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Forwards Amend 18 to License NPF-3,safety Evaluation & Notice of Issuance & Availability
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/1979
From: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Roe L
Shared Package
ML19249A373 List:
TAC-52156, NUDOCS 7908220353
Download: ML19249A372 (4)




f, 70,



k..v July 26,1979 Docket No.: 50-346 Mr. Lowell E. Roe Vice President, Facilities Development Toledo Edison Company Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43652

Dear Mr. Roe:

The Conmission has issued the enclosed Amendment No.18 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-3 for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Sta Unit No.1 (08-1).

12, 1977, Specifications (TS) in response to your submittals of December January 11, April ll, May 3 June 22, July 27, September 7 and 25, Noventer 25, December 12, 1978 and January 10, February 28, April 12 and July 9, 1979.

This amendment adds a license condition relating to the completion of facility modifications for fire protection and modifies the TS to re-quire at least five individuals with fire protection training be on site The TS relating to the fire brigade are effective by start at all times.

We have discussed the contents and up after the first refueling outage.

conditions of this license amendment with members of your staff and wa Nevertheless, understand that you have agreed to this license amendment.

you understand that by the provisions of 10 CFR Part 2 paragraph 2.204, you may demand a hearing with respect to all or any part of the amendmentIf you d within twenty (20) days from the date of this letter.

a hearing,)this amendment will become effective on the expirati twenty (20 day period.

22, 1978, we issued TS to incorporate limiting con-By letter dated Marchditions for existing fire protection systems and administrative con You are requested to propose revised TS related to facility mcdifications listed in Item A.1 of Table 1 cf the enclosed Safety Evaluation within For the redifications listed 90 days after the issuance of this amendment.

in Item B of Table 1 of the Safety Evaluation, proposed revised TS should be submitted for review no later than 90 days before the implementation dates.

Ok q 9 os M0

. Toledo Edison Company We have determined that no license amendment fee is required to accompanyThis your response to the aforementioned request.

to those applications or requests to incorporate our recom Any other unrelated changes or requests have been added at our request.

that you might choose to include in the fire protection requests would be subject to amendment fees in accordance with Section 170.22 of 10 CFR Part 170.

A copy of the Notice of Issuance is also enclosed.

Sincerely, 4


Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors



Amendment No.18 2.

Safety Evaluation 3.

Notice cc w/ enclosures: See next page 847 2k

5 Toledo Edison Company cc w/ enclosure (s):

Director, Technical Assessment Mr. Donald H. Hauser, Esq.

Division The Cleveland Electric Office of pacion Prcgrams-Illuminating Company (AW-G j P. O. Box 5000 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Crystal Mall #2 Arlington, Virginia 20460 Gerald Charnoff, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and Trowbridge Federal Activities Branch 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C.

20036 Region V Office ATTN: EIS COORDINATOR 230 South Dearborn Street Leslie Henry, Esq.

Chicago, Illinois 60604 Fuller, Seney, Henry and Hodge 300 Madison Avenue Mr. Samuel J. Chilk, Secretary Toledo, Ohio 43604 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C.

20555 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Babcock & Wilcox The Honorable Tim McConnack Nuclear Power Generation Division Suite 420, 7735 Old Georgetown Road Ohio Senate Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Statehouse Columbus, Ohio 43216 Ida Rupp Public Library The Honorable Tim McCormack 310 Madison Street 170 E. 209th Street Port Clinton,0hio 43452 Euclid, Ohio 44123 President, Board of County Comissioners of Ottawa County Mr. Lowell E. Roe Vice President, Facilities Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 Development Toledo Edison Company Attorney General department of Attorney General Edison Plaza 300 Madison Avenue 30 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Toledo, Ohio 43652 Bruce Churchill, Esq.

Harold Kahn, (taff Scientist Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Power Siting Commission 1800 M Street, N.W.

361 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43216 Vashington, D.C.

20036 Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel Docketing and Service Section U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Office of the Secretary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 f[z]



Toledo Edison Company g

cc w/ enclosure (s):

Ivan W. Smith, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wa hington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Cadet H. Hand, Jr.

Dir:ctor, Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California P. O. Box 247 Bodega Bay, California 94923 Dr. Walter H. Jordan 881 W. Outer Drive Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Ms. Jean DeJuljak 381 East 272 Euclid, Ohio 44117

- w/ enclosure (s) and incoming m


12/12/77, 1/11, 4/11, 5/3, 6/22, 7/27, 9/7&25, 11/25, 12/12/78, Ohio Otpartment of Health 1/10,2/28, ATTt;: Director of Health 4/12 & 7/9/79 450 East Town Street Colurbus, Ohio 43216 I

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