IR 05000482/1986021

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Insp Rept 50-482/86-21 on 860929-1003.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nonlicensed Staff Training,Licensed Operator & Requalification Training Program
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1986
From: Jaudon J, Plettner E
Shared Package
ML20197C897 List:
50-482-86-21, NUDOCS 8611070115
Download: ML20197C900 (7)




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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/86-21 LP: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482 Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)

Post Office Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas Inspection Conducted: September 29 to October 3, 1986 Inspectors: [ 6 //fre , f o /ao //d E. A. Plettner, Resident Inspe r Da t'e /

Approved: -

av 'bd J./ P. faudo , Chief, Project Section A,

/d Da te Reactor oject Branch i

I 8611070115 861103 PDR ADOCK 05000482 G PDR

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Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted' September 29 through October 3,1986 (Report 50-482/86-21)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's non-licensed staff training, licensed operator, and requalification training


progra Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

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DETAILS Persons Contacted F

Principal Licensee Employees

  • L. Koester, Vice-President - Nuclear R. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager
  • G. B. Boyer, Deputy Plant Manager
  • J. A. Zell, Nuclear Training Manager
  • 0. L. Maynard, Licensing Manager
  • R. M. Grant, Director - Quality NRC Personnel
  • J. E. Cummings, Senior Resident Inspector '
  • B. L. Bartlett, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present at exit meeting on October 3,1986 The NRC inspector also contacted other plant personnel, including operators, technicians, and administrative personne . General Employment Training (GET)

The purpose of this inspection was to determine if the licensee met the general training requirements of 10 CFR 19.12,10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion II, and ANSI 1 The NRC inspector participated in classroom instruction for access to the facility. Several observations were made during classroom instructio These observations are listed in paragraph 5 of this rep. or Personnel interviews of plant personnel with various employment times and occupational classifications revealed a good general knowledge in the areas of quality assurance and control, security, and radiological contro Review of the GET records for 12 personnel selected at random revealed that these records provided an audible and documented history. The individuals in the random sample had completed requalification within the required time fram The licensee has scheduled an accreditation visit for GET from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) in December 198 Certification for Radiation Worker II and Respirator Training was received from INP0 on July 8, 198 No violations or deviations were identified in this are .- __- __

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4 Other Non-Licensed Staff Training The licensee submitted Self Evaluation Reports (SERs) to INP0 in the areas of Health Physics and Shif t Technical Advisor in September 1986. The licensee plans to submit SERs to INP0 in the areas of Chemical, flaintenance, Electrical, and Instrumentation and Control in December 198 Final board approval dates are not available at this tim . Licensed Operator Initial Training The NRC inspector reviewed the initial licensed operator training program to verify that the program being implenented by the licensee complied with 10 CFR Part 55 and Licensee Procedure ADM-06-221, Revision 2, dated June 3, 1986. During performance of this review, the NRC inspector verified that the following program elements were properly implemented by the license . Required lectures by the licensee's approved training program were attended

. Simulator certification of training was completed

. Required time onshift was performed

. Records were maintained by the training department to document participation by each licensing candidate in the above activitie No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Licensed Operator Requalification Program The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's operator requalification program to verify that the program being implemented by the licensee complied with 10 CFR Part 55 and Technical Specifications, Section 13.2.. During performance of this review, the NRC inspector verified that the following program elenents were properly implemented by the . license . Preplanned lectures required by the licensee's training program were given to the operating staff in each 2-year requalification progra .

Documentation was available to indicate that staff supervision personnel (licensed individuals not assigned to an operations crew)

reviewed facility design changes, procedure changes, facility license changes, and abnormal and emergency operating procedure .

All licensed individuals that scored low in any particular category were required to attend appropriate lecture .

All licensed individuals received performance evaluations during simulator and drill exercises as specified by the licensee's training progra _.-

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. Each licensed operator completed an annual requalification examination prepared by the license . Records were maintained by the training department to document participation by each licensed operator in the above activitie The NRC inspector reviewed the licensed operator requalification training progran presently used by the licensee against the original training program to verify that revisions made by the licensee had not lessened the requirements of the program in accordance with Part 55 Appendix A of 10 CFR. Two items of concern were identified during the review. The concerns were:

. Requirements for Instructor Certification appeared to be removed from requalification procedure ADM-06-224, Revision 4, dated June 24, 198 . The time interval associated with the phrase " shift cycle" as used in Section of Procedure ADM-06-224, Revision 0, dated August 13, 1986, was changed to "requalification cycle" in ADM-06-224, Revision 4, dated June 24, 198 In discussions with the licensee the requirements for Instructor certification were incorporated into Procedure ADM 06-230, Revision 4, dated November 19, 1985, with a reference back to the Requalification Procedure ADM 06-22 Procedure ADM 06-224, Revision 4, dated June 24, 1986, does not reference the new Procedure ADM 06-0230. Thus, the appearance of ,the requirements having been removed. The licensee committed to correct the discrepancy by referencing Procedure ADM-06-230 in Procedure ADM 06-224 in the next revision. This item will be tracked as an open item, pending review of completed licensee actio (482/8621-01)

In discussions with the licensee about the time interval associated with the change from the term " shift cycle" to the term "requalification cycle," it became evident that the intent was to mean 6 weeks. The licensee agreed that the phrase "requalification cycle" could be misinterpreted to mean two years and not the 6-week time frame as intended. The licensee committed to making the necessary change to clarify the time interval. This item will be tracked as an open item, pending review of completed licensee actio (482/8621-02)

The NRC inspector reviewed requalification exams for content and grading consistency. Four exams in the 1985 requalifications exam administered by the licensee were reviewed. The results of the review showed an average of six grading discrepancies on each exam. The discrepancies were of two types. The first was inconsistency in the points taken off on answers to questions where partial credit was given. The second was that full credit was given for an answer that was not on the answer key. The licensee was



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giving exams for the 1986 requalification exam during the inspection


period. The NRC inspector reviewed two of the eight graded exams in 1986


and found the same two types of discrepancie The licensee when infonned about the discrepancies took immediate corrective action by:

Adding additional correct answers to the answer ke *

Annotating the answer key to clearly define the point elve for answers where partial credit was to be give Changing the format of' grading exams in their entirety to grading answers on individuals "A", "B", and etc. concurrently, i

Issuing a letter of instruction denoting the above action *

Committing to regrade all exams taken in the 1986 requalification ,

exam to insure correct gradin The first four items delineated above were completed during the inspection-period. The 1986 requalification exam regrade will be tracked as an open item and will be reviewed during a future inspection. (482/8621-03)

The licensee had a visit from INP0 on August 26, 1986 for accreditation of the Operator Training Program. The licensee is waiting for the written report from INP0 on its findings. The licensee is planning for final INP0

' board approval in December 198 ,

No violations or deviations were identified in the are . Inspection Observations

The NRC inspector participated in the licensed operator classroom


instruction and made the following observations:

. A video tape to show how to enter and exit the plant's security complex could enhance trainin . A video tape to show how to use the Gai-tronics system, safety equipment, and how to lift mterial correctly could enhance trainin . The placement of blanks in " fill-in-the-blank" type questions. Some questions were difficult to determine what should be used to fill in the blan .

The use of multiple choice questions from the screening exam in the final course exam, since no review of missed screening exam question


was conducted.



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These observations are neither violations nor unresolved items. These items were noted for licensee consideration for program improvement and have no specific regulatory requirement. The licensee acknowledged these observations and will consider them for review.

. 7. Exit Meeting An exit meeting was conducted at the conclusion of the inspectio The NRC inspector summarized the scope and findings of each inspection segment at the meeting.
