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Responds to Re Proposed Nuclear Power Plant to Be Erected by Util at Bodega Head,Ca.Informs That No Application for Necessary AEC Authority to Const & Operate Plant Received at Present Time
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 11/02/1961
From: Lowenstein R
To: Busiek U
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709180161
Download: ML20234A858 (6)


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4 NOV 2 1961

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' Mr. Urban D. Busiek-

'1867 E. Ave. Q 12 Palmdale, California Dear Mr. Busiekt This is in reply to your letter of geptember 25, 1961, con-cerning a proposed nuclear power plant to be erected by Pacific Gas & glectric Company at Bodega Road, California.

You state that you presume the Atomic gaargy constission has i granted permission for this proposed plant. On the contrary, l to the present time no application for the neessaary AEC authority to construct and operate a nuclear power plant at Bodega Head has been received by the Commission although the commission staff is aware that the Pacific Gas Si glectric Company is considering construction of such a plant.

i Before a license for such a nuclear power plant is granted by the Coemission an application setting forth detailed information on the plant location, design, and operating procedures must be filed by the applicant to enable the commission to seks a thorough C and independent evaluation of the safety of the proposed . facility '

and to determine, on the basis of the record compiled in's formal public hearing, that the nuclear plant can be operated without undue risk to the public health and safety.. In the course of this review the meteorology, geology and hydrology and tho'other en-vironmental features of the site, as well as the proposed design and operating procedures for the facility, are considered in de- '

termining the adequacy of the safeguards that have been provided to protect the public. The Commission would, of course, consider the possibility that an earthquake could be the cause of an accident to the facility and the consequences of such an accident, particularly its possible effect on the health and safety of the. inhabitants of the surrounding area.

You also ask "why.the AEC allowed a contractor to violata AEC regulations by dumping containers of nuclear wastes in Massachusetts Bay in shallow 4 ster!" . Your question obviously refers 'to the operations of Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation Boston, Mass-achusetts. Crossroads Marine Disposal Cor '

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Mr. Urban D. Busiak ~-2*

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contractor of the Atomic Energy Commission but a licensee au-thorised, in 1952, to dispose of low level radioactive waste E in Massachusetts Bay approximately twenty-two miles from Boston in an area designated by the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, for the disposal of explosives and toxic material.

Obviously its disposal of westes at that location pursuant to its license did not violate ABC regulations. At that time Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation was the only licensee authorised to engage 16 such sea disposal operations and the types and quantities l - of weste authorised for dispossi were such that it could be safely disposed in the Massachusetts Bay area. Novover, when, in late 1958 and early 1939, several additional applications for authority .

to engage in such ses disposal operations were filed and it appeared likely that the quantity of waste disposal at sea would increase substantially, the Commission determined to require that such dis-

- posals be made in water not less than 1,000 fathoms deep. Accordingly, Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation was notified that it would' also have to seek a new disposal site off the continental shelf in

, at least 1,000 fathoms of water and its iteense was so amended effective August 15, 1959.

You also mention the current Comunission investigation of the ~ in-tegrity of containers used for ses disposal of radioactive materials.

This survey is a part of the Commission's continuing efforts to protect the public health and safety, which is the. overriding con-sideration in the =anag===at and aMnistration of the Atomic Energy operations, including the disposal of radioactive vastes at sea. 1 While surveys conducted in October,1957 of both Atlantic and Pacific  ;

ocean disposal areas indicated no. build-up of radioactivity, of public l health significance in the disposal areas, and thus supported the Commission's belief in the safety of the AEC's sea disposal operations, j i

the Commission nevertheless undertook this study to obtain additional i l information which might provide a basis for further refinement of the sea disposal container criteria established for such operations.

l We trust that the above provides the information you desire.

Sincerely yours, gg i and BPatco .

Robert Lowenstein, Director Division of Licensing and Regulation .

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Mr. Urban D4 Busiek contractor of the Atomic Energy Commission but a licensee au-thorised, in 1952, to dispose of low level radioactive waste in Massachusetts Bay approximately twenty-two miles from Boston-in an area designated by the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, for the disposal of explosives and toxic material.

Obviously its disposal of wastes at that location pursuant to its license did not violate AgC regulations. 'At that time Crossroads

. . Marine Disposal Corporation was the only licensee,authorised to engage in such sea disposal operations and the typse and quantities of waste authorised for disposal was such that it could be safely disposed in the Massachusetts Bay area. However, when, in. late i 1958 and early 1959, several additional applications for authority -

to engage in such ses disposal operations were filed and it appeared  :

likely that the quantity of wasta ' disposal at sea would increase )

substantially, the Commissicm determined to require that such dis-posals be made in water not less than 1,000 fathoms' deep. Accordingly, Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation was notified that it would 6"t also have to seek a new disposal site off the continental shelf in at least 1,000 fathoms of water and its license was so amended af-factive August 15, 1959.

You also mention tho' current Cennission investigation of the ,

integrity of containers used for sea disposal of radioactive ma-terials. This survey is a partisf the Cesaission's continaing efforts to protect the public health and safety, ut teh is the over-riding consideration in the ===ag===a*- and administration of the Atomic Energy operations, including the disposal of radioactive was*es at sea. While surveys conducted in October, 1957 of both Atlantic and Pacific ocean disposal' areas indicated me build-up of radioactivity of public health significance in the disposal areas, and thus supported the Commission's belief in the safety of the AEC's sea disposal operations, the commission nevertheless undertook this study to obtain additional information which might provide a basis for further refinement of the sea disposal container criteria established for such operations.

We trust that the above provides the information you desire.

Sincerely yours, Robert Lowenstein, Director Division of Licensing and Regulation AIRMAIL omcr > OGC _ OGC OGC / DL&R , _ . . MT/ ,


LOWENSTEIN om> 10-25,-61_ , _ l0 M 61  %- h1_ _ 10+ -61 10@-61 '10- -61 Pbem AEC*a18 (Rev,9-83) e, s. e.vsammere manus .mcs . no-627el4 -

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I. J Mr. Urban D. Busiek 2

'1 contractor of the Atomic Energy Comunission but a licensee au '

thorised, in 1952, to dispose of low level radioactive waste in Massachusetts Bay,approximately twenty-two mi'es from Boston- i in an area designated by. the Corps of Engineers U. 3. Army,  ;

for the disposal of explosives and toxic mater al.

J Obviously its di al of wastas at that loc tion pursuant to..its. .)

license did not vio to ABC regulations. that time Crossroads '

Marine Disposal Co ation was the only 1 consee authorised to engage in such sea di osal operations periodic. checks of  ;

the area disclosed no idence of radio civity.' Rowever, when, '

in late 1958 and early 1459, several ad tional applications for authority to engage in suhh sea dispos operations were' filed 1 and it appeared likely the the quant y of waste disposal at ses l would increase substantia 11 the ission determined to require' i that such disposals be made water not less then-1.000 fathoms deep. Accordingly, Crossroad gMar Disposal Corporation was notified that it would also havh seek a new disposal site off

' the Continental shelf in at less 1,000 fathoms of water and its


license was so amended effecti et 15, 1959.

You also mention the current asumiss on investigation of the integrity of containers used for sea isposal of radioactive ma-terials. This survey is a art of the "assaission's continuing 1


sfforts to' protect the p ic health an safety, which is the over -

riding consideration in l management administration of the 'j Atomic Energy operatio , including the di posal of radioactive- i vastes at sea.' While urveys conducted in tober, 1957 of both

, Atlantic and Pacific een disposal areas in icated no build-up of radioactivity of p ic health significance i 'the disposal areas . l and thus supported a Comunission's safety of the ABC's sea disposal oper ions, the Commission never oss undertook this 1

J study to obtain itional information which mi provide a basis for further ref at of the sea disposd1 conta e criteria es-tablished for uch operations.  !


We trust thatyhe above provides the information you desirs.

sincerely yourt, AIR RAIL ,

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Robert Lowenstein, Director Division of Licensing and Reguistion OmcE .N O NM M _ ..

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