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Responds to & Informs That Public Record Maintained in Berkeley for Convenience.Forwards Pamphlet of Procedures Re Licensing of Power Reactors.W/O Pamphlet
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 01/15/1964
From: Price E
To: Mcewen H
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230459
Download: ML20235A900 (2)


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ULR ilfR H docket No. 50 205 g 4 Mr. lioward D. McEwen 4% f atten Street Monoma, California Jear Hr. McEwens On January 7, 1964 you wrote to us concerning the proposed con-struction by Pacific Gas & Electric Company of a nuclear power reactor in the Bodega Esy area. In connection with your letter we should like to inform you that, for the convenience of interested members of the public, arrangements have been made to establish and maintain a copy of the public record on the pro.-

posed reactor in the Comunission's San Francisco Operations Office at 2111 Bancroft '4ay in Berkeley. This is in addition to the file maintained in the Consnission's Nblic Document Room at 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.

The public record will include a copy of Pacific Gas & Electric Company's application for a construction permit, reports of the Advisory Coassittee on Reactor Safeguards, notices of hearings, and similar documents required by our regulations to be filed in the public record. You may wish to consult this record from time to time as a source of current infotlestion.

Je are enclosing a pamphlet which describes the procedures relet.

Ing to the licensing of power reactors by the Atomic Energy Consmis.

sion. We believe that thsae procedures and their provision for public hearing will enable all interested persons to acquaint them-selves with the details of Pacific Gas 6 Electric Cornpany's applica-tion, and will assure thorough consideration of all of those aspects of the proposed plant bearing upon questions of health and safety.

You will . note, however, that ,the procedures do not relate to questions of soning and the esthetics of a proposed site. These are netters I within local and State jurisdiction and are not within the purview of the Atomic Energy Coamaission.

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SURNAME > _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . -

I DATE > _ - , .-

16 -epos -3 Itrm AEC 388 (Rev. 941) u. s. eevesmasat se erese opeecs 8709230459 851217 PDR FOIA FIRESTOBS-665 PDR

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i Mr. Howard D. McEwen -2= g ,, , 51964 de should also like to add that proposed sites for nuclear power reactora are sele <,ted by the public utility or other organization planning to construct and operate such reactors. The Atounic Energy Coannisalon then evaluates proposed sites to deteneine whether there in reasonable masurance that the proposed reactor can be constructed and operated at the proposed site without undue risk to. the twalth and safety of the public.

4e shall be glad to hear from you if you require any further infor-mation relative to acific Gas .. Electric Coupany's application.

Cincerely yours.

-;7 Eber R. I'ri ce t-asistant director

  • Divielon of Licensing and tegulatiots i



Formal Supplementary AEC Public Document Room SAN Public Document Room I

bec: 11. L. Price, REG i G. Iladlock, OGC Roger lluard, DIAR

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