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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-352/89-80 & 50-353/89-80
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1989
From: Durr J
To: Corbin McNeil
NUDOCS 8907190367
Download: ML20246N417 (2)

See also: IR 05000352/1989080


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            *                     2
                                                                                    -JUL 12' 1989
 '                        -
                            -  Docket.Nos; 50-352.-
             ,                                     ;50.-353
                         ' Philadelphia Electric Company.
                          ' ATTN: Mr. C. ~ A. McNeill', ~Jr.
                                            . Executive Vice' President
                                               Nuclear-                                                                         - !-
                         . Correspondence ~ Control Desk
                               P. O. Box.7520' ,.
                               Philadelphia, PA. 19101-
                         -Subject: Combined Inspection 50-352/89-80 and 50-353/89-80
                              This: refers to your letter dated May 8,1989,:in response to our = letter
                              dated March 23, 1989
                         'Thank'you for.'qforrring es of'the corrective and preventive. actions' documented
                               in your letter'        .   Those setions will be examined during a~ future inspection of-
                        .your licensed program.
                        ;Your cooperation with us is appreciated.
                                                                                                . Original Signed BY8
                                                                                                 P. K. Eopen
                                                                                               Jacque P. Durr, Chief
                                                                                              . Engineering ' Branch
                                                                                               Division of Reactor. Safety.
                        .cc,w/ enc 1:
                              J. S. Kemper,'Sr., Senior Vice President - Nuclear Construction
                              G. _M. Leitch, Vice President - Limerick Generating Station

i '

                              S. J. Kowalski, Vice' President - Nuclear Enginee' ring
                              D. R. Helwig, General Manager - Nuclear Servcies
                              M. J. McCormick, Jr.,: Manager - Limerick Generating Station
                              W.' T. Ullrich, Manager . Limerick Unit 2 Startup
                              A. S~. MacAinsh, Manager '- Limerick Quality Division

l0 G. A Hunger, Jr. , Director - Licensing Section l T. B. Conner, Jr. , Esquire

                              E. J. Bradley, Esquire, Assistant General Counsel
                              H..D. Honan,-Branch Head -~ Nuclear Engineering Licensing
                              Public Document Room (PDR)

l Local Public Document Room (LPDR) L Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

                              NRC Resident' Inspector
                              Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


                                                                  0FFICIAL RECORD COPY                      RL LIM 89-80 - 0001.0.0

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                                                                      : PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY

l- j

                                                                                  LIMERICK GENERATING ST ATION

j. P. O. BOX A

                                                                                 SAN ATOG A. PENNSYLVANIA A 19464
                                                                                      (215) 3271200 sat. 2000
         M. J. M cCO M MIC K. 'J a.. P.E.


        6 .-3.fl'.".'.."l."$*.".m...                                                                                         'May 8, 1989  -
                                                                                                                     Docket Nos. 50-352


                                                                                                                    License No. NPF-39
                                                                                                      Construction Permit No. CPPR-107
                                         U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                                          ATTN:        Document Control Desk
                                    -Washington, D.C.                       20555
                                                 SUBJECT:               Limerick denerating Station,-Units 1 and 2
                                                                        Response:to Observed Weaknesses Noted in
                                                                        Special Maintenance. Team Inspection
                                                                        Report No. 50-352/89-80, 50-353/89-80
                                                         NRC letter dated March 23, 1989, transmitted Special
                                          Maintenance: Team Inspection Report No. 50-352/89-80, 50-353/89-80
                                           for the Limerick Generating Station, Units 1.and 2.                              .This letter
                                          also requested that we address the noted weaknesses contained in
                                           the report and outlined in Appendix 3.- The letter requested a
                                          written response within.45 days to the noted items. Attached to
                                            this letter is our-response to each observed weakness.
                                                         If you have any questions or require additional
                                            information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
                                                                                                            Very truly yours,
                                                                                                        Ql         41 0
                                                                                                            M. V. McCormick, Jr.
                                                                                                            Plant Manager
                                            DBN: kap
                                            cc:   W.   T. Russell, Administrator, Region I, USNRC
                                                  T. J. Kenny, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector
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                                                                  Attachment 1
                                                                  Page 1 of 11
                                                         NRC Inspection Report
         Item 1
         NRC Observed Weakness
              Communications with offrite engineering organizations could be
         improved (Ref. II.4.1 {pg. 12}).
              Regarding the general issue of communications between the
         station and the offsite engineering organization, an update to the
         response provided to NRC Inspection Report 50-352/88-20 is provided
             -The Engineering Work Request (EWR) process, implemented at
         Limerick in 1989 has provided engineering support for station
         requests in such areas as Licensee Event Reports (LERs), Equipment
         Qualification (EQ) evaluations, potential deportability and
         operability evaluations, and specific design related questions. The
         EWR process is being tracked and trended along with the                           !
         Non-Conformance Report (NCR) and Engineering Review Request Form
         (ERRF) processes using the Nuclear Engineering Task Tracking (NETT)
         system. Over 600 individual Limerick requests have been responded
         to by Engineering between January and April 1989.
              The status of the tracking and trending is reported monthly in
         the Senior Management Report (SMR) and includes information
         regarding timeliness of responses, total requests processed and the
         current backlog of requests. This report is discussed monchly with
         the nuclear group vice-presidents and their direct reports.
              Six deu cated engineering personnel have been located onsite and
         additional engineering resources are located at the
         Architect / Engineer's (A/E's) Pottstown, Pennsylvania office.    An               i
         Engineering project management staff, located at the site,                         {
         coordinates and tracks each individual request using the NETT                      j
         process and ensures effective communications between the station and               ]
         the offsite engineering organizations.      Members of the staff attend            j
         the daily routine plant meetings (e.g. morning meeting, TRIPOD,                    j
         PORC) and provide needed support.      Our goal is to locate                       i
         approximately ten individuals from the engineering organization at                  I


         the site by the end of December 1989.
              The station engineering personnel have been trained on how to
         properly complete an EWR to ensure that station requests for
         engineering support clearly identify needs and expectations.      This
         will help provide effective use of the EWR thereby,providing
         effective communications.                                                          l
                                                                                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
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       ,                                                          Attachment 1
                                                                  Page 2 of 11
                                                         NRC Inspection Report                                                  .
                                                                  50-352/89-80                                                   .
                                                                  50-353/89-80                                                  )

o i l l . Periodic meetings between station and engineering management 1 !

          were held on a bi-weekly basis during the outage and are presently                                                       !
           scheduled to continue to be held on a monthly basis after the                                                        1
          outage. These meetings have been effective in prioritizing and                                                        j
           resolving problems which require engineering support.
               Potentially reportable issues identified by the offsite                                                          i
           engineering organization are communicated to the station regulatory
          personnel by way of a Deportability Evaluation Form (REF). Station                                                     .
          management can then evaluate the need for compensatory or other
           required actions, to make any required notifications, and to request
          additional engineering support utilizing the EWR process. This
          mechanism has provided effective communications between the offsite                                                   l  1
           engineering organization and station personnel such that potential
           deportability / equipment operability concerns are raised to station                                                    !
          operations personnel in a timely manner.                                                                              !
               Some examples of recent effective engineering support and
          com.nunication between the offsite engineering organization and
          station personnel especially in the area of maintenance include 1)
           investigation and evaluation of the jet pump riser nozzle crack and
          design of modifications to install crack monitoring equipment, 2)
          development of the test procedure and design of the required
          modifications for the main turbine torsional testing, 3)
           investigation and evaluation of indications on the Low Pressure
          Turbine blades, 4) design of a modification to relocate the
          Suppression Pool Temperature Monitoring System (SPTMS) temperature
          probes, 5) the project task force which is reviewing and resolving
          problems identified during the review of the 10CFR50 Appendix R
           related fire protection issues, and 6) the establishment of periodic
          Service Water System Reliability Group meetings involving
          engineering and station personnel.
               In conclusion there is clear evidence that there are improved
          communications between the offsite engineering organizations and the
          station staff.
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        . . .
                                                                       Attachment 1
                                                                       Page 3 of 11
                                                              NRC Inspection Report
            Item 2
           NRC Observed Weakness:                                                                   .
                      The operability of the HPCI room unit coolers was a concern in
           view of the ESW piping corrosion and no periodic performance test
           for these coolers.          (Ref. II.4.2 (pg. 14})
                      During the Unit 1 Second Refueling Outage the NRC inspector
           observed several activities related to Emergency Service Water (ESW)
           system valve and pipe replacements including the High Pressure
           Coolant Injection (HPCI) system room unit cooler supply piping.
           This planned modification work was-being done to increase supply
           piping sizes to several ESW components to allow for aging
           degradation of this piping. During this pipe replacement,
           significant pipe corrosion was observed in the removed piping. The
           NRC inspector questioned the future operability of the HPCI room
           unit coolers in light of the observed corrosion.
                      During the pipe replacement work, pipe friction coefficients
           were estimated and incorporated into a computerized ESW system flow
           network model. Engineering and the Architect / Engineer analyzed the
           ESW model using the new data and new piping sizes and determined
           that a successful two unit ESW flow balance could be achieved.
                      The two unit flow balances were performed during the Unit 1
           Second Refueling / Unit 2 Tie-In Outage and proved ESW is capable of
           providing adequate flows to all components in both units including
            the HPCI room coolers for all six acceptance criteria modes. An
           additional mode proved both ESW loops could independently support
           eight diesel generators while providing the required' flows to both
           units' safety related heat exchangers.
                      To ensure the ESW system will continue to meet its required
           demands and support operability, several actions have been and will
           be taken. A solution to the general ESW piping corrosion issue is
           described under item 3 of this attachment. Quarterly flow balancing
           of the ESW system will be performed and piping and components will                                                              ,
            be periodically inspected. In addition, the Technical Specification
            required quarterly ESW pump performance test will be performed and
           pump capacity performance will be monit: red and evaluated. A
            further description of the quarterly flow balancing and component
             inspection program is described below.
                                                                                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ -
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      .              .                                                                 Attachment 1-
                                                                                       Page-4 of 11
                                                                             NRC Inspection Report
                                    Routine ESW flow balances tests RT-1-Oll-251-0 and
                  RT-1-011-252-0 will be performed quarterly. The procedures were
                  based on the flow balances performed as part of the two unit flow                                               '
                  balance test program. They have beenspecifically-designed to
                  closely monitor ESW components with marginal performances observed
                  in'the two unit flow balance test program. .-Every quarter, potential
                  ' problem' components will be tested.               Included in this category.will
                  be all Residual Heat Removal (RHR) system. pump seal coolers, RHR
                  motor oil coolers, the Unit 1 HPCI room coolers, and the Unit 2
                  Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system room coolers. These
                 . components are more'likely to become ' problem' components because of
                  their piping configurations. The remaining components will be
                  tested a minimum of once during each cycle as part of the scheduled
               . quarterly tests. Acoustic flow monitors will be used to verify the
                  accuracy of the procedure. Acoustic flow testing will be performed
                  on any component with unusually high differential pressure (DP)
                  readings and on coolers with a past history of fouling. This
                  redundant verification will ensure that we maintain a close watch on
                  potential problems.
                                    Every refueling outage, Maintenance will perform visual
                  inspections of ESW and Service Water pipe and components via the
                  Preventive. Maintenance Program.               Once again, ESW components
                  identified to have a. potential problem such as RHR seal coolers,
                  Unit'l HPCI room coolers.and Unit 2 RCIC room coolers will be
                  inspected each refueling outage. In addition, any component that
                  experienced poor performance in the quarterly flow balances will be
                  inspected. The piping associated with the inspected coolers will
                  also be inspected. Flow balances will establish a constant
                  reference point of ESW flow versus total system dynamic head. Each
                  quarter this will be compared with past results and the data
                  obtained will be used to monitor pipe fouling. Low DP readings on
                  heat exchangers during the flow balances could also indicate low
                  flow conditions due to flow restrictions. The computerized ESW
                  system flow network model will be utilized in the ESW monitoring
                  program. The monitoring program will enable us to predict system
                  performance and potential problems. The monitoring program will be
                  continually evaluated and modified as necessary to ensure continued
                  system operability.
                  Item 3
                  NRC Observed Weakness:                                                                                            l

L '

                                    A comprehensive solution to the ESW piping corrosion issue was
                  not yet well defined. (Ref. II.4.2 {pg. 15})

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                                                                                               Attachment 1

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                                                                                              .Page 5 of 11
                                                                                      NRC Inspection Report
                                                                                                 50-352/89-80                  ,
                                         Based.on observations of service. water system components prior
                              to-commercialfoperation of Unit 1, a service water / circulating water
                              (cooling tower) chemical treatment program was developed. The
                             program was developed to limit corrosion, deposition and
                             microbiological fouling in circulating water, service water.and
                              portions of ESW. This treatment system was installed and made
                              operational shortly after commercial' operation (after receipt of the
                              required NPDES permit from the Pennsylvania Department of
                              Environmental Resources). Provisions for corrosion rate monitoring,
                              using corrosion coupons, were included in the scope of this
                              installation. It was recognized that, although reductions in
                              corrosion rates were expected, further corrosion protection
                              achieved with clean pipe surfaces. We therefore began to
                              investigate cleaning alternatives in parallel with instituting the
                              corrosion treatment program and periodically monitoring the
                              effectiveness of the program using the corrosion coupons, an
                              instantaneous corrosion monitor, and individual component
                              inspections (conducted as components are isolated and opened due to
                              maintenance activities).
                                          Due to the amount of piping involved in these systems, and the
                              isolation / availability constraints and outage schedule limitations
                              associated with mechanical cleaning, chemical cleaning techniques
                            .were pursued. A chemical cleaning technique was identified and
                            . testing was' conducted, using samples of service water piping removed
                              from Limerick. Although this two step chemical cleaning process
                              (deposit softening followed by mild acid wash) was demonstrated to
                              be effective in a similar application at another utility, it was not
                              effective in removing Limerick's deposits. Investigations into
                              chemical cleaning techniques continued into cycle 2 for Unit 1. An
                              alternate cleaning program has been identified similar to the
                              previously_ tested two step program, which based on recent successful
                              application in a similar application has proven effective. We plan
                              to test this program using ESW piping samples removed during the
                              second Refueling Outage.
                                           In addition, during a design review prior to the Unit 1 First
                              Refueling Outage, we recognized that due to normal aging (corrosion
                              degradation) of the pipe, there would not be sufficient system flows                              j
                              to support 2 unit operations and some ESW supply piping would need                                '
                              to be replaced. During the First Refueling Outage, sections of
                              piping in the 'A' loop of ESW were replaced with larger diameter
                              piping.           Inspection and testing of the piping replaced during this
                              outage indicated that a corrosion problem existed in small ESW
                              lines, specifically the one-inch diameter piping to the RHR pump
                              seal coolers and RER motor oil coolers, but was not evident in the
                              larger diameter piping inspected or replaced.

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                                                                                                         Attachment 1
                                                                                                         Page 6 of 11
                                                                                                NRC Inspection Report
                                                 During the Second Refueling Outage, secticns of piping of the
                                         'B'      loop of ESW were replaced for the aging concern described above.
                                     The new piping was passivated with a high concentration of corrosion
                                      inhibition chemicals prior to wetting. Passivation is a chemical
                                      treatment applied to the inner metal surface of the piping to
                                       inhibit corrosion. The removed sections of pipe contain similar
                                     amounts of corrosion as contained in the 'A' loop piping removed 18
                                    months earlier with the exception of the HPCI room unit cooler
                                     piping.            The 'A' loop piping replaced during the first refueling
                                     outage was inspected and found to contain a very small amount of
                                     corrosion after 18 months of service. Evaluation of the corrosion
                                    monitoring data and the observations made during the second
                                     Refueling Outage indicate that the corrosion rate within the ESW
                                     piping has been reduced. Samples of the deposits obtained from the
                                     ESW piping were analyzed and the results indicate that the fouling
                                     problem is caused by general iron corrosion products and not from
                                     silt / mud deposition, microbiological fouling or microbiological 1y
                                       influenced corrosion.
                                                 Based upon the chemical analysis results, ESW system
                                       inspections, and several tests involving the service water system
                                        (which normally supplies the ESW piping and components), we have
                                     determined the causes of the ESW system fouling to be the following:
                                                 'l . Ineffective layup practices during plant construction and
                                                      testing phase which resulted in prolonged periods of exposure
                                                      of the piping to raw water in stagnant or intermittent flow
                                                      conditions. This resulted in high corrosion rates and
                                                      deposition / accumulation of the corrosion products on the pipe
                                                  2. An effective cleaning program was not identified and
                                                      implemented coincident with the chemical treatment program.
                                                      This limited the effecti"oness of the chemical treatment.
                                                  3. Although the cooling tower corrosion treatment program does      l
                                                      provide some corrosion protection of ESW, isolation of          )
                                                      certain ESW components and low or intermittent flow             '
                                                      conditions when in standby mode further limit this
                                                 Chemical treatment of the service water and ESW systems has been
                                       recently upgraded to provide enhanced dispersant and anti-corrosion
                                     chemicals.                 Initial results of this upgraded treatment program
                                       indicate even lower corrosion rates than achieved during the                   !
                                     previous treatment program. A study is in progress to determine the              ;
                                      feasibility of a targeted biocide and corrosion inhibitor program to            !
                                     address the corrosion problems during stagnant / intermittent                    !
                                     operating conditions present in the ESW and Residual Heat Removal                 l
                                      Service Water (RHRSW) systems. A Service Water System Reliability
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                                                                                 Attachment 1
                                                                                  Page 7 of.ll
                                                                        NRC Inspection' Report
                        Group, composed of onsite and offsite engineering and technical
                       : personnel, was initiated in December,-1988, to identify and address
                        specific Service Water and ESW problems.
                           . These actions will provide the comprehensive solution to the ESW
                        piping corrosion issue.
                        Item 4
                        NRC Observed Weakness:
                        Deletion of QC witness points in certain maintenance procedures
                        without specific guidance (Ref. II.4.4 {pg. 18}).
                              The weakness identified as the process for deleting QC witness
                        points =was recognized by NQA during the NRC inspection and
                        appropriate 1 corrective measures were taken at that time.      As stated
                        in the Inspection Report, the problem stemmed from the efforts to
                        increase accountability for quality at the worker level and sharpen
                        the focus of QC on the more critical aspects of the work activities.
                        Without formal guidance to accomplish this, QC witness points were
                        inconsistently applied and, in some instances, appropriate QC
                        witness points had been deleted from certain procedures along with
                        those that were. unnecessary. During the NRC inspection, a~ review
                        was initiated by the QC Division which determined that of
                        approximately 700 Maintenance Procedures, seventy-seven (77) were
                        revised without the specific guidance being in place.       These seventy
                        seven procedures were reviewed and eleven (11) required revision to
                        reinstate the appropriate QC witness points which were inadvertently
                        deleted. The eleven procedures including the emergency diesel;
                        engine and motor control center preventive maintenance procedures
                        identified by the NRC inspector were appropriately revised prior to
                        performance of any work activities utilizing them.                                  i
                              As committed to during the inspection, formal guidance for

y determining QC points for specific work activities has been l proceduralized. Maintenance Guideline No. 28, titled

                        " Identification of Quality Control Witness Points" and a supplement
                        to the QC Inspection Program Procedure, Supplement NQA-4-SlA,
                        " Determination of QC Action Points", provide the formal guidance to
                        the maintenance procedure writer and QC procedure reviewer for
                        determining when QC witness points are to be included in the
                        electrical and mechanical preventive maintenance procedures.
                        Supplement NOA-4-SlA is expected to be formally issued by June 30,
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                                                                                       Page 8 of 11
                                                                               NRC Inspection Report


                   ' Item-5'
                     NRC Observed Weakness:                                                                  F
                     Low' Level-QA/QC involvement in the ESW piping corrosion issue.
                      (Ref. .II.4.4 {pg. 19))
                     . Response
                           The ESW piping system corrosion problem had been previously
                      identified during flow balancing of the ESW system during
                     pre-operational testing. A flow network analysis was performed-to.
                     aid in flow balancing and modifications were initiated to ensure.
                      that no unacceptable flow restrictions existed as the ESW piping
                     aged. . These modifications were identified and substantiated by
                     written Safety Evaluations and Plant Operating Review Committee
                           During the course of on going ESW piping modifications, QC-
                      inspection personnel questioned the acceptability of the ESW piping
                                         However, in the absence of specific cleanliness        .
                     acceptance criteria in the governing specification, and in light'of
                      the on-going. modifications, flow network ' analysis -and engineering
                     study, NQA management ' and QC supervision felt that the ESW corrosion'
                     problem was adequately identified and controlled and concluded that
                      it was not necessary to issue nonconformance reports..
                            In order to avoid recurrence in situations where the involvement
                     of the' appropriate personnel would not be as evident, supplement to
                     NOA-QC inspection procedures are being developed to more clearly.
                     define' cleanliness acceptance' criteria for plant operating systems.
                     These crite ia sill include loss of cross-sectional area that could
                      impair or pronibit mechanical piping system components.such as' check
                     ! valves, coolers or heat exchangers from performing their. intended
                      function. The supplemental inspection procedures are expected to be
                      issued by. June 2, 1989. These criteria will be used to determine
                      the acceptability of internal cleanliness conditions.of plant piping
                     systems and if not met will be the basis for issuance of Equipment
                     Trouble Tags (ETT's) or Nonconformance Reports (NCR's) in accordance
                     with procedure NOA-24 " Control of Hardware Non-Conformances" (now
                     NGAP NA-03N001).
                            In addition, a committee has been appointed by the NOA-General
                     Manager to revise NOA-24 (NGAP NA-03N001) to ensure that ambiguity
                     will not exist in the procedure regarding nonconforming conditions
                     and the issuance of NCR's. The procedure revision is expected to be
                     completed by September 30, 1989.
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                                                                                                           Attachment 1
                                                                                                           Page 9 of 11
                                                                                                  NRC Inspection Report
                                                        These, or any other nonconformances that are found to be
                                       repetitive, shall be considered a significant nonconformance in
                                      accordance NQA-24. As such, a Corrective Action Request shall_be
                                       initiated to management attention in accordance with existing
                                      procedure NOA-25, " Corrective Actions," to request a root cause
                                      analysis and to determine corrective action to prevent recurrence.
                                      Item 6
                                      NRC Observed Weakness:
                                      The lack of preparation of a Maintenance Procedure to support
                                      lapping operations for D/G crankshaft bearings. (Ref. III.S.0 {pg.
                                                       The need for a bearing journal lapping procedure was previously
                                      identified during the construction phase of Limerick Unit 2.
                                      Bearing inspections were scheduled to be performed on all four Unit
                                      1 emergency diesel generators (D/G's) during the Unit 1 second
                                      refueling outage and during this inspection, journal lapping is not
                                      normally required. In addition, there were no vibration problems
                                       indicating that the journal bearings would need replacing and
                                       journal lapping was not expected to be necessary during the second
                                       refueling outage. Therefore, incorporation of journal lapping
                                      instructions into permanent procedures was determined to be of a
                                      lower priority than revision and enhancement of other procedures
                                      required to support the Unit 1 Refuel Outage. During the overhaul
                                      of the D12 D/G, journal lapping was identified to be required arid a
                                      lapping procedure was generated shortly thereafter.
                                                       Journal lapping instructions are expected to be incorporated
                                      into the appropriate permanent Maintenance Procedure (s) prior to
                                      July 31, 1989.
                                       Item 7
                                      NRC Observed Weakness:                                                                         l
                                      Slow implementation of the PRA into the prioritization of                                     )
                                      maintenance work.                   (Ref. III.5.0 (pg. 27J)                                    '



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                                                                                            Attachment 1
                                                                                           Page 10 of 11                           3
                                                                                  NRC Inspection Report
                                                                                            50-352/89-80                           1
                                                                                            50-353/89-80                           j
                                         Several factors inhibited early extensive use of the
                Probabilistic Risk Assignment (PRA) in the maintenance process and
                 at Limerick in general.                       These included:
                 1)                      The lack of a comprehensive, living PRA that reflected the
                                         as-built plant, and,
                 2)                      The lack of a user friendly PRA tool that would simplify and
                                         expedite use of the.PRA.
                                         The following describes actions taken over the past few years to
                 eliminate these factors:
                 1)                      The PRA originally performed in 1980 was reviewed during the
                                         plant licensing process and updated in September 1982. Before
                                         widespread use could be made of the PRA, the system models had
                                         to be revised to reflect as-built designs. Also, station
                                         operating procedures, that were non-existent in 1982, had to be
                                         incorporated.  The PRA was updated in August 1986 to reflect
                                         Unit 1 as-built design and most of the emergency operating
                                         procedures (i.e. the Transient Response Implementation Plan
                                         (TRID) procedures). A second update was completed in November
                                         1988 tict completed the incorporation of the TRIP procedures and
                                         reflected two unit operation. Completion of this update
                                         addresses the first factor providing Limerick with a
                                         comprehensive, living PRA that reflects the as-built plant and
                                         supports applications.
                 2)                      PRA applications in the past were limited due to the available
                                         computer software that was difficult and cumbersome to use.                            In
                                         1987, the Nuclear Engineering Department PRA Branch purchased a
                                         personal computer (PC) workstation that streamlined the process
                                         of modifying and using the PRA. The conversion of the PRA to
                                         the workstation model was completed by November 1988. The PRA
                                         work station was used to develop the PRA parameters (i.e. what
                                         systems and equipment are PRA important and how they affect Core
                                         Damage Frequency) to be utilized by the station PRA programs and
                                         will be used by engineering to answer specific PRA based
                                         questions from the station. The PRA workstation addresses the


                                         second factor; it is the tool that was needed to simplify PRA
                                         use and provide better responsiveness to PRA requests.
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                ;  . -
                                                                            Attachment 1
                                                                           Page 11 of 11
                                                                  NRC Inspection Report
                          With the above described improvements completed in November of
                     3988, Limerick has been able to develop several programs involving
                     the PRA. Specific to the prioritization of maintenance work, these
                     programs include Administrative Guidelines (AG) AG-42, "PRA
                     Applications in Plant Maintenance" and AG-43, " Guideline for the
                     Performance of System Outages." Following extensive training of
                     Limerick personnel, these programs became effective in January 1989
                     and have since then been implemented.
                     Item 8
                     NRC Observed Weakness:
                     The lack of adherence to an administrative procedure (A-26) resulted
                     in traceability problems of mechanical tools. (Ref. III.7.0 {pg.
                          This problem had been identified prior to the inspection and the
                     Maintenance Request Form (MRF) had been changed in late 1988 to
                     allow recording of up to 15 tools versus 5 allowed on the old form.
                     On February 9, 1989, the next day following identification of the
                     problem by the NRC inspector, a meeting was held with the
                     maintenance department personnel. The importance of recording all
                     tools used during maintenance activities on the MRF was stressed in
                     the meeting. Continuing training for Maintenance personnel will
                     address the need to include calibrated tool serial numbers on the
                     MRF in order to provide traceability.
                          A review of all out of tolerance (OOT) tools is being performed.
                     Prior to January 1, 1988, Quality Assurance (QA) personnel recorded
                     all calibrated tools used on sa'.'ety related equipment in parallel to
                     the work activity. A similar traceability problem is net likely to
                     have occurred prior to January 1, 1988 nor after the meeting held on
                     February 9, 1989 and therefore the review will encompass the OOT
                     reports from the calibration facility received from January 1, 1988
                     to February 15, 1989. This review will compare the OOT tool
                     reports, the tool usage log and the referenced MRF's to ensure that
                     the OOT tools are properly identified on the MRF and that the affect
                     of the OOT tools have been evaluated. This review includes the nine
                     MRF's identified during the NRC inspection. Any deficiencies
                     identified during this review will be evaluated and corrected.                In
                     addition, a maintenance guideline is being prepared for the control
                     of calibrated tools. All corrective actions are expected to be
                     completed by September 1, 1989.

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