IR 05000424/1986115

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Insp Repts 50-424/86-115 & 50-425/86-53 on 861103-07.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Procedure Review,Quality Records,Licensee Identified Items & Unresolved Items
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/01/1986
From: Conlon T, Gibbons T
Shared Package
ML20215C018 List:
50-424-86-115, 50-425-86-53, NUDOCS 8612150002
Download: ML20215C020 (7)


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Y? Report Nos.: 50-424/86-115^and 50-425/86-53

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  . Licensee: . Georgia' Power Company        '
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fe - - P'. O. Box;4545 ,

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(6S , Atlanta, GA; 30302 ' J - F  ; Docket Nos.: :50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: CPPR-108'and CPPR-109

M -Facility Name: Vogtle-1;and 2 ~ a 4 . .




2inspectionCondu,cted: November-3-7, 1986


Inspector: [[ N


f w / 2, -/d -A-T. D. Gihons '


Date Signed


Approved ~ T. E. Conlon, Section Chie M e

             /42-/-Ed-Date Sign d



Engineering Branch . . , Division of Reactor Safety , . - s



  . Scope: - This routin'e, unannounced inspection involved' the ' areas of procedure

review,'q'uality records,7 11censee identified items,1 and;un' resolved items. *

  .Results: No wlolations or deviations were 1dentifie ,
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    's s e REPORTL DETAI'LS Persons Contacted-
 ' Licensee' Employees-.
 *P;?D. Rice, Vice: President-Engineering:
 *E.10. Groover,: QA Site Manager
,; *G. A. McCarley, Project Compliance Supervisor;  =.

Other licensee employees contacted included lonstruction craftsmen / L engineers,? technicians, and office personne NRC Resident Inspector

 *H. Livermore, Senior: Resident. Inspector   ]


 * Attended exit interview  ,

y g . Exit Interview W


The. inspection scope and findings were summarized en November 7, 1986,.with those' persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.. Thel Inspector described the areas inspected. The' licensee did not identifyias. proprietary -sny of 'the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio ,

- 4 .' Unresolved. Items Unresolved' items were not identified during the inspectio . Electrical (Cable and Terminations I and II) Review of Quality Records -

Unit 1 (510658, 510668) The inspector selected ten power and ten c;ryol cables for examination to assure that the licensee records confore to he site approved procedure The cables selected are listed below: 1ABC06LA, IABC29LA, IBBC06LA, 1BuC11LA, idBC29fA, ,1AD1203LA, IBR3548LS', IBR3548LC, 1BYIB11LA, 10YIB10LA, IAA0222SA, '1AYIA11SA, 1AY2A09SA, 1BA0318SS, IBY2803SA, 182B18SA, 1BY2B22SA, ICY 1A16SB, 2ACBEH01DSK,

2BCBEH02DS y -

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The inspector examined th'e cable card to ascertain the cable code and the


reel numbers _which are verified by the QC inspector. The cable code or reel

-  number can-be traced to the site receiving report and the vendorJcertified g'  : test report, certificate of; compliance and source inspection reports. The crecords indicated;that?the cables did meet the specificatio .The cable pull card is the installation' record and the termination ~ card
 - documents the material installed and the inspections performed. 'The. routing of cable is verified with respect to the proper racewa The cable __ bend radius and the tray grounding is . inspected and documented on the cable pull card. The licensee has an acceptable raceway identification ~ scheme. When cable is pulled, the tension .is documented on .the pull card. The termina-tion card . identifies the crimping . tool and torque wrench identification, calibration and the terminator's name. The -inspector examined records for high. potential testing, meggering, and continuity test The inspector. selected 23 deviation reports (DRs) issued by the_ licensee to document nonconformances. The DRs selected were within the area of1 cable and terminations. The DRs selected are listed below:

ED-13833,~ED-14053, ED-13828, ED-14081 ED-14004, ED-14019, ED-13827, ED-14114 ED-14432, ED-9740,;ED-14296, ED-14114 ED-14297, ED-14185, ED-14397, ED-14570

 $  ED-14626, ED-14629, ED-14630, ED-14313 ED-04786, ED-07164, ED-6400
 'The DRs were found to be current, complete, and reviewed by both Quality and g  management. The DRs are readily available, adequately describe the problem and the! status of corrective actio *

The. inspector examined the following five surveillance reports relating


to cables, terminations and raceways CP17-86-36, CP17-86-21, CP17-85-71,

.y' CP19-86-30, and CP19-86-20. The records indicate that the required f'  surveillances were performed and the discrepancies identified are being

, corrected, and includes non-recurrance actions.

' Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deficiencies identifie . Licensee Identified Items


P ' (Closed) Item (424/CDR 86-113 and 425/CDR 86-113, "Non-Seismic Electric Unit-Heater Supports" (10 CFR 50.55(e)). [/h- The final report was submitted on August 25, 1986. The report has

' - -

been reviewed and determined to be acceptabl The inspector held j discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed -



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supporting ~ documentationL toi verify lthat' the (corrective action~ ~


identified Jin thei report - hasi been -completed. The ._licenseef reported

 : that- documentation'.was not-~ available to ' demonstrate the - structural
 : adequacy of -.the . electrical-; heater : supports mounted to'.the walls an ~ . ceiling :of some safety-related structures. The supports are seismic'

4 Category 2 but may interact with Category 1-equipment located below the'

 : heaters. ' Bechtel analysis of- the - supports indicate they are ~ adequate:

' to meet the requirements. The analysis did identify' 23 heater supports that would L sustain . no damage' duringJa -seismic event, : however;- the .

 . licensee _ has upgraded the supports to give Eadditional . assurance of

seismic adequac ' The licensee evaluation has identified this _ item as. being not' , reportabl . The' inspector concurt, with the licensee's evaluatio L (Closed) Item' (424/CDR 86-114, " Diesel Generator Bre~aker Trip Circuit"

 '(10 CFR 50.55(e)).

The final. report' was submitted on June 26,.1986. 'The report .has - been L reviewed and determined t'o be acceptable. . The inspector ' held discussions with. responsible licensee representatives . and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective actions-identified in the report have been completed. The licensee identified that a sneek circuit existed which would cause the diesel generator circuit breaker to trip and lockout during emergency operations. This trip would be caused by protective signals which are bypassed during' emergency operation It is possible if multiple bypassed protective

 - signals occur the sneek circuit will trip the diesel generator breake The licensee documented this item on deficiency report T-1-85-181 The- corrective action for this problem is to add a normally closed contact .which will open on safety injection signal. Field Change Request (FCR) < EFCRB-14691 was issued for Unit 1A diesel generator and-EFCRB 14675 for Unit 18 diesel generato The work necessary is complet'ed, documented and inspection accepted on nuclear plant maintenance work orders 18605526, 18605765 and 1860576 (Closed) Item- (424/CDR 86-95 and 425/CDR 86-95, " Containment Cooling Unit Fans" (10 CFR 50.55(e)).

The final report was submitted on August 21, 1986. The report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptabl The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective actions identified in the report have been completed. The readiness review identified that the starting voltage of the eight (four per train) containment cooling unit motors is below the minimum value for Class IE motor .- - - , .. , _ , .-. -. - _ . - . - - - -. , . - -,

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4' , The licensee added 'a time delay relay thatfdelays the starting-of two-


motors per train:for 20-~ seconds. The 20 seconds delay allows the other


two motors 'to- start and comee to ' running speed. This prevents ' the undervoltage condition. This issue ~ was . identified ' during a1 normal design revie :The licensee has evaluated this item as not' reportable. The'-inspector concurs with this evaluatio (Closed) Item l(424/CDR.86-106, " Dragon ' Needle Valves" -(10 CFR-50.55(e)). JThe final report .was submitted on June 19, 1986 and amend on July 11, 1986. The report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptabl The -inspector held discussions with, responsible licensee repre-sentatives and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective - actions identified 'in the report have been complete During testing, the licensee identified several problems with the lh and 2 inch Dragon Needle Valves used : in high pressure' throttling applications. These -valves ' are used in _ the Safety Injection 'and Reactor Coolant Systems._ -The problem included high noise and vibration levels, -leakage through the packing and in one case, stem failur There are eight 2 inch valves and four lh inch valves affected. The licens'ee's corrective : action required that- the' valve stem and plug assembly -be ' replaced with a new assembly recommended by the vendo The work was completed, documented, and' accepted on NPMW0s 1862994, 18603067, and 1860306 (Closed) item (424/CDR 86-107 and 425/CDR 86-107, "Derating Factors for Cable Ampacity in Closed Tray" (10 CFR 50.55(e)). The final report was submitted on May 29, 1986. The report has been reviewed and determined to be acceptabl The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective actions identified in the report have been completed. Vogtle readiness review finding 22f35 identified that the ampacity derating factor for cables in solid bottom cable tray with tray covers are not addressed in either design. criteria DC-1809 or in the applicable calculation X3CK01. The licensee conducted- a walkdown which identified that no cable tray covers have been installe Design drawings have been revised to require prior engineering approval prior to the installation of unventilated tray covers on solid bottom cable tra The Design Criteria and Calculations have been revised to address ampacity for power cable in closed cable tra The licensee considers this item as not reportable because no tray covers were found during the walkdown. The inspector concurs with the licensee's evaluatio pn ' , ,;y , ; ~

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i . ~ s . if. ] Closed) TItemi(424/CDRiS6-53, '"Contro1RLeve1EElectrical? Penetration f

 - w   hProtection" (10 CFR 50.55(e));     *

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   - Thef fina11 reports was .1 submitted _on , March)29,s :1984.~ 1 The; report - has -

s ~ been1 reviewed an'd > determined to:; be ? acceptable. :The x inspector; held '

       ~      '

discussions with': re'sponsibleflic'ensee g representatives 1 and ire ~ viewed;

 -  Jsupporting; documentation;to verify that the ' corrective Jactionsi t  : identi fi ed l i n ' the d report ; have : been compl eted. ; Bechtel T Powerc Corpora-   -

tion 1(BPC) by11etterf dated August:24,;1983,: reported--to the: NRC under. : Part:21 :(for .another project) which identified 5 inadequate electrical- _

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   ~penetrationiprotection. ~ BPC .notifiedlall .f their nuclear! projects" by . 1
   ~ ? Problem Identification 4 Request . (PIR) = LAPD PIR-LA .83-34 L dated July 129, <     .

11983. - Thisf PIR ? identified ~ the potentiallyj inadequateT control level backupTfusingifornelectrical penetrations. The licenseeJidentified 122 :non-safety circuits per- unit which required additional. fuses. The

 -  .22: circuits ' involved six: penetrations per unit-   . The circuits. included
 -   120VDC,< 120VAC, : and telephone page communications. l The licensee made '

the - necessary; corrections' to preclude- the possibility of _ containment leakage ^ under!' certain; conditions. 1The 111censee: has -issued ' the - necessary change"packagesato1 document the changes. The_ drawings have 4 been revised. The work'ha's been completed, inspected, and accepte . '

  ; .(Closed) Item ; (424/CDR 86-101, " Raceway Support Design Details"
   -_(10 CFR'50.5.5(e)).

a The final report was submitted on June 30,.1986. The report has beer reviewed and determined to be~ acceptabl The. inspector held F discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective actions ^ identified 41n the report have been- completed. Readiness review

   .walkdowns identified several conduit supports which did- not conform to

> > the design requirements. There 'were.24 short conduits, .one to six feet


b .long, with-only one conduit support and-15 supports which did not have-the required longitudinal brace ~ on a conduit- less than 16 feet lon The licensee's evaluation identified' the root cause as misinterpreta-e[ . tion of two design details. All hardware items have been reported !- on deviation reports which have been dispositioned to restore the structural adequac The two design details have been revised to - prevent misinterpretation and the ~ electrical contractor has provided additional training for the construction staff'in the specific conduit , proble . (Closed) Item (424/CDR 86-119 and 425/CDR 86-119, "AXDX Fittings"


f (10 CFR 50.55(e)).

The final report was submitted on August 19, 1986. The report has e been reviewed and determined to be acceptabl The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representatives and reviewed supporting documentation to verify that the corrective action v

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, identified in the: report has been completed. .The! licensee was'notifie'd by BPC that - a . possible ~ problem ext sted using-0-Z/GEDNEY type AXDX

_' expansion ' deflection - fitting The . fitting ' is used - to -- provide


flexibility between two seismic structures. The fitting allows.for two inch straight 111ne_ movement in either direction and 3/4_. inch defledtion-in all other directions. 8PC's concern was' that' virtual differential

! settlement; plus seismic 1-displacement; between adjacent Category 1
- structures' would exceed the design' capabilities '. of- thef fittin L Analysis has established that - the 14 Class 1E conduits .with = AX0X fitting will not be damaged due to seismic.and differential settlemen The licensee has evaluated - this~ item ; to be not reportabl '


' inspector concurs with the licensee's evaluation.

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