IR 05000261/1990001

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Insp Rept 50-261/90-01 on 900129-0202.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Corrective Action on Previous Insp Findings,Radiographic Film & 1988 Refueling Outage Inservice Insp 90-day Rept
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1990
From: Blake J, Coley J
Shared Package
ML14176A839 List:
50-261-90-01, 50-261-90-1, NUDOCS 9003090253
Download: ML14176A840 (5)





50-261/90-01 Licensee:

Carolina Power and Light Company P. 0. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket No.:

50-261 License No.: DPR-23 Facility Name: H. B. Robinson Inspection C d:

anuary 29 - February 2, 1990 Inspecto :



.e Date Signed Approve b Z/ l2 ii.Bake, Chief Date Signed M

rials and Processes Section n ineering Branch ivision of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of licensee corrective action on previous inspection findings, review of radiographic film, and review of 1988 refueling outage inservice inspection (ISI)

90-day repor Results:

Carolina Power and Light (CP&L)

personnel were actively involved in assuring quality and resolution of technical issues from a safety standpoint as demonstrated in their responses to NRC open items addressed in paragraph 4 of this report and their assistance in helping the inspector achieve his inspection objectives by resolving satisfactorily his technical concern In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identifie F= DR 4DOJCK' 0-002'1


REPORT DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees C. R. Dietz, Manager, Robinson Nuclear Project Department

  • S. A. Griggs, Technical Aide, Regulatory Compliance
  • R. R. Hitch, Senior Specialist, Environmental and Radiation Control
  • J. D. Kloosterman, Director, Regulatory Compliance
  • J. Latimer, Project Welding Engineer, Technical Support
  • R. E. Morgan, Plant General Manager
  • M. F. Page, Manager, Technical Support
  • R. F. Powell, Engineering Supervisor
  • S. Pruitt, ISI Coordinator, Technical Support
  • H. J. Young, Manager, Quality Assurance/Quality Control
  • R. B. Weber, Senior ISI Specialist,.Technical Support Other licensee employees contacted during this inspection included engineers, technicians, and administrative personne NRC Resident Inspector
  • L. W. Garner, Senior Resident, Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2. Review of Radiographic Film, Unit 2 (57090)

The inspector reviewed a sample of radiographs and their associated records to determine whether they were prepared, evaluated, and maintained in accordance with applicable commitments and code requirement This review was also performed to determine the quality of welding at the H. Robinson site. The applicable codes for this review were ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections III and V, 1983 Edition and ANSI B31.1-1967,

"Code for Power Piping".

Radiographic film packages for weld's listed below were reviewed:

Weld Identification No. Drawing N System Size FW-012-FSM1018-2682 Auxiliary Feed Water 6" Di A 2D33462-7 Reactor Coolant System 3" Di AR2 2D33462 Reactor Coolant System 1" Di A 2D33462 Reactor Coolant System 3" Di A 2D33462 Reactor Coolant System 3" Di A 3020655 Reactor Coolant System 1"Di A 3D20655 Reactor Coolant System 1" Di A 3020655 Reactor Coolant System 1" Di HBR2-RHR-001 FSM-981-2532 Residual Heat Removal 10" Di HBR2-RHR-002 FSM-981-2532 Residual Heat Removal 10" Di FWHBR2-FW-008 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di Weld Identification No. Drawing N System Size (cont'd)

FWHBR2-FW-007 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-006 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-005 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-004 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-003 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-002 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di FWHBR2-FW-001 FSM-961-2507 Feedwater 20" Di Parameters verified during the review of radiographs for the above welds were:

Penetrameter type, size, and placement; pentrameter sensitivity; film density and density variation; geometrical unsharpness; film identification; weld coverage; and weld quality. As a result of the above review the inspector noted that weld 1-1A which was on the same radiographic film as welds 1-2A and 1-3A did not have a penetrameter on any of the three film segment Although the film density in the area of interest was acceptable for all three welds when compared to the penetrameters on welds 1-2A and 1-3A, the appropriate hole in the penetrameters for the welds were barely discernibl The inspector was concerned that this technique for radiographing multiple welds simultaneously without penetrameters on the welds at the point of greatest radiation angularity could produce questionable results if defects had been present in the wel Subsequent discussions with CP&L's Level III examiner were helpful in assuring that when a production weld has a specific weld number it will also have a penetramte Technique and radiographer performance will continue monitored by the inspecto Within the areas examined, violations or deviations were not observe. Review of 90-Day Inservice Inspection Report for the 1988-89 Refueling Outage This report was for the first refueling outage of the third 40 month period of the second 10-year inspection interva This report of examinations performed had been submitted to NRC to satisfy ASME Section XI, 1977 Edition through the Summer 1978 Addenda. The inspector however had specific questions on the submitted data and these questions were satisfactorly addressed by the licensee's Senior Inservice Inspection Specialis Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were.identifie. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (92701 and 92702)

(Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item N /87-16-01,

"MT Procedure Discrepancies" CP&L's magnetic particle procedure No. ISI-70 has been revised to incorporate the inspector's comment This revison was approved for implementation during the 1988 refueling outag The inspector reviewed the changes incorporated by the revision and considers the licensee's corrective actions to be satisfactor (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item N /87-16-02, "ISI Replacement Verification of Acceptability" CP&L's program procedure TMM-015, "Inservice Inspection Repair and Replacement Program",

has been revised to incorporate the inspector's comments related to verification of acceptability or replacement parts and component Paragraph 5.1.3 of the licensee's procedure now references the ASME Section XI, paragraph I WA-7220 requirement The licensee's corrective actions regarding enhancing the clarity of this procedure is satisfactor (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item 50-261/84-45-01,

"Service Water Degradation" This item was open to track the licensee's corrective actions during the initial stage of the discovery, investigation and temporary repair of the microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)

in the service water system at the H. B. Robinson facility. The licensee has since replaced all the 304 stainless steel piping in containment with AL6XN material or 316 stainless steel and a monitoring program has been established for early detection of degradation if the corrosion resistance qualities of the new pipe is found to be insuffient to control the problem. In addition, chlorine injection has been installed at the service water intak The licensee plans to replace 1/2 of all the service water piping in the auxiliary building during the 1990 outage which is scheduled for September. The remaining service water piping in the auxiliary building will be replace during the 1992 refueling stage. The inspector's review of the licensee's corrective actions indicated that adequate controls are in place to prevent significant pipe degradation in the future and this tracking item is considered close (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item 50-261/88-17-01,

"Enhancment of Programmatic Procedures for Hydrostatic Testing" This item addressed several inspector concerns that had resulted from a review of the 1st Inspection Interval completed Hydrostatic Test program. The licensee is presently upgrading the second Interval hydrostatic test program.

The inspector reviewed the draft on the new program and a random sample of the new hydrostatic test procedure This review revealed that significant improvements had been made to clarify code requirements and to control test parameters. Other enhancements noted included the licensee's commitment to NRR's new directive that inservice inspection related relief request must be

4 approved by the NRC prior to implementation; the position of all valves in a specific test will be noted in the test procedure; and two party verifications of the position of values will be performe The inspector considers the licensee actions to date to be satisfactor (Closed) Severity Level IV Violation 50-261/89-02-01,

"Inadequate Corrective Maintenance Procedure CM-010 Service Water Pump Overhaul" CP&L's letter of response dated March 15, 1989, and letter of supplemental response dated May 4, 1989, have.been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region I The inspector reviewed the revised procedure for the overhaul of the service water pump as well as the additional corrective actions being taken by the licensee to upgrade all maintenance procedures as described in their letter of respons The inspector concluded that CP&L had determined the full extent of the subject noncompliance, performed the necessary survey and follow-up actions to correct the present conditions and developed the necessary corrective actions to preclude recurrence of similar circumstance The corrective action as identified in the letter of response have been implemente Within the areas examined, violations or deviations were not identifie. Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on February 2, 1990, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection result Dissenting comments were not received from the licensee.