IR 05000424/1986072

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Insp Repts 50-424/86-72 & 50-425/86-34 on 860902-05. Violations Noted:Failure to Establish Adequate Measures to Protect Installed Matls & Equipment from Temporary Const Loads & to Assure Applicable Requirements in Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/1986
From: Blake J, Kleinsourge W
Shared Package
ML20215F778 List:
50-424-86-72, 50-425-86-34, NUDOCS 8610160379
Download: ML20215F794 (9)



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Report Nos.: 50-424/86-72 and 50-425/86-34 Licensee: Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 4545 Atlanta, GA 30302 Docket Nos.:

50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: CPPR-108 and CPPR-109 Facility Name: Vogtle 1 and 2 Inspection Co

September 2-5, 1986


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Inspec r:

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"nso ge Date Signed 9 W/!66 Approved by:

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<L J/F. Blake, Section Chief Date Signed Efigineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety








Scope: This routine,'unarinounced inspection was in the areas of licensee actions on previous enforcement matters (92701B,;927028); housekeep(ing (548348);

material identification and control -(4290213);- material control 429408); heating, ventilating,:and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (50100); and employee concerns, inspectoCfollowupitems,andsupplieridentifieddeficiency.





Two violations 'were identified:

" Failure to Establish Adequate Measures to' Protect Installed Materials and Equipment from Temporary Construction Loads" - paragraph 13.b and " Failure to. Assure Applicable Requirements are Included in identified. ' Procurement -Documents"

. paragraph 8.a.

No deviations were



B610160379 861002 PDR ADOCK 05000424 G





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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • M. H. Googe, Project Construction Manager
  • E. P. Groover, Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, Construction
  • C. E. Belflower, QA Site Manager, Operations
  • R. W. McManus, Readiness Review (RR) Manager Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, and office personnel.

NRC Resident Inspectors

  • H. Livermore, Senior Resident Inspector (Construction)
  • J. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector (Operations)

R. Schepens, Resident Inspector

  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 5, 1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed below. No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.

(0 pen) Violation 50-424/86-72-01 and 50-425/86-34-01:

" Failure to Establish Adequate Measures to Protect Installed Materials and Equipment from Temporary Construction Loads - paragraph 3.b.

(0 pen) Violation 50-424/86-72-02 and 50-425/86-34-02:

" Failure to Assure Applicable Requirements are Included in Procurement Documents" -

paragraph 8.a.

(0 pan) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-72-03 and 50-425/86-34-03:

" Air Handeler Cast Iron Fan Wheel Hubs" - paragraph 9.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.

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si Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92701B and 92 3.-


" Failure to Install Pressure Taps


(Closed) Violation 50-424/85-23-02:

in Accordance with FSAR and P&ID" Georgia Power Company (GPC) letter of response, dated July 22,1985, The has been. reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region II.

inspector held discussions with the cognizant engineer and examined the The inspector corrective actions as stated in the letter of response.

concluded that GPC had determined the full extent of the subject violation, performed the necessary survey and followup actions to correct the present conditions and developed the necessary correctiveThe correc action to preclude recurrence of similar circumstances.

actions identified in the letter of response have been implemented.

(Closed) Unresolved Item 50-424/86-19-01 and 50-425/86-19-


" Construction Loads on Installed Equipment"


During the period of March 19-21, 1986, the inspector noted the




Scaffolding, in Room RB-74 Auxiliary Building Unit 1, supported by



three HVAC duct supports.

Personnel climbing on and walking across HVAC air han'dling unit tab No. A-1541-A7-001 located in the control building level 4.


l The inspector discussed the above with the licensee in At the time of the


authorized prior to installation or application.50-424/86-19 and 50-425/86-10, the



inspection, reported in NRC Report licensee was unable to provide the inspector any objective quality l

evidence of analysis and authorization for the above construction l

licensee indicated that they would evaluate both l




construction loads.

l During this inspection, this inspector discussed the a scaffolding on the HVAC supports and determined that it was adequate and would not damage the duct supports.

This inspector made a detailed inspection of the auxiliary and fuel buildings to determine whether the licensee had an adequate program to The control construction loads on installed materials and equipment.

inspector noted numerous examples of scaffolding supported by HVAC supports, pipe supports, installed piping, and installed HVAC duct.

The inspector discussed the above with the licensee who indicated that some of the examples noted were installed in accordance with their


l scaffolding program and the remainder were installed by others, I

contrary to their scaffolding program.


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The inspector asked the licensee what documented guidelines and controls they had for the evaluation of allowable loads. on piping, The licensee piping supports, HVAC duct, and HVAC duct supports.The craf t supervision use indicated that they had none.

" experience and judgement to assure that scaffolding is safe."

The inspector noted several examples where craft personnel were using the skin of HVAC duct as scaffolding.

In view of the above, it is clear that the licensee does not have adequate measures to control temporary construction loads on installed Failure to establish adequate measures to materials and equipment.

storage of materials and equipment to prevent damage or control deterioration is in violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria XIII.

This matter will be closed as an unresolved item and opened as

" Failure to Establish violation 50-424/86-72-01 and 50-425/86-34-01:

Adequate Measures to Protect Installed Materials and Equipment from Temporary Construction Loads."

(0 pen) Unresolved Item 50-424/86-59-04 and 50-425/86-26-04:

" Design c.

Control for Control Room Doors" This item concerns the adequacy of the design review process as it relates to the control room ventilation system.

The inspector discussed the above item with the licensee who indicated that this matter is still under review by GPC & Bechtel Power Corporation (BPC).

This matter remains open.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified except as noted in paragraph 3.b.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


Independent Inspection Effort Material Identification and Control (429028), and Housekeeping (548348),

Material Control (429408)

The inspector conducted a general inspection of auxiliary and fuel buildings to observe activities such as housekeeping, material identification and control, material control, and storage.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.

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Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System (50100)


A review of safety-related HVAC system records was ma quality records; whether the records reflected work accomplished consistent


j with NRC requirements and SAR connitments; and whether the records indicated any potentially generic problems, management control inadequacies, or other weaknesses that could have safety significance.

the listed mechanical The inspector reviewed documentation on components to verify conformance with the applicable portions and a.

Regulatory Guide 1.52.


HEPA Filters Serial Nos. 41341241 through 41341260


Charcoal Filter with Charcoal Batch No. 120584


The inspector reviewed the below listed nonconformance reports for the records are being b.

items of HVAC systems to determine whether:

properly identified, stored, and can be retrieved in a reasonable time; the records are legible, complete and indicate that reports are promptly reviewed by qualified personnel for evaluation and disposition of the immediate problem as well as for generic implications and trending; the records adequately document current status of noncon-formances or deviations and corrective actions; and resolution of



nonconformances demonstrates good engineering practice.


Nonconformance Reports


DR-PK-02591 j

DR-PK-01340 DR-PK-01234 DR-PK-01341 DR-PK-01385 DR-PK-02621 i

DR-h0-1414 f

DR.CD-4627 CR-MD-7460

NCR-MD-3588 l

The inspector reviewed receiving inspection reports for




inspection procedures.

f Tag Nos.

1-1555-A7-003 1-1555-A7-001 1-1542-N7-001















. =




The inspector reviewed relevant portions of the below listed audit reports concerning the installation of safety-related supports and HVAC d.

the required audits have been performed systems to determine whether:

in accordance with schedule and functional areas in established a plans; audit findings have been reported in sufficient detail to permit a meaningful assessment by those responsible for corrective action,-

final disposition, and trending; and the licensee / contractor has taken proper and timely followup action on those matters in need of correction.-

Audits i

MD08-84-07 CP20/CP-22-85/38 Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


Employee Concerns An individual reported concerns relating to the adequacy-of HVAC fabrication and installation to the NRC Senior Construction Resident Inspector at


12, 1986.

Vogtle site on Februaryconcerns to Georgia Power Company (GPC) by letter RII-8 1986.

On June 16, 1986, GPC, by letter X7BG54, provided the NRC with a summary of the GPC Investigative and corrective actions taken.

To verify the adequacy of the GPC investigative and subsequent corrective actions the inspector interviewed personnel, reviewed the documents and The inspector is satisfied that GPC performed an


examined hardware.

adequate investigation and performed the necessary corrective actions to


The inspector has no further questions relating to close out this matter.

this matter.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified, f

. 8.

Inspector Followup Items (Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-19-02:

" Unavailable HVAC i


Filter Records"


This item concerned the unavailability of HVAC HEPA Filter and Charcoal Records required by Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 21 and ANSI /

ASME-N509-76 and Bechtel Power Corporation (BPC) specification X4AJ07, The licensee has located the required HEPA filter records


Revision 10.

but determined that they never had the charcoal records.

i Specification X4J07, Revision 0 identified as the applicable speciff-cation for charcoal intended for safety-related air filter unit implements ANSI /ASME N509-1976 and Regulatory 1-1531-N7-002-000, Regulatory Guide 1.52, paragraph C31 and ANSI /ASME N509, Guide 1.52.

paragraph 5.2.5 require that a report containing the data for l


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qualification testing and batch testing for charcoal be provided to the The licensee accepted the charcoal without the records.

Without the records, the licensee was not able to deter purchaser.

to applicable regulatory requirements and design bases to assure adequate quality.

The licensee determined that the missing records were not identified as missing because specification X4J07 did not' clearly indicate that those Clearly, the licensee had not specific records were required.

established adequate measures to assure that applicable regulatory requirements that are necessary to assure quality were included in documents for procurement.

This The above is in violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria IV.

item will be closed as an unresolved item and opened as Violation" Failu 50-424/86-72-02 and 50-425/86-34-02:

Requirements are Included in Procurement Documents."

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-05:

" Unidentified b.

Commitment - FSAR Section"

This commitment concerned explosion-proof fan motors This determination is documented in FSAR Change Notice 376.


The commitment matrix for Readiness Review Module (RRM) 18A required.

This The inspector has no further questions.

appropriately amended.

matter is considered closed, (0 pen) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-06:

" Unidentified c.

Commitment - FSAR Section"

This matter concerns an unidentified commitment relating to the pas LOCA cavity hydrogen purge system.

The for RRM 18A to include this commitment as reference no. 5040.

inspector has determined that this commitment is adequately imple-mented; however, the implementation reference in the m implementation references (P&ID 1X4DB214-2 and Logic Diagram complete.

IX5DN17-2). This item will remain open.

(0 pen) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-07:

" Unidentified d.

Commitment - FSAR Section"

This item concerns unidentified commitments relating to alarms and The inspector electrical interlocks for the control room doors.

discussed the matter with the licensee who indicated that the ab This matter remains open.

item was still under review by GPC and BPC.



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Item 50-424/86-59-08:

" Unidentified (Closed) Inspector Followup e.

Commitment - FSAR Section"


This matter concerns an unidentified comitment relating to chlorine The licensee has amended the commitment matrix for RRM 18A The inspector has detectors.

to include this commitment as Reference No. 5043.

determined that this comitment is adequately implemented.

The This matter is considered closed, inspecter has no further questions.


(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-09:

" Unidentified Comitment - FSAR Section"

This matter concerns an unidentified commitment relating to smoke The licensee has amended the comitment matrix for RRM.18A The inspector has detectors.

to include this comitment as Reference No. 5045.-

determined that this commitment is adequately implemented.

The This matter is considered closed.

inspector has no further questions.

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-10:

" Unidentified g.

Comitment - FSAR Section"

This matter concerns an unidentified comitment relating to the The licensee has filtration systems with the loss of offsite power.

amended the comitment matrix for RRM 18A to include this comitment a The inspector has determined that this commitment Referent.e No. 5046.

is adequately implemented.

The inspector has no further questions.

This matter is considered closed.


(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-11:

" Unidentified Commitment - FSAR Section" This matter concerns an unidentified commitment relating to independent The licensee has amended the and redundant filtration trains.

comitment matrix for RRM 18A to include this commitment as Referen The inspector has determined that this comitment is No. 5047.

This adequately implemented.

The inspector has no further questions.

matter is considered closed.

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-12:

" Unidentified 1. _

Comitment - FSAR Section A."

This matter concerns an unidentified comitment relating to temperature control for the reactor cavity.

The licensee has amended the comit-ment matrix for RRM 18A to include this comitment as Reference The inspe:: tor has determined that this commitment isThis No. 5048.

adequately implemented.

The inspector has no further questions.

matter is considered close.







'T j.

-(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-13:

" Inadequate Implementation for Reference No. 4073" This matter concerns inadequate implementation reference date for comitment Reference No. 4073.

The licensee has amended the RRM 18A commitment matrix to show adequate implementation documentation for


reference no. 4073.

The inspector has no further questions in this


This matter is considered closed, area.


(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-424/86-59-14:

"HVAC Specification Error" This item concerns the apparent lack of definition of particle size for HEPA filters as specified in specification X4AJ07-4.88. The inspector discussed this item with the licensee and determined that because specification X4AJ07-4.8B references ANSI 509, paragraph no. 5.1 and paragraph 5.1 of ANSI 509 references MIL-F-51079 and MIL-F-51079D, particle size consistent with FSAR specifies paragraph 3.2.2 Therefore, though convoluted, the implementation of i


Reference No. 4084 is adequate.

The inspector has no further questions. This matter is considered closed.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified except as noted in paragraph 8.a.


Supplier Identified Deficiency Reports Prior to this inspection, in accordance with 10 CFR 21.21, American Air Filter (AAF) of Louisville, Kentucky identified the possibility that some fan wheel hubs may be cracked on air handling units manufactured by their This. report was made to NRC Region II by AAF letter, dated



In their letter to the NRC, AAF recomended that these December 5,1985.

hubs be inspected for existing wheel hub cracks and then reinspected at three month intervals for one year to ensure that cracks do not develop.

i i

GPC, by letter X78G03-M96, dated April 4, 1986, to NRC Region II indicated that in lieu of the AAF recommended action, GPC has elected to procure new



These hubs will be examined by AAF prior to shipment to ensure they are free of cracks.

Pending NRC review of the inspection records, this l

50-424/86-72-03 and matter will be identified as Inspector Followup Item 425/86-34-03: " Air Handler Cast Iron Fan Wheel Hubs."

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.





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