IR 05000261/1988019

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Insp Rept 50-261/88-19 on 880711-0820.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Previous Insp Items, Operational Safety Verification,Physical Protection, Surveillance Observation & Maint Observation
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1988
From: Fredrickson P, Garner L, Latta R
Shared Package
ML14191A989 List:
50-261-88-19, IEIN-86-014, IEIN-86-14, NUDOCS 8809130232
Download: ML14191A990 (7)





.ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 Report No.:

50-261/88-19 Licensee:

Carolina Power and Light Company P. 0. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket No.:

50-261 License No.:

DPR-23 Facility Name: H. B. Robinson Inspection Conducted: July 11 - August 20, 1988 Inspectors:

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L. W. Garner, -Senior Reoen~'n-spector DatESge M. Lattw, Midnt 10 ectpf ateSgd Approved by:

P. E Frd7TMn, hief0-ate Reactor Projects Section 1A Division of Reactor Projects SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of followup on previous inspection items, operational safety verifi cation, physical' protection, surveillance observation, maintenance observation, and onsite followup of events at operating power reactor Results: In the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie Ell 9j~2


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REPORT DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees R. Barnett, Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical

  • D. Baur, Supervisor, Quality Control R. Chambers, Engineering Supervisor, Performance D. Crocker, Supervisor, Radiation Control
  • J. Curley, Director, Regulatory Compliance
  • C. Dietz, Manager Robinson Nuclear Project Department R. Femal, Shift Foreman, Operations W. Flanagan, Manager, Design Engineering W. Gainey, Support Supervisor, Operations R. Johnson, Manager, Control and Administration D. Knight, Shift Foreman, Operations E. Lee, Shift Foreman, Operations D. McCaskill, Shift Foreman, Operations R. Miller, Maintenance Supervisor, Mechanical R. Moore, Shift Foreman, Operations
  • R. Morgan, Plant General Manager D. Myers, Shift Foreman, Operations D. Nelson, Operating Supervisor, Operations M. Page, Engineering Supervisor, Plant Systems D. Quick, Manager, Maintenance D. Sayre, Senior Specialist, Regulatory Compliance D. Seagle, Shift Foreman, Operations J. Sheppard, Manager, Operations R. Steele, Shift Foreman, Operations H. Young, Director, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personne NRC Resident Inspectors
  • L. Garner R. Latta
  • Attended exit interview on August 17, 1988 Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the last paragrap. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702)

This area was not inspecte. Operational Safety Verification (71707)

The inspectors observed licensee activities to confirm that the facility was being operated safely and in conformance with regulatory requirements, and that the licensee management control system was effectively discharging its responsibilities for continued safe operatio These activities were confirmed by direct observations, tours of the facility, interviews and discussions with licensee management and personnel, independent verifications of safety system status and limiting conditions for operation, and reviews of facility record Periodically, the inspectors reviewed shift logs, operations records, data sheets, instrument traces, and records of equipment malfunctions to verify operability of safety related equipment and compliance with TS. Specific items reviewed include control room logs, maintenance work requests, auxiliary logs, operating orders, standing orders, and equipment tagout record Through periodic observations of work in progress and discussions with operations staff members, the inspectors verified that the staff was knowledgeable of plant conditions; responding properly to alarm conditions; adhering to procedures and applicable administrative controls; and aware of equipment out of service, surveillance testing, and maintenance activities in progres The inspectors routinely observed shift changes to verify that continuity of system status was maintained and that proper control room staffing existe The inspectors also observed that access to the control room was controlled and operations personnel were carrying out their assigned duties in an attentive and professional manne The control room was observed to be free of unnecessary distraction The inspectors performed channel checks, reviewed component status and safety related parameters, including SPDS information, to verify conformance with the T During this reporting interval, the inspectors verified compliance with selected LCO This verification was accomplished by direct observation of monitoring instrumentation, valve positions, switch positions, and review of completed logs and record The inspectors verified the axial flux difference was within the values required by the T Plant tours were routinely conducted to verify the operability of standby equipment; assess the general condition of plant equipment; and verify that radiological controls, fire protection controls and equipment tag out procedures were being properly implemente These tours verified the absence of unusual fluid leaks; the lack of visual degradation of pipe, conduit and seismic supports; the proper positions and indications of important valves and circuit breakers; the lack of conditions of which could invalidate EQ; the operability of safety related instrumentation; the calibration of safety related and control instrumentation including area radiation monitors, friskers and portal monitors; the operability of fire suppression and fire fighting equipment; and the operability of emergency lighting equipmen The inspectors-also verified that housekeeping was adequate and areas were free of unnecessary fire hazards and combustible material I..,

No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Physical Protection (71707)

In the course of the monthly activities, the inspectors included a review of the licensee's physical security program. The inspectors verified by general observation, perimeter walkdowns and interviews that measures taken to assure the physical protection of the facility met current requirement The performance of various shifts of the security force was observed to verify that daily activities were conducted in accordance with the requirements of the security pla Activities inspected included protected and vital areas, access controls, searching of personnel, packages and vehicles, badge issuance and retrieval, patrols, escorting of visitors, and compensatory measure In addition, the inspectors routinely observed protected and vital area lighting and barrier integrit On July 27, 1988, the licensee notified the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.71(b)(1) that the requirement of 10 CFR 73.55(c)(6), for the walls and floor of a vital area to be bullet-resisting, was not met. The inspectors verified that the licensee took compensatory actions as specified by the site security pla These actions remained in effect until 4:30 p.m., on July 28, 1988, at which time it was determined through discussions with Region II security specialists that the existing design met 10 CFR 73.55(c)(6) requirement No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)

The inspectors observed certain surveillance related activities of safety related systems and components to ascertain that these activities were conducted in accordance with license requirement For the surveillance test procedures listed below, the inspectors determined that precautions and LCOs were met, the tests were completed at the required frequency, the tests conformed to TS requirements, the required administrative approvals and tagouts were obtained prior to initiating the tests, the testing was accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved test procedure, and the required test instrumentation was properly calibrate Upon completion of the testing, the inspectors observed that the recorded test data was accurate, complete and met TS requirements, and test discrepancies were properly rectifie The inspectors independently verified that the systems were properly returned to servic Specifically, the inspectors witnessed/reviewed portions of the following test activities:

  • a. OST-355 (revision 5) Containment Spray System Integrity Test The purpose of the test is to locate and measure external leakage from the spray syste The inspectors observed performance of the test on the A loo No leakage was observed from valve packings, pipe flanges and/or instrument tubing. The inspectors also reviewed the completed procedure result No condition requiring immediate attention had been detected. The valve lineup allows SI-892D, Spray Additive Flow Eductor Test Valve, to be open during the entire tes Accordingly, the inspector questioned if the procedure should be limited to less than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, the time allowed per TS to be in hot shutdown if the spray additive system is inoperabl The licensee performed calculations to demonstrate that the head from the spray additive tank is sufficient to maintain check valve SI-892F closed and thereby preventing RWST water via SI-892F from diluting the spray additive flow if the system was called upon to functio Hence, no procedure change is warrante b. OST-401 (revision 19) Emergency Diesels The inspectors witnessed the performance of the normal surveillance tests of both EDG A and B. The inspectors observed that both EDGs started, were paralleled to the grid and operated satisfactoril c. OST-611 (revision.7)

Low Voltage Fire Detection and Actuation System Zones 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 The test demonstrates the operability of the fire zone detectors as required by.TS 4.14.1. The inspectors verified that the test was performed satisfactoril d. OST-910 (revision 9) Dedicated Shutdown Diesel Generator The weekly performance of this OST demonstrates the ability of the dedicated shutdown diesel generator to operate properly during emergency condition The inspector observed that the diesel generator performed satisfactorily during loading and subsequent operation at rated loa No fuel or cooling water leaks were observe No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)

The inspectors observed several maintenance related activities of safety-related systems and components to ascertain that these activities were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, TS and appropriate industry codes and standard The inspectors determined that these activities were not violating LCOs and that redundant components were operabl The inspectors also determined that activities were accom plished by qualified personnel using approved procedures, QC hold points were established where required, required administrative approvals and

tagouts were obtained prior to work initiation, proper radiological controls were adhered to, appropriate ignition and-fire prevention controls were implemented, replacement parts and materials used were properly certified and the effected equipment was properly tested before being returned to servic In particular, the inspectors observed/

reviewed the following maintenance activities:

a. WR/JO 88-BZU312 Calibrate The CCW Flow Instruments, FI-637 and FI-638, For RHR Pumps b. WR/JO 88-AAFH1 Dry Fuel Storage Vacuum Drying Test c. WR/JO 88-ALC312 Vibration and Temperature Measurement


SW Booster Pump No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Onsite Followup of Events at Operating Power Reactors (93702)

On July 19, 1988, during performance of OST-202, Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater System Component Test, the feed to steam differential pressure acceptance criteria was not me Investigation revealed that the instrument air internal filter on the SDAFW contol system had become so plugged that some contaminants had been passed downstream into some component The licensee cleaned the system and returned it to servic The licensee is evaluating how frequently filter cleaning should be don Discussions with the cognizant engineers indicated that instrument air serves to limit the turbine acceleration rate during starting to prevent overspeed.tripping. The control system is a reverse acting system (e.g.,

less air pressure results in a greater speed). In the early 1970's, the SDAFW did overspeed trip during surveillance testing due to instrument air and/or air regulator problem This resulted in a system modification to bypass the air regulator until one of the steam valves, V1-8A,B or C, fully opens. Cognizant individuals indicated that they are unaware of any overspeed trips attributed to instrument air problems since this modification was installe As a result of the review of IEN 86-14 Supplement 1, Overspeed Trips of AFW, HPCI and RCIC Turbines, ONS recommended in December 1987 that the plant demonstrate that the SDAFW turbine would not trip on overspeed on loss of instrument air. The plant engineering staff responded in May 1988 that they will perform a special procedure to address this recommendation during shutdown for the next refueling outage, currently scheduled to begin November 12, 198 Based upon the.lack of overspeed trips during actual demands for the system and the fact that the pumping horsepower required for demand starts exceeds that required during surveillance tests, it is anticipated that overspeed tripping will not occur during the upcoming special tes This is an IFI: Review of SDAFW Special Test Results and PM Frequency Determination on Air Filter Cleaning (261/88-19-01).

No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Exit Interview (30703)

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 17, 1988, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed belo Dissenting comments were not received from the license Proprietary information is not contained in this repor No written material was given to the licensee by the Resident Inspectors during this report perio Item Number Status Description/Reference Paragraph 88-19-01 Open IFI - Review of SDAFW Special Test Results and PM Frequency Determination on Air Filter Cleaning. (Paragraph 7)

9. List of Abbreviations AFW Auxiliary Feedwater CCW Component Cooling Water CFR Code of Federal Regulations EDG Emergency Diesel Generator EQ Environmental Qualifications FI Flow Indicator HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection IE Inspection and Enforcement IEN IE Information Notice IFI Inspector Followup Item LCO Limiting Condition for Operation NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ONS Onsite Nuclear Safety OST Operations Surveillance Test PM Preventive Maintenance QC Quality Control RHR Residual Heat Removal RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RWST Reactor Water Storage Tank SDAFW Steam Oriven Auxiliary Feed Water SI Safety Injection SPDS Safety Parameter Display System SW Service Water TS Technical Specification WR/JO Work Request/Job Order