IR 05000482/2012001
ML120650857 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/05/2012 |
From: | Kennedy K NRC/RGN-IV/DRP |
To: | Matthew Sunseri Wolf Creek |
References | |
IR-12-001 | |
Download: ML120650857 (6) | |
March 5, 2012
Dear Mr. Sunseri:
On February 14, 2012, the NRC completed its end-of-cycle performance review of Wolf Creek Generating Station. The NRC reviewed the most recent quarterly performance indicators (PIs)
in addition to inspection results and enforcement actions from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. This letter informs you of the NRCs assessment of your facility during this period and its plans for future inspections at your facility. This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter will include the NRCs assessment of your performance in the Security Cornerstone and its security-related inspection plan.
The NRC determined that overall, Wolf Creek Generating Station operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and met all cornerstone objectives. The NRC determined the performance at Wolf Creek Generating Station during the most recent quarter was within the Licensee Response Column of the NRC=s Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action Matrix because all inspection findings had very low (i.e., green) safety significance, and all PIs indicated that your performance was within the nominal, expected range (i.e., green).
Therefore, the NRC plans to conduct ROP baseline inspections at your facility.
In its assessment letter dated September 1, 2011, (ML112440318) the NRC outlined substantive cross-cutting issues in the areas of problem identification and resolution and human performance associated with themes in the aspects of: (1) use of a low threshold for identifying issues in the corrective action program P.1(a); (2) thoroughness of evaluating problems such that resolutions address causes and extent of condition P.1(c); (3) appropriateness and timeliness of corrective actions P.1(d); (4) use of conservative assumptions in decision-making
H.1(b); and (5)completeness and accuracy of design documentation, procedures, and work packages H.2(c). We also stated that we would conduct additional inspection above the ROP baseline inspection program as described in Section 13.03 of Inspection Manual Chapter 0305, Operating Reactor Assessment Program, to evaluate the effectiveness of your performance improvement efforts related to these substantive cross-cutting issues. We requested that you provide us a letter informing us of your readiness for inspection of your corrective actions in addressing each of the five identified safety culture themes. Through our baseline inspection UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
1600 EAST LAMAR BLVD ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011-4511 efforts, a public meeting with NRC management on November 9, 2011, and through communications with station management, we have kept abreast of your most recent efforts to improve performance in these areas. We recognize that you have not yet determined that you are ready for this inspection. Therefore, the five substantive cross-cutting issues described above will remain open. As stated in previous assessment letters, the NRC will close each identified issue when we determine through our inspection that your corrective actions have been effective and the station has demonstrated sustained and measurable improvement.
In addition, the NRC identified a new cross-cutting theme with four findings in the work control component of the human performance area associated coordinating work activities H.3(b). In addressing the scope of efforts and progress in addressing this theme, we noted your staff appropriately recognized the declining trend and entered the trend into the corrective action program; however, a reasonable duration of time has not passed to determine the effectiveness of your corrective actions since one of the findings comprising this theme was identified during the last quarter of the assessment period. Therefore, the NRC has determined that a substantive cross-cutting issue does not exist at this time. The NRC will continue to monitor your staffs effort and progress in addressing the theme through the baseline inspection program.
We request that you schedule a public meeting before the end of June 2012 to discuss your progress and the status of your plans for addressing the substantive cross-cutting issues described above. Also, we request you provide a written response within 30 days of the date of this letter that provides details of your planned corrective actions and a schedule outlining when you expect to be ready for inspection of your corrective actions for each of the safety culture themes.
The enclosed inspection plan lists the inspections scheduled through June 30, 2013. Routine inspections performed by resident inspectors are not included in the inspection plan. The inspections listed during the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at mid-cycle performance review. The NRC provides the inspection plan to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues. The NRC will contact you as soon as possible to discuss changes to the inspection plan should circumstances warrant any changes.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC=s ARules of Practice,@ a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). [Note: Verify the Web site works, and update it, if necessary.] Please contact Neil OKeefe at 817-200-1141 with any questions you have regarding this letter.
Kriss M. Kennedy Director, Division of Reactor Projects
Docket No. 50-482 License No. NPF-42
Enclosure: Wolf Creek Inspection/Activity Plan
cc: w/enclosure via Electronic Distribution