IR 05000424/1999006
ML20217B022 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle ![]() |
Issue date: | 10/01/1999 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20217B018 | List: |
References | |
50-424-99-06, 50-425-99-06, NUDOCS 9910120144 | |
Download: ML20217B022 (7) | |
REGION ll Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.- NPF-68 and NPF-U'
Report No:
50-424/99-06 and 50-425/99-06
i l
Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Location:
7821 River Road Waynesboro, GA 30830 Dates:
July 25 through September 4,1999 Inspectors:
J. Zeiler, Senior Resident inspector K. O'Donohue, Resident inspector D. Roberts, Senior Resident inspector - Catawba R. Baldwin, Operator Licensing Inspector (Section 05)
L Approved by: P. Skinner, Chief l
Reactor Projects Branch 2 l
Division of Reactor Projects l
l Enclosure 9910120144 991ogg
{DR ADOCK 05000424 PDR
- -
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 NRC Inspection Report 50-424/99-06 and 50-425/99-06
This integrated inspection included aspects of licensee operations, engineering, maintenance, and plant support. The report covers a six-week period of resident inspection. It also includes the results of an announced inspection by a regional operator licensing inspector.
Operations The licensed operator requalification examinations were challenging and operators'
e performances matched testing objectives. Post-examination discussions l
comprehensively assessed individual and crew performance. The content of the annual l
operating tests, written and operating test sample plan development, security program, j
feedback program and the remediation program were considered satisfactory (Section 05.1).
The failure to adequately test the High-Energy Line Break (HELB) circuits from initial o
plant startup in 1987 until the requirement was remov6d from the Technical
Specifications in January 1997, is a violation. This violation is identified as Non-Cited i
Violation 50-424,425/99-06-01, " Failure to Adequately Test HELB Circuits Leads to Operation Outside of Technical Specifications," This violation was in the licensee's corrective action program as LER 50-424/99-002 and CR 119990611 (Section M8.1).
Plant Suocort The temporary removal of a section of the Protected Area (PA) fence and vehicle barrier e
system was well planned and coordinated. Conservative security compensatory measures were implemented during the period that the PA fence and vehicle barrier system was degraded (Section S1.1).
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Report Details Summarv of Plant Status Both Unit 1 and Unit 2 operated at or near 100% Rated Thermal Power (RTP) throughout the inspection period.
1. Operations
Conduct of Operations 01.1 General Comments (71707)
' The inspectors conducted routine control room tours, observed operations shift turnovers, and attended daily management plant status meetings. Operator logs were reviewed to verify compliance with Technical Specifications (TS). Instrumentation, computer indications, and safety system lineups were periodically reviewed to assess
system availability. No problems were identified in the above areas.
Operational Status of Facilities and Equipment
i O2.1 Enaineered Safetv Feature System Walkdowns (71707)
l The inspectors toured various areas containing components of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) system on both units. The inspectors reviewed TS requirements, system lineup, surveillance and operating procedures, engineering drawings, system design documents, and the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report. No significant issues were identified.
Operator Training and Qualification 0.5.1 Reaualification Annual Operatina anj !!yJnial Written Examinations a.
inspection Scope (71001)
- The inspector reviewed the licensees' examination development procedures and the current annual requalification examinations. The inspector also observed the licensee administer simulator and job performance measures (JPMs) examinations.
O'oservations and Findinas The inspector reviewed the current written examination and two Part A (Static Simulator)
examinations. The inspector noted that the licensee attempted to eliminate test material overlap between examination intervals. Additionally, minimal test material overlap war achieved between examination weeks. The inspector also reviewed the annual simulator examination scenarios and found that they were comprehensive and allowed for the determination of acceptable operator performance. The inspector noted that the licenses followed their examination development procedure,
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The inspector observed examination security practices during the inspection. The licensee maintains a separate examination development room with limited personnel access. The inspector noted that the licensee followed their examination security procedures.
The inspector reviewed the operator feedback program. The inspector found that the licensee maintained the feedback program in accordance with plant procedures. The inspector found an isolated example of a feedback report which requested additional shutdown panel training that was not captured in the feedback program.
The inspector reviewed the remedial training packages for three written and two walkthrough individual examination failures. Although the training packages followed the licensee's proceduta, the inspector could not verify the specific remedial training areas for each individual because the procedures did not require detailed documentation. All operators who received remedial training passed subsequent re-test examinations.
The inspector observed the licensee administer four simulator scenarios to three operating crews. Overall performance of each operating crew was considered satisfactory by the inspectors. The inspectors found that the licensee's evaluators identified operator performance errors. The inspector also observ d one post examination review. Specific operating crew and individual strengths and weaknesses were identified during post-examination discussions. One member of each evaluation team was either an operations or management representative. The inspector noted that these individuals provided additional insight to the evaluation team. Additionally, the inspector noted management support of the licensed operator requalification program.
Conclusions The licensed operator requalification examinations were challenging and operators'
performances matched testing objectives. Post-examination discussions comprehensively assessed individual and crew performance. The content of the annual operating tests, written and operating test sample plan development, security program, feedback program and the remediation program were considered satisfactory.
11. Maintenance M1 Conduct of Maintenance M1.1 General Maintenance Work Order and Surveillance Observations (61'726) (62707)
The inspectors observed or reviewed portions of selected maintenance and surveillance activities. The observed maintenance and surveillance activities were completed by qualified personnel. Procedures were present and being used at the work location.
Problems encountered during the performance of activities were resolved. No significant issues were identified.
- M8 Miscellaneous Maintenance issues (92700) (92902) -
- M8.1 (Closed) Licensee Event Report (LER) 50-424/99-002-00: Hiah-Enerav Line Break j
Instrument Channels inadeauatelv Calibrated J
The inspectors reviewed the LER and Condition Report (CR) 119990611 and verified
that the corrective actions identified in the LER for this event were satisfactorily J-implemented. The licensee attributed the cause of the event to be inadequate i
surveillance test pr_ocedures which did not verify proper operation of the high-energy line break (HELB) instrumentation channel circuits in accordance with TS Surveillance
Requiremnt The failure to adequately test the HELB circuits had existed
since initial plant startup in 1987 until the requirement was removed from the TS in
' Janucry 1997. This is a violation of TS Surveillance Requirement, which was in
effect at that time. This TS requirement was removed from the TS and incorporated into the Technical Requirements Manualin 1997. This violation of the TS is identified as Non-Cited Violation (NCV) 50-424,425/99-06-01, " Failure to Adequately Test HELB Circuits Leads to Operation Outside of Technical Specifications," consistent with Appendix C of the NRC Enforcement Policy. This violation was in the licensee's
corrective action program as LER 50-424/99-002 and CR 119990611.
Ill. Enaineerina E1 Conduct of Engineering E1.1 General Observations (37551)
The inspectors observed engineering support e ctivities for emergent and day-to-day operational and maintenance issues, and CR evaluations. Timely and effective engineering support was noted in the areas reviewed. Engirvarirg involvement and evaluations of equipment problems were thorough end techrkany sound.
IV. Plant Suonort R1 Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controls R1.1 General Observations (71750)
. The inspectors routinely observed radiologically controlled activities and reviewed chemistry results. Personnel were attentive to radiological conditions and followed I
posted requirements. Area surveys were properly performed. Radiation pre-job briefings were detailed and performed when necessary. The licensee provided good i
management oversight of radiation and chemistry activities.
S1 Conduct of Secur4y E.1d Safeguards Activities S1.1 Temocrary Protectec' Area Fence Removal (71750)
The inspectors observed licensee activities to temporarily remove a section of the Protected A ea (PA) fence and vehicle barrier system in order to bring a replacement main generator step-up transformer into the PA. The inspectors observed the implementation of compensatory merr res when the section of the PA fence and vehicle barrier system were removed. i dicaing the fence and vehicle barrier restoration, the inspectors performec: an inspection of the area.
The inspectors concluded that the security activity was well planned and coordinated.
Conservative security compensatory measures were implemented during the period that the PA fence and vehic!e barrier system was degraded.
E Manaaement Meetinas and Other Areas X1 Exit Meeting Sumraary The inspectors presented the inspections results to licensee management on September 9,1999. An interim exit was held on September 3,1999, to discuss the findings of a regional-based operator licensing inspector. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented. No proprietary information was identified.
PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee R. Brown, Manager, Training and Emergency Preparedness W. Burmeister, Manager, Engineering Support S. Chesnut, Plant Operations Assistant General Manager G. Frederick, Manager, Operations
J. Gasser, Nuclear Plant General Manager K. Holmes, Manager, Maintenance P. Rushton, Plant Support Assistant General Manager INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 37551:
Onsite Engineering IP 61726:
Surveillance Observation IP 62707:
Maintenance Observation IP 71001:
Licensed Operator Requalification Program Evaluation IP 71707:
Plant Operations IP 71750:
Plant Support IP 92700:
Onsite Followup of Written Reports of Nonroutine Events at Power Reactor Facilities IP 92902:
Followup - Maintenance l
50-424,425/99-06-01 NCV Failure to Adequately Test HELB Circuits Leads to Operation Outside of Technical Specifications (Section M8.1)
50-424/99-002-00 LER High-Energy Line Break Instrument Channels inadequately Calibrated (Section M8.1)
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