MONTHYEARML20217P2061999-10-26026 October 1999 Forwards for First Energy Nuclear Operating Co Insp Rept 50-346/99-17 on 990928-1001.Insp Was Exam of Activities Conducted Under License Re Implementation of Physical Security Program.No Violations Identified ML20217N3851999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards RAI Re Licensee 990521 Request for License Amend to Allow Irradiated Fuel to Be Stored in Cask Pit at Davis-Besse,Unit 1.Response Requested within 60 Days from Receipt of Ltr ML20217M1591999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates ML20217N2321999-10-15015 October 1999 Requests NRC Approval to Use Alternative to Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(f)(4)(ii).Licensee Requests Extension to Specified Schedule for Implementing Updates to IST Program ML20217G9201999-10-14014 October 1999 Discusses Utils Request for Approval of Quality Assurance Program Changes PY-CEI-NRR-2438, Informs That DBNPS & PNPP Staffs Have Modified or Withdrawn Several of Positions Proposed within Re Request for Approval of Qap.Revised Positions Encl1999-10-14014 October 1999 Informs That DBNPS & PNPP Staffs Have Modified or Withdrawn Several of Positions Proposed within Re Request for Approval of Qap.Revised Positions Encl ML20217F3901999-10-14014 October 1999 Discusses Request That Proprietary Document NEDE-32907P,DRF A22-0084-53, Safety Analysis Rept for Perry NPP 5% Power Uprate, Class III Dtd Sept 1999 Be Withheld.Determined Document Proprietary & Will Be Withheld PY-CEI-NRR-2435, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-440/99-13.Corrective Actions:Ts SRs with Incorrect Descriptions Were Annotated to Ensure That CR Operators Are Aware That ACs Are Effect1999-10-13013 October 1999 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-440/99-13.Corrective Actions:Ts SRs with Incorrect Descriptions Were Annotated to Ensure That CR Operators Are Aware That ACs Are Effect ML20217F8371999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/99-10 on 990802-0913.One Violation Occurred Being Treated as NCV ML20217C6741999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards RAI Re Licensee 970128 Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions, . Response Requested within 60 Days of Receipt of Ltr ML20217E0301999-10-0707 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-06 & 50-412/99-06 on 990809-13 & 990823-27.Violation Noted Involving Failure to Correctly Translate Design Change Re Pertinent Operating Logs & Plant Equipment Labeling ML20212K8071999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs That on 990916,NRC Staff Completed mid-cycle Plant Performance Review (PPR) of Facility.Staff Conducted Reviews of All Operating NPPs to Integrate Performance Info & to Plan for Insp Activities at Facility ML20212M2661999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Order Approving Transfer of Licenses for Beaver Valley from Dlc to Pennsylvania Power Co & Approving Conforming Amends in Response to 990505 Application ML20216J9621999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-05 & 50-412/99-05 on 990725-0904.Two Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs.One Violation Re Failure to Follow Operation Manual Procedure Associated with Configuration Control Identified ML20217E7111999-09-30030 September 1999 Documents Telcon Conducted on 990929 Between M Underwood of Oh EPA & D Tizzan of Pnpp,Re Request to Operate PNPP Sws,As Is,Until Resolution Can Be Obtained ML20212K9271999-09-30030 September 1999 Refers to 990927 Meeting Conducted at Perry Nuclear Power Plant to Discuss Initiatives in Risk Area & to Establish Dialog Between SRAs & PSA Staff ML20212J1451999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Order,In Response to 990505 Application PY-CEI/NRR- 2394L.Order Approves Conforming License Amend Which Will Be Issued & Made Effective When Transfer Completed ML20217A5641999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs of Completion of mid-cycle PPR of Davis-Besse on 990901.Informs That NRC Plans to Conduct Addl Insps to Address Questions Raised by Issues Re Operator Errors & Failure to Commit to JOG Topical Rept on MOV Verification ML20212L0691999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards,For Review & Comment,Copy of Preliminary ASP Analysis of Operational Condition Discovered at Unit 1 on 981014,as Reported in LER 346/98-011 ML18023A0701999-09-30030 September 1999 Advises of NRC Plans for Future Insp Activities at Facility for Licensee to Have Opportunity to Prepare for Insps & to Provide Feedback on Any Planned Insps Which May Conflict with Plant Activities.Plant Issue Matrix & Insp Plan Encl L-99-149, Informs NRC That Items Identified in 990629 Response to GL 98-01 Have Been Completed.Attached Table Submitted with Has Been Updated to Reflect Completion1999-09-28028 September 1999 Informs NRC That Items Identified in 990629 Response to GL 98-01 Have Been Completed.Attached Table Submitted with Has Been Updated to Reflect Completion L-99-148, Notifies NRC of License Withdrawal of M Linch,License SOP-11478 IAW 10CFR50.74.M Linch Resigned from Employment at Bvps,Effective 9908171999-09-24024 September 1999 Notifies NRC of License Withdrawal of M Linch,License SOP-11478 IAW 10CFR50.74.M Linch Resigned from Employment at Bvps,Effective 990817 ML20216J6701999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Post Examination Documentation for Written Operator Initial License Examination Administered at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station on 990920.Without Encls ML20212G4161999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs of Completion of Licensing Action for Generic Ltr 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, for Perry Nuclear Power Plant ML20212G5811999-09-23023 September 1999 Informs That Licenses for Ta Lentz,License SOP-31449,PJ Arthur,License SOP-30921-1 & Dp Mott,License SOP-31500 Are Considered to Have Expired,Iaw 10CFR50.74(a),10CFR55.5 & 10CFR55.55 ML20212G0601999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards Answer of Duquesne Light Co to Petition to Waive Time Limits & Suppl Comments of Local 29, Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.Copies of Answer Have Been Served to Parties & Petitioner by e-mail or Facsimile ML20212C5521999-09-21021 September 1999 Forwards for Filing,Answer to Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co & Pennsylvania Power Co in Opposition to Petition to Waive Time Limits & Suppl Comments of Local 29 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PY-CEI-NRR-2432, Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams1999-09-21021 September 1999 Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams ML20212D3501999-09-21021 September 1999 Forward Copy of Final Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis of Operational Event at Plant,Unit 1 on 980624,reported in LER 346/98-006 L-99-144, Forwards NRC Form 536 Which Addresses Util Proposed Operator Licensing Exam Schedule,In Response to Administrative Ltr 99-031999-09-20020 September 1999 Forwards NRC Form 536 Which Addresses Util Proposed Operator Licensing Exam Schedule,In Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03 ML20212B3291999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards for Filing,Petition to Waive Time Limits in 10CFR2.1305 & Supplemental Comments of Local 29,Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Re Beaver Valley Power Station,Units 1 & 2 PY-CEI-NRR-2428, Submits Resolution to Seventh Question Proposed within NRC 980615 RAI Relating to Cooling Water Sys That Serve Containment Air Coolers & Assessment,Post Accident,Of Potential Water Hammer & two-phase Flow Conditions1999-09-16016 September 1999 Submits Resolution to Seventh Question Proposed within NRC 980615 RAI Relating to Cooling Water Sys That Serve Containment Air Coolers & Assessment,Post Accident,Of Potential Water Hammer & two-phase Flow Conditions ML20212D0151999-09-14014 September 1999 Requests Cancellation of NPDES Permit 3II00036.Permit Has Been Incorporated in Permit 3IB00016*ED.Discharge Point Sources & Associated Fees Currently Covered Under Permit 3IB00016*ED ML20212A8371999-09-13013 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-13 on 990712-30 & Notice of Violation.Insp Included Evaluation of Engineering Support, Design Change & Modification Activities,Internal Assessment Activities & Corrective Actions ML20217A8971999-09-0909 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-09 on 990709-0825.One Violation of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as NCV, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy PY-CEI-NRR-2431, Forwards Revised Emergency Plan for Perry NPP, IAW 10CFR50.54(q).Changes Constitute Revs,Temporary Changes or Reissued Pages1999-09-0909 September 1999 Forwards Revised Emergency Plan for Perry NPP, IAW 10CFR50.54(q).Changes Constitute Revs,Temporary Changes or Reissued Pages ML20211Q3431999-09-0808 September 1999 Informs That During 990903 Telcon Between L Briggs & T Kuhar,Arrangements Were Made for NRC to Inspect Licensed Operator Requalification Program at Plant,Unit 1.Insp Planned for Wk of 991115 ML20211Q5601999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-412/99-07 on 990720-29.Three Apparent Violations Noted & Being Considered for Escalated Ea. Violations Involve Failure to Implement C/As to Prevent bio- Fouling of Svc Water Sys ML20216E5961999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-3,revising Tech Specs 3/,safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation & Associated Bases 3/4.3.1 & 3/4.3.2,reactor Protection Sys & Safety Sys Instrumentation ML20211P3001999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards FEMA Transmitting FEMA Evaluation Rept for 990504 Emergency Preparedness Exercise at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.No Deficiencies Identified.One Area Requiring C/A & Two Planning Issues Identified ML20211Q6911999-09-0606 September 1999 Informs That NRC Tentatively Scheduled Initial Licensing Exam for Perry Operator License Applicants During Wks of 010108 & 15.Validation of Exam Will Occur at Station During Wk of 001218 L-99-098, Forwards Proposed Changes to Bvps,Units 1 & 2 Operations QA Program Description,Iaw 10CFR50.54(a)(3)(ii).Change Would Reduce Operations QA Program Description Commitments by Limiting Required Onsite Safety Committee Reviews of Mods1999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards Proposed Changes to Bvps,Units 1 & 2 Operations QA Program Description,Iaw 10CFR50.54(a)(3)(ii).Change Would Reduce Operations QA Program Description Commitments by Limiting Required Onsite Safety Committee Reviews of Mods ML20211K6611999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Copies of Operator License Renewal Applications for Individuals Listed.Operators Have Successfully Completed Appropriate Operator Requalification Training Program at Dbnps.Without Encls ML20211K0951999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Fire & Seismic Analyses of IPEEE for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station,Unit 1. Response Requested within 60 Days ML20211K6681999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Copies of Certified Personal Qualification Statement - Licensee (NRC Form 398) for Operator Candidates Listed Below.Without Encls PY-CEI-NRR-2425, Forwards Copy of Oh EPA Approval for Use of Nalco 7348 & Nalco 7468 at Pnpp,Iaw License NPF-58,App B,Epp,Section 3.21999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Copy of Oh EPA Approval for Use of Nalco 7348 & Nalco 7468 at Pnpp,Iaw License NPF-58,App B,Epp,Section 3.2 L-99-132, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Six Month Rept for 990101-990630 for Bvps,Units 1 & 21999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Six Month Rept for 990101-990630 for Bvps,Units 1 & 2 ML20211H0201999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards semi-annual FFD Rept for 990101-0630 for DBNPS, Unit 1,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML16342A8811999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Implementation Documents for Listed Plants.Changes Should Be Made to ERDS as Soon as Possible.Without Encl ML20211G3911999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards Update to Estimated Info for Licensing Action Requests Through 010930,re Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates 1999-09-09
MONTHYEARML20217P2061999-10-26026 October 1999 Forwards for First Energy Nuclear Operating Co Insp Rept 50-346/99-17 on 990928-1001.Insp Was Exam of Activities Conducted Under License Re Implementation of Physical Security Program.No Violations Identified ML20217N3851999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards RAI Re Licensee 990521 Request for License Amend to Allow Irradiated Fuel to Be Stored in Cask Pit at Davis-Besse,Unit 1.Response Requested within 60 Days from Receipt of Ltr ML20217M1591999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates ML20217G9201999-10-14014 October 1999 Discusses Utils Request for Approval of Quality Assurance Program Changes ML20217F3901999-10-14014 October 1999 Discusses Request That Proprietary Document NEDE-32907P,DRF A22-0084-53, Safety Analysis Rept for Perry NPP 5% Power Uprate, Class III Dtd Sept 1999 Be Withheld.Determined Document Proprietary & Will Be Withheld ML20217F8371999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/99-10 on 990802-0913.One Violation Occurred Being Treated as NCV ML20217C6741999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards RAI Re Licensee 970128 Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions, . Response Requested within 60 Days of Receipt of Ltr ML20217E0301999-10-0707 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-06 & 50-412/99-06 on 990809-13 & 990823-27.Violation Noted Involving Failure to Correctly Translate Design Change Re Pertinent Operating Logs & Plant Equipment Labeling ML20212L0691999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards,For Review & Comment,Copy of Preliminary ASP Analysis of Operational Condition Discovered at Unit 1 on 981014,as Reported in LER 346/98-011 ML20212K8071999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs That on 990916,NRC Staff Completed mid-cycle Plant Performance Review (PPR) of Facility.Staff Conducted Reviews of All Operating NPPs to Integrate Performance Info & to Plan for Insp Activities at Facility ML20217A5641999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs of Completion of mid-cycle PPR of Davis-Besse on 990901.Informs That NRC Plans to Conduct Addl Insps to Address Questions Raised by Issues Re Operator Errors & Failure to Commit to JOG Topical Rept on MOV Verification ML20212M2661999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Order Approving Transfer of Licenses for Beaver Valley from Dlc to Pennsylvania Power Co & Approving Conforming Amends in Response to 990505 Application ML20216J9621999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-05 & 50-412/99-05 on 990725-0904.Two Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs.One Violation Re Failure to Follow Operation Manual Procedure Associated with Configuration Control Identified ML20212J1451999-09-30030 September 1999 Forwards Order,In Response to 990505 Application PY-CEI/NRR- 2394L.Order Approves Conforming License Amend Which Will Be Issued & Made Effective When Transfer Completed ML20212K9271999-09-30030 September 1999 Refers to 990927 Meeting Conducted at Perry Nuclear Power Plant to Discuss Initiatives in Risk Area & to Establish Dialog Between SRAs & PSA Staff ML18023A0701999-09-30030 September 1999 Advises of NRC Plans for Future Insp Activities at Facility for Licensee to Have Opportunity to Prepare for Insps & to Provide Feedback on Any Planned Insps Which May Conflict with Plant Activities.Plant Issue Matrix & Insp Plan Encl ML20212G4161999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs of Completion of Licensing Action for Generic Ltr 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants, for Perry Nuclear Power Plant ML20212D3501999-09-21021 September 1999 Forward Copy of Final Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis of Operational Event at Plant,Unit 1 on 980624,reported in LER 346/98-006 ML20212A8371999-09-13013 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-13 on 990712-30 & Notice of Violation.Insp Included Evaluation of Engineering Support, Design Change & Modification Activities,Internal Assessment Activities & Corrective Actions ML20217A8971999-09-0909 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-09 on 990709-0825.One Violation of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as NCV, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20211Q3431999-09-0808 September 1999 Informs That During 990903 Telcon Between L Briggs & T Kuhar,Arrangements Were Made for NRC to Inspect Licensed Operator Requalification Program at Plant,Unit 1.Insp Planned for Wk of 991115 ML20211Q5601999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-412/99-07 on 990720-29.Three Apparent Violations Noted & Being Considered for Escalated Ea. Violations Involve Failure to Implement C/As to Prevent bio- Fouling of Svc Water Sys ML20211P3001999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards FEMA Transmitting FEMA Evaluation Rept for 990504 Emergency Preparedness Exercise at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.No Deficiencies Identified.One Area Requiring C/A & Two Planning Issues Identified ML20211Q6911999-09-0606 September 1999 Informs That NRC Tentatively Scheduled Initial Licensing Exam for Perry Operator License Applicants During Wks of 010108 & 15.Validation of Exam Will Occur at Station During Wk of 001218 ML20211K0951999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Fire & Seismic Analyses of IPEEE for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station,Unit 1. Response Requested within 60 Days ML16342A8811999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Implementation Documents for Listed Plants.Changes Should Be Made to ERDS as Soon as Possible.Without Encl ML20211D1171999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/99-09 on 990623-0802.Violations Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations ML20211A5111999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-04 & 50-412/99-04 on 990613- 990724.One Violation Noted & Treated as Non-Cited Violation Involved Failure to Maintain Containment Equipment Hatch Closed During Fuel Movement ML20211B0161999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards SE Accepting Evaluation of Second 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Program Request for Relief Numbers RR-A16, RR-A17 & RR-B9 for Plant,Unit 1 ML20210Q8421999-08-13013 August 1999 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records Listed in App a Being Released in Entirety & Records Listed in App B Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exempt 5) ML20210R7861999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-12 on 990712-16.No Violations Noted.New Emergency Preparedness Program Staff & Mgt Personnel Were Professional & Proactive ML20210P8051999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/99-15 on 990712-16.No Violations Noted.However,Several Deficiencies Were Identified with Implementation of Remp,Which Collectively Indicated Need for Improved Oversight of Program ML20210K6331999-08-0404 August 1999 Submits Response to Requests for Addl Info to GL 92-01,Rev 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity, for Perry Nuclear Plant,Unit 1 ML20210H6101999-07-30030 July 1999 Informs That Region III Received Rev 21 to Various Portions of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan.Revision Was Submitted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q) in Apr 1999 ML20210G8411999-07-28028 July 1999 Informs That Based on Determination That Rev 14 Changes to Various Portions of Perry Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Does Not Decrease Effectiveness of Licensee Emergency Plan & Meets Standard of 10CFR50.47(b),no NRC Approval Required ML17191B4031999-07-23023 July 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer GFE Section of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Ltr Should Be Submitted to Appropriate Regional Administrator at Listed Address to Register Personnel to Take GFE ML20210E0661999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-08 on 990518-0708.No Violations Noted.Overall Conduct of Activities at Perry Facility, Conservative & Professional with Continuing Focus on Safety ML20210C4381999-07-20020 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-346/99-08 on 990513-0622.Unidentified RCS Leak Approached TS Limit of 1 Gallon Per Minute Prior to Recently Completed Maint Outage.Three Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as NCVs ML20209G3681999-07-15015 July 1999 Advises That Info Submitted in & 990519 Affidavit Re Design & Licensing Rept,Davis-Besse,Unit 1 Cask Pit Rack Installation Project,Holtec Intl, HI-981933,marked Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20209G5701999-07-12012 July 1999 Discusses Closure of TACs MA0525 & MA0526 Re Response to RAI Concerning GL 92-0,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity. Info in Rvid Revised & Released as Ver 2 as Result of Review of Response ML20207H6401999-07-0909 July 1999 Discusses Closure of TAC MA0540 Re Util Responses to RAI on GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity. Staff Has Revised Info in Rvid & Releasing It as Rvid Version 2 ML20209E5951999-07-0909 July 1999 Ltr Contract:Task Order 46, Perry Engineering & Technical Support (E&Ts) Insp, Under Contract NRC-03-98-021 ML20207H6621999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards RAI Re Util 981112 Response to IPEEE Evaluations for Plant,Units 1 & 2.RAI Was Discussed During 990628 Telcon in Order to Ensure Clear Consistent Understanding by All Parties of Info Needed ML20209D1341999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Amend to Operating License.Proposed Change Would Have Modified Facility TSs Pertaining to Allowable as-found Pressure Lift Setting Tolerance of Two Pressurizer Code Safety Valves ML20209D8191999-07-0707 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-334/99-03 & 50-412/99-03 on 990502- 0612.No Violations Noted.Program for Maintaining Occupational Exposures as Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) & for Training Personnel,Generally Effective ML20209D5931999-07-0101 July 1999 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Investigation Rept 3-98-005 Issued on 990510.Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Inspections ML20196H9641999-06-29029 June 1999 Confirms 990615 Telcon Request with J Lieberman for Addl Time to Respond to Enforcement Action 99-012.FirstEnergy Has 60 Days to Respond to EA ML20195K2751999-06-16016 June 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20195G6741999-06-10010 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-440/99-03 on 990407-0517.Two Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violations,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20207G3921999-06-0808 June 1999 Forwards Notice of Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License DPR-58 & Issuance of Conforming Amend & Opportunity for Hearing Re 990505 Application 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
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November 25, 1998 Mr. David T. Kotecki, President Local 270, Utility Workers Union of America 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103
Dear Mr. Kotecki:
Thank you for your letter of October 23,1998, to Dr. Shina Jackson of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). In your letter, you cite the re, ently announced asset transfer agreement between FirstEnergy Corporation and Duquesne Li/1 Ompany.
According to the FirstEnergy press release dated October 15,1998, an agreement in principle has been signed that would result in the transfer nf 1,436 MW owned by Duquesne Light Company at eight generating units (both nuclear and fossil fuel) in exchange for 1,298 MW at three generating units (all fossil fuel) owned by FirstEnergy electric utility operating companies.
The agreement would transfer Duquesne Light's partial ownership of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant and the Beaver Valley Power Station to FirstEnergy. As a result, FirstEnergy, whl h i
already owns 100 percent of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, will own 100 percent of both Perry and Beaver Valley. FirstEnergy's Avon Lake, New Castle, and Niles fossil fuel i
facilities will be transferred to Duquesne Light. Consistent with Duquesne Light's recently announced plans to divest itself of its generating assets, Duquesne Light is expected to auction these facilities within the next six months. As stated in the press release, Duquesne Light has included assurances that FirstEnergy employees will be treated fairly. A definitive agreement on the exchange of assets is expected by the end of the year.
In your letter, you focus on the role and involvement of the NRC in the areas of transmission, service reliability, and treatment of FirstEnergy employees. Specifically, you cite the following f/
How Duquesne Light Company plans to resolve labor-related issues 7)/
How the sale of the Avon Lake Plant will affect service in Northeast Ohio (3)
How the transfer of transmission assets will affect service in Northeast Ohio (4)
NRC involvement to ensure that union members are being treated fairly as indicated in the press release (5)
NRC involvement to ensure service reliability in Northeast Ohio 9812O20238 981125 PDR ADOCK 05000334 P
Mr. Kotecki As stated in the FirstEnergy press release, the NRC is one of several regulatory agencies that must review and approve the proposed transfer of assets before implementation. However, the areas of concem cited in your letter fall outside NRC's jurisdiction. In this regard, I would like to describe the review process that will be conducted by NRC and how you may intervene or comment, if you so desire:
The proposed transfer of assets will require a transfer of ownership for the Peny and Beaver Valley facilities. Duquesne Light Company, which is currently the operator of Beaver Valley and a co-owner of both Beaver Valley and Perry, will be removed from the operating licenses of both facilities. FirstEnergy will become the full owner and operator of both facilities. NRC staff review and approval, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.80 and 50.90, will be required.
Since the staff has not received the applications necessary for the above transfer of ownership, it is not currently performing a review of this proposal. When the proposal is received, the first staff action will be to publish a " Notice of Consideration of issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing," in the Federal Reaister. The period for public comment willlast thirty (30) days. The staffs review will focus on verifying the financial and technical qualifications of the new ownership to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety from a radiological perspective. As such, the staffs review will not include the areas cited in your letter.
FirstEnergy has indicated a desire to hold a public meeting in Rockville, Maryland, during late November or early December 1993 in order to discuss the proposed action with the staff. This meeting will be noticed as a public meeting. Public meetings are announced on the Intemet at http://www.nrc. gov /NRC/PUBLIC/ meet.htm/#NRR or by calling 1-800-952-9674. Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open to interested members of the public, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public," 59 Federal Reaister 48340, September 20,1994.
In conclusion, we appreciate your letter and concems. However, as previously indicated, the concerns are outside NRC's jurisdiction. Concems involving treatment of employees should be directed to the U.S. Department of Labor at the Office of the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room 63502,200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. Concems involving electrical service, reliability, and transfer of transmission assets in Northeast Ohio should be directed to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio,180 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Please feel free to contact me or my staff if we can be of any further assistance.
i Sincerely,
& (A).
Samuel J. Collins, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
As statrd in tha FirstEnsrgy prsss r:12 ass, ths NRC is one of ssvaral regulatory agsncias that must ravi w and approva thn propostd transfsr of ass:ts befora impismantation. Howevsr, th3 craas of concem cited in your letter fall outside NRC's jurisdiction. In this regard, I would like to describe the review process that will be conducted by NRC and how you may intervene or comment, if you so desire.
The proposed transfer of assets will require a transfer of ownership for the Perry and Beaver Valley facilities. Duquesne Light Company, which is currently the operator of Beaver Valley and a co-owner of i
both Beaver Valley and Perry, will be removed from the operating licenses of both facilities. FirstEnergy j
will become the full owner and operator of both facilities. NRC staff review and approval, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.80 and 50.90, will be required.
Since the staff has not received the applications necessary for the above transfer of ownership, it is not currently performing a review of this proposal. When the proposalis received, the first staff action will be l
to publish a " Notice of Consideration of issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, Proposed l
No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing," in the Federal l
Regialer. The period for public comment will last thirty (30) days. The staff's review will focus on l
verifying the financial and technical qualifications of the new ownership to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety from a radiological perspective. As such, the staff's review will not include the i
areas cited in your letter.
FirstEnergy has indicated a desire to hold a public meeting in Rockville, Maryland, during late November or early December 1998 in order to discuss the proposed action with the staff. This meeting will be noticed as a public meeting. Public meetings are announced on the Internet at http://www.nrc. gov /NRC/PUBLIC/ meet.htm/#NRR or by calling 1-800-952-9674. Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open to interested members of the public, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public," 59 Federal Reaister 48340, September 20,1994.
In conclusion, we appreciate your letter and concerns. However, as previously indicated, the concems are outside NRC's jurisdiction. Concerns involving treatment of employees should be directed to the U.S. Department of Labor at the Office of the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room 63502,200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20210. Concerns involving electrical service, reliability, and transfer of transmission assets in Northeast Ohio should be directed to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio,180 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Please feel free to contact me or my staff if we can be of any further assistance.
Sincerely, ORIG. SIGNED BY BRIAN W. SHFRON for Samuel J. Collins, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PD3-3\\ PERRY \\G19980.645 To receive e copy of this document, indicate in the bon: 'C' = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy 0FFICE PM:PDIII-jb LA:PDIII-2 O/
EBarnhill Q W SRichards*
DATE 11/9/98 11/ 198 11 11/10/98 11/16/98
maammmmmmmmesamme mammanumme,mm gg y OFFICE D:DRP L AD:ADPR,y M] D:N 1
l NAME EAden W BBoger //
j DATE 11/40/98 11/f0/98 11//f/98 11/ /98 11/ /98
- See previous concurrence OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
.s 1
t Distribution:
!;Docient Files (wencomingI NRC & Local PDRs G119980645 EDO Reading WTravers JBlaha HThompson EAdensam SCollins/FMiraglia SRichards i
BBoger OGC GGrant, R3 NRR Mallroom Gl19980645 i
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EDO Principal Correspondence Control FROMt DUE: 11/12/98 EDO CONTROL: Gl9980645 DOC DT: 10/23/98 l
l David T. Kotecki l Utility Workers Union of America - Local 270 Mt I
Chairman Jackson FOR SIGNATURE OF :
- GRN CRC NO: 98-1003 Collins, NRR l DESC8 ROUTING:
AVON LAKE PLANT Thompson Norry Blaha DATE: 10/29/98 Burns Caldwell, RIII Cyr, OGC ASSIGNED TO:
NRR Collins m
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Direct Reply
OCM #15378 DATE DUE:
Nov 12 98 SIGNATURE:
e 0
4 EDO -- G980645
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LOCAL 270 l
TELEPHONE:(218)8810004 FAX:(218) 88M333 REC'D Bf SECY October 23,1998 l.
28 G f G.4.130 Dr. Shirley Jackson U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike s
Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738
Dear Dr. Jackson:
Local 270, of the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, is the exclusive I
bargaining representative in all matters pertaining to wages, hours, working and all other conditions of employment for all Operating, Maintenance and Construction employees.
Through the Internet and local newspapers, we have heard that FirstEnergy and Duquesne Light Company are going to transfer generating assets, and Duquesne plans to auction off their assets. These transfers of assets include our members at the Perry Power Plant and the Avon Lake Plant. The assets that are to be auctioned will include our members at the Avon Lake Plant. We also understand that transmission assets are being transferred into a new subsidiary called America Transmission Systems Inc.
in the filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, we understand that in regard to labor, the parties will cooperate to resolve labor related matters, including, with respect to Union contracts, workforce levels, severance, and employee benefits, in a manner that treats employees fairly and equitably apportions any related costs between the parties. The defm' itive agreements for the Generation exchange shall clearly define and equitably apportion the rights and obligations of the parties regarding these matters.
One of our concerns is how the Duquesene Light Company plans on resolving this issue?
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local 270 and FirstEnergy are currently involved in several legal battles pertaining to the Company's illegal implementation of their terms and conditions of employment. We have filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board seeking 10(j) injunction relief. We have a suit filed in Federal Court pertaining to labor issues and many of our illegally laid-off members have sought legal counsel to address their individual concerns.
Another one of our concerns is how the sale of this plant will affect the service in Northeast Ohio? Local 270, along with our National Union, has been active on the deregulation front. This area suffered a shortage of power this summer and our fear is that this could add to the problem.
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l-Dr. Shirley Jackson U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission October 23,1998 How will the transfer of transmission assets affect service in this area?
What investigation or authority is the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission conducting to ensure that our members are going to be treated fairly as they claim?
What investigation or authority is the U.S. Regulatory Commission conducting to ensure the service reliability in the affected area?
We would greatly appreciate any and all information you could supply to us pertaining to these matters.
Sincerely, e.
David T. Kotecki President Local 270, U.W.U.A.
DTK/asq opeiu 1794 cc:
Willard Holland David D. Marshall Duquesne Light Company i
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Mr. Kotscki November 25, 1998
As stat:d in ths FirstEn:rgy press relcaso, the NRC is ons of sovsral regulatory agencies that must ravi:w and approve the proposed transfer of assets before implementation. However, the areas of concern cited in your letter fall outside NRC's jurisdiction. In this regard, I would like to describe the review process that will be conducted by NRC and how you may intervene or comment, if you so desire.
The proposed transfer of assets will require a transfer of ownership for the Perry and Beaver Valley facilities. Duquesne Light Company, which is currently the operator of Beaver Valley and a co-owner of both Beaver Valley and Perry, will be removed from the operating licenses of both facilities. FirstEnergy will become the full owner and operator of both facilities. NRC staff review and approval, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.80 and 50.90, will be required.
Since the staff has not received the applications necessary for the above transfer of ownership, it is not currently performing a review of this proposal. When the proposal is received, the first staff action will be to publish a " Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination, and Opportunity for a Hearing," in the federal Register The period for public comment will last thirty (30) days. The staff's review will focus on verifying the financial and technical qualifications of the new ownership to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety from a radiological perspective. As such, the staff's review will not include the areas cited in your letter.
FirstEnergy has indicated a desire to hold a public meeting in Rockville, Maryland, during late November or early December 1998 in order to discuss the proposed action with the staff. This meeting will be noticed as a public meeting. Public meetings are announced on the internet at http://www.nrc. gov /NRC/PUBLIC/ meet.htm/#NRR or by calling 1-800-952-9674. Meetings between NRC technical staff and applicants or licensees are open to interested members of the public, petitioners, intervenors, or other parties to attend as observers pursuant to " Commission Policy Statement on Staff Meetings Open to the Public," 59 Federal Register 48340, j
September 20,1994.
In conclusion, we appreciate your letter and concerns. However, as previously indicated, the concerns are outside NRC's jurisdiction. Concerns involving treatment of employees should be directed to the U.S. Department of Labor at the Office of the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room 63502,200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20210. Concerns involving electrical service, reliability, and transfer of transmission assets in Northeast Ohio should be directed to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio,180 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Please feel free to contact me or my staff if we can be of any further assistance.
Sincerely, ORIG. SIGNED BY BRI AN W. SHFRON for Samuel J. Collins, Director l
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l
DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\PD3-3\\ PERRY \\G19980.645 To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the boa:
"C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy 0FFICE PM:PDIII-b LA:PDIII-2 0./
EBarnhillQ}V SRichards*
_DATE 11/2N98 11/
98 11/
_11/16/98 g
y i
l NAME EAdenkad BBoger/f "1 'SCo$.M ns' ' '
DATE 11/19/98 11/fo /98 11/Jf/98 11/ /98 11/ /98
- See previous concurrence OFFICIAL RECORD COPY