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JW Fourqurean Expert Statement 5-14-2018 Final
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/2018
Friends of the Everglades, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Tropical Audubon Society
Division of Materials and License Renewal
Lois M. James, 301-415-3306
Shared Package
ML18187A038 List:
83FR23726, L-2018-LNE-0001
Download: ML18204A129 (31)


J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 1






I have been retained by the Plaintiffs in this matter to offer expert testimony. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2)(B), the following is my written report. I have attached a C.V. with my qualifications and publications as Attachment 1 to the report. A list of all other cases in which, during the previous 4 years, I have testified as an expert at trial or by deposition is attached as. I am being paid an hourly rate of $175 for my work in this case.

My opinions are based on the data on seagrass distribution, nutrient availability and water quality of both surface water and groundwater available to me as of May 14, 2018. I will continue to search for new data to inform my opinions as set forth below.


1. The seagrass beds of Biscayne Bay and the rest of south Florida require very low nutrient loading to survive. In essence, seagrasses are killed and replaced by fast-growing, noxious seaweed if nutrient delivery is increased. Nutrient delivery can be increased either by increasing the concentration of nutrients in discharges, OR by increasing the volume of water containing nutrients, even at very low concentrations that would pass drinking water quality standards over a long period of time.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 2

All plants, including seagrasses, require light, water, and mineral nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, to grow. The required supply of nutrients for any plant population to grow is a function of the plants relative growth rate. Plants that grow quickly require high rates of nutrient supply, while plants that grow more slowly require a lower rate of supply. As a consequence, rapidly-growing plants are found where nutrient supplies are high, and slow-growing plants where nutrient supplies are low. High nutrient supplies are not necessarily bad for slow-growing plants, but at high nutrient supply rates fast growing plants can overgrow and shade out the slow growers.

In general, the size of a plant is a good indicator of its relative growth rate, with smaller plants having higher growth rates. In seagrass beds in Biscayne Bay, the fastest growing plants are the single-celled algae that live either in the water, in the sediments, or attached to hard surfaces, such as seagrass leaves. Filamentous algae that grow on surfaces grow slightly slower, followed by more complex macroalgaes, like the fleshy and calcareous seaweeds. Seagrasses grow even slower. Different species of seagrass have different growth rates and nutrient requirements. The narrow-bladed species widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) and shoal weed (Halodule wrightii) grow faster than the spaghetti-like manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme) which in turn has a faster growth rate, and therefore higher nutrient requirements, than turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). It quite common in south Florida, that nutrient supplies can be so low as to constrain the growth of even the slowest growing species (Fourqurean and Rutten 2003).

Evidence to support the relationship between growth rate and nutrient requirement come from both the distribution of seagrasses around natural nutrient hot spots in south Florida (Powell et al 1991) and from fertilization experiments (Armitage et al 2011, Ferdie and Fourqurean 2004).

For example, the natural state of eastern Florida Bay is very low nutrient availability. However, on some of the mangrove islands in Florida Bay, there are large colonies of wading birds that hunt for food around the bay (Figure 1). Those birds roost and nest on the islands, and bring food home to feed their young. Both adults and young defecate on the islands, causing natural point sources of nutrient supplies around these small islands. In response to this point source, nutrient availability is very high within a few meters of the islands and decreases with distance away from the mangrove shoreline. In response to this gradient, there are concentric halos of different plants growing on the bottom. Closest to the island where nutrient pollution is greatest, there is only a coating of microalgae covering the sediments. Further away from the island there is a macroalgae zone, followed by a halo of dense widgeon grass, a halo of dense shoal weed, then a zone of mixed shoal grass and dense turtle grass. Farther away still, outside the zone of influence of nutrients from the bird colony, turtle grass declines in density to very sparse coverage.

Fertilization experiments have confirmed that a change in nutrient supply first leads to a change in the density, and then the species composition, of seagrass beds in south Florida (Fourqurean et al 1995). In Florida Bay, fertilizing sparse turtle grass beds with phosphorus first results in an increase in the density of turtle grass; however, once shoal grass becomes established in the

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 3

fertilized patches, it rapidly displaces the turtle grass (Figure 2). Less controlled experiments illustrate how the seagrass beds of the Florida Keys changed as the Keys became developed.

Early developments relied on cesspools or septic tanks for wastewater treatment. Neither provide nutrient removal in the rocky limestone substrate of the Keys. Thus, wastewater and stormwater nutrients emanating from the shoreline development resulted in the growth of lush seagrass beds immediately off shore of Key Largo (Figure 3). This observation could be interpreted as a good thing because seagrass growth and coverage expanded. However, data from other observations and experiments temper this optimism.

A model has been developed to illustrate how normally low-nutrient seagrass beds of south Florida will change as nutrient availability changes (Fourqurean and Rutten 2003, Figure 4). The model shows that seagrass beds composed of abundant turtle grass, the slowest-growing species, become lush with increased nutrient conditions. But, as nutrient supply continues to increase, the species composition gradually changes as faster-growing species replace the slower-growing ones. At the highest nutrient levels, seagrasses are replaced by seaweeds and microalgae, Loss of the seagrass community will result in a dramatic change in community structure and function.

Animal species dependent on seagrass for food and shelter (e.g., speckled trout, redfish, bonefish and tarpon) are replaced by less desirable species (e.g., jellyfish). The model predicts that the relative abundance of benthic plants at a site is an indicator of the current rate of nutrient supply.

Changes in the relative abundance from slow-growing to fast-growing species at any site indicates an increase in nutrient supply.

2. The seagrasses along the coastline of the Cooling Canal System (CCS) existed for thousands of years in a nutrient-limited state, which means any addition of new nutrients changes the balance of these ecosystems. Increased nutrients harm the ecosystem by increasing the rates of primary production by marine plants. Increase in growth rates means that faster-growing, noxious marine plants, like macroalgae (seaweeds) and microscopic algae and photosynthetic bacteria, overgrow and outcompete seagrasses and corals for light, leading to the losses of corals and seagrasses.

The density and species composition of the seagrasses of southern Biscayne Bay are controlled by the availability of phosphorus. The water column in southern Biscayne Bay has very low concentrations of dissolved phosphorus, and the grand mean TN:TP ratios (ie, the ration of moles of nitrogen to the moles of phosphorus) of the water in southern Biscayne Bay average 177.9 (Caccia and Boyer 2005). When TN:TP of oceanic water is above 16 it indicates that the availability of phosphorus limits the growth of plankton (Redfield 1958). Seagrasses are more complex than phytoplankton, so that the critical ratio determining whether N or P limits plant growth for seagrasses is 30 (Fourqurean and Rutten 20013). The N:P of Turtle Grass (Thalassia testudinum) collected in the vicinity of Turkey Point was 88.6 in 2013, a clear indication of phosphorus limitation (Dewsbury, 2014). Fertilization experiments (Armitage et al 2011, Ferdie

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 4

and Fourqurean 2004) clearly show that phosphorus fertilization of turtle grass with N:P > 80 first leads to an increase in density of turtle grass, then a replacement of turtle grass by faster-growing seagrasses, followed by a loss of seagrasses as P loading continues.

3. Around the world, there are many nutrients that can limit noxious plant growth, but most often, the nutrients that limit this growth are either nitrogen or phosphorus. In south Biscayne Bay, phosphorus is limiting to phytoplankton and macroalgae. This means that addition of phosphorus will upset the ecological balance of seagrass beds as has been exhibited in Northern Biscayne By and Florida Bay. Upsetting the balance of populations of aquatic flora and fauna by nutrient addition is a violation of Florida surface water quality standards.

As set forth in F.A.C.62-302.520(48)(b), Nutrients, In no case shall nutrient concentrations of a body of water be altered so as to cause an imbalance in natural populations of aquatic flora or fauna. Although there are numeric nutrient criteria for Biscayne Bay, F.A.C.62-302.532(h), the narrative criterion still applies. F.A.C.62-302(48)(a) states, Man-induced nutrient enrichment (total nitrogen or total phosphorus) shall be considered degradation in relation to the provisions of Rules62-302.300,62-302.700, and 62-4.242, F.A.C. Because Biscayne Bay is Outstanding Florida Waters under 62-302.700, man-induced nutrient enrichment from the FPL CCS is considered degradation, which is prohibited.

4. Current seagrass species composition and abundance data collected by ongoing seagrass monitoring programs show that Turtle Grass biomass offshore from the CCS is unusually dense compared to other areas in southern Biscayne Bay, likely as a consequence of increased P availability in the region.

Seagrass density data collected around Turkey Point in the late 1960s-early 1970s describe a system with very sparse turtle grass interspersed with a few dense patches more than a few hundred meters offshore (Zieman 1972). In addition, long-time fisherman report that the dense Turtle Grass flats they fished further offshore near the Arsenicker Keys in the early 1970s are now devoid of seagrasses, likely because of continued P addition. In my opinion, there is an imbalance in the seagrass meadows of southern Biscayne Bay in the vicinity of the CCS, likely caused by increased P discharged from the CCS. A a preliminary review of seagrass abundance

(% cover) data collected in Biscayne Bay since the mid 1980s and statements from keen observers responsible for these and other monitoring programs suggest seagrasses in the nearshore vicinity of the CCS and TP facility are denser than elsewhere in Biscayne bay. I will be collecting and analyzing any and all data not available to me at this time to better understand these preliminary statement and observations.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 5

5. The nearshore seagrass beds are incredibly efficient at removing P from the water column and storing P at vanishingly small concentrations. In fact, even 30 feet from large point-sources of P in Florida Bay, it is not possible to measure increases in P concentrations in the water column because it has all been captured by the seagrass communities This P capture causes increased plant growth and ecosystem imbalances. This imbalance first leads to an actual increase in the abundance of seagrass, but rapidly it causes a change in species composition, first to faster-growing seagrasses, then to seaweeds, then to microscopic algae.
6. Groundwater discharges along the coast of southern Biscyane Bay contain elevated concentrations of phosphorus, so that any process that causes groundwater discharge to the local seagrasses will supply the limiting nutrient that upsets the balance of the ecosystem.

P concentrations in the deeper canals offshore of the CCS and in caves offshore of Turkey Point are 10-20 times higher than the median concentrations (0.03 µM) of inorganic phosphorus in Biscayne Bay waters (Caccia and Boyer 2005).

7. The geology underlying the CCS and the adjacent seagrass meadows is based on limestone, which is made of calcium carbonate minerals. Calcium carbonate minerals strongly absorb orthophosphate onto their surfaces. But, respiration by plants, animals and bacteria dissolve calcium carbonate minerals, releasing the orthophosphate absorbed to the surfaces. During normal conditions, south Florida ecosystems are incredibly efficient at holding on to captured phosphorus-so much so that the impacts caused by adding P to seagrass beds in south Florida for even short periods can still be measured 30 years after the P additions. On the other hand, bacteria cause added N captured by south Florida ecosystems to be rapidly transformed and removed from those ecosystems.

Bacterial processes transform oxidized inorganic nitrogen species and organic nitrogen into ammonium. Other bacterial processes lead to the loss of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate and nitrites) from the system as nirous oxide and dinitrogen gas.

These facts result in P additions causing permanent and cumulative imbalances in nearshore marine waters of the Keys while N additions cause imbalances that can be corrected by the cessation of N addition.

Inorganic phosphorus strongly sorbs onto limestone minerals, retarding the transport of phosphorus through the limestone aquifer. However, the binding of phosphate to those minerals is a function of both the salinity of the groundwater (Price et al 2010) as well as the oxidation state of that groundwater (Flower et al 2017a). Both large increases and decreases in the salinity can desorb the phosphate, and make it mobile in the groundwater The seawater of Biscayne Bay and the fresh groundwater of the Biscayne Aquafer are both supersaturated with respect to

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 6

limestone minerals, and therefore they will not liberate phosphate immobilized on limestone in the groundwater, but calcite will dissolve, and phosphorus will be released, where these two waters mix (Wigley and Plummer 1976). Hence, mixing of saltwater and freshwater in the aquifer can liberate phosphorus and transport it to the surface. This phenomenon explains the plant biomass and productivity increases along the coast of south Florida where brackish groundwater discharges (Price et al 2006). Further, injection of salty groundwater into freshwater aquifers through saltwater intrusion drives phosphorus release from that bedrock (Flower et al 2017b).

When saline and fresh groundwater mix in south Florida sources mix, they create a brackish water solution that dissolves calcium carbonate minerals, releasing orthophosphate stored on the surfaces of the limestone particles.

When this P-laden water reaches the surface, it will be captured by the ecosystem and cause an imbalance because it will be used by the ecosystem resulting in the growth of noxious plants (algae) which outcompete the seagrasses.

The operations of the CCS create saline water that infiltrates the groundwater and is transported and discharged under the seagrass It is my opinion that operation of the CCS has 1) carried phosphorus-polluted groundwater to near-shore surface waters through the highly porous bedrock and 2) has dissolved carbonates in that bedrock, releasing additional phosphorus that had been incorporated into that rock. As this phosphorus reaches the seagrass meadows offshore in Biscayne Bay, it will continue to degrade the ecosystem and cause an imbalance and change the nature of the surrounding marine environment.

8. An imbalance of the seagrasses that form the near-shore habitat near the CCS in Biscayne Bay and provide the food at the base of the food chain harms the fish and wildlife that use these habitats and therefore effects fishing, recreational activities such as bird watching and other activities based on that habitat change and eventual loss.

Salinity and the abundance and species composition of Biscayne Bays seagrass beds interact to control the types and numbers of animals that live in the area (Santos et al 2018, Zink et al.

2017). For example, Biscayne Bays fish populations reflect the salinity regime along the shoreline, with lower salinity sites having fewer fish like bluestriped grunt, schoolmaster snapper and sailors choice, and higher densities of fishes like killifishes, than higher-salinity sites (Serafy

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 7

et al 2003). Salinity variability can be as important as mean salinity along this coastline in influencing fish communities (Machemer et al 2014).

I submitted this report on May 14, 2018.


James W. Fourqurean, Ph. D.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 8

LITERATURE CITED Armitage, A. R., T. A. Frankovich, and J. W. Fourqurean. 2011. Long-term effects of adding nutrients to an oligotrophic coastal environment. Ecosystems 14:430-444.

Caccia, V. G., and J. N. Boyer. 2005. Spatial patterning of water quality in Biscayne Bay, Florida as a function of land use and water management. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50:1416-1429.

Dewsbury, B. M.2014. The ecology and economics of seagrass community structure. P..D Dissertation, Florida International University. 168 pp.

Ferdie, M., and J. W. Fourqurean. 2004. Responses of seagrass communities to fertilization along a gradient of relative availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a carbonate environment.

Limnology and Oceanography 49:2082-2094.

Flower, H., M. Rains, D. Lewis, and J. Z. Zhang. 2017a. Rapid and Intense Phosphate Desorption Kinetics When Saltwater Intrudes into Carbonate Rock. Estuaries and Coasts 40:1301-1313.

Flower, H., M. Rains, D. Lewis, J. Z. Zhang, and R. Price. 2017b. Saltwater intrusion as potential driver of phosphorus release from limestone bedrock in a coastal aquifer. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 184:166-176.

Fourqurean, J. W., and L. M. Rutten. 2003. Competing goals of spatial and temporal resolution:

monitoring seagrass communities on a regional scale. Pages 257-288 in D. E. Busch and J. C.

Trexler, editors. Monitoring ecosystem initiatives: interdisciplinary approaches for evaluating ecoregional initiatives. Island Press, Washington, D. C.

Fourqurean, J. W., G. V. N. Powell, W. J. Kenworthy, and J. C. Zieman. 1995. The effects of long-term manipulation of nutrient supply on competition between the seagrasses Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii in Florida Bay. Oikos 72:349-358.

Kruczynski, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN press, Cabridge Md, 474 pages.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 9

Machemer, E. G. P., J. F. Walter, J. E. Serafy, and D. W. Kerstetter. 2012. Importance of mangrove shorelines for rainbow parrotfish I: habitat suitability modeling in a subtropical bay.

Aquatic Biology 15:87-98.

Powell, G. V. N., J. W. Fourqurean, W. J. Kenworthy, and J. C. Zieman. 1991. Bird colonies cause seagrass enrichment in a subtropical estuary: observational and experimental evidence.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 32:567-579.

Price, R. M., M. R. Savabi, J. L. Jolicoeur, and S. Roy. 2010. Adsorption and desorption of phosphate on limestone in experiments simulating seawater intrusion. Applied Geochemistry 25:1085-1091.

Price, R. M., P. K. Swart, and J. W. Fourqurean. 2006. Coastal groundwater discharge - an additional source of phosphorus for the oligotrophic wetlands of the Everglades. Hydrobiologia 569:23-36.

Redfield, A. C. 1958. The biological control of chemical factors in the environment. American Scientist 46:205-221.

Santos, R. O., D. Lirman, S. J. Pittman, and J. E. Serafy. 2018. Spatial patterns of seagrasses and salinity regimes interact to structure marine faunal assemblages in a subtropical bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 594:21-38.

Serafy, J. E., C. H. Faunce, and J. J. Lorenz. 2003. Mangrove shoreline fishes of Biscayne Bay, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science 72:161-180.

Wigley, T.M.L., and Plummer, L. N. 1976, Mixing of carbonate waters: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 40:989-995.

Zink, I. C., J. A. Browder, D. Lirman, and J. E. Serafy. 2017. Review of salinity effects on abundance, growth, and survival of nearshore life stages of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum). Ecological Indicators 81:1-17.

Zieman, J. C. 1972. Origin of circular beds of Thalassia (Spermatophyta: hydrocharitaceae) in south Biscayne Bay, Florida, and their relationship to mangrove hammocks. Bulletin of Marine Science 22:559-574.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 10 QUALIFICATIONS My resume is attached and contains my qualifications and a list of all publications that I have authored.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 11 PRIOR TESTIMONY During the past 4 years, I have participated in the following cases:

(1 deposition and 1 administrative hearing)



PetitionerS, vs.


Case No. 15-1233 I gave deposition in this case on October 14, 2015 at Veritext Legal Solutions, 2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2250, Miami, FL 33131 STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS LAST STAND (PROTECT KEY WEST AND THE FLORIDA KEYS,b/d/a LAST STAND, AND GEORGE HALLORAN, Petitioners, vs.



Case No. 14-5302 The final hearing in this matter was held on April 21-May1, 2015 at the Freeman Justice Center, Conerence Room A, 302 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida, before Cathy M. Sellers, an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 12 Figure 1. Islands with large bird colonies in Florida Bay are natural nutrient sources that cause zonation of the benthic habitat, with fast-growing microalgae dominant near the nutrient source and slow-growing turtle grass dominant far from the nutrient supply. See Powell et al 1991. Figure reproduced from Kryczynski and Fletcher 2012, page 276.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 13 Figure 2. Artificial bird perches have been used to study the effects of nutrient additions to nutrient-limited seagrass beds in south Florida (Fourqurean et al 1995). Fertilization initially leads to more turtle grass, but that turtle grass is replaced by faster-growing shoal weed (left column).

Short term fertilization has impacts that last for decades (right column). Figure reproduced from Kryczynski and Fletcher 2012, page 276.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 14 Figure 3. Seagrass distribution along the shoreline of Key Largo near Dove Key in 1959 (left) and 1991 (right). Prior to development, seagrass coverage was sparse along the shoreline. However, by 1991 seagrass coverage and density increased substantially along the shoreline in response to nutrients emanating from development. Figure reproduced from Kryczynski and Fletcher 2012, page 277.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 15 Figure 4. This model describes how the dominant organisms from shallow Biscayne Bay change with addition of nutrients. Nutrient supply can increase either with an increase in concentration OR and increase in volume of nutrient sources. This figure is based on Fourqurean and Rutten (2003) and is reproduced from Kryczynski and Fletcher 2012, page 276.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 16 Curriculum Vitae James W. Fourqurean, Ph.D.

17641 SW 75th Ave Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 Profile James Fourqurean is a marine and estuarine ecologist with a special interest in benthic plant communities and nutrient biogeochemistry. He received his undergraduate and graduate training in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, where he became familiar with the Chesapeake Bay and its benthic communities. He developed a love of tropical ecosystems while doing his dissertation research in Florida Bay. After a post doc at San Francisco State studying planktonic processes in Tomales Bay, California, he was recruited to return to south Florida to join a new research group at the newest research university in the country, Florida International University. He has at FIU since 1993, where he is now Professor of Biological Sciences and the Director of the Center for Coastal Oceans Research in the Institute for Water and Environment. For the past three decades, his main research areas have been in the seagrass environments of south Florida, but he has also worked in coastal environments around the Gulf of Mexico, in Australia, Indonesia, Mexico, Panama, Bahamas, Bermuda, the United Arab Emirate and the western Mediterranean.

He is the lead scientist and overall manager of FIUs Aquarius Reef Base, the worlds only saturation diving habitat and laboratory for research, education and outreach. He has served as the Principal Investigator of over $25M in grants and contracts at FIU, and published 127 papers in the refereed scientific literature and 13 book chapters. Seven graduate students have received PhD degrees working under his direction, along with 15 MS students. His global leadership in coastal oceans research was recently recognized when he was elected President of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, the worlds leading body of scientists who study coastal issues.

Education Ph.D. 1992 University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences M.S. 1987 University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences B.A.

1983 University of Virginia, Depts of Biology and Environmental Sciences Career Summary 2006-Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University 2017 -

President-elect, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2014 -

Adjunct Professor, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia 2014 Visiting Research Fellow, Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia 2012-Director, Center for Coastal Oceans Research, Institute of Water and Environment, Florida International University

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 17 2012-Director, Center for Coastal Oceans Research, Institute of Water and Environment, Florida International University 2012-Visiting Research Fellow, Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia 2002 - 2006 Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University 2001 - 2002 Visiting Professor, Institut Mediterrani dEstudis Avançats, CSIC-Universitat des Illes Balears, Esporles, Mallorca, Spain 1998 - 2006 Associate Professor 1993 - 1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International University 1992 Postdoctoral research associate, San Francisco State University 1983 - 1992 Graduate research assistant, University of Virginia. J.C. Zieman, advisor.

1983 - 1987 Research biologist, National Audubon Society Scientific Publications Scientific Journals 127. Bonthond, G., D.G. Merselis, K.E. Dougan, T. Graff, W. Todd, J.W. Fourqurean and M. Rodriguez-Lanetty. 2018. Inter-domain microbial diversity within the coral holobiont Siderastrea siderea from two depth habitats. Peer J 6:e4323.

126. Arias-Ortiz, A., O. Serrano, P.S. Lavery, G.A. Kendrick, P. Masqué, U. Mueller, A.

Esteban, M. Rozaimi, J. W. Fourqurean, N. Marb, M.A. Mateo, K. Murray, M.

Rule, C.M. Duarte. 2018. A marine heat wave drives massive losses from the worlds largest seagrass carbon stocks. Nature Climate Change DOI:

10.1038/s41558-018-0096-y 125. Burgett, C.M., D.A. Burkholder, K.A. Coates, V.L. Fourqurean, W. J. Kenworthy, S.A. Manuel, M.E. Outerbridge and J.W. Fourqurean. 2018. Ontogenetic diet shifts of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in a mid-ocean developmental habitat. Marine Biology 165:33.

124. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. In Press. Does nutrient availability regulate seagrass response to elevated CO2? Ecosystems.

123. Lovelock, C.E., J.W. Fourqurean and J.T. Morris. 2017. Modelled CO2 emissions from coastal wetland transitions to other land uses: mangrove forests, tidal marshes and seagrass ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:123 122. Howard, J.L., J.C. Creed, M.V.P. Aguiar and J.W. Fourqurean. 2018. CO2 released by carbonate sediment production in some coastal areas may offset the benefits of seagrass "blue carbon" storage. Limnology and Oceanography 63(1):160-172.

121. Sweatman, J., C.A. Layman and J.W. Fourqurean. 2017. Habitat fragmentation has some impacts on aspects of ecosystem functioning in a sub-tropical seagrass bed. Marine Environmental Research 126:95-108.

120. Nowicki, R.J., J.A. Thomson, D.A. Burkholder, J.W. Fourqurean and M.R.

Heithaus. 2017. Predicting seagrass recovery trajectories and their implications following an extreme climate event. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 567:70-93.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 18 119. Schile, L.M., J.B. Kauffman, S. Crooks, J.W. Fourqurean, J. Glavin and J.P.

Megonigal. 2017. Limits on carbon sequestration in arid blue carbon ecosystems.

Ecological Applications 27(3):859-874.

118. Frankovich, T.A., D. T. Rudnick and J.W. Fourqurean. 2017. Light attenuation in estuarine mangrove lakes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 184:191-201.

117. McDonald, A.M., P. Prado, K.L. Heck, Jr, J.W. Fourqurean, T.A. Frankovich, K.H.

Dunton and J. Cebrian. 2016. Seagrass growth, reproductive, and morphological plasticity across environmental gradients over a large spatial scale. Aquatic Botany 134:87-96.

116. Bessey, C., M.R. Heithaus, J.W. Fourqurean, K.R. Gastrich, and D.A. Burkholder.

2016. The importance of teleost grazers on seagrass composition in a subtropical ecosystem with abundant populations of megagrazers and predators.

Marine Ecology - Progress Series 553:81-92.

115. Howard, J.L., A. Perez, C.C. Lopes** and J.W. Fourqurean. 2016. Fertilization changes seagrass community structure but not blue carbon storage: results from a 30-year field experiment. Estuaries and Coasts 39:1422-1434.

114. Dewsbury, B.M., M. Bhat and J.W. Fourqurean. 2016. A review of economic valuations of seagrass ecosystems. Ecosystem Services 18:68-77.

113. Armitage, A.R and J.W. Fourqurean. 2016. Carbon storage in seagrass soils: long-term nutrient history exceeds the effects of near-term nutrient enrichment.

Biogeosciences 13:313-321.

112. Catano, L., M. Rojas, R. Malossi, J. Peters, M. Heithaus, J.W. Fourqurean, D.

Burkepile. 2016. Reefscapes of fear: predation risk and reef heterogeneity interact to shape herbivore foraging behavior. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:146-156.

111. Alongi, D.M., D. Murdiyarso, J.W. Fourqurean, J.B. Kauffman, A. Hutahaean, S.

Crooks, C.E. Lovelock, J. Howard, D. Herr, M. Fortes, E. Pidgeon, and T.

Wagey. 2016. Indonesias blue carbon: A globally significant and vulnerable sink for seagrass and mangrove carbon. Wetlands Ecology and Management 24:3-


110. Bourque, A.S., J.W. Fourqurean and W.J. Kenworthy. 2015. The impacts of physical disturbance on ecosystem structure in subtropical seagrass meadows.

Marine Ecology Progress Series 540:27-41.

109. Atwood, T.B., R.M. Connolly, E.G. Ritchie, C.E. Lovelock, M.R. Heithaus, G.C.

Hays, J.W. Fourqurean and P.I. Macreadie. 2015. Predators help protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems. Nature Climate Change 5:1038-1045 108. Fourqurean, J.W., S.A. Manuel, K.A. Coates, W.J. Kenworthy and J.N. Boyer.

2015. Water quality, isoscapes and stoichioscapes of seagrasses indicate general P limitation and unique N cycling in shallow water benthos of Bermuda.

Biogeosciences 12:6235-6249

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 19 107. Gaiser, E.E., E.P. Anderson, E. Castaneda-Moya, L. Collado-Vides, J.W.

Fourqurean, M.R. Heithaus, R. Jaffé, D. Lagomasino, N.J. Oehm, R.M. Price, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R. Roy Chowdhury, T.G. Troxler. 2015. New perspectives on an iconic landscape from comparative international long-term ecological research. Ecosphere 6(10):181.

106. Mazarrasa, I., N. Marb, C.E. Lovelock, O. Serrano, P. Lavery, J.W. Fourqurean, H. Kennedy, M.A. Mateo, D. Krause-Jensen, A.D.L. Steven and C.M. Duarte.

2015. Seagrass meadows as globally significant carbonate reservoir.

Biogeosciences 12:4993-5003.

105. Dewsbury, B.M., S. Koptur and J.W. Fourqurean. 2015. Ecosystem responses to prescribed fire along a chronosequence in a subtropical pine rockland habitat.

Caribbean Naturalist 24:1-12.

104. Bourque, A.S., R. Vega-Thurber and J.W. Fourqurean. 2015. Microbial community structure and dynamics in restored subtropical seagrass soils. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 74:43-57.

103. Campbell, J.E., E.A. Lacey, R.A. Decker, S. Crooks and J.W. Fourqurean. 2015.

Carbon storage in seagrass beds of the Arabian Gulf. Estuaries and Coasts 38:242-251.

102. Thomson, J.A., D.A. Burkholder, M.R. Heithaus, J.W. Fourqurean, M.W. Fraser, J.

Statton and G.A. Kendrick. 2015. Extreme temperatures, foundation species and abrupt shifts in ecosystems. Global Change Biology 21:1463-1474.

101. Lacey, E.A., L. Collado-Vides and J.W. Fourqurean. 2014. Morphological and physiological responses of seagrasses to grazers and their role as patch abandonment cues. Revista de Biología Tropical 62(4):1535-1548.

100. Bourque, A.S. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2014. Effects of common seagrass restoration methods on ecosystem structure in subtropical seagrass meadows.

Marine Environmental Research 97:67-78.

99. Heithaus, M.R., T. Alcovero, R. Arthur, D.A. Burkholder, K.A. Coates, M.J.A.

Christianen, N. Kelkar, S.A. Manuel, A.J. Wirsing, W.J, Kenworthy and J.W.

Fourqurean. 2014. Seagrasses in the age of sea turtle conservation and shark overfishing. Frontiers in Marine Science 1:28.

98. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2014. Ocean acidification outweighs nutrient effects in structuring seagrass epiphyte communities. Journal of Ecology 102(3):730-737.
97. Troxler, T.G., E. Gaiser, J. Barr, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, D.L. Childers, L. Collado-Vides, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castaneda-Moya, W. Anderson, R. Chambers, M.L. Chen, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, V. Engel, C. Fitz, J. Fourqurean, T.

Frankovich, J. Kominoski, C. Madden, S.L. Malone, S.F. Oberbauer, P. Olivas, J.

Richards, C. Saunders, J. Schedlbauer, L.J. Scinto, F. Sklar, T. Smith, J.M.

Smoak, G. Starr, R.R. Twilley, and K. Whelan. 2013. Integrated carbon budget

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 20 models for the Everglades terrestrial-oceanic gradient: Current Status and Needs for Inter-Site Comparisons. Oceanography 26:98-107.

96. Manuel, S.M., K.A. Coates, W.J. Kenworthy and J.W. Fourqurean. 2013. Tropical species at the northern limit of their range: composition and distribution in Bermuda's benthic habitats in relation to depth and light availability. Marine Environmental Research 89:63-75.
95. Bourque, A.S., and J.W. Fourqurean. 2013. Variability in herbivory in subtropical seagrass ecosystems and implications for seagrass transplanting. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 445:29-37.
94. Burkholder, D.A., M.R. Heithaus, J.W. Fourqurean, A. Wirsing and L.M. Dill. 2013.

Patterns of top-down control of a seagrass ecosystem: could a roving top predator induce a behavior-mediated trophic cascade? Journal of Animal Ecology 82(6): 1192-1202.

93. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2013. Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on the structural and chemical characteristics of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum.

Marine Biology 160(6):1465-1475.

92. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2013. Mechanisms of bicarbonate use influence photosynthetic CO2 sensitivity of tropical seagrasses. Limnology and Oceanography 58(3): 839-848.
91. Lacey, E.A., J.W. Fourqurean and L. Collado-Vides. 2013. Increased algal dominance despite presence of Diadema antillarum populations on a Caribbean coral reef. Bulletin of Marine Science 89(2):603-620.
90. Burkholder, D.A., J.W. Fourqurean and M.R. Heithaus. 2013. Spatial pattern in stoichiometry indicates both N-limited and P-limited regions of an iconic P-limited subtropical bay. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 472:101-115.
89. Baggett, L.P., K.L. Heck, Jr., T.A. Frankovich, A.R. Armitage and J.W. Fourqurean.

2013. Stoichiometry, growth, and fecundity responses to nutrient enrichment by invertebrate grazers in sub-tropical turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows.

Marine Biology 160:169-180.

88. Fourqurean, J.W., G.A. Kendrick, L.S. Collins, R.M. Chambers and M.A. Vanderklift.

2012. Carbon and nutrient storage in subtropical seagrass meadows: examples from Florida Bay and Shark Bay. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:967-983.

87. Kendrick G.A., J.W. Fourqurean, M.W. Fraser, M.R. Heithaus, G. Jackson, K, Friedman and D. Hallac. 2012. Science behind management of Shark Bay and Florida Bay, two P-limited subtropical systems with different climatology and human pressures. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:941-951.
86. Fraser, M.W., G.A. Kendrick, P.F. Grierson, J.W. Fourqurean, M.A. Vanderklift and D.I. Walker. 2012. Nutrient status of seagrasses cannot be inferred from system-scale distribution of phosphorus in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:1015-1026.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 21

85. Frankovich, T.A., J. Barr, D. Morrison and J.W. Fourqurean. 2012. Differential importance of water quality parameters and temporal patterns of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) cover in adjacent sub-estuaries distinguished by alternate regimes of phytoplankton and SAV dominance. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:1005-1014.
84. Burkholder, D.A., M.R. Heithaus, and J.W. Fourqurean. 2012. Feeding preferences of herbivores in a relatively pristine subtropical seagrass ecosystem. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:1051-1058.
83. Price, R.M., G. Skrzypek, P.F. Grierson, P.K. Swart, and J.W. Fourqurean. 2012.

The use of stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in identifying water exchange of in two hypersaline estuaries with different hydrologic regimes. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:952-966.

82. Cawley, K.M., Y. Ding*, J.W. Fourqurean and R. Jaffé. 2012. Characterizing the sources and fate of dissolved organic matter in Shark Bay, Australia: A preliminary study using optical properties and stable carbon isotopes. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:1098-1107.
81. Belicka, L.L., D. Burkholder, J.W. Fourqurean, M.R. Heithaus, S.A. Macko and R.

Jaffé. 2012. Stable isotope and fatty acid biomarkers of seagrass, epiphytic, and algal organic matter to consumers in a nearly pristine seagrass ecosystem.

Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 63:1085-1097

80. Pendleton, L., D.C. Donato, B.C. Murray, S. Crooks, W.A. Jenkins, S. Sifleet, C.

Craft, J. W. Fourqurean, B. Kauffman, N. Marb, P. Megonigal, E. Pidgeon, V.

Bilbao-Bastidam, R. Ullman, and D. Gordon. 2012. Estimating global "blue carbon" emissions from conversion and degradation of vegetated coastal ecosystems. PLoS ONE 7(9):e43542.

79. Fourqurean, J.W., Duarte, C.M., Kennedy, H., Marb, N., Holmer, M., Mateo, M.A.,

Apostolaki, E.T., Kendrick, G.A., Krause-Jensen, D., McGlathery, K.J., and O.

Serrano. 2012. Seagrass ecosystems as a globally significant carbon stock.

Nature Geoscience 5:505-509.

78. Campbell, J.E., L.A. Yarbro and J.W. Fourqurean. 2012. Negative relationships between the nutrient and carbohydrate content of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Aquatic Botany 99:56-60.
77. Hitchcock, G.L., J.W. Fourqurean, J. Drake, R.N. Mead and C.A. Heil. 2012.

Brevetoxin persistence in sediments and seagrass epiphytes of east Florida coastal waters. Harmful Algae 13:89-94

76. Burkholder, D.A., M.R. Heithaus, J.A. Thomson and J.W. Fourqurean. 2011.

Diversity in trophic interactions of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) on a relatively pristine coastal seagrass foraging ground. Marine Ecology Progress Series 439: 277-293.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 22

75. Armitage, A.R., T.A. Frankovich and J.W. Fourqurean. 2011. Long term effects of adding nutrients to an oligotrophic coastal environment. Ecosystems 14:430-444.
74. Herbert, D.A., W.B. Perry, B.J. Cosby and J.W. Fourqurean. 2011. Projected reorganization of Florida Bay seagrass communities in response to increased freshwater delivery from the Everglades. Estuaries and Coasts 34:973-992.
73. Frankovich, T.A., D. Morrison and J.W. Fourqurean. 2011. Benthic macrophyte distribution and abundance in estuarine mangrove lakes: Relationships to environmental variables. Estuaries and Coasts 34(1):20-31.
72. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2011. Novel methodology for in situ carbon dioxide enrichment of benthic ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 9:97-109.
71. Duarte, C.M., N. Marb, E. Gacia, J.W. Fourqurean, J. Beggins, C. Barrón, E.T.

Apostolaki. 2010. Seagrass community metabolism: assessing the carbon sink capacity of seagrass meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24: GB4032.

70. Kennedy, H., J. Beggins, C. M. Duarte, J.W. Fourqurean, M. Holmer, N. Marb, and J. J. Middelburg. 2010. Seagrass sediments as a global carbon sink: isotopic constraints. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24: GB4026.
69. Fourqurean, J.W., S. Manuel, K.A. Coates, W.J. Kenworthy and S.R. Smith. 2010.

Effects of excluding sea turtle herbivores from a seagrass bed: overgrazing may have led to loss of seagrass meadows in Bermuda. Marine Ecology Progress Series 419:223-232.

68. Fourqurean, J.W., M.F. Muth and J.N. Boyer. 2010. Epiphyte loads on seagrasses and microphytobenthos abundance are not reliable indicators of nutrient availability in coastal ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:971-983.
67. Dewsbury, B.M. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2010. Artificial reefs concentrate nutrients and alter benthic community structure in an oligotrophic, subtropical estuary.

Bulletin of Marine Science 86(4): 813-828.

66. Baggett, L.P., K.L. Heck, Jr., T.A. Frankovich, A.R. Armitage and J.W. Fourqurean.

2010. Nutrient enrichment, grazer identity and their effects on epiphytic algal assemblages: field experiments in sub-tropical turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 406:33-45.

65. Fourqurean, J.W., T.J Smith III, J. Possley, T. M. Collins, D. Lee and S. Namoff.

2010. Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of south Florida. Biological Invasions 12:2509-2522.

64. Armitage, A.R. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2009. Stable isotopes reveal complex changes in trophic relationships following nutrient addition in a coastal marine ecosystem. Estuaries and Coasts 32:1152-1164.
63. Waycott, M., C.M. Duarte, T.J.B. Carruthers, R.J. Orth, W.C. Dennison, S. Olyarnik, A. Calladine, J.W. Fourqurean, K.L. Heck, Jr., A.R. Hughes, G. Kendrick, W.J.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 23 Kenworthy, F.T. Short and S.L. Williams. 2009. Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science USA 106(3):12377-12381.

62. Campbell, J.E. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2009. Interspecific variation in the elemental and stable isotopic content of seagrasses in South Florida. Marine Ecology -

Progress Series 387:109-123.

61. Frankovich, T.A., A.R. Armitage, A.H. Wachnicka, E.E. Gaiser and J.W.

Fourqurean. 2009. Nutrient effects on seagrass epiphyte community structure in Florida Bay. Journal of Phycology 45:1010-1020.

60. Madden, C.J., D.T. Rudnick, A.A. McDonald, K.M. Cunniff, J.W. Fourqurean. 2009.

Ecological indicators for assessing and communicating seagrass status and trends in Florida Bay. Ecological Indicators 9S:S68-S82.

59. Herbert, D.A. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2009. Phosphorus availability and salinity control productivity and demography of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum in Florida Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 32(1):188-201.
58. Fourqurean, J.W., C.M. Duarte, M.D. Kershaw and S.T. Threlkeld. 2008. Estuaries and Coasts as an outlet for research in coastal ecosystems: a bibliometric study.

Estuaries and Coasts 31(3):469-476. (Invited editorial)

57. Herbert, D.A. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2008. Ecosystem structure and function still altered two decades after short-term fertilization of a seagrass meadow.

Ecosystems 11: 688-700.

56. Ruiz-Halpern, S., S.A. Macko and J.W. Fourqurean. 2008. The effects of manipulation of sedimentary iron and organic matter on sediment biogeochemistry and seagrasses in a subtropical carbonate environment.

Biogeochemistry 87:113-126.

55. Fourqurean, J.W., N. Marb, C.M. Duarte, E. Diaz-Almela, and S. Ruiz-Halpern*,

2007. Spatial and temporal variation in the elemental and stable isotopic content of the seagrasses Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa from the Illes Balears, Spain. Marine Biology 151:219-232.

54. Heithaus, M.R., A. Frid, A.J. Wirsing, L.M. Dill, J.W. Fourqurean, D. Burkholder, J.

Thomson and L. Bejder. 2007. State-dependent risk-taking by green sea turtles mediates top-down effects of tiger shark intimidation in a marine ecosystem.

Journal of Animal Ecology 76(5):837-844.

53. Collado-Vides, L., V.G. Caccia, J.N. Boyer and J.W. Fourqurean. 2007. Distribution and trends in macroalgal components of tropical seagrass communities in relation to water quality. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 73:680-694
52. Murdoch, T.J.T., A.F. Glasspool, M. Outerbridge, J. Ward, S. Manuel, J. Gray, A.

Nash, K. A. Coates, J. Pitt, J.W. Fourqurean, P.A. Barnes, M. Vierros., K.

Holzer, and S.R. Smith. 2007. Large-scale decline of offshore seagrass meadows in Bermuda. Marine Ecology Progress Series 339:123-130.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 24

51. Peterson, B.J., C.M. Chester, F.J. Jochem and J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Potential role of the sponge community in controlling phytoplankton blooms in Florida Bay.

Marine Ecology Progress Series 328:93-103.

50. Orth, R.J., T.J.B. Carruthers, W.C. Dennison, C.M. Duarte, J.W. Fourqurean, K.L.

Heck, Jr., R. Hughes, G. Kendrick, W.J. Kenworthy, S. Olyarnik, F.T. Short, M.

Waycott and S.L. Williams. 2006. A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems.

BioScience 56(12):987-996.

49. Armitage, A.R and J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. The short-term influence of herbivory near patch reefs varies between seagrass species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 339:65-74;
48. Johnson, M.W., K.L. Heck, Jr., J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Nutrient content of seagrasses and epiphytes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: evidence of phosphorus and nitrogen limitation. Aquatic Botany 85(2):103-111
47. Price, R.M., P.K. Swart and J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Coastal groundwater discharge - an additional source of phosphorus for the oligotrophic wetlands of the Everglades. Hydrobiologia 569:23-36.
46. Gil, M., A.R. Armitage, and J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Nutrients increase epifaunal abundance and shift species composition in a subtropical seagrass bed.

Hydrobiologia 569:437-447;

45. Armitage, A.R., T.A. Frankovich and J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Variable responses within epiphytic and benthic microalgal communities to nutrient enrichment.

Hydrobiologia 569:423-435;

44. Carruthers, T.J.B., P.A.G. Barnes, G.E. Jacome and J.W. Fourqurean. 2005.

Lagoon scale processes in a coastally influenced Caribbean system: implications for the seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Caribbean Journal of Science 41(3):441-455

43. Fourqurean, J.W. S.P. Escorcia, W.T. Anderson and J.C. Zieman. 2005. Spatial and seasonal variability in elemental content, 13C and 15N of Thalassia testudinum from south Florida. Estuaries 28(3):447-461
42. Armitage, A.R., Frankovich, T.A., Heck, K.L. Jr., Fourqurean, J.W. 2005. Complexity in the response of benthic primary producers within a seagrass community to nutrient enrichment. Estuaries 28(3):422-434
41. Romero, L.M., T.J. Smith, III., and J.W. Fourqurean. 2005. Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in a South Florida mangrove forest. Journal of Ecology 93(3):618-631;
40. Collado-Vides, L., L.M. Rutten and J.W. Fourqurean. 2005. Spatiotemporal variation of the abundance of calcareous green macroalgae in the Florida Keys:

A study of synchrony within a macroalgal functional-form group. Journal of Phycology 41(4):742-752

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 25

39. Borum, J., O. Pedersen, T. M. Greve, T. A. Frankovich, J. C. Zieman, J. W.

Fourqurean and C. J. Madden. 2005. The potential role of plant oxygen and sulphide dynamics in die-off events of the tropical seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. Journal of Ecology 93(1)148-158;

38. Fourqurean, J. W. and L. M. Rutten*. 2004. The impact of Hurricane Georges on soft-bottom, backreef communities: site-and species-specific effects in south Florida seagrass beds. Bulletin of Marine Science 75(2):239-257.
37. Ferdie, M. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2004. Responses of seagrass communities to fertilization along a gradient of relative availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a carbonate environment. Limnology and Oceanography 49(6):2082-2094.
36. Zieman, J.C., J.W. Fourqurean and T.A. Frankovich. 2004. Reply to B.E. Lapointe and P.J. Barile (2004). Comment on J.C. Zieman, J.W. Fourqurean and T.A.

Frankovich, 1999. Seagrass die-off in Florida Bay: Long-term trends in abundance and growth of turtlegrass, Thalassia testudinum. Estuaries 27(1)165-172.

35. Fourqurean, J.W. and J.E. Schrlau. 2003. Changes in nutrient content and stable isotope ratios of C and N during decomposition of seagrasses and mangrove leaves along a nutrient availability gradient in Florida Bay. Chemistry and Ecology 19(5):373-390.
34. Fourqurean, J.W., N. Marb and C.M. Duarte. 2003. Elucidating seagrass population dynamics: theory, constraints and practice. Limnology and Oceanography 48(5):2070-2074.
33. Fourqurean, J.W., J.N. Boyer, M.J. Durako, L.N. Hefty, and B.J. Peterson. 2003.

Forecasting the response of seagrass distribution to changing water quality:

statistical models from monitoring data. Ecological Applications 13(2): 474-489.

32. Anderson, W.T. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2003. Intra-and interannual variability in seagrass carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from south Florida, a preliminary study. Organic Geochemistry 34(2):185-194.
31. Peterson, B.J., C. D. Rose, L.M. Rutten and J.W. Fourqurean. 2002. Disturbance and recovery following catastrophic grazing: studies of a successional chronosequence in a seagrass bed. Oikos 97:361-370.
30. Fourqurean, J. W. and J. C. Zieman. 2002. Nutrient content of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum reveals regional patterns of relative availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Florida Keys USA. Biogeochemistry 61:229-245.
29. Fourqurean, J.W. and Y. Cai. 2001. Arsenic and phosphorus in seagrass leaves from the Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Botany 71:247-258.
28. Peterson, B.J. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2001. Large-scale patterns in seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) demographics in south Florida. Limnology and Oceanography 46(5):1077-1090.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 26

27. Chambers, R.M., J. W. Fourqurean, S.A. Macko and R. Hoppenot. 2001.

Biogeochemical effects of iron availability on primary producers in a shallow marine carbonate environment. Limnology and Oceanography 46(6):1278-1286.

26. Fourqurean, J.W., A. Willsie, C.D. Rose* and L.M. Rutten*. 2001. Spatial and temporal pattern in seagrass community composition and productivity in south Florida. Marine Biology 138:341-354.
25. Davis, B.C. and J.W. Fourqurean. 2001. Competition between the tropical alga, Halimeda incrassata, and the seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. Aquatic Botany 71(3):217-232.
24. Cai, Y., M. Georgiadis and J.W. Fourqurean. 2000. Determination of arsenic in seagrass using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 55:1411-1422.
23. Nuttle, W.K., J.W. Fourqurean, B.J. Cosby, J.C. Zieman, and M.B. Robblee. 2000.

Influence of net freshwater supply on salinity in Florida Bay. Water Resources Research 36(7):1805-1822.

22. Fourqurean, J.W. and M. B. Robblee. 1999. Florida Bay: a history of recent ecological changes. Estuaries 22(2B):345-357.
21. Corbett, D. R., J. Chanton, W. Burnett, K. Dillon, C. Rutkowski and J.W.

Fourqurean. 1999. Patterns of groundwater discharge into Florida Bay.

Limnology and Oceanography 44(4):1045-1055.

20. Rose, C.D., W.C. Sharp, W.J. Kenworthy, J.H. Hunt, W.G. Lyons, E.J. Prager, J.F.

Valentine, M.O. Hall, P. Whitfield, and J.W. Fourqurean. 1999. Sea urchin overgrazing of a large seagrass bed in outer Florida Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 190:211-222.

19. Zieman, J.C., J.W. Fourqurean and T.A. Frankovich. 1999. Seagrass dieoff in Florida Bay: long term trends in abundance and productivity of turtlegrass, Thalassia testudinum. Estuaries 22(2B):460-470.
18. Boyer, J.N., J.W. Fourqurean and R.D. Jones. 1999. Temporal trends in water chemistry of Florida Bay (1989-1997). Estuaries 22(2B):417-430.
17. Hall, M.O., M.D. Durako, J.W. Fourqurean and J.C. Zieman. 1999. Decadal scale changes in seagrass distribution and abundance in Florida Bay. Estuaries 22(2B):445-459.
16. Frankovich, T.A. and J.W. Fourqurean. 1997. Seagrass epiphyte loads along a nutrient availability gradient, Florida Bay, FL, USA. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 159:37-50.
15. Fourqurean, J.W., T.O. Moore, B. Fry, and J.T. Hollibaugh. 1997. Spatial and temporal variation in C:N:P ratios, 15N, and 13C of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.)

as indicators of ecosystem processes, Tomales Bay, CA, USA. Marine Ecology -

Progress Series 157:147-157.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 27

14. Boyer, J.N., J.W. Fourqurean, and R.D. Jones. 1997. Spatial trends in water chemistry of Florida Bay and Whitewater Bay: Zones of similar influence.

Estuaries 20(4)743-758

13. Fourqurean, J.W., K.L. Webb, J.T. Hollibaugh and S.V. Smith. 1997. Contributions of the plankton community to ecosystem respiration, Tomales Bay, California.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 44:493-505.

12. Chambers, R.M., J.W. Fourqurean, J.T. Hollibaugh and S.M. Vink. 1995.

Importance of terrestrially-derived, particulate phosphorus to P dynamics in a west coast estuary. Estuaries. 18(3):518-526.

11. Fourqurean, J.W., G.V.N. Powell, W.J. Kenworthy and J.C. Zieman. 1995. The effects of long-term manipulation of nutrient supply on competition between the seagrasses Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii in Florida Bay. Oikos 72:349-358.
10. Zieman, J.C., R. Davis, J.W. Fourqurean and M.B. Robblee. 1994. The role of climate in the Florida Bay seagrass dieoff. Bulletin of Marine Science 54(3):1088.
9. Fourqurean, J.W., R.D. Jones and J.C. Zieman. 1993. Processes influencing water column nutrient characteristics and phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton biomass in Florida Bay, FL, USA: Inferences from spatial distributions.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 36:295-314.

8. Fourqurean, J.W., J.C. Zieman and G.V.N. Powell. 1992. Relationships between porewater nutrients and seagrasses in a subtropical carbonate environment.

Marine Biology 114:57-65.

7. Fourqurean, J.W., J.C. Zieman and G.V.N. Powell. 1992. Phosphorus limitation of primary production in Florida Bay: evidence from the C:N:P ratios of the dominant seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Limnology and Oceanography 37(1):162-171
6. Chambers, R.M. and J.W. Fourqurean. 1991. Alternative criteria for assessing nutrient limitation of a wetland macrophyte (Peltandra virginica (L.)) Kunth.

Aquatic Botany 40:305-320.

5. Fourqurean, J.W. and J.C. Zieman. 1991. Photosynthesis, respiration and the whole plant carbon budget of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Marine Ecology -

Progress Series 69(1-2):161-170.

4. Powell, G.V.N, J.W. Fourqurean, W.J. Kenworthy and J.C. Zieman. 1991. Bird colonies cause seagrass enrichment in a subtropical estuary: observational and experimental evidence. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 32(6):567-579.
3. Robblee, M.B., T.R. Barber, P.R. Carlson, M.J. Durako, J.W. Fourqurean, L.K.

Muehlstein, D. Porter, L.A. Yarbro, R.T. Zieman and J.C. Zieman. 1991. Mass mortality of the tropical seagrass Thalassia testudinum in Florida Bay (USA).

Marine Ecology - Progress Series 71:297-299.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 28

2. Powell, G.V.N., W.J. Kenworthy and J.W. Fourqurean. 1989. Experimental evidence for nutrient limitation of seagrass growth in a tropical estuary with restricted circulation. Bulletin of Marine Science 44(1):324-340.
1. Zieman, J.C., J.W. Fourqurean and R.L. Iverson. 1989. Distribution, abundance and productivity of seagrasses and macroalgae in Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 44(1):292-311.

Book Chapters

13. Troxler, T., G. Starr, J.N. Boyer, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, S.L. Malone, J.G. Barr, S.E.

Davis, L. Collado-Vides, J.L. Breithaupt, A.K. Saha, R.M. Chambers, C.J.

Madden, J.M. Smoak, J.W. Fourqurean, G. Koch, J. Kominoski, L.J. Scinto, S.

Oberbauer, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castaneda-Moya, N.O. Schulte, S.P.

Charles, J.H. Richards, D.T. Rudnick, K.R.T. Whelan. (In Press). Chapter 6:

Carbon Cycles in the Florida Coastal Everglades Social-Ecological System across scales. In Childers, D.L., E.E. Gaiser, L.A. Ogden (eds.) The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press.

12. Lirman, D., J.S. Ault, J.W. Fourqurean and J.J. Lorenz. In Press. The Coastal Marine Ecosystem of South Florida, United States. In: Sheppard, C. (ed) World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Elsevier Press
11. Schile, L., J.B. Kauffman, S. Crooks, J. Fourqurean, J. Campbell, B. Dougherty, J.

Glavan and J.P. Megonigal. In Press. Carbon Sequestration in Arid Blue Carbon Ecosystems - a case study from the United Arab Emirates. In: Windham-Myers, L., Crooks, S. and T. Troxler (eds.) A Blue Carbon Primer: The state of coastal wetlands carbon science, practice and policy. CRC Press

10. Lovelock, C.E., D. A. Friess, J. B. Kauffman and J.W. Fourqurean. In Press. Human impacts on blue carbon ecosystems. In: Windham-Myers, L., Crooks, S. and T.

Troxler (eds.) A Blue Carbon Primer: The state of coastal wetlands carbon science, practice and policy. CRC Press

9. Kennedy, H., J.W. Fourqurean and S. Papadimitriou. In press. The CaCO3 Cycle in Seagrass Meadows. In: Windham-Myers, L., Crooks, S. and T. Troxler (eds.) A Blue Carbon Primer: The state of coastal wetlands carbon science, practice and policy. CRC Press
8. Nowicki, R.J., J.W. Fourqurean and M.R. Heithaus. In press. The role of consumers in structuring seagrass communities: direct and indirect mechanisms. In: Larkum, A.W.D. and G. Kendrick (eds) Biology of Seagrasses: an Australian perspective.
7. Fourqurean, J.W., B. Johnson, J.B. Kauffman, H. Kennedy, C. Lovelock, N. Saintilan, D.M. Alongi, M. Cifuentes, M. Copertino, S. Crooks, C. Duarte, M. Fortes, J.

Howard, A. Hutahaean, J. Kairo, N. Marb, J. Morris, D. Murdiyarso, E. Pidgeon, P. Ralph, O. Serrano. 2014. Field Sampling of Vegetative Carbon Pools in

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 29 Coastal Ecosystems. Pp.67-108 in Howard, J., S. Hoyt, K. Isensee, E. Pidgeon and M. Telszewski, eds. Coastal Blue Carbon: methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions factors in mangroves, tidal salt marshes, and seagrass meadows. Conservation International, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Arlington, Virginia, USA. 181 pp.

6. Fourqurean, J.W., B. Johnson, J.B. Kauffman, H. Kennedy, C. Lovelock, D.M. Alongi, M. Cifuentes, M. Copertino, S. Crooks, C. Duarte, M. Fortes, J. Howard, A.

Hutahaean, J. Kairo, N. Marb, J. Morris, D. Murdiyarso, E. Pidgeon, P. Ralph, N. Saintilan, O. Serrano. 2014. Field Sampling of Soil Carbon Pools in Coastal Ecosystems. Pp. 39-66 in Howard, J., S. Hoyt, K. Isensee, E. Pidgeon and M.

Telszewski, eds. Coastal Blue Carbon: methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions factors in mangroves, tidal salt marshes, and seagrass meadows.

Conservation International, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of Nature. Arlington, Virginia, USA. 181 pp.

5. Fourqurean, J.W., B. Johnson, J.B. Kauffman, H. Kennedy, I. Emmer, J. Howard, E.

Pidgeon, O. Serrano. 2014. Conceptualizing the Project and Developing a Field Measurement Plan. Pp 25-38 in Howard, J., S. Hoyt, K. Isensee, E. Pidgeon and M. Telszewski, eds. Coastal Blue Carbon: methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions factors in mangroves, tidal salt marshes, and seagrass meadows.

Conservation International, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of Nature. Arlington, Virginia, USA. 181 pp.

4. Coates, K.A., J.W. Fourqurean, W.J. Kenworthy, A. Logan, S.A. Manuel and S.R Smith. 2013. Introduction to Bermuda geology, oceanography and climate. Pp 115-133 In: Sheppard, C. (Ed) Coral Reefs of the World - Volume 4: Coral Reefs of the UK overseas territories. Springer, Dordrecht. 336pp. ISBN: 978-94-007-5964-0
3. Duarte, C.M., J.W. Fourqurean, D. Krause-Jensen and B. Olesen. 2005. Dynamics of seagrass stability and change. Pp. 271-294 In Larkum, A.W.D., Orth, R.J.,

and C.M. Duarte. Seagrasses: Biology, ecology and conservation. Springer.

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-2983-7_11

2. Fourqurean, J.W. and L.M. Rutten*. 2003. Competing goals of spatial and temporal resolution: monitoring seagrass communities on a regional scale. Pp 257-288 in:

Busch, D. E. and J.C. Trexler, eds. Monitoring ecosystems: interdisciplinary approaches for evaluating ecoregional initiatives. Island Press, Washington, D.

C. 447 pp.

1. Fourqurean, J.W., M.D. Durako, M.O. Hall and L.N. Hefty. 2002. Seagrass distribution in south Florida: a multi-agency coordinated monitoring program. Pp

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 30 497-522 in: Porter, J.W. and K.G. Porter, eds. The Everglades, Florida Bay, and the coral reefs of the Florida Keys. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton. 1000pp.

Technical Reports Howard, J., Hoyt, S., Isensee, K., Telszewski, M., Pidgeon, E. (eds.) (2014). Coastal Blue Carbon: Methods for assessing carbon stocks and emissions factors in mangroves, tidal salt marshes, and seagrasses. Conservation International, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Union for Conservation of Nature. Arlington, Virginia, USA. 180pp. JWF - Lead Author Harlem, P. W., J. N. Boyer, H. O. Briceno, J. W. Fourqurean, P. R. Gardinali, R. Jaffé, J.

F. Meeder and M. S. Ross. 2012. Assessment of natural resource conditions in and adjacent to Biscayne National Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/BISC/NRR2012/598. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Fourqurean, J. W. 2012. The south Florida marine ecosystem contains the largest documented seagrass bed on the planet. pp. 263-264 in Kruczinsky, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN Press, Cambridge MD. 451 pp.

Fourqurean, J. W. 2012. Seagrasses are very productive. pp. 265-266 in Kruczinsky, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN Press, Cambridge MD. 451 pp.

Fourqurean, J. W. 2012. Seagrasses are sentinels of water quality. pp. 274-276 in Kruczinsky, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN Press, Cambridge MD. 451 pp.

Fourqurean, J. W. 2012. As nutrients change, so do plant species. pp. 277-279 in Kruczinsky, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN Press, Cambridge MD. 451 pp.

Kruczynski, W.L., M.B. Robblee and J.W. Fourqurean. 2012. The ecological character of Florida Bay responds to both changing climate and mans activities. pp. 120-122 in Kruczinsky, W. L. and P. J. Fletcher. Tropical Connections: South Floridas marine environment. IAN Press, Cambridge MD. 451 pp.

Kenworthy, J., S. Manuel, J. Fourqurean, K. Coates and M. Outerbridge. 2011.

Bermuda Triangle: Seagrass, green turtles and conservation. Seagrass Watch Magazine 44:16-18 Kershaw, M., J. Fourqurean and C.M. Duarte. 2007. Bibliometric data show Estuaries and Coasts is a great venue for publishing your research. Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter 33(1):6-7.

Bricker, S., G. Matlock, J. Snider, A. Mason, M. Alber, W. Boynton, D. Brock, G. Brush, D. Chestnut, U. Claussen, W. Dennison, E. Dettmann, D. Dunn, J. Ferreira, D.

Flemer, P. Fong, J. Fourqurean, J. Hameedi, D. Hernandez, D. Hoover, D.

Johnston, S. Jones, K. Kamer, R. Kelty, D. Keeley, R. Langan, J. Latimer, D.

J. W. Fourqurean; 14 May 2017 31 Lipton, R. Magnien, T. Malone, G. Morrison, J. Newton, J. Pennock, N. Rabalais, D. Scheurer, J. Sharp, D. Smith, S. Smith, P. Tester, R. Thom, D. Trueblood, R.

Van Dolah. 2004. National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment Update:

Workshop summary and recommendations for development of a long-term monitoring and assessment program. Proceedings of a workshop September 4-5 2002, Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge, Laurel, Maryland. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. Silver Spring, MD. 19 pp. Available at: Fourqurean, J. W. 2002. Seagrass ecology (Marten A. Hemminga and Carlos M.

Duarte). Limnology and Oceanography 47(2):611. [Book Review]

Durako, M.J., J.W. Fourqurean and 9 others. 1994. Seagrass die-off in Florida Bay. In:

Douglas, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Symposium. U.S.E.P.A.,

Tarpon Springs, FL. pp. 14-15.

Fourqurean, J.W. 1992. The roles of resource availability and competition in structuring seagrass communities of Florida Bay. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. 280 pp.

Fourqurean, J.W. and J.C. Zieman. 1991. Photosynthesis, respiration and whole plant carbon budgets of Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme. pp 59-70 in Kenworthy, W.J. and D.E. Haunert (eds.). The light requirements of seagrasses: proceedings of a workshop to examine the capability of water quality criteria, standards and monitoring programs to protect seagrasses. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFC-287.

Continental Shelf Associates. 1991. A comparison of marine productivity among outer continental shelf planning areas. Supplement - An evaluation of benthic habitat primary productivity. Final Report, U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service OCS Study MMM 91-0001, Contract #14-35-0001-30487, Herndon, VA. 244 pp + appendix.

Fourqurean, J.W. 1987. Photosynthetic response to temperature and salinity variation in three subtropical seagrasses. MS Thesis, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. 80 pp.

Zieman, J.C. and J.W. Fourqurean. 1985. The distribution and abundance of benthic vegetation in Florida Bay, Florida. Final report, USNPS South Florida Research Center, Everglades National Park. Contract CX5280-2-2204.