IR 05000358/1974001

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Insp Rept 50-358/74-01 on 740207 & 08.Violations Noted: Outside Reactor Vessel Washed W/Const Water
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Zimmer
Issue date: 03/13/1974
From: Hayes D, Sutton J
Shared Package
ML20235B311 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-111 50-358-74-01, 50-358-74-1, NUDOCS 8709240305
Download: ML20235B973 (10)


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Report of Construction Inspection RO Inspection Report No. 050-358/74-01 i


Licensee:- Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company 139 East 4th Street



Cincinnati, Ohio 45201



William H. Zitnmer Nuclear Power Station License No. CPPR-88 Moscow, Ohio Category: A Type of Licensee:

BWR (GE - 807 Mwe)

Type of Inspection

. Routine, (Unannounced)



Dates of Inspection: February 7 and 8, 1974


Dates of Previous Inspection: Nover.ber 19 - 21, 1973 (Construction)


Principal Inspector

. u (Date)



Accompanying Inspector: None


l Other Accompanying Personnel: None

}M di:;7




Reviewed By:


. Hayes,' Senior Reactor Inspector 3!/ !7Y Reactor Construction Branch

/ (Date)


s G709240305 870921-PDR FOIA




MENZ87-111 PDR o

















I Enforcement Action A.

Viola'tions One of the activities at the W. H. Zimmer site appears to be in violation of AEC regulations and in nonconformance with the Kaiser Engineering Company l

Incorporated (KEI) quality assurance program, as identified below, and is considered to be of Category II severity.

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, states, in part, that:


" Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings.... and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions..




l The Kaiser Engineers, Incorporated, Quality Assurance - Construction

Methods Instruction No. M-1, R.1, titled " Reactor Pressure Vessel Site Receiving and Storage Procedure", Section 4.2.2, states, in part, that: "That outside surface of the vessel shall be inspected...


. The areas shall be rinsed with demineralized water".


Contrary to the above, the outside of the reactor vessel was washed with construction water.

(Paragraph 1, Report Details)


Safety Matters: No safety matters were identified.

Licensee Action on Previousiv Identified Enforcement Matters L ph_[ ails to Meet _the Sarp_line Recu'rements of ASTM C-618 (R0 Inspection _


Mon %. 030-356/ 73-G7)

The corrective action, for the above item, outlined in the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company (CG&E) letter of February 4, 1974, in response to the RO:III letter and report dated January 11, 1974, was found to have been satisfactorily accomplished and documented. This matter is considered to have been resolved.

(Paragraph 2, Report Details)


Design Changes: No design changes were identified.

Unusual Occurrences: No unusual occurrences were identified.

Other Significant Findings A.

Current Findings 1.

Status of Design - Percent Completed i

General Electric Company'(CE)

- 95%


Sargent and Lundy Engineers (S&L) - 75%

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StaiLs of~i:enst ruction

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Class I concrete placement work is continuing in the reactor, auxiliary 'and turbine buildings. Reactor vessel pedestal


construction started.


L b.

Installation of the primary containment liner is progressing sat-


isfactorily. Lower rings of the suppression pool pla.s to be


released for concrete work, after acceptance tests are completed.


Reactor vessel and internals stored in air building. Heating


and lighting systems complete. Building under security juris-dication.


Overall plant construction, percent complete - 12% January 1974.



Personnel Changes Kaiser' Engineers, Incorporated (KEI) has appointed Mr. M. Gandert as a site QA Engineer (civil) and M. T. Hall, QC Inspector (concrete).

Both men are experienced in their respective disciplines.








A contract has been awarded for the,following: installation of the t

control rod drives, piping, and internals for the reactor vessel.


Unresolved Matters 1.

Clarification of Rece! vine Procedures (KEI)

Clarification covering the preparation and use of the KEI receiving inspection plan, for non-KEI purchased material, is required. The inspection plan is now being interpreted by receiving personnel as not requiring a full receiving inspection for non-KEI purchased materials. This matter is to be reviewed during the next scheduled inspection.

(Paragraph 9, Report Details)


Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CB&I) Weld Rod Issuance Control (RO Inspection Report No. 050-358/73-07)

The inspector was informed by CB&I personnel that the subject of weld


rod control issuance procedures, discussed during the previous inspection, has not been resolved. The matter is presently being reviewed and discussed by CB&I corporate management. A decision by CB&I relative to this matter, i.e., a revision of control procedures is to be made shortly. This matter is considered unresolved pending revision of the control procedures.

(Paragraph 10, Report Details)



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Status of Previously Reported Unresolved Matters 1.

Nonconforming Material flold Areas (R0 Inspection Report No.


The storage area in the KEI warehouse, designated as a nonconformance material hold area, has been physically separated from the remainder


of the varchouse area. An eight-foot, expandable cyclone fence has been installed around this area.

The entrance gate is required locked at all times. Gate keys have been issued only to authorized pe'rsonnel. This matter is considered to be resolved.


CB&I Weld Rod Areas (R0 Inspection Report !Io. 050-358/73-07)

The weld rod issuance area has been modified by the addition of pro-tective fencing in areas previously unprotected. The movable oven rack has been secured and is controlled. The area is now considered


as isolated and protected. This matter is considered closed.


Concrete Batch Plant - Scale Calibration (R0 Inspection Report No.


Certificates of inspection for the concrete batch plant scales were


made available to the inspector. This item is considered closed.

(Paragraph 3, Report Details)


Audit Followup (R0 Inspection Report No. 050-358/74-07)

CG&E is in the process of revising the procedure (instruction) used to verify that deficiencies identified during site and vendor audits are properly corrected, documented, and reviewed. This item remains open pending cocpletien end cppr; val of the revisei procedure.


Clarification of ACI Code Commitment (R0 Inspection Reports No.

050-358/73-04 and No. 050-358/73-07)

The RO inspector reviewed Sargent and Lundy Engineers' (S&L) Specifi-cation Revision R8 to Section 3-2 (concrete work) of Specification H2174. The revision was dated November 21, 1973, and had been reviewed and approved by CG&E Engineering and Quality Assurance Departments. The revisions was made to include the issue date of the ACI Standards being used on the Zimmer project.

This matter is considered to be closed.

Management Interview A.

The following persons attended the management interview at the conclusion of the inspection.

Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company (CC&E)

W. H. Dickhoner, Vice President - Engineering and Electrical Production A. E. Rothenberg, Manager - General Engineering Department



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E. C. Pandorf, Principal Quality Assurance and Standards Engineer W. W. Schwiers, Site Quality Assurance Engineer - Quality Assurance and Standards Section Kaiser Engineers, Incorporated (KEI)

W. J. Friedrich, Quality Assurance Manager - Site B.

Matters dicussed and comments, on the part of management personnel were as follows:


The inspector. stated that, during review of documentation pertaining to the cleaning of the reactor pressure vessel and internals, it was noted that the KEI Quality Assurance-Construction Methods Instruction


(QACMI) M-1-R.1, Section 4.2.2, effective December 5, 1973, covering outside surface cleaning of the vessel,' had not been complied with during vessel cleaning. The inspector added that this was an apparent violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, requirements and.would be brought to the attention of corporate management in our report of the results of the inspection. The licensee stated that this item would be discussed with KEI.

(Paragraph 1, Report Details)


The inspector stated it appeared that CG&E needed to clarify instruc-tions relative to receiving inspection of non-KEI purchased materials.

The licensee stated that this matter would be reviewed with KEI.

(Paragraph 9, Report Details)


The inspector stated that the " hold" area for nonconforming items cnd the additional security, provided in the veld material area of CB&I's warehouse, were found acceptable.


The inspector stated that the.information submitted to RO:III, regard-


ing the capabilities of cranes and other equipment to be used for moving essential components, did not contain sufficient information.

The licensee stated that the required documentation would be made available for review during the next scheduled inspection.

(Para-graph 4, Report Details)




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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted The following persons, in addition to individuals listed under the Management Interview Section of this report, were contacted during the inspection.

Kaiser Engineers. Incorporated (KEI)

M. G. Franchuk, Quality Assurance Engineer - Mechanical C. M. Makovsky, Supervisor - Site Document Center Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I)

W. F. Hiser, Project Quality Assurance Supervisor


V. M. Yarbrough, Area Quality Assurance Manager W. R. Wagner, Area Quality Assurance Supervisor General Electric Company (GE)

W. J. Wikenson, Site Quality Control Representative Results of Inspection 1.

Reactor Pressure Vessel Cleaning and Storage The reactor pressure vessel and internals were found to be stored in a portabic air building.

The building has been designated as a secured A protection fence has been erected, and access into the building area.

is controlled. An entry logbook is maintained by the project security force. Heat and lighting have been provided, and daily logs of temperature and condition are being maintained. The storage of the


vessel and internals is considered as acceptable. During the inspection, review of the documentation pertaining to the storage and cleaning of the vessel, it was noted that the revised KEI QACMI, titled " Reactor Pressure Vessel Site Receiving and Storage Procedure M-1, R1" dated l

December 5,1973, indicated, in Section 4.2.2, that demineralized water would be used to wash down the external surfaces of the reactor pressure vessel. Documentary evidence that this activity was properly performed and witnessed by the KEI QA engineer was not available for examination.

A KE1 field work order, issued on December 14, 1973, requested a work force to be provided to clean the external surfaces of the vessel. The work order indicated that construction water, first run through a fire hose until clear, should be used. This method did not comply with Section 4.2.2 of the QACMI. In addition, the RO inspector could find no documentary evidence of a KEI QA signoff indicating that the reactor pressure vessel internals were now stored in the air building. This was brought to the attention of CG&E and KEI. T.he inspector was informed that a revision to QACMI-M-1, R1 would be made to reflect the omission that the internals storage area had not been identified.

This item will be reviewed during the next scheduled inspection.


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l 2.

Fly Ash Fails to Meet the Sampling Requirements of ASTM C-618


The RO inspector reviewed the~ ' corrective action taken by CG&E,~as stated ~

in' their letter to RO:III dated February 4,1974. The inspector reviewed i


a S&L specification, No. J-2174, titled " Building Work for the W. H.

Zimmer Nuclear Power Station - Unit No.1".

A change in Specification


No. J-2174 has been attached to the original specification in the form of an authorizing letter. The change authorizing letter requires that material should conform to applicable requirements of ASIM C618-71, with the folloVing exception. The test of the material tests would be performed by the supplier at three-month intervals upon samples secured from each 100 tons of fly ash produced for the project. The samples would be com-


bined into one composite sample, and the tests performed would conform to the requirements of ASTM C C618-71, except loss of ignition should not exceed 6.0%.

The revision was found acceptable.

3.. Concrete Batch Plant - Scale Calibration The RO inspector reviewed documentation indicating that the concrete batch plant scales had been tested and calibrated. The certifications were traceable to different scales (ccment, ice, water, and aggregate) by model numbers. The calibration tests were performed by the Howe Richardson Company (HRC) for Hilltop Concrete Corporation (HCC). All weights used for the tests were certified to the standards of the State of Ohio, as compared to the standards of the National Bureau of Standards, Class F, tolerance.

The certification certificates were dated January 24, 1974. The weights to be used by HCC for scale calibration have been certified by the Division of Markets, Weights and Measures, and Scales of the Cincinnati Health


Department. These certificates were dated January 23, 1974.

A test procedure for scale calibration tests has been generated. The procedure provides for yearly tests by the scale manufacturer and quarterly HCC, Ccpies cf quarterly tests were available. This catter is resolved.



Hoisting Equipment Previously requested information, received from the licensee in December 1973, included. test certificates and equipment capabilities for the equipment used for Class I material hoisting. Additional information is needed for hoisting equipment located at the Besl Warehouse. A KEI QACMI No M5 dated October 1,1973, titled " Testing and Inspection Procedure for Lif ting Equipment of 50-Tons to 200-Tons Lif t Capacity" has been prep'ared and is to be used. Further review of equipment certification will be made during the next scheduled inspection.


Containment Vessel Liner - CB&I The inspector performed a preliminary review of the CB&I Quality Assurance

Manual for the containment ve,ssel liner of the Zicmer Nuclear Power Station.








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The' manual was dated July 30, 1973, and is subdivided into three parts,


as follows:


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Part I

- Interfaces and Requirements.


Part II - Material Control Program l


Part III - Liner Quality Assurance Manual.



l The CB&I QA manual being,used at the Zit:mer site indicates those changes and revisions that have been made to CB&I's' Standard Corporate Quality


Assurance Manual for containment liners..

l In addition to the above, the inspector. reviewed a KEI QACMI No. M-2,


dated November 5, 1973, titled "KEI QA Auditing and Inspection for


CB&I Compliance with the CB&I QA Manual". KEI has also prepared a flow f

chart to be used during fabrication of the containment vessel steel liner.



The flow chart defines the KEI QA activities to be performed during the

construction of the liner. The flow chart also indicates those areas to i

be inspected by KEI QA engineers during receiving, storage, installation, l

welding, and inspection phases of the liner construction.

q l

The inspector reviewed a form titled " Customer Acceptance and CB&I Release of Liner Zones for Concrete Placement". The form lists the inspections required before concrete is poured. The form is to be signed by a CB&I foreman, QA engineer, and the customer.


Nonconforming Reports (NCR's) - Design Drawings (R0 Inspection Report _

No. 050-385/73-07)

The inspector was informed that the problem that existed and was discussed during the previous inspection regarding:

(a) holding open NCR's until originci copy was received, and (b) the lag that existed in getting appreved construction drawings to the site, has been corrected. The KEI NCR form i

has been changed to a multi-page form to f acilitate transmittal and retention of the NCR. Approved construction drawings are now being sent directly to the site from the A-E, with a copy to the CG&E corporate office cognizant engineer. This problem has been satisfactorily resolved.

The KEI monthly reports, for open document deficiency notices and NCR's, were reviewed by the inspector. Progress is being made to close out the open items as soon as possible. These matters will continue to receive attention during subsequent inspections.


PSAR Working, Structural Steel Supporting Class I Equipment (R0 Inspection Reports No. 050-385/73-04 and No. 050-385/73-07)

The inspector reviewed a CG&E letter sent to S&L pertaining to this matter.

The letter was dated August 28, 1973, and requested that S&L included the















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revised wording in the FSAR.- Followup will be made during subsequent -





Audits The following audit reports were reviewed by the inspector. The audits were conducted by designated QA personnel subsequent to the last RO Inspection. A log of audits performed is maintained by CG&E and KEI QA Departments, a.

CC&E (1) KEI Warehouse Maintenance (2) KEI Drawing Control (3) KEI QA Records Security (4) Besl Warehouse Fire (CRD Pump-Nonessential Equipment)


(5) Cadwelding - Inland Ryerson b.

KEI (Site)

(1) CB&I - Compliance to QA Manual (2) C3&I Organization (3) Special Process Procedures (Magnaflux Testing Laboratory)

(4) Material Procurement - Document Control Receiving and Warehousing (5) KEI Records - Compliance: to QA Manual (6) Control of Nonconforming Material (7) Test Control (8) Calibration, Measurement, and Test Equipment (9) Besl Warehouse Storage (10) Supplier QA - Liner Plate for RPV Pedestal (11) Procedurc Control - CE51 Eandbook (12) Weld Filler Metal Control - CB&I (13) Identification and Control of Material Parts.and Components (14) Handling, Shipping, and Storage (15) Records (16) Tagging and Stamping Compliance (KEI)

(17) QA Engineering Inspection Planning and Site Document Center (KEI)

(18) Maintenance of QA Manuals by KEI personnel (19) Implementation of vendor storage requirements The audits reviewed were found to be comprehensive and thorough, and the


followup of deficient items has been documented. Continuing review of I


audit activities is planned for subsequent inspections.


KEI Receiving Inspection

During the inspector's review of receiving procedures and records the ware-i house QA engineer stated that a complete KEI receiving plan was not prepared for non-KEI purchased materia,1s. The engineer had interperted KEI Procedure No. 7 as only relating to KEI purchased materials. The CG&E QA manual clearly l stated that KEI will receive all materials, and those items identified as-9-

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safety related would receive a full inspection.

(All safety related material and components received onsite, to date, have been fully inspected on receipt in accordance with requirements.) A complete review of this matter is to be undertaken by CG&E and KEI to assure correct interpretation of the procedure. This matter is to be reviewed during the next scheduled inspection.

10. CB&I Weld Rod Issuance Control (R0 Inspection Report No. 050-385/73-07)

During the previous inspection, a review of CB&I weld rod issuance pro-cedures wcs made by the inspector.'

Welding materials are presently being issued by the QA supervisor and two foremen. The CB&I QA supervisor stated that documented withdrawal slips


were not being used. The inspector was informed that it was the foreman's i

responsibility to check each welder prior to his welding, to determine if the welder had correct welding material.

Each welder is given a four-hour supply of weld rods. At present, the welders verbally request the type of rods needed. This matter was discussed with CG&E, KEI, and CB&I QA personnel. j The inspector was informed that this matter would be thoroughtly reviewed.

Other aspects of weld material control and storage, presently inforce, appeared!

to be acceptabic. This matter was not considered as an unresolved matter, as it was the inspector's understanding that a revision to the procedure

would be made prior to the inspector's next visit.

The inspector informed the CG&E representative that, due to the fact that a definite decision regarding veld rod material control had not been made to date, this matter would now be consisdered as an unresolved item pending revisien of the procedure.





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