IR 05000311/1978046

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IE Insp Rept 50-311/78-46 on 781120-22.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Implement Instrumentation check-out Procedure for Containment Strain Gages
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/1978
From: Mcgaughy R, Toth A, Walton G
Shared Package
ML18078A969 List:
50-311-78-46, NUDOCS 7903130253
Download: ML18078A973 (9)



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Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name:

Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 Inspection at:

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection conduc.~ed: Novem~er J0-22, 1978 Inspectors:

  • //,.Jf -(;,-;;f Approved A. D. Toth, Reactor Inspector

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. P. Durr, Reactor Inspector by: \\ '(_ ();\\.,\\_ j;L-4.... ~

\\j{. W. McGaughy, Chie~jects Section, RC&ES Branch Inspection Summary:


date signed

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date signed Unit 2 Inspection on November 20-22, 1978 (Report No. 50-311/78-46)

Areas Inspected:

Routine, unannounced inspection by 3 regional based inspectors of quality assurance procedures for the containment structural integrity test and quality verification records for preservice. inspection activities. The inspectors also performed a plant tour inspection; reviewed licensee action on previous inspection findings; and, performed follow-up action as necessary to resolve questions which arose during the course of inspection of the above area The inspection involved 42 inspector-hours onsite by 3 NRC regional office based inspectors. *

Results: Of* the-two, an-Hem of noncompliance was identified in

one' area (Deficiency - failure to implement instrumentation check-out procedure for containment strain gages - Para. 5).

Region I Form 12 (Rev. April 77)

7903130 ~53

  • DETAILS l. Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas Company
  • *J. T. Cox, Startup Engineer
  • F. J. Diaferio, Jr., Senior Staff Engineer - QA
  • R.. T. Griffith, QA Engineer K. Kieper, Test Engi~eer
  • H. S. Lowe, QA Engineer J. McAdams, Test Engineer
  • E. H. Meyer, Project QA Engineer G. D. Owen, Principal Construction Engineer
  • P; E. String, QA/QC Coordinator
  • D. J. Tauber, QA Engineer
  • F. J. Twogood, Startup Engineer United Engineers and Constructors J. McFadden, QC Inspector
  • R. A.. Jorgenson, Supervisor - Records - QC S. Magirinis, Subcontractor Surveillance QC
  • S. J. Page, Lead Test Engineer
  • D. C. Snyder, Project Engineer Insulation Consultants Management Services M. Stine, QA Manager
  • denotes those present at the exit interview Plant Tour The inspectors observed work activities in-progress, completed work, and plant status in several areas of the plant during general inspection of the plant. The inspector examined work

items for any obvious defects or noncompliance with regulatory requirements or license condition Where more detailed in-spection of an area was conducted, the inspection scope and findings are described in other paragraphs of the repor.


No items of noncompliance were identifie.

Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Noncompliance (311/77-07-09): Failure to provide seismic analysis of instrumentation panel The inspector examined docu-ments which summarize seismic qualification tests of NEMA type 12 enclosures with eight mounting ~onfigurations. The documents in-cluded an evaluation and resolution of an out-of-tolerance con-dition described in the initial seismic qualification report

  1. 43728-1, item 1 The documents evaluate and disposition questions raised by the NRC inspector as described in IE Inspection Reports 311/77-07 and 311/77-18, regarding this matte The inspector examined the following specific documents relative to the above:

Wyle Laboratories Report #43728, page -0- and page 183 PSE&G Letter, General Manager - Engineering/Manager, QA dated August 8, 1978

Engineering Change Notice #30250, Revision 0 This item is considered to be resolve (Closed) Noncompliance (311/78-05-01): Cracked tack welds in socket welded pipe joint (Reference 78-31 ).

The inspector interviewed

. phase 11A 11 welding inspectors and verified that they were cognizant of the tack wel~ inspection requirement This item is considered resolve (Closed) Inspection Followup Item (311/78-05-04):

Vendor deficiency report handlin The inspector examined the monthly computer print-out of vendor deficiency reports for 1978 (July through November issues) which included designation of the PSE&G corporate office responsible quality assurance enginee He also examined two vendor files (Req. #E-76392, E-207283) which included copies of vendor related deficiency reports. These documents were provided on-site


November 22, 1978, from the PSE&G corporate office, at request of the inspector on November 20, 197 The documents show that vendor related deficiency reports were now indexed and available to quality assurance auditors for use in preparing vendor audit This item is considered to be resolve (Closed) Noncompliance (311/78-26-01):

Pipe socket weld undersized fillet weld The inspector examined evidence of corrective actions described in licensee letters to NRC dated October 18, 1978 and November 9, 197 The inspector interviewed the responsible field quality control engineer and examined his file of 171 Repair Weld History Records, which document initial repair and nondestructive examination of each weld identified by PSE&G engineerin The in-spector selected four welds which were part of the 78 listed as re-quiring further weld repair and examined the repair record for eac The inspector selected five welds of the 171, including one which was also in the 78 group, and visually ascertained that the repairs had been accomplished. *The inspector also examined the three deficiency reports described in the licensee's October 18, 1978 letter, and ascertained that these were under program controls to assure resolutio The inspector examined the following specific documents:

Repair Weld History Record Nos. 2-CVC-2393-1; 2-CVC-2335-1; 2-RH-3391-1, 2-RH-3392-1; 2-RH-2175-1; 2-RH-3367-1; 2-RH-2320-1; 2-CVC-2085-1; and, 2-CVC-2776-Deficiency Report Nos. 6806, S-0038, S-003 Th1s item is considered to be resolve (Closed). Unresolved Item (311/78-26-02):

Interface responsibilities

~or scoping co~tent of system equipment turnover (SET) package The rnspector ~xamrn~d PSE&G 11NRC Question..:..c f1nd1ng Fa 11 ow-up11 form

.#428A and interviewed lic~nsee and contractor startup and quality control personne The 11censee has ascertained that all hangers and attachments !o piping systems are intended to be in-cluded within the boundaries of SET packages.

The UE&C quality control group reviews hanger construction status listings and has assured that these listi are included in SET open item lists. The snubbers for the main steam valves are now in-cluded in a separate SE Site personnel appear to be aware of this polic This item is considered to be resolve (Open) Unresolved Item (311/78_:31-0l): Structural integrity test procedure deviation from FSA The inspector examined a PSE&G November 16, 1978 11Notes of Meeting - Containment Testing 11 which establishes that the 11Modac paint now on the wall is not acceptable since its rubbery consistency may hide a crac The 9 areas to be mapped out for crack pattern observations will require the Modac to be sand blasted off and a white wash type paint applied.

The inspector interviewed responsible site personnel who stated that a procedure would be prepared shortly for the surface preparation/

paintin The item 11a.

11 of paragraph 7 of IE Inspection Report 50-311)78-31 is considered to be resolve The inspector examined revised procedure DTP-30-SIT-l, dated November 14, 197 Part 9.11 includes a requirement for repeat of test sequence for unplanned pressure drop during test. The item 11f 11 of paragraph 7 of IE Inspection Report 50-311/78-31 is thus reso 1 ved. *

An FSAR amendment, and a November 1, 1978 letter, have been sub-mitted by PSE&G, describing that the Unit 2 containment i? not a prototype and strain gauge monitoring is not required by Regula-tory Guide 1.18 for nOn-prototype containments, and testing pre-viously described in the FSAR will not be conducted for Unit The inspector discussed this matter with NRR staff, and considers paragraph 7 of IE Inspection Report 50-311/78-31 to be resolve The revised procedure DTP-30-SIT-l does not require crack pattern mapping near the base-wall intersection, nor linear motion trans-ducers at each personnel hatc Thus, items c and d of paragraph 7 of IE Inspection Report 50-311/78-31 remain unresolved.

(Closed) Unresolved Item (50-311/78-39-01): Accumulator speci-fication addendum 677019 incorporation into purchase orde The inspector examined a copy of Westinghouse procurement advisory request number PAR #1 (dated April 18, 1968) for purchase order 54-T-70616-B. This document imposes the applicable addendum

  1. 677019 for the accumulator procuremen This item is considered resolve.

Licensee Followu Activities Relative to Items Re orted to NRC Under

  • 10 CFR 50. 55 e The inspector reviewed licensee actions relative to water control measures described in PSE&G letter to NRC dated December 19, 197 Previous NRC inspection of this matter is discussed in IE Inspection Report No. 50-311/77-0 The inspector observed curbs at switchgear room entrances and sealed floor openings in the 84 foot and 100 foot elevations in the auxiliary buildin He also examined quality control records of the Insulation Consul~ants Management Services Company, which account for each penetration and the installation status of seals for each penetratio The inspector had no further questions regarding this matte.

Containment Structural Integrity Test-Work Activities The inspector examined equipment and interviewed responsi~e managers and technicians regarding the pending structural integrity tes He examined linear variable differential transformers (lVDT) for identi-fication and traceability to off-site calibration laboratory cali-bration dat He observed strain gage wire and termination identi-fication, and observed a technician perform a requested series of wire/gage resistance measurements for strain gages on vertical reinfrircing steel bar #9-V-7 Test procedure DTP-30-SIT-l, dated November 14, 1978, in Prerequisite No. 3.13 requires:

11The instrumentation specified in Section *{includes strain gages} has been installed, checked out and is ready for operation." *

Although specifics of the checkout requirements are not described, a related strain gage installation specification No. 69-7437 in-cludes some such requirements for strain. gage The specification

is not included in the list of references in the test procedure, although it is an applicable documen The specification para-graph 6.3 requires:

110ne month prior to proof test of building read and record all gages once each day with multichannel data acquisition syste Measure and. record realm of insulation resistance as above {paragraph 6. 1} once each week.

In correspondence to NRC, dated November 8, 1978, the licensee reported scheduled start of the structural integrity test on November 27, 1978; this would appear to require that specifi-cation 69-7437 strain gage daily checkouts to have commenced October 28, 197 On November 22, 1978, the inspector inter-viewed site personnel and observed data acquisition system equipment setup and determined that the daily checkout had not commenced and the responsible personnel were neither familiar with the requirement nor did they have the specification available in the test are The structural integrity test had not yet com-menced due to schedule slippage to December 9, 1978 or thereafte On November 27, 1978, the licensee site representative advised the inspector by telephone, that the daily checkout is not considered by the licensee to be critical ~o the verification of strain gage adequac The ~p~cif{cation is planned tq be changed ~rid checkout

_required only just ~prior to the structural integrity *test:*





Failure to implement applicable specification requirements for checkout of strain gages appears to be a noncompliance with Criterion V of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B. (311/78 - 46- 01).

The use of strain gages as a basis for reduced measurements of containment radial and vertical growth is discussed in *FSAR Amend-ment No. 38, Question 5.2.

PSI Records The inspector examined records of the below listed welds to ascertain compliance with the licensee's commitment to ASME,Section XI, 1974 Edition including Summer 75 Addend Main Steam 34-MS-2241-2PL-2-6 Reactor Coolant 3-RC-1223-9 Reactor Pressure Vessel 2-RPV-2442-A Reactor Pressure Vessel Nuts 29, 31, 36, 37, 40, 44 and 46



The inspector reviewed the following records relative to the above listed weld *

Examination results and data sheets Examination equipment data Calibration data sheets Records on disposition of findings Identification of examination method used and type of NOE materials used In addition, the inspector reviewed records of the following weld Weld N BF-2241-l 14BF-2241-2PS-l Pipe Support 14BF-224l-2-PL-8 Lug 14BF-224l-2-PL-l Lug 14BF-2241-16


l 4BF-223l -1 14BF-223l-3 14BF-2231-17 30-MS-2231-2-PLl, 2, 3 Lug 30-MS-2211-2, 4 30-MS-2231-9 30-MS-2221-3 *

29-RC-1240-3/6-SJ-1241 29-RC-1230-3 29-RC-1220-3 29-RC-1220-3-BC-l 29-RC-1220-3/6-SJ-1221 2-RPV-2442-B Longitudinal Weld 2-RPV-10442 Lower Head to Lower Shell 2-RPV-8442 Circumferential Weld 29-STG-12401RS Steam Generator, Hot Leg, Inlet Nozzle Radius The records were reviewed to ascertain compliance in the following areas.

The method, technique complies with the licensee's preservice inspection program and applicable NOE procedures The recording, evaluation and disposition of findings are in compliance with the applicable NOE procedure Calibration and recalibration data sheets show no deviations from the procedure requirements Examination and evaluation was performed by a Level I or Level II examiner Indications which exceeded "OAC" (distance amplitude curve)

were evaluated by a Level II or III examiner Evaluation of indications comply with the criteria of the NOE procedure and ASME Section XI The inspector had no further questions regarding this matte.

Management Interview At the conclusion of the inspection on November 22, 1978, a meeting was held at th~ site with representatives of the licensee and con-tractor organizations. Attendees at this meeting included personnel whose names are indicated by notation (*) in paragraph The in-spectors summarized the results of the inspection as described in this report.