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Forwards Suppl to Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2 & Byron Station,Units 1 & 2,per 881214 & 891214 Submittals
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood, 05000000
Issue date: 02/16/1990
From: Hunsader S
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20006E145 List:
NUDOCS 9002220159
Download: ML20006E144 (4)



',m N Comigonwealth Edison


) 1400 Opus Place


} Downers Crove, Illinois 60515

\\d February 16,1949 Dr. Thomas E. Murley office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attnt Document Control Desk


Dyron Station Station Units 1 & 2 Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2 Updated, Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)

NRC Docke.t Nos. 50-454. 50-451, 50-456. anL50:M1 i

References (a) December 14, 1988, S.C. Ilunsader letter to i

T.E. Murley l

(b) December 14, 1989 S.C. Ilunsader letter to T.E. Murley

Dear Dr. Murley:

Reference (a) provided the Updated FSAR for the Byron and Braidwood stations. Reference (b) provided Revision 1 to the Updated FSAR, which was the first annual update to the updated FSAR submitted. pursuant to 10 CFR 50.71(e)(4).

Enclosed with this letter is a supplement to Reference (b).

Commonwealth Edison reviews that have been performed subsequent to the submittal of reference (b) have identified that changes intended to have been included in Revision 1 had not been incorporated. These changes provided in this supplement are of an administrative nature to correct Updated FSAR wording. Also drawings that had been intended to be included in Revision 1 but, in some cases were not, are provided here, as well.

Attachment A to this letter provides the updated FSAR " Change Log",

which identifies and explains new changes not included with Reference (b). As such, this version of the Change Log is a supplement to the Change Log included with Reference (b).

Attachment D provides a page list of the Updated FSAR which lists each page in the document and the corresponding revision number for the current page.

j 10 i.


i e

. Commonwealth Edison certifies that the information provided in this submittal accurately presents changes made since the previous submittals

[(References (a) and (b)] to reflect information and analyses submitted to the NRC or prepared pursuant to NRC requirements.

Similarly, references (a) and (b) had accurately presented the changes made to the Byron and Braidwood faellities in effect at the time of the submittals consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(c)(4).

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4(b)(6), one signed original and ten (10) copies are being provided to the Document Control Desk, plus two (2) copies are being

-i provided to the NRC Region III office and one (1) copy each to the Byron and Braidwood Resident Inspectors' offices.

Please address any questions concerning_this submittal to this office.

Very truly yours, A c. p S.C. Ilunsader Nuclear Licensing Adrinistrator

/wj:0427T:2 cc:

L. 01shan-NRR S. Sands-NRR Wayne Shafer - RIII Resident Inspector-Byron Resident Inspector-Braidwood h

s t

[n\\ Commonwealth Edison

) 1400 Opus Place -

t (C ') Downers Crove, Illin:is 60515


H February 16, 1989

.f e

Q: )t Dr. Thomas E. Murley Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk


Byron Station Station Units 1 & 2 Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2 Updated, Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)

NRC Docket-Nos. 50-454. 50-455. 50-456. and 50-457


(a) December 14, 1988, S.C. Hunsader letter to T.E. Murley (b) December 14, 1989 S.C. Hunsader letter to T.E. Murley

Dear Dr. Murley:

Reference (a) provided the Updated FSAR for the Byron and Braidwood stations. Reference (b) provided Revision 1 to the Updated FSAR, which was I

the first annual update to the updated FSAR submitted pursuant to 10 CFR O


Enclosed with thiu letter is a supplement to Reference (b).

I b Commonwealth Edison reviews that have been performed subsequent to the submittal of reference (b) have identified that changes intended to have I

been included in Revision 1 had not been incorporated. These changes provided l

in this supplement are of an administrative nature to correct Updated FSAR


l' wording. Also drawings that had been intended to be included in Revision 1 but,.in some cases were not, are provided here, as well.

Attachment A to this letter provides the updated FSAR " Change Log",

l which identifies and explains new changes not included with Reference (b). As such, this version of the Change Log is a supplement to the Change-Log included with Reference (b).

Attachment B provides a page list of the Updated FSAR which lists each page in the document and the corresponding revision number for the current page.

f h




g 9,

' I I

v Commonwealth Edison certifies that the information provided in this submittal accurately presents changes made since the previous submittals

[(References (a) and (b)) to reflect information and analyses submitted to the NRC or prepared pursuant to NRC requirements.

Similarly, references (a) and (b) had accurately presented the changes made to the Byron and Braidwood facilities in effect at the time of the submittals consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(c)(4).

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4(b)(6), one signed original and ten (10) copies j

are being provided to the Document Control Desk, plur two (2) copies are being provided to the NRC Region III office and one (1) copy each to the Byron and Braidwood Resident Inspectors' offices.

i Please address any questions concerning this submittal to this office.

Very truly yours, j

Jc M i

S.C. Ilunsader Nuclear Licensing Administrator

, --)

/wj:0427T:2 cci L. 01shan-NRR S. Sands-NRR i

Wayne Shafer - RIII l

Resident Inspector-Byron Resident Inspector-Braidwood i

I v

