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Responds to Addressed to Chairman Seaborg Re Reactor Proposed for Const at Bodega Head,Ca.After Site Chosen by Util or Organizations Planning to Construct & Operate,Aec Evaluates Site.W/O Pamphlet & Press Release
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 06/02/1964
From: Case E
To: Tilley S
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709180422
Download: ML20234B465 (1)



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[ b f Distribution; JUN 2 g I


vIh Formal Supplementary

. AEC Public Document Room ,

  • ' 'l@ SAN Public.Docusqnt, Room  ? I

- I i bec: E.G.Cas%..E.$*.s ov <RL M a. I e J. Sullivan[ REG'- A 338tCTE G. Hadloc)er0GC N f ( ,

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.jn This repliae to year letter of April W eMreened to Chaineen seaberg c,; 4


esmeernias the resster , e for seestreetian at modesa P se, sali-

.- .. feraia. Proposed sites for amolear power reesters are se* u .,ted by the R^$ 4 ', - pah11s stility er by other ersmatantiene pleasing to comstreet and . i

ps% . operate ensk remeters. Se Atomia horar e-i==4am them evelaatec ' l such attes'to determine whether there is sessenable assuranse that she el 2 l 1,.gi proposed remeter saa he saastrusted and operated at the proposed atte 4 y without undee risk to the health and safety of the pahlis. The app 11 ~


-u enties su'saitted nr Pierifie Gas ame Elastrie company is currently under

?Gpt 6ansideraties'ty the ka0 regalatery statt., -

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M h1==ad is a pamphlet obish desseibes the poosadores selattag to the ' w- 1 2F3 lisenstag of poser remeters by the Ateste Ehergr Sommiessem. We holieve

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that these prseedores and their provimies for public hearing will enable l eq .r - all inta.sted perooms to negaaint themselves with the details of the . .,


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C- . osopsales appliaattaa and ubiah massee thorough seasidsenuma et all of these aspects of the preposed plant beerlag eyes questions of health and ..


'y safety. In menestian with peer report sa the proposed remeter, you may l$2- 2 miah to review the public record as the matter, think na amistained at f the P'==i==4='s aan Fasasisee Operatione Offies at Elli Bamareft Way Sa -

-,EJ Berkaley for the oesta=4- of 1sterested members of the publis, aneh

= .: A as yourself. This receed taslades a sept of Flesifie Gas and Electrie s .

Coupear's applisaties, reporta of the Advisory Committee se teostar amfe-h smards and similar docessate as are required ty our res=1=*ia== to be

filed la the publis record. I think you will find the reeerd of vaine ,,

as a seerse of informatism.

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! I an alas emelesing a espy ensk of a preso enlease esseersing omfety and

) lisensing boards and the press release eeneeraing a reeemt reorganisaties . N  ;

of the Atease Ehergy t'a==iamiam's regulatory staff.yg "5MR y


8709180422 851217 PDR FOIA Simeerely,tyy d N~W '


, y s , v-6 j/[ TM .M  ;

omcz > . OGC V AEG[ Edsea 0._ Case, _ Aeting Director RL 1

,7 V Div1sion of Beneter Licensing sunxAur C[ Edwards:pg, _.

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EGCase cLosarest DA h..gtm6mA mQl b '4 4' '

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