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Responds to Expressing Concern Re Proposed Const of Nuclear Plant at Bodega Head,Ca.Usgs Conducting Thorough Study of Geology of Area.Cp Will Not Be Issued Unless AEC Convinced That Public at Risk.W/O Pamphlet
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 07/11/1963
From: Price E
To: Jeffe E
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220029
Download: ML20234D259 (2)


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,, I uw m DUL 113953 -

Dacket Do 50-205 .

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. . , 1 Miss Elizabeth Jeffe l Cobastopol  !

Conona County, California Daar II.ics Jaffo:

,l  !:'his refers to yeur Actter of !:sy 22, 1963, in which you expressed  !

-! concern with respect to the proposed construction of a nuc1 car  !

j povar reactor at bdega Head, California particulntly regarding the p:coximity of the propocod cite to the can Anircas Fcult, i

! At the Cdesion's request, the U. 8. Ocological Curvey has teen l


conducting a thorou5h field study of the Geology of Eoiega IIend since early May. In addition, expert consultants have been retained


to assist the AEC Reguintory Staff in evalunting Pacific Cas &

Electric Ccupany's cyplication with recpoet to the ceiccology of 24;2d the crea and structural desiCn of the proposed plant. Final totion cn the Pacific Oss & Electric Congeny application vin not be taken until the repcrt by the U. B. Coological Gurvey has been received -

coi evaluated. Furt.hcr, a constructica pernit will not be issued

m  ;.,--

unless the Co=nicsion, folloving a public hearing cnd a decision l .,, :a by the Atenic Safety cai Licensing hard and consideration of all

, f' fcetors bearing upon cafoty is convinced that the facility can be l -

constructed cud operated at the proposed location without undue risk to the health cad safety of the public.

Enclosed is a penphlot thich deceribes the procedures relati=g to the licensing of pen;or reacters by the Atomic Energy Ccr=sission.

! The public vill be given thirty days notice of the date of the public hearing to be held at Santa Bosa in this natter throu6h a notice published in the Federal Register. In addition, a public announcenant vill be issued.

ho feel confident that these procedures and their provision for public hearing vill enable all interestod persons to acquaint thennelves with the details of Pacific Gas & Electrio Company's p

r. .'

OmCE > ... -+ l SURNAME >

DATE > - - . - - - . - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - -2 Form AEC-838 (Iter.H3) u. s. sovan==amt eminime orriss itH 62761-8 8709220029 851217 PDR FOIA FIRESTOBS-665 PDR L________-.______

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Misa Ecffe 2- S t..

propossi cna vill escure thorou6h consideration of all acpects of the propoced plcnt tearing upon the question of 1:hether it can be constructed and opernted at the propocod site without undne rink i to the health cui cafoty of the public. l Clucarely yours, i i

Original signa y, l

&cr R. Price j


Eber R. Price i Assistant DLrector Division of Lic m b3 & Regulation l 1 'l j Enclosures l F ,,Alot i  !

I  !

{' Distribution:

Formal Supplemental Public Dscument Room - AEC

- . Public Document Room - SAN G. Hadlock, CGC ~

] '1 C. T. Edvards l


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