IR 05000369/1990020

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Insp Repts 50-369/90-20 & 50-370/90-20 on 901001-05 & 1101. No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Design Changes & Mod & Engineering Support Activities
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1990
From: Jape F, Casey Smith, Matt Thomas
Shared Package
ML20058H457 List:
50-369-90-20, 50-370-90-20, NUDOCS 9011160137
Download: ML20058H459 (10)




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9 . . . . . ,o Report Nos.: 50-369/90-20 and 50-370/90-20 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket Nos.: 50-369 and 50-370 License Nos.: NPF-9 and NPF-17 Facility Name: McGuire 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: October 1-5, 1990, and November 1, 1990 Inspectors: YENk M b e N-/- 9C M. Thomas o Date Signed b. Smith Yam Q-c<+w v /

n/ t/fo Date Signed Accompanying Personnel: ape (October 3-5,1990)


F. Jape,~ Chief 7/ d644 hi/ k- / Y 2-M4 Date Signed Quality Performance Section g/

Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This _ routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of design changes and modifications, and engineering support activitie Results:

In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identifie The modification packages that were reviewed adequately addressed the concerns identified .in the applicable station problem reports; 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations were adequate; the level of detail and quality of the post modification test acceptance criteria specified by Design Engineering was good; difficulties and problems encountered during modification implementation were not always documented within the modification package. The licensee's efforts for timely resolution of station problem reports are ongoin 'There were no measures for ensuring that system experts are provided informatior, concerning modifications and station problem reports for their assigned system gl1601379o33o7 g ADDCM 05000369 PNU

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Two issues were identified.for followup.- The first issue involved resolution i of problems associated with installation of the diesel generator 2B lube oil ,

full -flow filter and testing of the lube oil bypass valve. The second issue involved reso.lution- of questions concerning accuracy of the load sequencer  ;

timer :




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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • N. Atherton, Production Specialist Ill, Compliance ,
  • R. Broome, Project Services Manager T. Deese, Engineering Supervisor, Project Services
  • R. Edmonson, Planning and Scheduling Coordinator
  • G. Gilbert, Superintendent of Technical Services
  • B. Hamilton, Superintendent of Technical Services
  • S. Hendrix, Maintenance Engineering Services Manager L. Kunka, Nuclear Production Engineer, Compliance
  • S. LeRoy, Production Specialist III, Compliance-D. Marquis, Project Support Supervisor, Project Services '
  • Matthews, Engineering Supervisor, Design Engineering
  • T. McConnell, Station Manager B.-McDowell, Nuclear Production Engineer, Project Services
  • D. Murdock McGuire Engineering Division Manager, Design Engineering
  • M. Narar, Engineering Supervisor, Performance M. Raines, Engineering Supervisor, Project Services R. Roberts, Diesel Generators System Expert, Performance
  • Sample, Superintendent of Maintenance
  • R. Sharpe, Compliance Manager
  • D Smith, Engineering Supervisor, Performance
  • B. Travis, Superintendent of Operations  !

Other licensee employees contacted during this inspection included craftsmen, engineers, operators, mechanics, technicians, and administrative personnel, p

NRC Resident inspectors

  • P. K. Van Doorn, Senior Resident Inspector
  • T. Cooper, Resident Inspector S. Vias, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the


last paragraph.

l Design Changes and Modifications (37700)


I The inspectors reviewed the nuclear station modification (NSM) packages i listed below to verify that the packages were prepared in accordance with regulatory requirements and applicable industry codes and standards; the modifications were reviewed and approved in accordance with the licensee's administrative controls; the 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluations were

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adequate; post-modification test (PMT) requirements and acceptance criteria were specified; and the modifications were installed in accordance with applicable design document The following modifications were reviewed: NSM MG-22154, Revision 0, Emergency Diesel Generator Lube Oil Full Flow Filtration System. This modification involved replacing the emergency diesel generator (EDG) lube oil bypass filter system with a full flow filter syste The partial flow bypass filter


arrangement did not completely remove all significant particulate debris from the oil which resulted in EDG engine damage several years ago. The lube oil full flow filtration system will keep the oil cleaner, reduce engine wear and maintenance problems resulting in -

increased EDG reliabilit A full flow bypass loop was installed for use when the filter elements are being replaced. This enables the EDG to remain operable while filter maintenance is being performed. A bypass valve is installed and operates on high differential pressure (18 asid) across the filter to bypass the filter and provide oil flow to t1e engine should debris clog the filte During review of this modification, licensee personnel stated that after installation of the full flow filter, problems were encountered where a high differential pressure (d/p) developed ,

across the filter when the EDG was run. The filter was changed several times but -the high d/p still. existed. Licensee personnel were still investigating the problem and stated that they had not determined whether the high d/p was related to the new smaller filter (5 microns versus 40 microns for the old filter) or the change to the new synthetic oil. The new oil was doing better than expected in cleaning the EDG engine by-removing residue that had i built up inside the engin This was also believed to be- <

contributing to the high d/p across the filte Licensee personnel stated that samples had been taken of the engine oil and it was determined that the debris being removed from the engine was soft material and would not cause any damage to the engin The inspector observed EDG lube oil parameters during portions of the EDG 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ru The d/p across the lube oil filter was greater than 30 psid which indicated that the filter was clogged. Howeve engine lube oil pressure appeared to be near normal at approximately -

38 psig. The inspector discussed this with licensee personnel who stated that there was not an operability question at the present time because there was adequate engine oil pressure despite the high d/p across the filte The licensee stated that the high d/p presented an overall long term reliability question because the system would operate in bypass continuously and no oil would pass through the filte The licensee was planning to try a larger filter (10 microns) to see if that would bring the d/p dow '

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The inspector noted that appropriate personnel were aware of ;

the problems with the lube oil filter and there was considerable '

verbal communication Operations, Project Services, Maintenance, the system expert, and Design Engineering were all !

intimately involved with the issues, but there was no !

documentation of the ongoing efforts to resolve this problem, i The inspectors considered this to be a generic observatio I During further review of NSM MG-22154, the inspector noted that the acceptance criteria specified by Design Engineering in the NSM for j verifying the stroke time of the lube oil full flow bypass valve was not included in the post modification test procedure for EDG 2 The inspector discussed this with licensee personnel who stated that the valve stroke time was omitted from the PMT procedure TT/2/A/9100/363 due to an oversight. The licensee further stated that since the PMT had not been completed for this NSM, the valve '

testing would either be incorporated into the PMT procedure or the licensee's ASME Section 71 Valve Testing Progra :

The inspectors did not observe any other examples where PMT l acceptance criteria specified by Design Engineering in the NSM j packages was omitted from the PMT procedure The inspector informed the licensee that resolution of high d/p across the EDG lube oil filter and stroke time testing of the lube oil full flow bypass valve will be followed up during a subsequent inspection. These issues will be tracked as inspector followup item t 50-370/90-20-01, EDG Lube Oil Filter Modification Concern No violations or deviations were identified during review of this .

modificatio l L NSM MG-22299, Revision 0, Replace Diesel Generator Governor Syste This modification involved replacing the existing EDG governor system because the system had been exhibiting varying amounts of-instabilit The inspector field verified that the installation of the governor !

for EDG 2B was in accordance with NSM MG-22299. The inspector also observed some of the PMT performed per procedure TT/2/A/9100/36 In addition to the PMT, the inspector also observed portions of surveillance procedure PT/2/A/4350/15B,' Diesel Generator 2B Periodic Test. Portions of this test also demonstrated proper operation of the EDG governor.-

No violations or deviations .were identified, i NSM MG-22316, Revision 0, Replace Diesel Generator Speed Switche This modification involved replacing the existing speed switches because they had started showing signs of failure. There are two


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speed switches per diese The inspector field verified that the ;

speed switches were installed in accordance with design i requirement Speed switch operation was observed during several l EDG start l No violations or deviations were identifie I MEVN 2344, Replace D/G 2A and 2B Load Sequencer Agastat 7000 Series Timers with new Agastat E7000 Series Timer MEVN 2344 was prepared to correct a station problem documented on MGPR No. 213?. This problem report documented a high failure rate of the Agastat 7000 Series timers used with the 2A and 28 Diesel Generator load sequencers. The recommended corrective action was to~ replace these timers with new Agastat E7000 Series timers and .

update the affected drawings per attached sketches in the variation '

notice. The inspector reviewed the variation notice package and verified that the 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluation bounded the activities specified and the enclosed drawings accurately reflected the nature of the hardware changes to be made. No deficiencies were identified during. this revie Activities related to procurement of the timing relays were reviewed to verify that applicable technical and quality requirements had been specifie The following documents were reviewed during this effort:

Duke Power Company Purchase Order No. W32898-70, dated June 26, 1990,

Amerace Corporation Product Specification No. E7012/7022, Title: Model E7012/E7022 Series Timing Relays, Class IE, Amerace Corporation - Certificate of Compliance, dated I

September 15, 198 Discussions with the accountable engineer and review of Amerace Corporation Product Specification No.- E7012/7022, Sheet 10 of 22, revealed that the instruments had a repeat accuracy of t10 percen This value of repeat accuracy results in load sequencing times that are not in compliance with TS Table 4.8-2. At the time of the inspection, the instruments were at the vendors factory under a "QA '

HOLD" order pending release by licensee QA organization during a source inspection of the vendors facility scheduled for the week o October 8,1990. The instruments were scheduled to be installed i.e., Unit 2 end of Cycle 6 outage during)

(2E00 Unit 2 present outage, ,

The inspectors determined that the licensee design-engineering organization had been aware of the above problem since May of this l year.. An evaluation of actions taken to date to resolve the procurement problem was performed. The inspectors were informed l that licensee engineering staff has completed reviews of Amerace l



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Corporation test reports to determine the conservatism built inte the instruments performance dat A report documenting th' 1 results of this review and providing a technical basis for use



the Agastat E7000 Series instruments was not available during the inspection. A copy was submitted to Region 11 on October 15, 199 The report states that the licensee proposes to test the instruments for three successive operations to verify performance af ter installatio The inspectors concluded that objective evidence hao not been presented by licensee management during the inspection to demonstrate adequate corrective action for the procurement problem. This issue was identified as an inspector followup item pending NRC review of the technical basis for use of the Agastat E7000 Series timers used with the 2A and 2B D/G load sequencers. The report titled,

" Memo to File, Diesel Generator Load Sequencer", dated October 12, 1990, was reviewed and a telephone conversation with the licensee on November 1, 1990, clarified the licensee's corrective action taken to resolve this issue. The licensee has selected only relays haveing no more than 14 percent repeat accuracy for use in this modification and plan to perform a post-installation functional test. These two conditions satisfied all inspector concerns. The inspector has no further questions concerning this issu e. NSM MG-22246, Provide Backup Power Supply for DEH Control System LER 369/88-13 was written to report a Unit I reactor trip that ,

occurred on June 20, 198 The cause of the reactor trip was '

attributed to a failed primary power supply in power cabinet SCDE which resulted in loss of electrical power to the control rod Corrective actions implemented by licensee management concerning this event has included installation of power resistors across the output of Rod Control System power cabinet power supplies PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 The power resistors are intended to produce approximately a 10 percent load on the affected power supplies which will ensure that a failure alarm is generated in the event of a power supply malfunctio Variation Notice Serial Number MEV-1352 and - WR 95296 was prepared for installation of the loading resistor To further improve the reliability of the control power to the RCS, NSM MG-22184 was written to replace NSM MG-2224 The scope of this plant modification involved addition of auto-transfer switches for use with the 120 VAC regulated buses KRA and KRB to provide capability of live bus transfe of the buse Discussions with the accountable engineer and review of design drawings revealed


that live bus transfer could not be achieved because of the slaw operating time of the transfer switches. An alternative proposed solution involved use of a - battery along with static inverters.


This scheme would, however, require on increase in batteries CXA and L CXB rating. Licensee management in Duke Power correspondence from MNS Project Services to Production Services, Nuclear Production




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Department, dated October 1,1990, has requested performance of design study MGDS-023 This study supersedes NSM 22184 and is intended to evaluate the problem associated with the regulated 120 VAC buses which is documented on SPR No. 183 Upon completion of MGDS-0232 Nuclear Station modification packages will be developed to implement the recommended resolutio The inspectors concluded that the RCS power supply problems described in LER 360/88-113 has been adequately dispositioned by the licensee. Additionally, ongoing design engineering activities to 6 increase the reliability of the 120 VAC regulated buses KRA and KRB appears to be properly controlle No violations or deviations were identified, f. MEVN 1848 Revise Annunciator Logic for 4160 Volt ESS Power Training A&B Trouble Alarm The above exempt change revises the annunicator logic for the 4160 Volt ESS normal and standby incoming breakers to correct a -

deficiency documented on SPR No. 2138. The nature of the deficiency involved annunciator 1 -(2) AD-11 windows A-1 and D-1 being continuously illuminated because a licensing commitment allowed only one breaker to be shared for the normal and standby feeder cubicles. The inspector reviewed the variation notice package and verified that the logic changes shown would eliminate the documented station problem. A walkdown of the equipment was performed and post-modification test was verified as having been successfully complete No violations or deviations were identifie g. NSM MG-22208, _ Replace _ Air Operators on Valves 2RN-253 and 2RN-276

The above plant modification was prepared to replace the fail-closed air operators used for containment isolation valves 2RN-253A and 2RN-276A with motor opertor The scope of the field activities T involved removal of a previously installed dual solenoid air su) ply system and installation of the motor operators for use with tae existing valve bodie The inspector reviewed the design change package and verified that >

the 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation bounds the specified activities and the drawings accurately reflected the scope of design chang Design basis calculations were verified as having been prepared and procurement documents were reviewed to ascertain that technical and quality requirements had been imposed during the procurement proces Discussions with the accountable engineer revealed that the changeout of the air-operators had been delayed until Unit 2 end of Cycle 7 outage because of the vendor's failure to meet delivery schedule No violations or deviations were identifie I  ;




, Engineering Support The inspector reviewed the licensee's station problem reports (SPRs) in an effort to assess how the engineering staff responds to concerns and ,

problems identified in the plant. The inspectors also performed a limited review of the system expert program as it related to the NSMs reviewed and the system experts' interface with the accountable engineers in Project Services, Station Problem Reports Any plant staff member can initiate a SPR. It is used to notify management of the need to correct a problem or potential problem which may include making a change to a system, component o" drawin The Project Services group reviews all SPRs fo" completeness and maintains all SPRs up-to-dat Meetings are being held at least twice a month with the superintendents to review all non-editorial SPRs. These meetings are used to determine the priorities and dispositions of all approved SPRs. and to review the SPR backlog conditions. Projects Services has primary responsibility for processing and resolving all approved SPR A review of the SPR back' ..g status revealed that 717 SPRs were initiated during the last 12 months. Approximately 387 SPRs were outstanding at the beginning of the 12 month period and approximately 365 SPRs are currently outstanding. The inspectors determined that SPRs appeared to be resolved in a timely manne However, the licensee is actively pursuing means to reduce the existing backlog, System Expert Program During review of the NSMs for EDG-20, the inspectors observed that there was good communications and interface between the Project Services accountable engineer and the EDG system expert. The l, inspectors discussed this observation with Project Services

personnel who stated that communications between the accountable



engineers and the system experts are emphasized. The inspectors also discussed whether system experts were being made aware of all l SPRs and modifications for their assigned systems. ProjectServices


personnel stated that system experts were not being provided with copies of all- SPRs and NSM descriptions for their assigned systems.

L The inspectors stated that the licensee's lack of having a mechanism l for ensuring that - the system experts are provided information concerning SPRs and NSMs affecting their assigned systems was a communications and interface weakness. Licensee personnel stated l ' that a task force has been formed to review the effectiveness of the L system expert program. The system expert program is discussed in

. greater detail in NRC Inspection Report 50-369,370/90-1 No violations or deviations were identified in the areas inspecte _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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.- r 8 Exit interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on October 5,1990, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results listed '

belo Proprietary information is not contained in this repor i Dissenting comments were not received from the license ,


Ifl 370/90-20-01. EDG 28. Lube Oil Filter Modification Concerns - '

paragraph 2 Accuracy of Load Sequencer Tiners (paragraph 2d) was resolved by review -

of additional information and telephone converstations with the licensee- i on November 1, 199 :

5. -Acronyms and Initialisms



PM1 ' Post Modification Testing

, NSM ' Nuclear Station Modification *

CFR Code of Federal Regulations EDG Emergency Diesel. Generator ,'

PSID pounds per square inch differential d/p- differential pressure ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers SPR Station Problem Report  ;

MEVN McGuire Exempt Variation Notice '

MGPR- McGuire Problem Report-m TS: . Technical-Specification-  !

QA . Quality Assurance-LE Licensee Event Report RC Rod Control System l1





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