IR 05000482/1984043

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Forwards Draft Insp Rept 50-482/84-43.W/exception of Minor Editorial Changes,Final Version of Rept Issued on 850118 Same as Encl Draft Insp Rept
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1985
From: Denise R
To: Koester G
NUDOCS 8506240261
Download: ML20127D544 (3)



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In Reply Refer To: Docket: STN 50-482/84-43 M 181985 Kansas Gas and Electric Company ATTN: Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear O P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Gentlemen: A copy of the enclosed draft inspection report was given to a member of your staff on January 18, 1985. With the exception of minor editorial changes, the final version of this report issued on January 18, 1985, is the same as the enclosed draft inspection repor NRC policy requires that released drafts be placed in the public document room and be retained and made a part of NRC official files. Therefore, a copy of this letter and the enclosed draft inspection report will be placed in the NRC Public Document Roo

Sincerely, /s/ R. P. Denise. Director Division of Reactor Safety and Projects


Draf t NRC Inspection Report 50-482/84-43

REGION III== NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/84-43 CP: CPPR-147 Docket: 50-482 Category: A2


Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E) Post Office Box 208


Wichita, Kansas 67201 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) - Inspection At: Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas Inspection Conducted: October 1-31 and November 1-30, 1984 Inspectors: . /7!I4 Date /

  - . Wi 11ams   /* J/ 9 Date /

M Mc ormick-Barger /* f9 Date / . Gu6mond

     /2[g4 k Date Approved By: M. A  g Chief  / T[.'J/S /

Test Programs Section Dat'e l


L. E. Martin, Chief Wolf Creek Task. Force Date l R. P. Denise, Director Reactor Safety and Projects Date ,

    > n/70n-rn >

DJ WL' t' P 7 fd E

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Inspection Summary Inspection on October I through November 30, 1984, (Report No. 50-482/84-43(DRS)) Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of licensee action on previous inspection findings; approved preoperational test procedures; preoperational test performance; approved preoperational test results package evaluations; preoperational test procedure verification; preoperational test results package verification; approved startup test procedures; voiding of completed preoperational tests; preoperational test schedule; technical specification review; and preoperational test content. The inspection involved a total of 167 inspector-hours onsite and 100 inspector-hours offsite by four NRC inspectors, including 54 inspector-hours onsite during off-shift Results: Of the eleven areas inspected, four items of noncompliar.ce, with multiple examples, were identified, in the area of preoperational test content (paragraph 12). These items of noncompliance were a topic of an enforcement conference held on December 4,198 . G e






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DETAILS Persons Contacte_d l

    * L. Koester, Vice President-Nuclear    l
    *C. C. Mason, Director of Nuclear Operations   l
    *F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager    i
    *0. L. Maynard, Manager of Licensing
    * Williams, Superintendent Regulatory and Quality Administrat o
    * P. Rathbun, Manager, Licensing and Radiological Services

, *K. R. Petersen, Licensing Lead Engineer

    *R. M. Grant, Director of Quality
    * J. Rudolph II, Manager, Quality Assurance
    * Mathis, Startup Quality Control
    *R. L. Hoyt, Emergency Plan Administrator
    *R. B. Glover, Startup Manager I

R. L. Straight, Licensing


F. D. McLaurin, Assistant Startup Manager R. * Ellison, Startup Lindsay, Quality Technical Assurance Systems Support Supervisor Supervisor *W

    * B. Norton, Reactor Engineering Supervisor 9 198 * Denotes those attending the exit interview on November contacted by2 ,

Additional plant technical and administrative i personnel were the inspectors during the course of the inspect o ; Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Safety Injection _ k i mod (Closed) Unresolved Item (482/84-30-01(DRS)): Signal (SIS) override of Feedwater Isolation Valve e erc s h 1 * This item has been upgraded to an item o Improper testing of air (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-02(DRS)):This item has been I l operated valves. noncompliance and is discussed in paragraph 1 l Environmental conditions (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-04(DRS)): This item has been upgra d in paragraph 1 l for 24 hour diesel generator load tes ' to an item of noncompliance and is discusse Wedge anchor bolt thread

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,j J (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-09(DRS)):The  nt was inspector engagemen Q licensee which demonstrated thatd adequate thread deter- enga p{      provided by engagement of two or three threa sThe
{{      diamete mined that the analysis was correct, and  ,
 ,     this are i d
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Pump start and acceleration (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-06(DRS)): This item has been capabilities under degraded voltage conditions. upgrade ( l I Natural Circulation Startup Procedure I (0 pen) (482/84-30-07(DRS)):The procedure wording was modified so th comment mapping is used to meet a test Theobjective ascontinuing licensee is specifiedtoin the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). evaluate the inspector's commen the phrase contained in step 6.12, Note b which states, " wide range T is approximately equal to core exit thermocouple average tI8herature".

Administrative controls for (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-08(DRS)): The inspector reviewed a completed preoperational test package . recently issued administrative procedure which pro The inspector has no further questions in this and accountabl ' are Pump start and acceleration (Closed) Open Item (482/84-30-05(DRS)): The licensee capability under 75% nominal voltage condition < provided the inspector with test documentation to show that safety-related pumps had been factory tested to show their ability to start g and accelerate to rated speed under full load at 75% condition questions in this are . Preoperational Test Procedure Reviews Below is a list of preoperational tests for which the inspectors have completed their test procedure review during the inspection perio Unless otherwise noted, the inspectors have no further questions on l these procedure SU3-AB04, Rev. O, " Main Steam System" SU3-BG02, Rev. O, " Seal Injection System" SU3-BG04, Rev. O, " Boron Thermal Regeneration System" SU3-NE01, Rev.1, " Diesel Generator Electrical Test" SU3-NK01, Rev. O, "125 VDC Class IE Electrical System" SU3-EN01, Rev. O, " Containment Spray Nozzle Air Test" SU3-EJ01, Rev. O, " Residual Heat Removal System (Cold)" S03-5B01, Rev. O, " Reactor Protection System"

. The procedures were reviewed against the Final Safetyides,  Analysis
  (FSAR), Safety Evaluation Report (SER), and applicable Regula i   Standards, and portions of 10 CFR 5 comments with respect to the review of:


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 . . . SU3-AB04, Rev. O, " Main Steam System" deter-During the review of this preoperational testification the inspector has been o  mined that not all testing required for design verThe Wolf Creek-SNUPP included in the procedur .3.7.2 page 25 states "the control sequence for i the 10 percent close signal..."

test would be interrupted The in the event of an act licensee has had not been incorporated into the procedur his design acknowledged this concern and has committed to verify tl i function during the retest of SU3-AB03, " Main S (Cold)".

l discussed in paragraph 1 l SU3-NK01, Rev.1, "125 VDC Class IE Electrical Test" The Wolf Creek - SNUPPS FSAR Section Contrary to d and the


tions, record and retain as a permanent plant re licensee appeared unaware of this commitmen t t committed to incorporate this requirement into the NK01 re es . This item ofisnoncompliance a failure to meet and is an FSAR further commitment discussed in paragraph an

. SU3-NE01, Rev. 1, " Diesel Generator Electrical Test" s The inspector noted that the stated acceptance criteria t for diesel start time, full load rejection peak voltage and larges (Essential Service Water Pump) load shed peak  iew voltage support the requirements of the most recent proof  and rev i l test technical specifications. tion could lead tot circumstances its opera-was accepted but the diesel generator could not  meeThe in identified tional requirements. acknowledged the concern and  l the con inoperable diesel generato issued to change the acceptance criteria to reflect tec specification requirement has no further questions in this matte llow I The method used for the 35 start reliability test betweendid not a the diesel generator to return to ambient conditionsAm in successive condition start under which the diesel would be expected Guide to s

c' - the event'of an actuation (in accordance tho with 1.108).

"' and a TCN was issued to correct the improper test me h-9. * * Failure of the review process to identi . j[d= discussed in paragraph 1 ,

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5U3-5801, Re O. " Reactor Protection System" . Several errors were noted in switch operations of the Nuclear Instrument Thesesystem during its use as a signal input to the pro errors would have been self-identifying and tion syste td the test could not have proceeded until they were correc e . Although the function was tested, no accep trip the reactor.

t An error in the setup and operation of the switched T and decade resistors would have prevented the Overpower Delta Overtemperature Delta T sections from being completed as writte . Appendices AH and AI, which identified where blank.test instr tion connections were to be made, were left completely


The The low flow reactor trip requires two of four coincidenc hich test setup started with two low flow signals present, t and would w would not have allowed the protection system to rese , have prevented the test from proceeding as writte cie The inspector met with licensee staff to discuss The inspectorthese discrep Major TCNs were issued to correct these problems. in this are reviewed these TCNs and has no further questions Preoperational Test Witnessing following l i~ The inspectors witnessed the performance id of portions of the


preoperational tests during this inspection per o : SU3-NE01, Rev. O, " Diesel Generator Electrical" S03-5801, Rev. O, " Reactor Protection System" SU3-kJ01, Rev. O, " Diesel Generator Mechanic it was conducted The inspectors witnessed test performance to assurethat thatipment the w l in accordance with approved procedures, adequate, that that te t test changes


ability of licensee personnel conducting the test i ! were processed in an approved manne :s l with respect to the performance of:

  $U3-NF01, Rev. 1, " Load Shedding and Load Sequencer"

rn that During the conduct of this test the inspector complete expressed during testing,conce

>      i k}  not all FSAR commitments had  ting." been demons The preopera-w_

m the automatic actuation circuitry will override tesfeature by injecting t the actuation by a


tional proceddre attempted to verify this design

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The inspector believed that the opposite initiating the test circuitr The test circuitry l , approach would have better demonstrated this feature.sho The licensee I to verify that this signal overrides the test circuitr l acknowledged the concern and wrote a TCN to prove the design featur l This is considered an item of noncompliance and is further discussed in l paragraph 1 . Preoperational Test Results Packaaes Evaluations The inspectors completed review of the following preoperational test results packages during this inspection period:


SU3-AB04, Rev. O, " Main Steam System" SU3-BG02, Rev. O, " Seal Injection System"


SU3-BG04, Rev. O. " Boron Thermal Regeneration System" SU3-EJ01, Rev. 1, " Residual Heat Removal System (Cold)" SU3-EN02, Rev. O, " Containment Spray Nozzle Air Test"

,  SU3-NB01, Rev. O, "4160 VAC Class IE Electrical System" The packages were reviewed to assure that test results  i i are being

adequately evaluated, test data meets acceptance criteria, i dev at ons are properly identified and resolved, review procedures are be ng


followed, and administrative practices are adequate with respe execution and data evaluatio with respect to the review of:

]   SU3-AB04, Rev. O, " Main Steam System" During the review of the results package it became evident l tion that

problems had existed with the operation The of thef'irstMain attemptSteamat Iso a I


Valves (MSIV) during the fast closure testin For some valves fast closure timing resulted in excessive times. Successive tests show 3 ' this exceeded two minute Further testing still outside the acceptance criteria limit ' resulted in the valvesWhenmeeting acceptance questioned by the criteria inspector, and thethis lic- test was

*  considered acceptabl (1) the valves ensee presented two possible causes of these problems:
{  had been repacked and this was the first time that they had  i been f]*   stroked, (2) the startup testing engineer felt th l   to nominal pressure before actuatio t l ~;

t explanations, no supporting data is available except for i able fast closure time.further demonstrate the acceptable However, at this operati

fE; would be no further concern by the inspector. time, j

acceptance criteria timing limits. Based on this issue and the major main-l in

"*1   concern to the licensee.tenance activities on the actuator lfing systems on

. h {' progress, the inspector has requested a justification for re N

'9   the recorded times.

, ' pending further evaluation by the licensee and the inspector.

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. . . SU3-BG02, Rev. O, Seal Injection System Failure mode testing of system air operated valves did not check valve position af ter loss of electrical power to the solenoid operated air valve. This is an item of noncompliance and is discussed further in paragraph 1 . From the data on data sheet 8.2 it would appear that one of the check valves in the seal injection line for Reactor Coolant Pump B is not opening fully or that the line is plugge Compared to the three other pumps, only the minimum acceptable flow of 7.5 gallons per minute was obtained with its respective throttle valve considerably more open than the others. The licensee has committed to conduct a retest of seal injection flow balancin Evaluation of this retesting by the licensee and the inspector is an open item (482/84-43-02(DRS)) pending demonstration of satisfactory operatio . SU3-BG04, Rev. O, Boron Thermal Regeneration Failure mode testing of system air operated valves did not '
-   check valve position after loss of electrical power to the solenoid air valve. This is an item of noncompliance which is discussed further in paragraph 1 . The clamp-on ammeter that was indicated as used in the test was The range not equivalent to that specified in the procedure.

, - of the instrument used in the test was 100-999 Amps with an accuracy of i 1% while the specified instrument range was 0-100 amps with an accuracy of i 3%. Discussions with the licensee i .


revealed that the instrument was multi-range and.that The the wrong inspec- i

'   range was recorded when identifying the instrumen l
*   tor reviewed a corrective entry to the results package and has no further questions in this area.

{o Valve BG-UV7056 was identified as exhibiting stroking problem The solution was to raise control air pressure to 60 psi Test entries did not provide justification for this action and did not address any investigation to determine if of.her mechanical problems existed. Discussion with the licensee


revealed that 60 psig was the correct pressure and that control air pressure was initially low. The inspector has no further questions in this matte ; SU3-EJ01, Rev.1, '.' Residual Heat Removal (Cold)"

,{        1 During verification of pump performance, a 0-800 psig gage with j   an accuracy of i 16 psig was used to measure pump suction d,1   pressures ranging from 4.5 to 30 psig. The inspector met with l licensee staff to discuss the validity of the test data and the E   validity of the test method. The licensee responded that an u   immediate post-test calibration check of both pump suction ;

pressure gages against a 0-1000 psig,la% accuracy test gage i revealed that the gages used in the test were in fact

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indicating as accurately as the precision gage. This post test Failure of information was not included in the test packag the procedure review and test results review process to identify, question, and correct the use of improper test equip-ment is an item of noncompliance and is further discussed in paragraph 1 . The inspector noted a step discontinuity Thisindiscontinuity the pump perform-occurred ance data recorded for both pump during the performance of identical steps in the testing of each pump. It was not clear that the review process noted or evaluated this discrepancy and the validity of the procedural step and resulting data is questionable. Evaluation of the step discontinuity by the licensee is an open item (482/84-43-03(ORS)) pending review of that evaluation by the inspecto . Preoperational Test Procedure Verification


The inspectors reviewed the following preoperational test procedure against the FSAR, SER, proposed technical specifications, Regulatory Unless Guides 1.68, and the licensee's administrative procedure otherwise noted, the inspectors had no comment SU3-GM01, Rev. O, " Diesel Generator HVAC System" No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

Preoperational Test Results Verification

The inspector reviewed the following preoperational test re.sults packages and verified that the test results were reviewed against approved accept-

* ance criteria and an evaluation of the test results had been performed in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.68 and the licensee's administrative procedure Unless otherwise noted the inspector had no comment SU3-GM01, Rev. O, " Diesel Generator HVAC System" No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie !  Initial Startup Test Procedure Review l '

Below is a list of startup test procedures for which the inspectors have-l completed their review- _ SU7-SF03.1, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Cold, No Flow)" SU7-SF03.2, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Cold, Full Flow)" SU7-SF03.3, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Hot, Full Flow)"


SU7-SF03.4, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Hot, No Flow)" . [4 *SU7-0004, Rev. O, " Initial Criticality"

 *SU7-0003, Rev. O, " Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Approach to

h Initial Criticality"

*1    .


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O, " Initial

 " Denotes procedures incorporated in procedure SU7-5011, Re Criticality and Low Power Test Sequence".

The procedures were reviewed again d the FSAR, Theard applicable inspector had Regulatory the Guides, Standards, and portions of 10 CFR 5 l folic, wing comments with respect to the review of: SU7-SF03.1, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Cold, No Flow)"

  (1) The note at Step 6.0 stated " Rod Position Indication System, SU7-SF04.1 should be done concurrently with this procedure."

Both procedures required that rods be withdrawn a certain number of steps and then stopped so that data could be take Numerous transfers from one procedure to the other would be needed as the procedures were performed because one procedure required that data be taken at 18, 210 and 228 steps (shutdown banks) or at 24 step intervals (control banks) while the other procedure required that data be taken at 48 steps (all banks).

, The procedures did not contain statements At the timetothat coordinate trans-the inspector ferring from one to the othe discussed this with the Reactor Engineering Supervisor, he indicated that he had been considering combining these proce- , dures (and possibly an additional procedure) in a manner similar to the procedures that were combined into 5U7-5011 This is

  " Initial Criticality and Low Power Test Sequence."

' considered an unresolved item (482/84-43-04(DRS)) pending licensee action to revise the procedures to eliminate any ambiguities related to coordination between the procedure the

  .(2) During the conduct of the test this procedure requires Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pumps to be stoppe .. Step stated "The Residual Heat Removal pumps should not be operated

during this test. If their operation is deemed absolutely

~   necessary to maintain equilibrium cold plant conditions, the recorder traces for the affected rod drops should be marked

However, there was no statement with the RHR flow rate."

within the procedure to identify the Proof and Review Technical Specification requirement that, after beingAlso, deener-gized for one hour, an RHR pump must be restarte ment to return the RHR pumps to service when the test was complete. The licensee's Reactor Engineering Supervisor


indicated that the procedure would be modified to address these concerns; that the Reference Section would be modified to


include references to Technical Specification 3/4.4.1, and to


add the procedure that will be used to start the RHR pump ' This is considered an open item (482/84-43-05(DRS)) pending procedure revisio SU7-SF03.3, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement (Hot, Full Flow)'.' O ~ F

-   (1) The note at Step 6.0 stated " Rod Position Indication System, SU7-SF04.2, should be done concurrently with this procedure."



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   [The a.(1) above; resciution of this comment will be trac esame a details of this comment are the via the unresolved item mentioned in a.13 t Prerequisite 5.4 specified Thisthat the reactor was different from the coolant Hot, tempera (2)     i be between 500*F and 557* be Full Flow Rod DropThesurveillance licensee agreed described greater than or equal to 551 Technical the procedure to agree with the Proof and ReviewThis Specificatio pending procedure revisio Flow)" SU7-SF03.4, Rev. O, " Rod Drop Time Measurement  Review (Hot, No During the inspector's review, it was noted that2.0,  Proof and Technical Specification 3/4.10.5, "Special Test Exceptions: i Position Indication System-Shutdown", was listed in Sect on
  "Step References", and addressed in the body of

6.0, i d in either 3/4.10.4, "Special Test Exceptions:


also applied directly to this procedure, was not me locatio of this procedure to address Proof and Review Tec n c


3/4.1 O, s 507-0004, Rev. O, " Initial Criticality", and SU7-0003, il Re " Inverse Count Rate Ratio Monitoring for Approach to Init a Criticality" l boron Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2, lies states thatmay be a notedcritica , concentration should be predicted so that any anomaTh and evaluate This is considered an unresolved item this statemen (482/84-43-08(DRS)) pending procedure revisio d e listed or The inspectors commenced review of the startup . belo Power" (This SU-SF08, Rev. O, "RCCA or Bank Worth Measurement at Zero" procedure is incorporated in SU7-5011, Rev. O, Low Power Test Sequence"). id No items of noncompliance or deviations were identif e . i3 Voiding of Completed Preoperational Tests tional tests 9.

f ,j{ rocedure viola-The inspectors observed that several safety-related i preopera d and had


have tion recently been voided due to numerous adm i

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proceeded through various levels of the normal l i rev this ewThe in situa-action was initiate P~' , i lack of overview and monitoring by the licensee in al f tion to develo .


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tests that have problems but should indicate more involvement by moni-toring groups within the licensee's organization. The inspectors further indicated that this trend will continue to be evaluated to determine if adequate corrective action has been implemented and to determine the impact on the acceptability of the preoperational test progra . Preoperational Test Scheduling The inspector has again informed the licensee that the published preoperational test completion date, plus the exhibited time frame for licensee review of completed test results packages does not support the proposed fuel load date. The inspector's concern is that attention to meeting proposed fuel load date may negatively influence the licensee's results review proces The inspector also indicated that the level of review by qualified people must not decrease due to pressure to meet proposed schedules. The licensee has acknowledged the concerns. This item is of particular interest due to the recent voiding of completed test packages by the licensee as discussed in paragraph 9.

. 1 Technical Specifications Review The inspector reviewed the draft proof and review technical specifica-tions in detail in preparation for procedure and results review No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Preoperational Test Content Review of procedures and test results packages during both this and the previous inspection period revealed deficiencies in the technical content of approved preoperational test procedures. These deficiencies can be categorized into four areas and are listed below along with examples of these deficiencie Failure to provide verification of designed safety features (1) The ability of an SIS or Feedwater Isolation Signal to override the exercise mode of the Main Feedwater Isolation Valves was not verified in SU3-AE01, " Main Feedwater System". This item was discussed fully in inspection report 50-482/84-30(DRS).

(2) The ability of an SIS to override the slow closure mode of the MSIVs was not verified in SU3-AB04, " Main Steam System". This item is discussed in paragraph 3.a of this repor (3) The ability of an SIS to override the Automatic Test Insertion sequence in the Load Shed/ Emergency Load Sequencer system was not verified in SU3-NF01, " Load Shedding and Load Sequencer".

This item is discussed in paragraph 4 of this repor . Failure of preoperational test procedures to verify the proper operation of designed safety functions is considered an item of noncompliance (482/84-43-09(DRS)).

. . Failure to verify an FSAR commitment Preoperational test SU3-NK01, "125 VDC Class 1E Electrical System",

did not monitor and record hydrogen concentration during battery operations for retention as a plant permanent record. This item is discussed in paragraph 3.b of this repor Failure to verify an FSAR commitment is an item of noncompliance (482/84-43-10(DRS)). Improper test methods

. (1) Failure mode testing of air operated valves (A0V) did not verify correct fail position on loss of air and loss of electrical power to the solenoid air valve. This item was discussed in report 50-482/84-30(DRS) and in paragraphs and 5.c of this repor (2) An improper pressure gage was used to record pump performance data for acceptance criteria in SU3-EJ01, " Residual Heat Removal System". This item is discussed in paragraph 5.d of this report.


 (3) The method used for conducting the 35 start diesel generator reliability test did not provide correct test condition This item is discussed in paragraph 3.c of this repor Incorporation of improper test methods and failure of the review processes to identify and correct them is an item of noncompliance (482/84-43-11(DRS)). Failure to test equipment in the conditions under which it is

expected to operate (1) SU3-NF02, "LOCA Sequencer", did not provide proper environmental conditions for the diesel generator during its 24 hour load test. This item is fully discussed in report 50-482/84-3 (2) SU3-NF03, " Shutdown Sequencer", did not test the emergency pumps' ability to start and accelerate to full load under degraded voltage conditions. This item was discussed in report 50-482/84-3 Failure to test equipment in the condition under which it is expected to operate in'the event of an actuation is an item of noncompliance (482/84-43-12(DRS)). These items of noncompliance identified in preoperational test content were discussed at an Enforcement Conference held on December 4, 198 Any enforcement action based on these findings will be discussed in inspection report 50-482/84-5 .


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1 Open Items Open items are matters which have been discussed with the licensee, which will be reviewed further by the inspector, and which involve some action on the part of the NRC, the licensee or bot Open items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in paragraphs 5.a, 5.b.(2), 5.d.(2), 8.a.(2), 8.b.(2), and . Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, items of noncompli-ance, or deviations. Unresolved items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in paragraphs 8.a.(1) and . Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)


on November 29, 1984 to discuss the scope and findings of the inspectio * The licensee acknowledged the statements made by the inspectors with respect to items discussed in the repor .


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bec to DMB (IE01)- bcc distrib by RIV: RPB2 Resident Inspector SectionChief(RPB2/A) EP&RPB R. D. Martin, RA R. P. Denise, D/DRSP

.W. L. Brown, RC RIV File Myron .Kannan, ELD, MNBB (1)

J. Harrison, RIII . M. Resner, 0IA J. G. Keppler, RIII R. L. Spessard, RIII W. J. Dircks, EDO ! ! >


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