2007 Enclosure 3 - Supplemental Survey to Ecological Assessment of the Low Level Waste Depository, Andrews County, Texas Project stage: Supplement ML19217A2112007-04-30030 April 2007 Enclosure 1 - Report on Mapping of a Trench Through Pedogenic Calcrete (Caliche) Across a Drainage and Possible Lineament, Waste Control Specialists Disposal Site, Andrews County, Tx (Public) Project stage: Other ML19255E8002008-07-0303 July 2008 Enclosure 4 - Environmental Assessment Report Prepared for Application for Renewal of Radioactive Material License R04971 Waste Control Specialists LLC Andrews County, Texas Project stage: Request ML19217A2142008-07-28028 July 2008 Enclosure 4 - Report on Activities to Satisfy Byproduct RML Conditions 41A, 41C, and 43, July 2008 (Public) Project stage: Other ML19217A2132011-02-22022 February 2011 Enclosure 3 - Oag Water Levels: Empirical and Modeled Relationships Between Precipitation and Infiltration, 2011 (Public) Project stage: Other ML18100A1852013-04-11011 April 2013 Enclosure 6 - Procedure 12751-MNGP-OPS-01, Revision 0, Spent Fuel Cask Welding: 61BT/BTH NUHOMS Canisters Project stage: Other ML18100A1882013-04-11011 April 2013 Enclosure 7 - Procedure 12751-MNGP-QP-9.201, Revision 0, Visual Weld Examination Project stage: Other ML18100A1912014-01-30030 January 2014 Enclosure 9 - Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Report 130415.402, Revision 0, Review of Trivis Inc. Welding Procedures Used for Field Welds on the Transnuclear NUHOMS 61BTH Type 1 & 2 Transportable Canister for BWR Fuel Project stage: Other ML18100A1902014-05-22022 May 2014 Enclosure 8 - Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Report 130415.403, Revision 2, Assessment of Monticello Spent Fuel Canister Closure Plate Welds Based on Welding Video Records Project stage: Other ML17318A0872017-11-0909 November 2017 Intent to Pursue Subsequent License Renewal Project stage: Other BVY 17-041, Supplement to Exemption Request from Certain Requirements of 10 CFR 72.212 and 10 CFR 72.214 to Support the Dry Fuel Loading Campaign2017-12-0707 December 2017 Supplement to Exemption Request from Certain Requirements of 10 CFR 72.212 and 10 CFR 72.214 to Support the Dry Fuel Loading Campaign Project stage: Supplement ML18011A1582017-12-22022 December 2017 International HI-STORE Cis (Consolidated Interim Storage Facility) License Application Responses to Safeguards Related Requests for Supplemental Information Project stage: Supplement ML18016A7232018-01-10010 January 2018 1/10/2018, E-Mail from D. Shaw/Areva to C. Jacobs/Nmss/Dsfm Urgent Need for a Tech Spec Administrative Change Project stage: Request ML17249A1572018-01-11011 January 2018, 16 January 2018 Package: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ISFSI Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to Issuance of Exemption to Allow a New Loading Pattern and Loading Fuel Cooled for at Least 2 Years Project stage: Request ML17249A1592018-01-16016 January 2018 Letter to C. C. Chappell Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ISFSI Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Related to Issuance of Exemption to Allow a New Loading Pattern and Loading Fuel Cooled for at Least 2 Years Project stage: Approval ML18022A1542018-01-16016 January 2018 Enclosure 3: Handout-PG&E Presentation on Humboldt Bay ISFSI LRA (Memo to A. Hsia Summary of December 12, 2017, Meeting) Project stage: Meeting ML18022A1532018-01-16016 January 2018 Enclosure 2: Agenda (Memo to A. Hsia Summary of December 12, 2017, Meeting with Pacific Gas & Electric Company to Discuss the Upcoming Submittal of the Application for Renewal of the Humboldt Bay ISFSI License) Project stage: Meeting ML18022A1522018-01-16016 January 2018 Enclosure 1: Meeting Attendees (Memo to A. Hsia Summary of December 12, 2017, Meeting with Pacific Gas & Electric Company to Discuss the Upcoming Submittal of the Application for Renewal of the Humboldt Bay ISFSI License) Project stage: Meeting ML18022A1512018-01-16016 January 2018 Memo to A. Hsia Summary of December 12, 2017, Meeting with Pacific Gas & Electric Company to Discuss the Upcoming Submittal of the Application for Renewal of the Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation License Project stage: Meeting ML18018A0182018-01-17017 January 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Application for Holtec International HI-STORM Umax Multipurpose Canister Storage System License Amendment Request No. 3 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1040 - Accepted for Review Project stage: Other ML18018A0192018-01-17017 January 2018 Enclosurequest for Additional Information (Ltr to K. Manzione Application for Holtec International HI-STORM Umax Multipurpose Canister Storage System License Amendment Request No. 3 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1040-Accepted for Review) Project stage: RAI ML18018B2972018-01-19019 January 2018 Federal Registered Notice: Correction of Certificate of Compliance No. 1004, Renewed Amendments No. 11, Revision 1 and No. 13, Revision 1 Project stage: Request ML18022A6122018-01-19019 January 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Amendment No. 4 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 for the HI-STORM Flood/Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System-Request for Additional Information Project stage: RAI ML18022A0772018-01-22022 January 2018 Letter to J. Bondre Correction to Tn Americas LLC Technical Specifications for Renewed Amendments No. 11, Revision 1 and No. 13, Revision 1 to Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks Project stage: Other ML18022A0782018-01-22022 January 2018 Enclosure 1: Revised Title for Figure 1-5 Corrected Technical Specifications for Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 Renewed Amendment No. 11, Revision 1 Enclosure 1 Project stage: Other ML18022A0762018-01-22022 January 2018 Package: Correction to Title of Figure 1-15 in Technical Specifications for Certificate of Compliance 1004 Renewed Amendments No. 11, Revision 1 and No. 13, Revision 1 Project stage: Request ML18022A0792018-01-22022 January 2018 Enclosure 2: Revised Title for Figure 1-5 Corrected Technical Specifications for Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 Renewed Amendment No. 13, Revision 1 Project stage: Other ML18024A2732018-01-24024 January 2018 Letter to D. G. Stoddard U.S. NRC Approval of Virginia Electric and Power Company Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for North Anna Power Station ISFSI (Cac/Epid Nos. 001028/L-2017-RNW-0010 and 000993/L-2017-LNE-0008 Project stage: Withholding Request Acceptance ML18031A4572018-01-31031 January 2018 Submittal Date for Response to NRCs Requests for Additional Information (Rais) for License Amendment Request 1032-4 to HI-STORM FW CoC No. 1032 (CAC No. 001028) Project stage: Request ML17311A4502018-01-31031 January 2018 ISFSI License Renewal Final Environmental Assessment Project stage: Other ML18036A2222018-02-0101 February 2018 International - Transmittal of HI-STORM Umax License Amendment Request No. 3 - Administrative RAI Response Project stage: Request ML17298A1352018-02-0202 February 2018 Safety Evaluation Report (Letter to C. C. Chappell Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Issuance of Exemption (CAC No.: 001028, Docket Nos. 50-271, 72-59, and 72-1014; EPID L-2017-LLE-0005) Project stage: Approval ML17298A1332018-02-0202 February 2018 Package: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Issuance of Exemption (CAC No.: 001028, Docket Nos. 50-271, 72-59, and 72-1014; EPID L-2017-LLE-0005) Project stage: Request ML17298A1342018-02-0202 February 2018 Letter to C. C. Chappell Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Issuance of Exemption (CAC No.: 001028, Docket Nos. 50-271, 72-59, and 72-1014; EPID L-2017-LLE-0005) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2252018-02-0606 February 2018 Enclosurenewed License SNM-2507 (Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2212018-02-0606 February 2018, 8 February 2018 Package: Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Cac/Epid Nos. 001028/L-2017-RNW-0010 and 000993/L-2017-LNE-0008) Project stage: Request ML18031A2282018-02-0606 February 2018 Enclosure 2: Safety Evaluation Report (Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station ISFSI) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2272018-02-0606 February 2018 Enclosurenewed License SNM-2507 Technical Specifications (Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station ISFSI) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2242018-02-0606 February 2018 Enclosure 1: Preamble-SNM-2507 License Renewal Order (Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2222018-02-0606 February 2018 Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Cac/Epid Nos. 001028/L-2017-RNW-0010 and 000993/L-2017-LNE-0008) Project stage: Approval ML18031A2312018-02-0808 February 2018 Federal Register Notice - Notice of Issuance for License Renewal (Letter to D. G. Stoddard Issuance of Renewed Materials License No. SNM-2507 for the North Anna Power Station ISFSI) Project stage: Approval ML18053A2342018-02-15015 February 2018 Enclosure 6: Proposed Amendment 1, Revision 0 Changes to the NUHOMS Eos System Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapters 1 to 14 Project stage: Request ML18053A2332018-02-15015 February 2018 Enclosure 4: CoC 1042 Amendment 1 Proposed Technical Specifications, Revision 0 Project stage: Request ML18053A2222018-02-15015 February 2018 Application for Amendment 1 to the NUHOMS Eos System, Revision O (Docket No. 72-1042) Project stage: Request ML18057A2172018-02-23023 February 2018 Letter to A. Zaremba Request for Additional Information for Review of Duke Energys Decommissioning Funding Plan Update Project stage: RAI ML18057A2182018-02-23023 February 2018 Enclosurequest for Additional Information (Letter to A. Zaremba Request for Additional Information for Review of Duke Energys Decommissioning Funding Plan Update) Project stage: RAI ML18058A0232018-02-23023 February 2018 Letter to G. Van Noordennen Request for Additional Information Regarding Zionsolutions, LLCs Decommissioning Funding Plan Update for Zion Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Project stage: RAI 2018-01-10
[Table View] |
MONTHYEARML24299A1922024-09-20020 September 2024 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML22257A1072022-09-0707 September 2022 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML22063B1362022-03-0404 March 2022 International - Submittal of Updated FSAR for Renewed CoC ML21316A2062021-11-16016 November 2021 Transmittal Letter, Issuance of Renewed CoC No. 1008, HI-STAR 100 Cask System ML21301A1662021-10-28028 October 2021 Inspection, NRC Inspection Report 07201014/2021201 ML21295A3502021-10-22022 October 2021 Submittal of Revision 5 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) for the HI-STAR 100 Dry Spent Fuel Storage System ML21194A4042021-07-13013 July 2021 Internationa - Extreme Environmental Phenomena During Short Term Operations within 10CFR72 Jurisdiction - Update ML21175A0462021-06-23023 June 2021 International, Submittal of Position Paper DS-481, Consideration of Transient Loadings During Short Term Operations ML21132A2982021-05-12012 May 2021 International - Extreme Environmental Phenomena During Short Term Operations within 10CFR72 Jurisdiction ML20351A3712020-12-16016 December 2020 Proprietary Determination Letter for HI-STAR 100 11-13-2020 Submittal ML20329A3222020-11-24024 November 2020 International, Submittal of Clarification RAI Responses on HI-STAR 100 License Renewal - Updated Attachment ML20318A3222020-11-13013 November 2020 Submittal of Clarification RAI Responses on HI-STAR 100 License Renewal ML20267A3452020-09-30030 September 2020 Request for Clarification of Response to RAI for HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Application ML20163A7142020-06-11011 June 2020 International Submittal of Responses to NRC RAIs on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC ML20153A7692020-06-0101 June 2020 International, Submittal of Responses to NRC RAIs on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC ML20104A0402020-04-10010 April 2020 Request for Additional Information for HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Application ML20071D9942020-03-11011 March 2020 Submittal of HI-STAR 100 Updated FSAR, Revision 4 ML20010D5642020-01-10010 January 2020 Proprietary Determination Letter for HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Submittals ML20003D8882020-01-0303 January 2020 Submittal of the Biennial Report of Changes, Tests, and Experiments Implemented for the HI-STAR 100, HI-STORM 100, HI-STORM FW and HI-STORM Umax Systems Under the Provisions of 10 CFR 72.48 ML19350A5762019-12-12012 December 2019 HI-STAR 100 Renewal Updated Non-Proprietary Documents ML19317D5782019-11-0606 November 2019 HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Acceptance Letter ML19303A4472019-10-22022 October 2019 International - HI-STAR Final Safety Analysis Report Update Per 10 CFR 72.248(c)(6) ML19288A0682019-10-10010 October 2019 International - Submittal of Supplemental Information Related to NRCs Rsis on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC ML19270D3602019-09-27027 September 2019 Amendment No. 3 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 for the HI-STAR 100 Storage System SVPLTR 19-0049, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2019-09-10010 September 2019 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML19184A2372019-06-28028 June 2019 International - Submittal of Responses to NRCs Rsis on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC ML19037A1522019-02-0606 February 2019 International - HI-STAR 100 Amendment Request (1008-3), Removal of Preferential Fuel Loading Requirement from Certificate of Compliance (CoC) ML18345A1792018-12-0707 December 2018 International HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC Renewal Application ML18298A0572018-10-23023 October 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Holtec International Certificate of Compliance Nos. 1008, 1014, 1032, and 1040 - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure SVPLTR 18-0025, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2018-08-15015 August 2018 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML18192A1572018-07-10010 July 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Holtec International Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML18192A6312018-07-10010 July 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Holtec International Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML18192B0262018-07-10010 July 2018 Letter to K. Manzione Holtec International Certificate of Compliance No. 1008 - Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure ML18183A4482018-07-0202 July 2018 International - Submittal of Supplemental Changes for HI-STAR 100 LAR 1008-3 ML18004A5392018-01-0404 January 2018 International Biennial 10 CFR 72.48(d)(2) Report Submittal ML17360A1622017-12-15015 December 2017 International Submittal of Responses to NRCs 2nd Round RAIs for HI-STAR 100 Amendment Number 3 ML16251A0762016-09-0101 September 2016 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML13228A3992013-08-12012 August 2013 Letter to Holders of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Licenses Re Rescission of Certain Security Orders Concerning Spent Nuclear Fuel in Transit - Rin 3150-AI64 (NRC-2009-0163) EA-02-109 NL-04-2181, Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 72.124(c) - Criticality Monitors2005-01-19019 January 2005 Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 72.124(c) - Criticality Monitors RS-02-002, Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel2002-01-28028 January 2002 Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel ML0605903291999-10-21021 October 1999 Correction of Distribution Error on Holtec Hl-STAR 100 Certificate of Compliance 1008 ML0605903151999-10-13013 October 1999 Issuance of Page Changes to Certificate of Compliance for the Holtec HI-STAR 100 Cask System 2024-09-20
[Table view] |
UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 September 30, 2020 Ms. Kimberly Manzione Licensing Manager Holtec International Holtec Technology Campus One Holtec Boulevard Camden, NJ 08104
Dear Ms. Manzione:
By letter dated December 7, 2018, as supplemented on June 28, 2019, and October 10, 2019, Holtec International (Holtec) applied for renewal of the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No.
1008 for the HI-STAR 100 Storage Cask System (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos. ML18345A178, ML19184A232, and ML19288A089). The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff sent a request for additional information (RAI) related to the technical review of the renewal application on April 10, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20104A040), to which you responded on June 1, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20153A768). The NRC staff reviewed Holtecs RAI responses and determined that the enclosed clarifications to the RAI responses are needed for the NRC staff to complete its technical review.
In addition, during the staffs review of the renewal application, Holtec submitted Revision 4 of the HI-STAR 100 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), by letter dated March 11, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20071D992). This FSAR, Revision 4 includes the changes made in Amendment No. 3 to the CoC. The NRC staff considered these additional FSAR revisions in its review of the renewal application and has some questions regarding the revisions, which are included in the enclosed request for clarification.
Discussion of this request for clarification occurred on September 28, 2020. We request that you provide this information within 45 days from the date of this letter. Inform us at your earliest convenience, but no later than 2 weeks before the response date, if you are not able to provide the information by that date. To assist us in rescheduling your review, you should include a new proposed submittal date and the reasons for the delay.
K. Manzione 2
Please reference Docket No. 72-1008 and CAC/EPID Nos. 001028/L-2018-RNW-0030 in future correspondence related to this request. The NRC staff is available to clarify these questions, and if necessary, to meet and discuss your proposed responses. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 301-415-7116 or Kristina.Banovac@nrc.gov.
Sincerely, Kristina L. Banovac, Project Manager Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No.: 72-1008 CAC/EPID Nos.: 001028/L-2018-RNW-0030
Request for Clarification Kristina L.
Banovac Digitally signed by Kristina L. Banovac Date: 2020.09.30 08:47:12 -04'00'
ML20267A345 OFFICE NMSS/DFM/STL NMSS/DFM/MSB NMSS/DFM/STL NMSS/DFM/MSB NAME KBanovac JWise WWheatley TBoyce DATE 9/16/2020 9/17/2020 9/17/2020 9/22/2020 OFFICE NMSS/DFM/STL NAME BWhite for JMcKirgan DATE 9/23/2020
Enclosure Request for Clarification Holtec International Docket No. 72-1008 Certificate of Compliance Renewal By letter dated December 7, 2018, as supplemented on June 28, 2019, and October 10, 2019, Holtec International (Holtec) applied for renewal of the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No.
1008 for the HI-STAR 100 Storage Cask System (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos. ML18345A178, ML19184A232, and ML19288A089). The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff sent a request for additional information (RAI) related to the technical review of the renewal application on April 10, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20104A040), to which you responded on June 1, 2020 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20153A768).
This request for clarification of RAI responses identifies information needed by the NRC staff to complete its technical review of the renewal application and to determine whether the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the regulatory requirements. The requested information is listed by RAI response number.
Chapter 2: Scoping Evaluation RAI 2-3 and RAI 2-4 Follow-up Revise the scoping and aging management review (AMR) tables in the renewal application to clarify the responses to an NRC Observation and RAIs with respect to the subcomponents that were determined to be within scope of renewal.
The responses to NRC Observation 3 (Holtec, 2019) and RAIs 2-3 and 2-4 (Holtec, 2020) were provided to clarify which subcomponents were concluded to be within the scope of the renewal review and subject to an AMR. This clarity was sought to allow the staff to complete its review of the application and to ensure that the scoping and AMR tables (which are referenced in the aging management programs and in the proposed changes to the HI-STAR 100 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) in Appendix D of the renewal application) provided an accurate description of the aging management activities in the period of extended operation.
The staff identified apparent discrepancies in the response to the Observation, responses to RAIs, and the scoping and AMR tables in the renewal application. As a result, revise the renewal application to clarify the following:
- 1. Revise Table 2.1-3 of the renewal application, MPC Basket Subcomponents, to provide a conclusion as to whether the Optional Heat Conduction Elements are within scope of the renewal. If these elements are concluded to not be within the scope (as stated in the response to RAI 2-3), remove them from Table 3.3-2, Aging Management Review of MPC Basket Subcomponents.
- 2. As appropriate, revise the scoping and AMR tables to ensure they accurately state the scoping conclusions of the following items for which the responses to Observation 3 and RAI 2-4 appear to differ:
2 MPC Plugs for Drilled Holes MPC Upper Fuel Spacer Bolt MPC Basket Shim MPC Basket Support (Flat Plate)
Overpack Thermal Expansion Foam This information is needed to confirm compliance with 10 CFR 72.240(c).
References Holtec, 2019. Attachment 1 to Holtec Letter 5014876, Submittal of Responses to NRCs RSIs on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC, Holtec International, ADAMS Accession No. ML19184A232. June 28, 2019.
Holtec, 2020. Attachment 1 to Holtec Letter 5014898, Submittal of Responses to NRCs RIs on the Renewal of the HI-STAR 100 Storage CoC, Holtec International, ADAMS Accession No. ML20153A768. June 1, 2020.
RAI 2-5 Revise the renewal application to include the changes to the design bases in the HI-STAR 100 FSAR, Revision 4, which is associated with Amendment No. 3 to the HI-STAR 100 CoC.
By letter dated March 11, 2020, the applicant submitted Revision 4 of the FSAR that includes the changes made in CoC Amendment No. 3 (ADAMS Accession No. ML20071D992).
However, some changes were not addressed in the renewal application. Revise the renewal application to:
- 1. Include the evaluation of subcomponents added in Amendment 3 of the HI-STAR 100 Storage System CoC, updating the scoping and AMR tables accordingly. These SSCs include, but may not necessarily be limited to:
MPC Vent and Drain Tube, Optional MPC Threaded Disc, Plug Adjustment MPC Vent and Drain Plug MPC Thread Shield Cap MPC Retaining Ring
- 2. Update Table 1.3-1 of the renewal application to reference the revision of HI-2012610, the HI-STAR 100 FSAR, that defines the design bases for CoC Amendment No. 3.
Table 1.3-1 of the renewal application lists the FSAR revisions that apply to each amendment of the CoC. However, that table does not include a reference to the FSAR revision that serves as the design-basis FSAR for CoC Amendment No. 3.
This information is needed to confirm compliance with 10 CFR 72.240(c).
3 Chapter 3: Aging Management Review RAI 3-3 If the thermal expansion foam is in the scope of renewal (based on the response to RAI 2-3 and RAI 2-4 Follow-up), provide the technical basis that supports the conclusion that the foam does not have any credible aging effects due to radiation exposure that could challenge an important-to-safety function in the period of extended operation.
The silicone thermal expansion foam in the HI-STAR 100 Overpack is identified as a not-important-to-safety (NITS) item in the renewal application scoping tables. However, the foam was included in the scope of the aging management review in Chapter 3 of the renewal application, although the application did not identify the basis for including it within scope.
Further, the application concluded that the foam does not have any aging effects requiring management. If the thermal expansion foam is considered to be in the scope of renewal (based on the response to RAI 2-4a), clarify the bases for the results of the scoping and aging management review, as follows:
- 1. Clarify how an important-to-safety function is affected by potential degradation of the thermal expansion foam. HI-STAR 100 FSAR Section states that the foam may be required to alleviate thermal stresses from differential thermal expansion. It is not clear to the staff how a change in the foam properties may prevent it from fulfilling that role (i.e., how an important-to-safety function is (or is not) impacted if the thermal stresses are not alleviated).
- 2. Provide the technical basis for the conclusion that the gamma and neutron exposure throughout the period of extended operation will not challenge the structural integrity function of the foam. As described in NUREG-2214 Section, radiation can embrittle polymeric materials, and studies on the effects of gamma and neutron radiation on silicone foams have observed a loss of ductility (Liu, 2017). HI-STAR 100 FSAR Appendix 1.C states that silicone is highly resistant to the radiation exposure levels present in the storage system; however, no support for that statement was provided.
This information is needed to confirm compliance with 10 CFR 72.240(c).
Reference B. Lie, et al., Effects of Combined Neutron and Gamma Irradiation Upon Silicone Foam, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 133, pp. 31-36, 2017.
Appendix D: Aging Management FSAR Changes RAI D-1 Follow-up Provide the updated proposed changes to the HI-STAR 100 FSAR in Appendix D of the renewal application (FSAR supplement), including any referenced tables, as revised through the response to this request for clarification, and to incorporate the following clarifications.
Update the FSAR supplement to clarify the following renewal application references:
4 Table 9.2.3 of the FSAR supplement (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Pad AMP) references Table 3.3.5, which is likely a reference to Table 3.3-5 (with hyphen) of the renewal application that contains the AMR table for the ISFSI pad.
When incorporating by reference the renewal application Tables 3.3-3 and 3.3-5 in the proposed FSAR Tables 9.2.2 and 9.2.3, respectively, provide a clear reference to the specific revision of the renewal application (e.g., Table 3.3-3 of Revision 1C of the HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Application).
Clarify these references or fully incorporate the final AMR tables into the FSAR supplement to ensure that the aging management activities are appropriately included in the FSARs for each renewed CoC amendment.
In addition, in Table 3.3-3 of the renewal application, which is referenced in the FSAR supplement, the staff noted an editorial error where the Embedded (in concrete) environment for the overpack bottom plate was placed under the Aging Effects Requiring Management column. Revise the table to clarify the aging effects being managed by the Overpack AMP for this line item.
Appendix D of the renewal application provides the proposed FSAR supplement to document the aging management information associated with the CoC renewal, per 10 CFR 72.240(c).
The CoC renewal will include a condition for the CoC holder to update the FSAR to reflect the changes and commitments resulting from the review and approval of the CoC renewal. The FSAR must clearly reflect the approved design bases, including aging management information in the period of extended operation if the renewal is approved. Therefore, the FSAR supplement in Appendix D of the renewal application must include all FSAR changes related to the renewal of the CoC.
This information is required to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 72.240(c).