IR 05000261/1988034

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Insp Rept 50-261/88-34 on 881111-1210.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification, Physical Protection,Surveillance Observation,Maint Observation & Onsite Followup of Events
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1988
From: Fredrickson P, Garner L
Shared Package
ML14191B039 List:
50-261-88-34, NUDOCS 8901050055
Download: ML14191B040 (6)








101 MARIETTA ST., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 Report No.:

50-261/88-34 Licensee:

Carolina Power and Light Company P. 0. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket No.:

50-261 License No.: DPR-23 Facility Name: H. B. Robinson Inspection Conducted: November 11 - December 10, 1988 Inspector:

Aproe by:

, Gar er, Senior Ke Ven Inspector Date Sg-n-e Approved by:


/ 7iv/

P. E. Fredrickson, Section Chief Date Signed Reactor Projects Section 1A Division of Reactor Projects SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of operational safety verification, physical, protection, surveillance observation, maintenance observation, and onsite followup at operating power reactor Results:

No violations or deviations were identifie II 890105005 81 220 DR DO 05000261 PDC

REPORT DETAILS 1. Licensee Employees Contacted R. Barnett, Maintenance Supervisor, Electrical R. Chambers, Engineering Supervisor, Performance J. Curley, Director, Regulatory Compliance C. Dietz, Manager, Robinson Nuclear Project Department W. Flanagan, Manager, Design Engineering P. Harding, Project Specialist, Radiation Control D. Knight, Shift Foreman, Operations E. Lee, Shift Foreman, Operations D. McCaskill, Shift Foreman, Operations R. Moore, Shift Foreman, Operations

  • R. Morgan, Plant General Manager D. Myers, Shift Foreman, Operations M. Page, Engineering Supervisor, Plant Systems D. Quick, Manager, Maintenance D. Sayre, Senior Specialist, Regulatory Compliance D. Seagle, Shift Foreman, Operations
  • J. Sheppard, Manager, Operations R. Smith, Manager Environmental and Radiation Control H. Young, Director, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Other. licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personne NRC Resident Inspector
  • L. Garner
  • Attended exit interview on December 15, 198 Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the last paragrap. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702)

Not inspecte. Operational Safety Verification (71707)

The inspector observed licensee activities to confirm that the facility was being operated safely and in conformance with regulatory requirements, and that the licensee management control system was effectively discharging its responsibilities for continued safe operatio These activities were confirmed by the following: direct observations, tours of the facility, interviews and discussions with licensee management and personnel, independent verifications of safety system status and limiting conditions for operation, and reviews of facility record Periodically, the inspector reviewed shift logs, operations records, data sheets, instrument traces, and records of equipment malfunctions to verify

operability of safety-related equipment and compliance with T Specific items reviewed include the following: control room logs, operating orders, standing orders, and equipment tagout record Through periodic observations of work in progress and discussions with operations staff members, the inspector verified that the staff was knowledgeable of plant conditions; responding properly to alarm conditions; adhering to procedures and applicable administrative controls; and aware of equipment out of service, surveillance testing, and maintenance activities in progress. The inspector also observed that access to the control room was controlled and operations personnel were carrying out their assigned duties in an attentive and professional manne The control room was observed to be free of unnecessary distractions. The inspector performed channel checks and reviewed component status and safety related parameters to verify conformance with the T Plant tours were conducted to verify the operability of standby equipment; assess the general condition of plant equipment; and verify that radiological controls, fire protection controls and equipment tag out procedures were being properly implemente These tours verified the following: the absence of unusual fluid leaks; the lack of visual degradation of pipe, conduit 'and seismic supports; the proper positions and indications of important valves and circuit breakers; the lack of conditions which could invalidate EQ; the operability of safety related instrumentation; and the operability of emergency lighting equipment. The inspector also verified that housekeeping was adequate and areas were free of unnecessary fire hazards and combustible material On November 11, 1988,.at 11:10 p.m,, the unit was shutdown for refueling outage No. 1 Initially, the critical path activity of the 51-day outage was projected to be replacement of service water piping inside the C However, at the end of this report period, removal of non-vital fans from MCC-5 and 6 was projected to add approximately 2 weeks to the outag Other major work items include: upgrade of the low voltage fire detection system; removal of the RTD bypass line; installation of backup safety related battery chargers; upgrade of safety-related breakers; installation of ATWS modifications; control room habitability upgrades; PZR PORV upgrade; installation of a*SW chlorination and chemical treatment system; EQ walkdowns in CV and pipe alley; refurbishment of main turbine and generator; refurbishment of heater drain pumps; replacement of heater.drain piping; replacement of MSR tube bundles; upgrade of feedwater piping supports; removal of TROTS; repacking of approximately 750 valves; and performance of routine refueling ISI, surveillance tests and PM The inspector observed portions of the full core off load. The inspector verified that activities were being performed in accordance with GP-10, Refueling, and that the off load sequence in FMP-019, Fuel and Insert Shuffle, was being adhered t No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte.

Physical Protection (71707)

In the course of the monthly activities, the inspector included a review of the licensee's physical security progra The inspector verified by general observation and interviews that measures taken to assure the physical protection of the facility met current requirement The performance of various shifts of the security force was observed to verify that daily activities were conducted in accordance with the requirements of the security pla Activities inspected included:

protected and vital areas, access controls, searching of personnel and packages, badge issuance and retrieval, patrols, escorting of visitors, and compensatory measure No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)

The inspector observed certain surveillance related activities of safety related systems and components to ascertain that these activities were conducted in accordance with license requirement For the surveillance test procedures listed below, the inspector determined that precautions and LCQs were met, the tests were completed at the required frequency, the tests conformed to TS requirements, the required administrative approvals and tagouts were obtained prior to initiating the tests, and the testing W.

was accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved test procedur Upon completion of the testing, the inspector observed that the recorded test data was accurate, complete, and met TS require ments. Specifically, the inspector witnessed/reviewed portions of the following test activities:

o OST-162 (revision 8) Emergency Diesel Generator Auto Start on Loss of Power And Safety Injection-Emergency Diesel Trips Defeat This test verifies that loads will shed from the vital busses the emergency diesel generators will start, and safety related loads will be powered from the vital busses within 50 seconds of a simultaneous loss of offsite power and a safety injection signa The inspector independently verified that emergency bus E-1 loads shed and sequenced onto the bus as expecte The inspector also verified that deficiencies had been identified and corrective actions initiated to address the o OST-163 (revision 8) Safety Injection Test This test verifies that the Safeguards System is functional and the safety injection sequence is properly time The inspector reviewed the completed procedure and verified that the acceptance criteria were either met or corrective actions initiate No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)

The inspector observed several maintenance related activities of safety-related systems and components to ascertain that these activities were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, TS, and appropriate industry codes and standard The inspector determined that activities were accomplished by qualified personnel using approved procedures, required administrative approvals and tagouts were obtained prior to work initiation, and appropriate ignition and fire prevention controls were implemented. In particular, the inspector observed maintenance activities associated with PM-452 and trouble ticket 88-BFC for the dedicated shutdown diesel rebuil No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Onsite Followup of Events at Operating Power Reactors (93702)

On November 14, 1988, at 12:57 p.m.,

an inadvertent SI occurre The SI was initiated as circuits were being de-energized to allow removal of the existing RTDs per plant modification PM-959, RCS Bypass RTD When sufficient circuits were de-energized the SI block function was defeated thereby allowing the logic to initiate an SI sequenc Because plant equipment was only partially restored to standby lineup after LOOP and LOCA testing per OST-162, only some components responded to the signa The inspector verified that the safeguards logic responded correctly to the particular 'sequence of de-energizatio The event was reviewed by a regional modification inspection team and is documented in Inspection'

Report 261/88-3 No violations or deviations were identified within the areas inspecte. Exit Interview (30703)

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 15, 1988, with those persons indicated in paragraph The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed the inspection finding Proprietary information is not contained in this repor No written material was given to the licensee by the Resident Inspector during this report perio. List of Abbreviations ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram CV Containment Vessel EQ Environmental Qualifications FMP Fuel Management Procedure GP General Procedure ISI Inservice Inspection

LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LOOP Loss of Offsite Power MCC Motor Control Center MSR Moisture Separator Reheater OST Operations Surveillance Test PM Preventive Maintenance PORV Power Operated Relief Valve PZR Pressurizer RTD Resistence Temperature Detector SI Safety Injection SW Service Water TROTS Turbine Redundant Overspeed Trip System LS Technical Specification