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Forwards Interim Rept Concerning Mods to Be Made to Condensate Pump Room as Result of Flooding & Subsequent Evaluation Conducted by AEC & Util.Rept Suppls 10-day Ltr Re 720614 Incident
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities, 05000000
Issue date: 07/10/1972
From: Butterfield L
To: Oleary J
Shared Package
ML20235B311 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-111 NUDOCS 8709250461
Download: ML20235E040 (15)


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N .Rigulatory ,fMy. Commonwealth Edison Company i ONE F i ft S T MATIONAL PLAZA


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I July 10, 1972 .


Mr. John F. O' Leary, Director 1;?jW RIt1972 5 7 i Directorate of Licensing ( :.,,MC;2.

                                                                                                                                           , g khN    J U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D.C.                                            20545 3 $[M             /   l


Interim Report on Condenser Pump Room Modifications for Quad-Cities Unit 1 AEC Dkt 50-254

Dear Mr. O' Leary:

Attached is hn Interim Report concerning the modifications to be made to the condensate pump room as a result of the flocding and subsequent evaluation conducted  ; by your staff and Commonwealth Edison. This report supple-ments our 10-day letter reporting the incident dated June 14, 1972 and answers questions which resulted from the June 30 meeting between the AEC staff and Commonwealth Edison. A final report will be issued on this subject at the end of July. If further information is required, please c'.o not hesitate to call on us. Very truly yours,

                                                                    /                                                       b
  • L. D. Butterfield, Jr.
                                                                        #                            Nuclear Licensing Administrator

juL111972" 5 hhkl N 8709250461 870921 PDR FOIA

                                                                                                                                                  'V' MENZ87-111                                                    PDR                                                                    i     82

Regulat , fl!a Cy. Quad Cities Station Units 1 & 2 Condensate Pump Room Flooding Report Introduction AsubgdjAtt = ] The puf pose of this report is to supplement our letter dated June 17, 1972 concernin5 this subject by describing in mora detail corrective action and evaluations of plant safety. These details were reviewed with your ataff in Bethesda June 30, 1972. These descriptions include details of the interim and final actions to isolate the condenser circulating water system from the condensete pump room and interim plans for assuring adequate water is available for shutdorn cooling in the event of condensate pump room flooding from a failure within the room. I Isolation of Circulating Water System from Condensate Pump Room

                                               . The arrangement of the main condenser areas, which contain the circulating water sys tem piping, and the condensate i

l pump rooms Are shown on Sargent & Lundy's drawings M-6, M-8 i and M-448, included in this report. As described in our June 17, i 1972 letter, the following corrections have been made.

1. The door to the condenser hotweil area has been-sealed and made water tight.
2. Tw'o 48 x h' ventilation opening that connect the area under the condenser with the condensate l pump room have been sealed off with steel plate. l 3 A level alarm has been installed under the condenser that annunciated in the control room. i The desi6 ns of the present sealed door and ventilation opening seals are shown on Figures 1 through 5 of this report.

Both seals will withstand combined seismic and water loads due to a circulating water system failure. The reinforced concrete wall separatin6 the condenser area and the pump room has previously been analyzed under coismic loads and will maintain its integrity. This wall has been further analytod for condations of combined seismic and water load due to a circulating water system failure, The wall is adequate to withstand the combined loads and restrict leakage into the condensate pump room to less than the capacity i e .._.s.-_-__ _s.____.

I - of the sump pump sys tens. The dynamic forces on the wall and seals were calculated according to United State 0 Atomic Energy Commission TID-7024; Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes, Chapter 6, Dynamic Press ure en Fluid Containers. A water depth of 27' 6" was used in the analysis which corresponds to the elevation of the Hisaissippi River at hi6h level. Following are the final corrective measures planned to preclude circulating water entering the condensate pamp rooms.

1. Replace the existing sealed door with a water l tight bulkhead door. This door will be designed i

to withstand combined seismic and water loads. l The delivery schedule for this door is four to l six months. The present seal will be maintained j until this door is available. l ! 2 The presently installed ventilation opening seals l will be maintained as a permanent design. 3 A system of level switches will bo installed under i the condenser to indicate and control flooding l of the condenser area. The following switches are planned. Level Function (1) 18.-0" (1 Switch) Alarm, Enl. 901-7 "Hi Water

                                                                .                                                                Condenser Fit (2) 38-0" (1 Switch)                                                        Alarm, Pnl. 901-7 "Hi Cire..

Water Cond. Fit - (3) 58-O" (2 Switobas) Alarm and Cire. Water Pump Trip Level (1) indicates water in' the pit from either the condensato/hoswell or circulating water system. Level (2) is above the hotwell capacity and indicates a probable circulating water failure. Levul (3) consists of 2 switches. Either of these switches will alarm on pnl. 901-7 and the actuation of both switches atmultaneously will trip all operating circulating water pumps on tL3 effected unit. The system as described consists of Magnetrol level switches mad is completely testable during plant operations. It is not designed to IEEE l Standards. 1 l u____________-----_____--_-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Installation of these alarms and trips will be .g

completed by Au5ust -1,1972. J
                                             .It is our conclusion that both the present and final isolation of the condenser area and pump room are adequate to preclude- flooding of the pump room via the . circulating water '                                    i system.

Alternate USource of RHR System and Diesel Generator Cooling Water As described to your' staff June: 30, 1972 in Bethesda, Maryland we . are in the process L of design. and construction of water tight Class I vaults to isolate the RER service water pump and diesel generator cooling water pumps from all other l equipment in- the. condensate pump rooms. Tbis final corrective action is expected to be completed'by November 1, 1972. i During this construction period, the following steps will be taken to _ assure that adequate cooling water is available for plant shutdown. f

1. All items described in the preceding section to preclude flooding from a circulating water system failure will be provided.
2. In the highly 'unlikely event the pump room were flooded by a' failure of either the condensate, condensate transfer or clean demineralized water  ;

systems, means for cooling the RHR heat exchangers ' and diesel and diesel generators will' be provided. l To serve this function a 6" cross connection has 4 been provided which can be readily installed on the service water line relief valve flan 6e of RER heat exchanger 1B end 2A.

                                                 ,                                                     This connection allows     ,

use of two RER service water pumps on the unaffected unit for shutdown cooling the affected unit. In addition to this, the cross connection will have a i 4-inch nozzle to sup 4-inch hose to the 1/ ply 2 diesel coolinggenerator'in water usingthe a event it is needed. The diesel generator cooling water will be connected into an existing 4"" bolted flange connection. The necessary 4 x 6" l reducers for the RHR heat exchanger m2d the 4" flange to hose diesel generator cooling connection  ; are at the site. J In addition to this, a back up supply of cooling water is provided for the 1/2 diosel generator j using one 2000 gpm diesel driven pump in series l with one 1000 gpm diesel driven pump connect 3d l through hoses to the 4" hose connection on the , p 1/2 diesel generator cooling water system. A d i second 2000 gpm diesel driven pump is provided to C l 1

m . 4 . . supply cooling _ water through hoses; to either- the' Unit 1 or Unit. 2' diesel generator cooling water

                                                                                                  , sys tem. 'A1second 1000 gpm dierel pump.will also be available' on-site.

These four (14) dieselJdriven pumps; will' be a tored in the U-1 reactor building trackway.along with . the hoses. Fuel oil will be supplied to the portable

                                                                                                    ' diesels ' fr'om the diesel fire pump day tanks in the intake by_ gravity through hoses'.- .               ,


                                                                                                    -Figure 6 'is a simplified' sketch of the equipment -
                                                                                                  . layout described above.
                                                                                           . These alternate cooling = sources will. supply minimum -

cooling water of .3500 spm to the RHR system and 900 gpm to

                                      . one of . the diese1 generators. y                                                                           '

Station emergency operating procedures will detail installation and operation of these alternate cooling systems in addition to outlining shutdown procedures in the event of condensate: pump room. flooding. All equipment and procedures will be available and enforced on and'after July'11, 1972 until construction of the

                                      -RHR diesel cooling water ptanp vaults is completed.'

It-is our conclusion that: adequate provisions have been made to assure a safe ob.utdown and provide sufficient supply of water for cooling purposes in the event of condensate pump room flooding for any reason'. m 4 i G i e I

                                                                                                                       -u.                                            l 1


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