IR 05000369/1985017

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Insp Repts 50-369/85-17 & 50-370/85-18 on 850528-31.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Qc & Confirmatory Measurements,Including Review of Lab QC Program & Review of Procedures & Instructions
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1985
From: Kuzo G, Montgomery D
Shared Package
ML20133E893 List:
50-369-85-17, 50-370-85-18, NUDOCS 8508080069
Download: ML20133E938 (12)


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Jun 2 71985 Report Nos.: 50-369/85-17 and 50-370/85-18 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket Nos.: 50-369 and 50-370 License Nos.: NPF-9 and NPF-17 Facility Name: McGuire 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: May 28-31, 1985



Inspectors: ?A M N h G. B. Ku

4 l3 b b Date Signed l

Accompanying P sonnel: . D. Harris Approved by: K < ; & f, //3/ 85'

D. M. Montgomery,(fectip) Chief Ofte Signed Emergency Preparedness Ynd Radiological Protection Branch l Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards l


i Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 55 inspector-hours on site l


in the areas of quality control and confirmatory measurements including review of i the laboratory quality control program; review of procedures and instructions; review of quality control records and logs; review of the counting room and


chemistry laboratory facilities; results of split samples analyzed by the licensee and the NRC Region II Mobile Laboratory; and whole-body counter measure-ments using a fission product phanto i ( Results: No violations or deviations were identifie .


B508000069 850627 PDR ADOCK 05000369 G PDR

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • T. L. McConnell, Station Manager J. W. Foster, Station Health Physicist
  • F. Byrum, Health Physics Coordinator
  • K. L. Murray, Assistant Health Physicist
  • L. K. Criminger, Health Physics Specialist
  • C. D. Martinec, Junior Health Physicist


  • G. T. Powell, Corporate Health Physicist

! *N. McCraw, Compliance Engineer J. M. Curtis, QA Manager, Vendors M. J. Geer, Corporate Health Physicist Other licensee employees contacted included office personne NRC Resident Inspectors l


  • T. Orders
  • R. Pierson
  • Attended exit interview l Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on May 31, 1985, with those pcrsons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. Two inspector followup items concerning gaseous effluent measurements (Paragraph 8.a) and Fe-55 analysis verification (Paragraph 8.b) were discussed. Licensee management repre-sentatives acknowledged the inspectors' comments and expressed no contrary opinion The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (Closed) 50-359/83-52-03, 50-370/83-45-031 Qt- e to properly calibrate Ge(L1) detectors for charcoal cartridge g wq e From a review of procedures and records (Paragraphs 6.a and 7.a), and comparison of licensee and NRC split sample confirmatory analyses (Paragraph 8.a) the inspectors verified that corrective actions have been implemented and charcoal cartridge calibrations are adequat , Laboratory Quality Control Program (84725)

The inspectors reviewed selected portions of the Quality Assurance program with cognizant licensee representatives and determined that organizational structure and program management had not changed since the previous y .




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g inspection (IE 50-369/83-45, 50-370/83-52). The inspectors noted that program implementation met the general guidance of Regulatory Guide 4.15

" Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs," with respect' to the radioactive effluent monitoring progra No violations or deviations were identifie . Audits (84725)

Technical Specification (TS) states audits of unit activities shall '

be performed under the cognizance of the Nuclear Safety Review Board (NSRB)

encompassing conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within the TS's and applicable license conditions at least once per 12 months; the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and the results thereof at least once per 12 months; the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and imple-menting procedure at least once per 24/ months; and the performance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring at least once per 12 months. The inspectors reviewed the following audit reports: l i Departmental Audit NP-85-5(MS)

t Selected QA Department Vendor Audits, 1984 - 198 The inspectors noted that chemical and radiological measurements program areas were audited against applicable sections' of the Technical Specifi-cations, approved plant operating procedures and manuals, and Regulatory l- Guide 4.15. The inspectors noted that audits mainly addressed implementa-tion of the chemical and radiochemical measurements program. No significant adverse findings were noted in the audit reports. The inspectors discussed ,

' with cognizant licensee representatives details of disagreement between  ;

licensee and known NRC values for selected radiochemical analyses (Paragraph 8.b) and noted that improved / additional audits should be conducted to ensure adequacy of all chemical / radiochemical measurements. Licensee representa-tives outlined their on going program to evaluate this area by providing spiked samples to analytical laboratorie No violations or deviations were identifie ; Procedures (84725) Technical Specification 6.8.1 requires written procedures to be established, implemented ~and maintained covering the applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of' Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, February 1978; and the Quality Assurance Program for effluent and environmental monitoring. The inspectors reviewed selected portions of the following procedures:

, McGuire Health Physics Manual Section 12.9, Operation of the ND680 Body Burden Analysis System, Rev. 2, 3/13/8 L ,


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' McGuire Health Physics Manual Section 13.5, Preparation of Samples for Count Room Analysis, Rev. 4, 1/22/8 ~ 3 .~ HB-0-B-1001-10 Quality Assurance for ND6600 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy


System, Rev. 8, 5/9/8 . HB-0-B-1001-16 Calibration and Quality Assurance of ND-680 Body Burden Analysis System, Rev. 1, 2/27/8 . HB-0-B-1001-17 Calibration and Quality' Assurance for Tennelec LB 5100 Automatic Alpha / Beta Counter, Rev. 1 4/16/85.

, 'HB-0-B-1001-18 Calibration and Quality Assurance for Tennelec LB 1000 Manual. Alpha Beta Counter,'Rev. 1, 6/4/8 !

  • HB-0-B-1001-19 Calibration and Quality Assurance for the ND 6600 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy System, Rev. 11, 12/11/8 . HB-0-B-1001-20 Calibration, Quality Assurance and Parameter Set-up for Beckman LS-5800 Series Liquid Scintillation, Rev. O, 6/25/84.

' HB-0-B-1003-07 Preparation of Count Room Standards, Rev. /4/84.

, s The inspectors noted- that procedures. were being reviewed and approved




in accordance with established- procedures. ' Results of the procedure review were discussed with cognizant-licensee representatives as noted in Paragraph 6.b.

l The insp3ctors. discussed with cognizant license representatives effluent - sampling and analyses procedure limits required by TS 3/4.

l 11.1. The inspectors noted that TS Lower Limits of Detection (LLD)

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calculations were1 based on the time interval between sample collection u and analyses. In contrast, McGuire Nuclear Station procedures


detailing liquid and gaseous analyses did not establish a maximum time limit between ' sampling and analyses. The inspectors discussed with licensee representatives' the need to establish a maximum time interval between sampling and analyses to ensure that TS effluent analyses LLD's are met. Licensee representatives agreed to evaluate this area.

f No violations or deviations were identifie . Records (84725) The inspectors reviewed selected portions of the following records: Beckman 1800 Liquid Scintillation Counter No. MCHHPS-26470 Quality Control Logs for April - May 1985 including:







1. H-3, C-14 Daily Performance and Background Data Sheets 11. Performance Graphs 111. Check Source Data Sheet iv. Efficiency and Monthly Performance Value Determination Workshee v. Weekly Calibration Log Sheet Tennelec LB-5100 Automatic Proportional Counter (Detector Nos. 26012 and 26280) and Tennelec 1000 Manual Alpha / Beta Counter (Detector No. 26403) Log Book Records for May 1985 including: '

i. Daily Performcnce and Background Checks 11.' Performance Graph 111. Check Source Data Sheet iv. Efficiency and Monthly Performance Determination v. Voltage Plateau Charts vi. Quality Assurance Check Source Data Sheet Ge(Li) Detector (System Nos. A, B, C and D) Quality Control Logs for May 1985 including:

1. Daily Check Report 11. Performance Graph 111. Monthly Energy Calibration iv. Monthly Energy Resolution Check Efficiency Calibration Data for Gamma Spectroscopy Detectors Nos. A, B, C and D including the following geometries: 12 cc Gas Vial, 100 cc Gas Bomb, 4400 cc Gas Marinelli, 50 ml Battle, 47 mm Fiber Filter, Face-loaded Charcoal Cartridg . Standard Radionuclide Source Certificates Intralaboratory Cross Check Results for the Counting Room, January - May 198 . Interstation Cross Check Program Results, October 1983 - May 1985 for the following analyses:

1. Gamma in Water, Particular Filter, Charcoal Cartridge 11. Body Burden Analyses iii. Alpha / Beta Swipes Waste Gas Decay Tank Release Reports, 1984 - 1985 Gamma Spectroscopy System LLD Determinations for a 100 cc Gas Bom Results of the record review were discussed with cognizant licensee representatives as noted in Paragraphs . .,


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5 The' inspectors reviewed gamma spectroscopy efficiency curves for gaseous effluent measurements. The inspectors noted deviations from the expected curves. The inspectors informed licensee representatives that the noted deviations from the expected curve could indicate detector gamma-ray summing problems resulting in lower efficiency values, and thus, possibly could explain the systematically high values relative to NRC results for gaseous analyses (Paragraph 8.a). Licensee representatives agreed to evaluate this area during the next calibra-tion. This area will be reviewed as part of the inspector followup item detailed in Paragraph No violations or deviations were identifie . Confirmatory Measurements (84725) During the inspection, reactor coolant and selected liquid and gaseous plant effluent process streams were sampled and the resultant sample matrices analyzed for radionuclide concentrations using licensee and NRC Region II Laboratory gamma-ray spectroscopy systems. The purpose of these comparative measurements was to verify the licensee's


capability to measure radionuclides accurately in various . plant systems. Analyses were conducted utilizing as many of the licensee's gamma spectroscopy systems as practicable. Sample types and counting geometries included the following: reactor coolant system (RCS) sample

- 50 ml bottle; liquid waste - 3500 ml marinelli; and gaseous waste

- 12 cc vial, 100 cc gas bomb and 4400 cc marinell Spiked particulate filter and charcoal cartridge sample types were provided for analyses in lieu of licensee samples which did not have sufficient levels of activity for analysi Comparison of licensee and NRC results are listed in Table 1 with the acceptance criteria listed in- <

Attachment Results were in agreement for all liquid, particulate filter, and charcoal cartridge sample analyses. For gaseous sampling -

100 cc gas bomb geometry, Kr-85m was in disagreement for all detectors and for the 4400 cc gas marinelli, Xe-133 was ,in disagreement for detector No. 24-P-11608. Further inspection disclosed that the difference between the licensee and NRC for Kr-85m measurements resulted from the licensee using the improper abundance value for the isotop Licensee results using the correct abundance value were in agreemen The causes for disagreement of the Xe-133 value and systematically high values for licensee measurements using 100 cc bomb and 4400 cc marinelli geometries, were not determined' prior to the end of the inspectio The inspectors noted that high gas values were observed during a previous confirmatory measurements inspection '(IE 50-369/93-45, 50-370/83-52) and that calibration techniques should be-reviewe Licensee evaluation of this area will be considered a

, inspector followup item and will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection (50-369/85-17-01, 50-370/85-18-01).



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6 The inspectors noted that the licensee was provided with a simulated liquid waste sample by the NRC contract laboratory and was requested to complete radiochemical analyses for H-3, Fc-55, Sr-89, and Sr-9 Comparison of licensee and NRC results are listed in Table 2 with the


acceptance criteria listed in Attachment Results were in agreement for H-3, Sr-89 and Sr-90 analyses. For Fe-55, licensee results were in disagreement, approximately 60% higher than the known value. Licensee representatives detailed current efforts to verify their accuracy in Fe-55 analyses, including a program to provide the current vendor with spiked samples for verification analyse The inspectors informed licensee representatives that following completion of their current verification analyses, an additional spiked sample would be provided by the NRC for Fe-55 analyses. The inspectors informed licensee repre-sentatives that this would be considered an inspector followup item and would be reviewed during a subsequent inspection (50-369/85-17-02,


No violations or deviations were identifie , Tour of the Chemistry and Counting Room Facilities (84725)

d The inspectors toured the counting room facilities. The inspectors noted adequate cleanliness and organization in the laborator No violations or deviations were identifie . Use of Fission Product Phantom for Checking Whole-body Counter Measurements (92706)

During this inspection, the inspectors verified the licensee's capability to perform radiological bioassays using their whole-body counting system. A fission product phantom containing radioactive sources was provided to the licensee for analyse The phantom duplicated nuclide and organ burdens that the licensee might encounter during normal operation. The phantom was analyzed using the licensee's normal methods and equipmen The licensee had two whole-body counting systems, however, one of the counters was out of service at the time of this inspection. The licensee's whole-body counter was a standard chair geometry system consisting of Nuclear Data electronics and three NaI detectors for the thyroid, lungs, and lower torso. The inspectors reviewed the licensee operating calibration, and quality assurance procedures for the whole-body counting syste Calibrations were conducted using vendor supplied block phantoms for the thyroid, lung, and lower tors The licensee used individual Ce-139, Sn-113, Cs-137, Y-88, and Zn-65 nuclide sources for calibratio d


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The results of the intercomparison are presented in Table 3. The results are based on an average of five measurements except as indicated by footnote in the Table. . Licensee measurements were in general agreement with the known value In general, all measurements were higher than the known values except for Co-5 No violations or deviations were identifie . Inspector Followup Items (92701)

i (Closed) 50-369/83-45-01, 50-370/83-52-01: evaluation of high dead time on Ge(L1) detector efficiencies. From a review of procedures the inspectors noted that gamma spectroscopy dead time requirements are now limited to a maximum value of 10%. Review of selected data sheets verified that the established limit was not exceede (Closed) 50-369/83-45-02, 50-370/83-52-02: review of interlaboratory chemistry cross check program administrative control. From review of revised procedures the inspectors noted that administrative limits regarding the interlaboratory cross check program have been detaile .The criteria are based on NRC confirmatory measurements criteri (Closed) 50-369/83-45-04, 50-370/83-52-04: results of H-3 spiked sample analysis. Results of the confirmatory measurements H-3 analysis (Paragraph 8.b) were in agreemen .




NUCLEAR STATION, MAY 28-31, 1985 .


(License Geometry) LICENSEE BRC LICENSEE /NRC (1) Liquid-RCS l-132 5.51 E-3 5.5910.54 E-3 10 0.98 Ag reement (50 ml Bottle) 1-133 3.36 E-3 4.0210.23 E-3 17 0.84 Ag reement ..



7.03 E-3 6.5310.92 E-3 7 1.08 Ag reement (2) Liquid-RCS l-132 5.96 E-3 5.5910.54 E-3 10 1.07 Ag reement (50 ml Bottle) 1-133 3.75 E-3 4.0210.23 E-3 17 0.93 Ag reement 1-135 7.13 E-3 6.5310.92 E-3 7 1.09 Ag reement (3) Liquid-RCS l-132 6.04 E-3 5.5910.54 E-3 10 1.08 Ag reement (50 ml Bottle) 1-133 3.67 E-3 4.0210.23 E-3 17 0.91 Ag reement 1-135 7.14 E-3 6.5310.92 E-3 7 1.09 Agreement (4) Liquid-RCS 1-132 5.98 E-3 5.5910.54 E-3 10 1.07 Ag reement (50 ml Bottle) 1-133 3.62 E-3 4.0210.23 E-3 17 0.90 Ag reemen t 1-135 7.26 E-3 6.5310.92 E-3 7 1.11 Ag reement (1) Liquid-WMT Co-58 1.55 E-5 1.4010.06 E-5 23 1.11 Ag reement (3500 mi Matinelli) Co-60 3.03 E-6 3.8210.42 E-6 9 0.79 Ag reement (2) Liquid-WMT Co-58 1.54 E-5 1.4010.06 E-5 23 1.10 Ag reement (3500 ml Marinelli) Co-60 3.23 E-6 3.8210.42 E-6 9 0.84 Ag reement (3) Liquid-WMT Co-58 1.53 E-5 1.4010.06 E-5 23 1.09 Ag reement (3500 ml Marinelli) Co-60 3.43 E-6 3.8210.42 E-6 9 0.90 Ag reement (1) Particulate Filter Co-60 1.09 E-2 1.0410.03 E-2 35 1.05 Ag reement (47 mm Filter) Cs-137 1.33 E-2 1.2610.03 E-2 42 1.06 Ag reement (2) Pa rticulate Filter Co-60 1.04 E-2 1.0410.03 E-2 35 1.00 Ag reement (47 mm Filter) Cs-137 1.30 E-2 1.2610.03 E-2 42 1.03 Ag reement (3) Pa rticulate Filter Co-60 1.03 E-2 1.0410.03 E-2 35 0.99 Ag reement (47 mm Filter) Cs-137 1.25 E-2 1.2610.03 E-2 42 0.99 Ag reement (4) Pa rticulate Filter Co-60 1.04 E-2 1.0410.03 E-2 35 1.00 Ag reement (47 mm Filter) Cs-137 1.28 E-2 1.2610.03 E-2 42 1.02 Ag reement (1) Cha rcoa l Ca rt ridge Ba-133 4.50 E-2 4.5010.04 E-2 112 1.00 Ag reement ( Face Loaded)

(2) Cha rcoa l Ca rt ridge Ba-133 4.66 E-2 4.5010.04 E-2 112 1.04 Ag reement ( Face Loaded)

(3) Cha rcoa l Ca rt ridge Ba-133 4.24 E-2 4.5010.04 E-2 112 0.94 Ag reement ( Face Loaded)


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TABLE 1 (Con't) -



(4) Cha rcoa l Ca rtridge Ba-133 4.31 E-2 4.5010.04 E-2 112 0.96 Ag reement (Face Loaded)


(2) Cas-WGDT Xe-133 1.82 E-3 1.7410.06 E-3 29 1.04 Ag reement (12 cc Gas Vial)

(3) Cas-WGDT Xe-133 1.74 E-3 1.7410.06 E-3 29 1.00 Ag reement (12 cc Gas Vial)

(2) Cas-WGDT Kr-85m 2.05 E-4 1.3510.04 E-4 34 1.52 Di sag reement (100 cc Bomb) Kr-88 1.53 E-4 1.5710.09 E-4 17 0.97 Ag reement Xe-133 2.26 E-3 2.0210.02 E-3 101 1.12 Ag reement Xe-135 2.12 E-4 2.0310.05 E-4 41 1.04 Ag reement (3) Gas-WCDT K r-85m 2.43 E-4 1.3510.04 E-4 34 1.80 D i sa g reement (100 cc Bomb) K r-88 1.86 E-4 1.5710.09 E-4 17 1.18 Ag reement Xe-133 2.63 E-3 2.0210.02 E-3 101 1.30 Di sag reement Xe-135 2.44 E-4 2.0310.05 E-4 41 1.20 Ag reement (4) Gas-WGDT K r-85m 2.00 E-4 1.3510.04 E-4 34 1.48 Di sag reement (100 cc Bomb) K r-88 1.43 E-4 1.5710.09 E-4 17 0.91 Ag reemen t Xe-133 2.19 E-3 2.0210.02 E-3 101 1.08 Ag reement

, Xe-135 2.07 E-4 2.0310.05 E-4 41 1.02 Ag reement (2) Cas-Vent Xe-133 7.07 E-6 5.0710.18 E-6 28 1.39 Di sag reement (4400 cc Ma rinel l i ) Xe-135 2.37 E-6 2.0510.07 E-6 29 1.16 Ag reement (3) Gas-Vent Xe-133 6.25 E-6 5.0710.18 E-6 28 1.23 Ag reement (4400 cc Ma rine l l i) Xe-135 2.30 E-6 2.0510.07 E-6 29 1.12 Ag reement (4) Gas-Vent Xe-133 5.80 E-6 5.0710.18 E-6 28 1.14 Ag reement (4400 cc Ma rine l l i ) Xe-135 2.22 E-6 2.0510.07 E-6 29 1.07 Ag reement ND Not Detected NC Not Compa red (1) Analyzed Using Gamma Spectroscopy System N A 1792 (2) Analyzed Using Gamma Spectroscopy System N B 24-P-11608 (3) Analyzed Using Gamma Spectroscopy System N C 24-P-1301 (4) Ana lyzed Using Gamma Spectroscopy System No. D 23-P-67WB


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RESULTS OF. H-3, - Fe-55, Sr-89 AND Sr-90 ANALYSIS FOR MCCUlRE - '

NUCLEAR PLANT, MAY 28-31,,1985 .



  • Liquid-Spiked H-3 4.50 E-5- 4.6010.13 E-5 35 -0.98 Ag reement '

( Sample) Fe-55 2.60 E-5 1.6210.08 E- .60 Di sag reement S r-89 1.20 E-5 1.2710.03 E-4 42 0.94 Ag reement S r-90 2.20 E-5 2.0810.06 E-5 35 1.06 Ag reement

  • Spiked Sample From NRC Contract Laboratory May 1984 l


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Lung 47(8) 33 1.42 '


Co-57(') Lung 36 56 0.64 Co-60 Lung 227 186 1.22 Cs-137 Lung 110 89 1.24

, Licensee value represents the arithmetic mean of five measurements, each_ measurement was 180 second . Licensee's whole-body couting system nuclide library only identified Co-60 and Cs-13 . Licensee value represents the arithmetic mean of only four measurements, the whole-body cauting system did not identify the Mn-54 peak for one of the measurement .