IR 05000482/2001004
ML020150487 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek ![]() |
Issue date: | 01/15/2002 |
From: | Johnson W NRC/RGN-IV/DRP/RPB-B |
To: | Maynard O Wolf Creek |
References | |
IR-01-004 | |
Download: ML020150487 (23) | |
January 15, 2002
Dear Mr. Maynard:
On December 29, 2001, the NRC completed an inspection at your Wolf Creek Generating Station. The enclosed report documents the inspection findings which were discussed with Mr. B. McKinney and other members of your staff on January 4, 2002.
This inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.
Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selected examination of procedures and representative records, observations of activities, and interviews with personnel.
No findings of significance were identified.
Immediately following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the NRC issued an advisory recommending that nuclear power plant licensees go to the highest level of security, and all promptly did so. With continued uncertainty about the possibility of additional terrorist activities, the Nation's nuclear power plants remain at the highest level of security and the NRC continues to monitor the situation. This advisory was followed by additional advisories and, although the specific actions are not releasable to the public, they generally include increased patrols, augmented security forces and capabilities, additional security posts, heightened coordination with law enforcement and military authorities, and more limited access of personnel and vehicles to the sites. The NRC has conducted various audits of your responses to these advisories and your ability to respond to terrorist attacks with the capabilities of the current design basis threat. From these audits, the NRC has concluded that your security programs are adequate at this time.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation-2-Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.
William D. Johnson, Chief Project Branch B Division of Reactor Projects Docket: 50-482 License: NPF-42
NRC Inspection Report 50-482/01-04
Docket No:
50-482 License No:
NPF-42 Report No:
50-482/01-04 Licensee:
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Facility:
Wolf Creek Generating Station Location:
1550 Oxen Lane, NE Burlington, Kansas Dates:
September 30 through December 29, 2001 Inspectors:
F. L. Brush, Senior Resident Inspector J. Cruz, Resident Inspector P. J. Elkmann, Emergency Preparedness Inspector E. M. Garcia, Heath Physicist J. D. Hanna, Resident Inspector M. E. Murphy, Senior Operations Engineer T. F. Stetka, Senior Operations Engineer Approved By:
W. D. Johnson, Chief, Project Branch B ATTACHMENT:
Supplemental Information
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Wolf Creek Generating Station NRC Inspection Report 50-482/01-04 IR 50-482/01-04; on 9/30/2001 - 12/29/2001; Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation; Wolf Creek Generating Station. Routine Integrated Report.
The report covers a 13-week period of resident inspection and announced inspections by Region IV inspectors. The significance of most findings is indicated by their color (Green, White, Yellow, Red) using Inspection Manual Chapter 0609, Significance Determination Process. Findings for which the significance determination process does not apply are indicated by No Color or by the severity level of the applicable violation. The NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is described at its Reactor Oversight Process website at
Inspector Identified Findings None B.
Licensee Identified Findings None
Report Details Summary of Plant Status The plant operated at essentially 100 percent power for the report period with the following exceptions. On October 19 and November 9, 2001, the licensee reduced plant power to 97 percent each time to allow repair of a heater drain pump. The licensee returned the plant to 100 percent power on the same day.
REACTOR SAFETY Cornerstones: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems, Barrier Integrity, Emergency Preparedness 1R01 Adverse Weather Protection (71111.01)
Inspection Scope The inspectors performed a walkdown of various power block buildings using licensee Procedure STN GP-001, Plant Winterization, Revision 28, to verify that the onset of cold weather would not affect mitigating systems. The inspectors also reviewed licensee Procedure CKL QJ-132, Non-Class 1E Freeze Protection System Normal Lineup, Revision 6, and portions of the Updated Safety Analysis Report. The inspectors discussed adverse weather preparations with various licensee personnel.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R04 Equipment Alignment (71111.04)
Inspection Scope Partial Walkdowns The inspectors performed the following partial walkdowns:
Centrifugal charging Pump B during a centrifugal charging Pump A outage
Class 1E electrical equipment Train A air conditioning unit during a Train B outage
Residual heat removal Pump A during a residual heat removal Pump B outage Full Walkdown The inspectors performed a full walkdown of essential service water Train A.
The inspectors performed the walkdowns to verify equipment alignment and identify discrepancies that could impact redundant system operability. The inspectors used the
-2-Updated Safety Analysis Report, system drawings, system lineup checklists, and other documents to perform the walkdowns. The inspectors also discussed the walkdowns with various licensee personnel.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R05 Fire Protection (71111.05)
Inspection Scope The inspectors performed a walkdown of the below listed areas to determine that the licensee implemented a fire protection program in accordance with the Updated Safety Analysis Report fire hazards analysis. Elements of the fire protection program inspected included the control of combustibles, fire detection and suppression equipment and passive fire protection features, and adequate compensation for inoperable or degraded fire protection equipment, systems, or features.
Auxiliary Building 1989 foot level, pipe chase and 2000 foot level auxiliary feedwater pumps vestibule
Auxiliary Building 2000 foot level, turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump room
Auxiliary Building 2047 foot level, control room air conditioning and filtration units Room A
Control Building 2016 foot level, air conditioning Unit SGK05A room
Diesel Generator Building 2000 foot level, Diesel Generator B
Turbine Building 2000 foot level, lube oil storage tank room b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R06 Flood Protection Measures (71111.06)
Periodic a.
Inspection Scope The inspectors verified that the licensees flooding mitigation plans and equipment were consistent with the licensees design requirements and the risk assumptions in the Updated Safety Analysis Report for the control building basement essential service water/service water cross-connect room. The inspectors reviewed the following information:
FL-05, Control building flooding calculation
Work Order 01-224716-000, Chemical equipment drain sump pump
Work Order 01-224717-000, Chemical equipment drain sump pump lubrication
Work Order 01-224719-000, Control building oily waste sump pump
Work Order 01-231198-000, Chemical equipment drain sump pump
Work Order 01-231199-000,Chemical equipment drain sump pump
Work Order 01-231201-000,Control building oily waste sump pump
Updated Safety Analysis Report b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R11 Licensed Operator Requalification (71111.11)
.1 Biennial Review a.
Inspection Scope Examination security measures and procedures were evaluated for compliance with 10 CFR 55.49, "Integrity of Examinations and Tests." Each of the six examination weeks written examinations was evaluated for adherence to the sample plan and compliance with 10 CFR 55.59, "Requalification," and NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 8, Supplement 1, as referenced in facility requalification program procedures. Maintenance of license conditions was evaluated for compliance with 10 CFR 55.53, "Conditions of Licenses,"
by review of facility records, procedures, and tracking systems for licensed operator training, qualification, and watch standing. Remedial training and examinations for examination failures were reviewed for compliance with facility procedures and responsiveness to address areas failed.
In addition, the inspectors:
Interviewed four personnel (one operator, two instructors/evaluators, and a training supervisor) regarding the policies and practices for administering examinations
Observed the administration of two dynamic simulator scenarios to one requalification operating crew by five facility evaluators
Observed the administration of two dynamic simulator scenarios to one requalification staff crew by six facility evaluators, including an operations department manager, who participated in the crew and individual evaluations
Observed three facility evaluators administer five job performance measures to three requalification candidates, that included one in the control room simulator in a dynamic mode and four in the plant under simulated conditions
Reviewed the remediation process for the last training cycle
Reviewed the results of the annual and biennial requalification examinations to determine if the results reflected any findings b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
.2 Requalification Activities Review a.
Inspection Scope The inspectors observed control room operator simulator training to verify that the licensed operator requalification program ensures safe operation of the plant by adequately evaluating how well the operators and crews have mastered the training objectives. The inspectors used Simulator Training Guide LR5002004, Natural Circulation, Revision 4, to evaluate operator performance. The inspectors also reviewed the licensees training critique.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R12 Maintenance Rule Implementation (71111.12)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the licensees maintenance rule implementation for:
Auxiliary feedwater system
Class 1E electrical equipment air conditioning system
Control room air conditioning and pressurization system
Essential service water system
Residual heat removal system The inspectors assessed the effectiveness of maintenance efforts that apply to scoped structures, systems, and components using inspection Attachment 71111.12. The inspectors reviewed various maintenance rule information.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
-5-1R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Evaluation (71111.13)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the licensees risk assessment for equipment outages as a result of planned and emergent maintenance to evaluate the licensees effectiveness in assessing risk for planned and emergent maintenance. The inspectors performed the review using inspection Attachment 71111.13. The inspectors also discussed the planned and emergent work activities with planning and maintenance personnel. The inspectors review included the following:
Operational risk assessments for planned maintenance for the weeks of October 1, November 5, November 26, and December 10
Actual, planned, and emergent work schedules for the same weeks b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R15 Operability Evaluations (71111.15)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the following to ensure that operability was properly justified for the component or system:
Class 1E electrical equipment air conditioning Unit B
Switchyard east bus outage
Vital bus degraded voltage setpoints The inspectors also discussed the component or system operability status with licensee personnel and reviewed applicable portions of the Updated Safety Analysis Report and Technical Specifications.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R19 Postmaintenance Testing (71111.19)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed or observed the postmaintenance testing on the following equipment or systems in accordance with inspection Attachment 71111.19 to verify that procedures and test activities are adequate to verify system operability:
Centrifugal charging Pump A
Centrifugal charging Pump B
Class 1E electrical equipment air conditioning Unit B
Essential service water System A b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R22 Surveillance Testing (71111.22)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed or observed all or part of the following surveillance activities in accordance with inspection Attachment 71111.22 to verify that risk significant structures, systems, and components are capable of performing their intended safety functions and assessing their operational readiness:
STS AL-101, MDAFW Pump A Inservice Pump Test, Revision 28
STS EG-100A, Component Cooling Water Pumps A/C Inservice Pump Test, Revision 17
STS EN-100A, Containment Spray Pump A Inservice Pump Test, Revision 13
STS GK-001B, Control Room Emergency Vent System Train B Operability Test, Revision 25
STS KJ-015B, Manual/Auto Fast Start, Synchronization & Loading Of Emergency D/G NE02, Revision 14 b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1R23 Temporary Plant Modifications (71111.23)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the reactor coolant pump component cooling water flow alarm temporary modification to verify that the modification had not affected the safety functions of important safety systems.
The inspectors reviewed temporary modification Package 01-012-RK, alarm response procedure, and applicable portions of the Updated Safety Analysis Report.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1EP1 Exercise Evaluation (71114.01)
Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed the objectives and scenario for the 2001 biennial emergency plan exercise to determine if the exercise would acceptably test major elements of the emergency plan. The scenario simulated a damaged electrical transformer, a failure to automatically trip the reactor, and core damage due to high local core temperatures to demonstrate the licensee's capabilities to implement the emergency plan. A radiological release to the environment was simulated to occur via a steam generator primary to secondary leak in conjunction with an unisolable steam line failure.
The inspectors evaluated exercise performance by focusing on the risk-significant activities of classification, notification, protective action recommendations, and offsite dose consequences in the following emergency response facilities:
Simulator control room
Emergency operations facility The inspectors also assessed personnel recognition of abnormal plant conditions, the transfer of emergency responsibilities between facilities, communications, protection of emergency workers, emergency repair capabilities, and the overall implementation of the emergency plan.
The inspectors attended the postexercise critiques in each of the above facilities to evaluate the initial licensee self-assessment of exercise performance. The inspectors also attended a subsequent formal presentation of critique items to plant management.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
1EP6 Drill Evaluation (71114.06)
Inspection Scope The inspectors observed and reviewed emergency drill activities in the simulator control room, the technical support center, and the emergency offsite facility in accordance with inspection Attachment 71114.06. The inspectors also attended a drill critique in the technical support center. The inspectors reviewed associated documents and information and discussed the drill activities with various licensee personnel.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
OTHER ACTIVITIES 4OA1 Performance Indicator Verification (71151)
.1 Drill and Exercise Performance a.
Inspection Scope The inspector reviewed the following documents related to the drill and exercise performance indicator in order to verify the licensees reported data:
Drill schedules for calendar years 2000 and 2001
Drill and exercise scenarios for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001
Notification worksheets for drills conducted during the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001
Dose assessment results for each drill reviewed
Drill evaluation records for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001
Performance indicator reports for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001 b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
.2 Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation a.
Inspection Scope The inspector reviewed the following records related to emergency response organization participation in order to verify the licensees reported data:
Emergency response organization rosters for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001
List of key emergency response organization positions
Drill participation records for a sample of eight emergency responders
Performance indicator summary sheets for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001
Performance indicator reports for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001 b.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
.3 Alert and Notification System a.
Inspection Scope The inspector reviewed siren testing records for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2000 and for the first through third quarters of calendar year 2001 to verify the accuracy of data reported for this performance indicator.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
.4 Other Performance Indicators a.
Inspection Scope The inspectors verified the following performance indicators for the period of October 1, 2000, through September 30, 2001, using inspection Procedure 71151 to determine the accuracy and completeness of the performance indicators:
Safety system unavailability - emergency AC power system
Safety system unavailability - high pressure safety injection
Unplanned scrams per 7000 critical hours The inspectors discussed the system status with various licensee personnel. The inspectors also reviewed licensee information and the Technical Specifications.
Findings No findings of significance were identified.
-10-4OA6 Meetings
.1 Exit Meeting Summary The inspectors presented the resident inspection results to Mr. B. McKinney, Vice President of Operations, and other members of licensee management on January 4, 2002.
The inspectors presented the inspection results of the licensed operator requalification inspection to Mr. B. McKinney, Vice President of Operations, and other members of the licensees staff at an interim exit interview on September 21, 2001. The final exit was held by telephone on November 15, 2001, with Mr. M. Westman, Training Manager, after receipt and review of the results of the annual and biennial requalification examinations.
The inspectors presented the emergency exercise inspection results to Mr. O. Maynard, Chief Executive Officer, and other members of licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on November 16, 2001.
The inspectors asked the licensee whether or not any materials examined during the inspection should be considered proprietary. No proprietary material was identified.
ATTACHMENT Supplemental Information PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee K. A. Harris, Manager, Regulatory Affairs M. W. Hicks, Manager, Operations D. Jacobs, Plant Manager J. W. Johnson, Manager, Resource Protection O. L. Maynard, President and Chief Executive Officer B. T. McKinney, Vice President Operations R. Muench, Vice President Technical Services LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED Exercise Evaluation
EPP 06-001, Control Room Operations, Revision 3
EPP 06-002, Technical Support Center Operations, Revision 6
EPP 06-003, Emergency Operations Facility Operations, Revision 4
EPP 06-005, Emergency Classification, Revision 1
EPP 06-006, Protective Action Recommendations, Revision 0
EPP 06-007, Emergency Notifications, Revision 5
EPP 06-011, Emergency Team Formation and Control, Revision 2
EPP 06-012, Dose Assessment, Revision 5
EPP 06-013, Exposure Control and Personnel Protection, Revision 2
EPP 06-017, Core Damage Assessment Methodology, Revision 2
01-EVAL-EX, 2001 Evaluated Exercise Scenario
TIN GE-11-356-65, 14 Nov (Team C) Drill Evaluation Drill Evaluation
Control room simulator logs and critique sheets
Drill Scenario 01-PRE-01 for October 30 and 31
EMG E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, Revision 14
EMG E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant. Revision 13
EMG FR-S1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT, Revision 12
OFN BB-007, RCS Leakage High, Revision 11
Technical support center logs and critique sheets Equipment Alignment
CKL BG-120, Chemical And Volume Control System Normal Valve Lineup, Revision 31
CKL BG-130, Chemical And Volume Control System Switch And Breaker Alignment, Revision 23
CKL BN-120, Refueling Water Storage System Lineup, Revision 12
CKL EF-120, Essential Service Water Valve, Breaker and Switch Lineup, Revision 36
CKL EJ-120, RHR Normal System Lineup, Revision 28
CKL GK-121, Control Building HVAC Valve Checklist, Revision 14
CKL GK-131, Control Building HVAC Electrical Checklist, Revision 18
Description of Work Orders 01-223747-000, 01-223747-002, 01-223747-003, 01-223747-004, 01-223747-005, 01-223747-006, 01-223748-000, 01-223748-002, 01-223748-003, 01-223748-004, 01-223748-005, 01-223748-006, 01-223748-007, 01-226977-000, 01-226977-002, 01-226977-003, 01-226977-004, 01-230108-000, 01-230174-000, and 01-231479-000
Essential service water system health report dated October 5, 2001 Fire Protection
FPP A-15, Auxiliary Building 2000 Foot Turbine Driven Aux Feedwater Pump Room, Revision 5
FPP A-22, Auxiliary Building 2047 Foot Control Room A/C and Filtration Units Room A, Revision 5
FPP A-33, Auxiliary Building 1989 Foot Pipe Chase, and 2000 Foot Aux Feed Pumps Vestibule, Revision 4
FPP C-14, Control Building 2016 Foot A/C Unit SGK05A Room, Revision 6
FPP D-2, Diesel Generator Building 2000 Foot B Train Diesel Generator, Revision 7
FPP T-4, Turbine Building Lube Oil Storage Tank Room 2000 Foot, Revision 4
Updated Safety Analysis Report fire hazards analysis Licensed Operator Requalification Procedures
AI 30B-005, Conduct of Simulator Activities for Licensed Operator Training, Revision 4
AI 30B-006, Licensed Operator Requalification Examination Guidelines, Revision 6
AI 30C-002, Simulator Modifications, Revision 5
AP 30B-001, Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program, Revision 3
AP 30E-003, Training and Qualification Records, Revision 3 Scenarios
Requalification Simulator Exam Scenario #70-04, Revision 2
Requalification Simulator Exam Scenario #70-05, Revision 1
Requalification Simulator Exam Scenario #70-21, Revision 1
Requalification Simulator Exam Scenario #70-23, Revision 1
Requalification Simulator Exam Scenario #70-31, Revision 1 Job Performance Measures
C-004-B-C, Monitor Axial Flux Difference, Revision 7
C-019-B-C, Startup ESW Train A, Revision 22
C-026-B-C (ASP), Restore Charging After a Loss of CCP (ASP), Revision 5
C-030-B-C, Fill an SI Accumulator, Revision 14
J-033-B-C, Place Steam Dumps in the Tav Mode, Revision 5
C-039-B-C, Raise RCS Boron Concentration, Mode 4, Revision 2
C-042-B-C, Place the RHR System in Standby Condition, Revision 17
T-102-B-P, Demonstrate the Ability to Perform Turbine Building Operators OFN RP-017 Immediate Actions (Attachment B), Revision 2
T-108-B-P, Align the Fire Protection System to AFW to Fill the S/Gs, Revision 2
T-110-B-P (ASP), Local Start of B EDG, Revision 6
T-112-B-P (ASP), Lineup Emergency Diesel Generator for Automatic Operation, Revision 18 Lesson Plans
LR1010101, Plant and Industry Events
LR1010103, Plant and Industry Events
LR1010105, Plant and Industry Events
LR1010102, Plant and Industry Events
LR1010107, Operating Experience
-4-Other Documents Reviewed
Licensed Operator Requalification Plan, 2001 Exam Year
PIR 20012181 - There was an appearance of a potential compromise for a Job Performance Measure (JPM) being performed by an examinee, dated 8/28/01.
PIR 20012326 - During the crew practice of 09/17/01 a staff crew Shift Manager observed the crew as part of his management observation and saw the exam scenario his crew was to receive, dated 9/17/01.
Simulator Differences From the Plant
Minutes of the Simulator Fidelity Review Board dated July 3, 2001
Simulator Modification Packages99-092 dated 11/30/1999,98-072 dated 9/9/1998, and A01 dated 5/1/2001
License Operator Requalification 2000 Annual Examination Report
Self-Assessment SEL 00-013, Operations Training Programs, conducted July 10-14 and July 17-21, 2000
Self-Assessment SEL 01-011, Operations Training, conducted February 1 and 9, 2001
Self-Assessment SEL 01-030, OPS Training Self Assessment, conducted May 7-18, 2001
Written Exams, Weeks 1 thru 6, from the 2000 Biennial Requalification Exam
Operating Crew Simulator Performance Evaluation Summary Sheets for 2000 and 2001
Job Performance Measure Cover Sheets for 2000 and 2001 Maintenance Rule Documents
Final Scope Evaluation for AL-01, Auxiliary Feedwater System
Final Scope Evaluation for EJ-01, Residual Heat Removal System
Functional failure evaluations for AL-01, Auxiliary Feedwater System
Functional failure evaluations for EF-01, Essential Service Water System
Functional failure evaluations for EJ-01, Residual Heat Removal System
Functional failure evaluations for GK-01, Class 1E Electrical Equipment Air Conditioning
Functional failure evaluations for GK-02, Control Room Air Conditioning and Pressurization System
Maintenance rule bases information, EF-01, Essential Service Water System
Maintenance rule bases information, GK-01, Class 1E Electrical Equipment Air Conditioning
Maintenance rule bases information, GK-02, Control Room Air Conditioning and Pressurization System
Maintenance rule expert panel meeting minutes for AL-01, Auxiliary Feedwater System
Maintenance rule expert panel meeting minutes for EF-01, Essential Service Water System
Maintenance rule expert panel meeting minutes for EJ-01, Residual Heat Removal System
Maintenance rule expert panel meeting minutes for GK-01, Class 1E Electrical Equipment Air Conditioning
Maintenance rule expert panel meeting minutes for GK-02, Control Room Air Conditioning and Pressurization System
Maintenance rule performance evaluation for AL-01, Auxiliary Feedwater System
Maintenance rule performance evaluation for EJ-01, Residual Heat Removal System
Maintenance rule performance evaluation for EJ-01, EF-01, Essential Service Water System
Maintenance rule performance evaluation for GK-01, Class 1E Electrical Equipment Air Conditioning
Maintenance rule performance evaluation for GK-02, Control Room Air Conditioning and Pressurization System Operability Evaluations
Applicability Determination 59 - EFV0082 Disc Removal
Control room shift managers log
Evaluation of Nonconforming Conditions of Installed Plant Equipment for PIR 2001-2647
Performance Improvement Request 2001-2647
Temporary Modification Order 01-013-EF for Valve EFV0082 Performance Indicator Verification
Licensee Event Report 2000-003-00
Licensee worksheets
Performance indicator summary reports
Selected NRC inspection reports
Selected control room operator logs Postmaintenance Testing
STS BG-100A, Centrifugal Charging System A Train Inservice Pump Test, Revision 26
STS BG-100AB, Centrifugal Charging System B Train Inservice Pump Test, Revision 27
STS BN-207A, Borated Refueling Water Storage System Inservice Valve Test, Revision 2
STS BN-207B, Borated Refueling Water Storage System Inservice Valve Test, Revision 2
SYS KJ-123, Post Maintenance Run of Emergency Diesel Generator A, Revision 16
STS MT-075, SGK05B Condenser Heat Exchanger Tube Inspection, Revision 0
Work Order 99-211025-003, Class 1E electrical equipment air conditioning Unit B SGK05B outlet valve
Work Order 00-219451-252, Essential Service Water Traveling Water Screens DFEF01A
Work Order 00-219451-314, Screen Wash Water Valve EFHV91
Work Order 01-228647-003, Charging pump suction from refueling water storage tank Valve BNLCV0112E
Work Order 01-228648-003, Charging pump suction from refueling water storage tank Valve BNLCV0112D
Work Order 01-229092-002, Class 1E Electrical Equipment Air Conditioning Unit B SGK05B
Work Order 01-229126-001, Essential Service Water Pump A Discharge Air Release Valve
Work Order 01-229129-002, Traveling Water Screens FEF01A
Work Order 01-229167-002, Intercooler Heat Exchanger EKJ03A
Work Order 01-229184-001, Essential Service Water Screen A Spray Valve EFHV0091
Work Order 01-231485-001, Standby Diesel Generator KKJ01A