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Responds to Postcard to President Kennedy Re Nuclear Reactor Proposed for Const at Bodega Head.Pamphlet Prepared by Div of Public Info Describing AEC Procedures Re Licensing of Nuclear Reactors by AEC Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 07/09/1963
From: Price E
To: Mallott L
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230018
Download: ML20234F072 (1)


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80*k*t so. 50-205 . .y .

'JUL 9 1963 YM. ,.30 7  :

WW:e.x Mr. Kaland Mellott 253 4115 % strwet

) aan Franaisoo, Califo mia i

Bear Mr. Mellotts ' i i

x. . ThLs refers to your resent posteerd addressed to Pasident Eenme# l in the matter of the suelear reacter proposed for eenstructies at y .

Bodega Head which hoe been soferred to this offies for reply.


-y h1M is. a pamphlet prepared by the Gemmission's EviaLon of

  • n, , ,

PuMie Information uhkoh deoeribes the procedures relating to

" the licensing of power reactors by the Atomic Energy Commisales.

The public will be gLyon thirty days motice of the data and

?;;J plaos of publie hearing in this matter through a motice rah 14 and 2 in the Federal ReCister. In additions a pub:Ae annomossent till be i M .

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We feel eenfident that these procedures and theLr protLsian See ... ' -

L-F public hearing sLll enable an interneted persons te moquaint thameelves with the details of PseLfie cas & Electria C<umpany's peoposal and that these estaasive procedums util assure C.

p therwugh annalderatina of all aspeets of the proposed plant 1. '

g,1 bearing upon the questiam of whether it can be constructed and ..

. .i- -

4 eparated at the proposed alte mLthout unha risk to the health '

i.g and safety of the paMio. , , ,

Distribution: M FwRrS, - ,,

p . . . . - - - - - - - - , ..

j Supplementary Public Document Room (2)

@W c., 3. Prbs -

a C. T. Edwards Jerry Hadlock, 000 Eber R. Prise

, AssLatant M rector mvisto. .f useosta, arad ReCulation .


Enclosures ydSIS P=palet pbw? Q.... t,.

, If. W ' :h L 9 ff oac.V vlaW//

t demeutk$d$ek E8ce


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G70923OO10 851217 PDR FOIA FIRESTOBS-665 PDR


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