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Responds to Re Proposed Const of Nuclear Power Reactor at Bodega Bay,Ca.Procedures Re Licensing of Power Reactors by AEC Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 10/01/1963
From: Price E
To: Conner R
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220468
Download: ML20234E661 (2)



. .A s , .p .: . . m . . .u i.uv 2 I

,r DLRsCTE Docket too. 50-205 '

. 0CT 1 1963 Mise .towtaa Ceamer . l i

814 Benjamin 18ey <

Healdsburg, Califerata ,

Deer Miss Ceaners-This replies to your letter of Aangest 28, 1963 addressed to Chair- l son seaborg conserains the mustear pesar remeter proposed for een- 1 struetten at Bodess Bay, California. .

At the Ceaunission's request.. the U. . S. Geological Survey has _ bean s eenducting. a thorough.f teld study of ,t e h geology of Bodega Bay . j since early.Mey. .In addities, espdrt consultants have been rotataed to assist the AEC.reguistory' staff in evaluating Pacifie Gas &

j Eteetric Campeay's app 11eaties with respect to the nef amology yf the area and streetura7. destge of.the pro;:::f plant. Final .astion. on i the Pacif te Gas & Elastric Ceapsey appliestion will met be tabaa-until the report by thel S. Godlegical Survey has beam received

. sad evaluated. Marther, s. eenstruetten permit will not be-issued 2 unless the Semaission, fe11 ewing a publio .hearias and a 'deelstoa.

by'the Atente safety and Lieanslag Board and eenalderation of all; festors bearing spea eenvinced that ths'fasility saa be constructed and operated at the proposed location .without vedue' risk

.to the health and saf ety of the pubits.

Easteeed .is' a penpblet uhtek deseribes .the.<r.:: ires relatims' to the ~

'11eenslag .ef' power

  • reesters; by the 'Atenie Energy .Conuisaien. .' The ~

public will be given thirty days,aistloe.'of the data 'of the publie

. hasting ta he held at Seeta Rosa la thi's matter.,'through a sottee ' '

. published' la3.the. Federal'Regieter. T.a' addition, a publie memounee.'

,anat,'will: h6 16eued.' 6 ,


5de feel c'onf'ident the theos procedur6s and' their proviision for.fpublis -  !

hearing wittienable a11Jinterested persons.te es. quaint themselves' with

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B709220468 851217 PDR FOIA FIRESTO85-665 PDR

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.A Miss nowina Coener '. 2 OCT r . 1963 e

the details of. Pasifie Gee & Elastric Ceapesy's proposal and will seeere. thorousk eensideration of all aspects of the proposed .

plant beartag upes the questien oflwhether it som be constructed ,

and operated at'the r.e :: d site without madee risk to the health and safety of.the public.

It.should be moted, heuever, that toesi mening and the eethettes' of a site are metters sore properly withim. local and state juris.;

diction end' are met' within the purview of the Atamie Energy Canate.

sien. Therefore.'sech setters will not he issues skish will he eensidered at the. heartag which will .be held in this matter a.t

$ sata Reas on a date as yet undetermined. .


_ ' Pd d ;b bf t

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I i EberrR. Price Assistant Director Division of Licensing and Regulation

'Emelesure Famphlet .

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Supplementary Pubite. Document. Room (2) l G, Hadlock, OGC


C.fT. Edwards.. , '


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