IR 05000311/1978055

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IE Insp Rept 50-311/78-55 on 781219-21.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Environ Monitoring Programs
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1979
From: Todd Jackson, Shanbaky M, Stohr J
Shared Package
ML18078B052 List:
50-311-78-55, NUDOCS 7903210017
Download: ML18078B053 (6)



Report N ~.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS~N OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Region I 50-311178-55 Docket No * _.,,,.,50..._-.... 3.... l_..l __ _

License N CPPR-53 Priority. ------

Category _.:..:.A-~2..__ ___ _

Licensee; Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G)

80 Park Pl ace Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name:

Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 (SNGS--2)

Inspection at:

SNGS-2, Hancock Bridge, New Jersey Inspection conducted:Decemb~r 19-21, 1978, January 8-12 and 15-17, 1979 Inspectors: -2?/'.~lit.

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--T, J.. Jackson, Radta~Special ist - Intern

"ditesigned Approved by:

J. ta*r, Chief, Environmental and Special Proje ts Section, FF&MS Branch Inspection Summary:

date signed

2-/2-/71 date *signed Ins ection on December 19-21, 1978, Januar 8-12 and 15-17, 1979 Re art N...,55 Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of preoperational environmental monitoring programs at SNGS-2 including: preoperational environmental monitoring requirements; licensee preparedness status to implement the operational environmental monitoring program when required upon issuance of the Operating License; and compliance with the Construction Permit requirements for environ-mental protection during construction. The inspection involved 44 inspector-hours onsite by two NRC inspector Results:

Of the three areas inspected no items of noncompliance were found*.

Region I Form 12 (Rev. April 77)


DETAILS Persons Contacted E. H. Meyer, Site QA Division Head, PSE&G

  • R. T. Griffith, Senior Staff Engineer - QA, PSE&G
    • R. P. Douglas, Licensing Manager, PSE&G
  • D. E. Cooley, Principal Staff Engineer, PSE&G N. C. Allman, Engineer, PSE&G M. London, Engineer, PSE&G R. F. Yewdall, Engineer, PSE&G
  • W. P. Treston, QA Engineer, PSE&G
  • W. P. Grau, QA Staff Assistant, PSE&G V. J. Schuler, Ichthyological Associates Inc., IA C. A. Sakenas, Radiation Management Corporation, RMC R. C. Sha, Radiation Management Corporation, RMC R. MacWatters, Shift Supervisor, PSE&G
  • denotes those present at the exit intervie ** denotes those contacted by te 1 ephone * Preoperational Environmental Monitoring Programs Radiological Monitoring The inspector discussed with the 1 i censee the preopera ti ona 1


environmental radiation monitoring program performed for SNGS-This program is described in the SNGS Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and its amendment Amendment No. 42 to the FSAR established the preoperational environmental monitoring program for SNGS-2 to be essentially the same as that described in the SNGS-1 Environmental Technical Specifications. The licensee stated that the preoperational environmental radiation monitoring program was continuously conducted since 1973 and all the collected data through 1978 will be used as the preoperational baseline data for *sNGS-The inspector examined the licensee's environmental radiation monitoring records for 1977 - 1978 including direct gamma radiation, air particulates, milk, water, fish and sedimen The inspector determined, through records review and discussion with the licensee and direct observations, that the preoperational environmental radiological monitoring program was conducted and the environmental media were collected and analyzed as required.

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The inspector discussed with the licensee the preoperational meteorological monitoring program and reviewed a sample of the collected meteorological data during 1977 and 197 The inspector examined the meteorological readout systems in the SNGS-1 control room and noted that the systems were in an operable condition at the time of the inspection. The licensee records showed that all the required meteorological parameters were monitored and recorded on a continuous basis. The inspector also noted that the system was checked and calibrated on a routine basis during 1977 and 197 The inspector reviewed the meteorological data recovery records for 1977 and 197 The wind speed and direction data recovery for the 33

, 150 1 and 300 1 levels was about 95% for 1977 and 197 The temperature monitoring data recovery was above 90%

for 1977 and above 95% for 1978. The inspector determined, through records review and discussion with the licensee, that the preoperational meteorological monitoring data was collected as require Biological/Ecological Monitoring The inspector discussed with the licensee the preoperational biological/ecological monitoring program performed for SNGS-This program is described in Section 2.11 of the FSAR and the SNGS Appendix B, ET The licensee stated that the preoperational biological/ecological monitoring study for SNGS-2 was conducted as require The inspector examined the licensee's biological/ecological monitoring records for 1977 - 1978 including zooplankton, fish and impingement studies. The inspector determined, through records review and discussion with the licensee, that the pre-operational environmental biological/ecological monitoring program for SNGS-2 was conducted and data collected as require No items of noncompliance were identified in this are.

Operational Environmental Monitoring Programs Radiological Monitoring The inspector examined the licensee's preparedness status with regard to the implementation of the required environmental radiation

monitoring program (ETS, Section 3.2). The licensee stated that preparations for implementing the required radiological monitoring program for SNGS-2 would be minimal since the necessary program elements, including administrative controls and other technical aspects of environmental media sampling, analyses and data evaluation, are currently in effect as part of the operational monitoring program at SNGS-The inspector reviewed several of the licensee's program procedures and noted that the reviewed procedures.are adequate for implementing the operational environmental radiological monitoring programs at SNGS-The inspector had no further questions in this area at this tim Biological and Ecological Studies The inspector examined the licensee's preparedness status with regard to the implementation of the required environmental biological and ecological studies (ETS, Section 3.1.2). The licensee stated that preparations for implementing the required biological and ecological studies for SNGS-2 would be minimal since the necessary program elements, including administrative controls and other technical aspects of sample collection, analyses and data evaluation, are currently in effect as part of the operational monitoring program at SNGS-The inspector reviewed several of the licensee's program procedures and noted that the reviewed procedures are adequate for implementing the operational environmental biological/ecological studies at SNGS-The inspector discussed with the licensee contingency plans to be implemented in the event of fish impingement and/or entrainment during plant operation. The licensee stated that such plan is still being develope The inspector discussed with the licensee fish impingement reporting and action levels in light of the fish impingement experience at SNGS-The licensee stated that with regard to impingement reporting levels, these levels are currently being developed, however, to establish action levels including modification of the plant operations will be based on cost-benefit considerations. The licensee representative (IA) stated that the available preoperational and literature biological data for key fish species in the area appears to be inadequate to establish such action levels. The licensee stated that this area will con-tinue to be investigated. The inspector had no further questions in this area at this time *

  • Nonradiological Effluents Section 5.5.1 of the Environmental Technical Specifications (ETS) for the SNGS-1 and 2 will require, upon issuance of the SNGS-2 Operating License, that detailed written procedures, in-cluding applicable check lists and instructions, shall be prepared and followed for all activities involved in carrying out the Environmental Technical Specifications. Procedures for the environmental surveillance and special study programs described in Sections 3 and 4 shall be prepared by personnel responsible for the particular monitoring progra Procedures shall include sampling, data recording and storage, instrument calibration, measurements and analyses, and actions to be taken when limits are approached or exceeded. Testing frequency of any alarms shall be included. These frequencies shall be determined from experience with similar instruments in similar environments and from manufacturers 1 technical manual In addition to the pro-cedures specified in Section 5.5.1, the plant operating procedures shall include provisions to ensure the plant and all its systems and* components are operated in compliance with the limiting conditions for operation established as part of the Environmental Technical Specifications. Section 5.3. 1, ETS requires that the Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) review plant procedures which have a _potential impact on the environmen The inspector examined the licensee's nonradiological monitoring equipment including the Circulating and Service Water System chlorination, chlorine and thermal discharge monitoring equipmen The inspector noted that several of the required procedures for operation were in a draft form including chlorination of the Circulating and Service Water Systems and chemical inventory pro-cedure The inspector stated that, upon plant operation, these procedures and all other plant operation procedures which have a potential impact on the environment will be required by the ET The inspector stated that this area will be considered open pending review and approval of the required procedures by appropriate licensee managemen (311/78~55-0l) Environmental Protection During Construction Upon arrival at the SNGS-2 site, the inspector toured the area and examined the prevailing environmental conditions at the site and the surrounding environmen The inspector observed the environmental conditions at the Delaware River waterfront, soil and vegetation at the site, solid waste disposal and liquid effluent treatment and discharges *


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During the site inspection on December 19, 1978 at 1:00 p.m., the inspector noted what appeared to be an oil sheen covering the water surface near the storm drain system discharge (discharge No. 489).

At 3:00 p.m. the river area near discharge No. 489 was reexamined by the inspector and the licensee and at that time the licensee immediately implemented the site oil spill control plan and investi-gations were initiated to identify the oil sourc On December 20, 1978 at 10:00 a.m. the inspector reexamined the river waterfront and noted that oil discharges continued through discharge point No. 48 The inspector discussed the matter with the licensee who stated that no oil spill was identified at either SGNS-1 or SGNS-The inspector reexamined the site and noted several 55 gallon oil and chemical (Pentron CI-50) drums inadequately stored near the site auxiliary power station. The oil and chemical drums were open and tilted. This resulted in oil and chemical leakage and washout with rain through the nearby manhole of the storm drain system and eventually to the Delaware Rive Upon identification of the spill source the licensee removed all the chemical and oil drums to a temporary storage area. The licensee stated that the used chemical and oil will be removed from the site by an approved contractor. The inspector re-examined the waterfront near discharge No. 489 and noted that the oil discharge had stoppe The inspector noted that several cubic yards of dirt and excavated material were placed at the waterfront near the "boat launching facility.

The inspector discussed with the licensee the potential runoff from this area with high suspended solids and turbidity and subsequent impact on the river biota. The licensee stated that all excavated and refuse materials are disposed of at designated areas and it seems that the material near the river was placed by an uni n-formed individua The licensee stated that the material will be removed and the area will be grade The inspector reexamined the area and noted that the dirt material was removed, graded and the area was roped of The inspector had no further questions in this area at this ti me. Exit Interview On December.21, 1978 and January 17, 1979, at the conclusion of the inspection the inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in paragraph The scope and findings of this inspection were discussed *