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Forwards Revised Proprietary Pages to DPC-NE-2004, Core Thermal Hydraulic Methodology Using VIPRE-01, Reflecting Minor Methodology Changes Made During Review & Approval Process.Pages Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire, 05000000
Issue date: 02/22/1990
From: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML19293A154 List:
NUDOCS 9003020241
Download: ML20006G062 (2)



N DdeIbuer Cennpuny , Ilu it %n '

l PO Box 33198 51ce nrside t

  • . Charlotte, N C 28:43 Nuclear Pmduction -

(7041373 4511 i l

DUKEPOWER February 22, 1990 ,

3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 i

Subjects. McGuire Nuclear Station Docket Numbers 50-369 and -370 )

Catawba Nuclear Station .

Docket Numbers 50-413 and -414 '

Topical Report DPC-NE-2004, "McGuire and Catawba Nuclear Stations Core Thermal-Hydraulic Methodology Using VIPRE-01" On January 9.1989, Duke Power submitted the subject Topical Report for NRC

- review. This report is similar to one which is applicable to Oconee Nuclear St.ition (Referenen: DPC-NE-2003, " Core Thermal llydraulic Methodology Using p VIPRE-01"). Changes to DPC-NE-2003 were identified through discussions with the staff regarding the designation of information as proprietary. Also, r U some minor methodology changes were made during the review and approval process. The Safety Evaluation Report for DPC-NE-2003 was issued on  ;

. July 19, 1989.

The revised pages contained in the attachment make similar changes to -

DPC-NE-2004' as were made to DPC-NE-2003 during the review and approval l process. The changes redesignate some information as non proprietary.

- incorporate minor. methodology changes, and correct some typographical errors.

Please note that this document contains proprietary information and should be withheld from public disclosure. An affidavit supporting this request was included in the January 9, 1989 transmittal.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this further, please '

call Scott Gewehr at (704) 373-7581.

1 Very truly yours, g g. /f ~ w ~

llal B. Tucker SAG 212/lcs .

Qhb P-(

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I U. S( Nuclear Reg 1 tcry Commicsion

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F:bruary 22. 1990 t

.c Page 2

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'xct (W/ Attachments) ,

Mr. Darl S. Hood, MNS Project Manager Office of Nuclear. Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, D.C. -20555 7,; ,

Dr. Kahtan Jabbour, CNS Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  :

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. R. C. Jones. Acting Branch Chief  !

Reactor Systems Branch-j Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

Washington,-D.C. 20555 -l (W/0 Attachments) .

Mr. Stewart D.EEbneter, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region 11 101'Marietta Street, NW - Suite 2900 j Atlanta. Coorgia 30323 .,

Mr. W. T. orders  :

Senior Resident inspector l Catawba Nuclear Station i

Mr. P. K. VanDoorn i

Senior Resident inspector McGuire Nuclear Station s

l 1



