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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217D39513 October 1999Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Util 990806 Submittal on USI A-46, Implementation Methodology Used at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Per GL 87-02Safe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20217E1588 October 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/99-05 on 990726-0905.Three Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs.Violations Include Failure to Assure That Design Bases Correctly Translated Into SpecificationsHigh Radiation Area
ML20212J83030 September 1999Informs of Completion of mid-cycle PPR of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.Staff Conducts Reviews for All Operating NPPs to Integrate Performance Info & to Plan Insp Activities at Facility Over Next Six MonthsMain transformer failure
ML20212F78724 September 1999Advises That Util 990121 Application for Amend Being Treated as Withdrawn.Proposed Changes Would Have Modified Facility UFSAR Pertaining to Values for post-accident Containment Pressure Credited in Pilgrim Net Positive Head Analyses
ML20212C28616 September 1999Forwards SER Accepting Licensee 981123 Request for Relief RR-E1,RR-E5,RR-E6 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & Request for Relief RR-E2,RR-E3 & RR-E4 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii)
ML20211H57027 August 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/99-04 on 990610-0725.Two Violations Identified Being Treated as non-cited Violations
ML20210U75218 August 1999Forwards from Massachusetts State Senator T Murray Opossing Merger Between Bec Energy & Commonwealth Energy Systems
ML20210U57618 August 1999Responds to Opposing Merger of Bec Energy & Commonwealth Energy Sys in Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Informs That for Sale,Nrc Responsible for Only Ensuring That Entergy Technically & Financially Qualified to Operate NPP
ML20210U66918 August 1999Forwards from Massachusetts State Senator T Murray Opposing Merger Between Bec Energy & Commonwealth Energy Systems
ML20210U51517 August 1999Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Approval of Indirect Transfer of FOL for Pilgrim in Response to .Approval No Longer Needed Since Beco Sold Interest in Pilgrim to EOI on 990713
ML20216E23226 July 1999Discusses GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity. NRC Revised Info in Rvid & Releasing as Rvid Version 2
ML20210E22320 July 1999Discusses Arrangements Made by Dennis & M Santiago During 990615 Telephone Conversation for NRC to Inspect Licensed Operator Requalification Program at Pilgrim During Wk of 991004
ML20210A94414 July 1999Responds to Re Changes to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Physical Security Plan Identified as Issue 2,rev 14, Addendum 1,respectively.No NRC Approval Is Required IAW 10CFR54(p)
ML20209G2259 July 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/99-03 on 990419-0609.Five Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations,Consistent with App C. Several Individual Tagging Errors Occurred
ML20209C4667 July 1999Forwards SE Accepting Addendum on Proposed Change in Corporate Ownership Structure Involving Entergy Nuclear Generation Co
ML20196J7251 July 1999Informs of Completion of Licensing Action for GL 96-01, Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits, for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
ML20196H23829 June 1999Forwards SER Denying Licensee 980820 Request for Alternative Under PRR-13,rev 2 for Use of Code Case N-522 During Pressure Testing of Containment Penetration Piping
ML20209A87628 June 1999Forwards SER Authorizing Licensee 990317 Relief Request to Use ASME Code Case N-573 as Alternative to ASME Code Section XI Article IWA-4000 for Remainder of 10-year Interval Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i)
ML20195K30715 June 1999Forwards Safety Evaluation Granting Licensee Request to Use Guidance of GL 90-05 to Repair Flaws in ASME Class 3 Salt Svc Water Sys Piping for Plant
ML20195K38511 June 1999Forwards Copy of Notice of Consideration of Approval of Application Re Proposed Corporate Merger & Opportunity for Hearing.Application Seeks Approval of Proposed Indirect Transfer of FOL for Plant
ML20196K9924 June 1999Informs That NRC Ofc of NRR Reorganized Effective 990328.As Part of Reorganization,Division of Licensing Project Mgt CreatedEnforcement Discretion
ML20207E73527 May 1999Responds to Requesting Reduction in IGSCC Insp Frequency Per GL 88-01 to Be Performed During Upcoming RFO 12.Forwards SE Re Reduction of IGSCC Insp of Category D Welds Due to Implementation of H Water ChemistryIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML20207B63426 May 1999Informs That Licensee 990415 Submittal Re Financial Position of Entergy Intl Ltd,Llc Will Be Marked as Proprietary & Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act
ML20207B73924 May 1999Forwards from Kc Goss of FEMA to Cl Miller Forwarding FEMA Analysis of Prompt Alert & Notification Sys for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.Based on Review,No Significant Problems Exist with Alert & Notification Sys
ML20207B07024 May 1999Responds to Sent to Ofc of Congressional Affairs Requesting Info on Concerns Raised by One Constituent,J Riel Re Y2K Compliance of Pilgrim NPP in Plymouth,Ma
ML20207C03218 May 1999Forwards Fifth Rept Which Covers Month of Apr 1999. Commission Approved Transfer of TMI-1 Operating License from Gpu to Amergen & Transfer of Operating License for Pilgrim Station from Beco to Entergy Nuclear Generating CoLicense Renewal
ML20206U75017 May 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/99-02 on 990308-0418.Two Severity Level 4 Violations Occurred & Being Treated as NCVs
ML20206M18911 May 1999Forwards SE of 980826 Request to Use Guidance of GL 90-05 to Repair Flaws in ASME Class 3 Salt Svc Sys Piping for Plant
ML20206E05529 April 1999Discusses Bulletin 96-03 Issued on 960506 & Beco Responses ,970207,981230,990121 & 990309 for Pilgrim Npp. Determined That Actions Taken Should Minimize Potential for Clogging of ECCS Suction Strainers
ML20206B30320 April 1999Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/99-01 on 990125-0307.Two Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy.Security Program Was Also Inspected
ML20205Q9499 April 1999Informs That on 990225 NRC Staff Completed PPR of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.Staff Conducts Reviews for All Operating NPPs to Develop an Integrated Understanding of Safety PerformanceHot Short
Internal Flooding
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20205B93924 March 1999Forwards Second Request for Addl Info Re GL 95-07, Pressure-Locking & Thermal-Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves
ML20204C78717 March 1999Informs That Application Submitting Transfer of Facility Operating License & Matls License & Proposed Amend, Will Be Marked as Proprietary & Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.709(b)(5)
ML20199K83222 January 1999Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Transfer of Facility Operating License for Plant
ML20199H58120 January 1999Submits Exemption Withdrawal of 10CFR70.24(a) Re Criticality Accident Monitoring RequirementsExemption Request
ML20198L77822 December 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/98-10 on 981020-1208.No Violations Noted.Nrc Regional Specialists Reviewed EP & Fire Protection Programs.Ep Program Was Found to Be Well ImplementedFire Protection Program
ML20198J08921 December 1998Forwards NRC Response to Me Lampert Re Transfer of Ownership of Pilgrim Station in Response to Senator Kerry Ltr Dtd 981019.NRC Will Terminate License Only When Licensee Remediates Site to Levels Specified in Regulations
ML20198J10421 December 1998Forwards NRC Response to Me Lampert Re Transfer of Ownership of Pilgrim Station in Response to Congressman Markey Ltr Dtd 981019.NRC Will Terminate License Only When Licensee Remediates Site to Levels Specified in Regulations
ML20137T22117 December 1998Responds to to Chairman Jackson Re Concerns About Possible Sale of Pilgrim Station & Waste Disposal Issues.No Application for License Received Nor Contract of Sale Between Beco & Entergy.Record Copy
ML20198J11617 December 1998Responds to to Chairman Jackson in Which Recipient Expressed Concern About Possible Sale of Pilgrim Station & About Waste Disposal Issues.Nrc Has Not Received Application for Transfer of License to DateOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20198P27817 December 1998Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Records Being Released in Entirety.App B Records Being Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 4)
ML20198B2029 December 1998Advises of Planned Insp Effort Resulting from Licensee Irpm Review.Details of Insp Plan for Next 6 Months & Historical Listing of Plant Issues EnclHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Half scram
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
High Energy Line Break
Scram Discharge Volume
Operability Determination
Maintenance Rule Program
Fire Protection Program
ML20197H8529 December 1998Responds to Ltr Sent to Chairman SA Jackson on 981028 Re Concern That NRC Will Not Perform Environ Assessment in Connection with Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License for Plants to Permit Sale
ML20196J1204 December 1998Ack Receipt of 971217 & 30 & 980112,0309,0423 & 0630 Ltrs Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-293/97-02,50-293/97-11,50-293/97-13, 50-293/97-80 & 50-293/98-01.Actions Found AcceptableHydrostatic
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
ML20196B54224 November 1998Forwards Plant SRO & RO Initial Exam Rept 50-293/98-301OL During Wk of 981016-23
ML20196F76324 November 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/98-203 on 980928-1023.No Violations Noted.Three Issues Identified Re Containment Flooding,Surveillance Testing Criteria & Protection for RBCCW System from High Energy Line Break Inside Drywell
ML20196C11920 November 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-293/98-08 on 980907-1019.No Violations Noted.During Insp Period,Chemical Decontamination of Residual Heat Removal Sys Was Well Planned & Implemented Which Reduced Radiation Doses in Heat Removal Quadrants
ML20195H73616 November 1998Informs of Individual Exam Results for Applicants on Initial Exam Conducted on 981016 & 981019-23 at Facility.Nine Applicants Were Administered Exam & Nine Passed.Licenses Issued & Individual Test Results Encl.Without Encl
ML20155C47829 October 1998Forwards RAI Re Resoultion to GL 96-06 Issues at Plant,Unit 1.Response Requested by 981130
ML20154J7888 October 1998Authorizes Mb Santiago to Administer Initial Written Exams to Applicants Listed (Except Applicants Redlined), on 981016.NRC Region I Operator Licensing Staff Will Administer Operating Tests During Week of 981019