IR 05000482/1986005: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20197E685
| number = ML20207F458
| issue date = 05/01/1986
| issue date = 07/16/1986
| title = Insp Rept 50-482/86-05 During Mar 1986.Violation Noted: Performance of Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Train B Operability Test Not Documented According to Procedure
| title = Ack Receipt of 860605 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/86-05
| author name = Bartlett B, Cummins J, Hunter D
| author name = Gagliardo J
| addressee name =  
| addressee name = Koester G
| addressee affiliation =  
| addressee affiliation = KANSAS GAS & ELECTRIC CO.
| docket = 05000482
| docket = 05000482
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = 50-482-86-05, 50-482-86-5, NUDOCS 8605150298
| document report number = NUDOCS 8607220545
| package number = ML20197E630
| package number = ML20207F463
| page count = 8
| page count = 1

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JUL 16196b In Reply Refer To:
Docket: STN 50-482/86-05
NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-05 LP: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482 Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)
; Kansas Gas and Electric Company ATTN: Glenn L. Koester    <
Post Office Box 208    .
4 Vice President - Nuclear P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201
Wichita, Kansas 67201 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)
Inspection At: Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas Inspection Conducted: March 1-31, 1986 Inspectors: bl  -l J. I. IUmmins, Sen'ior Rbsident Inspector, Operations Date tilb i e B. L. Bartlett, Residel[t' Reactor Inspector, Date Operations Approved:  b i D. R. Hunter, Chief, Project Section B, Reactor Uate
      !/4 Projects Branch Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted March 1-31, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-05)
Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection including followup on previously identified NRC items, operational safety verification, engineered safety features system walkdown, onsite followup of events, monthly surveillance observation, monthly maintenance observation, and plant tour Results: Within the seven areas inspected, one violation was identified (failure to document the performance of a surveillance test in accordance with procedure, paragraph 6). One open item is identified in paragraph PDR G ADOCK 05000482 PDR:
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  -2-DETAILS Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Personnel
*J. A. Bailey, Interim Site Director
*F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager M. Estes, Superintendent of Operations M. D. Rich, Superintendent of Maintenance
* G. Williams, Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality, and Administrative Services 0. L. Maynard, Manager, Licensing J. Goode, Licensing
*K. Peterson, Licensing
*G. Pendergrass, Licensing
* M. Lindsay, Supervisor, Quality Systems C. E. Parry, Superintendent-Quality Systems Engineering
*C. J. Hoch, QA Technologist R. D. Flannigan, Supervisor, Compliance Engineering
*A. A. Freitag, Manager, Nuclear Plant Engineering-WCGS
*C. M. Herbst, Project Engineer, Bechtel M. Megehee, Compliance Engineer
* J. Rudolph, QA Manager The NRC inspectors also contacted other members of the licensee's staff during the inspection period to discuss identified issue * Denotes those personnel in attendance at the exit meeting held on April 2, 198 . Followup on Previously Identified NRC Items (Closed) Violation (50-482/EA85-127-A and 50-482/8535-01): Violation Of Technical Specification-Centrifugal Charging Pump (CCP) Inoperabl The violation involved a failure to restore CCP '1A' to operable status within the time limit of the action statement for Technical Specifica-tion 3.5.2. The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's response and veri-fied that changes have been made to STS BG-100A and STS BG-1008 to correct ambiguous statements; that Licensee Event Report (LER) 85-063-00 was placed in the operations required reading and was signed off as being read by the appropriate shift personnel; that shift supervisors were trained in post-test review requirements; and by walkdowns of selected engineered safety features (ESF) systems that Technical Specification requirements were being met. This violation is close .
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    -3-(Closed) Violation (50-482/EA85-127-B and 50-482/8535-02): Failure to Observe Protective Clothing Requirements Of a Radiation Work Permi The violation involved a radiation worker entering a radiologically controlled work area without donning the required protective clothin The NRC inspector verified that this event was documented in accordance with Procedure ADM 03-006, " Notice of Radiological Work Practice Violation," and that the station operator was counseled on the importance of complying with RWP procedures. This violation is close (Closed) Violation (50-482/EA85-127-C and 50-482/8535-03): Violation Of Technical Specification-Containment Fire Detection Instrumentation Out-0f-Servic The violation involved failure to establish a fire watch or monitor containment air temperature in accordance with Technical Specifica-tion when the fire detection instrument for Fire Detection Zone 201 was inoperable. The NRC inspector verified that Procedure ADM 02-010, " Shift Relief and Turnover," and LER 85-070-00 were assigned and read as required reading. In addition, the NRC inspector, through interviews with licensed operators, ve.ified that oncoming crew members were cognizant of plant equipment status prior to assuming shift dutie This violation is close (Closed) Violation (50-482/EA85-127-0 and 50-482/8535-04): Failure To Follow Installation Criteria For Various Conduit The violation involved using an unapproved method to install a flexible conduit. The NRC inspector reviewed the management letter that was sent to all station employees. Field _ inspections by the NRC inspector of selected items revealed no other violations of this type. This item is close (Closed) Violation (50-482/8537-01): Nonseismic Glass Level Gauge Not Isolate The violation involved a failure to isolate a seismic portion of a safety-related system from a nonseismic portion. The NRC inspector verified that Checklist (CKL) EG-120 had been revised to show the four valves locked closed; that the five additional tanks that were-identified each had their appropriate checklist revised; that Procedure ADM 02-102, " Cont.01 of Locked Component Status," had been revised to show proper positioning; and through field inspection verified that the appropriate valves were closed and locke This item is close No violations or deviations were identifie . Operational Safety Verification The NRC inspectors verified that the facility was being operated safely and in conformance with regulatory requirements by direct observation
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  -4-of licensee facilities, tours of the facility, interviews and discussions with licensee personnel, independent verification of safety system status and limiting conditions for operations, and by reviewing facility record The NRC inspectors, by observation, interview of personnel, and review of documents, verified the physical security plan was being implemented in accordance with the security plan and that radiation protection activities were controlle By observing valve position, electrical breaker position, and control room indication, the NRC inspectors confirmed the operability of the accumulator safety injection system and the coolant charging system.
The NRC inspectors also visually inspected safety components for leakage, physical damage, and any other impairment that could prevent them from performing their designed functio No violations or deviations were identifie . Engineered Safety Features (ESF) System Walkdown
l The NRC inspectors verified the operability of ESF systems by walking down selected accessible portions of the systems. The NRC inspectors verified valves and electrical circuit breakers were in the required position, power was available, and valves were locked where require The NRC inspectors also inspected system components for damage or other conditions that could degrade system performanc The ESF systems listed below were walked down during this inspection report period:
Refueling Water Storage (BN)
High Pressure Coolant Injection (EM)
Emergency Fuel Oil (JE)
No violations or deviations were identifie . Onsite Followup of Events The NRC inspectors performed onsite followup of nonemergency events that occurred during this report period. The NRC inspectors (when available)
observed control room personnel response, observed instrumentation indicators of reactor plant parameters, reviewed logs and computer printouts, and discussed the event with cognizant personnel. The NRC inspectors verified the licensee had responded to the event in accordance with procedures and had notified the NRC and other agencies as required in a timely fashio Engineered Safety Feature actuations that occurred during the report
, period are listed in the table below. Where applicable, the NRC inspector will review the LER for each of these events and will report any findings in subsequent NRC inspection report . . . _ _  _ . . . _
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4      -5-
I Date  Event *  Plant Status  Cause 3/26/86 CRVIS  Mode 1  Blown Fuse on
Chlorine Detector
3/27/86 CRVIS, CPIS,
; Thank you for your letter of June 5,1986, in response to our letter and I Notice of Violation dated May 7, 1986. We have reviewed your reply and find it responsive to the concerns raised in our Notice of Violation. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.
  & FBVIS  Mode 1  Failed Power Supply
?  3/27/86 AFW, Actuation With LSP Switch-1  over to ESW  Mode 1  Personnel Error
* Event i CRVIS - control room ventilation isolation signa CPIS - containment purge isolation signal FBVIS - fuel building ventilation isolation signal AFW - auxiliary feed water
. LSP - low suction pressure ESW - essential service water Selected NRC inspector observations:
On March 27, 1986, at 1813 hours a CRVIS, CPIS, and FBVIS were generated when the -15 volt DC power supply failed in Cabinet SA 036D. After approximately 2 hours of reviewing prints, the instrumentation and control (I&C) personnel trouble shooting the problem removed a fuse in a 120V AC circuit and when it was replaced, an AFW actuation occurred along with an AFW low suction pressure automatic switchover to ESW. As designed, only the '1A' train ESW pump started. The balance of plant (80P) operator shut down the three running AFW pumps before any ESW water was placed in the steam generators (S/Gs).
Operations personnel flushed the ESW water out of '1A' motor driven AFW pump and the turbine driven AFW pumps (TDAFWP) using 1-inch drain lines and gravity feed from the condensate storage tank (CST). After chemistry
samples taken from the AFW system and analyzed indicated the system was again clean, the AFW pumps were run in their normal modes supplying water to the S/Gs to ensure all ESW water was flushed from the AFW syste Currently an evaluation is in progress to determine the corrective action required to ensure that the' long term operation of the AFW system has not been degraded through chemical reactions to the ESW water. The NRC inspector will follow up this evaluation to verify proper corrective action has been taken. Using Work Request (WR) 01336-86, I&C replaced the failed power supply on March 28, 1986. This will be tracked as Open Item
No. 50-482/8605-0 No violations or deviations were identifie . Monthly Surveillance Observation The NRC inspectors observed selected portions of the performance o surveillance testing and/or reviewed completed surveillance test procedures l
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  -6-to verify that surveillance activities were performed in accordance with TS requirements and administrative procedures. The NRC inspectors considered the following items while inspecting survePlance activities:
- Testing was being accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved procedur The surveillance procedure conformed to TS requirement Required test instrumentation was calibrate Technical Specification limiting conditions for operation (LCO) were satisfie Test data was accurate and complete. Where appropriate, the NRC inspectors performed independent calculations of selected test data to verify their accurac The performance of the surveillance procedure conformed to applicable administrative procedure The surveillance was performed within the required frequency and the test results met the required limit Surveillances witnessed and/or reviewed by the NRC inspectors are listed below:
STS IC-920, Revision 4, " Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS 065A Calibration Test"
STS EJ-100A, Revision 0, "RHR System Inservice Pump '1A' Test"
STS GK-001B, Revision 5, " Control Room Emergency Ventilation System"
STS IC-913, Revision 4, " Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS 065B Calibration Test"
STS 88-004, Revision 4, "RCS Water Inventory Balance" Selected NRC inspector observations:
On March 26, 1986, the NRC inspector observed a portion of the performance of STS GK-001B and then reviewed the surveillance proce-dure. During this review, the NRC inspector observed that even though the surveillance had been in progress for a number of hours, Section 3,
" Initial Conditions," had not been signed off as completed. When the supervising operator was informed, he stated, that when the previous shift had started the surveillance, they had missed signoff of this section. This failure to document the performance of a Section 3 of the surveillance in accordance with procedure is an apparent violation (50-482/8605-01).
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    -7- Monthly Maintenance Observation The NRC inspector observed maintenance activities performed on safety related systems and components to verify that these activities were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, Technical 3 Specifications, and applicable _ industry codes and standards. The following elements were considered by the NRC inspector during the observation and/or review of the maintenance activities:
LCO were met and, where applicable, redundant components were operabl Activities complied with adequate administrative control Where required, adequate, approved, and up-to-date procedures were use ,
Craftsmen were qualified to accomplish the designated task and technical expertise (i.e., engineering, health physics, operations)
were made available when appropriate.

Replacement parts and materials being used were properly certifie Required radiological controls were implemente t'
Fire prevention controls were implemented where appropriat Required alignments and surveillances to verify post maintenance operability were performe Quality control hold points and/or checklists were used when appropriate and quality control personnel observed designated work activitie Selected portions of the maintenance activities accomplished on the work requests (WR) listed below were observed and related documentation reviewed by the NRC inspector:
WR 01305-86, "BB FB-426A, Replace NAll Card"
WR 01112-86, " Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS 065A, Zero Reading Is Off Scale"
WR 01336-86, "SA 036D, -15 Volt DC Power Available Light Not-  l Illuminated, All Red Train Process Monitor Bistables Tripped"  l No violations or deviations were identifie ._ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . - - _ -- - .

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Sincerely, Original Signed By J. E. Gagliardo J. E. Gagliardo, Chiet Reactor Projects Branch  '
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    -8- Plant Tours At various times during the course of the inspection period, the NRC inspectors conducted general tours of the reactor building, auxiliary building, radwaste building, fuel handling building, control building, turbine building, and the secured area surrounding the buildings. During the tours, the NRC inspectors observed housekeeping practices, fire protection barriers and equipment, and maintenance on equipment. The NRC inspectors also discussed various subjects with licensee personne No vialations or deviations were identifie . Open Items Open items are matters which have been discussed with the licensee, which will be reviewed further by the inspector, and which involve some action on the part of the NRC or licensee or both. An open item disclosed during the inspection is discussed in paragraph . Exit Meeting The NRC inspectors met with licensee personnel to discuss the scope and findings of this inspection on April 2, 1986. The NRC inspectors also attended entrance / exit meeting with another NRC region-based inspector identified below:
Kansas Gas and Electric Company ATTH: Otto Maynard, Manager of Licensing P. O. Box 309 (Sharp Road)
Inspection Lead  Area Inspection Period Inspector  Inspected Report N /10-14/86 C. Hackney Emergency 86-06 Preparedness
Burlington, Kansas 66839 Forrest Rhodes, Plant Superintendent Wolf Creek Generating Station P. O. Box 309 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Kansas Radiation Control Program Director bec to DMB (IE01) g72gg G  PDR bec distrib. by RIV:
RPB Myron Karman, ELD, MNBB (1)
Resident Inspector R. D. liartin, RA SectionChief(RPB/B) ORSP R. P. Mullikin  MIS System 0\
,,, . . . . . . . .
R&SPB RIV File D. Weiss, LFMB (AR-2015)
RSB  RSTS Operator M y
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i 'RPB/B C:RPB  C:RPB /f rdo RPMullikin:cs DRHunt r JEGa '
7/0/86  7/ \V86  7/>
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      ... -

Revision as of 06:13, 27 December 2020

Ack Receipt of 860605 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/86-05
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/1986
From: Gagliardo J
To: Koester G
Shared Package
ML20207F463 List:
NUDOCS 8607220545
Download: ML20207F458 (1)


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JUL 16196b In Reply Refer To:

Docket: STN 50-482/86-05

Kansas Gas and Electric Company ATTN
Glenn L. Koester <

4 Vice President - Nuclear P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201




Thank you for your letter of June 5,1986, in response to our letter and I Notice of Violation dated May 7, 1986. We have reviewed your reply and find it responsive to the concerns raised in our Notice of Violation. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.


Sincerely, Original Signed By J. E. Gagliardo J. E. Gagliardo, Chiet Reactor Projects Branch '


Kansas Gas and Electric Company ATTH: Otto Maynard, Manager of Licensing P. O. Box 309 (Sharp Road)

Burlington, Kansas 66839 Forrest Rhodes, Plant Superintendent Wolf Creek Generating Station P. O. Box 309 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Kansas Radiation Control Program Director bec to DMB (IE01) g72gg G PDR bec distrib. by RIV:

RPB Myron Karman, ELD, MNBB (1)

Resident Inspector R. D. liartin, RA SectionChief(RPB/B) ORSP R. P. Mullikin MIS System 0\

R&SPB RIV File D. Weiss, LFMB (AR-2015)

RSB RSTS Operator M y

i 'RPB/B C:RPB C:RPB /f rdo RPMullikin:cs DRHunt r JEGa '

7/0/86 7/ \V86 7/>