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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000293/1987053]]
| number = ML20154B051
| issue date = 03/08/1988
| title = Forwards Text from Augmented Insp Team Insp Rept 50-293/87-53,describing Findings & Open Items from Evaluation of Loss of Offsite Power Event on 871112
| author name = Warren C
| addressee name = Highfill K
| addressee affiliation = BOSTON EDISON CO.
| docket = 05000293
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8805170044
| package number = ML20154B016
| page count = 5
See also: [[see also::IR 05000293/1987053]]
{{#Wiki_filter:- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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                                                  NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          j              ~g                                              REGION 1
          *              ,t                                        475 ALLENDALE ROAD
          '$            [                              KING OF PRUSSI A, PENNSYLVANI A 19408                                                                                                ,
                                                    ATTACHMENT 2
  March 8,        1988
  MEMORANDUM FOR:                K. Highfill, Station Director
  FROM:                          C. Warren, Senior Resident Inspector - Pilgrim
  SUBJECT:                        NRC FOLLOWUP TO AIT INSPECTION 50-293/07-53
  An NRC Augmented Inspection Team was dispatched to Pilgrim to evaluate a loss
  of offsite power event occurring on November 12, 1987.                                                                                  The recults of this
  inspection are documented in inspection report 50-293/07-53.                                                                                                                  In trder to
  coordintte and track NRC inspection f ollowup we have collected pertinent
  raport text, and grouped the findings into five appropriate areas.
, Description of the findings and corresponfing open item numbers are attached.
  Item A.1 end E.2 have been designated at restart itemc.
  Thank you for your time and attention to these matters.
                                                                        Si r.c er ol y,
                                                                        Clay C. Warren
l  R. Blough
  J. Wiggins
  S. Collinc
  W.    Kane
l  J. Durr
i        8805170044 890506
        PDR    ADOCK      050002 3
a__              __  ___------mA_---------------------    - - ---            --                    - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - -                                                    - - -  -
                                                  - - - _ .                            ---                            .    .      .  ..
                  .                                                                                                                            .
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    A. Menacement Issues and Commitments (Unresolved Item 87-53-01):
      1.                During the inspection the licensee identified several actions they are
                        considering taking to improve the stations ability to respond to future
                        similar events. These actions included completing the installation of
                          the third emergency diesel, installation of a backup instrument air
                          compressor and installation of additional instruments to analyze
                          switchyar d transients.        All of the foregoing equipment changes will be
                          completed before reactor restart.
  .                      Reference: Report cover letter, Section 6.3. A written response
!                        describing the details of these actions was requested.
      2.                  Overall management of the recovery effort was somewhat fragmented and
f                        unclear.    Coordination and communication between groups would be
                          substantially enhanced by well defined management guidelines for this                                                ;
                      ' type of event (i . e. one in which the formal emergency response                                                      -
                          organization is not mobilized).
                          Reference:    Report Section 2.3, 5.3 and 5.4.                                        A written response was        .
!      3.                  Develop and implement procedural guidelines f or administrative 1y staf fing
]                          the TSC to support the operating organization in situations where
4                          Emergency Plan activation is not appropriate.                                                                      r
                          Reference    Report section 5.3, 5.4 and 5.0.                                                .
-                                                                                                                    ,
        B. Ocerations (Unresol ved Item 07-53-02):                                                                                            ,
i-                          The operators were not aware of the alarm indicating the reduced voltage
                            on the 345 kV of f site power source prior to the loss of of f site power.
;                          They were also unaware of the alarm indicating the blown f uses in the
                            analog trip system power supply. The f ailure to utilize these alarms
                            should be reviewed and appropriate corrective actions developed.
                            Reference:' Report sections 2.3,,, and A written                                          '
;                          response was requested.
        2.                The plant configuration bef ore the event and the equipment that was out
                            of service f or maintenance created operational situations that could have
j                            been more serious under other circumstances with substantial dccay heat.
1                            Describe what considerations will be made in tne future to assure that
                            essential and non-esser.tial equipment removed from service for outage
                            maintenance de not create undue operational inflexibilities.
                            Reference    Report sections 2.3, 5.4 and                                    5.P,.  A written response was
j                          requested.
    __,_,_. - _ . . . - . - - _ - _                        _- -- - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ . . - ~ ~                                  -.
          .'  .
  -' ' . '            ,
    OL            Re-evaluate energency action levels regarding loss of onsite and offsite
                  power f or situations where f uel is loaded in the reactor vessel and RCS
                  temperature is less than 212 degrees F.
                  Reference:  Report sections 5.2 and 5.8.
    4.            Certain procedures governing degraded plant conditions (e.g., loss of
                  power and loss of instrument air) may not be sufficient to clearly guide
                  recovery actions from events of this nature.    Also procedures for
                  restoring offsite power should be reviewed against past operating          ,
                  experience, especially events caused by severe weather, and revised to
                  reflect lessons learned and anticipated problems which may need
                  resolution to optimize power recovery time.
                  Reference:  Report section 4.3.3, 4.3.5, 5.8, 6.3 and 6.4.
    5.            Strengthen communications practices to assure clear understanding and
                  directed actions.
                  Reference:  Report section 5.4 and 5.8.
    6.            In reviewing procedure 2.4.25, Loss of Shutdown Cooling it was noted that
                  the immediate operator actions provided no specific guidance on action
                  required to restore shutdown cooling. Similarly, the subsequent operator
                    actions did not specify any mitigating actions to be taken for conditions
                    other than f ull buses A5 and A6 and PCIS logics available,                i
                    During the event, when the "B" Diesel Generator was out of service and
                    panel Y-4 was without power, the licensee initiated a temporary
                    modification scheme to provide power to the control circuit of the RHR
                    suction outboard valve 47. Contingency procedures''for the' single failure ,
                    of either onsite emergency power system train (i . e. , loss of either Y-3
i                  or Y-4) should be considered.                      -
                    References  Report section and 6.4.
.    C.      Maintenance (Unresolved Item 87-53-03):
      1.            The inoper.pbility of the "B" emergency diesel generator (EDG) during the
                    event resulted from inadequate or incomplete maintenance procedures. The
                    binding of the prelubrication pump and the leaking fuel injectors could    ,
                    have been prevented from interfering with the recovery operations if
                    adequate procedures for repair and post ma,intenance testing were
                    employed. Maintenance requests contain very brief descriptions of actual
                    material conditions f ound (as-found) and few specific details of work
                    performed, parts replaced and post work testing.    More aAtention to
                    detail in preparaticn, execution and disposition of safesy-related
                    maintenance requests should be evaluated.
4                  Reference:  Report section 2.3, and 4.2.3. A written response was
!                  requested.
  2.        BECo should continue actions to reduce ing ess of ground water to the
            process building and the consequential radiological bu-den.                        t
            Reference:    Report sections 5.7 and 5.8.
  3.        The practice of having the main generator bus quick disconnect links
            installed during an outage should be reviewed relative to the recent
l          References    Report section 5.8.
  4.        Procedure 3.M.3-9 should be revised to reflect operational consideration
            for backfeeding with offnormal electrical system lineups.
            Reference:    Report sections and
  5.        On April 26, 1987 the "B" EDG lube oil temperature switch low (LOTSL) was
            replaced after failure (MR 87-61-33).            The switch that failed was
          . actually a lube oil temperature switch high (LOTSH) which had been
          ' installed in place of the LOTSL under MR 87-61-15 during some previous
            maintenance activity.      It was not evident at the time of the inspection
            what controls were applied to MR 87-61-15 in substituting a LOTGH for a
            LOTSL.  The evaluation of acceptability of this replacement is an issue
            to be f ollowed up in f uture NRC inspections.
            Reference      Report section
  6.        The post repair testing of the current transformer did not consider the
            effect of the high voltage overstressing of the circuit components. The
            circuit should be properly tested to assure no lat4nt f aults are present.
            Reference      Report sections and 4.2.3.                  ,
  .D. Gurveillance (Unresolved item 87-53-04):
    1.        Develop procedures that describe and control testing activities on switch
              yard equipment and transformers.
              Reference ' Report sections and
                                  _.                  _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _  _ _  _ _ _ _J
      e' ,
    2.      Some emergency diesel generator instrumentation, although being read and
            recorded, was not being evaluated and trended for consistency. An
            assessment should be made of the surveillance readings being taken and a
            determination made regarding the readings that are necessary and useful.
            Further, responsibility for evaluating these readings should be assigned,
            e.g., output current on each phase is neither monitored, recorded nor
            trended.      In addition, a review should be conducted to ascertain if all
            appropriate instrumentation in being monitored and recorded during the
            conduct of the EDG surveillance testing for determination of operability
            of the equipment.
            Reference:      Report sections and 4.2.3.
    E. Continuino Technical Evaluations (87-53-05):
    1.      The operation of the startup transf ormer dif f erential lockout relay was
.            apparently the result of a transient for which the protection was not
            designed.      The transformer did not experience an internal fault and the
            . operation of the lockout delayed the re-energization of the station from
            offsite power sources. The actual cause of the differential lockout
              needs to be conclusively established.
              Reference:    Report sections 2.3 and A written response was
    2.      The blown f uses in the analog trip system were the apparent result of a
              common cause. The cause of this condition should be identified and
              corrected or determined to be acceptable before the reactor is restarted.
              Reference:    Report sections 2.3 and A written
                                                                          response was
;    3.      Additional investigation such as strainer and 'ilt'er inspection would be
l            appropriate to ensure that the f oreign materitl that damaged the EDG
              prelube pump was not externally generated (i . s. , from some other failed
              component). The licensee agreed to open both the lube oil strainers and
j              the filter on "B" EDG at the next opportunity.
              Ref erencer, Report section
    4.        The licensee's actions taken in response to IE Notice 87-28 will be
              reviewed separately as part of ongoing NRC inspection activities.
                Reference:    Report section 4.3.3 and 4.3.5.
      5.        The 11 censee's FLM No. 87-641 review, including determination of a
                requirement for root cause analysis and corrective action plan, was not
I              yet complete at the end of the AIT inspection.    The licensee's further
                actions regarding Ft<M No. 87-641 will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC
                Re,ference      Report section 4.3.3.
i                                                                  .
              .    .-  .    -    -    - . _ ,

Latest revision as of 03:56, 31 May 2022

Forwards Text from Augmented Insp Team Insp Rept 50-293/87-53,describing Findings & Open Items from Evaluation of Loss of Offsite Power Event on 871112
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/08/1988
From: Warren C
To: Highfill K
Shared Package
ML20154B016 List:
NUDOCS 8805170044
Download: ML20154B051 (5)

See also: IR 05000293/1987053


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j ~g REGION 1






March 8, 1988

MEMORANDUM FOR: K. Highfill, Station Director

FROM: C. Warren, Senior Resident Inspector - Pilgrim


An NRC Augmented Inspection Team was dispatched to Pilgrim to evaluate a loss

of offsite power event occurring on November 12, 1987. The recults of this

inspection are documented in inspection report 50-293/07-53. In trder to

coordintte and track NRC inspection f ollowup we have collected pertinent

raport text, and grouped the findings into five appropriate areas.

, Description of the findings and corresponfing open item numbers are attached.

Item A.1 end E.2 have been designated at restart itemc.


Thank you for your time and attention to these matters.




Si r.c er ol y,


Clay C. Warren




l R. Blough

J. Wiggins



S. Collinc

W. Kane

l J. Durr



i 8805170044 890506

PDR ADOCK 050002 3


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- - - _ . --- . . . ..

. .


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'  ;


A. Menacement Issues and Commitments (Unresolved Item 87-53-01):

1. During the inspection the licensee identified several actions they are

considering taking to improve the stations ability to respond to future

similar events. These actions included completing the installation of

the third emergency diesel, installation of a backup instrument air

compressor and installation of additional instruments to analyze

switchyar d transients. All of the foregoing equipment changes will be

completed before reactor restart.

. Reference: Report cover letter, Section 6.3. A written response

! describing the details of these actions was requested.



2. Overall management of the recovery effort was somewhat fragmented and

f unclear. Coordination and communication between groups would be

substantially enhanced by well defined management guidelines for this  ;

' type of event (i . e. one in which the formal emergency response -


organization is not mobilized).

Reference: Report Section 2.3, 5.3 and 5.4. A written response was .




! 3. Develop and implement procedural guidelines f or administrative 1y staf fing

] the TSC to support the operating organization in situations where

4 Emergency Plan activation is not appropriate. r



Reference Report section 5.3, 5.4 and 5.0. .

- ,


B. Ocerations (Unresol ved Item 07-53-02): ,


i- The operators were not aware of the alarm indicating the reduced voltage


on the 345 kV of f site power source prior to the loss of of f site power.

They were also unaware of the alarm indicating the blown f uses in the

analog trip system power supply. The f ailure to utilize these alarms

should be reviewed and appropriate corrective actions developed.


Reference:' Report sections 2.3,,, and A written '

response was requested.

2. The plant configuration bef ore the event and the equipment that was out


of service f or maintenance created operational situations that could have

j been more serious under other circumstances with substantial dccay heat.

1 Describe what considerations will be made in tne future to assure that


essential and non-esser.tial equipment removed from service for outage


maintenance de not create undue operational inflexibilities.


Reference Report sections 2.3, 5.4 and 5.P,. A written response was

j requested.




__,_,_. - _ . . . - . - - _ - _ _- -- - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ . . - ~ ~ -.



.' .

-' ' . ' ,


OL Re-evaluate energency action levels regarding loss of onsite and offsite

power f or situations where f uel is loaded in the reactor vessel and RCS

temperature is less than 212 degrees F.

Reference: Report sections 5.2 and 5.8.

4. Certain procedures governing degraded plant conditions (e.g., loss of

power and loss of instrument air) may not be sufficient to clearly guide

recovery actions from events of this nature. Also procedures for

restoring offsite power should be reviewed against past operating ,

experience, especially events caused by severe weather, and revised to

reflect lessons learned and anticipated problems which may need

resolution to optimize power recovery time.

Reference: Report section 4.3.3, 4.3.5, 5.8, 6.3 and 6.4.

5. Strengthen communications practices to assure clear understanding and

directed actions.


Reference: Report section 5.4 and 5.8.

6. In reviewing procedure 2.4.25, Loss of Shutdown Cooling it was noted that

the immediate operator actions provided no specific guidance on action

required to restore shutdown cooling. Similarly, the subsequent operator

actions did not specify any mitigating actions to be taken for conditions

other than f ull buses A5 and A6 and PCIS logics available, i


During the event, when the "B" Diesel Generator was out of service and

panel Y-4 was without power, the licensee initiated a temporary

modification scheme to provide power to the control circuit of the RHR

suction outboard valve 47. Contingency proceduresfor the' single failure ,

of either onsite emergency power system train (i . e. , loss of either Y-3

i or Y-4) should be considered. -

References Report section and 6.4.

. C. Maintenance (Unresolved Item 87-53-03):


1. The inoper.pbility of the "B" emergency diesel generator (EDG) during the

event resulted from inadequate or incomplete maintenance procedures. The


binding of the prelubrication pump and the leaking fuel injectors could ,

have been prevented from interfering with the recovery operations if

adequate procedures for repair and post ma,intenance testing were

employed. Maintenance requests contain very brief descriptions of actual


material conditions f ound (as-found) and few specific details of work

performed, parts replaced and post work testing. More aAtention to

detail in preparaticn, execution and disposition of safesy-related

maintenance requests should be evaluated.

4 Reference: Report section 2.3, and 4.2.3. A written response was

! requested.









2. BECo should continue actions to reduce ing ess of ground water to the

process building and the consequential radiological bu-den. t

Reference: Report sections 5.7 and 5.8.

3. The practice of having the main generator bus quick disconnect links

installed during an outage should be reviewed relative to the recent


l References Report section 5.8.

4. Procedure 3.M.3-9 should be revised to reflect operational consideration

for backfeeding with offnormal electrical system lineups.

Reference: Report sections and

5. On April 26, 1987 the "B" EDG lube oil temperature switch low (LOTSL) was

replaced after failure (MR 87-61-33). The switch that failed was

. actually a lube oil temperature switch high (LOTSH) which had been

' installed in place of the LOTSL under MR 87-61-15 during some previous

maintenance activity. It was not evident at the time of the inspection

what controls were applied to MR 87-61-15 in substituting a LOTGH for a

LOTSL. The evaluation of acceptability of this replacement is an issue

to be f ollowed up in f uture NRC inspections.

Reference Report section

6. The post repair testing of the current transformer did not consider the

effect of the high voltage overstressing of the circuit components. The

circuit should be properly tested to assure no lat4nt f aults are present.

Reference Report sections and 4.2.3. ,

.D. Gurveillance (Unresolved item 87-53-04):

1. Develop procedures that describe and control testing activities on switch

yard equipment and transformers.

Reference ' Report sections and

_. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J



e' ,



2. Some emergency diesel generator instrumentation, although being read and

recorded, was not being evaluated and trended for consistency. An

assessment should be made of the surveillance readings being taken and a

determination made regarding the readings that are necessary and useful.

Further, responsibility for evaluating these readings should be assigned,

e.g., output current on each phase is neither monitored, recorded nor

trended. In addition, a review should be conducted to ascertain if all

appropriate instrumentation in being monitored and recorded during the

conduct of the EDG surveillance testing for determination of operability

of the equipment.

Reference: Report sections and 4.2.3.

E. Continuino Technical Evaluations (87-53-05):

1. The operation of the startup transf ormer dif f erential lockout relay was

. apparently the result of a transient for which the protection was not

designed. The transformer did not experience an internal fault and the


. operation of the lockout delayed the re-energization of the station from

offsite power sources. The actual cause of the differential lockout

needs to be conclusively established.

Reference: Report sections 2.3 and A written response was


2. The blown f uses in the analog trip system were the apparent result of a

common cause. The cause of this condition should be identified and

corrected or determined to be acceptable before the reactor is restarted.

Reference: Report sections 2.3 and A written


response was


3. Additional investigation such as strainer and 'ilt'er inspection would be

l appropriate to ensure that the f oreign materitl that damaged the EDG

prelube pump was not externally generated (i . s. , from some other failed

component). The licensee agreed to open both the lube oil strainers and

j the filter on "B" EDG at the next opportunity.

Ref erencer, Report section

4. The licensee's actions taken in response to IE Notice 87-28 will be


reviewed separately as part of ongoing NRC inspection activities.

Reference: Report section 4.3.3 and 4.3.5.


5. The 11 censee's FLM No.87-641 review, including determination of a

requirement for root cause analysis and corrective action plan, was not

I yet complete at the end of the AIT inspection. The licensee's further


actions regarding Ft<M No.87-641 will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC


Re,ference Report section 4.3.3.


i .


. .- . - - - . _ ,