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Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
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Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/28/2007
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Buckberg, P., PM, RLRA, 415-1383
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ML072210414 List:
Download: ML072210487 (71)


Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Supplement 1Docket No. 50-293Entergy Nuclear OperationsU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationSeptember 2007 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.

iiiABSTRACTThis document is a supplemental safety evaluation report (SSER) for the license renewalapplication (LRA) for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) as filed by Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO or the applicant). By letter dated January 25, 2006, ENO submitted its application to the United States (US) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the PNPS operating license for an additional 20 years. The NRC staff (the staff) issued a safety evaluation report (SER), dated June 28, 2007, which summarizes the results of its safety review of the renewal application for compliance with the requirements of Title 10, Part 54, of the Codeof Federal Regulations, (10 CFR Part 54), "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licensesfor Nuclear Power Plants."In a letter dated July 26, 2007, the staff requested that the applicant provide additionalinformation on the option(s) that will be used for LRA Commitment No.31, which is discussed in SSER Sections and 4.3.3, "Effects of Reactor Water Environment on Fatigue Life,"

and to describe the methodology that will be used for the chosen Commitment No. 31 option(s).

The applicant's response clarified which option would be implemented to fulfill Commitment No. 31, provided the methodology that would be used to implement the selected option, and revised Commitment No. 31 consistent with the response. SSER Sections and 4.3.3 incorporates the staff's request and the applicant's response and replace SER Sections and 4.3.3.

ivTABLE OF CONTENTSAbstract..................................................................iiiTable of Contents..........................................................iv Abbreviations..............................................................v Introduction and General Discussion...........................................1-1Aging Management Review Results...........................................3-13.0 Applicant's Use of the Generic Aging Lessons Learned Report.............3-13.0.3 Aging Management Programs...............................3- AMPs That Are Consistent with the GALL Report with Exceptions and/or Enhancements..................3- Fatigue Monitoring Program..................3-1Time-limited Aging Analyses.................................................4-14.3 Metal Fatigue...................................................4-14.3.3 Effects of Reactor Water Environment on Fatigue Life............4- Summary of Technical Information in the Application......4-1 Staff Evaluation...................................4-2 UFSAR Supplement...............................4- Conclusion.......................................4-84.8 Conclusion for Time-Limited Aging Analyses...........................4-8Review by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.........................5-1 Conclusion..............................................................6-1 Appendix A: PNPS License Renewal Commitments...............................A-1Appendix B: Chronology....................................................B-1Appendix C: Principal Contributors............................................C-1 vABBREVIATIONSACRSAdvisory Committee on Reactor SafeguardsAMP aging management program ASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersBWR boiling water reactor CFR Code of Federal RegulationsCLB current licensing basis CUFcumulative usage factorENOEntergy Nuclear Operations

F en fatigue life correction factorFSARfinal safety analysis reportGALL NUREG-1801, Generic Aging Lessons Learned ReportGEISgeneral environmental impact statementLRlicense renewalLRA license renewal applicationNDE non-destructive examinationsNRC Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOIopen item PNPS Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station RAIrequest for additional informationRCPBreactor coolant pressure boundary RPV reactor pressure vessel RR reactor recirculation RRSreactor recirculation systemSER Safety Evaluation ReportSRP-LRStandard Review Plan for License Renewal SSERSupplemental Safety Evaluation ReportTLAA time-limited aging analysis USUnited StatesUFSAR updated final safety analysis report 1-1 SECTION 1INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DISCUSSIONThis document is a supplemental safety evaluation report (SSER) for the license renewalapplication (LRA) for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) as filed by Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO or the applicant). By letter dated January 25, 2006, ENO submitted its application to the United States (US) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the PNPS operating license for an additional 20 years. The NRC staff (the staff) issued a safety evaluation report (SER), dated June 28, 2007, which summarizes the results of its safety review of the renewal application for compliance with the requirements of Title 10, Part 54, of the Codeof Federal Regulations, (10 CFR Part 54), "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licensesfor Nuclear Power Plants."In a letter dated July 26, 2007, the staff requested that the applicant provide additionalinformation on the option(s) that will be used for LRA Commitment No.31, which is discussed in SSER Sections and 4.3.3, "Effects of Reactor Water Environment on Fatigue Life,"

and to describe the methodology that will be used for the chosen Commitment No. 31 option(s).

The applicant's response clarified which option would be implemented to fulfill Commitment No. 31, provided the methodology that would be used to implement the selected option, and revised Commitment No. 31 consistent with the response. SSER Sections and 4.3.3 incorporates the staff's request and the applicant's response and replace SER Sections and 4.3.3.


3-1SECTION 3AGING MANAGEMENT REVIEW RESULTS3.0 Applicant's Use of the Generic Aging Lessons Learned Report3.0.3 Aging Management Programs3.0.3.2 AMPs That Are Consistent with the GALL Report with Exceptions and/orEnhancements3. Fatigue Monitoring ProgramSummary of Technical Information in the Application. LRA Section B.1.12, "Fatigue Monitoring,"describes the existing Fatigue Monitoring Program as consistent, with exceptions, with GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary."In order not to exceed design limits for fatigue, the Fatigue Monitoring Program tracks thenumber of critical thermal and pressure transients for selected reactor coolant system components and confirms the validity of analyses that explicitly assume a specified number of such fatigue transients by ensuring that the actual effective number of transients is not exceeded.Staff Evaluation. During its audit and review, the staff confirmed the applicant's claim ofconsistency with the GALL Report and documented a detailed audit evaluation of this AMP in Audit and Review Report Section staff reviewed those portions of the Fatigue Monitoring Program for which the applicantclaimed consistency with GALL AMP X.M1 and found them consistent. In a letter dated August 28, 2007, the applicant amended the LRA with respect to its basis forits environmentally-assisted fatigue analysis. In this letter, the applicant clarified that Option 1 of Commitment No. 31 for refined CUF calculations is consistent with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) recommendations for the periodic CUF updates in the "monitoring and trending" (i.e., program element 4) of GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," and that Options 2 and 3 of Commitment No. 31 are considered to be corrective actions that are consistent with the corrective actions recommended in the "corrective action" (i.e., program element 7) of the same GALL AMP. Based on these clarifications, the applicant amended the LRA to bring Commitment No. 31 within the scope of the applicant's Fatigue Monitoring Program and to credit this AMP as the basis for accepting this TLAA in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii). In the LRA amendment, the applicant also stated that the Fatigue Monitoring Program is consistent with GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," without exception. The staff determined that the changes proposed by the applicant are consistent with the NRC's recommendations in GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary." Based on this assessment, the staff concludes that the Fatigue Monitoring Program is consistent with GALL AMP X.M1 without exception and is acceptable.

3-2Operating Experience. LRA Section B.1.12 states that industry experience has been factoredinto the Fatigue Monitoring Program through incorporation of regulatory guides and boiling water reactor vessel and internals program documents. The locations at which cumulative usage factors are calculated include those indicated in NUREG/CR-6260. Thermal stresses have been evaluated by the applicant and the applicant will continue to evaluate future plant and industry experience with fatigue of Class 1 components. Recent reactor shutdown and startup cycles did not trend toward exceeding the projected number of cycles, demonstrating that the program successfully monitors plant transients and tracks their accumulation.The staff reviewed the operating experience presented in the LRA and interviewed theapplicant's technical personnel to confirm that the plant-specific operating experience revealed no degradation not bounded by industry experience.The staff confirmed that the "operating experience" program element satisfies the criteriondefined in the GALL Report and in Standard Review Plan for License Renewal Section A. The staff finds this program element acceptable.UFSAR Supplement. In LRA Section A.2.1.12, the applicant provided the UFSAR supplementfor the Fatigue Monitoring Program. The staff reviewed this section and determined that the information in the UFSAR supplement is an adequate summary description of the program, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(d).

Conclusion. On the basis of its audit and review of the applicant's Fatigue Monitoring Program,the staff determines that those program elements for which the applicant claimed consistency with GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," are consistent.

The staff concludes that the applicant has demonstrated that the effects of aging will be adequately managed so that the intended function(s) will be maintained consistent with the CLB for the period of extended operation, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(a)(3). The staff also reviewed the UFSAR supplement for this AMP and concludes that it provides an adequate summary description of the program, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(d).

4-1SECTION 4TIME-LIMITED AGING ANALYSES4.3 Metal Fatigue4.3.3 Effects of Reactor Water Environment on Fatigue Life4.3.3.1 Summary of Technical Information in the ApplicationLicense renewal application (LRA) Section 4.3.3 summarizes the evaluation of effects of reactorwater environments on fatigue life for the period of extended operation. NUREG/CR-6260 "Application of NUREG/CR-5999 Interim Fatigue Curves to Selected Nuclear Power Plant Components," applies fatigue design curves that incorporate environmental effects on several plants and identified locations of interest for consideration of environmental effects.

NUREG/CR-6260 Section 5.7 indicates for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS)-vintage General Electric plants the following component locations as most sensitive to environmental effects. These locations and the associated calculations relate directly to PNPS:

  • reactor vessel shell and lower head
  • reactor recirculation system (RRS) piping (including inlet and outlet nozzles)
  • core spray line reactor vessel nozzle and associated piping
  • feedwater pipingThe applicant evaluated the limiting locations (a total of nine components at these six locations)using the guidance in NUREG-1801, Revision 1, Volume 2, "Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report," Chapter X.M1, " Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary,"

and in NUREG-1800, Revision 1, "Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants" (SRP-LR), Sections,, and, "Generic Safety Issue." Four of nine components reviewed have an environmentally-adjusted cumulative usage factor (CUF) greater than 1.0. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code does not require environmental adjustment to fatigue analyses.The applicant stated that, considering environmental effects, prior to the period of extendedoperation for each location that may exceed a 1.0 CUF, the applicant will implement one or more of the following: (1) further refinement of the fatigue analyses to lower the predicted CUFs to less than 1.0, (2) management of fatigue at the affected locations by an inspection program reviewed and approved by the staff (e.g., periodic non-destructive examination of the locationsat intervals to be determined by a method acceptable to the staff), or (3) repair or replacement of the affected components. The applicant stated that, should it opt to manage fatigue during the period of extendedoperation, the aging management program (AMP) will be submitted for Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review and approval at least two years prior to entering the period of extended operation. The effects of thermal fatigue for the limiting locations indicated in NUREG-6260 have been evaluated.

4- Staff EvaluationThe staff reviewed LRA Section 4.3.3 to verify (1) pursuant to Title 10, Section 54.21(c)(1)(i) ofthe Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(i)), that the analyses remain valid for the period of extended operation, (2) pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(ii), that the analyses have been projected to the end of the period of extended operation, or (3) pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii), that the effects of aging on the intended function(s) will be adequately managed for the period of extended operation.The staff reviewed LRA Section 4.3.3 against SRP-LR Section, "Generic Safety Issue".SRP-LR recommends that the license renewal applicant address GSI-190. To assess the impact of the reactor coolant environment on a sample of critical components, the SRP-LR states that the applicant has to address the recommendations as follows:1.The critical components include, as a minimum, those selected in NUREG/CR-6260.2.The sample of critical components has been evaluated by applying environmentalcorrection factors to the existing ASME Code fatigue analyses.3.Formulas for calculating the environmental life correction factors are those contained inNUREG/CR-6583 for carbon and low-alloy steels, and in NUREG/CR-5704 for austenitic stainless steels (SSs), or an approved technical equivalent.In LRA Table 4.3-3, the applicant has evaluated the sample of critical components by applyingenvironmental correction factors to the current design basis ASME Code fatigue analysis.

The staff confirmed that the critical components include those selected in NUREG/CR-6260.

The staff also confirmed that environmental life correction factors are calculated in accordance with those formulas contained in NUREG/CR-6583 for carbon and low-alloy steels, and in NUREG/CR-5704 for austenitic SSs. Therefore, the staff confirmed that PNPS has followed the staff's recommendations to assess the impact of the reactor coolant environment consistent with SRP-LR. During the audit and review, the staff noted that the projected numbers of transient cyclesexceeded the numbers of current design basis transient cycles and that the CUFs were not evaluated based on the numbers of projected cycles. The staff asked why the new CUFs had not been calculated based on the 60-year projected cycles. The applicant responded that PNPS had not intended to imply that the CUFs should be projected out to 60 years in accordance with 10 CFR 50.41(c)(1)(ii). The applicant stated that as long as the cycles are not exceeded, the CUFs do not need to be recalculated. The applicant also stated that the fatigue monitoring program assures that the analyses will be revised to increase the allowable number of cycles before exceeding the number of design basis cycles. The applicant's approach to address this issue is in accordance with 10 CFR 54(c)(1)(iii).During the audit and review, the staff asked the applicant to resolve three issues in LRASection 4.3.3 and LRA Table 4.3-3 as follows:Issue 1. The footnotes in LRA Table 4.3-3 state that generic values for these components werefrom NUREG/CR-6220. The staff asked the applicant whether this statement should refer to NUREG/CR-6260.

4-3In response, the applicant stated that this reference was a typo that should beNUREG/CR-6260. The staff finds the applicant's response acceptable as NUREG/CR-6260 is the correctreference. Issue 1 is resolved.Issue 2. The staff informed the applicant that plant-specific Class 1 component locationsselected for the environmentally-adjusted CUF analysis should be based on the corresponding specific plant vintage assessed in NUREG/CR-6260 and that the plant-specific locations for analysis therefore depend on the compliance of a plant's Class 1 reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) configuration with that analyzed for the corresponding plant design in the topical report. The staff informed the applicant that it could not use the generic NUREG/CR-6260 environmentally-adjusted CUF values for environmentally-adjusted CUF analysis without justification that the plant-specific Class 1 RCPB locations analyzed were the same as those analyzed for the corresponding boiling water reactor (BWR)-designed vintage plant in NUREG/CR-6260.To resolve the issue, the staff asked the applicant to justify its use of the NUREG/CR-6260generic environmentally-adjusted CUF values for the RR outlet nozzle, core spray nozzle safe end, and feedwater piping. In its response dated July 19, 2006, the applicant stated that the environmentally-adjusted CUFvalues for these components were intended as typical values for predicting the effect of the reactor coolant environment on fatigue. The applicant agreed to supplement the LRA to remove the environmentally-adjusted CUF values for the RR outlet nozzle, core spray safe end, and feedwater piping from LRA Table 4.3-3 and to amend the LRA to provide additional environmentally-adjusted fatigue analyses for these components.In its response dated September 13, 2006, the applicant indicated that it had determined that itsdesign basis includes environmentally-adjusted CUF calculations for the RR outlet nozzle, thecore spray nozzle safe-end, and feedwater piping, and submitted a revised table including normal CUF values for these components to the expiration of the current operating license period (i.e., at the end of 40 years), projected CUF values for these components at the expiration of the period of extended operation, and their projected environmentally-adjusted CUF values at the expiration of the period of extended operation. The table also includes the 60-year environmentally-adjusted CUF calculations for all other plant-specific Class 1 components previously analyzed in accordance with ASME Code,Section III CUF calculations.The applicant stated that all CUFs that exceed 1.0 must be recalculated prior to the period of extended operation. The applicant included Commitment No. 31 to address this issue. The staff's resolution of this issue is deferred to the staff's resolution of request for additional information (RAI) 4.3.3-1 which is discussed and evaluated below.Issue 3. The staff asked the applicant for more details on its corrective action implementationplan for locations projected to have 60-year environmentally adjusted CUF values above 1.0.

Specifically, the staff asked the applicant to clarify how the fatigue analyses would be refined further by selection of Option 1 of the corrective action implementation plan. The staff also informed the applicant that it would need to make a commitment in the LRA if Option 2 of the plan, manage the effects of aging, was selected as the course of corrective action for fatigue-induced damage in the components.

4-4In its response dated September 13, 2006, the applicant added Commitment No. 31, stating itwould implement one of several options for the locations indicated in NUREG/CR-6260 for BWRs of the PNPS vintage.In 4.3.3-1 dated July 26, 2007 (ADAMS Accesssion No. ML072000407), the staff requested thatthe applicant provide additional information on the option(s) that will be used for LRA Commitment No. 31 and describe the methodology that will be used for the chosen Commitment No. 31 option(s) in sufficient detail for staff review.In its response dated July 30, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. ML072190611), the applicantclarified which option would be implemented to fulfill Commitment No. 31 and provided the methodology that would be used to implement the selected option. Commitment No. 31 was revised to state: "At least 2 years prior to entering the period of extended operation, for thelocations identified in NUREG/CR-6260 for BWRs of the PNPS vintage, PNPS will refine our current fatigue analyses to include the effects of reactor water environment and verify that the cumulative usage factors (CUFs) are less than 1.

This includes applying the appropriate Fen [sic] factors to valid CUFs determined in accordance with one of the following: 1.For locations, including NUREG/CR-6260 locations, with existing fatigueanalyses valid for the period of extended operation, use the existing CUF to determine the environmentally adjusted CUF. 2. More limiting PNPS-specific locations with a valid CUF may be added inaddition to the NUREG/CR-6260 locations. 3. Representative CUF values from other plants, adjusted to or envelopingthe PNPS plant specific external loads may be used if demonstratedapplicable to PNPS. 4. An analysis using an NRC-approved version of the ASME code orNRC-approved alternative (e.g., NRC-approved code case) may be performed to determine a valid CUF.During the period of extended operation, PNPS may also use one of thefollowing options for fatigue management if ongoing monitoring indicates a potential for a condition outside the analysis bounds noted above: 1.Update and/or refine the affected analyses described above.

2. Implement an inspection program that has been reviewed and approvedby the NRC (e.g., periodic nondestructive examination of the affected locations at inspection intervals to be determined by a method acceptable to the NRC).

4-5 3. Repair or replace the affected locations before exceeding a CUF of 1.0."In its response dated July 30, 2007, the applicant also provided its implementation detail forthese 3 options as follows:The processes that will be used to develop the calculations for Option (1) areestablished design and configuration management processes. These processes are governed by Entergy's 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Quality Assurance (QA) program and include design input verification and independent reviews ensuring that valid assumptions, transients, cycles, external loadings, analysis methods, and environmental fatigue life correction factors will be used in the refined or new fatigue analyses. The analysis methods for determination of stresses and fatigue usage will be inaccordance with an NRC endorsed Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components Division 1 Subsection NB, Class 1 Components, Sub articles NB-3200 or NB-3600 as applicable to the specific component. PNPS will utilize design transients from Design Specifications as well as designtransient information from typical BWR-3 references to bound all operational transients.

The numbers of cycles used for evaluation will be based on the design number of cycles and actual cycle counts projected out to the end of license renewal period (60 years). Environmental effect on fatigue usage will be assessed using methodology consistentwith the GALL Report, Rev. 1, that states, " The sample of critical components can be evaluated by applying environmental life correction factors to the existing ASME Code fatigue analyses. Formulae for calculating the environmental life correction factors are contained in NUREG/CR-6583 for carbon and low-alloy steels and in NUREG/CR-5704 for austenitic stainless steel.If Option (2) of Commitment 31 becomes necessary, the inspection programsubmitted for approval by the NRC will be described in terms of the ten elements specified in Branch Technical Position RLSB-1 (NUREG-1800, Appendix A-1).

Parameters monitored will be the presence and sizing of cracks. Frequency of inspection and acceptance criteria will be established such that detection of aging effects will occur before there is a loss of component intended function(s).

The method of inspection will be a qualified volumetric technique based on plant specific and industry-wide operating experience.If Option (3) becomes necessary, repair or replacement of the affectedcomponent(s) will be in accordance with established plant procedures governing repair and replacement activities. These established procedures are governed by Entergy's 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA Program and meet the applicable repair and replacement requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.In a letter dated August 28, 2007, the applicant amended the LRA with respect to its basis forits environmentally-assisted fatigue analysis. In this letter, the applicant clarified that Option 1 of 4-6Commitment No. 31 for refined CUF calculations is consistent with both the NRC'srecommendations for the periodic CUF updates in the "monitoring and trending" (i.e., program element 4) of GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," and and for "corrective actions" in GALL AMP X.M1. The applicant also clarified that Options 2 and 3 of Commitment No. 31 are considered to be corrective actions that are consistent with the corrective actions recommended in the "corrective action" (i.e., program element 7) of the same GALL AMP. Based on these clarifications, the applicant amended the LRA to bring Commitment No. 31 within the scope of the applicant's Fatigue Monitoring Program and to credit this AMP as the basis for accepting this TLAA in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii).These changes are consistent with the NRC's recommendations in GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," and are acceptable. The following paragraphs provide additional information on why the changes in LRA Amendment No. 20 are acceptable.

The "corrective actions" of GALL Chapter X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary," state that acceptable corrective actions include repair of the component, replacement of component, or a more rigorous analysis of the component to demonstrate that the design limit will not be exceeded during the extended period of operation. The staff reviewed the 3 options in Commitment No. 31, which were included in the application as possible corrective actions to address those limiting reactor coolant pressure boundary components with projected environmentally-assisted CUFs in excess of the environmentally-assisted fatigue analysis limit (i.e., 1.0). The staff reviewed the applicant's implementation plan for using Option (1) of Commitment No.31 (i.e., the option for implementation of refined environmentally-assisted CUF calculations), as provided in the applicant's letter of August 28, 2007, against the staff's recommendation in SRP-LR Section, "Generic Safety Issues." The staff determined the response to the RAI indicated that the refined environmentally-assisted fatigue calculations would be based on the recommendations for performing environmentally-assisted fatigue calculations in NUREG/CR-6583 for steel components and in NUREG/CR-5704 for stainless steel components and that the methods for determination of stresses and fatigue usage factors would be in accordance with an NRC-endorsed edition of the ASME Code Sect ion III, Division 1,Subsection NB, Subarticles NB-3200 or NB-3600, as applicable to the specific component.

Based on this response, the staff determined that the implementation plan for using Option (1) of the commitment indicates that the applicant will be using NRC-approved methods for reanalysis and that the option is in conformance with the "corrective actions" recommendations in the both the Standard Review Plan for License Renewal SRP-LR and GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary. Based on this assessment, that staff concludes that Option (1) of Commitment No. 31 is an acceptable "corrective action" option for this TLAA.In its response to RAI 4.3.3-1, the applicant stated that, if Option (2) of Commitment No. 31 isselected for corrective action, the inspection program for implementing the options would meet the following criteria: (1) the inspection program would be based on the 10 program elements for an AMP, as defined in NRC Branch Position RLSB-1, (2) the AMP would be submitted for NRC review and approval at least two years prior to entering the period of extended operation, and (3) the method of inspection will be based on a qualified volumetric examination technique.

The ASME Code Section XI, Paragraph IWB-3740(a) states that "Appendix L provides procedures that may be used to assess the effects of thermal and mechanical fatigue concerns 4-7on component acceptability for continued service"; the ASME Code Section XI, ParagraphIWB-3740(b) states that "Appendix L provides procedures that may also be used when the calculated fatigue usage exceeds the fatigue usage limit defined in the original Construction Code." Paragraph L-3400 of the ASME Code Section XI, Appendix L states that surface examinations or volumetric examinations of reactor coolant pressure boundary components may be used to verify the acceptability of affected components for further service. Based on this response, the staff determined that the implementation plan for using Option (2) of the commitment conforms to the examination provisions stated in paragraph L-3400 of the ASME Code Section XI, Non-mandatory Appendix L and with "corrective actions" recommended in GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary." Based on this assessment, that staff concludes that Option (2) of Commitment No. 31 is an acceptable "corrective action" option for this TLAA.In its response to RAI 4.3.3-1, the applicant stated that Option (3) for repair or replacement ofthe affected locations is a corrective action. The applicant also stated that, if this option is selected for corrective action, the repair or replacement activities would be in compliance with applicable provisions of the ASME Code Section XI. The staff determined that, since the implementation of repair and replacement activities will be based on applicable ASME Code Section XI requirements, Option (3) of Commitment No. 31 is consistent the "corrective actions recommended in GALL AMP X.M1, "Metal Fatigue of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary."

On this basis, the staff concludes that Option (3) of Commitment No. 31 is also an acceptable "corrective action" option for this TLAA.Based on this assessment, the staff concludes that the corrective actions methods discussed inthe applicant's response to RAI 4.3.3-1 and provided in Commitment No. 31 are acceptable because they will be implemented in accordance with NRC-approved methods. Based on this review, the staff concludes that time-limited aging analysis (TLAA) on environmentally-assisted fatigue is acceptable in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii) because the applicant has credited the Fatigue Monitoring Program to manage the effects of aging during the period of extended operation and because the applicant has amended the Fatigue Monitoring program to include the options in Commitment No. 31 for corrective action, as discussed above.

RAI 4.3.3-1 is resolved. UFSAR SupplementThe applicant provided an updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR) supplement summarydescription of its TLAA evaluation of effects of reactor water environments on fatigue life in LRA Section A. The applicant stated that the effects of the reactor coolant environment on the metal fatigue analysis had been evaluated for the LRA but only for 40 years and not for the period of extended operation. As a result, the staff determined that the initial version of the UFSAR supplement summary description did not describe the TLAA on environmental fatigue adequately because LRA Section A. would need an update to refer to LRA Commitment No. 31, which the applicant relies on for acceptance of the TLAA on environmental fatigue.In a letter dated September 13, 2006, the applicant amended the LRA and added CommitmentNo. 31 to address the need for updated, 60-year environmental CUF calculations for plant-specific Class 1 locations that correspond to those analyzed in NUREG-6260. However, the applicant did not revise the LRA Section A. summary description to refer to 4-8Commitment No. 31.In a letter dated August 28, 2007, the applicant amended LRA Section A. to refer toCommitment No. 31. The staff reviewed the UFSAR supplement summary description in LRA Section A. as amended by this letter. On July 30, 2007, the applicant amended Commitment No. 31 as discussed in the response to RAI 4.3.3-1. The staff determined that the summary description of this TLAA was adequate because it complies with that recommended in the SRP-LR UFSAR supplement table and because it has been amended to refer to Commitment No. 31 on the LRA.Based on its review, the staff concludes that LRA Section A., as amended by the August 28, 2007, letter, complies with 10 CFR 54.21(d). ConclusionOn the basis of its review, as discussed above, the staff concludes that the applicant hasdemonstrated, pursuant to 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii), that the effects of aging on the intended function(s) will be adequately managed for the period of extended operation. The staff also concludes that the UFSAR supplement contains an appropriate summary description of the TLAA evaluation, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(d).4.8 Conclusion for Time-Limited Aging AnalysesThe staff reviewed the information in LRA Section 4, "Time-Limited Aging Analyses." On thebasis of its review the staff concludes that the applicant has provided an adequate list of TLAAs, as defined in 10 CFR 54.3. Further, the staff concludes that the applicant demonstrated that: (1) the TLAAs will remain valid for the period of extended operation, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(i); (2) the TLAAs have been projected to the end of the period of extended operation, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(ii); or (3) that the aging effects will be adequately managed for the period of extended operation, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(iii). The staff also reviewed the UFSAR supplement for the TLAAs and found that the UFSAR supplement contains descriptions of the TLAAs sufficient to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 54.21(d). In addition, the staff concludes, that no plant-specific exemptions are in effect that are based on TLAAs, as required by 10 CFR 54.21(c)(2).With regard to these matters, the staff concludes, that there is reasonable assurance that theactivities authorized by the renewed license will continue to be conducted in accordance with the current licensing basis (CLB), and that any changes made to the CLB, in order to comply with 10 CFR 54.21(c), are in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and the NRC's regulations.

5-1 SECTION 5REVIEW BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTORSAFEGUARDSIn accordance with Title 10, Part 54, of the Code of Federal Regulations, the AdvisoryCommittee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) has reviewed the license renewal application (LRA) for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.On April 4, 2007, the applicant presented its LRA, and the NRC staff, including Region Ipersonnel, presented its review findings, as contained in the safety evaluation report (SER) with open items dated March 1, 2007, to the ACRS Plant License Renewal Subcommittee. On September 6, 2007, the applicant presented its LRA, and the NRC staff, including Region Ipersonnel, presented its review findings, as contained in the final SER dated June 28, 2007, to the ACRS Plant License Renewal Full Committee. The ACRS will continue its detailed review of the LRA after this Supplemental SER is issued.After the ACRS completes its review of the LRA, and SERs, the Full Committee will issue a report discussing the results of its review. The published copy of this SER will include the ACRS report and the staff's response to any issues and concerns.


6-1 SECTION 6CONCLUSIONThe staff of the United States (US) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (the staff) reviewedthe license renewal application (LRA) for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in accordance with NRC regulations and US NRC NUREG-1800, Revision 1, "Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants," dated September 2005. Title 10, Section 54.29, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 54.29) sets the standards forissuance of a renewed license.On the basis of its review of the LRA the staff determines that the requirements of10 CFR 54.29(a) have been met.The staff notes that any requirements of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, are documented inNUREG-1437, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS)," Supplement 29, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station," dated July, 2007.


A-1APPENDIX APNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSDuring the review of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) license renewal application(LRA) by the staff of the United States (US) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff),

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (the applicant), made commitments related to aging management programs (AMPs) to manage the aging effects of structures and components prior to the period of extended operation. The following table lists these commitments along with the implementation schedules and the sources for each commitment.Changes to the attached commitment table reflect changes delineated in Attachment C to theletter dated July 30, 2007. The following item is revised:


A-3APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule Source1Implement the Buried Piping and Tanks InspectionProgram as described in LRA Section B.1.2.B.1.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.0572Enhance the implementing procedure for ASMESection XI inservice inspection and testing to specify that the guidelines in Generic Letter 88-01 or approved BWRVIP-75 shall be considered in determining sample expansion if indications are found in Generic Letter 88-01 welds.B.1.6June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.0573Inspect fifteen (15) percent of the top guide locationsusing enhanced visual inspection technique, EVT-1, within the first 18 years of the period of extended operation, with at least one-third of the inspections to be completed within the first six (6) years and at least two-thirds within the first 12 years of the period of extended operations. Locations selected for examination will be areas that have exceeded the neutron fluence threshold.B.1.8Inspectionscompleted within the first 18 years of the period of extended operation (at least one-third of these inspections completed within the first six years and at least two-thirds completed within the first 12 years)Letters2.06.003, 2.06.057, 2.06.064, and 2.06.081 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-44Enhance the Diesel Fuel Monitoring Program to includequarterly sampling of the security diesel generator fuel storage tank. Particulates (filterable solids), water and sediment checks will be performed on the samples.

Filterable solids acceptance criteria will be = 10 mg/l.

Water and sediment acceptance criteria will be = 0.05%.B.1.10June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003, 2.06.057, and 2.06.0895Enhance the Diesel Fuel Monitoring Program toinstall instrumentation to monitor for leakage between the two walls of the security diesel generator fuel storage tank to ensure that significant degradation is not occurring.B.1.10June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.0576Enhance the Diesel Fuel Monitoring Program to specifyacceptance criterion for UT measurements of emergency diesel generator fuel storage tanks (T-126A&B).B.1.10June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-57Enhance Fire Protection Program procedures to statethat the diesel engine subsystems (including the fuel supply line) shall be observed while the pump is running. Acceptance criteria will be enhanced to verify that the diesel engine did not exhibit signs of degradation while it was running; such as fuel oil, lube oil, coolant, or exhaust gas leakage. Also, enhance procedures to clarify that the diesel-driven fire pump engine is inspected for evidence of corrosion in the intake air, turbocharger, and jacket water system components as well as lube oil cooler. The jacket water heat exchanger is inspected for evidence of corrosion or buildup to manage loss of material and fouling on the tubes. Also, the engine exhaust piping and silencer are inspected for evidence of internal corrosion or cracking.B.1.13.1June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003, 2.06.057, and 2.06.0648Enhance the Fire Protection Program procedure forHalon system functional testing to state that the Halon 1301 flex hoses shall be replaced if leakage occurs during the system functional test.B.1.13.1June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.0579Enhance Fire Water System Program procedures toinclude inspection of hose reels for corrosion.

Acceptance criteria will be enhanced to verify no significant corrosion.B.1.13.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-610Enhance the Fire Water System Program to state that asample of sprinkler heads will be inspected using guidance of NFPA 25 (2002 Edition) Section

NFPA 25 also contains guidance to repeat this sampling every 10 years after initial field service testing.B.1.13.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05711Enhance the Fire Water System Program to state thatwall thickness evaluations of fire protection piping will be performed on system components using nonintrusive techniques (e.g., volumetric testing) to identify evidence of loss of material due to corrosion. These inspections will be performed before the end of the current operating term and at intervals thereafter during the period of extended operation. Results of the initial evaluations will be used to determine the appropriate inspection interval to ensure aging effects are identified prior to loss of intended function.B.1.13.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05712Implement the Heat Exchanger Monitoring Program asdescribed in LRA Section B.1.1 5.B.1.15June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05713Enhance the Instrument Air Quality Program to includea sample point in the standby gas treatment and torus vacuum breaker instrument air subsystem in addition to the instrument air header sample points.B.1.17June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-714Implement the Metal-Enclosed Bus Inspection Programas described in LRA Section B.1.18.B.1.18June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05715Implement the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-\/oltageCable Program as described in LRA Section B.1.19.

Include developing a formal procedure to inspect manholes for in-scope medium voltage cable.B.1.19June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05716Implement the Non-EQ Instrumentation Circuits TestReview Program as described in LRA Section B.1.20.B.1.20June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05717Implement the Non-EQ Insulated Cables andConnections Program as described in LRA Section B.1.21.B.1.21June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05718Enhance the Oil Analysis Program to periodicallychange CRD pump lubricating oil. A particle count and check for water will be performed on the drained oil to detect evidence of abnormal wear rates, contamination by moisture, or excessive corrosion.B.1.22June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-819Enhance Oil Analysis Program procedures for securitydiesel and reactor water cleanup pump oil changes to obtain oil samples from the drained oil. Procedures for lubricating oil analysis will be enhanced to specify that a particle count and check for water are performed on oil samples from the fire water pump diesel, security diesel, and reactor water cleanup pumps.B.1.22June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05720Implement the One-Time Inspection Program asdescribed in LRA Section B.1.23.B.1.23June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003, 2.06.057, and 2.07.02321Enhance the Periodic Surveillance and PreventiveMaintenance Program as necessary to assure that the effects of aging will be managed as described in LRA Section B.1.24.B.1.24June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05722Enhance the Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program toproceduralize the data analysis, acceptance criteria, and corrective actions described in LRA Section B.1.26.B.1.26June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05723Implement the Selective Leaching Program inaccordance with the program as described in LRA Section B.1.27.B.1.27June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-924Enhance the Service Water Integrity Program procedureto clarify that heat transfer test results are trended.B.1.28June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05725Enhance the Structures Monitoring Program procedureto clarify that the discharge structure, security diesel generator building, trenches, valve pits, manholes, duct banks, underground fuel oil tank foundations, manway seals and gaskets, hatch seals and gaskets, underwater concrete in the intake structure, and crane rails and girders are included in the program. In addition, the Structures Monitoring Program will be revised to require opportunistic inspections of inaccessible concrete areas when they become accessible.B.1.29.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05726Enhance Structures Monitoring Program guidance forperforming structural examinations of elastomers (seals, gaskets, seismic joint filler, and roof elastomers) to identify cracking and change in material properties.B.1.29.2June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05727Enhance the Water Control Structures MonitoringProgram scope to include the east breakwater, jetties, and onshore revetments in addition to the main breakwater.B.1.29.3June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-1028Enhance System Walkdown Program guidancedocuments to perform periodic system engineer inspections of systems in-scope and subject to aging management review for license renewal in accordance with 10 CFR 54.4(a)(1) and (a)(3). lnspections shall include areas surrounding the subject systems to identify hazards to those systems. lnspections of nearby systems that could impact the subject systems will include SSCs that are in-scope and subject to aging management review for license renewal in accordance with 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2).B.1.30June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05729Implement the Thermal Aging and Neutron IrradiationEmbrittlement of Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel (CASS)

Program as described in LRA Section B.1.31.B.1.31June 8, 2012Letters2.06.003 and 2.06.05730Perform a code repair of the CRD return line nozzle tocap weld if the installed weld repair is not approved via accepted code cases, revised codes, or an approved relief request for subsequent inspection intervals.B.1.3June 30, 2015Letter2.06.05731At least 2 years prior to entering the period of extendedoperation, for the locations identified in NUREG/CR-6260 for BWRs of the PNPS vintage, PNPS will refine our current fatigue analyses to include the effects of reactor water environment and verify that the4.3.3June 8, 2012June 8, 2010 forsubmitting the AMP if PNPSLetters2.06.057, 2.06.064, 2.06.081, 2.07.005, APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-11cumulative usage factors (CUFs) are less than 1. Thisincludes applying the appropriate Fen [sic] factors to valid CUFs determined in accordance with one of the following:1. For locations, including NUREG/CR-6260 locations,with existing fatigue analysis valid for the period of extended operation, use the existing CUF to determine the environmentally adjusted CUF.2. More limiting PNPS-specific locations with a valid CUF may be added in addition to the NUREG/CR-6260locations.3. Representative CUF values from other plants,adjusted to or enveloping the PNPS plant specific external loads may be used if demonstrated applicable to PNPS.4. An analysis using an NRC-approved version of theASME code or NRC-approved alternative (e.g.,

NRC-approved code case) may be performed to determine a valid CUF.During the period of extended operation, PNPS mayalso use one of the following options for fatigue selects theoption of managing the affects of aging due to environmentally assisted fatigue and2.07.064 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-12management if ongoing monitoring indicates a potential for a condition outside the analysis bounds noted above:1. Update and/or refine the affected analyses describedabove.2. Implement an inspection program that has beenreviewed and approved by the NRC (e.g., periodic nondestructive examination of the affected locations at inspection intervals to be determined by a method acceptable to the NRC).3. Repair or replace the affected locations beforeexceeding a CUF of 1.0.32Implement the enhanced Bolting Integrity Programdescribed in Attachment C of Pilgrim License Renewal Application Amendment 5 (Letter 2.06.064).June 8, 2012Letters2.06.057, 2.06.064, and 2.06.08133PNPS will inspect the inaccessible jet pump thermalsleeve and core spray thermal sleeve welds if and when the necessary technique and equipment become available and the technique is demonstrated by the vendor, including delivery system.As stated in thecommitmentLetter2.06.057 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-1334Within the first 6 years of the period of extendedoperation and every 12 years thereafter, PNPS will inspect the access hole covers with UT methods.

Alternatively, PNPS will inspect the access hole covers in accordance with BWRVIP guidelines should such guidance become available.June 8, 2018Letter2.06.057 and 2.06.08935At least 2 years prior to entering the period of extendedoperation, for reactor vessel components, including the feedwater nozzles, PNPS will implement one or more of the following:(1) Refine the fatigue analyses to determine valid CUFsless than 1. Determine valid CUFs based on numbers of transient cycles projected to be valid for the period of extended operation. Determine CUFs in accordance with an NRC-approved version of the ASME code or NRC-approved alternative (e.g., NRC-approved code

case).(2) Manage the effects of aging due to fatigue at theaffected locations by an inspection program that has been reviewed and approved by the NRC (e.g., periodic non-destructive examination of the affected locations at inspection intervals to be determined by a method acceptable to the NRC).June 8, 2012June 8, 2010 forsubmitting the AMP if PNPS

selects the option of managing the affects of agingLetters2.06.057, 2.06.064, and 2.06.081 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-14(3) Repair of replace the affected locations beforeexceeding a CUF of 1.0.Should PNPS select the option to manage the agingeffects due to fatigue during the period of extended operation, details of the AMP such as scope, qualification, method, and frequency will be submitted to the NRC at least 2 years prior to the period of extended operation.36To ensure that significant degradation on the bottom ofthe condensate storage tank is not occurring, a one-time ultrasonic thickness examination in accessible areas of the bottom of the condensate storage tank will be performed. Standard examination and sampling techniques will be utilized.June 8, 2012Letter2.06.05737The BWR Vessel lnternals Program includes inspectionsof the steam dryer. Inspections of the steam dryer will follow the guidelines of BWRVIP-139 and General Electric SIL 644 Revision 1.A.2.1.8 /Conference call on September 25, 2006June 8, 2012Letter2.06.089 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-1538Enhance the Diesel Fuel Monitoring Program to includeperiodic ultrasonic thickness measurement of the bottom surface of the diesel fire pump day tank. The first ultrasonic inspection of the bottom surface of the diesel fire pump day tank will occur prior to the period of extended operation, following engineering analysis to determine acceptance criteria and test locations.

Subsequent test intervals will be determined based on the first inspection results.B.1.10June 8, 2012Letter2.06.08939Perform a one-time inspection of the Main Stackfoundation prior to the period of extended operation.B.1.23June 8, 2012Letter2.06.09440Enhance the Oil Analysis Program by documentingprogram elements 1 through 7 in controlled documents.

The program elements will include enhancements identified in the PNPS license renewal application and subsequent amendments to the application. The program will include periodic sampling for the parameters specified under the Parameters Monitored/lnspected attribute of NUREG-1801 Section XI.M39, Lubricating Oil Analysis. The controlled documents will specify appropriate acceptance criteria and corrective actions in the event acceptance criteria are not met. The basis for acceptance criteria will be defined.B.1.22June 8, 2012Letter2.06.094 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-1641Enhance the Containment Inservice Inspection (CII)Program to require augmented inspection in accordance with ASME Code Section XI IWE-1240, of the drywell shell adjacent to the sand cushion following indications of water leakage into the annulus air gap.A.2.1.17 andB.1.16.1June 8, 2012Letter2.06.09442Implement the Bolted Cable Connections Program,described in Attachment C of Pilgrim License Renewal Application 11 (Letter 2.07.003), prior to the period of extended operation.A.2.1.40 and B.1.34June 8, 2012Letter2.07.00343Include within the Structures Monitoring Programprovisions to ensure groundwater samples are evaluated periodically to assess the aggressiveness of groundwater to concrete, as described in Attachment E of License Renewal Application 12 (Letter 2.07.005),

prior to the period of extended operation.A.2.1.32 andB.1.29.2June 8, 2012Letter2.07.00544Perform another set of the UT measurements just aboveand adjacent to the sand cushion region prior to the period of extended operation and once within the first 10 years of the period of extended operation.A.2.1.17 andB.1.16.1Prior to theperiod of extended operation and once within the first 10 years of the period of extended operationLetter2.0.7.010 APPENDIX A: PNPS LICENSE RENEWAL COMMITMENTSNumberCommitmentLRA Section(s)Enhancement orImplementationSchedule SourceA-1745If groundwater continues to collect on the Torus Roomfloor, obtain samples and test such water to determine its pH and verify the water is non-aggressive as defined

in NUREG-1801 Secti on III.A1 item III.A.1-4 once priorto the period of extended operation and once every five years during the period of extended operation.A.2.1.32 andB.1.29.2June 8, 2012Letters2.07.010 2.07.027, and 2.07.02946Inspect the condition of a sample of the torus hold-downbolts and associated grout and determine appropriate actions based on the findings prior to the period of extended operation.A.2.1.32 andB.1.29.2June 8, 2012Letter2.07.02747Submit to the NRC an action plan to improvebenchmarking data to support approval of new P-T curves for Pilgrim.4.2.2, A.,and A. 15, 2007Letter2.07.02748On or before June 8, 2010, Entergy will submit to theNRC calculations consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.190 that will demonstrate limiting fluence values will not be reached during the period of extended operation.4.2, 4.7.1, A.1.1and A.2.2.1June 8, 2010Letter2.07.027 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.

B-1APPENDIX B CHRONOLOGYThis appendix lists chronologically the routine licensing correspondence between the staff ofthe United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (the staff) and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.. This appendix also contains other correspondence regarding the staff's review of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) license renewal application (LRA) (under Docket No. 50-293).APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectJanuary12, 2006G20060064/LTR-06-0041 - Sen T. Murray, Rep V. DeMacedo, andRep T. O'Brien Ltr re: Relicensing of Pilgrim and Vermont Yankee (ADAMS Accession No. ML060230046)January 13, 2006G20060054/LTR-06-0037 - Ltr. Alice Moore Re: Concerns Pilgrim andVermont Yankee Relicensing. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060190039)January 13, 2006Letter from W. Bramhall on Proposed Rule PR Regarding DesignBasis Threat. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060180196)January 18, 2006G20060065/LTR-06-0042 - Ltr Mark D. Sylvia re: Concerns Pilgrimand Vermont Yankee Relicensing Applications. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060230048)January 20, 2006Letter from Pilgrim Security Watch, M. Lampert, et al. E. J. Epstein, N.Cohen, S. J. Goodman, R. Becker, D. Katz and H. Moyer on Proposed Rule PR Regarding Design Basis Threat (ADAMS Accession No. ML060240587)January 25, 2006Letter from M. A. Balduzzi to NRC Submitting Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060300026)January 25, 2006Letter from M. A. Balduzzi to NRC Submitting License RenewalApplication Boundary Drawings. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060470248)January 25, 2006Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMSAccession No. ML060300028)January 25, 2006Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Applicant's Environmental ReportOperating License Renewal Stage, Appendix E. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060830611)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-2January 27, 2006Email: (PA) Receipt of License Renewal Applications for VY andPilgrim (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120498)January 27, 2006G20050841/LTR-05-0588-Mary Elizabeth Lampert Ltr. Re. PilgrimNuclear Power Station Email Concerns Single Loop Operation Amendment. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060260021)January 31, 2006NRC Press Release-06-011: NRC Announces Availability of LicenseRenewal Applications for Vermont Yankee and Pilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060310043)January 31, 2006Receipt and Availability of the License Renewal Application for thePilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060310593)February 3, 2006Letter from R. Schaff, NRC to D. O'Brien - Regarding Maintenance ofReference Material at the Plymouth Public Library for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060370581)February 13, 2006Notice of Forthcoming Public Information Session for the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC) Staff to Describe the License Renewal Process. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060440543)February 25, 2006G20060054/LTR-06-0037 - Alice Moore Ltr. Re. Concerns Pilgrim andVermont Yankee Relicensing. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060240024)February 25, 2006G20060065/LTR-06-0042 - Mark Sylvia Ltr. Re Concerns Pilgrim andVermont Yankee relicensing applications. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060250068)February 27, 2006G20060064/LTR-06-0041 - Rep. V. DeMacedo and Rep. T. O'BrienLtr. Re. Concerns relicensing of Pilgrim and Vermont Yankee.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML060340238)February 27, 2006G20060064/LTR-06-0041 - Sen. T. Murray Ltr. Re. Concernsrelicensing of Pilgrim and Vermont Yankee. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060240309)February 28, 2006Email: (PA) Closeout: G20060065/LTR-06-0042 - Relicensing ofPilgrim and Vermont Yankee (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120549)March 1, 2006NRC Press Release-I-06-011: NRC To Hold March 8 th Public MeetingIn Plymouth, Mass., On License Renewal Application For Pilgrim Nuclear Plant. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060600528)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-3March 21, 2006Determination of Acceptability and Sufficiency for Docketing,Proposed Review Schedule, and Opportunity for a Hearing -

Regarding the Application from Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., for Renewal of the Operating License for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML060800745)March 22, 2006NRC Press Release-06-040: NRC Announces Opportunity to Requesta Hearing on Application to Renew Operating License for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML060810457)March 29, 2006NRC Contact Report - Arrange Meeting with Town Officials DuringSite Audit (Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470176)March 30, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) Re: Pilgrim Audit. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063470309)March 30, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Audit Plan. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480291)

March 31, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Request - License Renewal Work for CFEB (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120629)April 3, 2006NRC Contact Report - Arrange meeting with Town personnel duringMay Site Audit (Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470180)April 3, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Request - License Renewal Work for CFEB (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120631)April 4, 2006Email: (PA) Pilgrim Audit Plan (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480085)

April 5, 2006NRC Contact Report - Follow Up from 4/3/06 Telephone Call(Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470183)April 5, 2006NRC Contact Report - Arrange meeting with Town personnel duringSite Audit in May [4/5/06] (Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470189)April 6, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) Re: Pilgrim Audit [List for Plymouthmeeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470313)April 6, 2006Email: (PA) Questions counts... (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062120636)April 7, 2006Email: (PA) AMP, AMR, and TLAA questions for PNPS (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120642)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-4April 10, 2006NRC Contract Report - Arrange Meeting with Planning Council StaffDuring Site Audit in May (Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470164)April 12, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) May 4 meeting - Pilgrim NPS licenserenewal [List for Carver meeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470329)April 12, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) May 4 meeting - Pilgrim NPS licenserenewal [List for Old Colony meeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470319)April 12, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) May 3 meeting - Pilgrim NPS licenserenewal [List for Kingston Meeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470324)April 12, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) May 3 meeting - Pilgrim NPS licenserenewal [List for Duxbury meeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470326)April 18, 2006Email: (PD) Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station License RenewalApplication. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063460545)April 21, 2006Letter from NRC to J. McGinnis, Request for Comments - Regardingthe Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application Review. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061160613)April 21, 2006Letter from NRC to S. M. Thomas, Request for Comments -Regarding the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application Review. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061170085)April 21, 2006Letter from NRC to M. Bowland, Request for Comments - Regardingthe Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application Review. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061170222)April 21, 2006Letter from NRC to C. Andrews-Maltais, Request for Comments -Regarding the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application Review. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061170152)April 24, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information - Regarding UnresolvedInspection Item 05000293-05-003-01 From the NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000293-05-003 (TAC No. MD0178). (ADAMS Accession No. ML060970397)April 24, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS AMP Questions (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062120415)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-5April 26, 2006License Renewal Audit and Review Plan for Plant Aging ManagementReview and Programs for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant, Docket Number 50-293. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061220630)April 27, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS LRA Appendix C - BWRVIP Actions (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090546)April 28, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) May 3 meeting - Pilgrim NPS licenserenewal [List for Marshfield meeting]. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470333)April 28, 2006NRC Contract Report - Arrange meeting with Town personnel duringSite Audit in May (Intergovernmental). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063470170)April 28, 2006Email: (PA) Pilgrim Questions to be Discussed at the Audit (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090499)May 2, 2006Letter from NRC to Don L. Klima - Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation License Renewal Application Review. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061240335)May 4, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Re-assignment of Tables (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090497)May 4, 2006Email: (PA) AMP questions (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090488)

May 4, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Template for not consistent with GALL AMRs(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090496)May 4, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Re-assignment of Tables (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120647)May 5, 2006Email: (PA) AMR Template for Not Consistent with GALLSection (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090322)May 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: PNPS Template for not consistent with GALL AMRs(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090493)May 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Bolting Integrity Program (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090498)May 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Bolting Integrity Program (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090490)May 8, 2006Email: (PA) AMR's Questionary for Pilgrim (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090324)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-6May 9, 2006Email: (PA) AMR Review of Section 3.3 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090328)May 10, 2006Email: (PA) Draft Questions for the Aging Management Program(AMP) Gall Consistency Audit - for Pilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480272)May 10, 2006Email: Draft questions for the Aging Management Program (AMP)Gall consistency audit - for Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070393)May 10, 2006Email: (PA) FWD: Pilgrim AMP Combined Questions (ADAMSAccession No. ML062480283)May 10, 2006Email: Guidance How to File Petition for Intervention with NRC -Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070187)May 11, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, LicenseRenewal Application, Amendment 1. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061380549)May 11, 2006Email: (PA) Table 3.3.1 AMR questions (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090333)May 11, 2006Email: Pilgrim Letter 2.06.040 - License Renewal Application,Amendment 1. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070402)May 11, 2006Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application Review(SHPO No. RC36661) (ADAMS Accession No. ML061310234)May 12, 2006Email: Guidance how to file petition for intervention with NRC - PilgrimLRA. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070405)May 12, 2006PNPS License Scoping Comment - Tom Belcher. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062410406)May 15, 2006Transmittal Letter for License Renewal Audit and Review Plan forPlant Management Reviews and Programs for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant Docket 50-293. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061220716)May 17, 2006Official Transcript, Afternoon, Public Scoping Meeting for Pilgrim,05/17/2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061700046)May 17, 2006Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Environmental Scoping MeetingHandouts. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061420164)May 17, 2006Official Transcript, Evening, Public Scoping Meeting for Pilgrim,05/17/2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061700050)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-7May 19, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Information re: Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063060296)May 19, 2006Email: (PD) Information re: Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063460507)May 24, 2006Letter from Dr. Dean, ACHP to DLR to address license renewalapplication for Pilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061710601)May 25, 2006Letter from Pilgrim Watch to NRC, Request for a Hearing and Petitionto Intervene. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061630125)May 26, 2006Massachusetts Attorney General's Request for a Hearing and Petitionfor Leave to Intervene with Respect to Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc.'s Application for Renewal of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant Operating License (ADAMS Accession No. ML061630088)May 28, 2006Email: (PA) Questions for NRC About the Reactor Head ClosureStuds AMP (XI.M3) as described in the GALL Report (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090338)May 30, 2006Letter from Diane Curran submitting the originals of severaldocuments for which copies of faxed signature pages were filed on May 26, 2006 in connection with the Massachusetts Attorney General's hearing request and backfit petition (ADAMS Accession No. ML061640031)June 2, 2006Email: (PA-LR) FW: Word Document of NRC LRA Programs Audit ofPilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050504)June 5, 2006Notice of Adoption of Contention by Pilgrim Watch. (ADAMSAccession No. ML061720384)June 6, 2006Hearing Referral Memorandum from A. Vietti-Cook to P. Bollwerk,ASLBP. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061600221)June 7, 2006Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ADAMSAccession No. ML061590519)June 7, 2006License Renewal Application, Amendment 2. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML061710422)June 8, 2006Email: FWD: LRA Amendment 2 (Updated Drywell Shell Information).(ADAMS Accession No. ML063070330)June 9, 2006Email: The second set of AMR Questions. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070327)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-8June 9, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Another Round of AMR Questions and TLAAQuestions. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050512)June 14, 2006LB Order - Regarding Schedule and Guidance for Proceedings(ADAMS Accession No. ML061660047)June 14, 2006Entergy Response to NRC Request for Additional Information -Regarding Technical Specification Changes to Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Detection System Instrumentation. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061720084)June 15, 2006Notices of Appearance for Susan L. Uttal and Harry E. Wedewer(ADAMS Accession No. ML061670059)June 15, 2006NRC Staff Answer to Notice of Adoption of Contentions by PilgrimWatch (ADAMS Accession No. ML061670039)June 16, 2006Request of the Town of Plymouth to Participate as of Right Under2.315(c). (ADAMS Accession No. ML061740346)June 16, 2006Letter from D. Curran to Judge Young providing recent decision byU.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061740349)June 16, 2006Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Reply to NRC StaffResponse to Hearing Request, filed by D. Curran, Counsel for Massachusetts Attorney General. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061780634)June 16, 2006Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Reply to NRC StaffResponse to Hearing Request. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061810395)June 16, 2006Email from S. Hollis to Judge Young re: Participation in PilgrimProceeding and Notice of Appearance. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061780125)June 16, 2006Letter from S. S. Hollis to NRC, re Pilgrim Power Station - RegardingRenewal of Facility Operating License DPR-35 for a 20 Year Period.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML061770043)June 19, 2006NRC Staff's Response to Request for Hearing and Petition toIntervene Filed by Pilgrim Watch (ADAMS Accession No. ML061710086)June 20, 2006Official Transcript of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Pre-HearingConference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061740366)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-9June 21, 2006Email: (PA) Additional Missing AMPs (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510359)June 21, 2006LB Order and Notice - Regarding Oral Argument and LimitedAppearance Statement Sessions (ADAMS Accession No. ML061720397)June 22, 2006Email: (PA) Additional missing AMPs (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510295)June 22, 2006Entergy's Answer to Massachusetts Attorney General's Request for aHearing, Petition for Leave to Intervene, and Petition for Backfit Order. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061790134)June 22, 2006Email: (PA) Additional Missing AMPs (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510361)June 22, 2006NRC Staff Answer Opposing Massachusetts Attorney General'sRequest for Hearing and Petition for Leave to Intervene and Petition for Backfit Order (ADAMS Accession No. ML061730482)June 23, 2006NRC Press Release-I-06-038: Licensing Board to Hear OralArguments and Receive Public Comment in Pilgrim License Renewal Proceeding. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061740031)June 25, 2006Email: (PA) Additional AMR Question - Section 3.1.1 (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120410)June 26, 2006Entergy's Answer to the Request for Hearing and Petition to Interveneby Pilgrim Watch and Notice of Adoption of Contention. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061840216)June 26, 2006Email from R. Chin, Duxbury Nuclear Advisory Committee to JudgeYoung re: Limited Appearance Statements (ADAMS Accession No. ML061780159)June 26, 2006Email: (PA) Audit Report Attachment 5 - List of Documents (ADAMSAccession No. ML062130145)June 26, 2006Email: (PA) Schedule (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120408)

June 26, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Draft Qs on Section 2.3 on Pilgrim LRA Staff Requesta Phone Call on June 27, 2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050509)June 27, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Response for AMR Items 460 and 512 - PotentialConflict in the Responses (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090388)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-10June 27, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Response for AMR Items 460 and 512 - PotentialConflict in the Responses (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120407)June 27, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Fwd: PNPS Response for AMR Items 460 and 512 -Potential Conflict in the Responses. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050396)June 29, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Additional Questions From Bob Jackson (ADAMSAccession No. ML063050603)June 29, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Shell (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090319)

June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Jim and Peter (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090309)

June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Nonsafety-Related SCs (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062130056)June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Additional Question from Bob Jackson (ADAMSAccession No. ML062130057)June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Re: QA for Aging Management of NSR Components(ADAMS Accession No. ML062130058)June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Re: QA for Aging Management of NSR Components(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090569)June 29, 2006Pilgrim - Massachusetts's Attorney General's Reply to Entergy's andNRC Staff's Responses to Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML061870225)June 29, 2006Email: (PA) - None - (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120406)

June 29, 2006Email: (PA) Re: QA for Aging Management of NSR Components(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090318)June 29, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Nonsafety-Related SCs. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063050610)June 30, 2006Email: (PA) FWD: Questions and Answers of Pilgrim LRA AgingManagement Reviews. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480379)June 30, 2006Notice of Forthcoming Exit Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations,Inc., on License Renewal Scoping and Screening Methodology and the Aging Management Program / Aging Management Review Audits for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061810424)June 30, 2006Email: (PA:) FWD: Questions and Answers of Pilgrim LRA AgingManagement Reviews (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130018)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-11June 30, 2006Email: (PA) Draft AMP Section of Audit Report (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510364)June 30, 2006Email: (PA) Response to ARM Questions 482 & 483 (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090567)June 30, 2006Email: (PA) Response to ARM Questions 482 and 483 (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090380)June 30, 2006Email: (PA) Draft AMP Section of Audit Report (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062120423)June 30, 2006Email: (PA) Questions and Answers of Pilgrim LRA AgingManagement Reviews. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480297)June 30, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Questions and Answers of Pilgrim LRA AgingManagement Reviews. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050613)July 3, 2006Pilgrim Watch Reply to NRC's and Entergy's Answers to Notice ofAdoption of Contention by Pilgrim Watch. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062160441)July 3, 2006Email: (PA) Re: QA for Aging Management of NSR Components(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090565)July 3, 2006Email: (PA) Re: QA for Aging Management of NSR Components(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090307)July 3, 2006Pilgrim Watch Reply to Entergy Answer to Request for Hearing andPetition to Intervene by Pilgrim Watch. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062160449)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Draft AMP Section of Audit Report (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090303)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) FW: Handing of Generic Issues (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062130091)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Quality Assurance for Aging Management of NSRComponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090304)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Draft AMP Section of Audit report (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062130089)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: FW: Handling of Generic Issues (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090300)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Quality Assurance for aging management of NSRcomponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130064)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-12July 5, 2006Pilgrim - License Renewal Application Amendment 3. (ADAMSAccession No. ML061940175)July 5, 2006Pilgrim - License Renewal Application Amendment 4. (ADAMSAccession No. ML061930418)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) FYI: Draft Audit Report Shell TLAA on Metal Fatigue -Audit Report Section 4.3 (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090297)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS's TLAA Section 4.6 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090563)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Quality Asurance for Aging Management of NSRComponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090561)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS's TLAA Section 4.6 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090305)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Quality Assurance for aging management of NSRcomponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130054)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Comments on the AMP writeup (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062130053)July 5, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Quality Assurance for Aging Management of NSRComponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090294)July 6, 2006Official Transcript of Limited Appearance Comment Session in thePilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Proceeding. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061930218)July 6, 2006Email: (PA-LR) FW: PNPS ER EJ writeup. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063060309)July 6, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Quality Assurance for Aging Management of NSRComponents. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120477)July 6, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Quality Assurance for aging management of NSRcomponents (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130140)July 6, 2006Email: (PA) FYI: Draft Audit Report Shell TLAA on Metal Fatigue -Audit Report Section 4.3 (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130086)July 6, 2006Email: (PA) Additional AMR questions (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062130061)July 6, 2006Official Transcript of Oral Arguments on Contentions for the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Proceeding. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061940179)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-13July 7, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Comments on Pilgrim AMP document (ADAMSAccession No. ML062120412)July 7, 2006Pilgrim - Limited Appearance Statement by Maurice C. Cion. (ADAMSAccession No. ML062070067)July 7, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Comments on Pilgrim AMP Document (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090293)July 7, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Comments on Pilgrim AMP Document (ADAMSAccession No. ML062130142)July 7, 2006Limited Appearance Statement by W. Bramhall (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062060607)July 7, 2006Official Transcript of Oral Arguments on Contentions in the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Proceeding. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061930390)July 7, 2006Email: (PA) Comments on Pilgrim AMP document (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062120480)July 10, 2006Pilgrim - Email from Diane Curran to ASLBP and Parties. (ADAMSAccession No. ML062070055)July 10, 2006Email: FWD: Response to your question - Regarding RadwastePiping. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070319)July 11, 2006Letter from CZM to S. Bethay - Regarding Federal ConsistencyReview of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Operating License Renewal; Plymouth. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062090362)July 12, 2006Email from Susan Uttal to ASLBP and Parties. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062070131)July 12, 2006Email: FWD: Pilgrim License Renewal Application Amendment 3Cover Letter and Attachment A. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070536)July 13, 2006Summary of Public Scoping Meetings Conducted Related to theReview of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061700055)July 13, 2006Letter to the Administrative Judges from Counsel for Entergy followingup on one of the two matters raised at last week's prehearing conference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062020235)July 13, 2006Limited Appearance Statement of John R. Glover. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062070224)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-14July 13, 2006NRC Press Release-I-06-040: NRC To Meet With Entergy OnJuly 19 th To Discuss Pilgrim License Renewal Audit Findings. (ADAMSAccession No. ML061940368)July 13, 2006Email: NRC to Discuss Pilgrim Audit Findings. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070249)July 14, 2006LB Order - Regarding Need for Further Briefing on Definition of Newans Significant Information As Addressed in Participants' Petitions, Answers and Replies Relating to Massachusetts Attorney General contention and Pilgrim Watch Contention 4:. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061950481)July 14, 2006Email from Judge Young to the parties. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062060614)July 14, 2006Email to Judge Young from Molly Bartlett (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062060616)July 17, 2006Email: Core shroud tie rod upper support cracking- informationrequest. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070252)July 17, 2006Limited Appearance Statement on Behalf of Clean Water Action(MASSPIRG). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062070051)July 17, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Re: Pilgrim [from Lampert to A. Williamson 7/17/06].(ADAMS Accession No. ML063060259)July 17, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Re: Pilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063060249)

July 17, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Additional info for ER. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063060239)July 19, 2006Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 5. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062080142)July 19, 2006Pilgrim - License Renewal Application Amendment 5. (ADAMSAccession No. ML062090075)July 20, 2006Letter on behalf of more than two dozen organizations and individualslisted on draft Director's Decision - Regarding groundwater contamination petition. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062190445)July 20, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding follow up information from theprehearing conference on Pilgrim's aging management review to ASLBP. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120018)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-15July 21, 2006Entergy's Brief on New and Significant Information in Response toLicensing Board Order of July 14, 2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062080589)July 21, 2006NRC Staff's Response to July 14, 2006 Licensing Board Order(ADAMS Accession No. ML062020795)July 21, 2006Massachusetts Attorney General's Brief - Regarding Relevance to thisProceeding of Regulatory Guide's Definition of "New and Significant Information." (ADAMS Accession No. ML062080171)July 21, 2006Email: (PA) Fwd: Re: RAI for Section 3.5 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062090383)July 23, 2006Pilgrim - Email to Judge Young from Molly Bartlett (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062060617)July 24, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Any Correspondences from PNPS on LRA Changes.(ADAMS Accession No. ML062090387)July 24, 2006Email: FW: Pilgrim LRA Amendment 5. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070318)July 25, 2006Email: (PA) Piligrim AMP/AMR Audit Report (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510296)July 25, 2006Email: (PA) Re: FWD: FYI: Forwarding What We Want DCI/FEB toWork at for the Pilgrim Flaw Growth Analysis. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480362)July 25, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information, Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062070240)July 26, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC No. MC9669). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120464)July 26, 2006Email: Request for Additional information on LRA Section 2.1 Scopingand Screening. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070241)July 26, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC informing that Entergy has already fullyaddressed the points raised in the Massachusetts Attorney General's brief - Regarding new and significant information. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130443)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-16July 26, 2006Massachusetts Attorney General's Reply Brief - Regarding Relevanceto This Proceeding of Regulatory Guide's Definition of "New and Significant Information." (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130446)July 26, 2006Email: (PA) Revised AMR 3.4 Input (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062480388)July 27, 2006Email: Pilgrim - Judge Nicholas Trikouros disclosure statement.(ADAMS Accession No. ML062120730)July 27, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Q&A (ADAMS Accession No. ML062510355)

July 27, 2006Email: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Hearing Files InformationRequest (7/1/06-7/31/06). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070245)July 27, 2006Official Transcript of Entergy Nuclear Generation Company OralArguments via Telephone Conference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062130024)July 27, 2006Email: Fwd: FYI: Attaching File with my Assessment Tracking theStatus of Our Metal Fatigue Questions - Jim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070246)July 27, 2006Email: (PA) PNPS Q&Q (ADAMS Accession No. ML062510306)

July 31, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120662)July 31, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120743)July 31, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062120752)July 31, 2006Email: (PA) Urgent - Revised Section 3.0.4 Input for QA program(ADAMS Accession No. ML062510299)July 31, 2006Email: (PA) Updated Section 4.3, Metal Fatigue for PNPS LRA(ADAMS Accession No. ML062510302)July 31, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML061940015)July 31, 2006Email: Fwd: PNPS Q&A Data Base. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070232)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-17August 2, 2006FAX: From: R. Subbaratnam To: B. Ford/ F. Mogolesko 8/02/2006RE: Supplement 3. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070332)August 2, 2006Email: (PA) AMR Audit Report Section 3.3 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062480391)August 2, 2006FAX: From: R. Subbaratnam to Brian Ford/Fred Mogolesko. ADAMSAccession No. ML062510324)August 2, 2006Email: (PA) Email to James Davis from Duc Nguyen on 08/02/2006 at3:50 4:43 pm (No Subject) (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480361)August 3, 2006Email: (PA) FYI: Forwarding Attachment 1 & Attachments 3-7 on AuditReport TLAA Sections. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480383)August 3, 2006Email: (PA) TLAA Input (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480381)

August 3, 2006Email: (PA) TLAA Section 4.3 Input (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062480395)August 3, 2006Email: Fwd: Pilgrim ASLB Hearing: from Ram Subbaratnam 8/3/0610:55am. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070234)August 3, 2006Email: Fwd: Pilgrim ASLB Hearing. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070236)August 3, 2006Email: (PA) Duc's Audit and Review Report Input (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062480385)August 4, 2006Motion on Behalf of Pilgrim Watch for Disqualification of JudgeNicholas Trikouros. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062500138)August 4, 2006Massachusetts Attorney General's Motion for Disqualification of JudgeNicholas Trikouros. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062210100)August 7, 2006Email Re: RAM: From Fred Mogolesko 8/7/06 12:01pm. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063070219)August 7, 2006Email: FW: RAM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070220)

August 7, 2006Email: Fwd: RAM: from Ram Sabbaratnam 8/7/06 9:13am. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063070239)August 9, 2006Notice of Appearance for Marian L. Zobler (Pilgrim Nuclear PowerPlant) and Certificate of Service (ADAMS Accession No. ML062210250)August 10, 2006Email: FW: Requested Pilgrim Isl Information. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070222)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-18August 10, 2006Email: FW: Requested Information from Pilgrim License RenewalProgram Document PRPD-06. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070225)August 11, 2006Email: Draft RAIs on Section 2.4 of Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070228)August 11, 2006Email: (PA) RAI for the Three Flaw Issues for the Pilgrim LRA(ADAMS Accession No. ML062510343)August 14, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information For the Review of thePilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062290474)August 14, 2006Email: (PA) LRA B.1.1, Boraflex Program (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510350)August 14, 2006Email: (PA) RAIs 3.5.1-1 and 3.5.1-2 (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062510346)August 14, 2006Entergy's Response to Motions for Disqualification of Judge NicholasTrikouros. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062340098)August 15, 2006Summary of Public Audit Status Briefing with Entergy NuclearOperations, Inc., on License Renewal Scoping and Screening Methodology and the Aging Management Program and the Aging Management Review Audits for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML062280218)August 16, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) RAI on Chapter 4.0 TLAAs (from RamSubbaratnam). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063040463)August 16, 2006Updated Schedule of Submittal of License Renewal Applications forEntergy Plants. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062330008)August 18, 2006Email: Formal RAIs for Pilgrim License Renewal Application onSections 3.5 & 3.6. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070230)August 21, 2006Email: Additional draft (draft RAIs) the audit team requests(August 21, 2006). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070188)August 21, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) RAIs from Audit by Danhoang & Erach. (ADAMSAccession No. ML062990442)August 21, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Requested RAI on Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMSAccession No. ML062990253)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-19August 22, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML062350440)August 22, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 6. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062420060)August 23, 2006Email: Questions From Fred Mogolesko 8/23/2006 9:29am. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063070190)August 23, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Fwd: FW: Pilgrim License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 6 (RAI Responses from Entergy on Pilgrim LRA).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML063050296)August 23, 2006Email: FW: Pilgrim License Renewal Application Amendment 6.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063070217)August 25, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Final RAI on Section 2.4 - Scoping andScreening Structures for the Pilgrim LRA. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062980322)August 25, 2006Summary of August 1, 2006 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062410379)August 25, 2006Letter from D. Curran to NRC - Regarding Petition for RulemakingPRM 50-10 to Amend 10 C.F.R. Part 51, on behalf of the Massachusetts Attorney General. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062640409)August 25, 2006Email: (PA) Pilgrim Audit Report Peer Review AMP Sections (ADAMSAccession No. ML062510307)August 28, 2006Email: Preparation for Region 1 Inspection at Pilgrim: from: FredMogolesko 8/28/06 10:17 am. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070367)August 28, 2006Email: Meeting Summary for your information: from RamSubbaratnam 8/28/06 9:18am. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070375)August 28, 2006Email: Draft Pilgrim RAIs on Section 4.2.1 - TLAAs on RV Internals,Neutron Fluence. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063070361)August 30, 2006Letter from D. R. Lewis of Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw and Pittman toNRC - Regarding Massachusetts Attorney General's Petition for Rulemaking PRM-51-10 to Amend 10 CFR Part 51 (August 25, 2006).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML062650221)August 30, 2006Email: (PA) SER Input. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062980258)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-20August 30, 2006LB Notice of Reconstitution (ADAMS Accession No. ML062420469)August 30, 2006LB Notice of Recusal of Judge Nicholas Trikouros (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062420487)August 30, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding Entergy's Response toMassachusetts Attorney General's Petition for Rulemaking to Amend 10 C.F.R. Part 51 (Aug. 25, 2006). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480366)August 30, 2006Entergy Response to Requests for Additional Information re LicenseRenewal Application Amendment 7. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062500117)August 31, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) Pilgrim NPS EIS - info request. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063470471)September 1, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) Re: Pilgrim NPS EIS - info request.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063470473)September 5, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Pilgrim LRA - RAI Responses from Entergy(NRC-03-03-038, Task Order 24). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063110209)September 7, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC No. MC9669). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062490501)September 7, 2006Email: Final RAI on Pilgrim LRA Section (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063060595)September 8, 2006Email: (Intergovernmental) Re: Plymouth Population & Buildout Data.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063470479)September 8, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669)

Section 3.2. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062500431)September 8, 2006NRC Requests for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML062500401)September 8, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Fwd: Final RAI on Pilgrim LRA Sections 3.2.1and 4.2.1. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062990446)September 13, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 8. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062650072)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-21September 13, 2006Email: Entergy Memo of 9/13/2006 - Pilgrim. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063070420)September 15, 2006Memorandum (Signed by B. Rogers) to P.T. Kuo, NRC, Audit TripReport - Regarding Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. License Renewal Application for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, dated January 25, 2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062580162)September 26, 2006LB Memorandum (Notice of Expected Date for Decision) (ADAMSAccession No. ML062690345)October 3, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Information from the Conference call on 9/26/06.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063050380)October 6, 2006Email: (NPA-PD-LR) Fwd: Pilgrim LRA Amendment 9 10/6/2006.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063110171)October 6, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC, Pilgrim License Renewal ApplicationAmend 9, Revised List of Regulatory Commitments & Response to RAIs on Aging Management Review in LRA Section 3.2 Engineered Safety Features &Time Limiting Aging Analysis in LRA Section 4.2 Reactor Vessel.... (ADAMS Accession No. ML062910173)October 10, 2006Commission Order (CLI-06-26) (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML062830327)October 16, 2006Entergy Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Relatedto Proposed License Amendment to Change P-T Curves (TAC No. MD1218). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062970147)October 16, 2006LB Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Standing and Contentions ofPetitioners Massachusetts Attorney General and Pilgrim Watch)

(LBP-06-23) (ADAMS Accession No. ML062890259)October 19, 2006Email: (PA-LR) FW: Figure 2-1. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063050385)October 19, 2006Email: (PA-LR) FW: Drawing. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050392)

October 19, 2006Email: (PA-LR) FW: Figure 3-1. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063050388)October 23, 2006Summary of October 10, 2006 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations. Inc., to Clarify Information Sent to the NRC in Response to Requests for Additional Information - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application (TAC NO. MC9669). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062850407)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-22October 23, 2006Email: (PA-LR) Re: Pilgrim - Amendments to the LRA. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063050501)October 24, 2006Email from S. Uttal, OGC requesting to ASLBP Judges to rescheduletelephone conference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063000239)October 24, 2006LB Order - Regarding Prehearing Telephone Conference andSchedule for Proceeding (ADAMS Accession No. ML062970412)October 24, 2006Email from M. Lampert to ASLBP Judges requesting rescheduling oftelephone conference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063000247)October 25, 2006LB Order (Granting Staff Request to Reschedule TelephoneConference) (ADAMS Accession No. ML062980380)October 26, 2006Letter from NRC Staff to Administrative Judges - Regarding EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc. (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) (ADAMS Accession No. ML063000300)October 30, 2006Letter from NRC Staff to Administrative Judges informing Board andParties of Estimation dates for SER and SEIS. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063050353)October 31, 2006Massachusetts Attorney General's Brief on Appeal of LBP-06-23.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063120343)October 31, 2006Pilgrim Watch Brief on Appeal of LBP-06-23. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063120552)October 31, 2006Notice of Appeal of Order LBP-06-23 by Pilgrim Watch. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063120336)November 1, 2006Audit and Review Report for Plant Aging Management Reviews andPrograms Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063110278)November 2, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML062900231)November 2, 2006Email: (PD) Draft RAI. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063480351)

November 3, 2006Town of Duxbury Request and Notice of Intent to Participate inHearing. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063170052)November 6, 2006Email: (PD) Fwd: Entergy Nuclear Cultural Resources Protection Plan.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063480402)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-23November 6, 2006Notice of the Town of Plymouth of Participation in CertainContentions. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063190311)November 7, 2006Summary of September 25, 2006 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc. (ADAMS Accession No. ML062760508)November 7, 2006NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669)

(Section B.1.16.1). (ADAMS Accession No. ML062960274)November 8, 2006Email dated from David R. Lewis notifying parties and Board inagreement that set schedule for Model Milestones could be met.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML063180264)November 8, 2006Email from Judge Young to parties requesting information - Regardingscheduling of upcoming telephone conference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063240353)November 10, 2006Entergy's Opposition to Pilgrim Watch's Appeal of LBP-06-23.(ADAMS Accession No. ML063200503)November 10, 2006Entergy's Brief in Opposition to Massachusetts Attorney General'sAppeal of LBP-06-23. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063200505)November 11, 2006Email: (PA) Request for Additional Information (RAI) - RegardingSevere Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, May 22, 2006. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063450084)November 13, 2006NRC Staff's Brief in Opposition to Massachusetts Attorney General'sPetition for Review of LBP-06-23. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063200152)November 13, 2006NRC Staff's Brief in Opposition to Pilgrim Watch's Appeal ofLBP-06-023. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063200174)November 14, 2006Memorandum (Signed by K. Chang) to L. Lund, NRC, Audit andReview Report for the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station License Renewal Application (TAC NO. MC7624). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063100404)November 14, 2006Joint Stipulation and Motion on Disclosure. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063260461)November 14, 2006Email: (PA) Re: Request for Additional Information (RAI) - RegardingSevere Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA). (ADAMS Accession No. ML063450081)November 15, 2006NRC Staff Notice of Appearance for David E. Roth. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063200368)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-24November 15, 2006Initial Disclosure Statement by Pilgrim Watch. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063310309)November 15, 2006Entergy's Initial Disclosures. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063280030)

November 15, 2006Letter from NRC Staff to Administrative Judges and the parties thatthe hearing file and mandatory disclosures are available. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063200344)November 16, 2006Letter from OGC/Staff to the Administrative Judges notifying them ofa new hearing file and providing Affidavit of Perry Buckberg. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063240423)November 16, 2006LB ORDER (Administrative Matters - Regarding TelephoneConference) (ADAMS Accession No. ML063200345)November 17, 2006Entergy Response to NRC Request for Additional Information -Regarding Emergency Plan Changes to Emergency Response Organization. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063320549)November 17, 2006Email: (PD) WP copy of RAI Letter. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063480328)November 20, 2006Official Transcript of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Pre-HearingConference. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063280126)November 29, 2006LB ORDER - Regarding Schedule for Proceeding and RelatedMatters (ADAMS Accession No. ML063330391)November 30, 2006Email:(PD) Your Upcoming LR Inspection at Pilgrim. (ADAMSAccession No. ML063460530)November 30, 2006Email: (PA) Your Upcoming LR Inspection at Pilgrim. (ADAMSAccession No. ML070120084)December 1, 2006Letter from Entergy to the Administrative Judges providing SEI, andSER status. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063350216)December 4, 2006Email: (PD) Conference Call Request - From Perry Buckberg to :Doug Ellis 12/04/06 2:25:00 PM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100094)December 4, 2006Email: (PD) Conference Call Request. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063460517)December 6, 2006Email: (PD) Conference Call - 12/12/06 @ 12:30. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML063460536)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-25December 6, 2006Email: (PD) Conference Call - 12/02/06. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070100101)December 8, 2006Notice of Availability of the Draft Plant-Specific Supplement 29 to theGeneric Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS) - Regarding Pilgrim. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063410493)December 8, 2006Email from Molly Bartlett, Esq. For Pilgrim Watch to Judge Young re:scheduling site visit and limited appearance session. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063450162)December 8, 2006Email: (PD) PNPS Draft SEIS. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070110583)December 8, 2006Notice of Availability of the Draft Plant-Specific Supplement 29 to theGeneric Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants - Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063410331)December 12, 2006Letter from Entergy to NRC dated 12 December, 2006 (includingattached PNPS MACCS2 Input Files -attached CD) - Regarding License Renewal Application amendment for Pilgrim Station operating license. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100410)December 12, 2006Email from Susan L. Uttal to the Administrative Judges informing thaton 12/08/06, the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 29 (draft SEIS)...wasissued (ADAMS Accession No. ML070040079)December 13, 2006Email: (PA) RE: 12/12/2006 Conference Call Record - From: Ellis,Doug To: Perry Buckberg - 12/13/2006 3:14:29 PM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100073)December 13, 2006Email: (PD) Dec 12 Conference Call Record - From: Perry BuckbergTo: Doug Ellis. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100223)December 13, 2006Email: (PD) Pilgrim RAI Follow Up - From: Perry Buckberg To: DougEllis - 12/13/2006 2:55:32 PM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100239)December 13, 2006Email: (PD) 12/12/2006 Conference Call Record - From: PerryBuckberg To: Doug Ellis 2:50:52 PM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100228)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-26December 14, 2006Federal Register Notice - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PilgrimNuclear Power Station; Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplement 29 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants and Public Meeting for the... (ADAMS Accession No. ML070330554)December 18, 2006Letter from Molly L. Barkman notifying the Administrative Judges withthe addendum to the index of Supplement 1 (Accession No. ML063530304)December 18, 2006Email: (PD) Conference Call - From: Perry Buckberg To: Doug Ellis;Edwin Forrest - 12/18/2006 12:57:25 PM. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070100272)December 19, 2006G20061071/LTR-06-0668 - Mary Lampert Ltr. Re Concerns PilgrimNuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070030207)December 28, 2006Letter from S. Uttal to Administrative Judges re: Staff ReviewSchedule (ADAMS Accession No. ML063630334)December 29, 2006Summary of December 12, 2006 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal (ADAMS Accession No. ML063480053)December 31, 2006NUREG-1437, Supp 29, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement forLicense Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 29 - Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station," Draft Report. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063260173)January 4, 2007Email: (PD) FW: Pilgrim in the News. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070440359)January 5, 2007Letter from NRC to B. Simon - Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear PowerStation License Renewal Application Review (SHPO NO. RC 36661).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML063480099)January 10, 2007Email: (PA) Pilgrim LRA Amendment 11. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380551)January 10, 2007Email: (PA) FW: Pilgrim LRA Amendment 11. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380577)January 10, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 11. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070250175)January 12, 2007NRC Press Release-I-07-002: NRC to Hold Public Meetings on DraftEnvironmental Impact Report for Pilgrim Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070120427)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-27January 16, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 12. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070230286)January 16, 2007Email: (PD) Fwd: Documents from Pilgrim. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070370589)January 17, 2007Email: (PD) Fwd: Entergy Info on Drywell Liner UT Measurements.(ADAMS Accession No. ML070370587)January 17, 2007Email: (PD) Pilgrim LRA Amendment 12. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380227)January 17, 2007Notice of Meeting Between NRC Staff & Entergy Management toInform Entergy Management of Results of NRC Team Inspection Covering Scoping & Aging Management Portions of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Application For A Renewed License. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070170610)January 17, 2007Email: (PA) FW: Pilgrim License Renewal Application Amendment 12.(ADAMS Accession No. ML070380549)January 18, 2007Summary of December 18, 2006 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML063540010)January 18, 2007Email: (PD) Fwd: FW: Drawing. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380092)January 18, 2007Email: (PA) FW: Drawing. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070380545)

January 22, 2007Email: (PD) Drywall Air Gap Foam. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380088)January 23, 2007NRC Press Release-I-07-004: NRC to Discuss Preliminary Results ofLicense Renewal Inspection for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070230491)January 24, 2007DSEIS Meeting Presentation, Preliminary Results of EnvironmentalReview Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070330562)January 26, 2007Email: (PA) Scan001 (30).pdf. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070440356)

January 29, 2007Email: (PD) DLR Briefs. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070370295)

January 29, 2007Email: (PA) PNPS Meeting 1.30.07?. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380579)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-28January 29, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 13. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070370413)January 29, 2007Email: (PA) FW: Pilgrim LRA Amendment 13. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070380543)January 30, 2007Email: (PD) Re: Pilgrim SEIS. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070440402)

January 30, 2007Email: (PD) Pilgrim LRA Amendment 13. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070370298)January 30, 2007Email: (PD) FSAR Excerpt. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070370272)

January 30, 2007Pilgrim License Renewal Inspection Exit Meeting Slides. (ADAMSAccession No. ML070440323)January 31, 2007Email: (PD) Re: Inspection Exit Meeting - Plymouth - 01.30.07.(ADAMS Accession No. ML070370290)January 31, 2007Email: (PD) Re: Inspection Exit Meeting - Plymouth - 01.30.07 (fromM. Lampert). (ADAMS Accession No. ML070370286)January 31, 2007Email: (PD) Pilgrim Follow Up Information. (ADAMS AccessionNo. ML070440406)February 1, 2007Letter from Entergy to Administrative Judges Notifying Them of NoChanges in Final SAIS (Pilgrim) (ADAMS Accession No. ML070320201)February 2, 2007Letter from NRC to Entergy - Regarding Audit and Review Report forPlant Aging Management Reviews and Programs for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669).

(ADAMS Accession No. ML063480333)February 7, 2007Email: Error in Pilgrim letter dated 01/04/07 (Pilgrim letter number2.07.004). (ADAMS Accession No. ML070380424)February 16, 2007Summary of January 23, 2007 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070300793)February 23, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 14. (ADAMS Accession No. ML0706503500)March 1, 2007NRC Letter Transmitting the Safety Evaluation Report With OpenItems Related to the License Renewal of PNPS (ADAMS Accession No. ML070600795)

APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-29March 13, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 15. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070790316)March 15, 2007Summary of February 26, 2007 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML070600567)March 26, 2007NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669)

(Section 4.2). (ADAMS Accession No. ML070780058)March 28, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Comments on Draft Safety EvaluationReport, dated March 2007. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071380190)March 29, 2007Email: (PD) FW: Entergy-Preliminary Durability PerformanceEvaluation. (ADAMS Accession No. ML0710203190)April 4, 2007Transcript of ACRS Meeting of Plant License Renewal Subcommitteeon April 4, 2007 in Rockville, MD. Pages 1 - 193.

(Accession No. ML071090564) April 27, 2007Summary of April 2, 2007 Telephone Conferences with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071030053)April 28, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAnnual Update. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071160152)May 1, 2007Summary of March 14, 2007 and March 15, 2007 TelephoneConferences with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No.

ML071030093May 1, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 16. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071280251)May 17, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 17. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071550310) June 8, 2007Summary of May 10, 2007 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071310069) June 21, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 18. (ADAMS Accession No. ML071730467)June 28, 2007NRC Letter Transmitting the Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of PNPS (ADAMS Accession No.


APPENDIX B: CHRONOLOGYDateSubjectB-30July 26, 2007NRC Request for Additional Information for the Review of the PilgrimNuclear Power Station License Renewal Application (TAC MC9669)

(Section 4.3.3) (ADAMS Accession No. ML072000407)July 30, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 19. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072190611)August 23, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationCommitment 47. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072530516)August 28, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationAmendment 20. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072470403)August 31, 2007Summary of August 23, 2007 and August 27, 2007 TelephoneConferences with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072390007)September 6, 2007Transcript of ACRS Meeting of Plant License Renewal Subcommitteeon September 6, 2007 in Rockville, MD. Pages 1 - 283.

(Accession No. ML072560775) September 7, 2007Summary of August 30, 2007 Telephone Conference with EntergyNuclear Operations, Inc., - Regarding the Pilgrim License Renewal Application. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072430264)September 12, 2007Letter from Entergy to NRC - Regarding License Renewal ApplicationCommitment 47. (ADAMS Accession No. ML072700723)

C-1APPENDIX CPRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTORSThis appendix lists the principal contributors for the development of this supplemental safetyevaluation report and their areas of responsibility.Appendix C: Principal ContributorsNameResponsibilityP. BuckbergProject ManagerK. Chang GALL Audit and Review J. DavisMaterials Engineering D. HoangStructural Engineering K. HsuMechanical Engineering P.T. KuoManagement Oversight L. LundManagement Oversight J. MedoffMaterials Engineering V. RodriguezProject Manager P. WenMaterials Engineering CONTRACTORSNameResponsibilityLegin Group, Inc.SER SupportAdvance Technologies and LaboratoriesEngineering THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.