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Summary of Meeting to Discuss Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal Application Review - Discussion of Responses to Two Environmental Requests for Additional Information - HC-7 and WR-2
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2018
From: Lois James
Florida Power & Light Co
lois james, NRR-DMLR 415-3306
EPID L-2018-LNE-0001
Download: ML18247A301 (5)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting Summary


Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal Application Review - Discussion of Responses to Two Environmental Requests for Additional Information - HC-7 and WR-2 (EPID No. L-2018-LNE-0001)

Meeting Identifier: 20180913 Date of Meetings: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Location: Via Teleconference Type of Meeting: Category 3 Purpose of the Meeting(s):

To discuss FPL's responses to Two Environmental Requests for Additional Information -

HC-7 and WR-2 General Details:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a public teleconference with Florida Power & Light (FPL) as part of the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4 (Turkey Point) Subsequent License Renewal (SLRA) environmental review. The meeting started at 1:30 p.m. and ended approximately 2:45 p.m. Seven NRC staff members were present. The meeting began with introductions of NRC staff in the room, NRC staff on the phone, and then FPL and contractor staff. Nancy Martinez, NRC environmental reviewer, discussed FPLs response to HC-7 and Kevin Folk, NRC environmental reviewer, discussed FPLs response to WR-2. No members of the public announced themselves on the phone or informed the NRC staff that they participated in the teleconference.

Summary of Meeting:

Historic and Cultural Resources The NRC staff provided a brief summary of the content of Request for Additional (RAI) HC-7 and the response provided by FPL. The NRC staff identified that clarification to the response provided to HC-7 is needed. The NRC staff and FPL staff discussed the following:

Association of McGregor Smith, past president of FPL, with a Cottage (known as the Ranger House/McGregor Smith Cottage) located on the Turkey Point site.

Known history of the Ranger House/McGregor Smith Cottage and reasons why FPL sought historical landmark status designation with the Miami-Dade County.

A report that the NRC staff had identified regarding the McGregor Smith Cottage Preservation Project that analyzes the historical context of the cottage, prepared by David Baber, Architectural Historian.

FPLs determination that three Boy Scout structures located on the Turkey Point site do not meet the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

Based on the information discussed and presented by FPL on WR-2 during this meeting, a follow-up RAI will be issued to docket the information in support of NRCs environmental review.

Water Resource The NRC staff provided a brief summary of the content of RAI WR-2 and the response provided by FPL. The NRC staff identified that clarification to the response provided to WR-2 is needed. The resulting RAI is:

FPLs supporting response to NRC RAI No. WR-2, included in L-2018-136 3, Enclosure 20 indicates that Marine wells SW-1, SW-2, and PW-1 located on the Turkey Point peninsula have been in use as recently as August 2017, presumably to support cooling canal system freshening. While the Environmental Report states that the wells were installed in 2015 and produce saline water, little additional information is included on the three wells. Other available information indicates that at least one of the wells, PW-1, was constructed to support aquifer performance testing in 2009. Therefore, the NRC staff requests additional information and clarification on these wells. Specifically, the NRC staff requests additional information on the construction of these wells including: verification of when each well was installed or converted for production purposes, well diameter, casing depth and type, total depth, open hole or screening interval (as applicable), and installed pump capacity.

Based on the information discussed and presented by FPL on WR-2 during this meeting, a follow-up RAI will be issued to docket the information in support of the NRC staffs environmental review.

Public Participation Themes:

No members of the public announced themselves on the phone or informed the NRC staff that they participated in the teleconference.

Action Items/Next Steps:

The NRC staff will issue follow up requests for additional information.


o Meeting description and agenda - ML18229A0421 o NRC staffs Requests for Additional Information Issued - ML18190A499 o FPLs Response to Requests for Additional Information Issued - ML18247A507 1 Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No.


Turkey Point Subsequent License Renewal Application Review - Discussion of Responses to Two Environmental Requests for Additional Information - HC-7 and WR-2 (EPID No. L-2018-LNE-0001)


PUBLIC RidsNrrDmlr Resource RidsNrrDmlrMrpb Resource RidsNrrDmlrMenb Resource RidsNrrPMTurkeyPoint Resource LJames NRR/DMLR EOesterle NRR/DMLR BBeasley NRR/DMLR RHoffman, NRR/DMLR NMartinez, NRR/DMLR JRikhoff, NRR/DMLR KFolk, NRR/DMLR GWilson NRR/DMLR JDonoghue NRR/DMLR MWentzel NRR/DORL STurk OGC EHouseman OGC JWachutka OGC SBurnell HQ/OPA RHanna RII/OPA JLedford RII/OPA DAdams OCA DDecker OCA JPelchat RII/ORA RMusser RII/DRP LPressley RII/DRP DOrr RII/DRP RReyes RII/DRP LBurhart OEDO TInverso OEDO ELea RII/ORA JBowen OEDO PCooper RII/DRS See Next Page for Additional Distribution ADAMS Accession No.: ML18247A301




DATE 08/31/2018 09/05/2018 09/04/2018 09/04/2018 OFFICE BC:MENB:DMLR BC:MRPB:DMLR PM:MRPB:DMLR NAME BBeasley*


LJames DATE 09/04/2018 09/04/2018 09/18/2018 OFFICE RECORD COPY

DISTRIBUTION (additional names):;; Ms. Sarah Cody, Chief Office of Historic Preservation Stephen P. Clark Center 111 NW 1st St. - 12th Floor Miami, FL 33128 Mr. Jason Aldridge Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Florida Department of State 500 South Bronough Street R.A. Gray Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Mr. Billy Cypress, Chairman Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida Tamiami Station P.O. Box 440021 Miami, FL 33144 Mr. James Floyd, Principal Chief Muscogee (Creek) Nation Office of the Administration P.O. Box 580 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Ms. Stephanie A. Bryan, Tribal Chair Poarch Band of Creek Indians 5811 Jack Springs Road Atmore, AL 36502 Ms. Carolyn White Acting Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Poarch Band of Creek Indians 5811 Jack Springs Road Atmore, AL 36502 Mr. Greg Chilcoat, Principal Chief Seminole Nation of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1498 Wewoka, OK 74884 Mr. Theodore Isham Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Seminole Nation of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1498 Wewoka, OK 74884 Mr. Marcellus W. Osceola, Chairman Seminole Tribe of Florida 6300 Stirling Road Hollywood, FL 330241 Mr. Paul Backhouse Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Seminole Tribe of Florida Ah-Ta-Thi-Ki Museum 30290 Josie Billie Hwy, PMB 1004 Clewiston, FL 33440 Caroline McLaughun National Parks Conservation Association 450 N. Part Rd, Ste 301 Hollywood, FL 33021

DISTRIBUTION (additional names): (continued)

Andrew Carter Miami Waterkeeper 2103 Coral Way, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33145 Kelly Cox Miami Waterkeeper 2103 Coral Way, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33145 Arnuni Kapur Duke Energy 410 S. Wilmington St.

Raleigh, NC 27602 Wendy Brainard, citizen John Marquardt, citizen Patricia Marin, citizen Felipe Marin, citizen Erik Gonzales, citizen Matt Schwartz, citizen George Cavros, citizen Yvonne Knowles, citizen