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Responds to to Chairman Seaborg Stating That Permissible Distance from an Active Earthquake Fault to Reactor Lowered from 1/2 Mile to 1/4 Mile.Several Specific Questions Based on Assumption That Change Made Asked
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 08/07/1963
From: Price E
To: Kitchen B
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220172
Download: ML20234D707 (6)


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Docket No,.50.205 Y AUG 7 9 63  % x;. -

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Mr. Bill ntaban .

' Vios President i

! i Associated Demoorette Club i

! 212 sutter atreet 3 sen Franaisoo, CalifasuLa l

=x -34 l


Dear Mr. Eitchens -


~_ .i ThLe replies to your letter of duly 12,1963, addressed to Chaiman

%' ' ]f 8estiorg in uhteh you state that you have tan infomed that the f pensissible distance fram an active earthquake fault to a reactor

~ gEj ,

had been lowered from i mLie to ( mLle. You asked several specific

.: spasstions based en the aesmytian that smeh a eksage had been made.

~ h February 11,1961, the CommLesLon publiabed la the Federal

' Register a proposed *amester atto criteria" in tentativo draft fosu

.o E (10 CFR Part 100) for publie acument. In additico, a publio W' armouncement was issued en the subject. A egqr at that W

% 2 is encicoed, SectLon 100,10(b)(1) presided as fo11 cuss 7- "the desigs for the feaL11ty should confbm to acompted =

  • ' ~,7 b"Mac codes er standards for areas beving equivalent

' W :s earthquake hLatarias. No facility abould be located i

Tis elooer than ( to i mLle from the surface loosties of a



mg3 knann active' earthquake tuult." .

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h eennection with finalisatica af Part 100 it was recognised that '

the statement "no facility should be loosted closer than 4 to 4

/7 (underlined for emphasis) mile feca the surfsos location of a i4 ~ ; knoun active earthquake tenit*, oanstituted an ancmaly. Themfore, l uhen mort 100 was ande effective em Matr 13.1962, the sentence .

uns changed to read "No facL11ty should be located closer than '

one-fourth mile from the surface location of a knoen active earth.

quake fanit" ' 1 bellere you will agree that, in fact, no change was sado in'the mini =m pemissible distance. Copies of Part 100 as orginally proposed and in its presently effective foes with the related publie announcement are anclosed.

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'4 Mr. RL11 ntchen , ,

p 1963 -

y '3.~ _

You win note that the stetment 'of considerations and aestian 100.1 *

(a) of Part.100 aske it abundantly clear that Part 100 as it has been adopted is intended only as a guide for the evaluatics of the suit. .,

ability of_ proposed sites for stationary poser and testing reestors, and is not a rigid index of site requirements. Note ihrther that  :

Section 103.10(d) specifically provides that *ubare unfavorable physicial characteristics of the site exist, the proposed alte may nevertheless be found to be acceptable if the design of the facility includes appropriate and adequate sempensating engineering asfeguards".

I hope that this has been helpful to you in understanding the nature and intent of Part 100 sad the nature of the editorial chance between

~ the first pub 11 abed draft of the proposed guide to site selection and the version finally adopted.

._l '

~j Thank you very much for- year letter.

a 3 , 90nh '

i . Det it. Price, A :1stant Director


~ , Olvision of Ucensing and RegulaticE

_ ~j ,- Eber R. Price Assistant RLrectar 72 DLvision of Licensing

g. .. _ . . ,

. e. ,

' sad Regulaties

!' In:1ceurges: ,

" a l .T._; 1. Part 100 (,,. p M ) '-

iW5 2. public announcement No. B 38

,. p , ,

l 5 :/ dtd 3/10/61 .

l, 4

). Phrt 100 (effective) '

l ^

4. Public announcement No. 3109 , <

!~ dtd 4/9/62 .

3 Distributions e j Formal

?! Supplemental

' ]j


Public Document Room (2)

C. T. Edwards {

G. Eadlock, OG'O'-



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DR Ft:CIE:bsb 7-30-63  !


Mr. Bill Etehen .

i Vice President '

Associated Democratic Club 212 Sutter Street /

San Francisco, California 5 4[* g*

Dear Mr. Kitchen:

This replies to your letter of J 12,196gdressed to l

Chairman Seaborg in which you adstaad that pou had been infomed that the pe missible distance from an active earthquake fault to areactorhadbeenloweredfromimiletoimile. You asked several specific questions based on the assumption that such a ,


. _ . . change had been made. There has apparently been considerable . M M '* .,

..j public misunderstanding of this point.

7;-G e in the Federal '


On February 11, 1961, the Comission pub -

Register a proposed " Reactor Site Criteria" O CFR Part 100)for "

] .}

c p c comm Section 100.10 (b) (1) W provided as follows: ,

j & The' design for the facility should confom to accepted

$r'd Qpk p ' building codes or standards for areas having equivalent 1  !

  1. eatthquako histories. No facility should be located  !


"..__.i closer than- i to i mile from the ' surface location of a .

gjcf icnown active earthquake fault."

~SJ c,

In connection with finalization of Part 100 it was recognized that.

[*7 the statanent "no facility should be located closer than i to 4 -


- (underlined for emphasis) mile from the surface location of a y/

known active earthquake fault", const2nted an anomaly. .Therefore, f when Part 100 was made effective on May 13, 1962, the sentence was y(( q

]l changed to read "No facility should be located closer than one-fourth \ .,

mile from the surface location of a known active earthquake fault". \'

I believe you will agree that, in fact, no change was made in the , ( A

=4ni== permissible distance. Copies of Part 100 as orgina11v .p'r oj .J'7 posed and in its presently effective fomhre abs /#

You will note that the Statement of Considerations. d Section 100.1 (a) of Part 100 ade'it abundantly clear that Part 100 is intended only as a guide for the evnluation of the suitability o[ proposed sites for st,ationary power and testing reactors, and-that Section .

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t , ' r/.f; >L/.n AJ .]S$ t.u'e . i 4,



Mr. Bill Kitchen -

100,10 (d) specifically provides that "where unfavorable physical .s f/g 11 -~

characteristics of the site exist, the proposed site may<neTrer theless be found to be acceptable if the design f4I facilityJc-[.fM ,

includes appropriate and adequate compensating enginydsafe-guards", hdN @ 4 ,

I hope that th'.s s been helpful to yh in understanding the nature and intent of' Part 100 and the bhMof the pinPtly I I4 hdb changei !n h etim, 100.10 (L) (l'. W..... E- i, l' .

min,J,.c;Wdairig: ud-a= * ---echie . = -f e= - E_^... they  !

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. . _ ._ s*= L ._J.. .. .. 7tt z* ' m.


Thank you M very much for your letter.

,1,' .

Sincerely yours, t . , .:. '

l. Eber R. Price ,  !

, Assistant RLrector

Division of Licensing j

_ and Regulation I; ~ Enclosures j Part 100 (  !

j @' f .

J. Part 100 (proposed effective) i e= sj. tu /: a- ....< - 4 f .i p, .

.zj .g as /<< n h n- Ap. Ig,29s s.

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,TO: )b

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I f l, For Information i

or appropriate handling For preparation of reply for Chairman's signature (Refer to Manual Chapter 0240) l j " '

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i _ For discussion at Commissioners' Information l  :- - . ,..

Meeting J

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i 1. . . ./. For distribution to other Commissioners i.

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