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Insp Repts 50-424/89-01 & 50-425/89-01 on 890117-19.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Response to Improvement & Incomplete Items Identified in Unit 2 Emergency Preparedness Implementation Appraisal
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1989
From: Cunningham A, Rankin W
Shared Package
ML20235L680 List:
50-424-89-01, 50-424-89-1, 50-425-89-01, 50-425-89-1, NUDOCS 8902270634
Download: ML20235L699 (6)

See also: IR 05000424/1989001


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-o * REGION il

%g ' * 101 MARtETTA ST., N.W.


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.e,,,, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323

FEB 0 91999

Report Nos.: 50-424/89-01 and 50-425/89-01

Licensee: Georgia Power Company

P. 0. Box 1295

Birmingham, AL 35201

Docket Nos.: 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: NPF-68 and CPPR-109

Facility Name: Vogtle 1 and 2

Inspection Conduc .

,uary 17- 9, 1989


Inspector: . 4 .; /Dat6

J Sign'ed

//.9/ h /

A. L. Cunning f

Approved by: o M 4 /7[69

W. H. Rankin, Acting %hief Date Signed

Emergency Preparedness Section

Emergency Preparedness and Radiological

Protection Branch

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Scope: This special, announced inspection involved the detailed evaluation of

the licensee's response to improvement and incomplete items identified during

the- Unit 2 Emergency Preparedness Implementation Appraisal (EPIA) conducted

August 15-19, 1988 (Inspection Report No. 50-425/88-42). Inspection also

included review of the licensee's response and corrective actions addressing

all remaining emergency preparedness items unrelated to the referenced EPIA.

Results: Inspection disclosed that response and/or corrective actions

addressing EPIA items were determined to be adequate. These items were

considered closed. Inspection also confirmed that corrective actions

implemented by the licensee in response to emergency preparedness findings

unrelated to the EPIA (Inspection Report Nos. 50-424/88-38, 50-424/88-31,

50-425/88-21,50-424/88-36,50-425/88-45) were determined to be adequate. No

violations or deviations were identified.




i- 8902270634 890209


l O ADOCK 05000424 i



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1. Persons Contacted

Licensee Employees

  • G. Buckhold, General Manager
  • G. Fedrick, Quality Assurance Site Manager, Operations
  • W. Gabbaro, Senior Regulatory Specialist
  • C. Garrett, 0perations Enginecr
  • E. Groover, Quality Assurance Manager, Construction
  • L. Mayo Emergency _ Preparedness Specialist
  • W. Nicklin, Compliance Supervisor
  • Attended exit interview

2. Licensee Action on Previous Emergency Preparedness Findings (92701)

This section addresses the status of the licensee's response to Open Items

identified during the EPIA. Appraisal findings categorized as Improvement

Items and Incomplete Items were tracked as Inspector Followup Items

(IFIs). Findings unrelated to the referenced appraisal are simply

identified as IFIs. Note that appraisal Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-04

has been formally closed as an emergency preparedness item. This item was

transferred' to another Regional Section and is currently tracked as

IFI 50-425/88-62/01, and defined in Paragraph 6.a of the referenced

Inspection Report.

a. (Closed) EPI A Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-01: Reviewing Corporate

Emergency Organization staffing to ensure that personnel assignments

are correct, and that an adequate number of personnel are available

to fill key primary and alternate positions.

Inspection disclosed that changes were made to Revision 10 of the

Corporate Emergency Plan, Revision 3 of the Corporate Emergency

Procedure EPII-01, and the Corporate Emergency Telephone Directory to

correct the problem of one person filling two primary positions. The

Environmental Services Manager was assigned the position of primary

Company Spokesperson during plant emergencies. The Radiological and

Radioactive Waste Manager was assigned as the primary Project

Supervisor of Radiation Protection and Chemistry. These changes were

reflected in the referenced directory and organizational chart of the

Corporate Emergency Response Organization.

b. (Closed) EPIA Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-02: Completion of

installation and testing of Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling System




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Inspection disclosed that installation and testing of the subject

system was completed as required.

c. (Closed) ' EPI A Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-03: Completion of

installation and operation of instruments, systems, and equipment

required to conduct sampling and analysis of liquid, gas, and

particulate effluents.

Inspection disclosed that installation and operation of the subject

instruments, systems, and equipment required for sampling and

analysis of liquid, gaseous, and particulate effluents were completed

as required.

d. (Closed) EPIA Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-04: Completion of

installation, calibration, and testing of Unit 2 area and process


The subject item has been deleted as an emergency preparedness item.

This item has been transferred to another Regional Section and is

currently tracked as IFI 50-425/88-62-01.

e. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-05: Ensuring that

Emergency Vehicle No. 6 is included in the monthly checklist and that

routine test be conducted as required.

Inspection' disclosed that Emergency Vehicle No. 6 was added to the

monthly communication checklist as Revision 8 to Energency Plan

Implementing Procedure (EPIP)91204-C (Communications System


f. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-06: Ensuring that

communication test forms are properly completed as required by the

respective procedure, and that resolution of any and all problems and

retests related thereto are fully documented.

Review and inspection of test forms documenting communication test

requirements for the period September 1988 through December 1988,

verified that documentation and resolution of all findings identified

were implemented during the subject period. All test records were

appropriately filed and readily available for review and audit.

g. (Closed) EPIA Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-07: Completion of

revision cf Section H-1 of the Radiological Emergency Plan (REP) to i


define the correct procedures requiring actuation of the TSC

ventilation system immediately upon activation of that facility.

Inspection disclosed that Section H-1 of the REP was revised.

Accordingly, the incorrect procedure - EPIP 91201-C (Activation and

Operation of the Technical Support Center) was deleted and

supplemented by EPIP-91111-C (Duties of the Chemistry Supervisor).

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The latter procedure addressed the Chemistry Supervisor's duties

regarding actuation of the TSC ventilation system.

h. (Closed) EPIA Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-08: Incorpor'ation of

Unit 2 specific effluent monitor information into the VIBRANT program


Inspection disclosed that- the VIBRANT program code was revised to-

incorporate Unit 2 effluent monitoring information. The changes were

validated and the revised code installed in the appropriate emergency

response facilities. Copies of program changes and test examples of

the VIBRANT printout were reviewed.

i. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-09: Ensuring that

personnel trained in offsite dose assessment are cognizant of use of

default isotopic release rate data defined in EPIP-91304-C.

A detailed review of EPIP-91304-C (Computerized and Manual Backup

Methods for Release. Rate and Dose Calculations) disclosed that

default isotope release rate data was not required. Accordingly,

default isotope release data was removed as indicated in Revision 5

to the referenced. procedure.

J. (Closed) EPIA .cprovement Item 50-425/88-42-10: Ensuring that

personnel trained in offsite dose assessment are fully cognizant of

interpretation of wind direction readings' greater that 360 degrees.

Inspection disclosed that Revision 5 tc EPIP-91304-C included the

addition of a statement to Section defining the method

for interpreting wind direction readings greater than 360 degrees.

k. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-11: Ensuring that

reference ID Nos. for radiciodines listed in VIBRANT Worksheet 1 of

EPIP-91304-C are consistent.

A detailed review of the referenced procedure disclosed that VIBRANT

Worksheet 1 was determined to be unnecessary to peformance of the

functions required by the procedure. Accordingly, Revision 5 to this

procedure included deletion of the referenced worksheet.

1. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-12: Providing guidance

on the use of P0PDOSE defined in EPIP-91304-C.

I Inspection disclosed that Revision 5 to Section 5.b of the subject

procedure provided required guidance on determination of ostimated

population dose.


l m. (Closed) EPIA Improvement Item 50-425/88-42-13: Reviewing

l recommended protective actions for whole body doses greater than


5 rem,

Item and

5 of thyroid doses

EPIP-91305-C greater than

(Protective 25Guidelines

Action rem promulg)ated

. in Table 1,





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Inspection disclosed that Revision 8 to EPIP-91305-C provided

acceptable guidance promulgated in Table i regarding recommended

protective actions for whole body doses greater than 5 rem, and

thyroid doses greater than 25 rem.

n. (Cicsed) EPIA Incomplete Item 50-425/88-42-14: Completion of

revision of Chemistry Procedures 35611-C and 35614-C to reflect

Unit 2 PASS valve numbers.

Inspection disclosed that Revision 6 to Chemistry Procedure 35611-C,

Section 1.2 included a listing of Unit 2 PASS valves and specific.

valve lineups. Revision 2 to Chemistry Procedure 35614-C provided

applicable Unit 2 PASS valve numbers in Checklists 1, 5, 6,. and 7,

and respective valve lineups.



o. (Closed) Violation 50-424/88-38-01: Failure to implement Emugency

Procedure EPIP-91602-C (Emergency Drills and Exercises) requiring i

submission of a written report to the VEGP General Manager detailing

drill critique findings and respective corrective actions.

Inspection disclosed that acceptable corrective actions were

implemented. The required report addressing the drill critique

findings was submitted to the General Manager. Additionally,

remedial training, as documented in the plant training records, was

completed by the Emergency Preparedness Supervisor,

p. (Closed) IFI 50-424/88-21-01 and 50-425/88-31-01: Inadequate

completion of NRC event notification form.

Inspection disclosed that the licensee has empasized training

regarding detailed and required completion of all notification forms

during routine drills and emergency preparedness exercises, d

q. (Closed) IFI 50-424/88-21-02 and 50-425/88-31-02: Update posted TSC

facility layout to reflect current operations area configuration and

designated work stations.

Inspection disclosed that the subject layout was updated and posted

to reflect the existing TSC operations area configuration.

r. (Closed) IFI 50-424/88-36-01 and 50-425/88-45-01: Verify that all

controlled documents are maintained and up-to-date.

Inspection confirmed that the licensee conducted detailed audits of

Emergency Response Facilities (ERF) libraries for required controlled

documents. Review of the audit reports disclosed that all such

documents were available and consistent with current revisions.

s. (Closed) IFI 50-424/88-36-02 and 50-425/88-45-02: Verify and

document during quarterly recall tests or actual call-in drills that

Table B-1 staffing requirements can be satisfied.

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Inspection disclosed that the fourth calendar quarter recall test

conducted on December 10, 1988, verified that Table B-1 staffing

requirements were readily satisfied.

3. Exit Interview (30703)

An exit interview was held on January 19, 1989, with those persons

indicated in Paragraph 1, above. The inspector summarized in detail all

EPIA findings and the status of each item based upon the licensee's

response and/or corrective actions. Several remaining exercise and

inspection open items were also reviewed. Licensee responses addressing

! each item were determined to be adequate. The licensee did not identify

as proprietary any materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector

during this inspection. No dissenting comments were expressed by the


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