IR 05000424/1999005
ML20210V104 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/16/1999 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20210V093 | List: |
References | |
50-424-99-05, 50-425-99-05, NUDOCS 9908230054 | |
Download: ML20210V104 (7) | |
l Docket hbs. 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-81 Report No:
50-424/99-05 and 50-425/99-05 Licensee:
Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Location:
7821 River Road Waynesboro, GA 30830 Dates:
June 20 through July 24,1999 Inspectors:
J. Zeiler, Senior Resident inspector K. O'Donohue, Resident inspector R. Franovich, Resident inspector - Catawba (Section O2.2)
W. Tobin, Reactor Inspector (Section S1.2)
Approved by: P. Skinner, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects l
9908230054 990816
$DR ADOCK 05000424 PDR
Enclosure i
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 NRC Inspection Report 50-424/99-05 and 50-425/99-05 This integrated inspection included aspects of licensee operations, engineering, maintenance, and plant support. The report covers a five-week period of resident inspection, it also includes the results of an announced inspection by a regional based security inspector.
i Enaineerina
Modifications were developed, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the
licensee's design change program (Section E1.1).
Plant Support J
The licensee controlled access in accordance with the Physical Security Plan e
commitments (Section S1.2).
r l
Report Details Summarv of Plant Status Units 1 and 2 operated at 100 percent Rated Thermal Power (RTP) throughout the entire inspection period.
1. Operations
Conduct of Operations 01.1 General Comments (71707)
The inspectors conducted routine control room tours and attended operations shift turnovers and daily management plant status meetings. Operator logs were reviewed to verify compliance with Technical Specifications (TS). Instrumentation, computer indications, and safety system lineups were periodically reviewed to assess system j
availability. No problems were identified in the above areas, j
Operational Status of Facilities and Equipment O2.1 General Plant Tours (71707)
The inspectors performed general tours of safety-related areas. These general tours included accessible portions of safety-related structures, systems, and components. No
equipment material condition or housekeeping problems were observed.
O2.2 Enaineered Safetv Feature S3 tem Walkdowns (71707)
The inspectors walked down accessible portions of the Units 1 and 2 Emergency Diesel
Generator Fuel Oil Transfer system and Piping Penetration Area Filtration and Exhaust
system. The inspectors verified the system configurations were consistent with the applicable procedures and drawings. The inspectors reviewed component work j
histories and did not identify any equipment deficiencies which were problematic or repetitive in nature. Surveillance procedures contained test acceptance criteria in accordance with the TS. Completed TS surveillances reviewed were adequately performed.
With one exception described below, no problems or concerns were identified.
During the inspectors review of the Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil system, the inspectors noted that operability testing of the fuel oil system was being performed during the monthly surveillance operation of the diesels, however, this testing only verified that the transfer pumps automatically started on low day tank level and that level recovered above the low level alarm setpoint. Neither pump flow nor system pressure measurements were being obtained to determine if there was any potential pump flow degradation or valve leakage problems from the pump discharge relief or check valves, i
The inspectors determined that the fuel oil transfer pumps and pump discharge check and relief valves were not included in the licensee's Inservice Testing ( IST) Program.
The inspectors were informed that the interval of relief valve preventive maintenance was set at 600 months and there was no preventive maintenance established for the check valves.
The inspectors reviewed the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section, Codes and Standards, which indicated that the fuel oil system is designed to the requirements for Class 3 components of Section lli of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55(a), components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1,2, or 3 must meet the IST requirements set forth in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for verifying operational readiness of pumps and valves. At the end of the inspection period, the inspectors were still reviewing the adequacy of the licensee's testing and preventive maintenance of the diesel fuel oil system and whether the system was required to be included in the IST Program. Pending completion of this review, this issue was identified as Unresolved item (URI) 50-424,425/99-05-01: Complete Review J
of Adequacy of Testing and Preventive Maintenance for the Emergency Diesel
Generator Fuel Oil System.
II. Maintenance M1 Conduct of Maintenance M1.1 General Maintenance Work Order and Surveillance Observations (61726) (62707)
I The inspectors observed or reviewed portions of selected maintenance and surveillance activities. The observed maintenance and surveillance activities were completed by qualified personnel knowledgeaole of their assigned tasks. Procedures were present at the work location and provided sufficient guidance for the intended activities. Problems
encountered during the performance of activities were properly resolved.
111. Enaineerina El Conduct of Engineering E1.1 Review of Desian Chances and Plant Modifications (37551)
The inspectors reviewed the following design change packages (DCPs) and temporary modifications (TMs) to assess the quality and determine if the changes were consistent
with the plant design and licensing bases:
DCP 97-V2N0056 Replacement of Unit 2 Chemical and Volume Control System Positive Displacement Pump with Centrifugal Charging Pump DCP 98-V2N0056 Replacement of Unit 2 Generator Step Up Transformer TM 99-V1T019 Encapsulation of Leaking Pipe Plug on Unit 1 Heater Drain Pump Discharge Piping
TM 99-V2T024 Digital Rod Position Indication Half Accuracy Change for Unit 2 Control Rod G-3-TM 99-V1T027 Post Accident Sample System (PASS) Bypass of Filtered Instrument Air to Unit 1 PASS Panel These modifications were implemented to either resolve degraded system conditions or improve system reliability performance. The inspectors verified that the modifications were developed, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the licensee's design change program. No discrepancies were identified.
IV. Plant Support R1 Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controls R1.1 General Observations (71750)
The inspectors routinely observed radiologically controlled areas and reviewed chemistry results. Personnel were attentive to radiological conditions and followed posted requirements. Area surveys were properly performed. Radiation pre-job briefings were detailed and when necessary. The licensee provided good management oversight of radiation and chemistry activities.
S1 Conduct of Security and Safeguards Activities S1.1 Routine Observation of Security and Safeauards Activities (71750)
The inspectors periodically toured the protected area for adequate lighting and security control functions, observed visitor escorting, the use of special purpose detectors at the l
protected area entrance, and observed personnel, packages, and vehicles entering the protected area. The inspectors determined that the security fence was intact and the isolation zones were being adequately maintained free of objects. Lighting of the perimeter and protected area was acceptable. Visitor escorting and special purpose detectors were used as applicable before personnel or package entry.
S1.2 Conduct of Security and Safeauards Activities (Access Controls)
Inspection Scope (81700)
The inspectors reviewed the licensee's program, procedures, and processes for i
controlling access to safety related equipment as required by Chapter 5 of the Physical Security Plan dated December 18,1998. Additionally, aspects of the Access Authorization Program (10 CFR Part 73.56) and Fitness For Duty (10 CFR Part 26) were inspected.
Observations and Findinos The inspectors observed access controls, independently tested detectors, exercised equipment operators, and reviewed records and procedures relative to searches of personnel, vehicles, and packages. Visitor and vehicle escorts, badges and keys, hand geometry, duress alarms, and turnstile lockdowns were reviewed. Warehouse access controls were observed and found to be as. required.
. Six random names were chosen by the inspectors and their records of fingerprinting, psychological testing, background investigation, and fitness for duty testing were reviewed. No discrepancies were identified. The inspectors reviewed Procedures 90001-C, Personnel Access Search, and 90005-C,' Vehicle Access, and concluded that they were adequate. Testing and maintenance records for mid-July were also reviewed
- and found to be acceptable. The inspectors observed the access controls exercised
' during the arrival of the replacement transformer, and reviewed the " Unit 2 Transformer Replacement Plan." All were satisfactory.
The licensee's corrective actions to the deficiencies identified in the licensee's letter to the NRC dated February 25,1999 relative to individuals not being included in the Fitness For Duty random pool were evaluated and deemed acceptable. The inspectors noted that onsite and Corporate auditors had reviewed those corrective actions on at least three occasions and found no recurrences.
Based on discussions with on-duty officers and their supervisors, the inspectors concluded that officers were aware of their duties and responsibilities.~ Those access controls to be in effect for emergency vehicles and personnel in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.54(x) and (y), were reviewed and Procedure 90316, Emergency
J Access, was discussed with implementing supervisors. No issues of security interfering
- with safety were identified.
Year 2000 preparations for access controls have been completed and the licensee considers itself compliant. These preparations included a test which forwarded the security computer clock to detect any potential problems. None were identified.
. c.
Lonclusions J
The licensee controlled access in accordance with the Physical Security Plan commitments.
S8 Miscellaneous Security and Safeguards issues (92904)
S8.1 : (Closed) Violation (VIO) 50-424.425/99-01-01: Failure to Have Select Response Officers Positioned to Interpose Themselves Between Intruders and Vital Eauipment i
The licensee had incrosed the number of responses for shift and Procedure 90099-C,
" Response Force" now requires that the responders cannot be assignod conflicting duties. The inspectors toured various shifts and verified the status of these available i
responders. This item is closed.
- .
V. Manaaement Meetinas and Other Areas X1'
Exit Meeting Summary,
The inspectors presented the inspections results to members of licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on July 30,1999. An interim exit was held on July 23,1999, to discuss the findings of a regional-based security inspector. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented. No proprietary information was identified.
PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee R. Brown, Manager, Training and Emergency Preparedness W. Burmeister, Manager Engineering Support S. Chesnut, Plant Operations Assistant General Manager G. Frederick, Manager Operations J. Gasser, Nuclear Plant General Manager K. Holmes, Manager Maintenance P. Rushton, Plant Support Assistant General Manager M. Sheibani, Nuclear Safety and Compliance Supervisor i
l C. Tippins, Jr.. Nuclear Specialist I
I l
lP 37551:
Onsite Engineering
IP 61726:
Surveillance Observation l
. IP 62707:
Maintenance Observation i
IP 71707:
Plant Operations IP 71750:
Plant Support
IP 81700:
Physical Security Program for Power Reactors
IP 92904:
Followup - Plant Support ITEMS OPENED AND CLOSED j
ITEM NUMBER-TYPE DESCRIPTION Opened 50-424,425/99-05-01 URI Complete Review of Adequacy of Preventive Maintenance and Testing for the Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System (Section O2.2)
QoM 50-424,425/99-01-01 VIO Failure to Have Select Response Officers Positioned to Interpose Themselves Between Intruders and Vital Equipment (Section S8.1)