Letter Sequence Other |
Other: ML060300028, ML061220630, ML061220716, ML061710422, ML061940175, ML062090293, ML062090294, ML062090300, ML062090304, ML062090305, ML062090307, ML062090309, ML062090318, ML062090319, ML062090322, ML062090324, ML062090328, ML062090333, ML062090338, ML062090380, ML062090387, ML062090388, ML062090488, ML062090490, ML062090493, ML062090496, ML062090497, ML062090498, ML062090499, ML062090546, ML062090561, ML062090563, ML062090565, ML062090567, ML062090569, ML062120406, ML062120407, ML062120408, ML062120410, ML062120412, ML062120415, ML062120477, ML062120480, ML062120491, ML062120498, ML062120543, ML062120549, ML062120625, ML062120629, ML062120631... further results
MONTHYEARML22335A2802022-11-0404 November 2022 11-4-2022 Email Transmitting Draft Questions Pertaining to Pilgrim ISFSI Exemption Request ML22270A0422022-09-26026 September 2022 Acknowledgement Email for Holtecs Request for Reporting Exemption with Regards to the Pilgrim ISFSI Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (Docket No. 05000293) ML22154A1622022-05-26026 May 2022 Letter and Email from Save Our Bay/Diane Turco Regarding Irradiated Water Release from Pilgrim ML22007A2602021-12-0606 December 2021 E-mail from P. Obrien, Holtec, to A. Snyder, NRC, on Pilgrim Effluent Discharge ML21287A6192021-10-14014 October 2021 E-mail from S. Phillips, MEMA, to A. Snyder, NRC, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Consultation Response to Amendment Review for Emergency Preparedness ML21266A2512021-09-23023 September 2021 Consultation with Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding Proposed Amendment Application for Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Levels ML21267A0012021-09-23023 September 2021 E-mail from A. Snyder, NRC, to A. Sterdis, Holtec, - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 20, Appendix G, Section Iii.E Acceptance Review ML21266A2772021-09-23023 September 2021 HDI Clarification of Exemption Requested from 10 CFR 20, Appendix G, Section Iii.E ML21257A3832021-09-15015 September 2021 E-mail from A. Snyder, NRC, to A. Sterdis, Holtec, - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Follow-on Request Re Request for Additional Information 2 Pilgrim - License Amendment Request Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Only Emergency Pl ML21211A5162021-07-22022 July 2021 Consultation Response from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding Proposed Pilgrim ISFSI Only Physical Security Plan ML21211A5912021-07-22022 July 2021 Consultation Response from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding Proposed Pilgrim ISFSI Only Technical Specifications ML21200A2352021-07-13013 July 2021 Consultation Request to Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding Proposed Pilgrim ISFSI Only Technical Specifications ML21200A1522021-07-13013 July 2021 Consultation Request to Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding Proposed Pilgrim Isfi Only Physical Security Plan ML21176A1842021-06-25025 June 2021 Email from HDI Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Training ML21180A0582021-06-17017 June 2021 Email from Region I Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Inspection - EA-13-132 ML21097A0402021-04-0606 April 2021 E-Mail Consult with Commonwealth of Mass Re - Amendment Application - Physical Security Plan for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station L-20-092, Email Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station-Exemption from Annual Force-On-Force Exercise Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B,2020-12-10010 December 2020 Email Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station-Exemption from Annual Force-On-Force Exercise Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B, ML20328A2982020-11-16016 November 2020 Response from Commonwealth of Massachusetts on No Significant Hazard for Pilgrim ISFSI Amendment to Address ISFSI II Dated November 16, 2020 ML20297A2372020-10-22022 October 2020 Request for Additional Information - HDI Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program ML20266G4032020-09-22022 September 2020 Acceptance Review Email - Request for Approval of HDI Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program, Revision 0 ML20163A6802020-06-11011 June 2020 Confirmation of the Scope of the Requested Regulatory Relief for Pilgrim Security Qualifications ML20280A1912020-04-17017 April 2020 Request for Additional Information- Clarifying Information for Pilgrim ISFSI Physical Security Amendment Application ML20269A3542020-03-0505 March 2020 CFR 26.717 Reports 2019 Transmittal Email ML19336A0302019-11-27027 November 2019 OEDO-15-00479 - Re 2.206 Petition Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Stations Current Licensing Basis for Flooding ML19336A0332019-11-26026 November 2019 OEDO-15-00479 - E-mail to Petitioner - 2.206 Petition Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Stations Current Licensing Basis for Flooding (CAC No. MF6460; EPID L-2015-CRS-0002)- Issuance of Final Directors Decision ML19331A1952019-11-21021 November 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Commonwealth Consultation Response - Amendment Regarding Site Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme ML19331A1732019-11-12012 November 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station -Consult with Commonwealth - Amendment Regarding Cyber Security Plan ML19331A1642019-11-0505 November 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station -Consult with Commonwealth - Amendment Regarding Site Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme ML19331A1792019-11-0505 November 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - EA and Fonsi for Pilgrim Emergency Planning Exemption CY-19-007, LTR-19-0441 Henrietta Cosentino, E-mail SECY-19-0078 Request by Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station2019-11-0404 November 2019 LTR-19-0441 Henrietta Cosentino, E-mail SECY-19-0078 Request by Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML19275H1962019-09-24024 September 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Consult with Commonwealth - Amendment Regarding Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications (PDTS) ML19239A0372019-08-26026 August 2019 E-mail from Entergy Dated August 26, 2019, Notification of Pilgrim License Transfer ML19239A0262019-08-23023 August 2019 LTR-19-0330 Janet Azarovitz, E-mail a Plea for More Time and Reasonable Discussion Including the Citizens of the Commonwealth in the Sale of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML19234A2072019-08-20020 August 2019 LTR-19-0328 Lawrence Delafield, President, Six Ponds Improv Assoc., Plymouth, Ma, Ltr Requests NRC to Postpone Consideration of Transferring the Licenses for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Until the NRC Has Answered Concerns by Pilgrim Watch, Se ML19232A4032019-08-20020 August 2019 LTR-19-0322 Diane Turco, Director, Cape Downwinders, Massachusetts, Letter/E-mail Requests Suspension of the Pilgrim License Transfer from Entergy to Holtec Until the Adjudicatory Hearing Is Held and Raised Contentions Are Resolved ML19308A9942019-08-19019 August 2019 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Confirmatory Order Rescission Supplemental Information ML19226A3912019-08-14014 August 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - EA and Fonsi for Pilgrim Decommissioning Trust Fund Exemption (Holtec) ML19226A3962019-08-14014 August 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station -Consult with Commonwealth - Conforming Amendment in Support of Pilgrim License Transfer Application ML19226A1212019-08-13013 August 2019 OEDO-15-00479-2.206 Petition Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station'S Current Licensing Basis for Flooding - Status (CAC No. MF6460; EPID L-2015-CRS-0002) ML19227A1032019-08-0707 August 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Draft Wording for Potential Condition of License Transfer Order ML19207B3662019-07-26026 July 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim - RAI Direct and Indirect Transfer of Lic.; Conforming Lic. Amend.; Req. for Exemption 10 CFR 50.82(A)(8)(I)(A) for Holtec Decom. International, Llc ML19176A3452019-06-25025 June 2019 2.206 Petition Regarding Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station'S Current Licensing Basis for Flooding - Information (OEDO-15-00479) (CAC No. MF6460; EPID L-2015-CRS-0002) ML19154A0652019-06-0303 June 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim - Permanent Cessation of Power Operations ML19154A5242019-06-0303 June 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - RAI - Pilgrim Post-Decommissioning Technical Specifications (PDTS) License Amendment Request (LAR) ML19161A2122019-05-20020 May 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Acceptance of License Amendment Request to Remove Cyber Security Plan Requirements ML19123A0332019-05-0101 May 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Logbook Entry: 05/01/2019 Endangered Species Report Regarding a Confirmed Sighting of North Atlantic Right Whale(S) (Balaena Glacialis) ML19122A4912019-04-29029 April 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Logbook Entry: 04/29/2019 Regarding the Confirmed Sighting of Ten North Atlantic Right Whales (Balaena Glacialis) ML19108A2362019-04-18018 April 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action, Proposed Exemptions from 10 CFR 140.11(a)(4) - Primary and Secondary Liability Insurance ML19108A2372019-04-18018 April 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action, Proposed Exemptions from 10 CFR 50.54(w)(1) - On-Site Property Damage Insurance ML19108A0122019-04-17017 April 2019 Notification of Change in Review Schedule - Oyster Creek License Transfer Application (L-2018-LLM-0002) 2022-09-26
[Table view] |
James Davis - Jim & Peter -- Page 1 James Davis Jim & Peter Page 1 From: "wilbur jackson" <JacksonWR@msn.com>
To: "James Davis" <JAD @nrc.gov>, "Peter Wen"
<PXW.TWGWPO02.HQGWDO01 @nrc.gov>
Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2006 7:37 AM
Jim & Peter --
Jim & Peter--
I apologize for the late-breaking questions. However, as I write up the report there are places where I simply cannot "connect the dots" without additional information.
The attached question relates to what kind of bolting the applicant has on flanged attachments to the RPV --
in terms of yield strength and nominal diameter. I suspect the answer is that yield strength is less than 150 ksi -- except for the RPV head bolts; and, ifso, that is all that I need them to tell me. If yield strength is greater than 150 ksi for bolts with diameter between 1" and 2", then I need them to commit to the augmented inspection as recommended by the GALL AMP or provide a basis for not doing so.
Hopefully, they can get this answered soon. The answer should be simiple; and it really does not need to become an RAI.
Thanks Bob Jackson CC: "Erach Patel" <erachp@comcast.net>
c:\temp\GW)00001.TMP Page 1 1 Mail Envelope Properties (44A3BB50.BEB :7 : 27627)
Jim & Peter --
Creation Date Thu, Jun 29, 2006 7:36 AM From: "wilburjackson" <JacksonWR@msn.com>
Created By: JacksonWR @msn.com Recipients nrc.gov OWGWPOO3.HQGWDOO1 JAD (James Davis) nrc.gov TWGWPO02.HQGWDOO1 PXW
James Davis - AMR Question Set #04 -- Jackson.wpd Page 1 !1 I
Questions Related to PNPS Aging Management Review Results for LRA Section 3.1.1 (Reactor Vessel, Internals and Reactor Coolant System)
Prepared by Bob Jackson Question Number:
Question NEW QUESTION: (Submitted after site audit) 6/29/2006 3.1.1-34:
LRA Table 3.1.2-1 includes three AMR results lines related to bolting. Two of these lines
("incore housing bolting" and "other pressure boundary bolting") identify the aging effect of cracking (not due to fatigue) and the aging management program is Inservice Inspection.
GALL AMP XI.M18 (Bolting Integrity) refers to ASME Section XI requirements for detection of aging effects. However, for high strength bolting (> 150 ksi), the GALL AMP states that for bolting size greater than 1-inch nominal diameter a volumetric examination comparable to that of ASME Section XI Examination Category B-G-1 is required in addition to the visual examination required by Examination Category B-G-2 (for pressure retaining bolting 2" and less in diameter).
Sufficient information has not been found in the LRA or in other documents reviewed to determine whether the incore housing bolting and other pressure boundary bolting in Table 3.1.2-1 can be excluded from the augmented examination.
For the components described as "incore housing bolting" and "other pressure boundary bolting" in LRA Table 3.1.2-1, please provide the following information.
- 1) Is the yield strength of these components greater or less than 150 ksi?
- 2) Is the diameter of these components greater than 1", and less than or equal to 2"?
- 3) If any of these components have yield strength greater than 150 ksi and diameter between 1" and 2", will PNPS perform the augmented volumetric inspection as recommended in the GALL report? Alternatively, if such components are used at PNPS and PNPS does not propose to perform the augmented volumetric inspection, please provide a plant-specific basis to waive the augmented requirement of the GALL AMP.
James Davis - AMR Question Set #04 -- Jackson.wpd James Davis AMR Question Set #04
- -- Jackson.wpd Page 2 I Pae Questions Related to PNPS Aging Management Review Results for LRA Section 3.1.1 (Reactor Vessel, Internals and Reactor Coolant System)
Prepared by Bob Jackson 2