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Forwards Secretary of Interior 630520 Comments on PG&E Application & Preliminary Hazards Summary Rept for Proposed Const of Plant
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 05/24/1963
From: Bryan R
To: Pack D
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709170355
Download: ML20239A460 (3)


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'j t Docket No. 30.205 MAY 2 41963 -

i Mr. Donald H. Pack I Office of Meteorological Resoamh U. S. Weather Bureau Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C.

,; Dear Mr. Packs wfk,,g

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? Transmitted' herewith for' your use is a copy of the .following:

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{ ) ' Istte[ dated May 20, 1963 and attachments (h) fmm Soaretary _

of Interior to. Chairman, Atomic Energy,. Commission commenting on Applicationiand Preliminary Essards Susmary,,g

j. Pacific'Oss and Electric Company for this proposed l construction of. a nuclear power'. reactor at' Bodega' Bay, Ca15fornia.9 i

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g We request your connents.

E p Sincerely yours, g,, , . ,s Robert H. Bryan, Chief ~

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Research & Power Reactor Safety Branch Division of Licensing and Regulation. -



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lotter to the Ato;11e Energt Co : dssion urging due c acration for the acroty factors invalved in the pro.:osed M .? atonic  ;

reactor installation at Bodega Hay. I rrish to coinond the Secretary o' Interior's ' aition ani to urco your e :.ciderctior sad ru port of his concerns.


?fhile atonic energy coveloment shoul:: he encouraged, l - it is only prur'ent that cons'CerrJole caution be e arcized regnrdinr i the contlex hea' th and safety ft etors entailed. Die Borlega Bay cace sees t) pose serious r...'et:. cuestions f r its own right. Zie irgortc.nce of the Jecreter-r's pos.' ti)n transcends the irre '4 tot is ucs, however, f .r i nortant nrncedents are almost cortainly to be derived fro:. ,his and sidlar cases.

Yov r.d:ntnistration has a key r .c in do'eniing the nattern of j r;overn .cnt responsibility for fu ure nrivate develo orr.t of atae.ic energy.

respectfully y m s,

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" John I,. '.terhardt y

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