IR 05000424/1986120

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Insp Repts 50-424/86-120 & 50-425/86-56 on 861117-21.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters,Housekeeping,Matl Control & Nonwelding Programs
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1987
From: Blake J, Hallstrom G
Shared Package
ML20210A325 List:
50-424-86-120, 50-425-86-56, NUDOCS 8702060466
Download: ML20210A391 (19)






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Report Nos.: 50-424/86-120 and 50-425/86-56 Licensee: Georgia Power Company P. O. Box 4545 i Atlanta, GA 30302 '

Docket Nos.: 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: CPPR-108 and CPPR-109 Facility Name: Vogtle 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: November 17-21, 1986 Inspector: ep 444I=w /- /S- 8 7 G. A. Hall trom Date Signed Approved by: . / 6, /B 7 . flake,SectionChief Date Signed gineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted on site in the areas of licensee action on previous enforcement matters (Units 1 and 2), housekeeping (Units 1 and 2) materials control (Units 1 and 2), and non-welding programs and records for activities associated with Reactor Coolant Piping (Units 1 and 2),

safety-related components (units 1 and 2), and reactor vessel internals (Unit 1).

Results: No violations or deviations were identifie l l

F702060466 870126 PDR ADOCK 05000424

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • E. Conway, Senior Vice President
  • H. Pinson, Vice President, Construction
  • D. Rice, Vice President, Engineering
  • W. Whitney, General Manager, Project Support
  • W. Hayes, Project Quality Assurance (QA) Manager
  • D. Groover, QA Site Manager, Construction
  • E. Belflower, QA Site Manager, Operations
  • A. McCarley, Project Compliance Coordinator
  • C. Harbin, Manager of Quality Control (QC), Construction R. W. McManus, Assistant Project Construction Manager
  • W. C. Gabbard, Senior Regulatory Specialist
  • D. A. Edwards, Senior Nuclear Specialist
  • N. Lankford, QC Support Supervisor
  • J. F. Sanders, Unit 1 Construction Manager
  • P. D. Rushton, Training EP Manager
  • L. B. Gwenn, Manager-Quality Concerns Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engi-neers, technicians, mechanics, and office personne Other Organizations

. O. Batum, Southern Company Services (SCS), Deputy to Vice President of Engineering D. L. Kinnsch, Bechtel Power Corporation (BPC), Project Field Engineer (PFE)

F. B. Marsh, BPC, Project Engineering Manager L. Case, BPC, Codes and Standards P. R. Thomas, BPC, RR Construction Team Leader R. C. Somerfield, BPC, RR Construction Team Leader


H. Freddy, BPC, PFE Staff Supervisor l


T. J. Pruitt, Nuclear Installation Services Company (NISCO), Field QA/QC Manager NRC Resident Inspectors

  • H.Livermore,SeniorResidentInspector(Construction)
  • J. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector (0perations)
  • Attended exit interview i

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2 Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on November 21, 1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dis-senting comments were received from the license (0 pen) Inspector Followup Item 424/86-120-01, 425/86-56-01, Adequacy of Upper-Tier Procedure for Design Change Notices The licensee did identify as proprietary some of the materials provided to and reviewed by the inspector during this inspection; however, details from those materials are not included in this repor . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (Closed) Violation 424/86-76-01, 425/86-37-01, Failure to Accomplish Adequate Corrective Actions to Ensure Material Control From Instru-mentation Satellite Warehouse GPC's letter of response dated October 31, 1986, has been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region II. The inspector examined the corrective actions as stated in the respons The inspector concluded that GPC had determined the full extent of the subject violation, performed the necessary survey and followup actions to correct the subject conditions, and developed the necessary correc-tive actions intended to preclude the recurrence of similar circum-s tances. The corrective actions identified in the letter of response were implemente (Closed) Unresolved Item (424/86-76-02) Weld Repair of Train A Encapsu-lation Vessel Bellows Expansion Joint This item concerned weld repair of the bellows expansion joint of


Unit 1 Train A isolation valve encapsulation vessel 1-1206-V4-002.

l The applicable code for the isolation valve encapsulation vessel assemblies (including expansion bellows) isSection III, Subsection NE of the 1974 ASME Code, through Summer 1976 Addenda. Weld repair of bellows elements is permitted under Code Case N-3IS dated February 14, 198 N-315 requires the use of a full scale facsimile bellows to qualify the

repair procedure by subsequent fatigue testing and proof testing of the facsimil _ _ . _ . - _

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The of theinspector repair had during examined a previcusqualityinspection data and comp (leted field inspection examination report

no. 424/86-76, 425/86-37) and established the following

'The Vogtle FSAR section includes the commitment that the encapsulation vessels and their bellows expansion joints conform


to ASME class MC requirements. Section indicates that the requirements of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.57 also apply and Section , commits to design and analysis in accordance with '

article NE-3000 of the ASME code. Section 1.9.84 commits to RG i 1.84 for the use of ASME Code Cases. RG_1.84 states as follows:

Code Case N-315 is acceptable subject to the following i conditions in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case: Prior to implementation of the Code Case, the applicant should present a description of the repair and a

. justification why the bellows should be repaired rather than >

! replaced. Following receipt of approval for the repair, but

, prior to making the repair, the applicant should present the -

L results of the qualification on the full-scale facsimile bellows, including the design requirements, to ensure that the repair meets the requirements' of the design j specificatio l The bellows repair was not conducted to the requirements of Code

Case N-315, but had been accomplished in accordance with " guide-


lines" of ASME Section III Section XI.

i BPC engineering justification of the repair (BPC letter dated

. August 21, 1986, to Mr. P. D. Rice and supporting attachments - PBC Log

tb. PFE-12579) was also intended as the Certification of Compliance ,

i that the repair had been completed in accordance with guidelines of

! ASME Section XI and will meet its intended design function.

! The report from a recent joint testing program between Pathway k l

Bellows and a Region II licensee was referenced as justification >

that this type of repair would require accepting a design penalty

! of loss of about 60% of average cyclic life on a worst case basis.

Calculations by BPC with the 60% penalty indicated that design
requirements of NE-3365.2(g) were satisfie NRC concern had been identified as to whether licensee commitments to ASME Code conformance had been maintained and as to confirma-i tion of the capability of the repaired bellows to meet its intend-ed design function, i.e., evidence of conservatism equivalent to i Code Case N-315 was questioned since a full scale facsimile bellows was not initially used to qualify the repair procedure nor was subsequent fatigue testing completed.

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I Additional clarifications were obtained during a later inspection (ReportNo. 424/86-93) as follows:



GPC conformance to FSAR commitments was partly related to inter-pretation of article IWA-4120 of the ASME Code,Section XI which


requires that:

! Repairs shall be performed in accordance with the Owner's Design Specification and Construction Code of the component or syste Later editions of the Construction Code or Section III, either in its entirety of portions thereof, may be used. If repair welding


j cannot be performed in accordance with these requirements, the following may be use (a IWB-4000 for Class 1 components

(b IWC-4000 for Class 2 components
(c IWP-4000 for Class 3 components


GPC personnel had explained that repair welding could not be performed

, to code case N-315 1.e., the Construction code, since a full scale


facsimile bellows was not available and could not be obtained within time to anticipated fuel loa Therefore Section XI guidelines had


been used, f


Later GPC field investigations (operations deficiency report no. T-186-3148 dated September 8,1986) had identified that the

, repaired bellows was " offset." Therefore neither the. initial l design calculations by Johnson Controls nor the BPC calculations


previously reviewed by the inspector (attachment 3 to BPC log

no. PFE-12579) were applicable to satisfying conformance to

'; NE-3365.2(g). New calculations had been completed (also identi-fied as Attachment 3) which established conformance to NE-3365.2(9) requirements for the repaired bellows.

( The inspector completed additional discussions with cognizant licensee I personnel during tnis inspection. Further clarifications were estab-lished as follows:

Availability of a full scale facsimile bellows was established due to damage on Unit 2 containment spray encapsulation vessel expan-

, sion joint V2-1206-V4-002. The damage (dented convolutions) had


beer. identified on NCR #MD-3216 dated December 7,1982, and BPC


engineering disposition was to replace the bellow Discovery that bellows V2-1206-V4-002 had not been replaced occurred during recent followup licensee examinations of all Unit 2 bellow Bellows V2-1206-V4-002 was removed for use as a full scale facsim-

! ile bellows to complete code case N-315 requirements for the Unit 1 bellows repair.

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A through-wall grinder cut nearly identical to the damage repaired on Bellows V1-1206-V4-002 (1-3/4" long x 1/8" wide at approximately two o' clock on the outside surface (sidewall) of the first convolution) was made on the test bellow The cut was weld repaired using the same PPP welding procedure (27-111/1-8-08-12) and welder (welder stencil PPP-BH) as had been used for Bellows V1-1206-V4-002. Welder accessibility and posi-tion limitations were maintained equivalent to those for the

repair wel The test bellows was transported to Pathway Bellows, Inc. and tested in accordance with Code Case N-315 requirements. The weld repair of the facsimile bellows did not leak after fatigue testing in accordance with Code Case N-13 Summary correspondence regarding this issue had been transmitted to the NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation by letter dated October 31, 1986, from Mr. J. A. Bailey to Mr. B. J. Youngblood (log: GN-1135).

The inspector reviewed supportive documentation for the above as i


MWO No.18614809 and ODR No. T-1-86-2797 for repair of Unit 1 Bellows V1-206-V4-002 by PPP Welder BH to WPS 27-111/1-8-0B-1 Weld Rod Ticked (issued August 16, 1986 - PPPwelderBH)and CMTR for the 3/32" x 36" ER308L (Heat No. 05394) Filler metal

, used


PT Report dated August 16, 1986, for the repair weld l - VT Report dated August 16, 1986, for the repair weld l

- Leak Test Report No. 1-1206-18 dated August 21, 1986, for the

repaired bellows I

l - Welder Qualification test report no.119 for welder BH to WPS l


- WPS 27-111/1-8-08-12 and supportive PQRs no. 110, 132, 133 and 12 .

NCR No. MD-3218 (dated December 7, 1982) - original identification of damage (dented convolutiens) for Unit 2 bellows V2-1206-V4-00 MWO No. 2860C241 and ODR No. T-1-86-2797 - For preparation, ( welding and testing of the facsimile bellows



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Weld Rod ticket (issued October 9, 1986 - PPP welder BH) for the 3/32" x 36" ER308L-(Heat No. 05394) filler metal used


PT Report dated October 9,1986, for the repair weld on the


facsimile bellows "


Pathway Bellows Prototype Bellows Test Report (S.0. #316)

dated October 13, 1986, for code case N-315 fatigue and

, hydrostatic testing of the facsimile bellows l


GPC Section XI leak test report (No. 2 - 1206-31) dated

October 13, 1986, for proof testing of the facsimile bellows

October 31, 1986, Summary Correspondence to NRC (Log: GN-11354).

After review of the above the inspector informed cognizant licensee personnel that NRC concern was resolved regarding conformance to i welding-related ASME Code Requirement Cognizant licensee personnel i

informed the inspector that an anticipated Supplemental Safety Evalua-

- tion Report (SSER) from NRR had not been received as of the date of this-

, inspection. However, that they were aware of no potential adverse comments regarding the capability of the repaired bellows to meet its intended design functions. The inspector informed cognizant licensee

personnel that this item was considered closed contingent on issuance of the pending SSE . Unresolved Items No unresolved items were identified during this inspectio . Independent Inspection Effort



Housekeeping (54834B), Material Identification and Control (42902B),and


Material Control (429408)

The inspector conducted a general inspection on Units 1 and 2 containments,

, the control building and the reactor auxiliary building to observe activi-


ties such as housekeeping, material identification and control; material

! control, and storag No violations or deviations were identified.

i Reactor Coolant And Safety-Related Piping-QA Review (49051 and 49061)

(Units 1 and 2)

The inspector examined nonwelding activities associated with Reactor Coolant


and Safety-Palated Piping to determine whether implementing procedures were appropriate and adequate to assure that these activities are controlled and performed according to NRC requirements and SAR commitments. The applicable code for Reactor Coolant and Safety-Related piping is the ASME Boiler and


Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, 1977 edition with Addenda through W7 ,




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The below listed documents were reviewed to determine:

For each onsite organization (GPC, BPC, and PPP) with QA/QC responsi-bilities that adequate QA plans and procedures, including inspection (QC) procedures have been established (written, reviewed, approved and issued) to assure that the following are controlled and accomplished in accordance with QA program requirement Organizational structure and QA personnel



- Quality Requirements


Work and Quality Inspection Procedures


Control of Material


Control of Processes


Corrective Action


Document Control


Test Control and Control of Test Equipment


Quality Records Whether procedures are appropriate and adequate to ensure control of the following specific activities:

- Procedures require that the purchase documents identify the appropriate material specifications and any special requirements, and that these documents require material test reports /certifi-cation of the following:

  • chemical composition
  • physical characteristics
  • heat treatment history (if applicable)
  • welding of prefabricated sections


Receiving inspection procedures contain provisions for ensuring:

  • piping materials are in conformance with purchase specifica-tions, including special requirements
  • marking, identification, and storage level classifications
  • as-received cleanliness and protection
  • receiving inspection reports are generated as required
  • disposition of nonconforming items

- Inspection (QC) procedures covering storage and issue of the piping and related appurtenances include provisions for:

  • segregation of sizes and types of material
  • storage identification
  • storage conditions / protection
  • confirmation of issue of specified material

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- ProcAdures cover handling of the piping and related appurtenances to ensure pro *.ection from physical damage or contamination while handlin ' Procedures cover installation of the piping and related appurte-

nances to verify that the following meet applicable requirements:
  • location
  • grinding, cutting, bending, et * piping system tolerances
  • cold spring
  • installation records to be generated during installation
  • type, size, location and# adjustment of hangers, bellows, I restraints, snubbers j

-* clearances to prevent; interference


  • hold points



  • removal of arc strikes


Procedures cover design changes, including field changes to ensure proper review and coordination among participating design organizations.



Inspection and work performance procedures for cleaning piping


contain provision for: -

  • cleaning materials - conformance to specifications, concen-tration , te.mperature, and use
  • cleanliness criteria and measurement methods t * removal and installation of metering devices, orifice plates,


valve internals, etc. , that are removed from system to

" facilitate flushing

  • installation and removal of fine strainers, blind flanges,

, temporary piping and, dams ~

  • record-keeping requirements Document Number Title

Georgia Power company (GPC)

VEGP - QAM, Rev. 9 Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Quality Assurance Manual Section 2 'Qu'$lity Assurance Program Section 3 Design Control


Section 4 Procurement Document Control Section 5 Instructions, Procedures and Drawings

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Section 6 Document Control Bechtel Power Corporation (BPC)

PRM VEGP Project Reference Manual Part C - Engineering Section 3, Rev. 2 thru Project Review - Document Review Notice /

Change Notice (CN) #4 Review Notice Process (3/18/85)

Section 4, Rev. 3 - thru Bechtel Drawings CN # 92(10/28/86)

Section 5, Rev. 5 - thru Supplier Data CN #45 (8/26/85)

Section 8, Rev. 6 - thru Specifications and Procurement CN#56(9/16/86)

Section 9 Rev. 5 - thru Design Calculations CN #48 (10/20/86)

Section 13, Rev. 3 - thru Project Classification System CN #9 (10/27/86)

Section 15, Rev. 1 (2/1/84) Material Control Section 17, Rev. 7 - thru Field Change Requests CN #47 (11/6/86)

Section 18, Rev. 6 - thru Deviation / Operational Deficiency Reports CN#23(7/22/86)

Section 20, Rev. 5 - thru Design Review CN #19 (10/6/86)

Section 23, Rev. 3 - thru Supplier Deviation Disposition Requests CN #9 (5/18/84)

Section 26, Rev. 2 - thru Construction Specifications CN #14 (2/24/86)

Section 29, Rev. 4 - thru ASME Section III Design Specification CN #5 (6/19/86) Stress / Design Reports and Load Capacity Data Sheets Section 41, Rev. 1 - thru Finalization Program CN #1 (11/7/86)


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Pullman' Power Products (PPP) Procedures


II-2, dated 8/15/86- NDE Personnel Qualifications I & II


II-8, dated 6/12/86 Welder Performance Qualification III-3, dated 6/12/86 Stop Work Order Procedure VI-6, dated 7/24/86 Field Preparation and Control of Project Procedures and Their Revisions VII-2, dated 11/2/85, PCN Material Control


  1. 4, dated 7/31/86


VIII-1, dated 8/27/86 Identification of Materials, Parts and


Components VIII-3, dated 7/6/86 Control of Welding Materials (Field)

IX-3, dated 6/15/86 Fabrication and field installation specifications for nuclear power plant components, piping systems, and appurtenances, ASME - Section III, winter 1977 addenda IX-5, dated 6/10/86 Installation of threaded fasteners (bolting procedure)

IX-19, dated 8/19/86, PCN Requirements for Alignment and Fit-up

  1. 3, dated 9/10/86 IX-43, dated 5/15/86 Procedure for Preheat, Interpass and Post Weld Heat Treatment

IX-48, dated 8/18/86 Procedure for equipment installation

! IX-50, dated 7/8/86 Pipe Support Field Installation and


Fabrication Procedure IX-52, dated 8/20/86 Weld Spatter and ARC Strike Removal


f IX-55, dated 6/15/86 Procedure for disassembly and reassembly 1 of valves IX-58, dated 4/24/86 Weld Preparation for In-Service Inspection IX-64, dated 8/19/85 Control of piping spool closures (ASME PCN #2, dated 8/19/83 section III and ANSI B31.1)

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1 IX-65, dated 9/13/85, PCN Installation and Inspection of Pipe Whip

  1. 4, dated 6/13/86 Restraints X-10, dated 2/26/85 Welding Surveillance Procedure X-18, dated 7/25/86 Field Welding Inspection X-24, dated 5/15/86, PCN Procedure for As-Built Piping Systems
  1. 1, dated 9/17/86 and Related Components III-4 dated 12/16/85 Cleaning Procedure (Field)

PCN #4, dated 12/16/85 XIII-5, dated 3/5/85 Field Storage Procedure PCN #3A, dated 3/5/85


XIII-9, dated 4/3/85 Field rigging and handling of mattrials and equipment XV-2, dated 4/14/86, PCN Procedure for Handling Nonconformances

  1. 4, dated 8/9/86 (Field)

XVI-2, dated 4/16/86 Corrective Action Procedure During the above examination the inspector noted discrepancies in Section 4 of the BPC PR Paragraph 4.8 establishes requirements for Drawing Change Notices (DCNs) without including specifics of the authority / responsibility for the necessary approvals involved. Similar specifics were also absent from recently completed revisions allowing use of DCNs for changes to structures, systems or components turned over to GPC nuclear operation The inspector noted that the PRM was the upper-tier procedure for design control at Plant Vogtle and that DCN approval specifics were not established in lower-tier procedure Further that Section 4 of the PRM had been recently revised due to turn-over considerations and these discrepancies were not identifie Cognizant licensee personnel informed the inspector that specifics regarding DCN approvals had been included in earlier revisions of the PRM. They had been inadvertently omitted during major revisions which occurred during 198 However, the necessary controls had been in place in the interim since personnel involved had used non-formal " approval check-off" lists to complete daily work. These lists had been examined by readiness review teams during assessment of DCNs and no major discrepancies had been identi-fied. Cognizant licensee personnel agreed that Section 4 would be corrected to reinsert DCN approval specifics. Further that the complete PRM would be reexamined to ensure that similar discrepancies did not exist in other area The inspector informed cognizant licensee personnel that this matter would be identified as Inspector Followup Item 424/86-120-01,425/86-56-01, Review and Correction of VEGP Project Reference Manual.

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7. Safety-Related Components - Procedures And Records Review (50071 and 50073)

The inspector examined nonwelding activities associated with safety-related components to determine whether implementing procedures were appropriate and adequate to assure that these activities are controlled and performed according to NRC requirements and SAR commitments and whether quality records conformed with established procedures and reflected work accomplish-ment consistent with requirement Procedure Review (Units 1 and 2)

The procedure, review documented in paragraph 6 is also applicable to safety-related components, Records Review (Unit 1)

Quality records for the below listed safety-related components were examined to ensure that the records reflected work accomplishment consistent with requirements in the following areas:

Receipt Inspections and Material Certifications Nonconformance/ Deviation Reports Storage Inspection Installation Inspections Certification of Inspection Personnel Item N Description 1-1302-P4-001-K01 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Driver 1-1208-T4-003 Boric Acid Storage Tank 1-1205-E6-001 Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger 1-1208-P6-001 Chemical and Volume Control Positive Displacement Pump 1-1202-P4-001 Nuclear Service Cooling Water


1-1202-P4-003 Train A Pumps 1-1202-P4-005 Train A Pumps No violations or deviations were identifie . Reactor Vessel Internals - QA And Records Review (50051 And 50055) (Unit 1)

The inspector examined nonwelding activities associated with Unit 1 Reactor Vessel internals to determine whether implementing procedures were appropri-ate and adequate to assure that these activities are controlled and per-formed according to NRC requirements and SAR commitments and whether quality records conformed with established procedures and reflected work accomplish-ment consistent with requirement The applicable code for Unit 1 Reactor Vessel internals is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, 1974 edition with addenda through Summer 7 . .

a. QA Review (50051)


The below listed procedures were reviewed to determine whether proce-dures are appropriate and adequate to ensure control of the following specific activitie '

Receipt Inspection and Handling

  • Receipt inspections verify that the reactor vessel, associat-ed components, and internals are undamaged and are in confor-mance with specifications, including any special protection requirement * Handling and storage activities are in accordance with established procedure * Record-keeping requirements are me * Installation records reflect the actual as-installed condition * Installation records reflect the actual as-installed conditions RPV and Internals Installation Inspection
  • Inspection activities cover pertinent installation activities (such as vessel and internals placement, leveling, and final adjustment) to assure that applicable specifications and work procedures are accomplished as specifie * Inspection activities meet established procedures including record-keeping requirements and qualifications of inspection personnel responsible for RPV and internals installation inspectio *

Post-Installation Activities

  • Vessel and internals protection procedures and internal cleanliness preservation procedures are established prior to nee * Procedures established above are adhered t . .

' Document N Title ES-4028-Vogtle-7, Rev. D Upper and Lower Internals Storage Stand Assembly ES-4028-Vogtle-17 Rev. C Reactor Vessel Internals Assembly ES-62, Rev. A Procurement and Material Control ES-67, Rev. C Cleanliness Requirements and Control ES-100-2, Rev. E' Liquid Penetrant Examination ES-110 Rev. A Stop Work Procedure ES-116-1, Rev. L Qualification and Certification of Non-destructive examination personne Written Practice for Corporate and all field sites ES-116-2, Rev. I Qualifications and Certification of Inspection Personnel to ANSI N45.2.6, Written Practice for Corporate and all field site ES-116-3, Rev. Qualification and Certification of Auditing Personnel ES-126. Rev. C Quality Assurance Records and Retention ES-142, Rev. G Deviations and Corrective Actions ES-145, Rev. D Change Notices and Change Requests ES-146, Rev. E Document Control ES-147, Rev. C Process Control

! Records Review (50055)

f The below listed quality records associated with the Unit 1 upper and


lower internals storage stand assembly were examined to ensure that the

, records reflected work accomplishment consistent with requirements on i the following areas:


Receipt inspection and material certification i Storage and installation inspe:tions i-Nonconformance/ Deviation Records Qualification Records of Craft, QA and Inspection (QC) personnel l_


Process Control Sheets (PCS)



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N Date Scope 185-10 10/11/83 Temporary Assembly of the Lower Internals Stand 185-10-1 10/12/83 Remove Lower Internals Storage Stand 185-10-2 10/26/83 Rework and Align Lower Stand as Required to complete NCR-MD-5493 (NISCO NCR N MD-33)

185-10-3 03/28/85 Remove extension columns and the support body assemblies 185-10-4 04/03/85 Blend weld areas which had rejectable indications 185-10-5 04/03/85 Adjust guide brackets to the required gap on the lower internals storage stand per dr no. NI-73 185-10-6 01/30/86 Installation of Support Brackets and Guide Studs (Reference FCR No, M-FCRB-15258)

185-10-7 03/11/86 Remove existing columns and the support body assembly and install permanent support body assemblies 185-10-8 09/02/86 Adjust support stand to obtain overall center line dimensions 185-10-9 09/05/86 Rework the internals guide stud support brackets per DR No. NI-204 185-10-10 09/29/86 Rework lower internals storage stand per DR No. NI-214 185-10-11 10/03/86 Additional work to guide stud brackets per M-FCRB-15258 and 15301

- Nonconformance/ Deviation Reports (NCRs/DRs)

NCR N Date MD-5943 10/20/83

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DR N Date NI-73 04/25/85 NI-204 09/03/86 NI-205 09/03/86 NI-214 09/26/86

- Field Change Requests (FCRs)

No Date-M-FCRB-14949 09/03/86 M-FCRB-15258 09/29/86 M-FCRB-15301 10/02/86


Receiving Inspection Reports (RIRs)

No Date 55 03/24/83 76 06/06/85 2A5 07/05/84


2C2 02/22/85 2C15 07/20/85 175 11/19/85



CMTRS/C0CS Class / Type Size Heat N ER308L Weld Rod 1/8" x 36" 05394 SA36 plate 1/2" thick 85386 SA36 plate 1-1/4" thick 85326 SA36 plate 3/16" thick 08891/39F


Qualification Records Craft - weld stencil N-8 qualified to WPS No. 80. QC Inspector ASNT Qualification


KJR VT-II, PT-II No violations or deviations were identifie . Licensee Identified Items (92700)

Prior to the inspection, the licensee identified the following items under 10 CFR 50.55(e):

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a. (Closed) Item 424, 425/CDR 86-96, American Air Filter ESF Air Handler Units On March 10, 1986, the licensee notified Region II of a 50.55(e) item concerning the potential for cracks in cast iron fan hubs of ESF air handler units supplied from American Air Filter. American Air Filter also reported this condition pursuant to Part 10 CFR 21 and with recommendation that the originally supplied hubs be inspected for existing wheel hub cracks and then reinspected at three month intervals to ensure that cracks did not develope. In lieu of this action GPC elected to procure and install new hub The new hubs were examined (by magnetic particle and radiograph) prior to shipment to ensure freedom from crack The final report was submitted on April 4,1986. The final report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region I The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representa-tives, completed field examinations, and reviewed supporting documents to verify that corrective actions identified in the report have been completed. This item is considered close b. (Closed) Item 424, 425/CDR 86-111, CVCS Centrifugal Pump Hold-Down Bolts On April 10, 1986, the licensee notified Region II of a potentially reportable condition concerning the CVCS centrifugal charging pump hold-down bolts. The initial hold-down bolts that fasten the speed increaser gear box to the skid of each CVCS charging pump assembly were of SAE grade 3 material. This material is of lower strength than that presently specified (grade 5 of better) by the pump manufacturer (Pacific Pumps) for this applicatio An engineering evaluation performed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation, concluded that the grade 3 bolting material was sufficient to ensure the operability of the equipmen GPC concluded that this item was not reportabl However to ensure conservatism GPC elected to replace the initial bolts with SAE grade 5 of bette The final report was submitted on September 22, 1986. The final report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region II. The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representatives, completed field examinations, and reviewed supporting documents to verify that corrective actions have been complete This item is considered close g c. (Closed) Item 424, 425/CDR 86-116, Anchor / Darling Swing Check Valves On April 25, 1986, the licensee notified Region II of a 50.55(e) i',em concerning missing lock welds on 150 and 300 pound anchor / darling swing

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check valve These valves are manufactured and assembled with lock welds at several locations (hinge support / connect interface, hinge pin screw, disc nut pin, and hinge support cap screw). Anchor / Darling had informed GPC that some lock welds could be missing on swing check valves supplied to Plant Vogtl A total of 92 swing check valves for Units 1 and 2 were initially identified as potentially discrepant by Anchor / Darling. GPC inspected all Anchor / Darling swing check valves received for Units 1 and 2 and identified discrepant conditions for 56 valve These valves were reworked to bring them onto conformance with design drawing The final report was submitted on October 8,1986. The final report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by Region II. The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed supporting documents to verify that corrective actions identified on the report have been completed. This item is considered close . Previously Identified Inspector Followup items (Closed) Inspector Followup Item (424/86-72-03, 425/86-34-03) Air Handler Cast Iron Fan Wheel Hubs This item concerned need for NRC review of inspection records for American Air Filter fan hubs as reported on paragraph 9.a of this repor The NRC review has been completed and this item is considered close ,

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