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Advises of Acceptability of Designs Proposed for Implementing Mods Re NRC Fire Protection Safety Evaluation Sections 3.1.30(2) & 3.1.31(2).Makeup Pump Room & Penetration Valve Area Altered to Assure Safe Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/17/1980
From: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mattimoe J
TAC-43320, NUDOCS 8002050292
Download: ML19257D663 (3)






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January 17, 1980 Docket No. 50-312 Mr. J. J. Mattimoe Assistant General Manager and Chief Engineer Sacramento Municipal Utility District 6201 S Street P. O. Box 15830 Sacramento, California 95813

Dear Mr. Mattimoe:

In our Fire Protection Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for Rancho Seco dated February 28, 1978, we identified many items for which we needed information on the design of modifications which you had committed to make to plant equipment prior to implementation of the modifications.

Items 3.1.30(2) and 3.1.31(2) of our SER noted that you had comitted for the makeup pump room and the containment penetration valve area (east) to either reroute cables, install fire barriers, or insulate conduits associated with the high pressure injection system.

'l your letter of November 30, 1979, you indicated that you had decided to remove the cables associated with the Channel B high pressure injec-tion pump from these twc fire areas, and route the cables instead through areas where a design basis fire will not make the high pressure injection system inoperative. With this modification, safe shutdown could be achieved even if a fire were to damage all cabling and equip-ment in either the makeup pump room or the containment penetration valve area (east).

We find that the designs that have been oroposed for implementing modifications 3.1.30(2) and 3.1.31(2) will provide the protection we intended in the Rancho Seco Fire Protection SER, and are there-fore acceptable.

Sincerely, pg, } } t'. &)

fO Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors r875 024 cc:

See next page 800Lt. o Z 9 7._. Municipal Utility District cc Christopher Ellison, Esq.

David S. Kaplan, Secretary and Dian Grueuich, Esc.

General Counsel California Energy Commission 6201 S Street 1111 Howe Avenue P. O. Box 15830 Sacramento, California 95825 Sacramento, California 95813 Ms. Eleanor Schwartz S ac rar.en to. County California State Office Board of Supervisors 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Rm. 201 827 7th Street, Room 424 Washington, D.C.

20003 Sacramento, California 95814 Docketing and Service Section Business and Municipal Departmen+'

U. S. Nuclear Regula'ory Commission Sacramento City-County Library Washington, D.C.

20555 828 I Street Sacranento, California 95814 Director, Technical Assessment Division Office of Radiation Programs Dr. Ricnard F. Cole (AW-459)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Panel Crystal Mall #2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Arlington, Virginia 20460 Washington, D.C.

20555 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Frederick J. Shon Region IX Office Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ATTN:

EIS COORDINATOR Panel 215 Fremont Street U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission San Francisco, California 94111 Wash'ngton, D.C.

20555 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Elizabeth S. Bowers, Esq.

Babcock & Wilcox Chairman, Atomic Safety and "uclear Power Generation Division Licensing Board Panel ui te 420, 7735 Old Georgetown Road U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission c

Lethesda, Maryland 20014 Washington, DC 20555 James S. Reed, Esq.

Thomas Caxter, Esq.

Michael H. Remy, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Reed, Samuel & Remy 1800 M Street, f!H 717 K Street, Suite 405 4ashington, D. C.

20036 Sacramento, California 95814 Herbert H. Brown, Esq.

Mr. Michael R. Eaton Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq.

Energy Issues Coordinator Hill, Christopher and Phillips, P. C.

Sierra Club Legislative Office 1900 M St., NW 1107 9th St., Room 1020 Washington, D. C.

20036 Sacramento,.CA 95814 1875 025

Sacramento Municipal Utility District cc w/ enclosure (s):

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Mr. Richard D. Castro 2231 K Street Sacramento, California 95814 Mr. Gary Hursh, Esq.

520 Capital Mall Suite 700 Sacramento, California 95814 California Department of Health ATTN:

Chief, Environmental Radiation Control Unit Radiological Health Section 714 P Street, Roon 498 Sacramento, California 95314 1875 026
